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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

Cosmetics are used by most of us these days. However, they can cause skin allergies in some cases. Cosmetics allergy refers to a skin reaction caused by some ingredient present in the cosmetic product. The ingredients that may serve allergens may include preservatives, fragrance, dyes, or metals present in cosmetics. Allergy may occur from different cosmetics and beauty products like makeup products, lipsticks, nail polish, soaps, shampoo, lotions, perfumes, hair dyes, etc. Allergies can be mild leading to slight signs and symptoms or severe varying from case to case. It can cause allergies of two types. The first type is irritant contact dermatitis in which there is irritation and damage of the skin from cosmetics like a makeup product. Second type is allergic contact dermatitis in which there is an oversensitive reaction of the immune system to an allergen present in the cosmetic. Though an allergic reaction may happen on any body part but it usually occurs on the face, lips, eyes, neck and ears. The signs and symptoms may include a rash on the skin, hives (itchy bumps on skin from allergic reaction), reddish spots on skin; itchy, stinging or burning sensation on the skin, flaking or peeling of skin, blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, pustules (pus-filled bumps) on the skin and skin darkening. There may be swelling on the eyes and lips and also itchy, watery, red eyes. In some cases, a severe reaction called anaphylaxis may be seen that needs immediate medical help. Some of the symptoms of anaphylaxis include swollen throat or tongue that can cause blockage of airways, breathing difficulty, wheezing, dizziness, weak and rapid pulse and low blood pressure.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very safe option to manage skin allergy caused by cosmetics. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that are safe to use with zero side effects. These medicines help to moderate the overactive immune system to control an allergic reaction and bring great relief in the signs and symptoms. These medicines effectively manage skin rashes, hives, skin redness, itchy, stinging or burning sensation on skin, flaking or peeling of skin, and blisters on the skin. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the signs and symptoms in every case after a detailed analysis. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the consultation of a homeopathic doctor. Avoid self-medication in any case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of skin allergy from cosmetics but in severe cases, help from conventional mode of treatment is advised. Be watchful for any signs of anaphylaxis that occur in a severe allergic reaction where one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis as homeopathy has limitations in handling these serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Skin Allergy From Cosmetics

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of skin allergy from cosmetics. This medicine can be used when there is redness and heat on the face caused by an allergy. Swelling may also be there accompanied by a burning sensation. Stinging or a prickling sensation may also be felt. At times, there is formication (sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin) on the face. The skin may be hypersensitive even to the slightest touch. There is urge to wash the face with cold water where this medicine is required. This medicine is also recommended when hives (itchy raised bumps on the skin from an allergic reaction) appear on the face. There appear red, raised inflamed patches on the affected part of the skin with marked itching. Burning/stinging also occurs on the hives.

2. Bovista – To Manage Pimples From Cosmetic Use

This medicine is well indicated to manage pimples on the face from the use of cosmetics. Heated sensation is felt in the cheeks. In some cases needing it, crusts are formed around the nostrils and corners of the mouth. Dry and cracked lips may also be present where Bovista is required.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dry, Rough Rash With Flakes

This medicine is useful for managing dry, rough rash on the skin which is covered with flakes. There is peeling of the skin as well. Itching and burning sensation on the rash are marked. The complaint gets worse from cold. There may also occur pimples or fluid-filled eruptions on the face. It is attended with itching and burning that gets worse at night. It also gets worse from exposure to cold air while there is relief in a warm environment. Stinging pains are also felt on the face. Other than the above indications, use of this medicine is also suggested for managing blackish discoloration on the skin.

4. Sulphur – To Manage Itching In Affected Skin Area

Sulphur is very helpful in managing cases with marked skin itching. In cases requiring this medicine, there is worsening of itching mostly at night. Burning sensation on the skin follows scratching of the skin. Bleeding points may also appear on the skin after scratching. Pain is felt on the affected skin area after scratching. The skin is dry and scaly. Formication, means sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin, can also be felt. At times, there may occur stitching or prickling sensation on the skin in addition to the above complaints.

5. Graphites – For Managing Dry, Rough Skin With Cracks

Graphites is a prominently indicated medicine to manage dryness and roughness on the skin besides the development of cracks. It is attended with itching. There are bumps on the skin after scratching the skin. Besides,  this medicine is also indicated when blisters appear on the skin that tend to ooze out a sticky, gluey discharge. These blisters may also get covered with crusts after some time. This medicine is next considered for managing pimples along with itching. Flushes of heat on the face are also felt. Lastly, this medicine can be used for managing cases where nails get brittle, deformed, and painful.

6. Natrum Mur – To Manage Hives And Blisters

Natrum Mur is another beneficial medicine besides Apis Mellifica to manage hives from allergies. In cases requiring it, large red bumps form on the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching. Other than this, Natrum Mur can be used for treating fluid–filled eruptions i.e. blisters on the skin. These eruptions break and get covered with flakes afterwards. Natrum Mur can further be used when lips become dry and cracks develop on the lips and also at corners of the mouth.

7. Rhus Tox – To Manage Thick, Crusty, Eruptions

Rhus Tox is a suitable medicine for managing cases presenting with thick crusty eruptions. These ooze fluid that has a very foul smell. The eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. There is an urge to scratch the skin eruptions and the urge increases once it is scratched. Tingling pains in eruptions can also be felt. It is also useful when eruptions appear along with the formation of scales.

8. Psorinum – For Heat And Redness On Face

This medicine is effective for managing heat and redness on the face. Pimples may attend it on the cheeks, nose or chin. There is roughness on the face. The upper lip may be swollen. There may be marked sweating on the face.



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  1. Palash Roy says:

    Such as a organized & effective homeopathic blog I have never seen before – thanks to the concerned people .

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