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How to treat Insomnia in Elderly with Homeopathy

Insomnia refers to a condition when a person has trouble falling asleep, or maintaining sleep or there is a lack of quality sleep for about three or more nights consecutively in a week. When such a complaint persists for three or more months, it is referred to as chronic insomnia. It is a very common complaint experienced by elderly people. Persons aged above 60 years of age are predisposed to suffer insomnia. It has been estimated that about 30 % to 50 % of elderly people experience insomnia. A person can have sleeplessness or restless sleep once in a while, however, if there is a lack of sleep on a regular basis, it can adversely affect his/her health. Changes in routine, medical ailments occurring with aging, chronic stress and use of certain medicines affect sleep in elderly people.

Medical conditions causing insomnia include high blood pressure, joint pains (arthritis), memory loss (dementia), depression, anxiety disorders, diabetes, thyroid issues and heart complaints. Some other medical conditions are GERD, RLS and OSA. GERD refers to gastroesophageal reflux disease in which the stomach acid back-flows into the food pipe due to the weakening of LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter. RLS refers to restless leg syndrome which is a condition in which a person has an irresistible urge to move the legs due to some discomforting sensations felt in the legs. OSA is obstructive sleep apnea in which there occur momentary pauses of breathing during sleep.

Certain medicines the use of which can cause sleep issues include antidepressants and antihistamines. Use of alcohol and caffeine can also lead to sleep problems. Besides, there occurs changes in our circadian clock and sleep–wake cycles with advancing age. This occurs from hormone changes that mainly include less production of sleep-regulating hormone called melatonin which may have an impact on sleep. A sleep cycle has four stages, including 2 stages of light non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and one stage of heavy non rapid eye movement sleep, followed by rapid eye movement sleep stage. In case of elderly people, the time in heavy NREM gets shortened which can keep them awake throughout the night.


The symptoms of insomnia might include difficulty in initiating sleep or maintaining sleep or waking up earlier than usual. There may occur sleepiness the next day along with a tired feeling, difficulty in concentration, memory issues, irritability, disturbed mood, and aggressive behavior. Insomnia may also lead to depression or anxiety, or insomnia may occur because of depression or anxiety.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy carries excellent scope to help several complaints occurring in elderly people. Among these complaints, it offers wonderful treatment for insomnia. Derived from natural substances, homeopathic remedies treat insomnia naturally without any side effects. These medicines have given great clinical results in such cases. These are effective for both –sleeplessness as well as cases of restless sleep. Homeopathy is a symptom-based science, which means medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case after a detailed case analysis. So, homeopathic prescription for any given complaint varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia

1. Passiflora – Top Medicine

Passiflora is a topmost recommended medicine for managing insomnia in the elderly. Persons needing it remain wakeful at night along with marked restlessness. When there is sleeplessness due to exhaustion, this medicine seems to work well. Besides these, Passiflora is well-indicated to manage insomnia in those who are in a constant state of worry and are overworked.

2. Kali Phos – For Complaint From Stress And Worries

Kali Phos is the next general remedy suitable for managing insomnia that arises from some sort of stress or worry. Those requiring it remain sad, anxious, irritable and tired. They suffer fatigue, both mental and physical. Besides, they may have weak memory and forgetfulness. This medicine is also indicated for those who have restlessness during sleep. The body may feel hot during sleep.

3. Coffea Cruda – For Insomnia From Constant Chain Of Thoughts

This medicine works well in cases where a person is unable to sleep due to a constant chain of thoughts going in the mind. There is restlessness along with tossing and turning in bed. This medicine is prominently indicated when a person wakes up early in the morning around 3:00 am and after that is unable to get sleep again. It can also be given for disturbed sleep from enormous dreams. When the use of excessive coffee has resulted in sleeplessness, this medicine can be of great help. Lastly, this medicine is recommended for sleeplessness occurring after suffering some acute disease.

4. Baryta Carb – For Sleeplessness Or Frequent Waking Up At Night

This medicine is indicated when a person is sleepy but is unable to sleep. Secondly, it is indicated when a person falls asleep at night, but wakes up frequently and remains uneasy. There is restlessness throughout the night. It is attended with heated sensation in the body. One feels drowsy during the day. The limbs feel tired on waking up.

5. Calcarea Carb – When Multiple Thoughts Crowd Mind

This medicine is effective for cases where sleeplessness occurs from many thoughts coming in the mind. In some cases, the same thought crosses the mind again and again. In most cases, sleeplessness remains till 2 am or 3 am. Persons needing it can have sleeplessness or they have a very light sleep and frequent waking up at night. Before going to sleep excessive sweating may occur on the face. This medicine is also useful when there is sleeplessness or restlessness at night due to migraine headache.

6. Opium – For Sleeplessness Or Restless Sleep

Opium is a well-indicated medicine for both sleeplessness as well as restless sleep at night. It is used in persons who feel sleepy but are unable to sleep and remain wakeful. They have marked sensitivity to noises and any noise occurring even at a distance, disturbs them and keeps them awake. It is also helpful for persons who are very restless at night and keep tossing in bed constantly. They keep on imagining things.

7. Phosphorus – For Restless Sleep Due To Dreams

Phosphorus can be considered in cases where a person has restless sleep and frequent waking up due to dreams. The person wakes up with a jerk from sleep and is anxious. There is restlessness all night and sleepiness during the day. The person feels headache in the morning on waking up. It is also useful when there is disturbance in sleep due to heated sensation in the body.

8. Arsenic Album – For Sleeplessness With Anxiety And Restlessness

Arsenic Album can be given in cases having sleeplessness from anxiety with excessive restlessness. There is constant tossing and turning in the bed. This complaint is worse after midnight. Those needing it have different anxieties like anxiety about health, about future, about others, and of several little things. They may be fearful causing trembling and restlessness. Cold sweating may occur. Difficult breathing, constriction in chest and weakness may be felt.

9. Syphilinum – For Sleeplessness After Midnight

Syphilinum works well in persons who are sleepless after midnight (12 pm) and are unable to get sleep again until 6 am. Persons needing it are very restless at night and cannot remain in one position for long.

10. Sulphur – For Those Unable To Sleep Despite Feeling Sleepy

Sulphur is beneficial for persons who feel sleepy in the evening, but are able to get only little sleep at night and feel uneasy. They may wake up around 3 am to 5 am and cannot fall asleep again. They may suffer different kinds of pain at night. They can have a tendency to sweat and have skin itching at night. Jerking of muscles may also occur. The person doesn’t feel fresh in the morning causing constant yawning, sleepiness, and irresistible drowsiness during the day.



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