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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia Due To Stress

A person can suffer from insomnia (sleeplessness) due to any reason, including stress. Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which the sufferer faces problems in falling asleep or has difficulty in staying asleep. He/she may get up very early from sleep with inability to go back to sleep again or there may be disturbed/ light sleep or lack of sound sleep. In the morning, the sufferer wakes up feeling tired and feels sleepy during the day.

It also affects a person’s mood, and may cause irritability, anxiety, poor focus and concentration. It may lead to poor performance at work and impact the quality of life. Stress may get induced by various reasons like health, office work, family problems, some crucial changes in life, issues with interpersonal relations, major health issues or an injury, financial matters or some grief or traumatic events like death of a near and dear one, job loss, etc.

Insomnia causes stress and anxiety creating a cycle of stress and insomnia. While in stress, the hormone cortisol is released that disrupts normal sleep-wake cycle of the body and hinders the sleep ability of a person. The emotions arising during stress like sadness, anxiety, fear, make the mind unable to relax and fall asleep. Overthinking and the constant thoughts of worries, the thoughts about past events or future issues that may occur from stress tend to prevent sleep. Some people under stress can start taking stimulants to cope with stress like caffeine and alcohol which can also contribute to insomnia. In some cases, stress may lead to health issues like headache, gastric issues, etc that further aggravates sleep disorder.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of insomnia due to stress. Homeopathy focuses on treating the root cause behind any problem. Here homeopathic medicines manage stress which is the root cause of sleep issues. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help to relax and calm the mind to promote healthy sleep. They are quite effective in treating sleeplessness as well as cases of restless sleep or light sleep. These are free from any sort of toxic side effects. These are also non-habit forming and can easily be stopped when required results are achieved. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms which are found out after detailed case analysis. So, it is important to consult a homeopathic physician to get your case evaluated and have individualized medicine prescription. One should avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Insomnia Due To Stress

1. Kali Phos – Leading Medicine

Kali Phos is the top recommended medicine to manage insomnia occurring due to stress. This medicine is highly suitable to manage many health concerns that arise from stress, including sleep issues. In cases needing it, the stress can be recent or long-term being felt for a long time. Persons who need this medicine have a lot of stress and worries. Their mind remains overactive at night resulting in sleeplessness. They remain sad and irritable. There is also marked fatigue both mentally and physically. This medicine works to calm and relax the mind to help sleep at night.

2. Ignatia – For Insomnia From Stress, Grief And Worries

Ignatia is the next important medicine for managing insomnia from stress, grief and worries. Persons needing it may have some grief like the death of a near or dear one, or worries like business-related worries or relationship issues with family members. They may suffer from depression. They also have anxious thoughts which persist in the mind. They remain sad all the time with frequent weeping spells. This medicine is indicated for sleeplessness, restless sleep with frequent changes of position, and also for very light sleep in which the person is able to hear everything happening around while sleeping.

3. Natrum Mur – For Insomnia From Long Term Grief / Some Depressing Event

Natrum Mur is a highly effective medicine to manage sleep issues occurring from long-term grief or some depressing event in one’s life. Persons needing it constantly keep thinking about the unfortunate events that have happened in the past. A thought gets stuck in the mind of the sufferer which results in sleeplessness. It is indicated either when sleep comes very late, or when a person gets awake soon after sleep with difficulty falling asleep again. In the morning, the person wakes up unrefreshed and tired due to lack of sleep at night.

4. Passiflora – For Insomnia From Worries And Overwork

Passiflora is a very beneficial medicine for managing sleeplessness occurring due to worries and overwork. Those requiring it remain awake at night besides being restless. Though this medicine can be used in people of all age groups but is most commonly indicated for elderly people who suffer from insomnia. This medicine proves very effective for insomnia due to overwork and its resulting exhaustion.

5. Coffea Cruda – For Sleeplessness From Constant Chain Of Thoughts

This medicine is quite helpful for those who have sleeplessness due to thoughts constantly running through the mind. There occur multiple thoughts one after the other resulting in the crowding of ideas in the mind that prevents sleep. Such people feel very restless at night along with tossing and turning in the bed. Coffea Cruda is also indicated when there is sleeplessness, particularly after 3:00 AM in the morning. The person does not sleep after that till the morning. People who face sleeplessness due to a disease can also benefit from this remedy.

6. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety Along With Restlessness

Arsenic Album is a very useful medicine for cases of sleeplessness accompanied by anxiety and marked restlessness. Those needing it turn and toss constantly in bed. They suffer a lot of anxiety like anxiety about health, loved ones, about the future, and even small issues in life. Along with anxiety, there is excessive fear and restlessness. A person may feel weak with difficulty in breathing. The complaint gets worse after midnight most of the time.

7. Nux Vomica – For Sleeplessness In Wee Hours

Nux Vomica is well-indicated for managing cases where sleeplessness occurs in the wee hours. A person falls asleep at night but wakes up at about 3 or 4 am and is unable to sleep again till the morning. He/she feels very tired and drowsy all through the next day. This medicine is also recommended when a person does not get sound sleep with frequent waking spells.

8. Pulsatilla – When Sleeplessness Occur During First Part Of Night

Pulsatilla can be used in persons complaining of sleeplessness in the initial part of the night. They remain awake in the first half of night. They are disturbed by fixed thoughts moving in the mind that hinder sleep. When it’s time to wake up in the morning, they tend to fall asleep. In the morning they feel very sleepy with excessive yawning due to lack of sleep at night.

9. Opium – With Marked Sensitivity To Noises

Opium is suited for sleeplessness with marked sensitivity to noises. Persons needing it remain wakeful at night and any noise occurring even at some distance disturbs them. They may get sleep, but it is a very restless sleep. They keep tossing in bed constantly.



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  1. Hasan Ansari says:

    Have a nice day Dr sahib . During sleep at night my brain awaked. A film of daily chores and work run in my mind when sleeping. I’m 70 . Diabetic type 2 since 30 years. Insulin dependant
    Remain at home no physical activity. Remain worried about lack of money. Thanks and waiting for your reply. Hasan from Multan Pakistan

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