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Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Head Injuries

Head injury broadly includes any injury that occurs on the scalp, skull or the brain. A head injury can vary from a mild bump on the scalp to a severe brain injury. A minor head injury may lead to confusion or a headache. On the other hand, a significant head injury may lead to memory loss, coma or death. Head injuries are broadly categorized into two types – closed head injury and open/penetrating head injury. In case of closed head injury, the skull does not break. Breaking of the skull by an object, and its entry into or on the brain is referred to as an open or penetrating head injury. Homeopathic medicine for head injury helps relieve pain and treats the associated problems following a head injury. Arnica, for example, is an excellent homeopathic first-aid remedy for head injuries.

Causes of Head Injuries

There are several causes of a head injury, which include: – accidents (on a roadside, at home, or at the workplace) – falling and hurting the head – physical assault (getting into a fight, domestic violence, childhood abuse, etc.) – sports injuries (as in skateboarding, soccer, football, hockey, etc. ) – Gunshot wounds

Types of Head Injuries

The different types of head injuries are: Intracranial Bleeding – It refers to bleeding in the skull. Lacerations to the scalp – Tearing of skin that results in an irregular wound. Subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma – Collection of blood outside the blood vessels is referred to as a hematoma. Bleeding below the dura mater (one of the three layers that cover the brain and spinal cord) is known as subdural hematoma while bleeding between dura mater and skull is known as an epidural hematoma. Concussions -Concussions arise from a blow to the head in which the brain gets shaken and hits against the wall of the skull. Cerebral contusions – Bruising of the brain tissue is known as a cerebral contusion. Skull fracture – A break in the skull bone is known as a skull fracture. It is further divided into four types – linear, depressed, diastatic and basilar skull fracture.

Symptoms of a Head Injury

The symptoms of a head injury can be felt immediately or develop slowly over a couple of hours or days. The intensity of symptoms depends upon the severity of the head injury. The signs of a minor head injury and a major head injury are different.

Symptoms: Minor Head Injury

The symptoms of a minor head injury include dizziness, feeling foggy in the brain, confusion, headache, nausea, ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light/noise, a bump or swollen area on the scalp ( a bruise) or a small superficial cut in the scalp.

Symptoms: Major Head Injury

The symptoms of major or serious head injury include:

  • loss of consciousness
  • vomiting
  • change in the size of pupils of eyes
  • leaking of clear fluid or blood from the nose, ears or mouth
  • problems in balance/ coordination
  • inability to move any of the limbs
  • slurred speech
  • stiff neck
  • blurred vision
  • impaired hearing/smell/taste
  • abnormal eye movements
  • loss of memory (amnesia)
  • difficulty walking
  • a severe headache
  • serious disorientation
  • low breathing rate
  • weakness in one side of the body
  • a deep cut in the scalp
  • behavioral changes (including irritability)

Homeopathy for Head Injury

Any head injury needs urgent medical attention. Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat acute head injuries as well as the long-term effects that develop due to an injury. However, it should be noted that in case of head injuries, conventional treatment should be taken along with homeopathic treatment. This is because the head injury can be severe and conventional medicines may be required for emergency care. Among the various homeopathic medicines for a head injury, the top ones include Arnica Montana, Natrum Sulph, and Cicuta Virosa. These are homeopathic medicines prepared from naturally occurring substances and treat head injuries in a very safe, gentle manner without any side effects.

Top three Homeopathic Medicines for Head Injury

Arnica Montana – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury

Arnica Montana is a top homeopathic medicine for a head injury. It has a high healing capacity and works in a very effective manner in case of a head injury from falls, blows, or those arising from blunt instruments. Hematomas, concussions, contusions are all treated well with Arnica Montana. It is also indicated for skull fractures. Arnica Montana should be used as a first aid homeopathic medicine in case of head injury. Soon after a head injury, a state of shock, confusion, drowsiness, stupor that appears can be dealt well with this homeopathic medicine. The extreme pain, soreness, tenderness of head following an injury, a burning / heated sensation in the head, meningitis following head injury can be treated with Arnica. In case of meningitis, a great stupor and an excessive inclination to vomit are indications to use this medicine.

Natrum Sulph – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Chronic Effects

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulph an effective treatment for the chronic effects of a head injury. It helps treat mental troubles arising from a head injury. Depression following head injury is a prominent feature to use this medicine. Here, the important indicating features to use this medicine are sadness, tearfulness, aversion to living and suicidal thoughts. In addition to that, a dislike to speak or be spoken to is present. Other symptoms include a low spirit, ill humor, irritability, and anxiety. It also helps treat epilepsy that may develop after a head injury. Natrum Sulph also works well to treat headaches that follow a head injury, along with pain at the back of the neck.

Cicuta Virosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury followed by Epilepsy

Cicuta Virosa is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that is followed by epilepsy (seizures). Violent convulsions with distortions of limb, bending of the head, neck, and spine backward are the most prominent feature to use this medicine. Other significant symptoms include froth from the mouth, rolling of eyes up, and dilated pupils. Most of the times, a spasm begins in the head and travels down. Prolonged unconsciousness follows an episode of convulsions. Extreme weakness following the convulsions, convulsions triggered by noise, and visual disturbances as a result of head injuries are indicative of this medicine.

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Head Injury 

Apart from these medicines, some other significant homeopathic medicines are used for treating a head injury and its effects. These include Helleborus Niger, Conium Maculatum, Hypericum Perforatum, Belladonna and Calendula Officinalis. The key indications for using these homeopathic medicines are as follows:

Helleborus Niger – Homeopathic medicine for Head Injury – Altered Mental Functioning

Helleborus Niger is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that leads to altered mental functioning, with symptoms like confusion, slowness of perception, inattention, drowsiness, dullness and weakness/loss of memory. Unintelligible muttering, constant thoughtless staring at one spot, slowness in responding, indifferent behavior, anxiety, boring head in a pillow, rolling head from side to side, beating head with hands, picking of lips/clothes, and fixed dilated pupils are other symptoms that indicate the need for Helleborus Niger.

Conium Maculatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Vertigo

Conium Maculatum is a homeopathic medicine for head injury followed by vertigo. In such cases, vertigo gets worse when turning the head sideways. Lying down and turning in bed may worsen vertigo. In some cases, worsening of vertigo due to a noise or an eye movement is also noted. Vertigo with an inclination to fall sideways is also treated well with Conium.

Hypericum Perforatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury – Headaches

Hypericum Perforatum is a homeopathic medicine for a head injury that is followed by headaches. Soreness of eyes with a headache, a sensation of being lifted up high in the air are the main symptoms. Hypericum is also indicated for treating a fracture of the skull, and for open wounds with weakness due to blood loss.

Belladonna – Homeopathic Medicine for Head Injury followed by Brain Inflammation

Belladonna is a prominent homeopathic medicine for brain inflammation following a head injury. The symptoms to use this medicine include fever, severe headache, heat in the head, flushed face, frequent full pulse, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, boring head in a pillow, and convulsions.

Calendula Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Lacerated Wounds of Scalp

Calendula Officinalis is a natural homeopathic medicine used to treat lacerated wounds of the scalp. It helps heal an injury that is attended by features like wounds on the scalp that are raw, inflamed and are highly painful, along with an occurrence of fever. This medicine helps in reducing pain, inflammation, promoting healthy granulation and preventing suppuration. Calendula Officinalis is also indicated for compound fractures of the skull.

Head Injury: Complications

The major complications of head injury are: Meningitis Inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) of the brain and spinal cord is known as meningitis. If not treated immediately it can cause permanent damage to the brain and may also prove to be fatal life-threatening. The symptoms of meningitis include a very high fever, headache, stiff neck, nausea/vomiting, skin rash, and seizures. Hydrocephalus An abnormal fluid buildup in the ventricles of the brain is referred to as hydrocephalus. Excess fluid puts pressure on the brain and damages it. To prevent permanent brain damage, quick treatment is required. The symptoms include a headache, neck pain, sleepiness, vomiting, blurred vision/double vision, confusion, eyes fixing downward, poor coordination, and seizures. Coma Coma is a state of an extended period of unconsciousness. The person in a coma doesn’t respond to the environment and cannot be awakened by any stimulation. Coma in head injury may arise from swelling in the brain or a brain hemorrhage. Seizures Seizures arise from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The symptoms of seizures include uncontrollable shaking of the body, temporary confusion, unconsciousness and a staring spell. The symptoms tend to last for 30 seconds to 2 – 3 minutes. When a tendency of seizures develops, the condition is known as epilepsy.

Important Preventive Measures

Head injuries, whether minor or major, can lead to long-term problems. It is important to get timely treatment in case a head injury has occurred. Preventing head injuries is important, and the following measures can be taken to avoid traumatic brain injuries :

  • Always Wear helmets while driving bikes, bicycle, or while participating in sports activities like skating.
  • Do not drive after consuming alcohol.
  • Make it a habit of wearing a seat belt when sitting in a car.n

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dyslexia & Homeopathy

DYSLEXIA comes from the Greek word meaning difficulty with words or language. In the modern times, it’s described as a condition in which people have difficulty in leaning to read and write correctly. Dyslexics are not unintelligent, in fact they are generally very gifted, but learn differently. You may find it difficult to believe, but Albert Einstein, the world’s greatest scientist, was a dyslexic and had problems in reading and writing until he reached the age of nine. Dyslexics often show special talent in areas that require visual, spatial motor integration, but have a problem translating language into thought (as in listening or reading) or thought into language (as in writing or speaking) Although no specific cause has been found for this disease, it’s observed that their is difference in the functioning of brain which occurs either before, or around the time of birth, or is caused by illness (convulsions or accidents) later in life.

Another queer thing about dyslexia is that it can manifest itself in diverse symptoms, all of which may not be present in one person. Thus, the cure also requires a holistic and individualistic approach which. is the hallmark of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treating learning disorders associated with head injuries which may have occurred in infancy or early childhood. The medicines that have been found useful in this disorder are found under the section mind-learning disorders in Homoeopathic Medical Repertoire by Robin Murphy. But all leaning disorder cases need to be thoroughly evaluated by specific tests before they can be treated. Please make sure that these evaluations are done by an educator or a homoeopath who has experience in dealing with these disorders

Dyslexia can also be hereditary! and it’s been found that one member or the other in the family has a similar problem. Poor schooling or constant changes of school, particularly if this involves a drastic change in teaching method, can even retard the child’s ability to acquire the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. Poor health is another factor that can aggravate the condition of dyslexia. Common continuous disorders such as cold, bronchitis, headache, sore throat can prevent the child from concentrating on learning in school and is bound to affect his progress in school.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dyslexia & Homeopathy

DYSLEXIA comes from the Greek word meaning difficulty with words or language. In the modern times, it’s described as a condition in which people have difficulty in leaning to read and write correctly. Dyslexics are not unintelligent, in fact they are generally very gifted, but learn differently. You may find it difficult to believe, but Albert Einstein, the world’s greatest scientist, was a dyslexic and had problems in reading and writing until he reached the age of nine. Dyslexics often show special talent in areas that require visual, spatial motor integration, but have a problem translating language into thought (as in listening or reading) or thought into language (as in writing or speaking) Although no specific cause has been found for this disease, it’s observed that their is difference in the functioning of brain which occurs either before, or around the time of birth, or is caused by illness (convulsions or accidents) later in life.

Another queer thing about dyslexia is that it can manifest itself in diverse symptoms, all of which may not be present in one person. Thus, the cure also requires a holistic and individualistic approach which. is the hallmark of homoeopathy.

Homoeopathic medicines are extremely effective in treating learning disorders associated with head injuries which may have occurred in infancy or early childhood. The medicines that have been found useful in this disorder are found under the section mind-learning disorders in Homoeopathic Medical Repertoire by Robin Murphy. But all leaning disorder cases need to be thoroughly evaluated by specific tests before they can be treated. Please make sure that these evaluations are done by an educator or a homoeopath who has experience in dealing with these disorders

Dyslexia can also be hereditary! and it’s been found that one member or the other in the family has a similar problem. Poor schooling or constant changes of school, particularly if this involves a drastic change in teaching method, can even retard the child’s ability to acquire the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. Poor health is another factor that can aggravate the condition of dyslexia. Common continuous disorders such as cold, bronchitis, headache, sore throat can prevent the child from concentrating on learning in school and is bound to affect his progress in school.

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