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Tonsillitis and Homeopathic Treatment

417708736_2db8f55520_m Tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils is a painful condition of throat, and in its chronic form it can become a source of recurring episodes of colds. With the winter setting in, it needs a special mention.

There is a marked change in the attitude of the medical world as regards the tonsils. The old custom of “tonsil snatching”, that once meant millions of tonsil operations a year, is dying a well-earned death.

On this point, orthodox medicine has rallied down to the conservative view held by the homeopathic school. It has been an unsaid homeopathic rule to save the tonsils whenever possible. With careful application of the properly indicated remedies, I have seen homeopathy succeeding in many cases when failure seemed certain, and especially among children in whose case excising (removal) is rarely, if ever, justifiable.

According to homeopathic philosophy, such local conditions are a result of the weak immune system and almost invariably due to constitutional disturbances. The removal of tonsils does not improve these disturbances in the least. Homeopathic philosophy stresses on the necessity to study the condition of the body as a whole before one deals with tonsillitis.

Tonsils form part of the body’s defences. Their removal generally means rendering the body more susceptible for infections. Also the tonsils are a kind of indicators of the general health of the body. One might compare them to the barometer in the hall. Well, certainly one cannot improve the weather by smashing the barometer!

The treatment of enlarged tonsils with homeopathy has two stages in cases of long standing. Acute inflammation needs to be treated with a different set of medicines and its recurrence to be treated once the acute stage is over. Deep-acting medicines are required to treat the constitution and bring about lasting relief. It is true that this method takes a longer time, but it is also the best one because not only the tonsils are cured but also the patient.

It stands at the head of the list of remedies in tonsillitis. Very useful in acute stages where tonsils are bright red and swollen, and there is difficulty in swallowing fluids

Baryta carb
It is indicated in tonsillitis, with the formation of pus, when the right side of the throat is worse than the left, enlargement of the glands in the neck, under the jaw and behind the ears. It is one of the best remedies for removing the tendency to tonsillitis, particularly in children, who are sensitive to every little exposure to damp or cold weather which leads to a fresh attack of tonsillitis. It is one of the remedies to prevent the return of this condition and changes the constitutional tendency of the patient.

Iodides in various combinations are extremely useful in treating inflamed tonsils.

Constitutional treatment
It is aimed at stopping the recurrence of such attacks. Deep-acting medicines like Tuberculinum, Calcarea Phos, Psorinum and Sulphur are often employed

This feature ( authored by Dr. Vikas Sharma ) was earlier published in The Tribune(north India’s largest circulated daily newspaper). Dr. Vikas Sharma is regular Homeopathic columnist for The Tribune.You can mail him at

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  1. SUBHASH ROY says:


  2. Heena mallik says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma
    i am 28 years old and suffers from chronic tonsillitis since childhood. I used to have 2-3 attacks almost every year. The tendency to contract the disease was now decreasing until i got infected again now. I completed the course of antibiotic but it wasn’t satisfactorily resolved,however, the fever subsided. So i decided to take homeopathy. I have problem with my left side. It feels as if something is stuck in there and wouldn’t go. Its been a week and the discomfort is still there. I m really worried about my condition because it wasn’t like that ever before.It stings and sometimes i feel it in my ear too. my homeopath is positive that it would go with time. Is she right? What should i do? Pls reply.

  3. Naga Chaitanya says:

    Hello Mr. Dr. Sharma,

    My daughter is 4 years old and is having tonsils and adinoids.
    She breathes mostly from her mouth and during sleeping time she struggles a lot to sleep as she cannot breathe properly.
    I have consulted ENT doctor and they have suggested operation once she reaches 5 years.

    Through homeopathy can tonsils and adinoids be cured? How long the treatment period will be?

  4. Jessica says:

    Hi Doctor Sharma,
    I have been getting tonsil stones for the past 3-4 years. It seems that I get them more frequently and almost always in my right tonsil. Usually my tonsil will feel a little tender and will use my finger to gently press on the side of my tonsil and the stones will come out. Today my right tonsil is very sore and I think I have an abscess in/near my tonsil. Other than the pain in my throat, I feel fine. It seems that my problem with tonsil stones may be getting worse. What remedy would you recommend for me?

  5. Abdikani says:

    Hi Dr,
    I kenyan and I stay in Nairobi, I have a 4yrs old daughter she has a problem of tosil swollen of gland once she has a flue at night she can sleep well she snores and she also have fever and bad smell from her mouth I took her to several hospital they have been giving her zinat and argumentin after she took no sign of change it just relief her for 2 weeks and the problem comes please what do you advice becouse operation at this age isn’t good please Dr advice me the best medicine or what to do thanks.

  6. hello sir piz meri madat chahiye muze tonshil huva hai to muze uska upay batay piz sir help me

  7. KAUSHAL kumar thakur says:

    i m suffering from chronic tonsil
    how to cure without sergery
    n if medicine r available
    how to get

  8. doctor told that I’m suffering through the 3rd stage of tonsils n I’ll have to remove it by operation….
    its in the right side with severe pain ib the throat and right ear..
    can this be treated with homeopathic remedies?

  9. Melun Varghese says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,
    Thanks for the article. I am 39,had my tonsils removed at the age of 10,but it seems the left part was not completely removed.I get frequent attacks & resort to anti-biotics which is weakening me a lot.Do you think at this age if I start homeopathy it will be effective.Also since I spend lot of time with my 3 year old son I worry about a possible infection if my attack takes time to subside.Thanks.

  10. AMIR HANIF says:

    Hi Dr sharma

    I am amir hanif from pakistan, My elder child (boy) age 9 year has a tonsils problem, it tonsils swells outer side after every 2-month. comes to normal position after giving heavy dose of antiboitics. some one has suggested me to give 8-9 drops of belladonna 200, can it is practicable & has any side effects

  11. apeh charles says:

    My wife suffers recurrent sore throat every three months and is always very painful. I need ur help Dr on what types of drug she should buy. God bless you sir

  12. Jennifer Richter says:

    Hello Dr. I am 42 yrs old and have always had a larger right tonsil. I was seen at an ENT Dr because of my concern of cancer. He said he would remove it if I was going to worry about it. He said he was 95% sure if wasn’t cancer. Is there anything that would help this? I have no pain or redness just a huge right tonsil he graded a 3+. What causes the tonsil to stay big like this? Thank you.

  13. shoeb shafi says:

    i am suffering from tonsilitis since 9 i am 36.some dr.tell me i have sensitivity from cold things .can my problem can b cure

  14. allison says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,

    My four year old has acute tonsillitis and is on distaclor after seeing her Doctor today. I am concerned about her immune system as she does seem to be very susceptible to getting colds/tonsillitis. She had had two kidney infections as well. She is screaming in pain when she swallows.

    I was very interested in your advice above for the homeopathic remedy.

    She is on a dairy free diet, and seems to be quite affected by sugar.

    Do you have any recommendations, thank you.

    Kind regards


  15. I am 28 years old and suffering from tonsils. Left tonsil is big as compared to right tonsil. and I have also anxiety from 20 days.. i don’t know if its anxiety or cause of tonsil.. Please give me your precious suggestions.

  16. Hello sir, please I would like to know How to solve my fiance health issues. she has tonsillitis from the age of 7…She’s now 29years and still suffers from this illness. most doctors we consulted said she should go for surgery which She’s not ready to, we are Nigerians But I believe ur help has no barriers no matter the distance. thank you sir. Hope to hear from you soonest

  17. raja suleman says:

    my son age 4.5y often get tonsillitis ,so plz send me complete medication. his right side we can see two swelled tonsil and left side one ,.

  18. Dear sir,
    Take Salam. I’m Karima. 14 years old. I am suffering from tonsillitis since my little age. Now my tonsil is enlarged. Some times I feel pain. When I am in 4 yrs old I used Merce bin iod and my tonsil became too small. Now my tonsil is enlarged. Also I have nasal problem(polyp). I donot get smell. Pl reply and give me solution and treatment.

  19. Neelanchal Meher says:

    I am having tonsil problem since two to three years. Before that I was pharyngitis problem,But presently tonsil problem occurs in every two months approximately.There is enlargement of the glands under the jaw and getting normally pain behind the ears. Some times small spot of pus find in the right neck gland .Small enlargement of the glands in the right help.

  20. Hi Doctor,

    I am facing problem from last 1 year of tonsillitis. it happened 10 or 12 time in a year.
    I am 28 years old. In the last 3 month I suffered as many as four times and in every occasion it was cured with general antibiotic. In all the occasions puss formation is seen in a bigger size. Doctor is advising for surgery now. Can you suggest any medicine with dose/period?

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