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Dry and Itchy skin bothering you during Winter? Try these Homeopathic Remedies

The dryness of skin is normal in winter and can be attended with itching. Dry skin is medically known as xerosis. It can be quite annoying, irritating, and uncomfortable. The intensity of dryness and itching varies from case to case. In summer, oil production in skin is more due to high temperature that keeps skin moisturized. During winter, skin moisture lowers due to a decrease in environmental temperature resulting in dry skin. The dryness may get worse from bathing with hot water in winter. Hot water tends to destroy the natural oils of the skin. Additionally, it can damage the upper layer of skin resulting in skin irritation and inflammation.  Next, the use of heaters in rooms during wintwinterers causes reduction in humidity that can worsen skin dryness. Further, excessive exposure to the sun may worsen skin dryness. Another factor is we drink less water during winter that may result in dehydration which may worsen skin dryness. There are also chances of skin conditions, like atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, to get worse during winter. Atopic dermatitis or endogenous eczema is a skin condition in which there is skin inflammation and dry, itchy skin. Though skin in any part of the body can be affected by it, the most common areas affected include bends of elbows, area behind knees, face and neck. Psoriasis is a skin condition of autoimmune (in which the immune cells of the body start to damage healthy tissues of the body out of a misdirected response) origin in which there are red, inflamed patches on the skin covered with silvery, white scales/flakes.

Skin dryness and itching can be accompanied with other signs and symptoms varying from case to case. Along with dryness of skin, flaking (scaling) on the skin or cracks can accompany it. Scratching the skin may also lead to bleeding from the skin. A rash may occur from skin dryness and the affected area can be red, swollen and sensitive. Burning and stinging sensation can attend skin dryness sometimes. In some cases, eruptions may appear on the skin.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines can prove highly effective in managing skin dryness and itching during winter. Along with dryness and itching these also help in managing its attending signs and symptoms like flakes on the skin, cracks on the skin, redness, swelling on the skin and eruptions if present. These medicines suit persons of all age groups and the best part is that these medicines are free from any sort of toxic side effects so are very safe to use due to their natural origin. Homeopathic medicines for dry, itchy skin are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms presented after a complete analysis. Though homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use, it is advised to use any medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication needs to be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines For Dry And Itchy Skin During Winter

1. Petroleum – Top Recommended Medicine

Petroleum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of skin dryness and itching in winter. It is often the first choice of a homeopath for such cases. It is indicated where the skin is very rough, dry and thickened. Along with this, there deep cracks form on the skin. These cracks also tend to bleed easily. Itching is present along with the above symptom. There is also marked sensitivity of the skin to touch. This medicine is highly suitable for cases where the hands get rough, cracked along with marked itching and burning sensation. Petroleum is also one of the leading medicines for managing eczema with dryness and skin cracks that get worse in the winter.

2. Graphites – For Dry, Rough Skin Prone To Cracks

Graphites is a highly recommended medicine for cases of dry, rough skin with a tendency to develop cracks. Besides, itching is quite intense on the skin. The itching is constant at night in cases needing Graphites. After scratching, bumps may form on the skin. The cracks are worse in the skin folds for example between the fingers and toes, bend of joints and behind the ears.

3. Sulphur – With Itching Worse At Night

Sulphur is a highly effective medicine to manage skin dryness and itching that gets worse at night. Itching might be present all over the body. Scratching may be followed by bleeding. It may also be followed by burning sensation. Sometimes, after itching the affected area becomes painful. Itching may keep shifting from one place to another. Sometimes, there is formication (sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin) on the skin. Stitching or prickling sensation may be felt on the skin. In some cases, scaling is noticed over the skin.

4. Psorinum – For Dry, Rough Skin In Folds

This medicine is well indicated when there is dryness and roughness in the skin folds. Scabs may also be present in the skin folds. Sometimes eruptions may form in the skin folds. There is a tendency of eruptions to bleed easily. At times, pus gets formed in the eruptions. In cases needing this medicine, the skin complaints go away entirely in the summer and return in the winter.

5. Alumina – With Intense Scratching Until Skin Bleeds

Alumina is a highly beneficial medicine for dryness on the skin and intolerable itching with an urge to scratch until the affected skin bleeds. The skin is dry, rough, and cracked and itching is worse on getting warm in bed. After scratching the skin becomes painful. Insects crawling on the skin sensation is present. There may also occur dry, itchy eruptions on the skin in winter.

6. Arsenic Album – For Dry, Scaly Skin

This medicine is very helpful to manage dry and scaly (flaky) skin. The flakes may fall off from the skin. Sometimes dry eruptions appear on the skin along with with scales. The skin can be over-sensitive to touch as well. There is marked itching on the skin along with a burning sensation. After scratching, the affected parts become painful. The burning sensation gets worse from scratching. Bleeding may follow scratching.

7. Natrum Mur – For Dry Skin With Itching, Pricking, Stinging Sensation

This medicine is of great use to manage skin dryness with itching, pricking and stinging sensation. Crawling sensation is felt all over the body. Natrum Mur is an important medicine for managing dry crusty eruptions forming in the bend of the limbs (elbow crease and area behind the knee). There may occur deep cracks along with crusts. This medicine also works well when fluid-filled eruptions i.e. vesicles appear on the skin.

8. Lycopodium – For Dry, Itchy Skin With Heated Sensation

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for cases of dry, itchy skin with heated sensation. Itching increases from warmth. Skin dryness is marked on the palms. In some cases, fluid or pus-filled eruptions form on the skin. There may be thickening of the skin. Pricking pain is felt on different parts of the skin. Dark red spots on the skin may be noticed sometimes.

9. Malandrium – For dryness, cracks on hands and feet

Malandrium is a highly valuable medicine to deal with cases of dry, cracked skin on the hands and feet in cold weather. Scaling is also noted on the skin. Besides, there is marked itching. Washing makes the condition worse.





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  1. Hi I have a patch of really dry skin on my middle fingers knuckle on my hand, when it starts it has fluid filled small eruptions, it dries and cracks the skin open, it’s itchy and gets worst when I wash my hands or the dishes. Also my hands are very dry but that patch on the middle finger knuckle is the worst.

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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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