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Increased Frequency of Urine in Elderly and its Homeopathic Remedies

Elderly people tend to suffer from different kinds of urinary problems, among which increased frequency to pass urine is quite common. Frequent urination may have a belittling effect on the sufferer. Those facing these problems may restrict them from engaging in social activities and traveling; they may feel anxious and frustrated. They may suffer irritation in the genitals and skin rashes may appear from frequent urination. Frequent urination can also lead to fluid loss (dehydration). The reasons behind the increased frequency of urine in the elderly could be multiple.

First among these is changes that occur in the urinary bladder as a result of aging. It mainly includes weakness of the bladder muscles that control urination process and reduced capacity of the bladder to hold as much urine as it used to previously due to stiffening of bladder tissue and its decreased stretchiness with age. The second cause could be an overactive bladder which is a condition in which a person has a sudden irresistible urge to pass urine along with frequent urination. It can next arise from dysfunction of bladder either from weak muscles of bladder or from defective nerve signals. In males, enlarged prostate (BPH – benign prostate enlargement) remains one of the main causes of frequent urination. UTI (urinary tract infection) also occurs commonly in the elderly that can cause frequent urination along with other symptoms including pain/burning while urinating, the urgency to urinate, lower abdomen pain, and offensive-smelling urine. Urine retention in the elderly can also be a cause in which the bladder does not empty completely at a time which causes frequent urge to urinate to empty the bladder of urine left behind.

In females, prolapse of the uterus/bladder in the vagina may cause frequent urination. The other causes include diabetes mellitus, stress, anxiety, sleep issues and use of certain medicines, like diuretics (medicines that increase quantity of urine) and medicines for treating high blood pressure. Depending on the cause, frequent urination can be attended with other symptoms including urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage (urinary incontinence), weak urine stream, straining to urinate and lower abdomen pain. In the elderly, the frequency of urine may further increase at night medically termed nocturia. It tends to disturb night’s sleep and leads to tiredness, sleepiness, and mood changes during the day.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing the increased frequency of urination in the elderly along with the use of natural remedies. These medicines are entirely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances having zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines help magnificently in managing this concern by working to fix the root cause behind it. Along with frequent urination, any associated symptoms like urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage, weak urine stream and pain in the lower abdomen are also managed wonderfully with these medicines. Increased frequency of urine in the elderly could arise from many reasons so it is advised to consult a physician for the correct diagnosis and its treatment. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual separately after detailed case evaluation based on the symptom presentation that varies from case to case. So, one must take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Increased Frequency of Urine 

1. Baryta Carb – Top Remedy

Baryta Carb is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of increased frequency of urine in the elderly. Urine passed is also profuse in cases needing it. There is irritation in the bladder mostly at night with an increased urge to urinate. Along with increased frequency, there is also an urgency to pass urine. Burning sensation while urinating may be present. After urination, dribbling (drop-by-drop passage) of urine may occur.

2. Sabal Serrulata – For Frequent Urine From Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

Sabal Serrulata is a highly suitable medicine to manage frequent urine from an enlarged prostate. This medicine is the most recommended for people who have a constant urge to urinate at night. There is always a feeling that the bladder is full. Pain is felt when the person begins to urinate. This medicine is also helpful to manage the dribbling of urine in case of prostate enlargement.

3. Lycopodium – For Increased Frequency At Night

Lycopodium is a well-indicated medicine for cases of frequent urination at night. The urine passed at night is quite profuse. To begin urine, straining may be required. Burning sensation is felt during urination and sometimes even after passing urine.

4. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine Along With Marked Urgency

Merc Sol is recommended when there is an increased frequency to urinate with an urgency to pass urine. The persons needing it have a sudden urge to pass urine immediately. Frequency of urination is high both during day and night. There may be a desire to pass urine every hour or so in many cases. Burning during and after passing urine may be there. The bladder may be sore to touch.

5. Conium – For Difficulty In Beginning To Urinate

Conium is quite an effective medicine when there is frequent urination with difficulty in beginning to urinate. Another characteristic feature is an interrupted stream of urine, which means the urine starts and stops many times till the complete emptying of the bladder. Urine feels hot. Pressure is felt around the bladder.

6. Sepia – For Frequent Urine From Uterine Prolapse

Sepia is of great value to manage frequent urination in females due to uterine prolapse. Fullness sensation and pressure is felt in the lower abdomen. Cutting or burning pain is felt when urinating. A bearing down feeling is marked in the pelvis. Due to pressure on the bladder frequent urge to urinate is present. There is also sudden urgency to pass urine and if the urge to urinate is not immediately attended, urine passes involuntarily. Urine may have an offensive smell. Besides, it is an important medicine to help cases of involuntary urination while coughing or sneezing.

7. Cantharis – In Case Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Cantharis suits best when frequent urge to urinate occurs in cases of urinary tract infection. In cases needing it, a person urinates frequently with pain/burning during, before or after urination. Even the slightest quantity of urine in the bladder causes an urge to pass urine. Urge to urinate is more while standing and walking, while it gets better better while sitting. Heaviness is felt in the bladder, which is sensitive to touch.

8. Causticum – With Involuntary Urine Passage

It is an important medicine for people suffering from frequent urination along with involuntary passage of urine at times. Though there is a frequent urge to pass urine, scanty urine is passed every time a person goes for urination. Pain and itching may be felt in the urethra while passing urine. It is also well indicated when urine passes involuntarily while coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose.

9. Phosphoric Acid – In Case Of Diabetes

This medicine is prominently indicated when frequent urination is related to diabetes. Persons needing it have a frequent urge to urinate, and the urination is profuse. The frequency increases at night. They have to wake up several times at night to pass urine. Excessive weakness can attend frequent urination.

10. Kreosote – With Foul Smelling Urine

Use of Kreosote may be considered when urine smells foul along with increased frequency. There is profuse urination during the day, besides increased frequency. There is also a need to rush to pass urine when the desire to urinate occurs. A sensation of lump pressing against the bladder attends the other complaints.


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