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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Warts

Warts are rough, hard growths on the skin caused by infection with HPV – Human Papilloma Virus. There are more than 100 different strains of HPV. Each strain of HPV is responsible for infecting specific body areas. A person may get warts by skin to skin contact with a person having warts. Homeopathic medicine for warts treat this condition in a very safe, mild, gentle and painless way.

Warts can also arise by coming in contact with an object that is infected with the human papillomavirus. A weak immune system raises the risk of contracting the infection leading to warts. Among the various types of warts, the major ones are flat warts, filiform warts, and common warts. Flat warts have smooth flat surface arising mainly on face, neck, hands, and knees. Filiform warts are thread like warts arising near the eyelids or lips. Common warts are rough, raised skin colored warts that arise on hand. Common warts are also known as verruca vulgaris. Warts that arise on soles of feet are known as plantar warts. Warts arising around the nails are known as periungual warts.

Homeopathic Medicine for Warts

Under conventional mode of treatment cauterization is adopted for removing warts. It may cause pain and scarring. Homeopathy medicines follow a curative approach to treat warts rather than suppressing them. Homeopathic medicines boost the immune system of the body to fight with the infectious agent that is causing warts. Homeopathy remedies for warts are all prepared from naturally occurring substances. Hence they are free from any side effects. The best medicines for warts are Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum, and Nitric Acid. These medicines for warts are very effective, deep acting and gives highly promising results.

1. Thuja Occidentalis – Excellent Medicine to treat Warts

Thuja Occidentalis is an excellent medicine for warts. Warts that are seedy, large or pedunculated indicate the use of Thuja Occidentalis. It is helpful for treating wart arising on any body part. Skin dryness may also be there with warts. Thuja is also indicated when along with warts, skin is also sensitive to touch. It also comes among prominent homeopathic remedies for warts on the anogenital area.

2. Causticum – Homeopathy remedy for warts and skin tags

Causticum is very useful homeopathy remedy for warts and skin tags. It works very well in cases of warts that are large and jagged. Causticum is majorly useful for warts arising on face, lips, nose and eyelids. It also works wonders in treating warts on tips of finger. Causticum is also indicated in warts that are painful. Causticum is also helpful for treating pedunculated warts.

3.Nitric Acid – For Warts that Bleed Easily

Nitric Acid is an excellent medicine for warts that bleed easily. Bleeding from warts may arise from touching or washing. Nitric Acid is also indicated for warts that are sensitive to touch. It also helps to treat warts that are attended with itching. Apart from this, warts with stinging or stitching pain are also effectively treated withNitric Acid.  

4. Dulcamara and Lycopodium Clavatum – For Warts on Face

Dulcamara and Lycopodium are helpful medicines for warts on face. Dulcamara is wonderful medicine for warts on the face that are large, flat or smooth in nature. Lycopodium is medicine for warts on the face that are small or pedunculated. Although Lycopodium Clavatum is a medicine for warts on any area but it works wonders for treating warts on the chin.

5. Causticum and Nitric Acid – For Warts on Eyelid

Causticum is very useful medicine for warts on the eyelid, especially seedy and large. In some cases, warts on eyelids may be painful too. Causticum is also useful for warts that arise on the eyebrows. Nitric Acid is a medicine for warts on the eyelid that are large and jagged. They may be sensitive and also bleed easily.

6. Antimonium Crudum and Silicea – For Warts on Soles of Feet (plantar warts)

Antimonium Crudum and Silicea are wonderful remedies for warts on soles of feet known as plantar warts. Among them, Antimonium Crudum is indicated for horny warts on soles. It also works well when corns and warts arise together on soles of feet. Feet may also very tender. Silicea is selected when warts on soles are attended with excessive sweating on feet.

7. Sepia and Causticum – For Warts on Head

Sepia is a prominent medicine for warts on the head. Coldness on top of the head may also be present. Hair fall with a sensitivity of hair roots may also be present in some cases along with warts. It also works well in warts that arise on the forehead. Causticum is an indicated medicine for warts on the head that are large. It is also indicated for warts on the head that bleed easily.

8. Causticum and Dulcamara – For Warts on Finger            

Causticum and Dulcamara offer best homeopathy treatment for warts on fingers. Causticum is successful for treating horny warts on fingers. Causticum is also suitable for warts on fingers that are close to nails – periungual warts. Dulcamara is used for homeopathy treatment for warts on fingers that are flat and smooth in nature. Dulcamara may also offer help for warts on the palmar surface of hands.

9. Sepia – For Warts and Moles                                        

Sepia is an important medicine for warts and moles. The person needing Sepia have moles and small, hard, seedy warts on face. The warts may be attended with itching. Yellow – brownish pigmentation on the face may also be seen on the face – mainly on nose and cheeks. In some cases, black pores may also be present on the face.


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  1. Please include potency suggestions and dosing information (ie, 1, 2, 3 x day, etc), as you have done in some of your other remedy articles. Please.
    Thank you for your fabulous homeopathy website!

  2. Sadia imtiaz says:

    I’ve wart on the tip of my thumb very close even under the nail. The wart is periungual type or you can say cauliflower like or common wart. Has stinging pain. So much painful and disturbing my daily routine work. Kindly suggest homoeopathic medicine. I’ve taken causticum 200 twice a day and thuja 200 once in a month.

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