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Allergies Making Life Miserable? Homeopathic Remedies Are Natural Solutions

homeopathy for allergy Allergy refers to a sudden hypersensitive reaction, presented with a number of symptoms. Allergen is an agent that is considered harmful by a sensitive/allergic person but doesn’t have any effect on other persons. The main allergens include dust mites, pollens, animal danders, certain food like eggs and shellfish etc. The main allergies include nasal allergy, allergic cough, food allergies, dust allergy, and skin rash. The allergic reactions to Hair dye are also prevalent in some. The homeopathy treatment for allergies not only helps in giving relief in acute attacks of allergy but also promises to effect a cure and exact the condition from its root. The cure is possible by application of properly selected constitutional medicines to the patient. In homeopathy, the allergies are treated not on the basis of the allergen triggering the allergic response, but by the characteristic individual symptoms narrated by the patient. These characteristic symptoms are, in essence, the key to unlocking the most suitable medicine required. Homeopathy for allergy works by moderating the overactive immune system. In this article, various types of allergies and their corresponding  medicines have been discussed.

Homeopathy for Allergy

1. Apis Mellifica: Apis mellifica holds a prime position to treat the hives or urticarial rash due to allergic reactions. This medicine can be utilized in all cases of allergic hives that result in violent itching with burning and stinging sensations. The patient may be relieved by cold applications. The skin is sensitive to touch. Swelling also accompanies. Slight betterment in the skin symptoms in the open air is another prominent factor which, if present, confirms that this medicine should be used.

2. Arsenic Album: Arsenic Album is a frequently used medicine for treating nasal allergy. The symptom that points towards this medicine’s implication is fluent and burning discharge from the nose with much sneezing. This may be accompanied by watering from eyes with burning.

3. Natrum Mur: Natrum Mur is suitable medicine for both nasal and skin allergies. The important pointers for using Natrum Mur in nasal allergy are running nose with sneezing and breathing difficulties, and in skin allergies, it is used mainly when excessive itching is present that mainly gets worse in a warm room and better in open air. Craving for salt is usually noted in all the patients requiring Natrum Mur.

4. Sulphur: When it comes to skin allergies, Sulphur is the foremost and an infallible medicine for allergies. This can be employed in all those cases of skin allergy where excessive itching with extreme burning sensation is present. Skin usually remains dry. The patient scratches the skin and gets relief. These are all the local skin symptoms for using this medicine. The constitutional symptoms used for selecting this medicine for chronic treatment include an aversion to bathing, unhealthy dirty looking skin, craving for sweets and an utmost heat in the whole body.

Various Allergies and Homeopathy

1. Nasal Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis)

The main causative allergens towards exciting an attack of nasal allergy are dust mites, animal danders and pollens. The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, fluent discharge from nose, dropping of nasal discharge back into the throat which is referred to as postnasal drip in some cases, itching in nose, throat and ear, and a discharge from eyes with itching in them. The natural medicines that show excellence in treating nasal allergies include Allium Cepa, Arsenic album, Arundo Mauri, Kali Bichromicum and Gelsemium. The first two mentioned medicines vis-a-vis Allium Cepa and Arsenic album are natural medicines for nasal allergy. They both work well when the symptoms are running nose with sneezing, burning in nose and eyes. But there is a very fine line of demarcation that decides the application of medicine out of these two, which is that if the patient feels better in open air and worse in warm room Allium cepa is selected, and for the exact opposite condition in which patient is relieved in warm room and worse in open air then Arsenic album becomes the choice of medicine. The next medicine Arundo mauri is the best choice when extreme itching in nose, eyes, and throat predominate with sneezing and fluent nasal discharge. The use of medicine Kali bichromicum is called for in those patients of nasal allergy in whom the nasal discharge dropping into the throat (postnasal drip) stands out to be a dominant feature along with sneezing. The last medicine Gelsemium is prescribed when the running nose and sneezing are present with pain in head and a feverish feeling. The above mentioned medicines can also be used as remedies for seasonal allergies .

2. Allergic Cough (Allergic Asthma)

Allergic cough mainly presents itself as cough with difficult breathing, suffocation, chest tightness and wheezing/whistling sounds from chest. The medicines of immense help in allergic cough include Arsenic album, Ipecac, Bryonia and Sambucus. The selection of medicine to treat allergic asthma is based upon the dominant symptoms of the patient. Arsenic album is selected when cough with chest tightness and suffocative attacks is the main complaint of the patient. The patient feels that this problem is worse at night time and has to sit up for relief. Warm drinks usually bring relief to this person. For using Ipecac in allergic cough, the main symptom is a violent loose cough with wheezing sounds due to the loading of mucus in the chest. Sometimes vomiting accompanies cough and relieves the patient. The next medicine Bryonia Alba gives good results when the cough is dry. This may be accompanied with chest pain and difficult breathing. Mainly the person over all feels better on lying down and worse on walking. The last medicine Sambucus is of supreme importance when nasal blockage is present with suffocative cough. Due to nasal blockage, the patient wakes suddenly at night with symptoms of difficulty in breathing and suffocation.

4. Skin Allergies

The skin allergy includes rash with itching, eczema (allergic dermatitis) and urticaria (hives). In urticaria the skin gets raised in patches with itching. The best medicines that come into play for treating allergic skin rash are Sulphur, Apis mellifica and Urtica Urens. Sulphur is a well known allergy medicine for treating skin complaints. Sulphur can be prescribed in all types of allergic skin rash where dryness, itching and burning sensations predominate. Apis mellifica is of great help in treating urticarial rashes where intense itching with burning stinging sensations and swelling of skin is present. Cold application may relieve the patient. Swelling of face may also be present. Allergic rash with asthmatic symptoms yield wonderfully to this medicine. Urtica urens is the first choice when eating shellfish has excited the skin rash with violent itching and heat.

5. Food Allergy

Food allergy refers to a series of symptoms that follows after taking in a particular type of food to which a person is allergic. The symptoms may occur in four planes. The first is nasal symptoms like discharge from nose, itching in nose and eyes and even difficult breathing. The second is gastric symptoms like loose stool, pain in stomach, nausea and vomiting. The third symptom is swelling of lips, mouth or of face. And the last symptoms are related to skin and include itchy rash, eczema or hives (Urticaria). The common food allergens leading allergic reaction are Egg, shellfish, nuts, wheat and milk.

The medicines for egg allergy are Carbo veg, Nux vomica and Sulph. Carbo veg and Nux vom are the natural medicines for egg allergy where gastric symptoms predominate. Carbo veg is prescribed when loose offensive stool, gas in stomach, nausea, vomiting follows eating eggs. And if this is accompanied with pain in abdomen Nux vomica is selected. When the gastric symptoms are accompanied by skin complaints after eating eggs, Sulphur can be used where itching or burning on skin are present.

For combating with shellfish allergy, the best natural medicine is Urtica Urens. This medicine can be taken by all those patients in whom sudden hives with violent itching and burning follows eating shell fish. This medicine has excellent power to control such symptoms.

The food allergy to wheat can be controlled with medicines that include Lycopodium, colocynth and Natrum Mur. Lycopodium can help in controlling the gastric symptoms. Lycopodium can be used when loose stool with gas in abdomen predominates. Colocynth is used when cramping pains in stomach accompany loose stool, and Natrum Mur is used when skin rash occur either independently or along with gastric trouble after taking wheat.

The last mentioned food allergy to milk can be treated with natural medicines without any side effects. The natural medicines include Aethusa Cynapium, Natrum carb, and Pulsatilla. Aethusa cynapium tops the list of medicines for milk allergy. The symptom for its use is vomiting immediately when milk enters the stomach. Sweating and weakness may follow vomiting. Natrum carb is indicated when loose stool follows milk intake. Pulsatilla is used when milk or any milk product excites allergic reaction. The prominent symptoms that call for the use of Pulsatilla medicine include loose stool, nausea, vomiting, gas, or acidity after taking milk or milk products. A complete absence of thirst is an accompanying symptom in some cases that if present forms an important symptom towards selecting Pulsatilla for milk allergy.

6. Euphrasia for Allergic Conjunctivitis

Euphrasia is the best natural medicines to deal with eye symptoms due to allergy. This can be taken in all such cases presenting with redness, itching, burning in eyes with watery discharges.

7. Dust (dust mite) Allergy

The leading natural medicines that provide a great helping hand to deal with dust allergy include Lycopersicum, Bromium and Arsenic album. Lycopersicum is the leading medicine that is used when breathing in of the slightest dust particle leads to running nose and sneezing. Bromium is utilised when dust inhalation leads to discharge from the nose along with chest complaints. The chest complaints include difficult breathing, cough with mucus in chest. Lastly, the medicine Arsenic album is used when fluent nasal discharge with burning in eyes and nose and sneezing predominate.

8. Allergy Caused By Hair dye

The symptoms that follow dye application on hair include skin rash, itching and swelling that appears mainly on the face, the ears, and the neck. There are various natural medicines to deal with the allergic reaction to dyes, but they are not specific or patent medicines for dye allergy. Suitable medicine is to be chosen after taking the symptoms from the patient. Few medicines like Sulphur, Arsenic album, Natrum Mur and Sepia can be used following case taking.

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  1. AMANDEEP says:

    Both of them have been suffering from allergic rhinitis, bronchitis .I have tried both homeopathic and allopathic treatments but symptoms always reappear.
    My kids’ common symptoms include:
    1. Loud Wheezing and snoring
    2.Getting tired easily
    3.Liking of sweet foods
    Gas and flatulence
    Falling sick with cold, cough and fever on slight exposure to changing weather
    Intolerance of sour/cold/spicy foods such as ice creams, cold drinks etc
    Severe nail biting so much so that there is blood in fingers and skin around nails

  2. Veena G k says:

    I have blood allergy from past 8 yes any medicinecan u suggest

  3. mohd Farook says:

    hi how are you
    I am problem food allergy
    sans lene me presni hoti he
    chike bahut ati he

  4. Good Evening
    My dad is suffering from a sulphur allergy.. his body tends to get red and itch terribly, sometimes even swelling..we have been to doctors and they have prescribed cortisone.. even after the use of cortisone this rash tend to flare.. he cant eat most fruits as they are sprayed with sulphur.. is there any home or natural remedies that we can utilise.. would really appreciate it..


  5. Grete Bravo says:

    Can taking Urtica urens cure your shellfish allergy, or does it just treat the symptoms when having ingested shellfish? Thank you for your response,

  6. Good evening sir .I am suffering from allergy last ten yrs .problembs than change seasion cold water fish food perfumed. Symptoms are itching nozzle running water by nose sneezing.and breathing problems .so write a good medicine plz

  7. Shilpa singh says:

    Hello Dr Sharma,

    I have 2 kids, daughter is 6 years 9 months and son is 3 years 8 months old.

    Both of them have been suffering from allergic rhinitis, bronchitis and asthma, swollen adenoids and milk protein allergy. I have tried both homeopathic and allopathic treatments but symptoms always reappear.
    My kids’ common symptoms include:
    1. Loud Wheezing and snoring
    2. Constipation( slimy hard greenish stools)
    3. Swollen adenoids
    4. Frequent asthmatic attacks
    5. Getting tired easily
    6. Liking of sweet foods
    7. Gas and flatulence
    8. Falling sick with cold, cough and fever on slight exposure to changing weather
    9. Intolerance of sour/cold/spicy foods such as ice creams, cold drinks etc
    10. Severe nail biting so much so that there is blood in fingers and skin around nails
    11. Disobedience
    12. Aggression

    My daughter is shy when meeting anyone but is doing well at school. She likes going to school,is very obedient at school but completely opposite at home. She has been over-weight since 1 year of age. Likes eating food and her apetite is good. She sleeps well but wheezes and snores. She remains constipated and has had uti when she was 5 years of age.

    My son is social and aggressive, extremely adamant, gets tired very easily but is almost hyperactive. He does not like to sit at one place. Because of this he does not sit in his class and also does not listen to his teachers. He is extremely restless,temperamental and may be lacks concentration. His apetite is very poor, he is weak in body and prefers sweet food. His sleep has always been inadequate and disturbed( since birth). My son also has frequent throat and ear infections ( has hd ear infections 6-7 times since birth). He has recently had typhoid and uti( 2 and 1 month before, respectively). Now for the last 3 months or so he hs been constipated. Pediatrician suggestd that his uti is also because of this,though both typhoid and uti have been cured, but his wheezing, cough/ cold and suppressed apetite continue.

    My kids habit of chewing nails is also an indicator of their anxiety and restlessness. Both my kids were born of full-term normal deliveries. Both were of normal birth weight.

    My pediatrician suggested that both my kids may have cow milk protein allergy. Please advice as i am now in a state of despair . Please please please suggest treatment for both my kids…

    • Dear dr.sharma my grand daughter aged two and half years old suffering from allergic conditions from the following since birth:
      all dairy products (cow and goat)
      Fresh strawberries
      Her skin gets rashes itching severely occasionally cough,breathing difficulties she is taking all medication but no permanent remedies

  8. Patricia Gill says:

    Can homeopathic allergy eye drops be used in a 2 year old eyes. She will be 3 in Feb

  9. Rakesh Arora says:

    sir i am working at Nijjar Scan and Diagnostic Centre, Amritsar Suddenly ring type patches developed with normal skin color in the center I consulted at least 4-5 dermatologist regarding my problem but there was not relieve with their medicines Then I went to homeopathic Dr. Amitoj Singh He started the treatment with sulphur medicine and gave me six and half months during that medicine course I told him new patches developed on my body One patch developed after some time 2nd patch developed but after few days they were mingled with each other. He told me to get medicine allergic test after that test then I knew that I was allergic to sulphur after stop that medicines no new patches develop. Kindly suggest me the right treatment to remove that patches from my body especially on the face. thanking you

  10. kanwaljit kaur says:

    sir rat ko mujhe gla bhari uneasy lgta hai

  11. Aparna mishra says:

    Hello Sir,
    my face is looking so dirty due to allergy and so many pimples are comes out.
    what type of medicine i prefer??

  12. Dr I have food allergies in 2012 …I got cured …but now again it started for me when I ate Maggi once …please give me home remedies or any tablets

  13. Jagadabba prasad says:

    For last ten years milk creates skin problems to my wife. Now more serious as she is not able to eat any thing solid. Every thing is bitter in mouth. She is allergic to Bananas,Apples etc. Gallbladder removed. She is on bed more. 65 yrs age. Liver is fatty. Piles operated. Kindly tell me some cure.

  14. Hello.My 4 year old son is healthy and happy child.He is not vaccinated and we used homeopathy for mild virus colds, teething discomfort(our Homeopathic dr gave us pulsatilla and sussler bioplazma).Recently he had first virus flue with high fever so we used sodium ascorbat to boost his imunity and he got better quickly but he developed hives two days after got better.Here in Croatia we do ot have naturopatic doctor and alopetic is not sure why is that…He eats organic food 90% of the time.I am his mother and I had food alergies before but after I changed my diet to organic gluten free many years ago and detox myself it is rare and mild.Can you tell me what this could be?Thank you and best regards.

  15. sanghamitra banerjee says:

    Dr. Sharma , i have allergic rhinities with profuse runny nose, sneezing and wheeze when i come in contact with dust, clothings, pet animals, drink cold bevearages etc. Also when i am exposed to cold weather or sweat. I have been suffering from acute allergy for the last 10 years. Please siggest a remedy. Mrs Das,

  16. David MacDougall says:

    I have burning in my throats and lungs and tongue.
    I had my tonsils out in May and one was enlarged and hard. The doctor figured this was the problem but it hasn’t improved much since the operation. My wife thinks it’s an occupational condition, I am a Master Brick Layer and have noticed that my condition worsens when I’ve been working inside and am exposed to cement dust… Perhaps I have an allergy?? My wife thinks I should find a more holistic approach to this problem. I’m having a biopsy today to ensure I don’t have cancer etc.
    Any suggestions? Thank you, David

  17. Dr. Sharma,

    I usually suffered form breathing problem when there is a seasonal change (starting of winter).What should i do to get relief and what precaution should i take so that i can not face this problem again.


  18. Biswajit Das says:

    The leading natural homeopathic medicines that provide a great helping hand to deal with dust allergy include Lycopersicum, Bromium and Arsenic album. Lycopersicum is the leading homeopathic medicine that is used when breathing in of the slightest dust particle leads to running nose and sneezing. Bromium is utilised when dust inhalation leads to discharge from nose along with chest complaints. The chest complaints include difficult breathing, cough with mucus in chest. Lastly, the medicine Arsenic album is used when fluent nasal discharge with burning in eyes and nose and sneezing predominate. i have facing same problem please tell me something….

  19. Anisa asif mistry says:

    Good morning Dr. Shama
    I am suffering with allergic cold from last 7 years. Took many medicine including homeopathy as well not not cured as yet I’m above article there are some medicine name how could I find them. Plz help to cure
    because I tried everything but zero result

  20. Gajendra Jain says:

    I have an itching from last 8 months .I have taken many medicine but it not cures.wat to do.can ur homeopathy will cure itching in one month plz and

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