Autism spectrum disorder being a neurological and developmental disorder affects the ability of communication, cognition and social interaction in a child. A child with autism might also exhibit various repetitive behaviors, sensory issues, and obsessive or fixated behaviors. The child lacks age-appropriate development with intellectual disability and exhibits some major development lags. The signs and symptoms of autism can be observed around 16-18 months of age and are commonly diagnosed between 2-3 years of age. Autism is more common in men than in females.
The Homeopathic medicine Carcinosin fits into the perfect picture of these development issues of Autism. Carcinosin, the great polychrest (covering various systems of the body) remedy was initially established by William Boericke, one of the pioneer’s of Homeopathy. Later, in the 19th Century, Dr.Burnett and Dr. J.H Clarke did a lot of research on this medicine and further explored the healing properties of this remedy. Many physicians in later years then worked on its clinical significance by performing various provings.
This remedy is indicated for children with a weak intellect, and in the modern times, it is emphatically stated in Autism Spectrum Disorders. The affected child may feel chilly or hot. He/She may get profoundly affected by cold and heat.
A person who needs carcinosin has a family history of diabetes, tuberculosis, anemia, etc. It is considered to be an effective antidote for the ill effects of vaccinations. While there are no proven facts that Autism occurs due to vaccination, there are multiple theories and research work that does indicate that vaccinations can play a role in some instances of Autism. Thereby, Carcinosin also covers the bad effects of vaccination in cases of Autism.
Carcinosin for Autism: Indicating Symptoms
Behavioral symptoms
A significant feature of carcinosin is restlessness and hurriedness. There is marked hyperactivity. It is very useful for controlling hyperactivity in kids with Autism or ADHD. The child keeps running, jumping, climbing furniture, etc. Along with the hyperactivity, there are a lot of repetitive body moments like spinning, stemming, hand flapping, rocking, etc. A lot of purposeless moments are also a characteristic feature of this remedy. The child is always in constant motion. It is very difficult to make the child sit in one place. The child might also exhibit some obsessive and compulsive behaviors.
It is also helpful in cases where the child is very fearful. There can be unusual fears of the dark, being alone, heights, etc. It is well-indicated for chronic nightmares or night terrors. The child does not like to go to crowded places. He wants to dance and loves music. The child is of obstinate nature, and there is a disposition to masturbate. The child gets pleasure from watching a thunderstorm, gets bored quickly and reacts badly when reprimanded.
Speech and Communication
Carcinosin is well indicated when the child lacks the age-appropriate ability to communicate. The child shows a significant lag in his speech. The onset of speech is also delayed. The child may have a lot of verbal stemming or excessive babbling. He/She is not even able to express his need by using words. The need-based communication is mostly by gestures or non-verbal. Most of the time the child cries when in need of something. Echolalia (when the child repeats the sentences of others) is another feature which indicates the use of Carcinosin. The child repeats the sentences and does not have an expressive language. The speech even if present, is meaningless and irrelevant. There is a tendency of self-talk.
Cognitive Symptoms
The child has poor focus and difficulty with concentration and in understanding the basic concept of things. The child can be intelligent and artistic with great affection for fine arts, music, and drawing or very dull, disinterested with poor intellectual ability. Carcinosin is also helpful when the child lacks the ability to pretend play. The child can not do imaginative play and also is not good at playing with toys. He/She is obsessed with a sense of rhythm and may consequently be fond of dancing. Excessive tiredness and fatigue may also be present.
Sensory Issues
This remedy very effectively controls a lot of sensory or self-stimulatory behaviors. There can be a tendency of smelling/touching things or putting them in the mouth. The child puts everything thing in his mouth. Carcinosin is also helpful when the child smells everything, even the food before eating it. Sensitivity to sound is commonly observed in children who require this remedy. The child can not tolerate loud sounds like that of a vacuum cleaner, mixer, loud music, etc. Noise may be a contributing factor to why the child does not like crowded places. The sound sensitivity can be so marked that it becomes very difficult to give the child a haircut.
Issues with Social Interaction
Showing spontaneous sympathy for others is the main characteristic. The child does not have too much emotional bonding and dislikes meeting people. The child has a fear of going into crowded places and becomes irritable and cranky. He/She lacks the ability to interact with people socially. He ignores guests at home, teachers, or people in public when addressed. Kids requiring this remedy are vulnerable towards social anxieties, so they are not at all comfortable at public places. It becomes challenging to manage the child in public areas because of the irritability and behavior issues. Another characteristic feature of Carcinosin is the lack of awareness of danger. The child does not have the basic concept of risk or things that can be harmful. So, he might run across the streets, take high slides, touch hot items, etc.
Sleep Issues
There may be a tendency of insomnia in children that occurs early on in life. Mainly, there is insomnia without a cause, whether it is acute or chronic. The child needs to be carried or rocked to sleep. The sleep is restless, non-refreshing, and the child wakes up frequently due to nightmares. A need to lie on the chest or in a knee-elbow position even in older children is present. The child sleeps on the abdomen or sleeps with arms over the head. There is profuse and offensive sweat during sleep. The child grinds his teeth during sleep. Also, the teeth are prone to early decay.
Gut and Bowel Symptoms
During childhood, there may be a tendency to develop alimentary upsets of one kind or another. The child has very low immunity and therefore suffers from various infections. There is a craving for chocolates, sweets, cold drinks, cold milk, sugar and fatty foods. The child has an aversion to salty foods, butter, eggs and fruits and spicy food which makes his complaints worse. There is constipation; the child does not have the urge or desire for stool. The stools can be hard, dry and black. There is a painful evacuation of stools.
Other Indicative Features for Carcinosin:
- There a strong family history of chronic and severe illness, like cancer, tumors, diabetes.
- The child is weak and emaciated with a tendency of having brittle bones.
- There is a tendency of developing inflammatory disorders in early childhood.
- Very creative children are inclined towards art, drawing, and music.
- The child is either fastidious (very attentive) or develops filthy habits.
- The child feels chilly or hot or is extremely affected by both heat and cold.
- The appearance of brownish, Café-au-lait spots is one of the characteristic features that indicate the need for Carcinosin. It is helpful where there are facial tics, twitches with the blinking of eyes.
- It is also helpful in cases of ADHD, mental retardation, malformations and dwarfishness in children.
Keynotes Of Carcinosin
Gets very hyperactive: One of the key features of this remedy is that the child is very hyperactive and restless.
Excessive hair on the neck and back: The body is hairy specifically on the neck and back area.
A family history of cancer: History of cancers and tumors is commonly found in the family.
Causeless Insomnia: The child has sleeplessness and also the sleep is not sound or restful.
A history of recurrent inflammatory infections in early developmental years.
Sleeping in a knee-chest position: There is a great desire to sleep in the knee-to-chest position.
Fastidious: The child is either very cautious about the cleanliness and hygiene, or has dirty and filthy habits.
A family history of diabetes is another critical feature of this remedy.
Very obstinate: Carcinosin is extremely helpful in cases where the kids are stubborn and tend to throw temper tantrums.
Loves traveling: The child is very happy outside the house and likes to travel.
Aggravated or Ameliorated (feels better) by sea air: Sea air brings about important symptoms, where the child either gets aggravated by exposure to sea air or feels better. It seems to be an important moderating factor.
Highly Talented: Great creativity and artistic skills can be another characteristic feature of this remedy.
सर कार्सोनिन के लक्षण मिलते हैं उम्र २२वर्ष
Hi my grandson of 5 and half years old is having some problems of Autistic spectrum disorders like hyperactive aggressive very reactive sleep problems with developmental and communication problems, need your sincere advice although the child is going through therapy.
Thank you Dr Sharma for such nice description about Carcinosin..
Hi am Keen to understand this for my 6 year old child. Exhibits most of these symptoms
Dr. Sharma,
I know u get overwhelming messages everyday. But really looking something for my 4 yr old son who is exhibiting autism symptoms
Hi Dr Kaur,
my son is 7 years old, diagnosed with autism, also he has speech delay, he has not any aggression, contrariwise he is very lovely boy, can you suggest any homeopathic medicine for us?
Hi dr . Sharma
I am contacting you in regards to my son who is 26 months old and has issues with speech and some autistic traits .
Can you help us out ?
Thank you
Dear doctor
My daughter Malavika4.5 yes diagnosed with autism according to the article , she is highly talented Remembering song , people says few things and hyper often climbs , slide down upside down like height seeking , still have issues in eye contact & name call response …she has visual stimming more…we are based in Melbourne and want to try homeopathy for her heard of this medicine carcinosin …
Awaiting your reply
My 2 and half year old son is diagnosed with autism. I read this article and wants to know about this carcinosin remedy . Our homeopath is already given him thuza but the results are only minor. My child is very hyperactive ,very fond of milk salt as well as water. Not able to sleep at night, in stretch only 2-3 hour sleep, whenever in sitting position always watch and rotate his foot.loves music and extraordinary talented in playing mobile games I want to know about this carcinosin medicine should I give this to my son because after reading the article I very much sure that it should be beneficial for him . plz inform me
I live in saudi arabia
How to use carcinosin for my son who has autism
my son has 5 years and has hyperactivity
How to buy carcinosin 200 c
Hola Doctor. Soy de Uruguay. Tengo un hijo de 2 años y 9 meses que en Diciembre fue diagnosticado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista. Su desarrollo fue normal hasta los 18 meses donde empezamos a notar que dejó de decir las palabras que sabía, perdió contacto visual, no respondía a su nombre, caminaba en puntas de pie. Nosotros atribuimos el cambio drástico a las 3 vacunas de los 15 meses. Luego comenzó a tener infecciones de oído recurrentes (ya lleva 5). Tiene problemas para dormir. Traspira mucho (especialmente su cabeza y espalda-tiene mucho vello-). Es muy selectivo con la comida. Sólo quiere comer nuggets de pollo con papas. Adora lo dulce en especial la leche (aunque hace unos días no quiere tomarla). En mi familia han habido muchos casos de cáncer y algunos de diabetes. Al leer del carcinosinum me pareció que describían a mi hijo. Quiero saber si estoy en lo cierto y cuál sería la dosis recomendada. Agradezco enormemente su ayuda. Saludos desde Montevideo, Uruguay.
want to know about the treatment of signet ring cell carcinoma.GE junction.I am giving homoeopathy medicine along with carcinocin sister is suffering from this disease.Are you advised me better treatment for this.
Deer Dr. Sharma ,
How can I help my 18 month old daughter exhibiting Autistic behaviors. We are in the early stages of Genetic testing and MRI Which is scheduled early December. She has suffered from Acid Reflex all her life but was labeled with this illness after 6 months of age or so without any testing. she was prescribed Zantac and lastly Aciphex. A week ago, I took her off the meds cold turkey and put her on probiotics and she’s doing great. I found it interesting what your description of Carsinosin. Emily sweats profusely when she sleeps or when breastfeeding. Overall I feel that she runs on high temperature. Please guide me so I can best help her beat this disease. Thank you for your time and advise.
what should be used for the tandrums
my grandson had ear infections all the time. he is 3 now with tubes. he maybe auticit
Hi, what dose of carsinosin would you recommend for an autistic boy that’s 22 years old. He is 5’8″ and 210 pounds.
my saon has 18 years ,he has autism and mental retardation
Tenho um filho autista e gostaria de como posso fazer o uso da homeopatia para ajuda-lo.
My son is autistic and has PANDAS disease. We would be interested in using carcinosin and other holistic remedies. 5303471852
My daughter 49 is suffering from ‘borderline personality disorder”, and “bipolar” too. can she go far Carcinosin? The condition is severe and she doesn’t want to go for any kind of medication. Zoloft worked, but she stopped taking.
Can you suggest a better Homeo doctor in Fostercity area (Sanmateo county) in bay area of San Fransisco. Or how to contact you?
Please help me.
Boa tarde!! tenho um filho e 7 anos anos com um quadro de autismo, é uma criança muito difícil pois ele não recebe ordem esta difícil até pra aceitar o banho, tenho uma amiga que já cuida da filha dela que também é autista com uma especialista homeopata, e tenho interesse pois com todas as pessoas que conhece o tratamento homeopata indicam gostaria muito de tratar meu filho com a homeopatia, gostaria de saber sobre a medicação carcinosin que uma colega da filha, eu posso fazer o uso dessa medicação também com o meu filho??
fico no aguardo de um contato.
agradeço o espaço. tudo de bom a todos.