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Tarentula Hispanica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Tarentula Hispanica is a great remedy having profound action on nerves and mind. Extreme restlessness is one of the top most indication for its use. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of restlessness, twitching, jerking, chorea (movement disorder in which there is involuntary, unpredictable muscle movement) and hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety). Oversensitivity to music is another key indication for its use.



The ‘Tarentula Hispanica’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to nervous, hysterical persons prone to involuntary muscle movements (chorea) and destructive impulses.

Drug Action

This medicine’s sphere of action is most marked on nervous system and mind. It also acts well on female and male genitals. Its action is also seen on limbs, back, urinary organs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Nervous disorders, restlessness, ADHD twitching, chorea, restless legs, hysteria, mania, kleptomania, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pruritis vulvae, nymphomania, sexual mania, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, fibroids, uterine displacements, coccygodynia, cystitis, boils

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Mind Complaints (Restlessness, Mood Changes, Music Sensitivity, Hysteria, Mania)

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on the mind. The most important indication to use this medicine is intense restlessness that compels the sufferer to walk. They have to be in constant motion even if walking worsens the problem. The persons needing it are very impatient, anxious and impulsive. They may have impulses to cause destruction, they may strike themselves or others. It is one of the most prominent medicine to treat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with extreme restlessness and compulsion to hurry. There may occur sudden mood changes with lack of emotional control. The person may indulge in intense laughter followed by screaming. Cheerfulness may alternate with anger and irritability.

Another top listed indication guiding feature to use Tarentula is sensitivity to music. Music causes great excitement and the person dances up and down, laughs, runs and makes gestures on listening music. They may also roll on ground from side to side, strike with feet or roll the head and rub it. It is also well indicated for cases of kleptomania (a recurrent urge to steal). It is a highly valuable medicine for hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety) and mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels).

Key Indicating Features

Intense restlessness compelling the sufferer to walk

Impatience, hurriedness and impulses to cause destruction

Hypersensitivity to music

Sudden mood changes, intense laughter followed by screaming, cheerfulness alternating with anger and irritability

Mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels)

2. Limbs (Chorea, Restless Legs, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease)

Tarentula has a well-marked action on the limbs. It is of great help in cases of chorea. In cases needing it, there may occur irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg. Another characteristic symptom to use this medicine is the trembling of body and great agitation in all the limbs. It is relieved by listening to music. Tarentula is also a valuable medicine for managing cases of Sydenham’s chorea earlier known as St Vitus’ dance. There is rapid jerking movement of face, hands and face in a person who suffers from this disease.

It is highly suited for cases of twitching and jerking. It proves highly effective for restless legs. There is excessive restlessness of lower limbs with need to change position frequently. Its use is also considered in epilepsy (tendency to fits). The person falls down unconsciously with rigidity of body, teeth grinding, squinting of eyes, tongue biting followed by dizziness. It is also an important medicine for cases of Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder that starts with tremors at rest in one hand followed by other symptoms including slowness of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech). This medicine is indicated when there is marked trembling of left leg that extends to head and tongue. Pricking is felt in fingers and toes, memory is diminished and there is inability to do any fine work. It has shown great clinical improvements in numbness and weakness of legs too.

Key Indicating Features

Chorea – irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg

St Vitus’ dance with rapid jerking movements of face, hands and face

Restless legs with a need to change position frequently

Trembling of body and great agitation of all the limbs, gets better from music

Parkinson’s disease with trembling of left leg extending to head and tongue, pricking in fingers, toes, diminished memory and inability to do any fine work

3. Female Problems (Pruritis Vulvae, Nymphomania, Painful Menses, Leucorrhoea, Fibroids, Uterine Displacements)

It has a marked action on female genitals. Tarentula is a very beneficial medicine for managing itching of vulva (pruritis vulva) felt after menses. There is dryness, heat and rawness in vulva and vagina along with itching. The itching increases at night. Scratching makes the itching worse. It is well indicated for managing cases of nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women). The females needing it are unable to suppress sexual desire. Its use is highly effective in managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). During menses, there is marked sensitivity in the ovaries. Females needing it mainly have painful menses more during cold weather and less in warm weather. This medicine can be given in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge is of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge. Another complaint where it can be used is uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths in uterus). The guiding features for its use is fibroids with bearing down pains. It is further useful for early and copious menses with pain in uterus and extreme sexual excitement. Use of Tarentula can also be considered for cases of displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool.

Key Indicating Features

Itching of vulva and vagina after menses

Nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women)

Vaginal discharge of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge

Uterine fibroids with bearing down pains

Displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool

4. Male Problems (Extreme Sexual Excitement, Gonorrhoea, Pain)

This medicine can be helpful in managing some male problems as well. It is a highly recommended medicine to manage extreme sexual excitement in males. Males needing it have unrestrained sexual behavior amounting almost to madness. The genitals are highly sensitive. Next it can be used in gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). There is irritation in urethra with smarting (sharp) pain while urinating. This medicine can also be given to manage pain in testes mainly on touching and pain in groin. Lastly, it is indicated for heat sensation in penis during emission of semen. Semen may contain some blood.

Key Indicating Features

Extreme sexual excitement and unrestrained sexual behaviour in males almost to madness

Gonorrhoea with irritation in urethra with smarting while urinating

Heat sensation in penis during emission of semen

5. Back Concerns (Tail Bone Pain, Sensitive Spine)

If we talk of back complaints, Tarentula mainly acts well on the coccyx (tail bone that lies at the bottom portion of spine). It is a very suitable medicine to manage pain in coccyx (coccygodynia). Persons needing it have worsening of this pain from little movement and touch. It gets better by standing. It is a prominent medicine when pain in tailbone occur in a woman specifically after delivery of child. It is accompanied with burning smarting vaginal discharges. The pain worsens by movement, sitting, lying and from the least pressure. It feels better while standing. Second indication for using this medicine is increased sensitivity of spine to touch. A slightest touch on spine cause pain in chest and heart.

Key Indicating Features

Tailbone pain worse from little movement and touch, better by standing

Pain in tailbone in women after delivery of child

Tailbone pain in women accompanied with burning, smarting vaginal discharges

Increased sensitivity of spine to touch

6. Urinary Issues (Urinary Incontinence, Cystitis)

Tarentula acts wonderfully on urinary organs. Here it is effective in managing complaint of urinary incontinence (involuntary escape of urine). The guiding feature to use it is involuntary urination while coughing or laughing. It is beneficial for cases of cystitis (inflammation or infection or urinary bladder). The bladder feels hard, painful and swollen. There is frequent urination along with pain which worsens at night. Urine smells foul, it may contain sandy particles. Fever may attend cystitis.

Key Indicating Features

Involuntary urination while coughing or laughing

Cystitis with hard, painful and swollen bladder, frequent urination with pain

7. Skin Complaints (Boils, Abscess, And Carbuncles, Itching)

Lastly, it has magnificent action on the skin. The first indication for its use is boils (pus- filled lumps under the skin). It works well when boils are painful with burning sensation. It is also indicated for other skin complaints where pus formation occurs including carbuncles (cluster of multiple boils) and abscess (pus-filled pocket in tissues of the body or organs) that are deep. This medicine aids pus expulsion from all kind of skin lumps. Secondly, this medicine shows good results in case of itching in the skin along with sensation of insects crawling on skin.

Key Indicating Features

Boils with pain and burning

Deep abscess and carbuncles

Skin itching with sensation of insects crawling on skin


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from rest, touch, noises, damp, cold, after menses, periodically

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from music, open air, pressure, bright colours, in sun and from warm water


It works well in both low and high potency. Its potency needs to be selected as per the individual case presentation. The low potencies can be taken often, but high potency should be taken in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Pulsatilla, Magnesia Carb, Moschus, Cuprum Met, Gelsemium, and Carbo Veg

It antidotes: Lachesis

It can be compared with other medicines including Agaricus, Arsenic Album and Magnesium Phosphorica


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Cimicifuga Racemosa: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Cimicifuga Racemosa also known as Actaea Racemosa is prepared from plant ‘black cohosh’. It belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. The roots of this plant are subjected to potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines) that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. After this process, we get homeopathic remedy Cimicifuga Racemosa which is very helpful for managing certain mind-related issues (postpartum depression) and female problems as well as neck and muscle pain.

The ‘Cimicifuga Racemosa’ Constitution

This medicine is suited well to women of nervous, sensitive nature who feel chilly and have complaint of neck or back pain. It also particularly suits women going through menopausal period. Lastly, it is highly recommended for persons prone to get joint complaints.

Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is seen on the mind, female genitals mainly uterus and ovaries, neck, back and muscles. Additionally, it acts well on eyes, head, limbs, and heart.

Clinical Indications

Depression, postpartum depression, menstrual disorders, ovarian disorders, breast complaints, puerperal fever, neck pain, back pain, cramps, muscle pain, headache, eye pain, photophobia, tremors, blemishes, heart disorders.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Depression, Postpartum Depression)

The foremost action of this medicine is noted on the mind. It is well-indicated for managing depression. The main symptom felt by persons needing it is sadness with a feeling as if a black cloud has spread all over everything. Everything seems dark and confused. There is a feeling as if something bad is going to happen. They exhibit indifferent behavior and have no interest in household matters. There is fear of death. Fear of going mad is also present along with headache. Persons who need it are nervous, restless and anxious. They may talk a lot shifting from one subject to the other. They may be suspicious too. It is one of the best medicines for cases of postpartum depression (occurring in a woman after childbirth). Apart from these, depression that occurs during menses or during menopause is also well treated with Cimicifuga.

Key Indicating Features

Depression with sadness and the feeling of a black cloud spread all over everything

Postpartum depression that occurs after childbirth, depression during menses or during menopause

2. Female Problems (Irregular Periods, Suppressed Periods, Leucorrhoea, Uterine / Ovarian Pain, Blemishes)

Cimicifuga has a wide action on female genitals. It is well-indicated for cases of irregular menses. The menstrual flow is dark with foul odor and varies in amount from scanty to profuse. Menses are heavy and painful. In this condition, generally the more the amount of menstrual bleeding, the more the pain. Mild backache accompanies and excessive weakness is felt in between periods. It also works well in cases of suppressed menses (amenorrhoea). It can be given for cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) when attended with a sensation of weight in uterus. A very characteristic symptom for its use is pain across pelvis or uterine region darting from one hip to the other. It can be used for managing ovarian pain that goes upwards and down the front of the thigh. It also acts well on breasts where it is useful for managing burning sensation in breasts. Its use is highly recommended for inframammary pain (crease where the lower part of the breast joins the skin of chest), more on the left side. It is also an important medicine for managing cases of puerperal fever (uterine infection following childbirth). Lastly, young women having facial blemishes (discolored marks or spots) can be highly benefitted from it.

Key Indicating Features

Irregular menses with dark, offensive, scanty or copious menses

Painful menses, the more the flow of menstrual bleeding the more is the pain

Pain across pelvis or uterine region darting from hip to hip

Pain in ovary when pain goes upwards and down the front of the thigh

Infra mammary pain on left side

Facial blemishes in young women

3. Neck And Back (Pain, Stiffness, Sciatica)

This medicine acts wonderfully on neck and the back to help various related concerns. To begin with, it is very effective for managing pain and stiffness of neck. Pain is felt even when moving hands. The neck feels contracted. Stiffness is worse in cold air.  Neck is sensitive to pressure. Further action is noted on treating lower back pain. It helps when pain in the lower back gets worse from movement and is relieved by rest. The pain is dull, heavy type or in some cases, pulsations are felt. It is also indicated when the pain from the lower back goes down the hips and thighs. Weight can be felt in the lower back that may extend to the entire body. Its use is also made in sciatica cases with sharp, shooting pain radiating down the leg from the lower back.

Key Indicating Features

Pain, stiffness, contraction in the neck

Lower back pain worse from motion and is relieved by rest

4. Eyes (Eye Pain, Photophobia)

With its action on the eyes, it can be of great help in managing eye pain. It acts well, especially for shooting or throbbing sort of eye pain. Its use is highly considered when there is pain in eyeballs or behind them. The pain increases from the slightest motion and the person finds relief by applying pressure. There is eye-watering besides pain in the eyeball. It may help to manage complaints of photophobia (sensitivity to light).

Key Indicating Features

Shooting or throbbing type of eye pain

Pain in eyeballs or behind it worsening from little motion and better from pressure

5. Head (Headache)

Cimicifuga is valuable to manage headache. The prominent indicating symptom to use it is headache resulting from worries, especially over study. When headache occurs from reflux uterine disease, then also it can prove to be beneficial. Persons needing it feel better in open air. Apart from these, it can relieve pain in the back of head (occiput) that radiates to back of neck.

Key Indicating Features

Headache resulting from worries esp over study

Relief in headache in open air

Pain in the back of the head (occiput) radiating to back of neck

6. Limbs (Muscle Pain, Cramps, Trembling)

It acts well on limbs and helps to settle down numerous issues. The most striking feature for prescribing it is pain in belly (middle and widest part) of muscle usually large muscles. Pain can be cramping, stitching type. It can effectively relieve pain in limbs and soreness, bruised sensation in muscles of limbs. Muscle pain gets worse from motion. Person may find relief from excruciating pain in the arms which worsens in the evening. It can alleviate cramps in calf muscles.

Another complaint where it gives magnificent results is cases of stiffness, pain, soreness and contracted sensation in Achilles tendon (this is a band of fibrous tissue that connects calf muscle to heel bone) mostly in the evening. Besides these, it is utilized for cases in which a person is unable to walk due to trembling in legs. Additionally, its action to manage trembling of hands while writing is also noteworthy.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in muscle of the belly, usually large muscles

Stiffness, pain, soreness and contracted sensation in Achilles tendon

Trembling in legs, the person is unable to walk

Trembling of hands while writing

7. Heart (Heart Pain, Palpitations)

Its valuable action is next noted on the heart. Here it is indicated for pricking by needles like pain. For angina pectoris (heart pain occurring from reduced blood supply to the heart) too its use is mentioned in homeopathic literature. However, self-medication with this medicine should be strictly avoided. It can be used when pain spreads over the chest and back extending down the left arm. It is also helpful for managing palpitations that occur from the least motion.

Key Indicating Features

Needle pricking like feeling in heart

Palpitations from least motion


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, in morning, during menses, from motion,

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air, from continued motion, from rest, from wrapping up warmly


It works well in both low and high potencies. When using in low potency it can be repeated often depending on the complaint. But if using in high potencies, it should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite

It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Pulsatilla, Sepia, Natrum Mur, Ignatia and Lilium Tigrinum



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hypericum Perforatum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

It is a natural homeopathic remedy derived from the plant St John’s Wort. It belongs to family Hypericaceae. The whole fresh plant undergoes potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing medicinal properties of a crude substance) to provide us with the benefits of homeopathic medicine Hypericum Perforatum. It is the top-most medicine in homeopathy that comes in handy for injuries to nerves, head and spine.

Drug Action

The most specific action of this remedy is seen on the nerves. It can effectively deal with medical ailments involving nerves like nerve injury, inflammation or pain in the nerves. Besides nerve injury,  it also heals punctured wounds (caused by sharp, pointed objects), and lacerated wounds (wounds caused by blunt object in which the skin or tissue is torn or cut resulting in an irregular wound). Besides, it works notably well on the back, spine, neck, mind, head, skin and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Injuries, wounds, coccyx injury, spine injury, neuritis, neuralgia, surgery effects, stings, bites, sciatica, corns, bunions, headache, depression, scars, toothache

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. For Managing Injuries (Nerve Injury, Punctured Wounds, Lacerated Wounds, Injury To Spine, Tail Bone Injury, Whiplash Injury)

The most prominent injury for which Hypericum is indicated is nerve injury attended with intense, violent excruciating pain. It can be used as first-aid for treating nerve injury mainly on fingers, toes and nail matrices. It also offers help for nerve injury to dental nerves, for example after a dental operation. It is also beneficial for injury to sciatic nerve (a nerve that begins in lower back and runs down the hip, back of thigh down into the leg and feet) accompanied by sharp cutting pain. It can also effectively help to manage cases of cuts on skin inflicted from glass objects and also to relieve pain in surgical cuts. Hypericum is indicated for managing punctured wounds (injury caused by sharp, pointed objects like needles, splinters, pins, nails) with marked tenderness.

Role of Hypericum in managing lacerated wounds is also noteworthy. Lacerated wounds are the ones in which the skin or tissue is torn or cut open resulting in an irregular wound caused by a blunt object. Here it works best to heal such wounds attended with excessive weakness from blood loss and very violent, shooting and sharp pain. It is also a very important medicine to manage injury to spine attended with pain, sensitivity and injury to tail bone.

Another main indication for its use is whiplash injuries (an injury to neck caused by rapid back and forth movement of neck mainly seen in car accidents). It also helps to relieve pain after injections, spinal tap (also called lumbar puncture in which a needle is inserted between two lumbar bones in lower back to take sample of cerebrospinal fluid). Besides, it provides substantial relief post-surgery.

Key indicating features

Nerve injury accompanied by intense, violent excruciating pain

Nerve injury in fingers, toes and nail matrices

Punctured wounds caused by sharp, pointed objects with intense tenderness

Lacerated wounds with violent, shooting and sharp pains and excessive weakness from blood loss

Injury to spine attended with intense pain and sensitivity

Tail bone injury and whiplash injury

2. Nerve Complaints (Neuritis, Nerve Injury)

Hypericum is a prime medicine for managing neuritis (nerve inflammation) when there is numbness, tingling and burning pain in the affected area. It covers nerve inflammation after an injury. It is a superb medicine to deal with nerve injury attended with intense pain and sensitive nerves. It gives substantial relief in cases of injury to fingers and toes that are rich in nerves, dental nerves and sciatic nerve.

Key Indicating Features

Neuritis (nerve inflammation) with numbness, tingling and burning pain

Nerve inflammation after an injury

Nerve injury attended with intense pain and sensitive nerves

3. Neck And Back (Tailbone Injury, Lower Back Pain And Neck Pain)

This medicine acts wonderfully well on neck and the back to treat numerous concerns. It gives good results in cases of coccyx (tail bone) pain arising from a fall. In cases needing it the pain from tail bone extends up the spine and also goes down the legs. The sufferer is unable to walk or stoop post-injury. Hypericum is suitable to treat pain in lower back.  There is aching, stitching or sharp pain with lame feeling. This medicine is used to manage cases of pinched nerve in the spine with very sharp pain and problem in walking and stooping. This medicine is also well indicated for the management of cases of injury to spine. In such cases the spine is painful, tender and sensitive. Ladies who complain of back pain after delivery may find this medicine quite useful. Apart from the above, Hypericum is effective in managing neck pain where cervical vertebra (seven bones stacked one above the other in the back of the neck) become very sensitive to touch. Its use is considered when after a fall, a person feels intense pain in the spine even from a little movement of neck or arms, along with sensitive cervical vertebra and headache. Lastly it’s a magnificent medicine for managing whiplash injuries.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in tail bone

Lower backache

Injury to spine

Neck pain

Intense pain in spine after a fall

4. Mind (Complaints From Head Injury, Fright And Shock, Depression And Memory Weakness)

It works exceptionally well on the mind too. Primarily its use is considered for managing mind complaints arising from head injury (mainly dullness of mind), fright, and emotional shock. It is also given for cases of depression that sets in after injuries, wounds or after an emotional shock. Other than this, it is also known to be of great value in cases of weakening memory, brain fag (unhappy, tense, facial expressions with repetitive gestures) and forgetfulness. People needing it become forgetful while speaking, forget what they are about to say. They make mistakes in speaking and in writing as well.

Key Indicating Features

Complaints arising from head injury (mainly dullness of mind), fright, and emotional shock

Depressed feeling occurring after injuries, wounds and after an emotional shock

Memory weakness, brain fag and forgetfulness

5. Skin (Insect Bites, Stings, Animal Bites, Scars, Corns, Bunions)

This medicine acts well to manage insect bites and stings. It gives supportive help along with conventional treatment in cases of animal bites, like rat bite, dog bite, etc. Next well- known effect of this medicine is to treat painful scars in body tissues. Another indication to use it is Herpes Zoster (a viral infection caused by reactivation of varicella zoster virus characterised by appearance of skin rash with very painful blisters). Hypericum is also useful to treat pimples when these appear on the forehead, back and hips. It can effectively deal with excruciating pain on the corns (thick, hard, skin mainly on feet due to repeated friction and pressure) and bunions (bony bump forming at the base of joint of big toe). Last feature to use it is open sores or wounds covered with dry, hard, yellow, crusts.

Key Indicating Features

Insect bites and stings

Painful scars in body tissues that are rich in scars

Corns and bunions with excruciating pain

Open sores or wounds covered with dry, hard, yellow, crusts

6. Head (Head Injury, Headache)

It is of great service to manage cases of head injury and head pain that follows it. Mainly it helps when headache occurs after a fall on the back of the head (occiput). It is attended with a specific sensation of being lifted up high in the air and the anxiety of falling from this height. Next, this medicine can help when dull/pulsating pain occurs on the top of the head (vertex) as well. It is accompanied by burning sensation on the vertex. A peculiar sensation of head being touched by icy cold hands may be felt. In some cases needing it, the headache extends to the cheeks too.

Key Indicating Features

Head injury along with headache

Headache after a fall on back of head (occiput)

7. Teeth (Injured Dental Nerves, Toothache)

For teeth, this medicine is mostly prescribed for cases of injury to dental nerves or nerve pain after a dental procedure like root canal. It is also given for managing toothache. It gives good results when there is pain in the teeth that are decayed. Pain is severe and occurs usually at night. It is relieved by lying quietly on the painful side.

Key Indicating Features

Injury to dental nerves or nerve pain after a dental procedure

Pain in decayed teeth at night


Worsening factors: These include injuries, bites, stings, cuts, surgery, touch, pressure and exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from rubbing, and lying down quietly


It can be used in 30C and even higher potencies. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Chamomilla and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Aconite, Arnica, Calendula, Ledum Pal, Chamomilla and Staphisagria.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Breast Lumps And Knots

Breast lumps refer to a localized bump, a swelling in the breast, which feels different from the surrounding breast tissue. Common in females, most breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous) with smooth edges and move slightly when we push them. However, they can be cancerous, so any breast lump must immediately be shown to a doctor as early as possible to find the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a very natural and safe treatment for cases of breast lumps that are non-cancerous. Homeopathic medicines help to gradually dissolve and shrink the lumps in the breast. They also help to manage pain if present in these lumps. In many cases of benign breast lumps, surgical intervention can be prevented with the timely use of homeopathic medicines.  The medicine may vary from person to person which must be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor, only after complete evaluation of the breast lump and detection of the cause. Homeopathy is recommended only in case of benign lumps. If the lump is found to be cancerous, one should take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating cases of cancerous breast lumps.  When a female discovers a new lump in breast, she should immediately get it evaluated by a doctor under the following circumstances:

If the lumps grows larger and doesn’t go away after periods

If the lump is hard or has an irregular shape

When lump is stuck to the skin/deep tissue within the breast

The lump appears bruised without any cause

Breast skin is red or puckered like orange peel,  the nipple gets inverted

Blood discharge occurs from the nipple

Any change in breast size, shape or its contour

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Breast Lumps

1. Conium – Top-Grade Medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating breast lumps. It is indicated when the lump in the breast becomes hard attended with stitching or piercing type of pain. It is a well-indicated medicine for lump in the breast which develops after an injury. It is also a prominent medicine for breast inflammation with right breast becoming hard during breast-feeding.  It can be accompanied by burning type of pain. A characteristic indication for using conium is pain, soreness and swelling in the breast specifically before menstrual period.

2. Silicea – For Breast Lumps, Inflamed Breast, Abscess In Breast

It is the second most important medicine for managing breast lump. Firstly, it dissolves breast lumps, secondly, it manages breast inflammation when there is redness, swelling and hardness. The breast is also sensitive to touch, along with burning pain and fever. Lastly, it is indicated for managing abscess (lump having pus) in breast.

3. Calcarea Fluor – For Hard Lumps

It is very effective for dissolving lumps and knots in the breast, usually recommended when the lumps are hard.

4. Phytolacca – For Hard, Painful Nodes In Breast

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra commonly known as ‘poke root’ and ‘red ink plant’. This plant belongs to family Phytolaccaceae. This medicine is beneficial for managing cases of hard, painful nodes in breast which are sensitive to touch. The pain worsens during menstrual periods. Sometimes the pain may extend down the arm of the affected side. It is a useful medicine to manage inflammation of breast when the breast is swollen, painful, hard and sore. It is also indicated for managing mammary abscess. Last indication to use it is hardness of breast after weaning.

5. Pulsatilla – For Breast Lumps In Young Girls

It is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans having common name ‘wind flower’ and ‘pasque flower’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is an effective medicine for treating breast lumps that occur in young girls. They may be painful in cases needing Pulsatilla. It is also indicated when there is discharge of thin, milk-white fluid from the breasts before puberty.

6. Belladonna – For Breast Lumps With Inflamed, Painful Breast

This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly called ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is indicated when there are nodes in breast along with swelling, heat and inflammation. Stinging, throbbing or tearing type of pain is felt in cases where Belladonna is required. It is also indicated for painful breast lumps when pain gets worse on lying down.

7. Calcarea Iodata – For Tender Lumps In Breast

Use of this medicine is considered when there are breast lumps that are tender to touch and keep shifting in the breast. Its use is also suggested when the breast lumps cause pain on moving the arm.

8. Thuja – For Breast Cyst And Lumps

It is prepared from fresh twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It helps in dissolving breast cysts and lumps. It is also indicated for hard breast lumps especially on the left side. Females who need it have heaviness in breasts after menses which also become sore.

9. Lycopodium – For Breast Nodes With Burning Sensation

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is well indicated for cases having breast nodes attended with burning sensation and pain. For using it, the pain varies and can be aching or stitching in nature. It may be accompanied with soreness.

10. Kali Mur – For Nodes And Cysts In Breast

Kali Mur works well in cases of nodes and cysts in breast. In cases requiring it, the nodes are soft and tender. Pain may be felt in breast before and during menses.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

These lumps may develop from various reasons.

The breast lumps may form due to hormonal changes, some of them disappear on their own without any treatment.

Firstly, they may arise in case of fibroadenoma. These are solid, non-cancerous well-defined lumps in the breast with a particular shape. They feel smooth, round, rubbery or hard and move easily within breast. These are most common benign breast lumps that occur mostly in women between 15 yrs and 35 yrs age. No pain usually occur in these lumps.

Second cause is breast cysts. These refer to as benign fluid-filled sacs inside the breast. They may be single or multiple, common in women before menopause usually before 50 yrs of age, though they can occur in women of any age.  They may be painful and tender. The size of these lumps and tenderness may increase during periods. Nipple discharge can occur too in these cases (it can be yellow, clear, straw-colored, brown).

Third cause is intraductal papilloma. These are benign small wart-like growths that develop in the milk duct of breast. These may sometimes cause discomfort or pain. Nipple discharge may also appear.

Next cause is milk cysts. These are also known as galactocele or lacteal cyst. These cyst are filled with milk that can form in breast during or shortly after lactation (breastfeeding).

Lipoma is another cause behind breast lumps. These are non-cancerous lumps that are composed of  fat cells that grow slowly.

Lumps can occur in case of fibrocystic breasts (a benign condition in which the breast tissue feels lumpy in texture.  These changes can occur from hormonal changes that occur during menstrual cycle. These can occur in both the breasts and can feel tender just before menstrual period).

Another cause of breast lumps is an injury or trauma to breast.

Mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue) is also one of the reason behind it. Though it can occur in any woman but mostly develops in breastfeeding women. It occurs from any blockage that occur in the milk ducts resulting in milk stasis.

Infection in milk ducts that has entered from damaged or cracked nipples or direct injury to the breast can also result in lump formation. Its symptoms include pain, swelling, tenderness, heated sensation in the breast. There is also redness of skin over breast, bodyaches, general malaise, fever, chills, shivering and fatigue.

In some cases, breast lumps may also form in babies. This is a result of estrogen they receive from their mother during birth. These lumps tend to dissolve on their own as estrogen escapes their body.

It can also be caused by an abscess (a lump filled with pus). The last cause could be breast cancer.


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Sweaty, Stinky Feet

Sweaty smelly feet become a social embarrassment if we ignore hygiene of the feet. It may become a long standing problem if not paid attention to. However, apart from this, excessive sweating indicates a medical condition called hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating particluarly on the feet is termed plantar hyperhidrosis. It predisposes a person to fungal infection . In some cases, sweat on other body parts like palms, armpits, face, head may also occur in people who have sweaty feet.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective to manage cases of sweaty feet. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce increased sweating of feet. These also help to reduce the bad smell from the sweat. Homeopathic medicines are also beneficial when sweating occurs in other areas. Fungal infection of feet are very successfully eradicated by homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for sweaty feet are recommended based on person’s case history. Homeopathic medicines for managing complain of sweaty feet are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Sweaty Feet

 1. Silicea – Top-grade Medicine

Silicea is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of sweaty feet. Persons who need it may have excessive sweat on soles of feet or between the toes. The sweat keeps appearing constantly with offensive and fetid smell. The sweat causes soreness and itching in between toes. The feet also feel cold in most of the cases, especially in bed at night where this medicine is required. Profuse sweating on hands and in armpits can accompany foot sweat in many cases needing it. Sometimes sweating may also be present on the head that can extend to neck. Silicea is also one of the most prominent medicines for managing cases of fungal infection of the feet. It works well in both cases where skin of the feet, as well as toenails, are affected by the fungus. The toenails become rough, yellow and crippled.

2. Calcarea Carb –  For Excessive Foot Sweat In Evening

This medicine is beneficial for profuse foot sweat in evening. It makes feet sore and raw. The sweat has sour odour. Sweat may appear on legs and feet, and legs become cold. Other than this, persons requiring it may also have profuse sweating on the palms and head.

3. Merc Sol – For Cold Sweating On Feet

This medicine is indicated when there is cold sweat on feet. There may be sweating in general also, especially on the chest and the head. The sweat is sticky, oily and is very smelly. In cases needing Merc Sol, sweating gets worse at night.

4. Sulphur – For Sweaty Soles And Palms

This medicine is recommended when there is sweat on the soles and palms. Heat in the hands and the feet may attend. Sweating in armpits may be present, it smells like garlic.

5. Graphites – For Foot Sweat With Soreness Between Toes

This medicine is valuable for treating cases having excessive foot sweat with soreness and rawness in between the toes. The feet feel sore on walking. Graphites is an important medicine for fungal infection of the feet. It is indicated when there are cracks and fissures between the toes. It is also indicated when blisters form between the toes. In case of fungal infection, toenails become thick, crippled, sore and painful.

6. Lycopodium – For Profuse Sweat With Burning Of Soles

This medicine is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. It belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is helpful when there is profuse sweat on the feet with burning sensation in soles. The sweat has a fetid smell and sometimes smells like an onion. The feet are sore; fissures and cracks appear on heels. It is attended with oozing of water from sore areas. Excessive sweating may be felt on the armpits. Its use is also indicated when sweating occurs with least exertion.

7. Baryta Carb – For Stinking Foot Sweat

This medicine is useful when there is stinking sweat from feet. The feet are cold, soles and the toes are sore. Another unique indication to use this medicine is sweating on only one side of the body.

8. Thuja – For Increased Foot Sweat And Fungal Infection

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name ‘Arbor Vitae’. It is another medicine in homeopathy to manage copious foot sweat and fungal infection. In cases needing it, sweat may appear on the entire foot or only on the toes. The toes may be red and swollen sometimes. Besides, there may be discolored, brittle, distorted and crumbling toenails. This medicine is indicated for managing excessive sweating especially at night and the sweat leaves yellow stains on the clothes.

9. Sepia – For Marked Sweating On Toes

This medicine works well in cases where sweating is most marked on the toes with intolerable smell. Other than this, perspiration on the back, in armpits, hands may be present.

10. Petroleum – For Tender, Sweaty Feet

This medicine is effective for treating tender, sweaty feet.  The sweat has foul odour. In some cases that need it, eruptions may be present between toes. Sometimes ulcers occur on toes which are red, flat and moist. Increased perspiration may be present on hands. Burning sensation in palms can attend. Lastly, fetid sweat in armpits may be there.

11. Nitric Acid – For Copious Foot Sweat Causing Soreness

This medicine is recommended when there is profuse foot sweat causing soreness. It is accompanied with pricking pain in feet as if walking on pins. There may also be sweat on hands along with being cold. Fetid sweat in the armpits may also be there which gets worse at night.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

First reason for sweaty feet is exposure to external heat and warm environment. Next, it can follow some intense physical activity. It may also occur from anxiety and emotional stress in some cases. Wearing tight shoes, wearing synthetic socks that prevent evaporation also predispose a person to sweaty feet. Obese people are also more predisposed to excessive sweating. Taking medicines (eg, antidepressants) may also cause increased sweating.

In some cases, excessive sweating is hereditary.

In many cases, it is idiopathic (without any cause).

Sweaty feet may be a result of medical conditions too. These include fever, damage to the sympathetic nerves from some causes like trauma, diabetes and generalised hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating can occur in those having generalised anxiety disorder, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) and tuberculosis (a contagious disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis that usually affects lungs).

What are its complications?

There are some complications that can occur in case of sweaty feet.

The first complication that can occur is fungal infection of the feet. Fungal agents find a suitable environment to thrive in dampness causing an infection. Fungal infection of foot is known as Athlete’s Foot and also  Tinea Pedis. Its signs and symptoms may include a scaly red rash that usually occurs between toes, itching, burning between toes or  soles, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) on the feet, dryness, cracking or peeling of skin of the feet. Toenails may also get discoloured, thick, brittle, distorted and crumbly.

It can lead to cuts and breaks in the skin of feet which further predisposes a person to infection. In some cases, a serious infection Cellulitis (a bacterial infection of the deeper layers of the skin) may develop. This mainly occurs in persons who along with excessive sweating have certain pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, peripheral artery disease (a circulatory problem in which blood flow to the limbs is reduced due to narrowing of the arteries),etc.

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Best Homeopathic Medicines For Fighting Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentinal hypersensitivity or dentine hypersensitivity, refers to discomfort /shooting pain in the teeth on consuming hot or cold food or drinks. It may also happen from inhaling cold air. Pain may occur from intake of sweet, sour or acidic food/drinks, while brushing teeth or using mouthwash containing alcohol. The pain may be mild or severe; may be felt in one tooth or many teeth and may be temporary or persistent.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in managing tooth sensitivity. Persons having tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food or drinks, cold air, sweet or sour food/drinks, etc can benefit tremendously from homeopathic medicines. By taking these medicines, the intensity and frequency of the complaint gradually reduce based on individual set of symptoms. So one should consult a homeopathic doctor who can prescribe the right medicine after detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic Medicines For Tooth Sensitivity 

1. Merc Sol – For Painful Sensitive Teeth To Cold And Hot Things

It is a very useful medicine for treating painful sensitive teeth to cold and hot drinks or eatables. The pain for using it can be tearing, or jerking type. In some cases needing it, tooth decay may be the reason for stinging pain. Sometimes inflammation in gums is also marked. In such cases, ,the gums are swollen, red and painful to touch. The gums may be receding from the teeth and may bleed too. An offensive mouth odour and increased salivation may attend it.

2. Chamomilla – For Sensitivity In Case Of Hollow Teeth

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This medicine is helpful when a person experiences sensitivity due to hollow tooth. There is pain on consuming cold or hot drinks/food. The pain can be shooting or pulsating type.

3. Plantago – When Teeth Are Sensitive, Sore, Decayed

It is prepared from plant Plantago major, also known as ‘plantain’ and ‘ribwort’. It is the best medicine for managing sensitive, sore teeth when there is pain in decaying teeth. The pain where it is needed can be boring, digging or sharp in nature. Persons needing it may also complain of teeth grinding (medically called bruxism, it is a medical condition in which a person grinds, gnashes or clenches his teeth.)

4. Hypericum – For Tooth Sensitivity After Dental Surgery

This medicine is prepared from plant Hypericum Perforatum, commonly known as ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is well indicated for managing sensitivity of tooth that follows any dental surgery. Pain attends sensitivity. This medicine is effective in managing nerve pain after any dental repair procedure, like root canal treatment.

 5. Magnesia Phos – For Sensitivity Of Teeth To Cold Air

This medicine works well in cases having tooth sensitivity to cold air. Other than this, tooth sensitivity to cold food and drinks can also be treated with this medicine. There may be shooting or stabbing pain. Lastly, it is also indicated for managing pain in decayed or teeth with filling.

6. Silicea – For Sensitive Teeth With Pain While Eating

Use of this medicine is considered when pain is felt while eating in sensitive teeth. The pain may be tearing, drawing or jerking type. Sometimes pain is felt in the teeth specifically when eating hot food. In some cases that need it, there is inflammation, swelling, pain in gums along with bleeding.

7. Lachesis – For Teeth Sensitive To Hot Drinks

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of tooth sensitivity in which there is pain on consuming hot drinks. Pain may also be felt while brushing teeth. The nature of pain varies –it can be a tearing/ pulsating/ boring/ drawing type of pain. Sometimes, spongy, swollen gums along with bleeding are the accompanying symptoms.

 8. Nux Vomica – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Drinks

This medicine is used for tooth sensitivity to cold drinks. There may be tearing type of pain in teeth from cold air. There may also be painful swelling of gums. It is attended with pulsating pain, burning sensation and bleeding. Besides, Nux Vomica is indicated when there is stinging pain in decayed teeth.

9. Natrum Mur – For Tooth Sensitivity To Hot Food

It is an important medicine for treating sensitivity of teeth to hot food. The pain may be dull, boring or beating type. Gums may also be swollen, and may bleed, along with smarting pain while eating. Other than this, pulsating pain in decayed teeth also indicates the use of Natrum Mur.

10. Carbo Veg – For Tooth Sensitivity To Cold Food

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having tooth sensitivity to cold food. Tearing type of pain is felt in teeth on eating cold food. Salty food may also cause pain in some cases needing it. Gums are painfully sensitive while chewing. Gum sensitivity may be accompanied by bleeding of gums.

11. Natrum Carb – For Tooth Sensitivity To Sweets

Natrum Carb offers help to persons having tooth sensitivity to sweets, especially teeth in lower jaw. There is boring/digging pain while eating, especially fruits.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Sensitive Tooth To Sour Things

This medicine is considered in cases of sensitivity of teeth to sour things. Digging pain is mostly felt in the teeth. It is also effective in dealing with tooth pain on drinking cold water or consuming anything cold. Long-term gum irritation may be there. In some cases, the gums are receding, tender and bleed easily.

13. Bryonia – When Pain Is Felt From Brushing Teeth

This medicine is prepared from root of a plant named Bryonia Alba or ‘wild hops’. It is beneficial when there is pain while brushing teeth. Pain is mostly shooting type.  Bryonia is also helpful for pain in hollow teeth or tooth sensitivity on coming in contact with cold air. Another indication for using it is stinging pain in teeth while eating. Sore swollen gums may also be present along with the above symptoms.

What Are The Causes Behind Teeth Sensitivity?

A. Wearing down of tooth enamel: It is the main reason for teeth sensitivity. Tooth enamel is the hardest and strongest tissue in the human body which forms the outer layer of the tooth to protect it. Worn-out enamel exposes the middle layer of teeth that contains tubes leading to nerves making one prone to sensitive teeth. It can happen from many reasons as follows:

1. Brushing teeth very hard with excessive force or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can result in wearing down the protective enamel of the tooth and lead to tooth sensitivity.

2. Consuming acidic food or drink frequently. Some examples of acidic food are kiwi, lemon, pickles, soda and grapefruit.

3. Teeth grinding

4. Enamel may be worn out due to medical conditions like GERD, bulimia, and gastroparesis. GERD is a gastroesophageal reflux disease. The stomach acid flows back from the stomach into the throat due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter. Frequent rising of stomach acid over a period of time may cause wearing of the enamel of teeth. Bulimia is a disorder in which a person eats excess food in one sitting and then expels it by self-induced vomiting or purging to get rid of the consumed food and shed the extra calories to prevent weight gain. Due to frequent vomiting, the tooth enamel may get damaged. Gastroparesis refers to a disorder in which the stomach takes very long to digest food. It can cause many symptoms including fullness feeling, nausea and vomiting. Frequent vomiting in this condition may wear down the tooth enamel resulting in tooth sensitivity.

B. Second reason for tooth sensitivity can be a toothpaste containing tooth whitening chemicals or a mouthwash containing alcohol and certain chemicals.

C. Tooth decay, cracked, chipped or broken teeth, worn-out fillings may be the other causes.

D. It may also arise in case of receding gums that may be a part of ageing or due to a gum disease or gingivitis (gum inflammation).

E. Teeth may also become sensitive temporarily after a dental procedure, like tooth filling, root canal, crown placement, teeth bleaching, etc.

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More About Paresthesia And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Paresthesia refers to abnormal sensations like tingling, prickling, burning, numbness, sensation of pricking by pins or needles that occur mostly in hands, fingers, arms, legs, feet and toes. Everyone might have experienced it once in a while, like one may have felt it from sitting cross-legged for too long or from sleeping with the arm under the head. It happens because of the pressure on nerves. It is temporary and vanishes by removing the pressure on the affected nerve. However, in some cases, paresthesia is persistent and may be due to some medical health condition that requires treatment.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help in effectively managing complaints of paresthesia. Homeopathic medicines can manage well the symptoms like numbness, tingling, pin needle sensation, burning and weakness in limbs in such cases. With use of these medicines, gradual relief occurs . Homeopathic medicines are recommended in these cases when the symptoms are mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. In case the symptoms are intense, or these symptoms are attended with other symptoms like difficulty in walking, loss of bladder/bowel control, slurred speech, difficulty in breathing, confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paralysis or in case some serious cause like stroke, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken. It is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine for paresthesia under supervision of a homeopathic physician who can guide the best suitable medicine after complete case evaluation, or in case he finds some serious ailment where homeopathy cannot help, he can refer conventional treatment. In no case should self-medication be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Paresthesia

1. Kali Phos To Manage Numbness

It is a top-grade medicine to manage numbness in the hands and feet. The numbness may be marked in the finger tips, may also be present in arms and legs. This medicine is also beneficial to manage prickling sensation in hands and feet. Lastly, it offers help for cases having burning sensation in soles of feet and toes.

2. Zincum Met For Numbness And Tingling

It is a helpful medicine for cases having numbness and tingling sensation. The tingling is present in one of the limbs in cases needing it. It is useful when numbness occurs in lower limbs. Excessive weakness can accompany it.

3. Hypericum  For Numbness, Tingling And Burning Sensation

It is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum with the common name ‘St. John’s Wort’. This medicine is very effective in managing numbness, tingling, burning sensation in limbs. It is one of the best medicine for managing cases of nerve damage from trauma/injury. Along with above symptoms, a person needing it may also have sharp, excruciating pain. Besides, it is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of carpal tunnel syndrome(CTS).

4. Arsenic Album – For Managing Burning Pains And Weakness

This medicine is firstly very helpful in managing burning type of pain in the limbs. Secondly, it is useful for cases having weakness in limbs. Other than above, tingling in fingers is also indicative of using this medicine.

 5. Agaricus – For Prickling In Toes

This medicine works well in cases of prickling in the toes. A crawling sensation may also occur. Shooting pain in toes can sometimes attend it.

6. Causticum – To Manage Weakness In Limbs

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing weakness in limbs along with heaviness in the limbs. Other than this, it is helpful in managing numbness in hands. Lastly, it is a suitable medicine for managing carpal tunnel syndrome.

7. Gnaphalium – To Manage Sciatica And Numbness

It is prepared from plant Gnaphalium polycephalum commonly known as ‘old balsam’, a sweet-scented everlasting flower. Use of this medicine is recommended to manage numbness attending sciatica pain. Persons who need it have cutting or darting pain along sciatic nerve. They have worsening of pain by walking and relief by sitting.

8. Picric Acid – For Pin Needle Sensation In Limbs

It is an important medicine for managing pin needle sensation in the limbs. Persons who require it may also have numbness in limbs. Limbs may feel weak and the feet become cold.

9. Paris Quadrifolia – To Manage Numbness In Fingers And Neck Pain

This medicine is prepared from the plant Paris Quadrifolia having common name ‘One berry’ and ‘Herb Paris’. This medicine suits cases in which there is numbness (asleep sensation) in fingers and neck pain. In cases requiring it, pain in the neck may extend down till the fingers. Heaviness in nape of neck can attend it. The pain gets better by taking rest.

10. Kalmia – For Numbness, Prickling In Limbs

It is another medicine in homeopathy which helps cases having numbness and prickling in limbs. It is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Kalmia Latifolia, commonly known as ‘mountain laurel’. Sometimes weakness in limbs may be a common complaint where this medicine is required. Additionally, coldness in limbs may be there. In some cases, there is pain in the neck that radiates down the arms.

11. Carboneum Sulph – For Tingling Sensation As From Electric Current

This medicine is effective for cases of tingling sensation in the limbs as from an electric current. Other than this, it also offers help to manage numbness of the fingers with inability to hold small objects.

12. Phosphorus – For Numbness In Hands And Feet

Use of this medicine can be done in case of numbness in hands and feet. The numbness can also be present in fingers and toes. Lastly, it is indicated to manage weakness in arms.

13. Oxalic Acid – For Numbness And Tingling

This medicine is also indicated to manage numbness and tingling in limbs. It is very useful when there is numbness starting from shoulders and ending in fingertips. Sharp pain in limbs may attend sometimes.

Causes Behind Paresthesia

First cause behind it is compression, irritation or inflammation of the nerve roots (this is referred as radiculopathy). This can happen from herniated spinal disc (a condition in which the soft jelly like center of inter-vertebral disc pushes out through a tear in its tough exterior). Next, this can result if the spinal canal gets narrow also called spinal stenosis (it refers to narrowing of the spinal canal that results in pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots). It can also arise if there is some mass that causes compression of the nerve. When radiculopathy happens in cervical spine, means the portion of spine in neck, then it is known as cervical radiculopathy (its symptoms includes paresthesia of the upper limbs, neck pain and weakness in arms and hands). When it occurs in lumbar region, means portion of spine in lower back, then it is known as lumbar radiculopathy (its symptoms includes sciatica that occur from pressure over the sciatic nerve that causes pain in the lower back radiating down the hip, back of thigh, legs, feet and paresthesia in leg or foot).  Carpal tunnel syndrome is also one of the causes behind paresthesia in hands and fingers that arises from pinched medial nerve in the wrist.

Second major cause for paresthesia is nerve damage.  The main cause for nerve damage is diabetes. Next reason is injury/trauma to nerve. It may also occur due to deficiency of Vitamin B12, B1 and B6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) is yet another reason for paresthesia. Injury from repetitive movement putting stress on nerves may also lead to it. It may also occur if a person is suffering from a kidney or liver disease.

Other than these, it may occur in case of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints. It mostly starts from small joints and involves larger joints afterward.  Multiple sclerosis is an an autoimmune disorder in which there occurs damage to the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.

Brain tumour or tumour that develop near a nerve can be another cause for paresthesia. Certain infections like shingles ( a viral infection caused by varicella – zoster virus), Lyme disease  (a tick-borne, infectious disease which is caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia known as Borrelia burgdoferi) may also cause it. Paresthesia can be caused by exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, use of some medications like chemotherapy drugs, some antibiotics, high blood pressure, high levels of vitamin D, and alcoholism. Lastly, paresthesia can occur in case of a stroke which means an interruption in blood supply to part of the brain resulting in deprivation of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissue and causing death of brain cells. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical help.

What Are Its Symptoms?

It mostly affects hands, feet, arms and legs though any body part can be affected. Its symptoms are numbness, tingling, prickling, pin needle sensation, burning, sensation of affected part falling numb temporarily, weakness, and coldness.  These symptoms may be attended with pain. It may result in disruption in daily activities. The complications that can arise include disability, permanent loss of sensation and paralysis.

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Improving Blood Circulation with Homeopathy

The circulatory system of our body carries blood, oxygen and nutrients to each and every part of the body. But in case the circulation is poor, the blood doesn’t reach properly to tissues depriving them of oxygen and nutrients required for normal functioning resulting in certain symptoms. Homeopathy for blood circulation offers a supportive help in these cases to improve blood circulation and give symptomatic relief along with conventional treatment. 

Homeopathy for blood circulation

Poor circulation commonly occurs in limbs like legs and arms. 


Poor circulation is not a disorder but arises from some of the health issues. 

It can arise from various causes. First among them is atherosclerosis. It arises when plaque  builds up in the artery arteries causing its hardness and narrowing of lumen. It leads to a decrease in blood flow. It can affect arteries of the heart, brain, legs and arms. Atherosclerosis can lead to peripheral artery disease (a circulatory problem in which blood flow to the limbs is decreased due to narrowing of the arteries).

Second reason is a clot in a blood vessel that can restrict blood flow to the organs. The clot may cause partial or complete blockage of blood flow. Blood clots can form in any of the body areas. If a blood clot forms in arms or legs then then it carries a chance to travel to vital organs like heart (causing heart attack), lungs and can also lead to stroke (death of brain cells from decreased or interrupted blood supply to a part of brain depriving it from getting oxygen and nutrients)

Third cause is diabetes mellitus. High blood sugar levels for a long time can lead to damage of blood vessels and plaque can build up in these vessels. 

Next reason is varicose veins (twisted, enlarged and engorged veins). This happens from weakening or damage of the valves of veins. It results in backward blood flow and blood pooling in the vein resulting in stretching and twisting of the veins. Any vein in the body may be affected with it but usually they occur on the back of the legs. 

Another cause is being overweight (it compresses blood supply through the whole body. Persons who are obese are at more risk of poor circulation if they remain in standing or sitting position for a prolonged period. It puts them at risk of varicose veins, high blood pressure). Lastly it can arise from raynaud’s disease In this disease there occurs narrowing of the small arteries in the hands and toes. Its symptoms usually occur when the sufferer is in a cold temperature or under excessive stress. 


Its main symptoms are numbness, tingling or pin needle sensation in the hands and feet. Next is coldness in the hands and feet. 

Another symptom is pain of throbbing or stinging nature in the limbs. Other than this there may occur cramps in the limbs (hands, feet, arms, legs). Skin colour changes may also occur. Due to low amount of arterial blood to body tissues the skin may look pale or blue, or purple

Next swelling and ulcers can occur in the lower limbs. Fatigue is also seen sometimes. Other than this symptoms depend on which part of the body has sluggish blood circulation. For example poor circulation to the brain can impact its functioning resulting in dizziness, memory loss, concentration issues, headache and fatigue. If circulation to heart is poor it may result in chest pain, breathing difficulty, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat. When circulation to Kidneys is reduced it may result in edema of hand, feet. Women may have irregular menstrual cycles and fertility issues if the blood supply to the female reproductive system is reduced. Men may face complaints of erectile dysfunction (inability to get or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse) in case of poor blood flow to the genitals. 

Homeopathy for Blood Circulation 

Homeopathic medicines are effective to relieve symptoms like numbness, tingling, coldness in limbs, cramps in  limbs, fatigue, concentration issues and manage varicose veins cases. The medicines for managing these cases are selected as per the symptoms of the patient in every individual case. Poor blood circulation can have serious complications related to vital organs like heart, lungs, brain. So it is advisable to take these medicines only when no serious complication is present. One should always take any homeopathic medicine for this condition under guidance of a homeopathic doctor. In critical cases it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional  mode of treatment.

  1. Carbo Veg 

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines having marked action on venous circulation. It is indicated when a person feels weak, exhausted. With this coldness in legs down the knees may be present. Numbness in the feet is yet another attending symptom. It is also a prominent medicine for managing cases where varicose veins or varicose ulcers are present. 

  1. Agaricus 

This medicine works well to manage complaints of icy coldness in the legs. It is attended with numbness where it is required. Next it is useful for paleness and numbness of the fingers with sensitivity to cold. It also helps in cases having cramps in the hands and feet. Agaricus is also one of the leading medicines for cases of Raynaud’s disease. 

  1. Calcarea Carb

Calcarea Carb is well indicated for sluggish blood circulation when there is marked coldness in the limbs. For using it the hands and feet feel cold, clammy.  Other than this it offers help for managing cramps in calves of the legs. Lastly it is indicated when there numbness of the feet mainly at night in bed.

  1. Pulsatilla 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a top grade medicine to help cases where varicose veins are present in the legs. These may bleed too. There is pain in the legs with restlessness. The pain worsens from letting limbs hang down. Legs also feel heavy and weak. 

  1. Crataegus 

It is prepared from plant Crataegus Oxyacantha commonly known as hawthorn berries. It is a leading homeopathic medicine indicated for dissolving crustaceous and calcareous deposits in the arteries. Its use is recommended in tincture form. 

  1. Gelsemium 

It is again a natural medicine prepared from the bark of root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens having the common name yellow jasmine. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. Its first indication for use is numbness in the limbs. It is also indicated for managing weakness in these cases. Dizziness can also be managed with this medicine. Concentration difficulties are another characteristic feature for using it.  Its last indication is cramping in the muscles of the forearm. 

  1. Arsenic Album 

It is yet another beneficial medicine indicated for weak blood circulation. It offers help to manage tingling sensation in the fingers. Persons having numbness and weakness in the feet can also be helped with this medicine. They may also have cramps in the calf muscles of the legs. Arsenic Album is one of the top listed medicine for managing fatigue, weakness, exhaustion. Persons needing it feel exhausted from little exertion. A general anxiety and restlessness can attend to the above symptoms when it is required. 

  1. Silicea

Use of this medicine is most indicated for managing icy coldness of the feet. Coldness is worse mainly at night time in cases needing it. It may be accompanied with excessive sweating on the feet. The sweat smells bad. The legs may also feel cold. Persons needing it may also have numbness in the feet especially in the evening. Tingling in the soles of feet is another symptom that they may complain. Sometimes they also have cramps in the calves and soles. Lastly they may have a pricking sensation in both the arms.

  1. Rhus Tox

It is another valuable medicine indicated for cases of sluggish blood circulation. This medicine is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhus Toxicodendron. It belongs to family anacardiaceae. It offers best help in cases having tingling sensation in the feet. Next it is effective to manage cramping in the legs and feet. 

  1. Lachesis

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing varicose veins and varicose ulcers. In case of ulcers burning sensation can be there. These may also be sensitive to touch. Secondly it is used in cases of tingling in the toes. Numbness in the finger tips is yet another symptom where this medicine offers help. 

  1. Ferrum Met

This medicine is useful in cases presenting with coldness and numbness in the hands and feet. The coldness may be almost continuous. It is also significant to manage cramps in the legs, feet and toes. Apart from these varicose veins on the feet indicates its use. Another symptom for using it is easy fatigue from walking. 

  1. Sepia

This medicine offers help to manage icy cold feelings in the lower limbs. People who need it usually feel coldness in legs and feet mostly in the evening in bed. They may also have heaviness and bruised feeling in their limbs.  

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Tooth abscess also known as dental abscess is a collection of pus that can occur in different parts of a tooth due to a bacterial infection. Homeopathic remedies for tooth abscess help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief.


There are three common types as per its location on different regions of the tooth.

  1. Periapical Abscess – It refers to abscess that forms at the tip of the root of the tooth.
  2. Periodontal Abscess – it refers to an abscess that develops on the gums at the side of the root of the tooth. It carries a chance of spreading to the surrounding tissue and bone.
  3. Gingival Abscess – This type of abscess forms on the gums.

CausesHomeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

It results from bacterial infection that enters teeth or gums.  

A periapical tooth abscess develops due to bacteria entering the  dental pulp (inner part of teeth that comprises nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue). The bacteria can enter through a dental cavity /tooth decay, an injury, crack in tooth or after dental work. 

Periodontal abscess results from gum disease (an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the teeth) or from an injury. 

Additionally, the gingival abscess forms when a foreign body like a  toothpick splinter, a bristle of toothbrush lodges in the gums.

Persons who don’t maintain proper dental hygiene are at risk of  it.

Taking a high sugar diet and dryness of mouth are also risk factors for tooth abscess.


A major symptom is throbbing pain in the tooth or in gums which can radiate to the jaw, ear or neck. It has a sudden onset and  becomes severe over time. A few other symptoms are tooth pain while chewing or biting, sensitivity to hot and cold temperature, redness and swelling in face or cheek. Other symptoms include swelling and redness of gums, bad breath, bad taste in mouth, discoloured teeth or loose teeth, tender lymph nodes under jaws or in neck and fever. When abscess ruptures the pain gets relieved and there is sudden filling of fluid in mouth which has a bad taste and foul smell.


If it is not properly treated in time then it can lead to serious life threatening issues. In such cases infection can spread to jaw, head, neck, brain or other body areas. Rarely sepsis where  infection spreads throughout the body can also result which is a life threatening condition. It is advisable to take urgent medical help if there occurs high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate as these are indicative of serious infection.

Homeopathic Remedies For Tooth Abscess

Homeopathic medicines prove highly useful in cases of tooth abscess. These medicines help in draining of pus and speeding the recovery process along with symptomatic relief. These medicines boost the body’s self healing mechanism to fight with the bacterial infection and aid a natural recovery. These medicines for treating tooth abscess are of natural origin and don’t have any side effects. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity. In case the symptoms are of severe intensity or there are some symptoms (Eg; high fever, difficulty swallowing, swelling of face, severe headache, double vision, confusion, difficulty breathing or rapid heart rate) that indicate a serious issue it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment to prevent life threatening complications. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating these severe and serious cases.    

  1. Hecla Lava – Top Grade Medicine

This medicine has a marked action on teeth, jaws, jaw bone and is a leading homeopathic medicine for many dental issues including dental abscess. Its use is most prominently indicated in tooth abscess cases when abscess forms on the gums. This may be from decayed teeth. Toothache is present in cases needing it. The teeth are very sensitive to pressure. It is accompanied by swelling about the jaws.

  1. Silicea – For Abscess On Gums Or Root Of The Teeth

It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating suppurative conditions means where pus formation is there. It remains very effective for treating cases of abscess in various parts of the body including teeth. In cases needing it there is abscess on the gums or root of the teeth. The affected gum is sore, inflamed. It is also painful  with slight pressure. Next there is sensitivity to cold water and cold air. There is throbbing, stinging pain in teeth. Sometimes there are boring, tearing pains in teeth that spread over the whole cheek, and facial bones. It prevents sleeping. The teeth may be decayed with pain that gets worse at night time. Teeth may also be loose. The pus discharge is thin and has a very offensive smell. This medicine relieves the symptoms and helps in maturation of abscess and reduces excessive pus formation.

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Sharp / Throbbing Pain In Teeth

Hepar Sulph is another highly valuable medicine for cases of tooth abscess.  It is most frequently indicated when there is a sharp or throbbing toothache. The pain tends to get worse from eating. Breath may be offensive with this. The gums are swollen. The gums are painful to touch. This medicine helps to hasten the process of pus discharge and recovery and give symptomatic relief.

  1. Myristica – Prominent Medicine For Abscess

This medicine is prepared from plant Myristica Sebifera. This plant belongs to the family myristicaceae. It is a general medicine for treating abscess formed in various parts of the body. It is very effective to speed up the recovery in abscess cases and often prevent the need of surgical intervention.

  1. Merc Sol – With Pulsating Toothache 

Merc Sol is a very helpful medicine when there is pulsating type of pain in teeth. People needing it complain of worsening of this pain mostly at night time. Along with this there is marked swelling of gums. A burning sensation in gums may be felt. Sometimes they feel tearing, shooting pain in  teeth that radiates to face and ears. This may be relieved by rubbing the cheek. There is excessive salivation with above symptoms. The breath is also very offensive where it is required. The teeth may be decayed and feel loose. It is also one of the best medicines for gum disease. 

  1. Pyrogenium – When It Is Attended With Horribly Offensive Breath

This medicine is well indicated for cases where tooth abscess is accompanied by horribly offensive smell from mouth. The smell is often described by a person as putrid and cadaverous.  With this there may be fetid taste in the mouth as if it is full of pus.

  1. Lycopodium – When Teeth Are Painful To Touch And Chewing

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum also known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is considered when there is a toothache and teeth are painful to touch and chew. The pain may be relieved from taking warm drinks and also from warm applications. The tooth may be decayed. 

  1. Baryta Carb – For Abscess At Root Of Teeth

This medicine is prominent for cases of abscess that forms on the root of the teeth. In such cases jerking, throbbing toothache is present when this medicine is required. The pain may extend to the ear or temple of the head. The teeth may be decayed and hollow. When anything warm touches the teeth it may turn painful. The gums may be swollen and pale red with dark red margins. There is excessive saliva running out during sleep in addition to above signs and symptoms.

  1. Causticum – For Recurrent Abscess On Gums

This medicine is significant to treat cases where a tendency to have recurrent abscess on the gums is there. Persons who need it complain of pain in teeth that is worse from warmth and cold.  The pain may be throbbing or shooting in nature. With this they may feel teeth are loose. Dryness of the mouth is marked with above symptoms.

  1. Phosphorus – For Abscess On Gums From Decayed Teeth

This medicine is well indicated for abscess forming on the gums from decayed teeth. The gums are inflamed along with this. There is pain in the teeth. The pain is usually stinging, pricking or throbbing type for using this medicine. The pain is worse in the open air. It is also worse from chewing. In some cases there is tearing, shooting pain in the teeth that tend to  extend to face and head.

  1. Sulphur – For Abscess Of Gum With Oozing Of Pus And Blood

This medicine is indicated when there is abscess of pus and blood in the gums. The affected tooth is decayed. There is tearing pain in teeth and difficulty in opening the mouth. This is accompanied by great sensitiveness of teeth. Sometimes there is pulsating pain in teeth that get worse from heat. Other than above sometimes there is  drawing, stitching or boring pain in the teeth. The pain may radiate to the ear also.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natural Homeopathic Treatment Of Navel Pain

Navel (known as umbilicus and belly button) pain can be felt behind the navel or around the navel. Depending on the reason the pain may be felt in this area or may radiate to the other body areas like chest and legs. The pain can be constant, mild or dull. It may be intermittent or severe. Navel pain can arise from various reasons. The reasons vary  from common/minor (like gas, constipation, indigestion) to rare and serious ones (like appendicitis). Homeopathic treatment of navel pain helps to treat the underlying cause behind it and bring great relief in the pain.

CausesHomeopathic treatment of navel pain

It can arise from indigestion also called Dyspepsia. Indigestion is a term to describe fullness or discomfort in the upper abdomen. In this case discomfort, pain or burning from the upper abdomen can radiate to the region of navel. Other symptoms that can attend from indigestion include gas, bloating, nausea, vomiting, fullness after eating even a small quantity of food,  heartburn, excessive belching (burp).  

Another reason behind discomfort or pain around the belly button is constipation. It is described as an infrequent bowel movement means less than three bowel movements per week or difficulty in passing stool. Person having constipation may pass hard or lumpy stool, has to strain to pass stool, may have unsatisfactory stool or feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation.

It can result from gastroenteritis also called stomach flu. It can arise from infection by virus, bacteria or parasite that causes inflammation in the digestive tract. It is caused by ingesting contaminated food or drink or via direct contact with an infected person. In this case navel pain, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, nausea,  vomiting, low-grade fever, headache, muscle aches occur.  It is usually not serious and gets better within a few days without problems. But it can have complications of dehydration (which is serious) due to loss of water in loose stool and vomiting. The cases having dehydration need urgent medical help  mainly in children, older adults and people having weak immune systems.

It can also be caused by umbilical hernia (it refers to a bulge through the abdominal wall around the belly button. The bulge may contain tissue from the abdomen, a part of intestine or fluid). It is common in infants but can also occur in adults. It can cause discomfort, pressure or pain at hernia site. The pain worsens from coughs or anything that puts strain on the abdomen. 

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also be a reason. It is a disorder  affecting the large intestine. In this syndrome there occurs diarrhoea or constipation, or both, cramping / pain in abdomen ( including pain around belly button), gas, bloating.

Peptic ulcers can also result in navel pain. They are the painful sores that can form in the stomach or duodenum (first part of the small intestine). It can arise from various reasons but the main reasons are  infection with H.pylori (Helicobacter pylori bacteria) and prolonged use of certain medicines like Aspirin, Ibuprofen. In this case pain of burning nature is felt around the navel or between the belly button and chest. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, bloating, heartburn, belching, loss of appetite.

Acute pancreatitis is another one of the reasons that can cause pain around the umbilicus. It is the inflammation of the pancreas.  It can arise from excessive alcohol intake, gallstones, infection. The symptoms in addition to belly button pain in this case includes nausea, vomiting and fever.

Pain around the navel can also be indicative of appendicitis (inflammation of appendix). It is a medical emergency that needs immediate medical help. Because if not treated urgently appendix can rupture spreading the infection in the abdomen leading to life threatening complications. In case of appendicitis a person feels sharp pain around the umbilicus that finally moves in the right side of the lower abdomen. Other accompanying symptoms are nausea, vomiting, bloating, inability to pass gas, worsening of pain from cough, sneeze and movement, loss of appetite, constipation or diarrhoea and fever.

Another cause is  crohn’s disease. It is an autoimmune disease and is one among the two types of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), the other being ulcerative colitis. In crohn’s disease any part of GIT (gastrointestinal tract) from mouth to anus can be affected. It can cause severe pain in and around the umbilicus. Other attending symptoms include diarrhoea that may or may not be bloody, gas, abdominal bloating, weight loss. 

Apart from above it can also occur in case of gallstones, kidney stones, bacterial stomach infection, UTI (urinary tract infections), small bowel obstruction, post surgery, during pregnancy and from belly button piercing.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Navel Pain

Homeopathic medicines are very effective for treating cases of navel pain. These medicines help to treat the underlying cause behind it and bring great relief in the pain. These medicines are of natural origin so can be taken safely without any side effects. They are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity of pain when no serious reason is associated. As the reasons behind the navel pain are variable ranging from mild to serious so it is advised to take any medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. In cases of acute, severe pain and in cases attended with blood in stool, tenderness in abdomen, jaundice, severe nausea and vomiting that doesn’t seem to go away, and fever immediate help should be taken from conventional mode of treatment as they may be occurring from serious medical conditions that can be life threatening. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such emergency cases.

  1. Colocynth – Top Grade Medicine

It is a natural medicine prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus Colocynthis also known as Cucumis colocynthis and Bitter Apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very effective medicine to manage pain around the navel. Persons needing it complain of cramping, colicky, twisting , cutting or griping pain around the navel. They feel relief in the pain by bending double. They also feel better by passing gas. Sometimes the pain radiates from the navel to the upper parts of the abdomen. They feel restlessness with pain. They also may have cutting pain in the navel area after passing stool or after eating. The umbilical region may be tender to touch.  

  1. Nux Vomica – For Navel Pain From Eating

It is a very suitable medicine for navel pain arising from eating anything. The pain is gripping and pinching type to use this medicine. It is also helpful for pain about the umbilicus felt before the stool. Next it is a well indicated medicine for cutting pain at navel in cases of dysentery. In these cases there is frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool and stool is scanty, slimy, watery, bloody. Jelly like mucus also passes in the stool. 

  1. China – For Pain In Umbilical Region From Flatulence (Gas)

It is a very useful medicine for managing pain in the umbilical region arising from gas. Abdominal bloating is marked with this. The pain is worse after eating where this medicine is required. The pain gets better by bending double. In some cases the pain gets worse at night time. Its use is also considered when the pain worsens before stool.

  1. Dioscorea – When Pain From Umbilical Region Radiates To Whole Abdomen

This medicine is prepared from fresh roots of plant Dioscorea villosa commonly known as Wild yam. This plant belongs to the family  dioscoreaceae. This medicine is specifically indicated for cases in which pain arises from the umbilical region and radiates to the whole abdomen. The pain may also radiate to the limbs. The pain is cutting twisting type. The pain may be attended with vomiting. Next it is prominent medicine for griping pain in the umbilical and epigastric and region. It also works well in case of constant, dull, aching pains in the entire navel region.

  1. Cina – For Twisting Pain Around The Navel

This medicine is prepared from plant Artemisia maritima that belongs to family compositae. It is a significant medicine for managing twisting pain around the navel. The pain may feel better by pressure. Other than this it is also indicated for managing boring pain above the umbilicus. Abdominal bloating may also be there.

  1. Aloe – For Umbilical Pain Worsening From Pressure

This medicine is prepared from gum of a plant Aloe Socotrina. This plant belongs to family liliaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when navel pain is worse from pressure. The pain can be twisting, griping, shooting or a boring type. With this frequent urging to stool is present but only passage of gas occurs. Sitting in a bent up position and passing gas help to relieve the pain.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain In Umbilical Region With Diarrhoea

It is a beneficial medicine for managing burning pain in the umbilical region with diarrhoea. For using this medicine the burning pain is worse before and during stool. Stool is loose and has mucus in it. It is attended with anxiety and excessive thirst for cold water.

  1. Plumbum Met – When Pain In Umbilical Region Is Relieved By Pressure

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which umbilical pain is better by pressure. In cases requiring it the navel pain is tearing, excruciating type. This pain may shoot to other parts of the abdomen too. Next it is indicated for constrictive pain in the umbilical region. Other than this it is indicated when there is watery diarrhoea with vomiting and pain in umbilicus.

  1. Iris Versicolor – For Umbilical Pain Attended With Nausea, Vomiting And Loose Stool

This medicine is prepared from plants commonly known as Blue flag. It belongs to the family iridaceae. This medicine is well indicated when along with umbilical pain, nausea, vomiting and loose stool are present. For using this medicine the pain from the umbilical region may radiate upwards to the epigastric region of abdomen. With this rumbling in the bowels and belching of wind is there.

  1. Calcarea Phos – When Pain Around Navel Gets Better By Passing Wind

Calcarea Phos is a very useful medicine when pain around the navel gets better by passing wind. The gas has an offensive odour. Along with this burning in the region of the belly button may be there that may rise up to chest and throat.

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