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7 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombosis

Thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots in a blood vessel (either in an artery or a vein). When it forms in arteries, it is called arterial thrombosis. In this case, blood supply to tissues is obstructed leading to damage of the tissue supplied by that particular artery. When a blood clot forms in a vein, it is called venous thrombosis. In such cases the part of the body affected gets congested. There is always a chance that the blood clot or a part of it can break and be carried to some other distant part of the body through circulation. Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombosis play a supportive role in managing its symptoms, they can be used along with conventional medicine for symptomatic management and gradual recovery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombosis


There are three factors that play a role in it. They include hyper-coagulability/thrombophilia, injury to endothelial cells of the blood vessel and disturbed blood flow. Hypercoagulability refers to increased susceptibility or tendency of blood to thrombose. It can be from genetics or some autoimmune disorders. An injury to endothelial cells of the blood vessel can result from surgery, trauma and an infection. 

There are certain risk factors that increase one’s chances to get thrombosis. The factors that increase risk of venous thrombosis are family history of blood clot in vein, injury to vein, immobility after a surgery, being overweight, smoking and having inherited blood clotting disorders. Additionally, females during pregnancy and those taking birth control pills/hormone therapy and elderly people are at risk of venous thrombosis. If we talk about risk factors for arterial thrombosis, it includes family history of arterial thrombosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), increased levels of cholesterol, obesity, smoking, diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, elderly age and immobility as after surgery.


It depends on which blood vessel (artery or vein) of the body is involved and to what organs it supplies blood or collects blood. Some of the main types of arterial and venous thrombosis are as follows with its signs and symptoms:

Venous Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is the condition in which a blood clot forms in a deep vein mostly in the vein of lower legs, thighs or pelvis but it can also form in the upper limb.  Swelling, pain, redness and heat in the affected part occurs. It carries a risk of a very serious complication called pulmonary embolism. In this case, the blood clots from the vein mostly from leg breaks and travels through blood circulation to the lungs. It blocks one of the pulmonary arteries of the lungs which is life threatening if not treated urgently. In this case shortness of breath, chest pain and cough appears. Some other symptoms like dizziness, rapid heartbeat, profuse sweating, discoloured skin and swelling, pain in the leg can appear with this.

Portal Vein Thrombosis causes a rise of pressure in the portal vein system and decreases blood supply to the liver. The Portal Vein  carries blood  from the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and intestines to the liver. People with cirrhosis of liver (severe scarring in liver), other liver disease, inflamed pancreas, and those predisposed to develop clot can get this condition. The signs and symptoms that can occur in this condition are pain in upper abdomen, swollen abdomen, fever. In severe cases the spleen can get enlarged, varices in the esophagus or stomach can develop that can lead to bleeding (vomiting of blood, bloody stool), liver pain and jaundice can occur.

Budd-Chiari Syndrome is a rare condition that mostly arises from a blood clot that narrows or blocks the hepatic vein or the hepatic part of inferior vena cava. The signs and symptoms depend upon the severity of the condition. It includes pain in abdomen, weight loss, ascites (build up of fluid in abdomen), gastrointestinal bleeding, enlarged liver, jaundice and enlarged spleen. 

Renal Vein Thrombosis is a condition in which a blood clot develops in the renal vein  (that drains deoxygenated blood from the kidneys). It is not a common condition but can cause serious kidney damage. Reduced urine output, pain in lower back, blood in urine, fever, nausea and vomiting are its signs and symptoms. There are also chances of breakage of this clot that can travel to lungs.

Jugular Vein Thrombosis is very uncommon. It can occur from infection, cancer and intravenous drug use. Jugular veins are the veins that bring blood from head and neck to heart. Clots in this vein are often associated with prior venous catheterization at that site. 

Paget-Schroetter Disease, which is also called upper extremity DVT in which blood clot forms in the deep vein of arms. It is a rare type of DVT that mostly occurs in young persons (men are more affected than women with this) after intense exercise or sports activity involving upper arms. Symptoms include pain, swelling, warmth in the arm along with redness or blueness.

Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis is an uncommon type of stroke arising from blood clot blocking the dural venous sinus. In this symptoms that occur include pain in head, vision problem and weakness of face or one side limbs, difficulty speaking and seizure (fit).

Retinal Vein Occlusion occurs when blood flow to a central vein of retina is blocked from a blood clot that can cause critical vision issues. In this glaucoma or detachment of retina can occur.

Arterial Thrombosis

It is also called atherothrombosis. It mostly appears after rupture of fatty deposits in the wall of the blood vessel. 

Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack) is when coronary arteries of the heart get blocked with plaque (made of sticky fat, calcium on which  blood cells called platelets  stick and clump together to form blood clots).  This can hinder blood flow to the heart and needs to be treated promptly to prevent permanent heart damage. Its symptoms are pain in the chest felt as tightness, a squeezing sensation or pressure that mostly radiates  to the left arm, shortness of breath, sweating, anxiety, fast heartbeat, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

Thrombotic Stroke is classified as a medical emergency. In this a blood clot cuts off blood flow to one of the arteries of brain arteries leading to death of brain cells of that part where blood supply is blocked. The signs and symptoms of stroke are weakness/numbness or paralysis of arms, face, legs, problem in speaking, blurred vision, difficulty in walking. 

Limb Ischemia occurs when a blood clot in limbs causes hindrance in its blood supply. Its symptoms are pain, abnormal sensation in limb. The limb is pale and is cold to touch. In late stages numbness is there. Gangrene (death of tissue cells) from loss of blood supply can occur.

Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombosis

Homeopathic Medicines for Thrombosis play a supportive role in managing its symptoms. One can use these medicines along with conventional medicine for symptomatic management and gradual recovery. It is to be noted that thrombosis can have serious consequences so any homeopathic treatment should be started after detailed case analysis. In acute conditions where the symptoms are indicating risk of serious issues like heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism etc, it is strictly advisable to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathic medicine should be preferred for mild to moderate cases with small sized clots and when there are none of the symptoms that indicate any medical emergency. They can also be used to manage residual symptoms that remained after acute condition but that too along with conventional medicines. Following are some of the well indicated homeopathic medicines for blood clots but any of these medicines should be taken after consulting homeopathic physician and self medication should be avoided.

1. Bothrops Lanceolatus

It is beneficial medicine for cases where there is a tendency to form blood clots. It is especially helpful for blood clots that form in veins of the legs. It also works well for cases of gangrene of toes and legs. It also covers effects of clot like paralysis of one side of the body (hemiplegia) and aphasia (mostly occurs after a stroke in which a person loses ability to communicate).

2.  Apis Mellifica

This medicine is most indicated for thrombosis of blood vessels of legs. The symptoms present in cases needing it are reddish bluish spots on legs along with heat, pain and inability to move legs. Next symptom is pain in the left leg which can be burning, stitching or shooting type. It may also feel heavy and numb. 

3. Arnica

It is a natural medicine prepared from the root of the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as leopard’s bane. This plant belongs to family compositae. This medicine is known for its action to speed up absorption of blood clots especially in the eye after retinal haemorrhage. Next it is indicated for paralysis from stroke.

4. Secale Cor

Firstly it is well indicated medicine for thrombosis of abdominal vessels. Secondly it is indicated for managing gangrene cases. It is useful for gangrene of the feet. Here intense burning and tearing pain are present in the foot. Its next indication is gangrene of limb with sudden coldness of limbs. The limbs look dark grey in such cases and there may be loss of sensation with this. 

5. Phosphorus

This medicine is well indicated for blood clot formation in retinal vessels. It is a great medicine to manage complaints of glaucoma.

6. Vipera

It is a prominent medicine for thrombosis of limbs. In cases needing it blueness of lower limbs is present. There is pain and sensation as if lower limbs would burst when they are hanging down. Due to this there is a desire to keep limbs elevated.

7. Carduus Marianus

This medicine is prepared from seeds of a plant known as St. Mary’s Thistle. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is considered in cases where the liver and portal venous system is affected. The indications for its use are jaundice, ascites (fluid build up in abdomen), enlarged liver, bleeding related to liver issues.

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10 Homeopathic Medicines for Syphilis

homeopathic medicines for syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a bacterium named Treponema pallidum (T.pallidum). Syphilis transfers from one person to another by sexual activity (oral, anal, or vaginal). Rarely syphilis can spread through direct contact with the lesion (like during kissing).
Syphilis can also be passed from mother to child during pregnancy or delivery. Homeopathic medicines for syphilis help treat the problem in the initial stages.

People who are sexually active are at an increased risk of contracting syphilis. Having unprotected sex, having multiple sexual partners, having HIV are some risk factors for contracting syphilis infection. Initially, sores develop on genitals, rectum or mouth. After the initial infection, the bacteria can lie dormant in the body for decades and can become active again and damage other organs.

Homeopathic Medicines for Syphilis

There is a great scope to treat syphilis in homeopathy in the initial stages. The cases of primary and secondary syphilis are well managed with homeopathic medicines. Chancre (painless genital ulcer commonly form during the primary stage of syphilis) of primary syphilis and symptoms of secondary syphilis including rash, sore throat, fatigue, hair loss, a headache can be managed with homeopathic medicines. However, in tertiary syphilis homeopathy plays a supportive role and can be taken along with conventional treatment for symptom management. The top medicines for treating syphilis in initial stages are Merc Sol, Cinnabaris, Kali Iodatum, Merc Cor, and Syphilinum.

1. Merc Sol – For Chancres in Primary Syphilis

Merc Sol is well indicated to treat chancre in cases of primary syphilis. The chancre may be single or several small ones on the penis in cases needing Merc Sol. The chancres are soft or indurated and superficial or deep where Merc Sol is indicated. The chancres have a cheesy bottom and inverted red edges. The chancre may be painful and bleed easily. There may be secretion of pus or yellow fetid discharge from chancres. Inguinal region is painful while walking. There is a pain in inguinal glands on pressure.

2. Cinnabaris – For Red Swollen Chancre in Primary Syphilis

Cinnabaris is useful for cases of syphilis with red, swollen chancre. The edges of chancre are hard and elevated. The chancre is located in the middle of the penis in cases where Cinnabaris is indicated. The chancre is most times indurated.

3. Kali Iodatum – For Primary Syphilis with Deep Chancres

Kali Iodatum is helpful for syphilis with deep chancres. The edges of chancre are hard. Thin discharge may be present which has an offensive odour. There may be tendency to slow suppuration in the chancre. The glans penis is swollen.

4. Merc Cor – For Soft Chancre in Primary Syphilis

Merc Cor is indicated for chancre which is soft. The margins are dark red. The chancre is painful and it may bleed easily. There may be a discharge of thin pus from the chancre. The surrounding part of chancre is swollen with heat.

5. Syphilinum – For Secondary Syphilis with Prominent rash on Skin

Syphilinum is a beneficial medicine for secondary syphilis with a prominent rash on skin. The rash is prominent on the forehead, chin, front of chest and arms. An excess of fine scales peel off from it. In some cases copper – colored maculae from top of head to foot appears. Biting sensation in different body areas is felt at night. Along with this, there is fever with excessive headache. Body is extremely cold with desire to be covered. Appetite is lost. Sore throat, inflamed pharynx, and ulcers in the throat may also appear.

6. Nitric Acid – For Secondary Syphilis

Nitric Acid is indicated for secondary syphilis with skin eruptions having prickling and itching on the skin. It is also indicated for warts like growths on genitals and anus. The growths are large, jagged, and often pedunculated. There is prominent sticking and pricking in them. They are painful to touch. Sometimes they bleed on washing.

7. Phosphorus – For Managing Hair Fall in Syphilis

Phosphorus is a valuable medicine for managing complaint of hair fall in cases of syphilis. Hair fall is excessive in cases needing Phosphorus. The hair loss is general or in patches. The scalp is dry. A heated sensation is also felt in the scalp. Violent itching on the scalp may be present.

8. Thuja – For Warts like Growth in Genitals and Anus

Thuja is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja occidentalis commonly named as arborvitae. The natural order of this plant is Coniferae. Thuja is an excellent medicine to treat wart-like growths in syphilis cases. In males, these growths appear on glans, penis, perineum. They may be painful especially on walking. In females the growths may be there on labia, vulva, vagina. They may have stinging pains and may also bleed. Warts may be also present on the anus in males and females needing Thuja. These warts are painful and sensitive to touch.

9. Phytolacca – For Sore Throat in Syphilis

Phytolacca is prepared from a plant named Phytolacca decandra commonly known as poke – root or red ink plant. The natural order of this plant is Phytolaccaceae. Phytolacca is indicated for syphilis to manage sore throat. The throat is darkened, is painful, raw, rough and dry. Tonsils are bluish or dark purple in color. Swallowing is painful. Pain from the throat may extend to ears. There is marked burning and smarting felt in the throat. Scraping sensation and excoriation are felt in the throat. Ulcers tend to appear on tonsils. A disposition to hawk and clear throat is present. A sensation of a lump/plug in the throat is felt. Mucus discharge from posterior nares may be present. Apart from this pain in the limbs may be present. The pain is worse from motion.

10. Arsenic Album – For Fatigue in case of Syphilis

Arsenic Album is a wonderful medicine for managing fatigue in case of syphilis. The fatigue is very intense where Arsenic Album is indicated. There is tiredness, fatigue, lack of strength from very little exertion. Restlessness is marked with fatigue. Anxiety may also be prominently present especially at night time with above features.

Signs and Symptoms

Syphilis has three stages and the symptoms vary as per the ongoing stage.

Primary Syphilis

This is the first stage. In this a small, firm, and round sore / ulcer which is painless, and is known as chancre forms at the site from where bacteria entered the body (penis, vagina, anus or in some cases mouth). The chancre is usually one but in some cases, multiple chancres develop. The chancre tends to appear around three weeks after exposure. Chancres usually heal and disappear within 3 to 6 weeks.

Secondary Syphilis

This stage arises after healing of chancre. In this rash appears on the trunk that cover full body. The rash may be red or reddish brown in color. Along with this wart-like growths may appear in mouth, anal and genital region. Other symptoms that may appear are sore throat, muscle aches, fever, headaches, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, and patchy hair loss. These symptoms may disappear in a few weeks or they can return many times for a long period. If not treated in this stage then it passes into a latent stage where no symptoms appear. In some cases, the person never experiences symptoms again while in some disease may progress to the next tertiary stage.

Tertiary syphilis

Tertiary syphilis can occur many years (even 10 to 30 years ) after the onset of the infection, after the latent asymptomatic stage. In the late stages, the disease damage may occur to the brain, heart, blood vessels, nerves, eyes, liver, bones, and joints.

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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes (meninges) that covers the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis can be caused by viral infections, bacterial infections or fungal infections. Among these, viral infections are the most common cause of meningitis. Bacterial infections and fungal infections rarely cause meningitis. Bacterial meningitis is the most severe and can be life-threatening and fatal if not treated well at the time. Viral meningitis is the most common but is usually mild and clears up on its own. Homeopathic remedies for meningitis play a supportive role in the treatment and should only be used along with conventional treatment.   Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Meningitis

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in treating meningitis. These medicines should be used symptomatically to treat meningitis along with the conventional course treatment. Meningitis can be life-threatening in some cases (depending upon the cause) so a consultation with a specialist is needed prior to taking medicines and self-prescription should be avoided.

1. Belladonna – For Meningitis in the First Stage

Belladonna is a natural medicine for meningitis prepared from a plant called Deadly Nightshade. The natural order of this plant is Solanaceae. Belladonna is well indicated for meningitis in the first stage. There is fever with dry heat. The head feels hot and painful with a throbbing sensation and flushed face. The person may want to bore his head in the pillow. Nausea and drowsiness are also marked.

2. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine for Meningitis

Apis Mellifica is an effective medicine for meningitis where there is delirium and drowsiness. There is marked irritability, crying and screaming loudly. Confusion, dullness, and dizziness are also present. Intense pain in the back of the head is most prominent. Another important accompanying symptom is an inability to hold the head erect and boring of the head into the pillow. Diplopia and obscuration of vision also appear. Its use is also highly considered in cases of meningitis with hydrocephalus (build-up of fluid in the brain cavities).

3. Stramonium – For Meningitis with a Headache and Nausea

Stramonium is a natural remedy prepared from the plant Thorn-Apple of the natural order Solanaceae. Stramonium is indicated when the pain in head and nausea predominates in cases of meningitis. The eyes are markedly red and inflamed along with delirium. In some cases, there may be irritability with screaming, striking with hand feet, and a tendency to strike/bite others. Convulsive movement of the limbs is also well noted with the above features.

4. Veratrum Viride – For Meningitis with High Fever

Veratrum Viride is prepared from the root of a plant named American Hellebore or Indian Poke. It belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. Veratrum Viride is helpful for meningitis with a high fever. This is attended with the rolling of the head and frequent vomiting. Pain in the nape of the neck is also present and the person cannot hold the head.

5. Gelsemium – For Meningitis in Initial Stage with Marked Chills

Gelsemium is helpful for meningitis in the initial stage, along with severe chills. There is marked stiffness of the neck. A headache with a sensation of band tightly binding head is present. This is attended with great exhaustion and intense drowsiness. There is a desire to lie still. Vertigo along with a staggering gait may also appear. Jerking of the body, especially of the left side, may occur while falling asleep.

6. Helleborus – For Meningitis with Rigid Neck and Marked Drowsiness

Helleborus is a natural medicine medicine prepared from the root of a plant called Helleborus Niger or Christmas Rose, of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Helleborus is prominently indicated for meningitis when the neck feels rigid and there is marked drowsiness. Fever with chills and vomiting may also occur. The head feels heavy and heated. Frequent convulsions in meningitis are also a guiding feature to use Helleborus. This medicine is also indicated for meningitis with hydrocephalus.

7. Rhus Tox – For Meningitis with Pain and Stiffness of Muscles and Joints

Rhus Tox offers a natural treatment for meningitis with pain and stiffness of muscles and joints. This is accompanied with marked anxiety and restlessness. High fever and pain in the head are present, that extends to the ears. Rash on the body is also present.

8. Zincum Met – For Meningitis with Sharp Pain in Head

Zincum Met is a natural medicine indicated for meningitis with a sharp pain in the head. The person may want to roll and bore the head in the pillow. Automatic motion of hands may appear with the motion of the head. Pulse is small and frequent. It is also useful for hearing loss after meningitis.

9. Kali Bromatum – For Meningitis with Severe Headache

Kali Bromatum is a natural remedy for meningitis where there is a severe headache. The headache is constant along with a feeling of heat in the head. The pulse is rapid and wiry. Dullness and weakness along with a loss of appetite is also present.

10. Arnica – For Traumatic Meningitis following Head Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana of the natural order is Compositae. Arnica is beneficial for traumatic meningitis that follows a head injury like a concussion, falling, blows, or bruising. There may also be a headache and vomiting.

Causes of Meningitis

Bacterial Meningitis
The bacterial agents that can cause meningitis include Neisseria meningitis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza Type B and Listeria monocytogenes (listeria).

Viral Meningitis
The viral agents that can lead to meningitis are herpes simplex virus, enterovirus, influenza, HIV and mumps virus.

Fungal Meningitis
Fungal meningitis is rare and usually happens to people who have a weakened immune system. Fungal meningitis can be caused by Histoplasma, Cryptococcus, and Blastomyces.

Other Causes
Meningitis can also be caused by an allergy to certain medications, head injury, brain surgery and certain forms of cancer.

Risk Factors
Some risk factors for meningitis include compromised immunity, children under age of 5 years, community living like boarding schools, day care centers, military bases, and pregnancy (pregnant women are at increased risk of listeriosis).

The viruses and bacteria that can cause meningitis can be spread through sneezing, coughing, kissing, sharing utensils and toothbrushes.

Symptoms of Meningitis

The symptoms of meningitis include sudden high fever, feeling sick, severe headache, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, seizures, confusion, difficult concentration, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, pain in the muscles/joints, lack of energy, lethargy, delirium, hallucinations, skin rash and loss of appetite. Certain signs of meningitis in babies include a refusal of feeds, constant crying (usually a high-pitched crying), irritability, fussiness, aversion to being carried, a stiffness of body and a bulging soft spot on top of the head.
Severe complications can arise in some cases of meningitis, like brain damage, seizures, hearing loss, learning disabilities, coordination problems, balance problems, vision loss, hydrocephalus, arthritis, kidney problems, and death.

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Sepia – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage

Sepia is pre-eminently a female remedy used in treating a number of female disorders. Use of Sepia is rare in males as compared to females where its use is much frequent. Sepia is prepared from the inky juice of Cuttlefish.

Clinical Indications for the use of Homeopathic Medicine Sepia

Bedwetting, Chloasma, Depression, Hairfall, Dyspareunia, Decreased libido in females, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual headache, Menstrual irregularities, Menopausal syndrome, Premenstrual syndrome, Pregnancy disorders, Prolapse of the uterus, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Urinary incontinence.

Clinical Details:

1.Bedwetting: Involuntary urination at night  (especially during first sleep), urine offensive.

2.Chloasma: Brownish discoloration across the nose and cheeks.

3.Depression: At menopause; after delivery; indifferent behavior to loved ones with sadness, anger, irritability and weeping spells.

4.Hairfall: Hairfall with chronic headache; hair fall at menopause.

 5.Dyspareunia: Painful coition in females due to  dryness in the vagina.

6.Decreased libido in females: Low sex drive or aversion to coition in females.

7.Leucorrhoea: Yellow-green vaginal discharge with itching.

8.Menstrual headache: Headache during menses; headache with scanty periods.

9.Menstrual irregularities: Early/late, copious/scanty or suppressed menses.

10.Menopausal syndrome: Various symptoms at menopause including hot flushes, bearing down pains, anxiety, irritability, indifferent behavior, depression, mood swings.

11.Premenstrual syndrome: Symptoms experienced by women few days prior to the onset of menses including anger, irritability, mood swings, headache, abdominal discomfort.

12.Pregnancy disorders: Complaints during pregnancy including constipation, piles and morning sickness.

13.Prolapse of the uterus: Lack of tonicity of uterine muscles; constant bearing down sensations in the uterus.

 14.Ringworm: Ringworm in isolated spots; ringworm in the bend of knees or elbows.

15.Urinary incontinence: Involuntary urination on sneezing, coughing or laughing.

Guiding Features for use of Sepia:

1.Sepia is prominently indicated medicine for various complaints women during pregnancy and menopause.

2.Persons needing Sepia are extremely sensitive to cold air.

3.Marked indifference towards family and loved ones is highlighting symptom.

4.Sepia forms the best choice of medicine in prolapse of uterus where constant bearing down feeling in uterus is present. Crossing limbs while sitting becomes important to lessen the dragging sensation.

5.Heat flushes with marked sweating calls for use of Sepia mainly at menopausal age.

6.Sepia has the ability to regularise a variety of menstrual disorders ranging scanty, copious, late, early, suppressed periods.

7.Headche during periods can also be corrected with use of Sepia. The headache is worse from motion, mental labour and better from pressure.

8.Sepia helps in relieving constipation during pregnancy. Stool is hard and passed with much difficulty in small balls.

  1. In skin complaints including ringworm, chloasma and psoriasis Sepia brings very wonderful results.

Dose: Sepia can be used from low potencies (30) to high potencies (1M) depending upon the case presentation.

Caution: Sepia should be used only after a physicians consultation. Self medication should be avoided.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Housemaid’s knee

What is Housemaid’s knee?

Housemaid’s knee is the inflammation of the prepatellar bursa of the knee. It is also known as prepatellar bursitis. Bursa is a small fluid -filled sac located around a joint. A bursa acts as a cushion between the bone and tendons, muscles and reduces the friction when tendons/muscles move over a bone during joint movement. Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. There are up to eleven bursae that surround the knee joint. The bursa present between the skin and the knee cap (patella) is prepatellar bursa. Inflammation of this prepatellar bursa is known as housemaid’s knee.

What are the causes for housemaid’s knee?

The common causes for housemaid’s knee include a fall/blow/injury of the knee, infection inside prepatellar bursa and excessive kneeling (as in carpet fitters, plumbers, gardeners). Gout and rheumatoid arthritis also raise risk for developing housemaid’s knee.

What are the symptoms of housemaid’s knee?

The symptoms of housemaid’s knee include pain and swelling in the affected side knee. Tenderness is also present over the knee. Redness and warmth over the knee are also noted.

Homeopathic treatment for housemaid’s knee

Homeopathic treatment for housemaid’s knee is quite effective . Homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee are very safe, gentle and effective way. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the inflammation of the bursa in cases of housemaid’s knee. They also assist in relieving the symptoms of housemaid’s knee like pain, swelling, and tenderness of the knee. The prominent homeopathic medicines to treat housemaid’s knee includes Apis Mellifica, Bryonia Alba, Sticta Pulmonaria, Silicea, Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them is selected based on the symptoms individual to each of them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Housemaid’s knee

1.Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with highly swollen knee.

Apis Mellifica is highly suitable homeopathic medicine to treat housemaid’s knee. It is useful when the knee is highly swollen, sore and sensitive to touch. In some cases, the knee pain is of stinging nature. Heat in the knee is also present. Slight touch and pressure worsen the pain. Warmth also aggravates the pain over the knee.

2. Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee when slight motion worsens the knee pain.

Bryonia Alba is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating housemaid’s knee. This medicine is helpful when the knee pain is worse from slight motion. Walking worsen the knee pain. The knee is red, swollen and hot. Absolute rest relieves. Warmth also decreases the pain of the knee. In some cases, knee pain is very violent and sharp in nature.

3. Sticta Pulmonaria – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with severe, shooting pain in the knees

Sticta Pulmonaria is next well indicated homeopathic medicine to treat housemaid’s knee. The primary guiding symptom for using this medicine is severe shooting pain in the affected knee. The knee is also highly inflammed with marked redness and heat. The person requiring Sticta have an increase of knee pain from sitting and betterment from moving.

4.Silicea – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with tearing knee pains.

Silicea is useful homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee when knee pains are tearing in nature. Pressure and exercise worsen the pain over the knee. The knee is also highly swollen and shining. In some cases, the knee feels as if it is tightly bound. Silicea also works well in cases where lancinating pains appear in housemaid’s knee.

5.Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana – Other excellent homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee.

Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana are other significant homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee treatment. The main feature to use Kali Iodatum is the pain over knee worse from lying on the affected side. Other symptoms indicating Kali Iodatum use are swelling over knee aggravated at night time; gnawing/boring knee pain worse at night time with the need to change the position frequently. Next medicine Arnica Montana is top most one for housemaid’s knee arising following injury, fall or blow over the knee. The affected knee is sore, painful, with great fear to touch the knee out of pain.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Nausea is a sensation of uneasiness where a person feels the urge to vomit. Nausea can appear with or without vomiting. Nausea is not a disease, but a symptom arising due to a number of causes. Primary causes of nausea are stomach infection, indigestion, food poisoning, morning sickness during pregnancy, migraine headaches and travel sickness which includes car sickness, air sickness, and sea sickness. Homeopathic treatment for nausea is safe, natural and effective. Natural medicines for nausea are capable of dealing with nausea arising from various causes. Nausea from a stomach infection, indigestion, or a migraine can be managed easily with remedies. Motion sickness is also very well treated with these remedies. This mode of treatment is a safe option for dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Recommended remedies for nausea are Ipecac, Arsenic Album, Cocculus Indicus, and Sepia. Ipecac is a good medicine for nausea that is constant. Arsenic Album is used for nausea caused by a stomach infection or by food poisoning. Cocculus Indicus works well for treating car or air sickness. Sepia is a recommended treatment for nausea during pregnancy.

1. For Nausea from Stomach Infection or Food Poisoning

Top medicines for effective treatment for nausea arising from a stomach infection are Arsenic Album and Nux Vomica. These two remedies give excellent results when nausea appears due to food poisoning. Arsenic Album is used for nausea accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Nux Vomica is useful when nausea with ineffectual urging for ?? and abdomen pain are present.

2. For Nausea During Pregnancy or Morning Sickness

Natural remedies effectively manage nausea during pregnancy. Good remedies for morning sickness are Sepia and Symphoricarpus Racemosa. Sepia works well for nausea in the morning, or when nausea is aggravated by the smell or sight of food. Vomiting after eating may also occur. Symphoricarpus Racemosa is a good choice when nausea occurs along with an aversion to all kinds of food. In such cases, persistent vomiting is also a feature.

3. For Nausea During a Migraine

Remedies for nausea accompanied by a migraine are Iris Versicolor and Cocculus Indicus. Iris Versicolor is an excellent choice for treating a headache accompanied by nausea. A headache is felt in the frontal and temporal region. In such cases, acidity may also appear. Cocculus Indicus is useful when vertigo and headache accompany nausea. The headache is mainly centered in the back of the head. Loss of appetite, vomiting, and fainting may also occur.

4. For Nausea during Travelling or Motion Sickness

Motion sickness includes sickness caused while traveling by car, air or sea. Remedies for car sickness and air sickness are Petroleum and Cocculus Indicus. Tabacum is used to deal with sea sickness.

5. For Nausea with Indigestion

Remedies for nausea with indigestion are Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla. Nux Vomica works well when nausea and retching appear with indigestion. Pressure is felt in the abdomen after eating. The person considers vomiting to feel better. In such cases, constipation may also occur. Pulsatilla works well for nausea and indigestion arising from eating heavy food like fats, pastries, and cake. In such situations, there is an aversion to all food. Dyspepsia and flatulence may also appear along with nausea.

6. For Nausea Caused by the Smell or Sight of Food

Colchicum is a good homeopathic medicine for nausea caused by the smell or sight of food. Nausea in such cases is very intense and may lead the person to faint. Vomiting may also appear. Colchicum is very helpful when the very thought of food nauseates a person.

7. For Nausea Caused by Eating or Drinking

Effective medicine for nausea caused by eating or drinking are Cocculus Indicus and Pulsatilla. Along with nausea, vomiting may also occur. In such cases, acidity along with distress may be felt in the abdomen.

8. For Constant Nausea

Ipecac is a beneficial medicine for nausea that is constant. Nausea in such cases is very intense. Ipecac is the most frequently used remedy for persistent nausea, irrespective of the cause. Vomiting may also appear along with persistent nausea. The vomit is bilious or consisting of white, glairy, mucus. The patient does not feel any relief after vomiting. Profuse salivation may also accompany nausea.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Golfer’s Elbow

What is Golfer’s Elbow?

Golfer’s elbow is a painful condition of the inner side of the elbow; specifically at the medial epicondyle where the tendons of forearm muscle connect. Golfer’s elbow is also known as medial epicondylitis. A very similar condition to golfer’s elbow is tennis elbow. Tennis elbow affects the outer or the lateral side of the elbow and is known as lateral epicondylitis. Homeopathic treatment for golfer’s elbow is an excellent remedy for it. Conditions arising from repetitive stress and strains of muscles and tendons are treated wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. These medicines are natural hence very safe to use. Homeopathic treatment for golfer’s elbow is administered according to the individual symptom presentation. Symptoms like pain and stiffness in the elbow, and weakness, numbness or tingling in the fingers and arms recover effectively with the use of homeopathic medicines.

What is the Cause for Golfer’s Elbow?

The primary reason for golfer’s elbow is the overuse of muscles and tendons of the forearm and elbow. Golfer’s elbow is a common condition among golf players. Despite the name golfer’s elbow, the complaint is not limited to golf players. It may affect anyone who has over strained the muscles of the forearm. Activities like bowling, gardening, using hand tools like hammers, or running a chain saw are few examples that predispose a person towards golfer’s elbow.

What are the Symptoms of Golfer’s Elbow?

The symptoms of golfer’s elbow include pain and tenderness on the inner side of the elbow. Pain from the elbow may radiate to the forearm and may get worse on grasping objects or twisting the forearm. Flexing the wrist, shaking hands, and lifting weights are some other factors that aggravate the pain. The elbow may also get stiff. Other symptoms of golfer’s elbow include numbness, tingling or weakness in the arms or fingers.

Homeopathic Medicines for Golfer’s Elbow

There are many medicines in the homeopathic treatment for golfer’s elbow. Some of them are Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveolens, Ledum Palustre, Argentum Met, and Plumbum Met. Rhus Tox and Ruta Graveolens are two major homeopathic medicines for treating conditions arising from over straining the muscles and tendons. These two medicines are used when there is intense pain and stiffness in the elbow. Ledum Palustre is a useful homeopathic medicine for golfer’s elbow when the pain from the elbow extends to the forearm. Argentum Met works well when there is a pain in the elbow accompanied by weakness in the arm, and the arms feel powerless. Plumbum Met is an ideal homeopathic medicine for golfer’s elbow when the symptoms include elbow pain, tingling, numbness in the arm or hand, and a weak, lame feeling in the arm.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Leaky gut syndrome making life miserable ? Homeopathic treatment is the best bet

What is leaky gut syndrome and the reason behind it?

Leaky gut syndrome is also known by the name of increased intestinal permeability. It refers to a condition that arises as a result of improper functioning of intestinal tight junctions in the small intestines. The tight junctions in the small intestine refer to a protein that lies in between the epithelial cell linings that makes the gut barrier. Over the cells, a layer of mucus is also present. The tight junction allows only selective transport of the nutrients, and electrolytes into the bloodstream. Alongside it acts as a barrier that protects the toxins, microbes and undigested food particles present in the lumen of intestine from entering the bloodstream. Any damage to these tight junctions leads the substances (toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles) to get into the bloodstream. As a result, an inflammatory and an autoimmune activity start in the body precipitated by reaction with these substances, leading to many disease conditions. These activities are started by our own immune system to counter these substances considering them to be as a foreign, harmful matter . Few conditions and medicines may lead to leaky gut is widely accepted, but the evidence to support that leaky gut may lead to a significant disease condition,s is very little.

 What are the causes and factors linked with triggering leaky gut syndrome?

There is no specific single cause that can damage the gut barrier thus causing leaky gut syndrome. However, there are many conditions that damage the gut barrier. These majorly include intake of NSAIDS/ antibiotics in excess, high alcohol consumption, radiotherapy, type 1 diabetes, infections (viral, fungal and bacterial), celiac disease, stress and food sensitivities. Other factors include a compromised immunity, chemotherapy medicines and overgrowth of yeast/bacteria in the bowel.


What are the symptoms and conditions that may arise from leaky gut syndrome?

 Leaky gut syndrome majorly leads to gastric symptoms like bloated abdomen, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation, increased flatulence, skin allergies, joint pains, fatigue, migraine and food allergies.  Various medical conditions may arise in a person with leaky gut syndrome.  Few of them are rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eczema, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. But whether leaky gut syndrome causes these conditions or just triggers them is still a question to be answered. Apart from above it is also seen that many individuals having autism have leaky gut syndrome. However it is yet very unclear whether leaky gut syndrome is the cause or an effect of autism.


Homeopathic treatment of leaky gut syndrome

There is a great scope of treating leaky gut syndrome in homeopathy. The homeopathic system treats leaky gut syndrome effectively and in a very safe manner with natural medicines without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines aim to prevent further damage arising from the leaky gut as well as managing the symptoms of the leaky gut in an excellent manner. The homeopathic medicine selection for treating leaky gut syndrome entirely depends on the body system affected and the characteristic symptoms arising therefrom in every individual case. Few homeopathic medicines are given below that though not specific for leaky gut but indicated majorly as per the symptoms and the various conditions arising from leaky gut syndrome. The use of these medicines should be done under the consultation of homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided.


Homeopathic medicines for leaky gut treatment


1. Colocynthis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with marked abdominal cramps

Colocynthis is a highly effective homeopathic medicine for treating abdominal cramps in cases of leaky gut syndrome. Slight eating or drinking worsens the abdominal cramps. The cramps may be better by bending double in most cases. In some cases, hard pressure on the abdomen makes the person better. Apart from cramping, this medicine is also helpful for cutting, gripping pains felt in the abdomen.


2. China Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with abdominal bloating

China Officinalis is a wonderful homeopathic medicine for abdominal bloating arising in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated when the whole abdomen is bloated. Rumbling or moving of flatus is felt in the abdomen. Motion tends to relieve the bloating. Along with bloatedness, there is heaviness and sensation of weight in the stomach after eating. There may be belching of bitter taste or tasting like that of food. China is also indicated when taking tea and fruits worsens the complaints.


3. Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with increase of gas/flatulence

Lycopodium Clavatum is a significant homeopathic medicine for cases of leaky gut syndrome when increase of gas/flatulence is a marked symptom.  Lycopodium is indicated when – flatulence is felt soon after eating even a small quantity of food. Also when there is a sensation of something moving up and down in the abdomen. The flatus remains incarcerated i.e. obstructed most of the times. A bursting pain in the abdomen may arise from flatus. There are few food substances that tend to worsen the condition including cabbage, beans, and farinaceous substances.


 4. Nux Vomica – Homeopathic medicine for constipation is leaky gut syndrome     

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic medicine for treating constipation in person with leaky gut syndrome. The characteristic symptom for using Nux Vomica is constipation with constant ineffectual urging for stool. The person needing Nux Vomica tends to go for stool several times a day. Every time he passes a small quantity of stool. The urge to stool renews soon after the last evacuation. An uneasy sensation in the rectum always persists. The stool is always insufficient, unsatisfactory and always a never get done feeling is present. Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen may assist above features.


5. Aloe Socotrina – Homeopathic medicine for leaky gut syndrome with prominent diarrhea

Aloe Socotrina is a major homeopathic medicine for treating diarrhea arising from leaky gut syndrome. For Aloes to be used these symptoms may be present – sudden urging for stool after eating. The stool is thin and undigested in most cases. Before and during stool ,cramping in the abdomen may be present. Sometimes much flatus passes with stool. The flatus tends to be offensive in nature. In few cases, mucus may pass in the stool. Aloe Socotrina is one of the high ranking homeopathic medicines for irritable bowel syndrome with predominating diarrhea.


6. Graphites Naturalis – Homeopathic medicine for skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome  

Graphites Naturalis is a helpful homeopathic medicine for treating skin complaints in leaky gut syndrome. It is indicated in both dry eruptions as well as discharging eruptions. The discharge from the eruptions is mostly sticky and glutinous in nature. It is also indicated for dry rash with itching. Rawness in the bends like the elbow, knee, groins, and behind ears are also indicating points to use Graphites Naturalis. The skin complaints like eczema and psoriasis are treated well with homeopathic medicine Graphites Naturalis.


7. Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine for joint pains in leaky gut syndrome  

Rhus Tox is an important homeopathic medicine for treating joint pains in leaky gut syndrome. Rhus Tox can be very beneficial in cases of rheumatoid arthritis is linked to leaky gut.for  Rhus tox to be used any of the body joints may be involved.  Person needing Rhus Tox may get relief in joint pains by warm applications. Massage over the affected joint may also relieve. Another characteristic feature for Rhus tox to be used is that there is marked worsening of the joint pains at rest and relief from motion.


8. Belladonna – Homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in leaky gut syndrome 

Belladonna is a valuable homeopathic medicine for headache/migraine in persons with leaky gut syndrome. For Belladonna to be used the nature of a headache is most times throbbing in nature. Congestion and fullness sensation in the head is also noted. There are few worsening factors for headache when Belladonna is indicated. These include noise, cold air exposure, light and jarring. Pressure and tight binding are the major relieving factors for the headache.


9. Kali Phos – Homeopathic medicine for dealing with tiredness in leaky gut syndrome  

Kali Phos offers much help in treating tiredness in leaky gut syndrome, hence of great use in chronic fatigue syndrome. The individuals needing Kali Phos feel very weak, tired and prostrated. The prostration may be present on both mental and physical levels. There may be weight loss and emaciation along with the fatigue. Kali Phos is also very helpful in individuals where extreme stress and worries have been linked with leaky gut syndrome.  Such persons may also have some sort of depression with sadness and gloominess.


10. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for Asthmatic condition from leaky gut syndrome  

Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album is a well indicated for persons having asthma in leaky gut syndrome. For Arsenic Album to be used the symptoms are episodes of difficulty in breathing, constriction in air passages, wheezing, and suffocation. A cough attends above features. There may be expectoration – mainly frothy, yellow or green. Mostly expectoration is scanty and thick. The asthmatic attacks mainly are worse after midnight. The asthmatic spells are attended with fear of lying down due to suffocation. With respiratory troubles, a marked anxiety and restlessness may be present in a high degree.


11. Merc Sol – Homeopathic medicine for watery stool with blood and mucus in leaky gut syndrome  

Merc Sol is a top-level homeopathic medicine for a watery stool with blood and mucus. Hence its use can be made in ulcerative colitis in persons having leaky gut syndrome. For Merc sol to be used these symptoms may be present-  Along with watery stool containing blood and mucus, there is marked tenesmus of the rectum. The person always has a constant urge for stool. The stool is scanty, watery, and may have undigested food particles. While passing stool a cutting colicky pain may be felt in the abdomen.  The stool may also smell sour. Weakness may appear after passing stool. A never get done sensation for stool always remain.  A marked chilliness may assist the above-said symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Tinea Versicolor

What are Tinea Versicolor and the Causes for it?

Tinea versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin. Tinea versicolor is also known as pityriasis versicolor. The cause behind tinea versicolor is a fungus named malassezia globosa. This fungus is usually found on the healthy skin and causes no harm in normal conditions. It only begins to give trouble when there is an overgrowth of this fungus on the skin. Various factors that trigger excessive growth of this fungus include greasy skin, warm and humid environment, and excessive sweating. A weak immune system also gives the fungus a chance to grow easily. Tinea versicolor is not contagious and does not spread by skin contact with the person suffering from it. Tinea versicolor more commonly affects teens and young adults. Homeopathy offers a very safe and efficient treatment for tinea versicolor. Homeopathic treatment for tinea versicolor is given only after a complete case taking in every individual.

What are the Symptoms of Tinea Versicolor?

The symptoms of tinea versicolor include discolored patches on the skin that may be darker or lighter compared to the surrounding skin. The color of the spots may vary from pale, white, pink, red and brown. In persons with light skin tone, the spots are of a dark color, while in individuals with dark skin tone, light colored skin spots are prominent. These spots can appear on any body part, but the most common sites are chest, neck, back, and arms. Fine scales and mild itching may be present in these spots. The spots get worse in hot, humid weather and get better in cold weather. Tinea versicolor is likely to reoccur every year during the summer. Exposure to the sun and overheating tend to increase the darkening of spots.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tinea Versicolor

Top grade homeopathic medicines for tinea versicolor include Arsenic Album, Sepia, Thuja Occidentalis, Sulphur, Tellurium, and Kali Sulph. These homeopathic medicines boost the infection fighting mechanism of the body and help to fight fungal infection. The advantage of using homeopathic treatment for tinea versicolor is that they are natural and don’t cause any side effects. Also, homeopathic medicines don’t suppress the skin complaint and help in a safe and natural recovery.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Rhinorrhea

What is CSF and CSF Rhinorrhea?

CSF or cerebrospinal fluid is a body fluid found in the brain and spine. The choroid plexus of the ventricles of the brain produces about 500 ml of CSF daily. CSF is a clear, colorless fluid present in the ventricles of the brain as well as in the area surrounding the brain and spinal cord. CSF acts as a cushion or shock absorber and protects the brain from injuries, blows, and jolts. Other functions of CSF include the supply of nutrition to the nervous system tissue and waste product removal of cerebral metabolism. The drainage of this CSF fluid from the nose is known as CSF rhinorrhea or cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Homeopathic treatment for rhinorrhea is derived from plants and is safe and natural.

What is the Cause for CSF Rhinorrhea?

Trauma to the head is the most common reason for CSF rhinorrhea. CSF rhinorrhea is usually a sign of a basal skull fracture. In some cases, CSF rhinorrhea may be a symptom of pituitary adenoma. CSF rhinorrhea may also arise after surgical trauma during endoscopic sinus surgery or other neurosurgical procedures. Apart from the above reasons, CSF rhinorrhea may also occur due to increased intracranial pressure.

What are the Symptoms of CSF Rhinorrhea and the Investigations for its Diagnosis?

The primary symptom of CSF rhinorrhea is leakage of clear, watery discharge from the nose. The discharge of fluid is usually from one side of the nose. Bending the head forward makes the symptom worse. Draining of salty fluid from the nose into the throat is also a symptom in some individuals with CSF rhinorrhea. CSF rhinorrhea carries the risk of causing meningitis. The diagnostic test for CSF rhinorrhea includes Beta-2 transferrin test. Beta-2 transferrin is a protein exclusively present in CSF and thus helps in confirming CSF rhinorrhea. Other tests done in suspected cases of CSF rhinorrhea include CT scan of the head and CT cisternography.

Homeopathic Treatment for CSF Rhinorrhea

In homeopathy, a majorly indicated homeopathic medicine for rhinorrhea is Hedera Helix. Hedera Helix is derived from a species of common ivy from the plant family Araliaceae. The young shoots and flowering twigs of this plant are used to prepare Hedera Helix using the process of potentisation. Hedera Helix is a very effective homeopathic treatment for rhinorrhea.

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