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Chronic Fatigue And Extreme Tiredness Making Life Miserable ? Try Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies for chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as the name suggests, refers to a constant feeling of being tired physically and mentally, almost like the body’s vital systems are switched off or are working on a low battery. It is also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis. Recently a new term has been introduced to denote this syndrome called Systemic Exertional Intolerance Disease (SEID). It is diagnosed when extreme tiredness remains for minimum six months that decreases the ability to do daily routine activities and is unexplained by any underlying medical condition.

Homeopathic Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be very effectively treated with natural homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic medicines are completely safe with zero side effects. Sourced from natural substances, homeopathic medicines help the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients by increasing their body stamina and threshold for bearing fatigue against a particular level of exertion. They also help in energising the body’s immune system to come out of extreme physical or mental weakness and rejuvenate the person.

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The top-grade medicines for chronic fatigue syndrome are Kali Phos, Arsenic album, Coffea Cruda, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Belladonna and Ignatia.

1. Kali Phos – Top Remedy For CFS

Kali Phos leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of CFS. It is recommended to manage multiple concerns in persons having this syndrome. To begin with, it is marvellous medicine to manage fatigue. It can be given when the slightest mental or physical exertion leads to extreme fatigue. Even a little work seems like a Herculean task. The person feels worn out with no energy. Secondly, it can be given to manage sleep issues. It is very effective to manage sleeplessness and restless sleep. Its use is indicated to manage weak memory, forgetfulness and impaired memory. Forgetfulness is noticeable while speaking or writing. Lastly, it can be used for persons having stressed mind, worries, sadness and depression.

When and How to use Kali Phos?

Kali Phos can be used as a first remedy in CFS cases. It works wonders in managing tiredness, sleep issues, memory problems and depressive feeling in such cases. Though Kali Phos can be used in different potencies, the best results have been witnessed from 6X potency that comes in tablet form. Kali Phos can be taken in 6X potency three to four times a day (4 tablets at a time makes one dose of this medicine).

2. Arsenic Album – For Extreme Tiredness

Arsenic Album is highly effective to manage extreme tiredness. It suits well those who feel like lying down all the time due to excessive fatigue. Even a little exertion leads to utmost lack of strength and weakness. Standing, walking and the slightest exertion result in fatigue. Such persons also hesitate to do anything due to fear of exertion because they anticipate exhaustion. Apart from disabling fatigue, Arsenic Album can also treat extreme anxiety.

When and How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album is an ideal choice of remedy to manage extreme tiredness in cases of CFS. It is available in different potenices from low (like 30C) to high (like 200C, 1M). To begin with it is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day. Kindly consult a homeopathic doctor to use its high potencies.

 3. Coffea Cruda – For Sleep Issues

Coffea Cruda is a natural medicine to manage sleep issues. It is a top remedy to manage sleeplessness. Persons needing it have a lot of thoughts and ideas in mind at night that keeps them awake. It is also indicated for restless sleep and frequent waking from sleep. Its use is also considered when a person is able to sleep only specifically till 3:00 am after which no sleep occurs.

When and How to use Coffea Cruda?

Coffea Cruda can be used in cases of sleeplessness and restless sleep. This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Coffea Cruda 30C can be taken two times a day.

 4. Gelsemium – For Weakness, Dizziness, Muscle Pain, Poor Concentration

Gelsemium is a herbal medicine to manage weakness and dizziness. Persons needing Gelsemium have marked weakness and sleepiness throughout the day. Heaviness in head may also be felt. Dizziness and vertigo are also marked. It gets worse when walking and from head movement. Muscle weakness and pain also show their impact on them. The muscle pain is mostly present in neck, shoulders, back, hips and legs. The patient may also experience trembling and weakness in limbs. Besides above indications, it is also useful when there is dullness of mind and poor concentration.

When and How to use Gelsemium?

A person having weakness, dizziness, muscle pain, concentration issues can find this medicine highly effective. Its use is usually recommended in 30C power that can be taken twice a day.

5. Rhus Tox – For Muscle Or Joint Pain

Rhus Tox is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for muscle or joint pain. It is usually the first choice of medicine of most physicians to manage muscle or joint pain. The key indication for its use is worsening of pains from rest and relief from movement. There may also occur relief in joint pain from massage or warm applications.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be given in any case of muscle or joint pain in any of the body part. It brings tremendous relief in pains in a very effective manner. This medicine can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. In the beginning,  Rhus Tox 30C can be used two to three times a day. When pain decreases, its dosage can be reduced. Do not self – medicate with its high potencies like 200C, 1M.

6. Belladonna – To Manage Headaches

To treat headaches though there are numerous medicines in homeopathy, but Belladonna tops the list. It is most commonly used medicine for managing headache. In most cases that need it, headache is throbbing, pulsating type. It may get worse from noise and light exposure. Binding head tightly brings relief.

When and How to use Belladonna?

Use of Belladonna should be preferred to manage headache in cases of CFS. It is usually used in 30C potency. This medicine can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day as per severity of complaint.

7. Ignatia For Managing Depression

Ignatia is a prominent natural homeopathic remedy to deal with depression  in chronic fatigue syndrome. It is best suited when there is sadness along with weeping spells. Consolation worsens the complaint. Next there may be desire to remain alone, aversion to meet people and go out of home. At times there are mood swings.

When and How to use Ignatia?

This medicine can be given to persons who feel sad and depressed from CFS. This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice a day.

What Are The Symptoms Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

1. Fatigue: It is the main symptom. Fatigue is marked to such an extent that it hinders daily routine work and taking resting does not bring much relief. It gets worse from activity, either physical or mental.

2. Sleep issues: Sleeplessness or unrefreshing sleep

3. Pain:There may occur pain in muscles or joints. Headache can also occur

4. Poor memory, difficulty thinking, indecisiveness, confusion or poor and difficult concentrating power

5. Sore throat

6. Depressed feelings and mood swings

7. Dizziness

8. Enlarged lymph nodes in neck or axillae (armpits)

What Are Causes/ Contributory Factors Behind It?

The exact cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is not clear, but various factors have been linked to it though not confirmed. These contributory factors include:

1. Viral infection (Epstein Barr virus, herpes simplex virus1 and 2, human herpes virus 6, measles virus, cytomegalovirus)

2. Dysfunction of immune system

3. Genetic predisposition toward Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

4. Hormonal imbalance: Imbalance of hormones produced by pituitary glands, adrenal glands is suspected

5. Stress: It may include either mental stress or physical stress as caused by some injury or surgery


Some complications of CFS include depression, anxiety, social isolation and restricted lifestyle.


Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. September Payne says:

    Sudden exhaustion needing to lie down all day and miss work. Too tired to breathe, eyes feel tight in sockets , body very heavy, disappearing into the bed. thinking slowly, no energy to read or write, occasionally a big breathe and sighing. Warm. Dry mouth. Feeling could sleep for days. Feeling stress high in chest and parathyroid area.

  2. Dear Dr Sharma,

    I have been suffering from mental and physical fatigue on a regular basis last couple of years. I suffer from some family issues and think about them quite often unknowingly. I start having headache right in the morning, heaviness and irritation in the eyes, notice blurred vision quite often and find it difficult to concentrate on my work. Have also been witnessing memory loss consistently and find it difficult to recall names and other information.

    I suffer from chronic Sinusitis and Bronchitis and have developed a tendency to form kidney stones of late. request for your help in diagnosing the exact problem and finding a solution for the same.

    Kind regards

  3. He is over weight and works but don’t do much but tired a lot he wonders what is wrong with him and don’t like to see Drs

  4. I am having CFS Symptoms for a long time and mind depression , I have developed and sleep disorders.

    Kindly suggest me which homeopathy medicine should I take and I have heard of Alfa Alfa tonic

    I have black Labrador 11 years age has got operated for hematoma but the swolling keeps coming back again n again. I have started giving him Buforana. Arnica. Hamemelis 200 3 times a day..

    Kindly suggest me a better medicine n ointment..can hypericum be giving along with these medicines


  5. Mr M Suday says:

    Dear doctor ,
    Thank you very much for being kind to let people get in touch with you about their problems.
    I am straggling with my fatigue for last 20 years and I have seen many doctors and I have done all the tests and all scans you can imagine but all come as normal and all the doctors think I am depressed and they give me medication from all sorts with no noticeable result. Let’s give the benefit of the doubt say I am suffering from depression, surly after being medication for year or more I should of felt little better right ? But I don’t ! My symptoms as follows
    Very tired all the time, forgetfulness, sleep disorder, very poor concentration, no asexual desire, ED, even thinking about doing something makes me tired , can’t plan, can’t think and create things in my head , hard to learn new things , and many other things like this which makes life very difficult to enjoy and because of all this , I lose friends family , people don’t seem to understand . I really hope that you can help !
    Many thanks,
    Mr. Suday

  6. Hello dr sb
    from a long time i feel faintness and sleepy after taking breakfast what is causes of this
    i aftraid of faintness

  7. Jaison Roy says:

    I have brain fog ,neck pain and slight vision problem as well as eye twiches. Please help as everyone failed to diagnose my problem.

  8. Dear Dr Sharma,

    My husband had a flu virus 2 months ago and was treated for a sinus infection, after the virus he was diagnosed with post viral fatigue and vertigo, he has not worked in 2 months and is sleeping most of the day always tired and gets very dizzy when he does activity. The doctor just tells him to rest and wait to get better, he has improved a lot and now is less dizzy but still sleeping a lot, what can we do to help him?

    Thank you kindly

  9. As for This short note ,I find it very useful and convincing

  10. V.N.KAKKAR says:

    For long time I notice that I get sleep while travelling in Metro, while watching TV serials. And always feel tiredness. Heaviness and pain on shoulders with woolen cloths and coat. Loss of concentration in any matter. Irritation loosing temper etc. are prevailing phenomenon.


  11. iftikhar ahmad says:

    sir please prescribe me medicine for body aeching specially in leg .between knee joint and ankle jon place

  12. narinder singh says:

    Hello Dr.,

    Im suffering from CFS since last 2 years and on bed most of the time. the vision gets blurred if I use mobile for even 2 minutes and gradually it becomes normal. Have headache occassionally. Im suffering from strees, anxeity and depression. Have breathlessness problem also.

    Kindly guide me which would be the best medicine for me.

  13. sana anjum says:

    mentally tired after a little house hold work… resulting shouting in kids. rapid heart rate upset stomach and nausea…. life is fully stressed… I am overweight want to reduce weight also…. had an accident last year.. femur and wrist bone fractured

  14. Have had chronic fatigue for years.
    Md recently treated with me with prescription Concerta (like an extended release Ritalin).
    It helped tremendously however now no md’s want to prescribe (very highly regulated here).
    Its crazy because this has been the first time in years that I have been able to get out of bed before noon, and actually have some semblance of a normal life.
    I would love to find a natural / homeopathic alternative.
    From descriptions above I feel like Sarcolacticum Acidum would be the best fit for me. What dosage and how often would you recommend.
    Thank-you so much,

  15. David Rodriguez says:

    fantastic information, thanks for posting… great stuff

  16. Dr
    My life is miserable I am having pain all over the body joints musules sleeping makes it worse in morning applied pressure for long time due to sitting for long time or while sleep in same position for long time make that part painful and pain will sustain fo several days sometime weeks and sometimes pain is in joints like shoulder hip or back after sleep n it did not go away easily I am having extreme migraine frequently always feel so tired that I do not want to do anything other than rest I feel cold even though I am sweatig my systems r more worse on my left side of my body n sensitivity to cold n warm is also much higher on left side .I am hopeless more due to no one understands my physical state or pain I am going through everyone blames it on me like I am giving exuses for not doing anything, even doctors do not understands . My problem stared with wrist n shoulder pain on left side before 12 years I m 30 now since then it keeps on grasping n now my whole body hurts like hell some times I am unable to determine where it is hurting most n where not at all… Please guide me what should I do or is there any hope fr me….

  17. Linda Parsons says:

    Hi there I am a woman of 51 yrs old and have suffered with fibromyalgia for 11 yrs now but for the last 18 months I’ve been suffering from severe CFS ME as my doctor says ,I am tired from the minute I wake to say tired is a understatement I’m exhausted , no matter how much sleep I get I just fall asleep all the time ,I’ve had all the ushall blood test to rule anything more serious out and they came back normal , I’ve got no value of life I’m on high amounts of opoids including morphine but to b honest it doesn’t touch my pain my body is so used to the dose after so long , I am desperate to go down the road of alternative medicine but am a total dummy to it I don’t have a clue , I have read through all the above but feel rather confused as what may b best for me as I suffer from at least one or two on each symptoms list ,could u please advise me which meds I could take and could I take more than one of these meds at the same time .

  18. Pramila Mishra says:

    my age is 45. feeling drowsy all time, if no work left. feeling more drowsy while reading. doing a little work feel tired and wish to sleep for an hour.catching cold majority time. Please advice.

  19. Dr N Mondol BHMS says:

    I am 40.I have family history of anxity, hypothyroidism,hypertention Cerebral attacks .After brestfeeding of my child i did not care my health gradully i fall in hypothyroidism hypertention.I take amytrine 3-4years for recovery now i take sarta50 alternate days .But i am overthinker i know i did not controle myself i have cervical spondylisis mildly that is increase after over thinking start vertigo ,dizziness ,all times wants to bed,hiting child, frastation comes ,loose motion starts ,i want to rest of mind but not comes .my childs age is now 12
    For this time i take bryonia , gel, bell ,aconite pls dr am i right or not pls advice me

  20. mrs ameena says:

    Headache, body becomes white, low bp, always fatigue in body, joint pain, some times some parts of the body become like a paralysed part, in such a way that we put our hand or leg in any position then after some time we want to move the fingers then their is no feeling just like paralysedness, swelling on body

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