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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

It is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and has a loss of interest in everyday activities. Many people feel low, upset, and sad from time to time in their lives. It happens to everyone at different times of their lives but being sad is not the same as being depressed. In depression, there is constant sadness accompanied by feelings of hopelessness continuing for weeks together which interfere with doing everyday activities and affect one’s personal, and professional life. This is indicative of clinical/ major depression that requires treatment.

Homeopathic Treatment

Depression can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines in a very natural way. These medicines are constitutional remedies that work at a very deep level of mind to help overcome the disease. The severity of the complaint reduces gradually and finally, a state of well-being is regained. The best thing about these medicines is that they are free of any side effects and can be used in people of all age groups. Next, they are not habit-forming. One doesn’t have to take it for life. Its dose is gradually reduced when recovery begins and completely stopped when the patient gets better.

Homeopathic Medicines For Depression

1. Ignatia – For Acute Cases

Ignatia Amara is a leading medicine to treat cases of depression. It works wonders in case of acute depression that has just taken off. Those who need it remain sad all the time. With this, they have weeping spells. They also isolate themselves and avoid social engagements. They brood all the time ie; lost in deep thought which makes them sad and worried. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, they may be very irritable. Their mind gets dull with weak memory. Excessive weakness also appears among them. Depression that gets triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships and disappointments in life can be treated wonderfully with it. It is also an excellent medicine to treat bipolar disorder.

2. Natrum Mur – For Chronic Cases

Natrum Mur is preferred to treat cases of chronic depression. It is suited to those who are very sensitive, sadly accompanied by sporadic episodes of weeping. They remain absorbed in grief all the time and dwell on the unpleasant memories of the past. They don’t like consolation, and it worsens the complaints. They have a tendency to get offended easily.  Along with it, they don’t have an interest in doing any sort of work. It is also beneficial to manage depression in women before their periods.

3. Aurum Met – For Hopelessness, Worthlessness & Suicidal Thoughts

Aurum Met is useful to those who experience extreme sadness accompanied by hopelessness. Along with this, they feel that they are worthless and of no value. They assume negative thoughts and the future seems dark to them. They feel that life is a burden, it’s useless to live, and they long for death with constant suicidal thoughts.

4. Kali Phos – Another Leading Medicine for Depression

Kali Phos is the next top-listed medicine for depression. It mostly helps people who are over-stressed and have much to worry about. They remain constantly sad, and gloomy. With this, they have negative thoughts in their minds. Those who need it feel mentally and physically exhausted. Other symptoms that they may present include anxiety attacks, and spells of weeping. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, complaint of sleeplessness is another major concern among them.

5. Natrum Sulph – When Suicidal Thoughts Are Present

Natrum Sulph offers help when suicidal thoughts are overwhelmingly present. Sadness, weeping, and excessive irritability are also present.  Bouts of sadness are worst in the morning hours. There is also an aversion to talking, indifference towards one’s own family, the meaninglessness of life, and frequent thoughts to end up life. Sometimes one undergoes a confused state of mind and has difficulty in thinking.

6. Sepia For Depression During Menopause

Sepia is an excellent medicine to deal with cases of depression in women during menopause. The most important symptoms present in them are sadness, aversion to seeing family members, and loss of interest in doing any work either mental or physical, even missing out on daily routine activities. There is also indifferent behaviour towards life and family. Such people are constantly lost in worries and are stressed with self-pity. They are very irritable and get offended easily. Sporadic weeping spells seeking consolation, and sympathy. Loss of sexual desire is another major complaint in them with the above symptoms. Apart from depression, during menopause, it is also helpful to treat such cases triggered after childbirth

7. Cimicifuga Racemosa – When It Begins After Childbirth (Post-Partum Depression)

The use of Cimicifuga is highly considered in cases of depression among women that begin after childbirth. Women who need this medicine suffer extreme sadness. They feel that they are enveloped in darkness from which it is difficult to come out. They also feel exhausted by these symptoms. Other symptoms that accompany the above-mentioned symptoms are excessive talking, indifferent behaviour, fear of death, and fear of going mentally insane.

8. Lachesis When Delusions Attend Depression (Psychotic Depression)

Lachesis is well-indicated among cases where delusion is present along with depression, such as in cases of psychotic depression. It is administered when people have sadness, feelings of being abandoned, excessive talkativeness, and delusions. Such persons indulge in excessive talking and frequently jump from one subject to another. A lot of ideas crowd their mind at a given time. Sometimes violent anger and a state of madness are witnessed. When it comes to delusions, a person may get suspicious and he or she may feel as if someone may poison or harm him or her. Other symptoms that appear in them are restlessness, aversion to work, and running away from the world.

9. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness

Coffea Cruda is very effective for managing sleeplessness in these cases. It is indicated when there are constant chains of thoughts in the mind that lead to sleeplessness. There is marked restlessness at night with tossing, and turning. Other symptoms include mood changes, irritability, anxiety, weeping, and weakness.

10. Arsenic Album – When Anxiety Accompanies

Arsenic Album is administered in cases where anxiety accompanies sadness. There is anxiety about health, and about the future. This is attended with intense restlessness. Marked weakness is another prominent symptom of these. Some fears are also there like fear of disease, financial loss, being alone, and of death.

11. Gelsemium – For Dullness & Drowsiness

Gelsemium is significant in managing cases where dullness of mind and drowsiness are prominent. With this, there is an aversion to talking and there is a desire to be alone. Excessive irritability is also present. Weakness, muscle aches, and sometimes headache may accompany them.

12. Lilium Tigrinum – For Those Who Are Indifferent And Dissatisfied With Everything

Lilium Tigrinum is given to people who are indifferent to loved ones and dissatisfied with everything. They are discontented. They sit alone and weep constantly. They have aversion to all kinds of amusement. They are also very anxious with marked palpitations.

What Are Its Causes?

The causes of depression are not fully understood. But certain factors are thought to play a role.

These are as follows:

1.Genetics – Those with a family history of depression are at risk of developing it. The exact genes involved here are not known but research is going on to ascertain the genes that are involved.

2. Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) – It is through the transmission of these chemicals from one nerve cell to the other that the communication of the brain with its different parts occurs. The chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. They play a role in controlling a person’s feelings, moods, emotions, happiness, and pleasure. An imbalance between these chemicals is thought to play a role in causing depression.

3. Hormonal changes – Certain hormonal changes can be involved in causing the onset of depression. These changes can arise during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, and due to the thyroid.

4. Some changes in the structure of the brain, and the frontal lobe being less active are the other reasons that can trigger depression.

5. Having a history of disorders like anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and Bipolar disorder increases the risk of depression

6. Those having some chronic illness, chronic pain, and chronic disease are also prone to develop depression.

Who Is At Risk of Depression?

1. Those having some blood relatives suffering from depression

2. Those who have low self-esteem and are self-critical

3. People with negative thinking

4. Who have long-term stress

5. Women are more at risk as compared to men

6. Having a history of mental trauma like the death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse

7. Those going through financial problems, difficult relationships, issues at workplace or job loss, divorce

8. Who have some serious chronic illness like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain

9. Those abusing recreational drugs, and alcohol

10. People taking medicines like sleeping pills, certain medicines to control high blood pressure, and corticosteroids

What Are Its Symptoms?

Persistent sadness and depressed mood are the main symptoms. There are many other symptoms that accompany depression.  These mostly include hopelessness, tearfullness, lack of pleasure, interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, isolation, and withdrawal from social engagement.

Other symptoms that may appear with this are feeling of guilt, feeling of worthlessness, negative thoughts in mind, tiredness, changes in sleep (either excessive sleep or loss of sleep), and loss of sexual desire. In severe cases thoughts of death, and suicide is witnessed.

In addition to the above, the rest of the symptoms that may appear include outbursts of anger, irritability, anxiety, the gradual oncoming of thoughts, speech, and giving responses in conversation, concentration difficulties, difficulty in completing tasks, appetite changes (either loss of appetite or increased appetite), weight loss or even weight gain.

Some physical symptoms may also appear that include headaches, body aches, and gastric issues.

It can affect relationships with family members. Certain conditions can also get worse due to depression like heart disease, joint pains, asthma, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

A) Among men, the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability, lack of interest in activities that previously gave them pleasure, tiredness, drugs /alcohol, thoughts of death, decrease in sexual desire, difficulty in concentration, changes in sleep patterns (excessive sleep or nor sleep), bodyache, headache, digestive complaints.

B) In women the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, irritability, social withdrawal, loss of interest in activities, thoughts coming slowly/ talking, changes in sleeping habits (excessive sleep, difficulty in sleep or early walking), thoughts of suicide, decreased energy levels, changes in weight/ appetite, pains, and headaches.

C) Among children, irritability, mood swings, anger outbursts, feeling of incompetence, refusal to go to school, a decline in academic performance, and avoiding friends.

What Are Its Types?

1. Major depression

It is a severe form of depression in which there is constant sadness with feelings of worthlessness, and hopelessness that doesn’t subside on their own. It is also known as clinical depression. To diagnose it, the symptoms of depression should be present for about two weeks or more.

Diagnostic criteria for major/clinical depression as per DSM – 5 i.e. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM – 5)

1. Depressed mood

2. Loss of interest in daily activities

3. Changes in weight or appetite

4. Sleeplessness or excessive sleep

5. Mental agitation or retardation

6. Loss of energy

7. Feeling of guilt or worthlessness

8. Difficulty in concentration or indecisiveness

9. Thoughts of death, suicide, or suicidal attempts

10. Major depression is diagnosed when five or more of these above-mentioned symptoms that include at least one symptom among one and two written above for two weeks is present

2. Dysthymia/Persistent Depressive Disorder

It is a mild form of depression but presents for a long period of time. To diagnose it, the symptoms must be present for at least 2 years.

3. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder: In this, a woman faces intense mood swings before menses. It is more severe than premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

4. Post-partum depression: It refers to depression that appears among some women after childbirth. Hormonal changes play a role in causing post-partum depression.

5. Seasonal affective disorder: It develops from a lack of natural sunlight exposure. It commonly affects people who are sensitive to reduced levels of sunlight during winter.

6. Bipolar disorder: In this, there is an alternation between phases of excitement, mania, and phase of depression.

7. Psychotic depression: It is a problem where a patient has psychosis along with depression. Psychosis refers to delusions or hallucinations. Delusions are false beliefs not based on reality. Hallucination means sensing things like sounds, or smells that do not exist in reality.

8. Substance-induced mood disorder (SIMD): It appears from abuse of recreational drugs or excessive drinking or after stopping it(means what quitting it or stopping it for the day??).

9. Situational depression: This is triggered by some life-changing event, such as the death of a family member, loss of a job, financial crisis, etc.

Are there any tests to diagnose it?

There are no tests that can diagnose it. The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical symptoms. Sometimes thyroid tests and Vitamin D tests are conducted as they can trigger depression.


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  1. zia medical center says:
  2. Hi. I took NAT MUR 10M for 3 days (3 times a day). My depression lifted. I felt happy for first time in long time. This happiness only lasted 6 days. Can I repeat dosage again this soon?

  3. Dr Sharma,I do not know what i am suffering with but I have a weired feeling in my chest especially after I make up from sleep,I feel struck in the bed not bring able to move.Also do not get energy to go out of d house on my own,can not take decision,My whole feeling is such that i am not myself , Sometimes the feeling is like scared feeling for no reason. Can you help?

  4. Russel Chowdhury says:

    Good Day,Sir.
    1st of all,I request to forgive me,as today i’ll share the v.v.Long Story of my Life’s untold & unpleasant trues.Remarkaby,I am a Ex-Defense Officer & now a Mariner.Mostly I stay on Ship.That’s why I am unable to communicate except via Email & if you want payment,I can pay you via online.
    I explain my symptoms as follows:
    (1) I am 54/Male;Very Ugly-looking with Black Complexion.
    (2) From my childhood,I was obsessed with my appearance,since all around me used to call me “UGLY”.
    (3) When I was 15,I started being Dyspeptic.Indigestion & Loose-motion was with plenty Mucous in stool;Surprisingly It stopped,as I started Smoking. Later Psychiatrist explained it that, “Nicotin” being a mild Anti-depressant.
    (4) In 1992,when I was 27,I started having 3 Problems at the same instant;
    (i) “Irritable Bowel Syndrome”(IBS),i.e.Loose-motion & Severe pain in Stomach because of Profuse Gas-formation(Gastritis).
    (ii) The most Imp problem(that put my Professional-Career at stake)is =”FORGETTING”; I cannot describe it as”Memory-Loss” or Dementia. Let me give some examples. I cannot recall something which I heard just 1 minute ago. But,sometimes, after 30 mins or 1 Hour,all on a sudden,I can recall that. And say, tonight I plan to do a Job next Morning; But next whole day,I do not remember that at all. But,if somebody reminds me,only then I remember that I planned it last night.(Notably,as a student I was extra-Brilliant. As such my memory was always Sharp til,1992).
    (iii) Sleep Disorder(Especially to fall asleep),associated with Depressed Mood all along.
    My IBS continued upto 1997,until I saw a Psychiatrist,who gave me Anti-Depressant(Sertraline Hcl).It cured my IBS 100%; But my”FORGETTING”,may be by only 1%.(Several times I was sacked from Job,for Forgetting Imp Jobs asked by Boss).Psychiatrist diagnosed my Problem as “Body Dysmophic Disorder”(as I used to worry too much about my Ugliness).Now,if I stop Anti-Depressant,the “IBS”resumes.
    I’ve other symptoms which may not be important;(1)Since I was 13, I can’t retain bodily Fluid; It goes either by Profuse Sweating Or Frequent-Urination both in Summer/Winter.No organic problem, found by Med-Diagnosis for it. Palm/Foot also sweats. Sweatings are very Odorous. (2) I’ve Epilesy & High Cholesterol. (3) I have habit of Self-Talking.(4) In my heredity,there is Diabetes.But,I don’t have,as yet.(5) My(Paternal) Grand-Ma used to talk imbalanced at times & her dad was Stark-Mad. (6)My dad used to note down Shopping-list to remind himself,but no way he was so much forgetfull as I am Now. (7) Before passing Stool,I’ve little white Urin. My urin smells like that of horse.
    (8) During Sleep,I snore & my leg Jerks.(9) At times,I feel Lathergy & Body-energy level goes to zero & I only utter these words “Oh God,Oh God,I am dying”. It stops after taking an anti-Psychotic(Aripiprazole). (10) I fail to locate/recognize a place,which I recently visited even 5/6 times. Also forget the direction of E/W/North/South.(11)For last 6 months,I’ve Tongue-Ulcer.

    I request you to be kind enough to prescribe me Homeo-Medicines(which I can buy from any country) & oblige me by saving my life,thereby,please. Because,I had suicidal mind several times,after 1992,only for my forgetfullness.

  5. Eva Gordon says:

    Dear Dr Sharma

    This is just a short note to thank you for your great help and unselfish manner with which your share your knowledge of homeopathy. It has been helpful to me on so many occasions. I live in the Czech Republic.
    Thank you again.

  6. Javeedhusain says:

    Sir, I am suffering from tinnitus since last 5 to 6 months. I consulted ENT doctor . He checked my ears and told that there is no problem in my ears. But there is still buzzing in my one ear. Moreover there is continuous rhythm in my brain since three months . I don’t have peace of mind. Is it side effect of tinnitus? Is there any homeopathic medicine to bring my brain to normal conditions? Please advise me.

  7. Ravisankar singh says:

    Namste sir i am 24year old unmarried boy and suffering from palpapition befor 2 year .
    It may be due to depression due to excessive active in sexiual activity from childhood .
    Sir i wants to know the treatment of depression due to over sexiual activity .

  8. Qamar Iqbal says:

    Respectable Sir,I am Qamar Iqbal from kanpur up ,sir I felt to weep today without any cause and wept also, I couldn’t get any reason .
    It may be due to unemployment .Sir I have two children and I feel very uncomfortable for their future.Please help me and suggest any medicine.

  9. Sir
    My daughter diagnosed with anxiety and depression
    Above mentioned symptoms are present
    She use to cry,don’t want to go college
    Don’t want to do exercises ,feels lonely
    When she cries i felt very bad
    And when I approach that time she refused to talk and become so aggressive
    I am worried for her
    Pshychiatrist gave her nexito 10
    Plz suggest something good for her




  11. Shahzad says:

    Hello sir

  12. dear Dr Sharma,
    would you direct me to the best remedy for my situation please? .
    To summarise I don’t seem to enjoy my life, as if I have no joy neither pride in what I do. It is as if I feel I will never do anything good in my life.
    Although I am very talented person, as an artist I excel in painting, sculpting and creating sceneries but I don’t seem ever satisfied.
    Although I procrastinate a lot, I generally put all my interest in my relationships …suffocating them soon or later and ending up rejected. For some odd reasons I reject myself and my talents then I am looking for that rejection in my private life as well.
    This is a pattern I have for long time… for example even if at the beginning people I work with like me, then they change their minds… as if I can’t accept to be liked.
    It is a strange situation I am trying to deal with. I just don’t know how to get out of it. Psychotherapy is not helping much and my last break up is actually confirming all my fears.
    Would you be able to suggest me a direction to take?
    thank you so much,

    • Dr. Harkirat kaur says:

      Hi Elisa , I am sure homeopathy can be of great help in treating symptoms of depression . Ignatia and Natrum Mur can help be of help to you …but will need a lot of details . Dr Harkirat Kaur Senior Physician at DrHomeo

  13. Muhammad Shahid says:

    ڈاکٹر صاحب ایک تو میں بند کمرے ،کار جسکے دروازے آٹو میٹک ھوں اور گاڑی کا انجن بند ھو، یا ٹرین ، یا ھوائی جہاز ، یا کسی بھی بند دروازے والی جگہ میں مجھے خوف آتا ھے، میں اس میں سفر نہیں کر سکتا، اسی طرح لفٹ کے اندر نہیں بیٹھ سکتا کہ کہیں اسکے دروازے نہ کھلیں لائٹ چلی جائے، یہانتک کہ میں بائیک پے بھی کسی کے پیچھے نہیں بیٹھ سکتا، وغیرہ وغیرہ ، مجھے راھنمائی فرمائیں میں کونسی دوائی استعمال کروں ۔
    یہ بیماری میری والدہ انکے والد ، والدہ، میرے چند ایک بہن بھائیوں میں بھی ھے۔

  14. Can homeopathic treat bipolar depression? Hiw long a patient should take to cure the disease?

    • my mom is 82 years old with bipolar disorder is it still ok for her to take Nutrum Mur is it a herb i no nothing about this Nutrum Mur where can she buy this maybe a health food store

  15. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    What dose would be recommended for a 13 years old boy who shows signs of depression. For the past year or so, my 13 years old son has been getting more withdrawn, sad, irritable, argumentative and tired all the time. Things that he enjoyed before are no longer enjoyable to him. He wants to stay home most of the time and getting him to try something new is very difficult. What would be your recommendation in regards to the type of homeopathic medication he might benefit from.
    I would really appreciate your feedback.
    Thank you.

  16. Nondumiso says:

    My mom lost my dad last year. She is also on arv treatment. She was put on ranflocks for 6months. It made her condition worse and suicidal. I took her to a homeopathic dr and she’s still not better. She is taking insomrid and nervaton . For insomnia she is taking rhinotone. Please help I’m worried about her.

  17. Vikash chandra says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma Namaskar,
    I have symptom of not concentration of mind always visiting in past mistake, and worried about future brain always restless, always day dreaming, difficultly in sleeping many time felt talking to self, some time reported smiling self as reported by family members, always worried, stressed.sir I suffers huge shock due to family problm during student life and to some extent personal life , presently employed in agriculture sector. Sir kindly suggest me the treatment

  18. Prasant khelear says:

    My mother is neur patient sch have taken allopathic sandypa plus medicine after sch one our power then sch have not walk what medicine we can give plz prescri

  19. Kartikeya Panigrahi says:

    Dear Sir my wife is suffering from depression for 12 yrs and she is taking elopathy medicine intermittently is homeopathy treat her please tell me medicine she always thinks about past sad or quarrel conditions and she couldn’t taken out herself from past events and all the time mind remain busy in past thoughts and she feels person is here and talk to him feels sadness restlessness irritations some time weeping Inbetween we gave her Starmonium (homeo pathic medicene) but no effect .Always her nose seems redisih and waterish . now the overdose of elopathic mediecene is also not responding

    I lossed hope

    Please help


  20. Sheela pandey says:

    My wife gets repeated depression problem after every 5 to 6 years. Doctors diagnose it as bipolar type 2. She gets alright with anti depressive medication but recurrs after few years. She feels dullness, anxiety and weakness. With anti depression medication also this situation continued which lasts for 2 months.
    Is there medicine in homeopathy for this? If so can both allopathy and homeopathy can continue together or there will be conflict?

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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