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Depression Homeopathy Medicines & Treatment


I am a 37 years old primary school teacher, suffering from depression for the last two years. There is a continuous feeling of sadness and worthlessness. I get easily tired and have lost complete interest in my household as well as school work, there are times when I feel like committing suicide (without any apparent reason). My sleep is disturbed and sometimes I just sleep for three, four hours at night. I have tried conventional anti-depressive medication, but its benefits were short-lived and were not without side affects. Please suggest a homeopathic medicine

Meenu, Chandigarh

sadYou seem to suffer from major depression or unipolar depression, which is characterized by severe, persistent depressed mood and loss of interest or pleasure in normal activities, accompanied by decreased energy levels, changes in sleep and appetite, and feelings of guilt or hopelessness.

Major depression is different from other two forms of depression – Chronic Low Grade Depression or Dysthymia and Depressed Moods. Major depression refers only to case where psychotic symptoms of suicidal thoughts or behavious are accompanied. Major depression occurs in all groups of people. It affects both sexes, with an increased incidence in women.

There are multiple causes of depression. Biological- people with depression typically have too title or to much of certain brain chemicals called neurotransmitters. Changes in these brain chemicals may cause, or contribute to depression. Cognitive- people with negative thinking pattern, people who are pessimistic, have low self-esteem, worry too much or feel they have little control over life events, are more life events, are more likely events, are more likely to develop depression. Genetic- a family history of depression. Situational- difficult life events, including the death of a loved one, divorce, financial problems or moving to a new place, can contribute to depression.

Homeopathic Treatment for Depression

Homeopathic medicines for depression  Natrum muriaticum, Ignatia, Kali Phos and Coffea are extremely effective in treating depression. As you have mentioned suicidal thoughts as one of your symptoms, you may take Aurum Metallicum 200 one dose a week, for a period of two months. Natrum Sulph is an important medicine for the treatment of major depression where psychotic symptoms of suicidal thoughts are in a greater magnitude, where the patient has to be physically refrained from

committing such an act.

Symptoms that might help one in recognizing depression are ~ a persistent sad, anxious or ’empty’ mood, sleeping too little or sleeping too much, reduced appetite and weight loss, or increased appetite and .weight gain, loss of interest or pleasure in- activities once enjoyed. Restlessness or irritability, difficulty in concentrating, remembering, or making decisions, fatigue or loss of energy, feeling of guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness, thoughts of death or suicide. If five or more of these symptoms remain for longer than two weeks or if the symptoms are severe enough to interfere -with the daily routine, consult a physician for a thorough analysis.

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  1. sukhvinder says:

    Hello dr. Mai 47 years ki hu mmujy ek dum forhead pr paseena aata hai or hatho paro ki fingers paseene se thandi ho jati hai or hota hai ki bahar nikl jau ..raat ko preshani jyada hoti hai..pls help me. ECG bhi normal aai hai…thank you

  2. Safiyya T says:

    Hi. Dr..

    I suffer from general anxiety feel uncomfortable around people dont like being around people also suffer from depression and ocd symptoms. When aggrevated I become easily irritated angry and very vengeful.
    PlZ advise!

  3. Safiyya T says:

    Hi. Dr..

    I suffer from general anxiety depression and ocd symptoms. When aggrevated I become easily irritated angry and very vengeful.
    PlZ advise!

  4. kreddy jd says:

    Dear sir , my wife age 44 yers is suffreing from depression since last 10 years her monther & her elder sister allso have same problem. She is not tacking medicine which advised by dr at asha hospital of hydrabad . Marrage occurred in 1994 but depression starts from 2004 .she hates english medicine , please any remedy in homeopathy ?

  5. arun khazanchi says:

    writing fo my father age 82 and has severe anxiety attacks, woth lack of concentration, focus, interest. have tried vita C, tranquil, and with very monor relief.

    please advise.

  6. Mukarram Fayyaz Khan says:

    Dear Doctor,

    I am male 32, and I am feeling weak central nervous system issues. When I work on my office COMPUTER and concentrate on screen then I feel vertigo and weak in mind and feverish symptoms. Also I can not put stress on my nerves. I take kalium phos 6x now (5tabs 3 times a day) and it gives me good effects and relief. but can u please tell me its permanent treatment? I want to make my Central Nervous System very strong.



  7. sandeep gupta says:

    dear sir.
    I take paxidep 12.5, lonazep 0.5, tetan beta 12.5 for last three year . I want to leave my current medicine. How plz help me sir . My age 30.

  8. dibyok pan says:

    I have a sleeping disorder , and I want to quit smoking . Presently I take zapiz 0.5 everyday at night. But I want to go for homeopathy.

  9. Anil Rathore says:

    Dear Doctor

    My wife is a Depression Patient since 2003. The main cause of her going into a Depression is largely due to small skirmishes between her & my mother. Also the same now gets enahnced when she finds me supporting any of my family members financially or in any format. She has been under treatment since 2003 by Dr Sunil Mittal of Delhi Psychiatrist Centre. She is regularly under Pexep 20 mg & Zapiz 0.5 mg. Plus additional stress buster medicines from time to time such as currently Sezlec 600 & Oleanz 10 mg.

    Symptoms of depression in her case are also Brathlessness, Palpitation of the heart, Giddiness, nausea, vomiting, weakness of limbs, etc.

    Would appreciate your advise & recommended Homeo medicines in the matter

    Thanks & Regards


  10. Dear sir/
    I am writing you from Jessore, Bangladesh.
    I am a man of 48 years. Last couple of months I am suffering from huge Waist pain. I took medicine from a homeopathic doctor two times. When I took medicine it was little cured but now a days it is again raise. I am also suffering from depression. from last 31st December-2013 I am job less (the project has been ended) I hope I will get job with in two/ three months. But during this time I am feeling very bad I am not getting interest at any work. I am also not sleeping night properly so that I am sleeping at day. I know it is not wise. When I go for any work I feel very bad and getting tension and my heart beet is going very fast. Can you suggest me a good medicine for my psychological and also waist pain problem. I will be great full to you.


  11. DrSoumyaGHosh says:

    I am diabetic for4years,having history of mental grief with long continued mental exertion and hopeless.also palpitation ,weakness. brain,bromidrosis.Have a history of anxiety.D-egg,car,-saltyproduct,sweet.F/h-mother,grandfather—diabetes mell.pp–160mg/DL,Alolpathic MedicineGLucorylM2 is running.Please help me,guide me ,as I can take homeopathic medicine.

  12. my son age 20 years is a college student. he has lost interest in studies and other day to day activities. he was a bright student till class 12th but after ragging episode in his previous college made him disturbed boy. now he is not interested in studying and skips classes. any kind of motivation does not motivate him. he had gone weak and his hair line receded. he lacks confidence and avoid meeting relatives friends etc. he stays in hostel. we cannot keep much track of his meals. he says i just want to sleep. he loves writing articles, stories and want to do that only avoiding his studies(engineering).he insists on meeting a psychiatrist to treat him. will take him to doctor when he will be back home for a vacation. can u please suggest a homeopathic remedy

  13. I suffer with all this i was diagnosed with depression and anxiety panic attacks plz help i need advice im on 50 mg of zoloft i still feel sad hopeless and worry

  14. Pankaj Bansal says:

    Hello Sir,
    This is Pankaj Bansal from Gwalior.From last November I am taking Paxidep CR 25 mg & Buspin 10 mg daily in night daily due to suffering from anxiety n depression for last several Years, on the recommendation of a Psychiatrist.but I read today that Homeopathy works on
    symptoms rather than disease so I would like to add some points to it:-Thick Orange/Yellow Coating on Tongue Daily,Loss of Appetite,Premature Graying of Hair along with Severe Dandruff & From last 5-6 months Cracking Sound comes from my Body whenever I Move or doing Push-up,heard cracking sound from my Hand.Sir,I just want to know whether these Symptons can be Cured by Homeopathy Permanently.Plz Guide Me


  15. Hi Sir,

    The problem that i m facing is irritation depression anger & sadness on my face sometimes. kindly suggest me about homeopathy treatment and how it works & how much time it will take to see the real results of that.

    I shall Appreciate your prompt reply.




  17. Mustafa Habib says:

    I am a young man of 41 not succeeded in my career I feel hopeless
    and worthless no reason to live do not feel like eating I am haunted
    at night by spirits who seem to be coming to me I feel suicidial many
    a times and feel no reason to live. Very depressed do not feel like
    leaving my room. Can you suggest some homeo medicines please Thank you

  18. Erin Mckinney says:

    I am have been on medication all my life I am 33 years old but know i am taking anti psychotics and i am still depressed thoughts have stopped but i am still not happy i feel intoxicated and controlled by these pills i want to get off of them but i may need to go to a detox center which i cant afford or do because i have 3 children what should i do erin

  19. Gurjant Gill says:

    I am a 56 years old male living in calif., suffering from depression for the last two months. There is a continuous feeling of sadness and worthlessness,tired and have lost complete interest in my household as well as all the other activities a persistent sadness, anxious and ‘empty’ mood,lost appetite and weight loss 10 KG in last 45 days, loss of interest or pleasure in- activities once enjoyed. Restlessness and irritability fatigue and loss of energy, feeling of guilt, hopelessness and worthlessness, thoughts of death and suicide, ,My sleep is disturbed and sometimes I just sleep for three, four hours at night that’s even with some sleep aid like ativan.I am taking conventional anti-depressive medication, not without side affects,they causing lots of problems in my stomach like upset stomach,gastric,reflux acid all the time day and night. i spent 2 days hospital got few tests done,like EGD,blood test,abdominal cat scan,nothing major.only diverticlusis but not diverticulitis,only remedy in your homeopathic.


    I have been suffering from depression since my childhood. I came to know only after my 21st year. Since then I have been on fludep and alprazolam. After 2007 or so, I have been taking homeo medicine. Now I am under the guidance of a homeo physician. Apart from his medicines, I am also using Byco 16, Nat Mur, five phos. I am OK with those medicines. My symptoms are as under: 1. increase of anger when I develop anxiety: 2. I do not like to do any thing, just take rest, which in turn will deteriorate my condition. 3. I can be happy only with work, but I feel very difficult to start working. 4. lack of sleep mainly due to contraction of muscles and bones. 5. difficulty in concentrating, speaking to others even dear ones, snoring heavily, and other things. though I am taking medicines from a homeo doctor, sometimes I feel troubled when I need a medicine that quickly works to lessen anxiety. Please do suggest me some medicine that can help in me in times of difficulties. My father too was suffering from depression, of course he is no more.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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