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Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Prolapse can Save you from Sugery

homeopathy disc prolapse

Backache, pain in the neck, and even in the legs and arms can all be owing to problem with the intervertebral discs in the back. Disc bulge refers to a condition in which the intervertebral disc bulges out of its place. Inter-vertebral discs are like cushions present between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and allow flexibility to the spine. Vertebrae are the bones in the back that make the spine. With advanced age and due to wear and tear or injury, the discs begin to degenerate with signs of dryness, and breakage. This disc degeneration leads to disc bulging out and compressing the nerves emitting out of the spinal cord. An intervertebral disc has a tough outer layer called annulus fibrosus, and a soft gel like center called the nucleus. In case of the disc bulge the inner gel like center remains as such within the outer portion and the intact disc bulges out of this place. However, in case the outer layer of the disc gets torn that causes the inner gel like center to herniate then it is termed as herniated disc (also called slip disc or ruptured disc). In herniated disc, there is a partial crack in the outer layer of the disc. If there is a total crack in the outer layer of disc causing the leakage of the inner gel like material through that crack then it is termed prolapsed disc.

Most Commonly Involved Sites For Disc Bulge / Prolapse

Although, the disc bulge can take place in any part of the spine, lumbar (refers to lower back disc) and the cervical (refers to neck), and are most frequently involved. In the case of lumbar disc bulge 95 per cent of the bulge occur at level of L4-L5 or L5-S1.  In case of the cervical disc bulge the common location is C5-C6 and C6-C7.

Homeopathic Treatment Of Disc Bulge

The Homeopathic mode of treatment can be very beneficial in disc bulge cases. Homeopathic medicines for the disc bulge, not only provides relief to a person afflicted with the disease but also puts a stop to the further progress of disc prolapse. These medicines are made of natural substances and have no side effects. The already prolapsed disc cannot be brought back to the original, but homeopathy can surely help in halting the further disc degeneration process. The main aim of natural remedies is to provide pain relief, in addition to preventing further disc damage. It is entirely based on the particular symptoms described by each patient and is good enough to save the patient from surgery.

Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge or Disc Prolapse

1. Rhus Tox –  Top Medicine For Disc Bulge With Lower Back Pain Or Neck Pain

Rhus Tox is the best, and most frequently used natural medicine to treat disc bulge in lumbar or cervical region. It is a great medicine for lumbar disc bulge causing pain in the lower back. Those who need Rhus Tox, complain of pain in the lower back which gets worse if one sits for long hours. Lying down or any resting position also worsens the pain. Such individuals get relief from motion or by walking. Rhus Tox is also a wonderful medicine for relieving stiffness in the spine. The stiffness gets much worse after a period of rest and gets better by walking. The persons who have pain in the lower back that gets worse by lifting heavy weight or from straining the back can also greatly benefit from Rhus Tox. Other than lower back pain, Rhus Tox is also indicated for disc bulge in cervical spine which causes neck pain. Neck pain which happens from overstraining the neck or from injury can be effectively dealt with this medicine.

2. Colocynth For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Left Side Sciatica

To seek relief from the sciatica pain, Colocynth is the best remedy. Colocynth is mainly prescribed for sciatica on the left-side. Those who require Colocynth have severe pain in the lower back which extends down the left lower limb. The pain mostly gets better by applying pressure or heat application. The nature of the pain can be cramping, tearing, shooting or drawing in nature.

3. Magnesium Phos For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Right Side Sciatica

Magnesium Phos is the best homeopathic remedy to relieve sciatica of the right side. For using Magnesium Phos, the Sciatica pains can be of varying nature like stitching, shooting or cutting. It is beneficial when there is relief from sciatica pain by applying pressure or warmth. To get best results, Magnesium Phos in biochemic form should be taken by dissolving it in hot water.

4. Gnaphalium –  For Disc Prolapse Causing Sciatica Pains With Numbness

Gnaphalium is the top natural medicine to treat Sciatica pain accompanied by numbness. It is prescribed when dominant complaint is of severe sciatica pains along with a feeling of numbness. Folding thighs towards the abdomen gives some relief. It is a remedy that is very beneficial for degenerative disc disease presenting itself with Sciatic nerve impingement, leading to pain and numbness.

5. Bryonia For Lower Backache That Gets Better By Resting

Persons who have lower backache which gets better by taking rest will find natural remedy Bryonia of great help. Such persons experience worsening of pain in the back from a slight movement or walking. Stiffness and rigidity also accompany pain in the back. The pain forces the patient to sit or walk in bent posture. Such persons have difficulty in holding an upright position.

6. Hypericum – To Manage Numbness, Tingling In Legs

Hypericum is very beneficial to manage numbness and tingling in legs. Along with this, there may occur sharp pain in legs. Pain may be felt in lower back as well. The back may be very sensitive to touch. For disc bulge related to injury to spine, Hypericum is the top most medicine.

7. Phosphorus – For Disc Bulge With Burning Feeling In Spine

Phosphorus is a natural remedy of great help in treating spine cases. Phosphorus is the best remedy for disc bulge when burning in spine accompanies the other symptoms, including backache. The most important indication for using Phosphorus is lower backache that worsens when rising from a stooping posture. Getting up from a seat after prolonged sitting also seems to heighten the pain. A feeling of a broken spine also dominates.

8. Guaiacum Officinale – To Manage Neck Pain

Guaiacum Officinale is highly effective when pain in the neck is present. Stiffness in the neck is also present. The shoulders may also be sore. In some cases, the stiffness radiates from the neck to the whole back on one side.

9. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain With Numbness In Arms, Hands Or Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is very suitable to manage pain in the neck accompanied with numbness in arms, hands or fingers. The pain from the neck extends to fingers. This pain may worsen from exertion. A sensation of a heavy weight around the neck and shoulders may attend.

10. Kalmia Latifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness, Tingling, Pricking In Hands

Kalmia Latifolia offers help when pain from the neck radiates down the arms. It is attended by numbness, or tingling, pricking sensation in hands. Sometimes weakness is felt in the upper limbs.

 Symptoms Of Disc Bulge / Herniation / Prolapse

Disc bulge/herniation/prolapse can occur in any of the discs in the spine but the disc in lower back and neck are more likely to be affected. Disc bulge puts pressure on the nerves in the spine and cause number of symptoms.

 Symptoms from lumbar (lower back) disc bulge

1. Lower backache and sciatica: Lower back pain is the most common symptom. The pain from the lower back can radiate down the hips, thighs, legs, even up to feet which is referred to as Sciatica. Pain may get worse from sitting, standing, walking, coughing, sneezing, etc

2. Numbness, tingling, burning, weakness in affected area. Weakness may affect gait leading to stumbling.

3. In severe cases, loss of bladder or bowel control may occur. It requires immediate medical help.

Symptoms From Cervical (Neck) Disc Bulge

1. Pain in the neck: The pain may extend from neck to shoulders, arms and sometimes hands and fingers. Pain may get worse from neck movement.

2. Numbness, tingling or weakness may also accompany pain in the neck, and arms.

3. Weakness in arms affects ability to hold objects resulting in frequent falling of holded things

Cause Behind Disc Bulge / Herniation

The main reason behind disc bulge and herniation is wear and tear of discs that occur with age. As a part of this wear and tear, the discs dry out and there is reduced flexibility. Due to this, the disc is at a risk of tear and rupture even from the slightest strain.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that put a person at risk of disc bulge or disc prolapse as follows:

  1. Aging
  2. Occupation involving lifting weights, pulling or pushing objects regularly
  3. Suddenly twisting or straining the back
  4. Obesity and excessive body weight
  1. Lifting heavy objects with bent waist
  2. Back injury / trauma, fall or a blow on back may cause disc bulge in rare cases
  3. Driving for long hours regularly put pressure on back and raises the risk
  4. Rest of risk factors includes a family history of disc bulge, smoking (reduce oxygen supply to discs causing disc degeneration) and sitting for prolonged hours daily with little to no physical activity


1. Saddle anaesthesia: Compression of nerves by disc bulge may lead to loss of sensation in inner thighs, back of legs and around rectum.

2. Cauda equine syndrome: Spinal cord ends above the waist. At the end of the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves called cauda equina (resembling tail of horse) are present. If the disc bulge compresses this nerve set, it is called cauda equina syndrome. This condition is a medical emergency needing immediate medical help. If not treated well in time, it may cause loss of bladder or bowel control, permanent weakness or paralysis of legs.

Investigations To Diagnose Disc Bulge

1. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): It is the most commonly used investigation to diagnose cases of disc bulge / herniation. It will confirm disc bulge and its location in suspected cases.

2. X-ray: Though X- ray cannot detect disc prolapse, it may be recommended to rule out other causes of backache (fracture, tumor for example)

3. CT scan (computed tomography): With the help of CT scan, X-rays will be taken from different directions of the spine and structures around it

4. Myelogram: CT scan is done after injecting a dye in the spinal fluid. This will detect pressure on the nerves from disc prolapse.

Preventive Measures To Reduce Risk Of Disc Bulge

1.Use correct techniques to lift objects from the ground. Always bend knees with straight back to pick objects from ground. Avoid bending waist.

2. If overweight, manage it to reduce pressure on the back

3. Maintain right posture when sitting, standing, lying

4. Avoid wearing high heeled shoes

5. Do exercises regularly to strengthen back muscles

6. Take breaks often to stretch back if your job involves long periods of sitting

7. Quit smoking if you are habitual smoker

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    MRI of lumbo sacral spine
    Loss of hydration seen in lumbar discs except L1-L2
    D12-L1&L1-L2: D0scs show diffuse bluge producing mild thecal sac indentation. No neural foraminal narrowing seen.
    L2-L3& L3-L4: Disc show bluge producing mild comperssion of thecal sac and cauda equina fibres with mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing(Left>right)
    L4-L5: Disc shows posterior bulge producing mild comperssion of thecal sac and cauda equina fibres with mild bilateral neural foraminal narrowing.
    L5-S1: No significant disc contour abnormality seen.

  2. I have c4 4 5 disc bulging problem causing tingling and numbness in my left hand pl suggest best medicine to cure it permanently

  3. Tara Montgomery says:

    I am attempting to treat my herniated disc with homeopathic treatment and not surgery. I have a disc herniation with a significant tear at L3/L4. It is putting pressure on a nerve as I experience pain down my left leg…sometimes both but mostly left. I did irritate it enough that I had numbness on the right side of my spine but that has since went away. I was going to try:

    Symphytum 200
    Calc Phos
    Hypercurum 200

    All 2 x’s a day…can you verify that would be correct? Thank you so much!

  4. Tarun bansal says:

    Hii Dr
    I have pain in my left leg mainly in the hip and in mri Show disc bulge in L4 L5 L5 S1. Pls suggest medicine


    • Pradeep Kumar says:

      हाय डॉक्टर साहब मेरा MRI हुआ जिसमे मेरा l4l5 l5S1 रिपोर्ट मे posterocental disc protrusion with ligaments flavum thickening indenting anterior thecal saeffacing bilateral लिखा हुआ है इसका कोई ईलाज है तो बताइए
      Pradeep kumar

  5. Hello Dr Sharma,

    Thank you for having this website!
    I have a pain in my upper back between the spine and the shoulder blade that radiates out in the arm.
    It has been really unbearable, especially the pain in the arm.
    I have a hard time being still. It feels better when I move, shake my arm or pinching my arm with my nails to not feel the pain.
    I have been to a naprapat, which didn’t help at all.
    then I went to my physiotherapeut twice, and he beleives it’s either a herniated disc in the neck or that a nerve is pinched between ribs on the back between the spine and the right shoulder blade somewhere. I feel it could be even in front of the shoulder blades edge towards the spine (if that even is possible).

    Could Paris Quadrifolia help or would you suggest another remedy?

    Awaiting your reply with greatfulness

    All the best

    • Hello Dr Sharma,

      Thank you for having this website!
      I have a pain in my upper back between the spine and the shoulder blade that radiates out in the arm.
      It has been really unbearable, especially the pain in the arm.
      I have a hard time being still. It feels better when I move, shake my arm or pinching my arm with my nails to not feel the pain.
      I have been to a naprapat, which didn’t help at all.
      then I went to my physiotherapeut twice, and he beleives it’s either a herniated disc in the neck or that a nerve is pinched between ribs on the back between the spine and the right shoulder blade somewhere. I feel it could be even in front of the shoulder blades edge towards the spine (if that even is possible).

      Could Paris Quadrifolia help or would you suggest another remedy? Actually, as I feel better when moving rather than being still, maybe Kalmia Latifolia is better in my case???

      Awaiting your reply with greatfulness

      All the best

  6. Qaiser akram says:

    L5 problam

  7. manojit mandal says:

    i am manojit mandal.age-27.
    my mri report is
    1. Disc dessication noted at L4-L5 add L5-S1 level.
    2. T1 hypointensity and T2/STIR hyperintensity noted at L4 vertebral body
    3. L3-L4:-diffuse disc bulge causing indentation over anterior thecal sac without narrowing of bilateral neural foramina.

    4. L4-L5:-Diffuse disc bulge causing indentation over anterior thecal sac causing narrowing of bilateral neural foramina(Lt>rt)

    5. L5-S1:-diffuse disc bulge causing indentation over anterior thecal sac.

    i have pain in my back for every time.

    please tell me sir which homio pathic medicine is good for me.

    thank u sir

    your patient manojit mandal

  8. VIKRANT SINGH says:

    Problems – Postero – central disc protrusion at L4 -5 level causing mild canal stenosis , compression of thecal sac & cauda equina roots with posterior displacement & compression of traversing left L5 nerve roots.

    • Teresa Smith says:

      Dear Dr.. I am suffering from disc protrusion en L4-5 and coccyx area. I have pain and numbness in my right leg and in the area of the disc.. Thank you

  9. Naresh kumar says:

    Dear Dr.
    Suffering from back pain from one year, done mri disc degeneration and L5s1 disc bulge and tear detected . No pain in legs. Some pain in right inner thigh. Back pain keep on shifting from one location to another. Pls help dr.

  10. Ravinder SIngh says:

    Dear Doctor.

    My age is 33 years and HLAb27 positive in my blood test which result in seronegative spondyloarthritis.

    I am suffering from lower back pain specially in winter season from last 8 years. Please suggest what to do

  11. Sir I am suffering from bulging disc in cervical spine
    I have done MRI in 2013 and report is MILD POSTERIOR DISC BULGES IN C3-C4,C4-C5,C5-C6.
    now my condition is worse .I am taking home treatment for last 2 years but it could not relief me. When I am walking I am imbalance and more back headache and numbness in arm and could not hold any even 1 kg of weight in hand
    What I have to do can’t understand
    Please suggest me proper solution on this
    Is I have to do next MRI thanx

  12. Sir I am suffering from bulging disc in cervical spine
    I have done MRI in 2013 and report is MILD POSTERIOR DISC BULGES IN C3-C4,C4-C5,C5-C6.
    now my condition is worse .I am taking home treatment for last 2 years but it could not relief me. When I am walking I am imbalance and more back headache and numbness in arm and could not hold any even 1 kg of weight in hand
    What I have to do can’t understand
    Please suggest me proper solution on this
    Is I have to do next MRI

  13. Claudia C Chapman says:

    I have a flattened disc between C 5 and C6, and when X-rays were done, cervical ribs were discovered at C7. I’ve been in pain for over three months, receiving chiropractic care( mostly active muscle release and exercises.). I believe in homeopathy and am becoming more adept using it. Which of these would be indicated for cervical issues resulting in pain in the shoulders and arms, as well as difficulty turning the head because of the neck vertebrae? ( I am a 25+ year Lyme disease sufferer, 61 yrs. old)

  14. This is my exact problem, would like to try this treatment. Thank you!

  15. Gokhan Baloglu says:

    Hi Dr.Sharma,

    I have diagnosed neck disc herniation btw C4-5 and some other reliefs btw the others in the neck.So I have probleblems in all disc in my neck.I have pains in my right shoulder and arm…I have started physical treatment and medication neurontin and dolorex for these.Accomplished 11 period of physical theraphy and %70 of my suffers has gone.But I still have some problems in my right arm and power loss of fingers about 2-3 %.Would you please advice me a homeopatic medication remedy?with a proper potency.Thank’s for your kind support and best regards..


  16. I have feel a lot of pain on my lower outer left leg. After an x-ray I was diagonized with with bulge on 5th lumbar.
    When i lift heavy items, work on ground bending or going down stairs I feel pain on the outer lower leg.

    Occasionally i feel pain on same leg when turning while alseep.

  17. Francisco Rosario says:

    I am Indian Male 65 from Goa. My basic complain is Degeneration of Cervicle spine C 3,4,5,6. last five months I am doing medication but it has increased from slight pain in the mid of right arm to now on and off numbness in right hand at different angles with pain in the neck and shoulders I have slightly controlled diabetes since last 15 years ranging from 90 to 130 fasting. Last 5 years have diabetic neuropathy in both toes the feeling is like wearing socks. In 2007 done miniscus repair in left knee and in pain since then. Now I have developped ostheo arthritis in both knees and slightly begininning in shoulders consequently have stiffness in kneesshoulders in morn, as well as over whole body. so much so that I have developped a limp in my left knee due to some bone growth Knee surgeon asking to go for knee surgery which I do not wish to do. I do take medication for diabetes,at times for cholestrol,B.P.,and uric acid. I dont know how but last one one week i have been checking my B.P, 3 times daily and it seems very normal and recently my cholestrol shows 160.

    I shall be grateful for your advice


  18. It is very satisfying to hear of this study cerally showing that Homeopathy can heal chronic illness and i am sure the recipients are very lucky there is homeopathy.Sadly this is not the case here in the uk within the NHS overall, even though Homeopathy is enshrined in the medical act. This is because of the intransigence from the start on the part of the General medical council and The B M A. Doctors were not allowed any sort of contact with CAM until recently, therefore non cooperation was the order of the day.If Doctors were allowed freedom to chose or perhaps studied as part of the training or even post graduate training then there would not be all this poltics and predudice there is today .I am afraid this comes down to job protection As indeed was the case in the USA in the early days there.

  19. Nandu Balani says:

    This is for my brother.
    He has lost confidence in himself because of low income and physical inability do much work.
    Feels like sleeping the whole day without doing anything,
    Speech slight slurry,Less grip in the fingers of hand,cant write properly, hands shaky at times.
    All senses proper, can listen, understand well.
    Done brain CT scan, all OK
    Done Tong test for speech, no problem.
    All this has happened after he stopped doing his bussiness and could not do service.
    Sir, can we have something to build confidence, create awareness and alertness so that he does not feel like sleeping whole day.

  20. Donot fel like working.Come to work place but due to low income less work donot feel like working.but if work or order comes would like to finish as soon as possible.Get irritated easily

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