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Homeopathy for Fears and Phobias

Fear is an emotion arising from a threat, which may be real or imaginary. It is a body’s uncontrollable reaction to a particular situation or an event. A person tends to avoid and run away from a given circumstance, which in turn becomes fear. Fear can be associated with any person, situation or things. In most cases, it is a result of some past experiences or future anticipations. The most common fears experienced by a human include fear of death, of closed places, failure, and fear of the unknown. Fear of heights and water, fear of sex (intimacy), and fear of disease are some other prevalent conditions. Anxiety and restlessness mostly accompany fear, and if not treated well, it can further develop into panic attacks. Homeopathic medicines for fear help decrease the severity of symptoms associated with fear and also help prevent further progression of the condition into panic attacks.

Homeopathy as a Natural and Alternative Treatment for Fear

Homeopathy is an effective alternative treatment for fear. Internal homeopathic medicine often proves to be the best natural option to help treat such conditions. These medicines work by treating the whole patient, and not just the symptoms since the human body functions as one unit, and a disorder in one part can affect another. Homeopathic medicines do not cause drug-dependency or any side-effects.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of death (Thanatophobia)

Aconite – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Death with Anxiety.
Aconite is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat the fear of death coupled with anxiety. The person may fear death and believe that he or she may die soon, going so far as to predict the day of demise.

Arsenicum Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Death with Restlessness.
Arsenicum Album is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of death accompanied by restlessness. The affected person does not feel the need to take any medication and may change places continuously.

Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Heights (Acrophobia)

Argentum Nitricum – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Height.
Argentum Nitricum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of height and of flying in airplanes. The person fears the projecting corners of buildings; the sight of high buildings makes the person giddy and may cause him or her to stagger. A feeling of having the buildings on both sides of the street closing in and crushing upon the person is prevalent.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Closed Places (Claustrophobia)

Stramonium – Homeopathic medicine for Fear with Desire to Escape.
Stramonium is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of closed places with a desire to escape. The affected person may get anxiety when going through a tunnel or similar closed space.

Pulsatilla – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear with Desire for Open Spaces.
Pulsatilla is a homeopathic medicine used to treat a fear of closed spaces coupled with the desire to seek open air.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Open Places (Agoraphobia)

Gelsemium – Homeopathic Medicine for Stage Fright.
Gelsemium is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of open places, especially stage fright. The affected person has a nervous dread of appearing in public.

Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Mishappening.
Phosphorus is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of open places wherein the person fears that something terrible will happen.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Water (Hydrophobia)

Lyssinum – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Water with Anxiety.
Lyssinum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat fear of water coupled with anxiety, where a person wants to drink water but is unable to do so. Irritability on hearing the sound of water or looking at it is present, and the person gets convulsions on thinking of water or fluids.

Hyoscyamus – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear with Delirium.
Hyoscyamus is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of eating or drinking coupled with delirium. The person develops anxiety on hearing the sound of running water.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of failure (Atychiphobia)

Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear and Weak Memory.
Lycopodium is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of failure with weak memory. The person has a strong aversion to undertaking new challenges and may feel unable to reach a destination.

Aurum Metallicum – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear with Hopelessness.
Aurum Metallicum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of failure with marked hopelessness. The person experiences acute mental depression, the future looks bleak, and a feeling of being unfit or undeserving may prevail.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Sex (Intimacy)

Kreosote – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Intimacy.
Kreosote is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of sex and intimacy in women.

Staphysagria – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear with Suppressed Desire.
Staphysagria is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of sex with suppressed sexual desire. The tendency to fear sex may sprout from a feeling of being out of control, or with a history of rape or sexual abuse.

Homeopathic Medicines for Fear of Disease

Kali Arsenicum – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Life-threatening Disease.
Kali Arsenicum is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of contracting a life-threatening disease or anxiety about health, especially on going to bed.
This medicine is indicated in cases where there is a fear of having a stroke, heart disease or high blood pressure.

Agaricus – Homeopathic Medicine for Fear of Cancer.
Agaricus is a homeopathic medicine used to treat the fear of disease, especially cancer. The affected person may be pre-occupied with thoughts of death, dying and graveyards.

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  1. Dr B.S.Sayal says:

    Fears are mind symptoms which allopathy cannot understand,as mind itself is abstract term for allopaths,hence to cure mind symptom in allopathy will never be possible.we use two remedies for known fears and unkown fears they can be tried out by doctors and layman as they work only on mind and soul both are abstract things in anatomy.
    known fears——mimulus unknown fears———-aspen.
    Dr sayal is member of international homoeopathic society stockton

    california USA

  2. Birender Bodh says:

    sir ,
    I have ceated two images of tall people coming towards me and now these images are so strong that i constsntly feel like they are following me . suggest remedy.

  3. Im 35 years old share broker..sir i think im suffering from shyness and due to which im mentally depressed and i like to live alone. Im frightened of people relationship even i can not talk to my parents properly…i have no friends ??????plz help me sir!

  4. HIMANSHU ARYA says:

    Im 19 years old student..sir i think im suffering from shyness and due to which im mentally depressed and i like to live alone. Im frightened of people relationship even i can not talk to my teachers properly…plz help me sir!

  5. sumit thakur says:

    i am suffring from dypression,stage phobia,and nurvous.pls give me advice what i should do?

  6. My Son is 9 years old and does not take interest in studies. Always shirk and also can not learn the lessons fast. very slow in mathematices.

  7. Sanjay Chouhan says:

    I am 42 years of age and my wife is 40. We have been married for 15 years now. She has had this irrational behaviour towards menses since before marriage. She handles any an every item related to menses like CAT ‘A’ hazardous material!! If there is even a SUSPICION of any leakage or even a touch, she will treat it like most people would treat anthrax-contaminated clothes. She takes about 45 minutes to bathe during her menses since the whole process is extremely ritualized and and each step painstakingly carried out. For example, first the clothes will be taken off one by one and put into a bucket (the bucket being treated as a contaminated object) then the hands will be washed with soap atleast 4 times. Then the sanitary napkins will be removed, wrapped in newspaper and dropped into a plastic bag which is then wrapped and put into another bucket. Then the hands will be washed again 4 – 5 times. You get the idea. In contrast to this so-called “neatness”, the bathroom will not be washed except by her and, by all that is holy, I have never seen a bigger mess or somethng filthier than that bathroom and room.

    In addition, she happens to be over-dependent on her mother and sister and will not take any action without their advice, even knowing fully well that the sister has her own axe to grind. Her conflict resolution skills are under-developed and, when opposed, her hysterical tantrums are the talk of the neighbourhood. She has even run out of the house during an argument, buck naked and screaming at the top of her voice!

    And this has been going on for the last 15 years.

    Please guide me as to what approach is likely to work since I am afraid that her behaviour and phobias are adversely affecting my 10-year old daughter, an only child.


  8. Arun sharma says:

    Sir, iam suffering with phobia of travelling to new places and long journey and also feels lonely

    Thanking You

    Arun Shar:ma


    respected docror
    i am 53 yrs old. working in central govt . my family members cocnsist my mother, my wife and my son aged 26 yrs, working in TATA MOTORS AS EXECUTIVE MAMANAGER. For last couple of months, i am facing a lot of problems. problems relates with unseen issues which gives an irrarational shape of my normal thinking resulting a phobia. i am stragulling within myself to overcome. the issue is not particulars. sometimes it relates with journey, sometimes due to sudden load sheding, sometimes on meaning less topic.

  10. josefina says:

    I have a serius fear to birds. I want to know what medicine helps in that problem.

  11. josefina says:

    Tengo fobia a las aves. Me resulto muy interesante el tratamiento homeopatico respecto d esta tematica d las fobias…pero quisiera saber qué es lo q hay q tomar?

  12. i am studying this problen. in my opinion. no medicine help to overcome shyness. because hereditary it happen. i think. some part of brain defect cause shyness. i think shyness is equal to cancer pain

  13. my son is suffering from shyness, he keep himself alone at home do not speak at home, he do not tell his problem, whatever we say do not reply even if reply give a jerk, keep mum all the day at home, do not want to meet anybody, keep himself out of social life. whart to do. he is 30 we want him to marry.

  14. Dear adviser, i am ramana prasad,3rd,6,2009.9.35pm says:

    i have been suffering from O C D and having no full result by the allopathy since 2000, now iam suffering with a phobia of travelling to new places, even to a long places which is new to me in the city also . please give me a right solution. with immediate relief like allopathi medicine .

  15. I have phobia of thunder & lightening sound of firework touch of electrical goods when they are charged bees insects etc from 30 years


    I have been suffering from Claustrophobia alongwith Colitis for more than 15 years. Now I am 52 years old and a Deputy Manager of State Bank of India. For past two years, all the symptoms aggravated and presently under depression with Cervical Spondylosis. Having no results by Allopathy Treatmet for last two years now I am under Homoeo Treatment, but to no result. I am willing to resign from service. Please help.

  17. Hi There,

    I have been treated with homeopathy of fear (dentist, flying, insomnia) full 6 months. No results or so ever.

    I got some symptoms back during this treatment but I do not see any improvement at all. My homeopathy says it needs time. How much longer do I need to live like this? How do I know that I have been treated with medicine that is right for me? I know everybody is different but what would be the average that sees some results or improvement?

    Thank you


  18. Mohammed zafar says:

    I have social phobia from 7 yrs i want to treat myself so please suggest me, i stay at Bangalore, so please give me necessary details

  19. mohammed zafarulla says:

    I have social phobia i,e anxiety, depression, panic attacks etc

    • PRASHANT PANDA says:


  20. give me some solution to manage stage fear…

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