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Early Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Dupuytren’s contracture is a condition that develops over the course of many years and affects the hands and fingers. It begins with the thickening of the connective tissue within the palmar fascia, beneath the surface of palms. With time, lumps or knots develop beneath the palmar surface of the hand. Homeopathic medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture can help arrest the progress of the disease in the early stages (before the permanent bending of the fingers). Silicea, Causticum, and Ruta are the top homeopathic medicines used to treat Dupuytren’s Contracture.

homeopathy Dupuytren's Contracture

Homeopathic medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture.

The knots that develop as a result of the contracture mostly form at the base of the ring finger or the little finger. Eventually, hard cords develop from these knots that extend to the fingers. These cords contract with time, causing the bending or pulling of the affected fingers towards the palmar surface of the hand. With time, the fingers become deformed and the person is unable to extend the fingers in the long run. This leads to difficulty in performing everyday tasks like writing, holding objects, shaking hands, etc. The course of the condition varies from person to person. The disease may progress from initial stage to severe deformity in many cases while in others may not show progression up to the deformity stage. In many cases, Dupuytren’s contracture tends to self limit itself or even regresses in the initial stages itself.

Homeopathic Treatment of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Homeopathic medicines carry a good scope to help slow down the progression of the condition in most cases, especially if the condition is detected early. Homeopathy can go a long way if the treatment is started in the very beginning of the condition.
However, once the permanent deformity sets in, reversing the condition only with homeopathy is not possible. There are many medicines for treating Dupuytren’s contracture in the homeopathic system of medicine. The most prominent homeopathic medicines among them include Silicea, Causticum, Ruta, Colocynthis, and Rhus Tox. The homeopathic medicines that will suit a given case of Dupuytren’s contracture vary from case to case as per individual presentation. These homeopathic medicines are very effective and safe to use.

Homeopathic Medicines for Dupuytren’s Contracture

Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Pain on Finger Movement

Silicea is a natural medicine for Dupuytren’s contracture with pain in the contracted tissue cords upon moving the fingers. The affected finger flexes onto the palm. Opening the finger causes intense pain. Excessive sweating on hand is a feature that may be present in most cases.

Causticum – Homeopathic Remedy for Late Stages of Dupuytren’s Contracture

Causticum is indicated for the later stages of Dupuytren’s contracture. The cases needing Causticum have severe contractures in hand. This leads to bending or fingers towards the palm. The person is unable to move the affected fingers without the help of the other hand. In some cases, complete deformity of the finger is present. A drawing and tearing pain is felt in hands. The hands and fingers my feel icy cold.

Ruta – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Nodes on the Palm of Hand

Ruta is prepared from a fresh plant named Ruta Graveolens. It belongs to the natural order Rutaceae. Ruta is indicated for Dupuytren’s contracture with nodes on the palms of the hand. The fingers are contracted. Pain and stiffness in the hands may be present.

Colocynthis – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Dupuytren’s Contracture with Pain in Palms

Colocynthis is a natural remedy prepared from the pulp of the fruit of a plant called Citrullus Colocynthis or Bitter Apple. It belongs to the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Use of Colocynthis is considered in Dupuytren’s contracture when a pain in the palms is present. There appears contraction in the hands and fingers. It is difficult to open the finger, and the pain gets worse at rest.

Rhus Tox – Natural Medicine for Dupuytren’s Contracture with a History of Injury to the Hand

Rhus Tox offers help in cases of Dupuytren’s contracture that have a history of a hand injury. People needing Rhus Tox can move the fingers with great difficulty. An aching or drawing pain and a heated sensation in the palm of the hand may be present.

Reason for Dupuytren’s Contracture

The reason for Dupuytren’s contracture is not clearly understood. Some factors that put a person at high risk of developing Dupuytren’s contracture. These factors include a positive family history of Dupuytren’s contracture, age above 50 years, and diabetes mellitus. Other risk factors include hyperlipidemia, alcohol use in excess and smoking. Any hand injury in the past is also linked with the development of Dupuytren’s contracture. Men are at a greater risk to develop Dupuytren’s contracture than women. The male to female ratio for development of this condition is around 4:1. Individuals of all the races and ethnicity can be affected but the northern European population is at a higher risk to develop this condition.

Signs and Symptoms of Dupuytren’s Contracture

The first feature appearing in Dupuytren’s contracture is thickening of the skin of the palms or formation of nodes on the palms of the hands. These nodes may or may not be painful or tender to touch. As the condition progresses, the range of mobility of the affected fingers starts to decrease. In the later stage, deformity of the hand develops, where the affected finger gets bent unto the palmar surface of the hand permanently. This leads to an inability to straighten the affected finger. The deformity is due to the formation of cords of tissue that contracts with time. In a majority of cases, the little finger is affected, followed by the ring finger. In some cases, the middle finger may also get involved. The involvement of the index finger and the thumb in this condition is rare.

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  1. Edith Fleck says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma, I have a growth in the palm of my left hand. I am a 73 years old female. Where can I get a homeo path medicine or ointment for the palm of my hand? Where are you offices located? I am in the USA

  2. Edith Fleck says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma, I have a growth in the palm of my left hand. I am a 73 years old female. Where can I get a homeo path medicine or ointment for the palm of my hand?

  3. Barbara Pardi says:

    Hello I have very significant signs of dupuytren contracture. Just wondering how many Ruta an causticum and can I take both together?

    • Ishtiaq Ahmed says:

      Hello I have very significant signs of dupuytren contracture. Just wondering how many Ruta an causticum and can I take both together?

    • I am a woman, age 75. Early this year, Dupuytren’s showed up in both hands.

      I have hard nodules, pain in palms, cords forming in palms, two stiff fingers in right hand. Also, my palms become hot, and some areas of my hands feel tender and bruised. The two stiff fingers in right hand—middle finger and wring finger—are tight and they feel that they are just beginning to contract.

      My hands have become weak and clumsy, and both wrists are weak too. When my hands get cold, they become very painful.

      I would be grateful to learn which homeopathic remedies would be most useful, and what strengths.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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