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Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cysts

What are Ovarian Cysts?

Sacs of fluid that form within a woman’s ovaries are known as ovarian cysts. A woman may develop a cyst in one ovary or both the ovaries at the same time. Ovarian cysts occur very commonly in women of childbearing age, and are less common in females after menopause. Homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts works to treat the symptoms and also dissolve the cysts safely with time.

Ovaries and Their Function

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cyst

Homeopathic Remedies for Ovarian Cyst

Ovaries are two oval-shaped gonads which make up an important part of the female reproductive system. The ovaries are found on either side of the uterus and have two major functions – production of egg (ovum) for fertilization, and the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
Every month, an ovum (egg) is released from the mature follicle. If the ovum is fertilized by a sperm, it leads to pregnancy. If the ovum doesn’t get fertilized, then it breaks down and is shed along with the lining of the uterus in the form of menstrual bleeding.

Causes and Types of Ovarian Cysts

The cause behind an ovarian cyst depends upon the type of cyst. Ovarian cysts are of different kinds, the most common being functional cysts, dermoid cysts, endometriomas, and cystadenomas. Another condition, known as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) also leads to the formation of cysts on the ovaries.

Functional Ovarian Cysts

Functional cysts are the most common and harmless ovarian cysts that tend to disappear on their own within two to three menstrual cycles. Functional cysts are linked to the menstrual cycle.
Functional cysts are further divided into two types – follicular cyst and corpus luteum cyst.

a) Follicular Cyst: In a menstruating female, every month a follicle in the ovary matures, and it contains an egg. This follicle ruptures to release the egg (a process known as ovulation). If for any reason the follicle does not rupture and release the egg, then it swells up into a fluid-filled follicular cyst.

b) Corpus Luteum Cyst: During the menstrual cycle, the ovum (egg) is released from the follicle during ovulation. The follicle then gets converted to a mass known as ‘corpus luteum’ that secretes the hormone progesterone.
If the ovum gets fertilized with sperm (that is, a pregnancy occurs), then the corpus luteum keeps secreting progesterone to maintain the pregnancy in the early stages. If pregnancy doesn’t happen, then this corpus luteum stops secreting progesterone and disappears. In some cases, the corpus luteum doesn’t disappear even in the absence of a pregnancy. It then gets filled with fluid or blood and persists in the ovary in the form of a corpus luteum cyst.

Dermoid Cyst

A dermoid cyst is a benign cyst that contains some tissues like hair, skin, fat, teeth, thyroid tissue, nails, bone, etc. These cysts are also known as ovarian teratomas.
These cysts are seen in women during the reproductive years. Women usually below the age of 30 years tend to develop these cysts. Although not a serious problem, dermoid cysts cause a problem if they rupture. They can then cause infection or ovarian torsion, both of which require medical attention.


Endometriomas are ovarian cysts that contain a brown, tar-like thick fluid and are also known as chocolate cysts. These cysts develop when the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus gets attached to the ovary and produces a growth there to form a cystic mass.


Cysts that develop from cells covering the outer layer of the ovary are called cystadenomas. These cysts do not grow inside the ovary; instead, they develop on the surface of the ovary. These cysts can contain watery fluid or thick mucus-like substance.
Those filled with watery fluid are known as serous cystadenomas, and those filled with thick mucus-like substance are known as mucinous cystadenomas.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome)

PCOS is a very common metabolic disorder that arises as a result of hormonal imbalance in females. In PCOS, multiple follicles (fluid-filled sacs) grow inside ovaries that contain immature eggs. These eggs then may not reach maturity and ovulate.

Homeopathic Remedies for Cysts

The conventional mode of treatment usually prescribes oral contraceptives or birth control pills in most cases of ovarian cysts. These pills don’t treat the root cause of ovarian cysts; they mask the symptoms by regularising the menstrual cycle without treating the cysts. They may also suppress ovulation to prevent the formation of more cysts.
These pills do not dissolve the existing ovarian cysts, and discontinuing their use can lead to the formation of new cysts. In addition to this, there are some side effects of these pills like nausea, breast tenderness, vaginal discharge, decreased libido, mood changes, weight gain, and migraine.

Ovarian cyst treatment with homeopathic medicine is a holistic approach that treats the main cause behind the problem. Homeopathic medicines are very safe to use among women of all age groups, and these treat ovarian cysts gently without any side effects.
Homeopathic medicine for ovarian cyst can help dissolve the cysts already present and also reduce the tendency to develop more cysts.
These medicines help in correcting menstrual irregularities linked with ovarian cysts and the associated symptoms like bloating, back pain, dyspareunia, etc. Correct and timely use of ovarian cysts can also help prevent surgery in a lot of cases.

Some of the most important homeopathic medicines that are used for treating ovarian cysts are – Lachesis Muta, Lycopodium Clavatum, Colocynthis, Apis Mellifica, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Sabina Officinalis and Sepia Succus. Each of these homeopathic medicines has their characteristic indications to use them.

Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts

Lachesis Muta – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts on Left Side

Lachesis Muta is a homeopathic medicine for left ovarian cysts. Swelling and pain in the left ovary that gets better during menses, short and scanty menses, and menstrual bleeding that is blackish in color are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Lycopodium Clavatum – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts on Right Side

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic medicine for right ovarian cysts. Burning or boring pains may be felt in the ovary. Irregular periods, profuse or prolonged periods, pain during intercourse and abdominal bloating are the main symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine for Painful Ovarian Cysts

Colocynthis is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts that are painful. The pain varies in character, ranging from cramping, stitching to tensive. Burning sensation in the ovaries that gets better upon bending over double and a sensitive ovarian region that seems hard and swollen are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts that cause Pain during Intercourse

Apis Mellifica is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts that cause pain during intercourse. A stinging, sharp, cutting pain from the ovary radiating down the thigh, soreness and tenderness over the ovarian region, heaviness in the ovarian region and pain in the ovaries during menstruation are the symptoms indicative of Apis Mellifica.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Scanty Menstruation

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with scanty menstrual bleeding. A tendency of delayed menstruation, menstrual colic, chilliness, vomiting, heavy pressure in the abdomen and lower back, a pressure in the bladder and rectum are the symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.

Sabina Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Sabina Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with heavy menstrual bleeding. The menstrual bleeding is usually bright red, and copious, with the presence of dark clots. Movement tends to worsen the bleeding, and pelvic pain that extends down to the thighs is present. Dragging pain in the back and lower limbs, and bloating and distension in the pelvic region are the symptoms that indicate the need for Sabina Officinalis.

Sepia Succus – Homeopathic Medicine for Ovarian Cysts with Irregular Menstruation

Sepia Succus is a homeopathic medicine for ovarian cysts with irregular menstruation. The periods may be early or late, scanty or profuse, or of long or short duration. A bearing down sensation in the pelvis, soreness, fullness, pressure, distension, and pain in the pelvic region with a frequent urge to urinate are the symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy.

Ovarian Cyst: Contributing Factors

The contributing factors that lead to ovarian cysts include:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • pelvic infections
  • a family history of ovarian cysts
  • obesity or gaining weight rapidly

Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms

In many cases, ovarian cysts don’t lead to any symptoms and are diagnosed during a regular ultrasound. In other cases, some symptoms that may appear in case of ovarian cysts include:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (pelvis on the side of ovarian cyst). The pain may be sudden, severe or may be dull.
  • Bloating, heaviness, fullness in the abdomen
  • Irregular periods, heavy/scanty periods
  • Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
  • Frequent urination
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Lower back pain or thigh pain
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Infertility
  • In cases of PCOS, menstrual irregularities may be accompanied by other features like acne, hirsutism, obesity, hair fall.

Frequently Asked Questions on Ovarian Cysts

What are the complications of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian torsion and rupture are two main complications of ovarian cysts. Sudden severe pelvic pain, nausea, vomiting, fever dizziness, and fast breathing are some of the symptoms that appear as a result of these complications. These need immediate medical emergency attention.

Are Ovarian Cysts Cancerous?

Most of the times, ovarian cysts are non-cancerous.
A very small percentage of ovarian cysts can be cancerous, and these usually tend to occur after menopause in women.

Can Ovarian Cysts lead to Infertility?

Ovarian cysts are of different types, and while some cysts can cause infertility, most of them are not linked with infertility.

  • Cysts that can lead to infertility are ovarian cysts that develop as a result of polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriomas.
  • Cysts not linked with infertility are functional cysts, dermoid cysts, and cystadenomas.

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  1. PARTHA PAUL says:


    • esther stutz says:

      hi dr sharma,
      PS also have cysts on kidney and liver thanks e stutz
      74 yr old, had breast cancer, left, 2006/2010, lumpectomy, had pituitary adenoma 2016, surgery,UCDAVIS,CA diagnosed 2017 RIGHT FRONTAL LOBE TUMOR MENINGIOMA,no surgery to deep in brain suggested radiation, decline, 2019 july mri has not grown take mri next yr now have left ovarian cyst one doc wanted to do complete hysterectomy decline taken vaginal and pelvic sonograms, cyst is 4.3 x 5.5 x 3.0 cm lobulated contours 3.3 in 8/2015 4cm 2019 gastro doc sending me to another gynocologist chico ca. questions: is it safe to do biopsy find out if cancer? does it spread if this is done? if it is cancer. if cancer willing to remove left ovary but not wanting complete hysterectomy. is biopsy only way to find out if cancer. also have high cholesterol MD concerned want me on drugs, declined

  2. Dr. Mirza Ohiuddin Begg. says:

    Overian cyst Left side.painful. what is the homeopathic remedies.

  3. S. Elias Jahangir says:

    Dear Sir,

    Namaskar. My daughter (23+ years) is suffering from ovarian cysts for about ten years. got homeo treatment for a couple of years, but no significant improvement. Now it spread to left ovarian in small volume. Can it still be cured by homeo medicine or we should go immediately for surgery!
    Beat regards.

    S. Elias Jahangir

  4. Kallol sharma says:

    Right ovarian cyst,so painful, iragular menstruation, intercross painful, non sadeativeness. Kindly suggest.

  5. fathima says:

    dear doctor
    iam having 3.7mm simple cyst on the left ovary which
    is giving me indigestion , crampy pain.
    kindly suggest any medicine
    i also have a 3.5 mm stone in my left kidney

  6. Rajendra says:

    Hi doctor, this is Rajendra, my wife is suffering from ovarian chocolate cyst past many years, and she had taken treatment from homeocare international Bangalore for 18 months, but there is not even minute improvement, pl suggest me how she can overcome with this problem. In the year 2014 she underwent a surgery for this, in which they taken out the content, again this start growing, now it is 4cm cyst. OK guide us how to get rid of this problem.

  7. shalini srivastva says:

    nobithiyan cyst key liyekun see madicin sahi hogi kya medicin sey theek ho jaeyge yaa nahi.

  8. Meenakshi Gupga says:

    Hello doctor,
    I am having big size solid cyst (endometriosis) in both sides. I had my delivery in July 2018. This condition has been prevelent for past 7-8 years. Though my periods is regular,. Is their a way cyst can be treated completely .

  9. Hlo Doctor . I am having ovarian cyst in my left ovary size 4.3 mm .. Type of cyst is hemorrhagic cyst .. i had kidney stone in my right kidney which i passed out 6 months ago .. i feel pain all the time in my stomach right side specially on the hip region a sharp dull pain .. and which increases and causes pain in whole stomach .. Is this pain due to cyst or there is another kidney stone developed .. And will my cyst be cured with homeopathy or it requires no treatment .. i experience scanty periods too ..

  10. Patient Name :-Chandrima Banik D/O:- Manik Lal Banik says:

    Cystic tumour on both overies. 2 in right overy, size 22.9 mm x 14.4 mm and 29.2 mm x 22.1 mm. in right overy. In left overy contains 1 no size 55.9 mm x 42.6 mm . Every menstrual cycle passes through severe pelvic pain and huge quantities of red blood and sometimes with clots. Mental state during the pain does want to survive. Physical health is thin of height 5 feet 3 inch, age 24 years. From father of the patient.

  11. Asalam alaikum
    I have diagnosed a dermoid cyst in my right ovary of 11 cm.. I dont have pain but I have to remove it?

    • Dr Neeraj Pundir from dehradun says:

      You should consult any eminent homoeopathic doctor around you,and definitely this problem will vanish.

  12. Geetha Madhnani says:

    I hve left adexal ovary cyst 5.4×3.7cms my ca 125 test is 16.00u/ ml thyroid 3.23pg/’ll I hve pain lightly and my weight is gaining and hair fall also pls suggest me nice medicine I am taking utrofyne

  13. Dr Afzal Ali says:

    Dear sir. A patient has a problem of shrinked ovary, which is slightly visible in USG. please guide me for Homeopathic treatment.Case with shrinked ovary is 1st one in my practice.

    • Subir Rana says:

      Dear Dr. Sharma
      I am 50 yrs married male having 20mm X 30 mm kidney cyst (left Kidney) which was determined by USG. It increases its size gradually. Some times I used to get slight dull pain in the left part of the waist, My height is 165 cm , weight 70 kg. Gets hurt very easily, little memory loss problem, Blood pressure and blood sugar normal, used to exercise regularly, strong smelling urine with higher phosphate(detected by urine test), Please suggest Homeopathic medicine for me.

    • Hello,
      Sir, I hope you doing good. sir, I found a large left adnexal cyst. please suggest medicine to remove it.

  14. Dear sir. My daughter has ovarian cyst. The allopathic gaenocologist has advised surgery but my daughter is hesitating. I need your help. Is there a complete treatment of it in homeopathy and for how long it would be. I shall be obliged for you kind guidance and support.

  15. Hello,
    I have a very large ovarian cyst measuring 9 cm by 9 cm by 9 cm! I don’t have a lot of symptoms, surprisingly other than pressure
    In my lower abdomen and less circulation into my left leg. I am determined to avoid surgery so I am trying as many different remedies as I can. Can you advise? I’m happy to pay for a consult. Thank you!

    • Reshma chetry says:

      I have chocolate cyst 5cm in my left ovary.when period starts…My left side starts paining severely and I have to take painkiller during my periods..please suggest homeopathic medicine..nausea pain in the bowel movement..please give some suggestions

  16. Uzma sayyed says:

    Hi , i had a laparoscopy 3 months ago to remove my 5cm cyst in the left ovary but my surgeon could not find the cyst that day and found extensive uterus adhesions , i still have pain in left side . My surgeon is planning for an open surgery to remove adhesions but he doesn’t explain about the cyst which is still painful and it’s not cancerous, I’m fed up of pain killers and not happy for any surgery and want a homeopathic treatment. Kindly advice a medicine.thanks

  17. odunayo Abolade says:

    hi doctor
    i have a right ovarian cyst measuring 64mm×63mm.i have been feeling all sorts of pain in my pelvis region. pls how can you help with homeopathic medicine. The lycopodium clavatum describes my symptom.

  18. Vaishali chunarkar says:

    I am 35 years old. l have done surgery for right ovrian cyst . Histopathology reports mentioned it as mucinous cyst. Can it be treated in homeopathy? What medicines i have to take to get rid of?

  19. Michele Griffin says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,
    I have a 2cm dermoid cyst on my left side which is causing me quite a lot of pain and impacting on my bowels, pain and left leg. I am a 60 year lady and have had 3 children. Is there any homeopathic medicine I could use to get rid of it. Thank you very much.

  20. Jagdeep kaur says:

    Hello mam
    I am 32 year old .i have functional cyst in left ovary and size is 18×25mm…plz help me…what homeo medicine i have to take.

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