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Homeopathy Medicines for Alzheimer’s Disease

Homeopathic treatment for alzheimersIf you forget the names of your family members or you frequently  can’t remember where you kept your keys,  simple absent-mindedness might not be to blame and the condition could be serious enough to be Alzheimer’s disease, for which there are several homeopathic medicines. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the leading causes of dementia among the elderly people with main symptom being progressive memory loss and forgetfulness. A person with Alzheimer’s has difficulty in remembering things. In addition to this, a person’s thinking and reasoning skills are also gradually decreased.

As is known, homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s provide a safe and successful line of treatment on account of them being drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and having no side-effects. In case of Alzheimer’s, the homeopathic mode of treatment can be opted for as a supportive system in conjunction with other medications. Although homeopathic remedies cannot revert the disease and the brain damage that has already occurred, but they can surely help in preventing further deterioration and brain cell damage.

 Causes of Alzheimer’s disease

The exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is unknown. Genetics play an important role in the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease. In Alzheimer’s disease, the brain cells are damaged that progressively worsens over time. The risk factors that predispose one to have Alzheimer’s disease are advancing age, head trauma, positive family history of Alzheimer’s disease and high blood pressure.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are memory loss that is persistent and gradually worsens with time. In the beginning, short-term memory loss is present but in the advanced stage, long-term memory also gets diminished. There is difficulty in thinking, reasoning, communicating. The person has difficulty in acquiring new information and remembering recently learned facts.  The person forgets things after placing them, while conversing he cannot find the right words or forgets and loses the thread of conversation or asks to repeat question again, forgets names of well-known places or names of known persons, or forgets where he is. Eventually, reading and writing skills get impaired. Over time, as the disease advances, the person forgets how to bathe, dress, feed himself and maintain personal hygiene. Other accompanying symptoms are depression, mood swings, irritability, aggressive behavior, social withdrawal, and exhaustion.

Benefits of homeopathic medicines for treating Alzheimer’s disease:

Homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease are natural remedies that can help in slowing down further progression of disease. They mainly target at improving the memory of the person and in retaining the memory whatsoever is left.  They also are very effective in dealing with depression and emotional imbalance in the person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Homeopathic medicines can be used in conjunction with other therapies to help improve the quality of life in Alzheimer’s patients as far as possible. Homeopathic remedies are non-toxic and carry no adverse side-effects.

 Recommended Homeopathic Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease:

The popularly recommended homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease are Anacardium, Cannabis Indica, Medorrhinum, Ignatia and Kali Phos. Anacardium is a suitable remedy for marked forgetfulness. Sudden diminution of memory of what a person has just seen, just listened to or names of people surrounding him appears. Cannabis Indica is the appropriate choice for short-term memory loss in persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Medorrhinum ranks high as a cure for memory loss for the names of well-known persons and places. Last medicines Ignatia and Kali Phos are wonderful remedies to deal with depression in Alzheimer’s patients.

 Homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease:

1. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with marked forgetfulness:

Effective homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with marked forgetfulness are Anacardium and Alumina. Anacardium is a good choice when the person is very forgetful. He forgets what he has seen and suddenly forgets names of people surrounding him. Memory progressively gets bad. Along with forgetfulness, the person also shows irritability, anxiety, anger with violent behavior and use of foul language. Next remedy Alumina is also a valuable selection for forgetfulness in Alzheimer’s disease. Alumina is selected when memory is weak or entirely lost. The person has cloudiness in the mind, he is slow to answer and lacks judgement power. Absent mindedness also prevails. He also makes mistakes while writing and speaking.

 2. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with short term memory loss:

Cannabis Indica is one of the best homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease with short-term memory loss. It is indicated where a person forgets frequently while he is doing a specific task or soon after doing it. He forgets what he has just done, or what has just happened, or what he has just said or read. He also forgets what he is about to do, what he is about to write. He also forgets frequently while talking. While speaking a sentence, he forgets what he is about to say, forgets the words in his mouth. Sudden loss of ideas and speech also appears. He begins a sentence but cannot finish it. There is inability to recall ideas even after exerting the mind to do so.

 3. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with loss of memory for names of well-known persons and places:

Medorrhinum is among the top-grade homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease where a person shows loss of memory for names of well-known persons and places. He forgets names of close friends and family members. In extreme cases, he even forgets his own name. Medorrhinum is also indicated when a person finds it difficult to carry on a conversation. He gets lost while conversing and a question has to be repeated. He is unable to collect ideas and gives incorrect replies.

 4. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease with difficulty while reading and writing from memory weakness:

The prominently indicated homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease with weak memory posing a difficulty in reading and writing are Lac Caninum and Nux Moschata. Lac Caninum is helpful when the person is forgetful while writing. He makes use of wrong words while writing, doesn’t remember appropriate words. He makes spelling mistakes, omit letters in words. While reading or writing, he is unable to concentrate. Person needing Lac Caninum seems hopeless about recovery. The person is sure that the disease is incurable and recovery is impossible. Next remedy Nux Moschata is prescribed for sudden vanishing of thoughts while reading or writing. Person uses wrong words in reading or in writing. He frequently makes a wrong selection of words. He may also show marked drowsiness, absent- mindedness and indifferent behavior accompanying the above symptoms.

 5. Homeopathic medicines for Alzheimer’s disease to deal with accompanying depression and emotional imbalance:

The most appropriate homeopathic remedies for Alzheimer’s disease to deal with depression and emotional imbalance are Ignatia, Kali Phos and Aurum Met. Ignatia is the best choice when a person experiences sadness, weeping spells, and desire to be alone. It is also indicated for mood swings. Kali Phos can help when a person has marked exhaustion, fatigue, lassitude, and weariness along with Alzheimer’s disease. Kali Phos is also indicated for gloominess, despondency, sadness, and a dull mind accompanying Alzheimer’s disease. And Aurum Met is useful when depression with suicidal tendencies persists in Alzheimer’s disease. A person requiring Aurum Met also feels he is worthless and of little importance, he feels life is a burden. Even the slightest contradiction is unbearable and leads to acute anger outbursts in such persons.



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  1. sudhakar.RVS says:


    Recently I come across a patient,designated as ALZHEIMER, by American doctors.
    Her problems are, forgets names, halucinations expresses as if some one calling her, laughing self,
    tries to walk away from the house lonely without ones knowledge of husband and others, singing alone,
    forgetfullness of her activities.
    with mly little knowledge, unable to treat her.
    I always take your guidence from this site since 4 years.
    Request you sir, to refer some best Homeo medicines to her to solicify her issue.
    Kindly help her. poor husband unable to guard her. no body to help.Expect early gratitude.

  2. C Madhu says:

    My father was Alzheimer patient. Present his condition was very serious i.e. he was not eating own, not swallowing the liquids i.e, water and juice, More time puting in mouth. since last one week present his memory totally lost.

    please suggest to me. what i do..

  3. C Madhu says:

    My father was Alzheimer patient. Present his condition was very serious i.e. he was not eating any thing some times he was swallowing the liquids i.e, water and juice like.. present his memory totally lost.

    please suggest to me. what i do..

  4. zilleh syeda says:

    my cousine husband age of 69 years and he is diabetic since 15 years and his kidney had pained . Now a days he left his job and when he is driving car or bike he forget the address and mostly he is crying and trying to remembering things what to do pls. give the medicine name and guide or help us. his name is jameel.


  5. zilleh syeda says:

    my cousine husband age of 69 years and he is diabetic since 15 years and his kidney had pained . Now a days he left his job and when he is driving car or bike he forget the address and mostly he is crying and trying to remembering things what to do pls. give the medicine name and guide or help us. his name is jameel.


  6. Kamla devi says:

    Sir ,
    My mother 75, she has symptoms from last six years but recently changed a lot as she is diabetic from year 2003. Now she had issue in Walking, denying to eat. Incontinence, loosing clothes and pass the urine on bed itself. Abusing who is assisting. We have allopathic treatment also but doesnot

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