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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocele  

Hydrocele refers to swelling in the scrotum that holds the testicles. It arises from collection of excessive fluid in the sheath (tunica vaginalis) surrounding a testicle. Hydrocele can be congenital i.e. a child may be born with hydrocele or it may develop later in life. The causes of hydrocele developing late in life are inflammation or injury within the scrotum. Homeopathic medicines for hydrocele, if started well in time, can save a person from surgery and its related side-effects.

homeopathic medicines for hydrocele


Homeopathic Treatment

Hydrocele, which is considered a surgical condition in the conventional mode of treatment, can be treated effectively with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines for hydrocele are of natural origin, making them safe for use on children as well as adults. They do not carry any toxic side effects. Homeopathic medicines help reduce swelling in the scrotum as well as any associated symptoms such as pain or dragging sensation.

Homeopathic Medicines for Hydrocele

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for hydrocele include Rhododendron, Clematis, Arnica, Apis Mellifica, Abrotanum and Digitalis.

1. Rhododendron – Top Grade Medicine For Hydrocele

Rhododendron is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves of plant ‘yellow snow rose’. It has shown great clinical improvements in cases of hydrocele. This medicine brings natural recovery, it works well in almost all cases of hydrocele especially if arising from orchitis or epididymitis. In cases needing it, there is marked swelling of scrotum. It may be hard and painful to touch. Though rhododendron can be helpful for hydrocele on either side but is more prominently indicated for cases of left sided hydrocele.

When and How to use Rhododendron?

Rhododendron is the most widely used medicine for hydrocele. It can be used as a first line of treatment in hydrocele. Though it can be used from in and high potencies, it is usually preferred in 30C potency. Rhododendron 30C can be taken twice a day, once in morning and once in evening.

2. Clematis – For Right Sided Hydrocele

Clematis is the next well-indicated medicine for hydrocele. It is also a natural remedy prepared from leaves and stems of plant ‘virgin’s bower’. It is a highly suitable medicine for cases of right sided hydrocele. Those needing it have a drawing pain in testicle. The scrotum is swollen. At times the testicle may be painful to touch. It is also very helpful for cases of hydrocele arising from orchitis.

When and How to use Clematis?

This medicine can be used in cases of right sided hydrocele that may be painful. This medicine is mainly recommended in 30C potency. Clematis 30C can be taken twice a day.

3. Arnica – For Hydrocele After An Injury

Sourced from a plant ‘leopard’s bane’, Arnica is a herbal medicine of great importance in treating hydrocele that follows an injury. It gives promising results in hydrocele cases occurring after an injury. In cases needing it there is swelling of scrotum attended with sore, bruised pain. This medicine along with healing injury helps to reduce swelling of scrotum and manages any associated pain.

When and How to use Arnica?

Arnica should be considered as the first choice of medicine for cases of hydrocele that occurs after an injury. Arnica 30 C can be taken two times a day for good results.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Hydrocele With marked Swelling

Apis Mellifica is the next most effective medicine for managing hydrocele. It is beneficial when there is excessive swelling of scrotum. This medicine helps to absorb fluid that is collected around testicle. Inflammation of testicles may be present in cases needing it along with stinging pain.

When and How to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be used in cases where there is intense swelling of scrotum. It will aid fluid absorption and bring great relief. Its use is preferred in 30C potency. Apis Mellifica can be taken twice a day in 30C potency.

5. Abrotanum – For Congenital Hydrocele

Abrotanum is the most wonderful medicine for hydrocele where the condition is present from birth. It is of natural origin prepared from leaves and stem of plant ‘southernwood’ and entirely safe for use among children.

When and How to use Abrotanum?

Its use is particularly considered in new born boys having hydrocele. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician before using this medicine for right potency and repetition that varies from case to case.

6. Digitalis – For Left Sided Hydrocele

Digitalis is also a natural remedy of plant origin for treating hydrocele. It is prepared from leaves of plant named ‘foxglove’ and is very helpful for left sided hydrocele with marked swelling of scrotum. The scrotum seems like a bladder filled with water. Bruised pain may accompany the condition in such cases which will respond well to Digitalis.

When and How to use Digitalis?

Digitalis is well indicated for left sided hydrocele. Digitalis 30C twice a day is an ideal dose to start with.

Note Any of the above homeopathic medicines can be taken for about one month. If no relief sets in, kindly consult a homeopathic physician for further case evaluation and change in prescription.

Causes of Hydrocele

Though hydrocele can occur at any age but is most common in newborns and in males over 40 yrs of age.

A). In Infants (Babies Less Than One Year Age)

During development of male baby, the testicles descend from their abdominal cavity into the scrotum shortly before birth. There is a natural sac (containing fluid) surrounding the testicles. This sac closes and fluid absorption occurs during first year of baby. But if this sac does not close, it results in hydrocele results which is termed communicating hydrocele. If the sac closes but some fluid remains behind around the testicle, it is termed non-communicating hydrocele.

B). In adults

Hydrocele may occur when the sac (tunica vaginalis) produces excessive fluid or when the fluid is not properly absorbed, it results in build-up of fluid around testicle.

Hydrocele may arise from:

1. Injury or inflammation of scrotum

2. Infection/inflammation of testicles (orchitis) or epididymis(epididymitis)

3. Sexually transmitted infections

4. Inguinal hernia, which is rare

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Hydrocele?

In most cases swelling in the scrotum is the only sign. It may be on one side or both sides. The swelling may be less in the morning and more in the evening.

Other than this, it may cause discomfort, dragging sensation in the scrotum along with heaviness. In some cases, pain, redness of scrotum may also be present.

If there occurs sudden intense pain in the scrotum or swelling mainly after scrotal injury, immediate medical help should be taken. This could be due to blocked blood flow from twisted testicle (testicular torsion) that needs urgent treatment to prevent permanent damage to testicle.

Types of Hydrocele

1. Communicating hydrocele: A natural sac (containing fluid) surrounds the testicles that closes and fluid absorption occurs during the first year of the baby. If this sac does not close, it results in hydrocele which is termed communicating hydrocele. Communicating hydrocele is associated with inguinal hernia.

2. Non-communicating hydrocele: If this sac closes but some fluid remains behind around the testicle, it is termed non-communicating hydrocele.

3. Nuck’s hydrocele (also called Female hydrocele): It is a rare form of hydrocele occurring in female children when the complete obliteration of the canal of nuck (abnormal patent pouch of peritoneum) fails to take place.

Primary hydrocele

There occurs closure of processus vaginalis (embryonic developmental outpouching of the parietal peritoneum). During embryonic development, it forms the pathway of descent for the testes of spermatic cord within one to two years of birth that closes off communication between abdomen and scrotum. The distal (part away from body) part of it remains open as tunica vaginalis covers testis making a space where fluid accumulation can cause hydrocele. There are four sub-types of primary hydrocele as per the point of obliteration of process vaginalis:

1.Congenital hydrocele: it arises when processus vaginalis remains patent and thus communicates with the peritoneal cavity.

2. Infantile Hydrocele: It results when processus vaginalis closes at the level of the deep inguinal ring and the portion distal to it remains patent. There is no connection with peritoneal cavity.

3. Encysted Hydrocele of the Cord: In this, the central portion of processus vaginalis remains patent while both proximal and distal portions get obliterated

4. Vaginal Hydrocele: In this subtype, the processus vaginalis remains patent just around the testes area,

Secondary hydrocele: It results from some underlying condition like epididymitis, infection or injury.


The complications of hydrocele are summed below:

1. Rupture: It can occur spontaneously by itself or from some trauma

2. Hematocele formation if there occurs bleeding in the sac

3. Calcification (hardening) of the sac

4. An infection resulting in scrotal pyocele (pus collection in the space between visceral and parietal tunica vaginalis surrounding testicle)

5. Atrophy (shrinkage) of testis in long term cases

What other testicular conditions do we need to differentiate hydrocele from?

The signs and symptoms of hydrocele can mimic other testicular conditions arising from other causes. Some of these are as follows:

1. Varicocele: Enlargement of veins inside the scrotum. In this condition,  a lump and swelling in testicle occurs and enlarged veins in scrotum are visible

2. Spermatocele: Abnormal cyst developing inside the scrotum.

3. Epididymitis: Inflammation of epididymis (a coiled tube at the back of testicle in which sperms are stored while they mature and are transported from the testes to the vas deferens).

4. Epididymal cyst: Fluid-filled sac in epididymis

5. Scrotal Hematocele: Blood filled sac in scrotum usually from an injury

6. Inguinal hernia

7. Testicluar tumor rarely

Diagnosis of Hydrocele

1. Physical Examination: To check swelling, pain and tenderness in scrotum

2. Transillumination test: A doctor will shine a strong light through scrotum. In case of hydrocele, the light will pass through scrotum while in case of some solid mass (tumor) the light will not pass.

3. Ultrasound of scrotum is the most commonly recommended test to confirm hydrocele and to find other causes of scrotal swelling.

4. Blood and urine test to check for infection

Frequenlty Asked Questions

Is hydrocele curable in homeopathy?

Yes, there are highly effective natural remedies in homeopathy that can help in curing many hydrocele cases. However, the results vary depending on the duration, intensity of complaint, age of the patient and individual’s response to homeopathic treatment.

How much time does it take to treat hydrocele in homeopathy?

The total time duration of hydrocele treatment might vary from few months to about one year. It differs from case to case especially based on duration, severity of issue and amount of swelling.

I am a 60-year-old suffering from hydrocele for the last one year, now it is increasing in size with pain, I really do not want to go for surgery, Can homeopathy help me?

Yes, homeopathy can help to treat your complaint. There are highly effective medicines in homeopathy to treat hydrocele and reduce swelling and pain related to it. A complete case history is required to prescribe most suitable homeopathic medicines.

Which homeopathic medicines would you rate best for left and right sided hydrocele?

My best choice of homeopathic medicine for left-sided hydrocele is Rhododendron and to treat right-sided hydrocele is Clematis.

I am 50-yr- old with left-sided hydrocele and I have been taking Rhododendron for the last few months but have not seen any results, Is there any other homeopathic medicines that I can use for better result?

Though Rhododendron is one of the top grade medicine for left sided hydrocele and works in most of the cases, but if by any chance it has not given results in your case, you may definitely try some other homeopathic medicines, Digitalis for example is another well-indicated medicine for left-sided hydrocele. Kindly consult a homeopath for right potency, dosage and repetition before using this medicine.

I have right-sided hydrocele for the last 5 yrs, my age is 40yrs. I have a swelling on right side scrotum without any pain. I am taking Calcarea Fluor for the past one year with doctor’s consultation but no effect, please suggest some better homeopathic medicine for my complaint?

For right sided hydrocele, two most prominently indicated medicines are Clematis and Lycopodium that can help in your case. Further details of your case are required to select the best among these and decide on potency and dosage.

Can a person take two homeopathic medicines side by side from the recommended list to treat hydrocele?

Though two homeopathic medicines can be taken side by side  to treat hydrocele but it is advised to consult a homeopath as a relationship chart of homeopathic medicines has to be referred whenever taking more than one homeopathic medicine. There are certain homeopathic medicines that do not go well with each other and may make the condition worse, if taken together or might antidote (nullify or neutralize) each other’s effects.

Hydrocele on my right side has become hard with pain sometimes, I am not interested in operation, Which homeopathic drops would you recommend?

There are multiple homeopathic drops to manage cases where hardening of hydrocele is noticed for example Conium, Calcarea Fluor, Iodum. A complete case detail is required to choose and prescribe the most suitable medicine.

I am 30-yr-old, I had undergone surgery for hydrocele 6 months ago, now for the last one month again, I can see a swelling in the scrotum. Can homeopathy help me?

Yes, homeopathy can be helpful in your case of recurrent hydrocele. Kindly visit a homeopathic doctor for complete case analysis and evaluation for proper treatment.

There is swelling in my scrotum, Is it hydrocele?

Swollen scrotum may occur from various causes. Hydrocele is one of the reason among these, some other causes include varicocele, spermatocele, epididymitis, hematocele. So kindly visit a doctor who will do a physical examination and conduct investigations to confirm the diagnosis.

If there is a swelling in scrotum, which test is required to confirm a hydrocele?

The most commonly recommended test is ultrasound of scrotum to confirm hydrocele diagnosis.

Can hydrocele develop on both sides?

Usually hydrocele develops on one side but there are also chances of getting hydrocele on both sides.

Should I avoid weight lifting if I suffer from hydrocele?

The problem of hydrocele may increase from lifting heavy weights, so it is better avoid heavy weight lifting.

I have hydrocele, should I avoid going to gym?

If you have hydrocele, try to avoid strenuous exercises that put pressure on the scrotum and cause discomfort.

Does hydrocele affect sperm count and male fertility?

No, hydrocele does not affect sperm count and male fertility.

Does hydrocele lead to erectile dysfunction?

Though hydrocele directly does not lead to erectile dysfunction, the psychological effects of a swollen scrotum, and when swelling is quite large, may hinder normal sexual activity.

Is hydrocele cancerous?

No, it is a non-cancerous  (benign) condition arising from fluid build-up in tunica vaginalis sheath that surround a testicle.

Do all kind of hydroceles requires surgery?

No, in many cases hydrocele resolves on its own with the passage of time. But if the hydrocele is very large and is quite painful, then surgery might be required. It is best to consult a surgeon to decide on the surgery option in any case of hydrocele.

Does hydrocele recur after surgery?

Yes, there are chances of recurrence of hydrocele after surgery in about 5 % -10% cases.

My baby aged 3 months has scrotal swelling due to hydrocele, does he require surgery?

In most cases of hydrocele below one year of age, there are about 70% chances that hydrocele will resolve on its own around age of one to two years. But it is always recommended to visit a paediatrician to check if a baby needs surgery or not and rule out any other medical condition that might be causing scrotal swelling other than hydrocele.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Vinod Kumar says:

    Sir, my Rt. Side testicle light grown for six month i have don’t got any injury at any testicle. I have big problum in my sexual life with premature ejaculation and erectil dysfuntion .sir i am v. Much worried .Please advice treatment quicly. Vinod


    খুব ব্যাথা হচ্ছে কী করব আর কি ঔষধ খাব এখন ? বাঁ দিকে নীচে নুইতে পারছি না অসহ্য ব্যাথা হচ্ছে দয়া করে তাড়তাড়ি ঔষধের নাম বললে খুবই উপকৃত হব

  3. Gopal Pal says:

    Sir,My name is Gopal Pal. My left side testicle has grown in size for last many years. I think it is Hydrocele. I want to clear one thing that I have don’t got any injury at any testicle but in the past I used to do masterbation. My married life is three years.
    I have some big problem in sexual life with Premature Ejaculation and Erectile Dysfunction. That is why I am very much worried about it. Please advise proper treatment quickly.

  4. Sushil pandey says:

    Dear sir, I have swelling and pain in my right undercoat. I think it is Hydosil. Please advise proper treatment.

  5. Subodh Kant Pandey says:

    Respected sir, i feel last 3 days , welling and slowly weight increasing in my left side testicle . i am in problem please guide me and give sone treatment. i want clear one thing i have dont got injury at any testicles. swelling is start automatically and testicle size is also lookjng bigger than before.

  6. Vikashsolanki says:

    My name is vikash solanki. My right side testicle has grown in size, please give me medicine .

  7. M.k.yadav says:

    Good sir,
    Sir I have suffering from hydrocele in my left festival from last three months. In my knowledge I have never gone any injury .But how can it occur.please suggest me a medicine to cure.and also tell me how much to be taken by it to cure.

  8. Himanshu soni says:

    Hello sir ,
    I am himanshu soni
    My left testicle has grown in size, please give me
    medicine and i might be think it caused by injury’s in playing cricket
    please give me description of medicine ..

  9. Himanshu soni says:

    Hello sir ,
    I am himanshu soni
    My left testicle has grown in size, please give me
    medicine andit caused by injury’s in playing cricket
    please give me description of medicine ..

  10. Raju bhai ambani says:

    Take rhododendron 30c hameopathic medecine after consulting a doctor

  11. Dr J Satpathy says:

    Hi.I have developed hydrocele on my left testicle.Please help
    The lower portion is paining.The size has increased considerably.
    Dr J Satpathy

    • Himanshu soni says:

      Hello sir ,
      I am himanshu soni
      My left testicle has grown in size, please give me
      medicine and i might be think it caused by injury’s in playing cricket
      please give me description of medicine ..

  12. Kamal Hasan Mollah says:

    Sir, I am Kamal Hasan Mollah, I have a son of 19 months now, I see last 10 days that the left scrotum of my son is swallen and it is thrice than right scrotum. within 10 days 2 days he had cried. USG report says it is left sided hydrocele. what should I do now? Please sir, help me .

  13. Ashraful Islam says:

    sir im having A hydrocele in my left scotrum for more than five years. It is comparatively twice than right one and very hard. it occuured when i was suffering from typhoid. at that time when it occured, it was very painful though i dont have pain from then. Please mention effective treatment and medicine.

  14. chittaranjan satapathy says:

    Good evening sir,

    I am chittaranjan Satapathy aged 63 years for some days I do feel slight pain in right side of lower bally or abdomen but I don’t give any attention. Today I noticed my right testical is swallen and two times bigger then left testical with fluid as it’s felt by hand touching.
    So please can you recommend homeopathy for it.

    • I’m 67yr old, I have a problem of my right side hydrocele for three years,it has no other symptoms but only two times enlargement. I’m diabetic,t2,normal b.s on medicine . Will you,please, advise me to get rid of this problem without surgery.

  15. Md parwez alam says:

    Sir mujhe chot lagne ki wajah se hydrosil ho gya hai
    4yr ago huwa hai
    Left right dono me problem hai
    But left jyada badha huwa hai
    Mujhe kon sa medicine khana prega

  16. Marcelo Camargo says:

    Dr. Sharma,

    I live in Vancouver WA, USA. Doctors here do not know much about how to prescribe medicine for hydrocele. My hydrocele, was caused by my a traumatic hernia surgery. It left me with htdrocele, in the right scrotum. I have no pain. Can homeopathy cure it over time? Which ones would you say are,most effective for my situation and what dosages? Much appreciated.
    Marcelo, Camargo

  17. General انفارمیشن

  18. Dr. I am 35years male I have problem in my testicals sometimes I feel severe pain in my right testical sometimes little pain in my left testical sometimes in both testical because of my pain I am not able to sleep properly please suggest me medicine I live in Bangalore karnataka India please suggest me where can I get medicine in my place

  19. Naushad Alam says:

    Hi Dr. I’m Facing problem from Chronic Hydrocoel. Right Scrotal Sac is swallowed as Comparison to left Scrotal say. I’m 40 years old. I’m curious for your reply as Homeopathy medicine treatment.

  20. Bibek Shrestha says:

    I’ve had a hydrocephalus problem for the last 10 years. My problem can be solved naturally.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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