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8 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Stomach Ulcers

Stomach ulcers are sores or ulcers arising in the lining of the stomach. They are also known as gastric ulcers. In a majority of the cases, stomach ulcers are caused by infection with Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Another frequent cause is long term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID’s). Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers help to heal the sores in the stomach and prevent the tendency towards stomach ulcers in the chronic phase.    homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers

Tobacco smoking, drinking alcohol and stress are the risk factors that predispose a person to stomach ulcers. The protective mucus lining of the stomach is reduced due to the above causes. This allows the acid content of the stomach to eat away the inner tissue lining, resulting in ulcer formation.

Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers

The major symptom of stomach ulcers is pain/burning in the epigastric region. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, bloating, loss of appetite, weight loss and hematemesis (vomiting of blood).

Homeopathic Medicines for Stomach Ulcers

Homeopathy offers a very safe and effective treatment for stomach ulcers. Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers primarily help reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms of stomach ulcers in the acute phase. Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers are selected as per individual symptoms that vary from person to person. Argentum Nitricum,  Nux Vomica, Kali Bichromicum, Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, Hydrastis, Phosphorous, and Graphites are the top remedies for stomach ulcers.

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Stomach Ulcers with Radiating Pains

In my experience, Argentum Nitricum rates among the best medicines for stomach ulcers. This medicine is well indicated when sharp ulcerative or burning pain is felt in the stomach and radiates to other regions of the abdomen. The pain is sometimes gnawing in nature. Symptoms such as belching, nausea, vomiting may also appear along with these radiating pains. Abdominal distension may also be present in such cases where Argentum Nitricum will prove one of the most effective medicines for stomach ulcers.

2. Nux Vomica – For Stomach Ulcers where Eating Worsens Pain

Nux Vomica has shown the most satisfactory results in stomach ulcer cases where pain in the stomach is felt from eating even the smallest amount of food. The stomach region is also sensitive to touch in such cases. Nux Vomica is also one of the best-suited medicines for stomach ulcers where spicy food, coffee, tobacco, and alcoholic drinks worsen the symptoms. Tightness and pressure may be felt in the stomach after eating. Nausea, vomiting, eructations, flatulence, and heartburn may accompany the above symptoms.

3. Kali Bichromicum – For Ulcers in Stomach

Kali Bichromicum is another of the top grade medicines for stomach ulcers. I have seen amazing recoveries in gastriculcer cases with Kali Bichromicum. It is indicated in round ulcers with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach soon after eating. The food seems to sit in the stomach like a load. Appetite is low in cases where Kali Bichromicum will work as one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers.

4. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Boated Abdomen

Lycopodium has proved itself as the most useful among medicines for stomach ulcers where the main symptoms are burning, constrictive pains attended with marked flatulence and fullness/bloating of the abdomen. Bloating starts soon after eating. A person in need of Lycopodium may get relief in pain from taking warm water. Farinaceous food like cabbage and beans worsen the symptoms. Lycopodium Clavatum is known among the best medicines for stomach ulcers with any of the above-mentioned symptoms.

5. Carbo Veg – For Stomach Ulcers

Carbo Veg is another of the prominently indicated medicines for stomach ulcers. It is most helpful when burning pain in the stomach is accompanied by sour belching or heartburn. The pain may extend from the stomach to the back. The epigastric area may also be sensitive and tender to touch. Eating the smallest amount of food, even light food, worsens the symptoms in such cases where Carbo Veg will prove the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers to heal the condition.

6. Hydrastis Canadensis – For Stomach Ulcers with Weight Loss

In my clinical practice, Hydrastis has proved extremely effective in treating stomach ulcers where they are accompanied by weight loss and emaciation. A key symptom is a constant sore feeling in the stomach. Cutting and sharp pain in the stomach may also be present in cases where Hydrastis works as one of the most effective medicines for stomach ulcers. Weakness and a loathing of food in epigastrium are other symptoms to look out for. Hydrastis is also one of the major medicines for chronic gastritis.

7. Graphites – For Stomach Ulcers with Vomiting after Eating

In case of ulcers with vomiting immediately after eating food, Graphites has shown the most promising results among medicines for stomach ulcers. Constrictive and burning pain in the stomach is experienced after eating. Excessive belching, the taste of ingesta is also an attending symptom in such cases where Graphites is prescribed as one of the most reliable medicines for stomach ulcers.

8. Phosphorus – For Stomach Ulcers where Cold Drinks bring Relief

Phosphorus is rated among the most reliable medicines for stomach ulcers where having a cold drink relieves pain. Burning in the stomach after eating is complained of. Along with this, sour, bitter belching may also be experienced in such cases. Phosphorus is made its place among the top rated Homeopathic medicines for stomach ulcers with the above symptoms.

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  1. Mehmood Awan says:

    Sir, I am feeling continuous pain in the upper stomach, I have treated osteopathy in 2012 or 2013 for ulcer.
    Now I get again same type of situation. When the stomach is empty there is severe pain.
    Kindly give me suggestion as I am also taking Hydrastic in Q form form the last two or three days. Is this OK or there is some other medicine that I can take alongwith Hydrastic.

  2. Gc jain says:

    I have peptic ulcer in stomach. I have lightly pain mostly in stomach, gas problem, stomach burning, khati dakar problems also.
    Suggest me best homeopathic treatment.

  3. Mohammed Kutty says:

    I feel heaviness in the middle upper part of the stomach. After eating belching with the food tastes. Sometimes little vomiting. And sticking phlegm in my throat and want to try to expel it.
    Please prescribe for the above and I will very thankful for you.

  4. Akweteireho Rowland Amiri says:

    Dear Dr,
    i want you to boost my homeopathy branch with homeopathic remedies, i know ho they work and the health benefit associated since i took up a training for 4 years.


  5. Patricia O'Carroll says:

    How do I take the remedy. What strength and how often. Thank you. Patricia

  6. MEGHA NAIK says:


  7. Ankur Garg says:

    Dear Sir,

    My daughter is 8 years old, she always feel the bitter ness as she eat any sweet thing, don’t want to eat food, hardly take a single chappati, She is 8 years old but her weight is 22 kg only.

    Whenever she drink milk she feel pain in stomach, run to washroom. Now she scared to drink tea or milk, sometime the blood come with stool.

    Pease advise some medicine for her. I will be very thank full to you.

  8. Arif Maniyar says:

    Sir i am suffering from gastritis due to painkillers i used to b taking for arthritis. 5 yrs ago due to unhealed anal abscess, i am suffering from ano rectal fistula. It was operated by ksharsutra process but turned out to b failure.
    At present my whole GI tract is slightly ulcerative type. I cant tolerate normal spicy food. I have many times tremendous pain n burning sensation at anal region. Theres no bleeding but symptoms r like piles. I am taking carboveg 30 and silicea 30 from 2 days. Is there any other good medicine for me for gastritis n fistula at the same time. Pls let me know . Thanking u.

    • Shirisha says:

      Sir, I got ulcer due to intake of depression medicine. Now I got bloating and vomiting sensation after eating . Please suggest me correct homeo medicine

  9. Hi sir,I think I have stomach ulcer because after meel I feel left side little pain burning going up left side the chest and arm and fingers burning and left side neck and left side head weight loss please tell me wich medicine is best and how use thank so much.

    • I want to know about h-pylori .I have h-pylori due to use excess medicines .I don’t know if ulcer is appear then what the systems of peptic ulcer.can u olz tell me what’s the symtems of peptic ulcer? Or I should do endoscopy by doc or not? Because I bear so much pain bear last months .I use homeopathic medicine it give relaeif me BT not totly because I reported h-pylori . and I use medicine on h-pylori report not peptic ulcer . should I do endscopiy ?

  10. Good mrng sir…
    I was suffering form gastric ulcers, pain in my upper abdomen area n nausea also plz suggest me that which medicine should take….

    • I want to know about h-pylori .I have h-pylori due to use excess medicines .I don’t know if ulcer is appear then what the systems of peptic ulcer.can u olz tell me what’s the symtems of peptic ulcer?

    • I want to know about h-pylori .I have h-pylori due to use excess medicines .I don’t know if ulcer is appear then what the systems of peptic ulcer.can u olz tell me what’s the symtems of peptic ulcer? Or I should do endoscopy by doc or not? Because I bear so much pain bear last months .I use homeopathic medicine it give relaeif me BT not totly because I reported h-pylori . and I use medicine on h-pylori report not peptic ulcer . should I do endscopiy ?

  11. Tapan kumar Kundu says:

    My wife was suffering from upper abdomeneal ulcet about 10 years back, by getting treatment of alopathy drugs was feel some thing better but till date she has to take Pan 40 like medice., even now she is not getting releaf fully. Can she get full releaf from Homiopathy medicine, please advice.

  12. please i need help my 42 year old son , takes Epilizine and Lamotrigine Epilepsy meds.
    He’s got constant reflux and heartburn , late in the evening, sometimes vormit, it’s difficult he is menthaly and fisically handycapt, how can it be healed savely, he is also allergic to penisillin.


    I du Toit

    • My name is nasir from pakistan, I am 42 years old male married. Some team I feel pain in stomach area and vommitig. I have lost my weight from 88kg to 76kg. I feel lazy often time and want to sleep all the time. Plz suggest me suitable medicines.


    I am suffering from gas & mucus problem from long term. Gas in whole abdominal but not release easily lots problem facing . Stools are not clear and also stools is soft. tenesimus problem also some time getting blood in stools. Loss sexual desire but not capable to sex also. Stools are not satisfactory clear. Also diabetes mellitus type 2 problem are facing. Please suggest me.

  14. hi dr , im suffering from stomach ulcer and i have a fatty lever also . i have used so many english medicines . now sichuation is that swelling become appear on my face badly. im very much depressed . please suggest me a good medi 4 my problems.

  15. Rajendra Prasad says:

    डाक्टर साहब मेरे पेट के लेफ्ट तरफ पसली के पास बराबर दर्द रहता है। खाना खाने के बाद बढ़ जाता है। यह दर्द लगभग ३ साल से है। क्या करूँ Altrasound मे सब नार्मल आता है।इडोस्कोप ी मे भी सब नार्मल था क्या दवा ले सकता हूँ।

  16. Where can one get any of the homeopathic natural medicines you mention? Asking for a friend. 🙂

  17. Fazal kamal says:

    Dear sir. I have gastic & some time pinching pain at heart side for some second then releasing gas pain will gone my weight reduced every week feel weekness all test clear regarding to heart.after breakfast I feel not good and feeling heart attack occurred .no pain in stomach but gastic feel .evening time feel good but morning time very bad

  18. I want an best mrdicine for my sister she has ulcer in her stomach . And sometimes small amount of blood also come from her mouth

  19. Kalair lakhwinder says:

    Sir I want ulcer medicine.i have many problems my stomach ulcer.

  20. Chandan Nath says:

    I have some stomache pain in left upper side in two dot. I have make endoscopy it also shows ulcer.

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