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Best Homeopathic Remedies for Dust Allergy

Dust allergy is an immediate allergic response caused by exposure to dust and dust mites. Dust mites are tiny microorganisms found mostly in bed linen, mattresses, and furniture. Dust allergy usually occurs in people who live in warm, humid and damp places. Symptoms of dust allergy range from mild to severe. The main symptoms of dust allergy are sneezing, a runny nose, and itching of the eyes and nose. The patient may also have difficulty in breathing, a cough, and itching on the roof of the mouth. Dust allergy which persists for a long time may result in chronic cases of asthma. Homeopathic treatment for dust allergy is a permanent, rapid and safe cure. It is made of natural substances which are not toxic and do not have any side effects. They are not habit forming and can be safely taken for extended periods of time. This treatment works to stimulate the weakened immune system. The benefit of using homeopathy is that it stops the recurrent episodes of disease. Homeopathy is effective in all age groups.  homeopathic treatment for dust allergy

Homeopathic Treatment for Dust Allergy

Top grade remedies for dust allergy are Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, and Arundo. Allium Cepa is a beneficial medicine for dust allergy with red, watery eyes with intense itching. Arsenic Album works well for dust allergy with thin, watery, excoriating discharge from the nose accompanied by sneezing. Itching in the nostrils and the roof of the mouth is treated well with Arundo.

1. For Dust Allergy with Sneezing and Runny Nose

Sabadilla and Arsenic Album are very effective remedies for dust allergy with sneezing and a runny nose. Sabadilla is a good treatment for dust allergy with spasmodic sneezing and a runny nose. Copious, watery nasal discharge with over sensitivity to odors is treated well by Sabadilla. Arsenic Album is another beneficial medicine for dust allergy with sneezing and excoriating watery nasal discharge. Arsenic Album treats patients who suffer from sneezing without any relief and with a dryness of the nasal cavity.

2. For Dust Allergy with Red, Watery Eyes

The most effective medicines in the treatment for dust allergy with red, watery eyes are Allium Cepa and Euphrasia. Allium Cepa is a good medicine for dust allergy with intense itching, biting and burning in the eyes. The eyes are red and very sensitive to touch. Euphrasia is a beneficial treatment for dust allergy when the eyes water all the time. Euphrasia works well in persons who have a sensation of sand present in the eyes.

3. For Dust Allergy with Itching in the Nose and on the Roof of the Mouth

Top grade remedies for dust allergy with itching in the nose and on the roof of the mouth are Arum Triphyllum, Arundo, and Wyethia. Arum Triphyllum is a good medicine for dust allergy with a raw feeling on the roof of the mouth or on the palate. There is soreness of the nostrils accompanied by itching. Arum Triphyllum is very beneficial for constant picking of the nose until it bleeds. Intense itching on the roof of the mouth along with sneezing is treated effectively by Arundo. Wyethia is of great help in dust allergy with itching in the posterior sinuses and nose.

4. For Dust Allergy with Difficulty in Breathing

The most prescribed remedies for dust allergy with difficulty in breathing are Spongia and Pothos. Spongia acts well in cases of dust allergy where there is difficulty in breathing. The person feels as if he is breathing through a dry sponge. Pothos is an excellent medicine for dust allergy with dyspnoea and a sudden feeling of stress and anxiety. It is a perfect remedy for asthma that gets worse after inhaling dust.

5. For Dust Allergy with a Cough

Well indicated remedies for dust allergy with a cough are Bromium and Drosera. Bromium is a very useful medicine for dust allergy with complaints of a dry cough arising from exposure to dust. Dust allergy with a dry cough and hoarseness is treated well with Bromium. Drosera is a good treatment for dust allergy accompanied by a dry, spasmodic cough which gets worse after midnight.

6. For Dust Allergy with Nasal Congestion

Effective remedies for dust allergy with nasal congestion are Nux Vomica and Ammonium Carbonicum. Nux Vomica acts especially well for a stuffed nose that occurs at night. Ammonium Carbonicum is very useful for dust allergy with nasal congestion. In such cases, the patient is unable to breathe through the nostrils. Ammonium Carbonicum works well in patients where the tip of the nose is congested.

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  1. Hi Doctor, My name is Biswajit and I am from Bangalore. For the last one year I am suffering from dust allergy. Usually early morning I would get 20-25 sneezes. It is always accompanied by itching on the roof of the mouth. Situation is relieved by having MONTEC LC, a allopathic medicine.

    I do not smoke or drink. kindly help me in this situation

  2. I think dust mites are causing my colitis. What can I do

  3. Jayanta Bhattacharjee says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am suffering from nasal polyp(left side). I am taking lemina minor 200,ticurium 200 and cal carb.
    I also have problems from Dust. In dust my nose start running and itching((left one).
    Please prescribe me best medicine for dust allergy

    Thanking you


    Sir I am suffering with dust allergy and running nose since 7years ,for which I am facing acute like breathlessness, pls give suggestion how it can eradicate for ever

  5. Arunadevi says:

    My name is arunadevi. I am suffering from dust allergy. I am taking medicine from homeopatic nearly nine months still i am having problem but i feel littlte better.when it will fully cure?

  6. Zohaib waheed says:

    Hi. How r u.
    I have top of the mouth cough.
    Very dificulties in breathing.
    Wisel voice from the chest.
    Runing nose and one side of nose is closed.
    Very pain in all body.

  7. I have dust aellaryge 3year before will start. Because present is more but please most important best treatment I need please help me your suggestion please let me sir

  8. Dhananjay Singh says:

    Sir—I m patient of dust prblm running nose,cough,etc. so plz medicine name nd usase. Of of medicine nd details….plz preffer homoupathic

  9. Sir, regards, I’m diabetic and under alopathic medication, age 59 years. My both testicals itching severely, no other part of my body has this problem. After cold water wash or bath I get relief. Kindly advise

  10. Rahul Sahkya says:

    Hi Dr. Sharma,

    Whenever I am contacted in dusty environment I got nasal infection with runny Nose and sneezing with itching in eyes and cough. I am very sensitive and highly got infection in dusty environment.
    Please suggest Homeopathy Medicine which is easily available in HomeoStore.

    Thanks & Regards
    Rahul Sahkya

  11. Anupam bhatia says:

    My child 7.4 yrs old. Suffering from dust mite allergy as told by doctor with test. He is suffering from last 4 yrs Aprox. What to do sir. He always suffered from cough and cold and dry throght. Plz help to save from allopathic

  12. Sajjad hussain says:

    Dear Sir,
    I have lower back pain for around three years.

    My MRI says:
    Loss of normal lordotic curvature seen likely due to muscle spasm.
    Disk dessiccation at L5/S1 level.
    Mild disc bulge at L5/S1 level causing indentation over the thecal sac without evidence of obvious canal stenosis or radicular compression.


  13. Hello, This is regarding to my daughter who is suffering from cold on and off for the past 3 years. She went through allergy test and was diagnosed with dust mite allergies. Mainly her allergies starts in the october and lasts the whole winter. She is fine in the warmer climate. Where we live is normally very cold and and lots of trees. Last year we had adenoids surgery for her but no use. She get nasal discharge all day clear and at with she is always blowing her nose with persistent cough. Her cold is stuck and not going away. I have tried Kali bichromium but its not working. Please suggest with to do. She is 10 1/2 yr old.

  14. Dear sir I am suffering with dust allergy.First it starts with sneezing,watering of nose for two days then it travels towards throat and 4th,5th day starts coughing.after that starts breathing problem. Upper side of palate starts itching v intensely.Then it goes for months is a recurrent problem since I was child 12 year I m 52 yrs. Can you pls suggest some medicine.

  15. Hi sir .
    I am having house dust allergy > 100 I have taken pothos and spogia medivine. When to take these medicines and till when to take it ?

  16. Ashim Kumar saha says:


  17. Hello sir
    My son having allergies from tree pollen mix-3, European ash tree-3, house dust mites-6 to 10, positive-3
    He having cetirizine and nasal spray since 5 years.
    He is 8 year old and cauz of allergies he gets runny nose, coughing, nose block, ear block.
    Please advice what medication can cure him

  18. Rajesh Mani Tiwari says:

    Fast and laboured breathing after sleeping either day or night, nose congestion, snoring. Chest sound hears. Age 13 years. Almost itcomes in seasonal changes. Antiallergic allopathic medicene Montina L works for a day not finalised. Please help.

  19. Abdul qadir says:

    Sir abdul qadir here same i have posted already now I am writting the whole problem sir i have used the herb last year in december its name is mango steen it weakend my stomach and also weakend my digestive system, lack of need of meal this situation is now onward.sir when ever I eat meal there is inside ralease of secretion in throat or from nose.

  20. Abdul qadir says:

    Sir I have been suffering in dust allergy since 2013 onward.sir i have tried lot of alopathy medicines but it pevented me for time bieng other wise no such permnant sir kindly help me out.

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