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Homeopathic Treatment for Keratoconus

What is Keratoconus?

The cornea is a transparent layer in front of the eye that covers the iris, the pupil, and the anterior chamber. It is a transparent dome shaped structure, which helps to focus and control the entry of light into the eye. The bulging out of the cornea, like a cone, is known as keratoconus. Protein fibers assist in holding the cornea in place. In keratoconus, there is a weakening of these fibers, making it difficult for the cornea to remain in place and causing it to bulge out conically. These changes in the shape of the cornea can appear gradually or suddenly. In some cases, the progression of changes in the shape of the cornea stops after a while; while in others, these changes continue for many years. In advanced stages of keratoconus, there may be scarring of the cornea. Homeopathy offers treatment for many ophthalmic diseases. Keratoconus is one such condition where these medicines can help. Homeopathic treatment for keratoconus is safe and effective, using medicines which are sourced from natural substances. It can be used for people of all ages.

Causes for Keratoconus

The exact cause for keratoconus is not clear. Keratoconus runs in families. Genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the development of keratoconus. The age at which it starts to appear varies between 10 years and early adulthood. Atopic diseases like allergies, eczema and harsh rubbing of the eyes predispose a person to keratoconus. Keratoconus is also common in individuals with Down’s Syndrome and Marfan Syndrome.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Symptoms of keratoconus include blurred and double vision, sensitivity to bright light or photophobia, sudden changes in vision, seeing halos around bright lights, and poor night vision. In addition to this, monocular polyopia or perceiving more than two images of an object, is another dominant symptom of keratoconus. In keratoconus, usually both eyes are involved. However, the severity of the problem may vary for both eyes.

Homeopathic Medicines for Keratoconus

Some medicines for the homeopathic treatment for keratoconus are Calcarea Iodata, Euphrasia Officinalis, and Pulsatilla Nigricans. These medicines have no side effects. A detailed case taking, based on prominent symptoms, is required to select the appropriate homeopathic medicine for keratoconus. Every case of keratoconus needs to be considered individually, studied thoroughly, analyzed, and evaluated, to decide on the homeopathic prescription that will give the best results. Homeopathic medicine for keratoconus helps by managing the problem symptomatically. They also contribute in halting the progression of the keratoconus.

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  1. Rehana khan says:

    Hello im interested in a natural cure for my sons advanced Kerotoconus in his right eye only which was caused by vigorous eye rubbing

  2. Anshul rana says:

    Sir my son is suffering from keratoconus

  3. Aman Bali says:

    Sir I am Mr.Aman Bali aged 20 years suffering from keratoconus since 2021 in both eyes. I had gone through Lasic operation to my left eye at Sankar Netralaya ,Chennai. But still I am unable to visualize properly. My shight is Prox -5 and varing .
    Can I be cured with homeopathy medicine .
    Please suggest

    • Suraksha T says:

      Sir I am suraksha aged 26 years suffering from keratoconus, I got to know in March 2024, and i am not using any medicine and only using spatial. Can I be cured with homeopathy medicine.
      Please suggest the medicine

  4. Shanmugakavi says:

    Finally doctors concluded that I am affected by keratoconus 1st stage. We have a homeopathic doctor whos our family doctor, cured lot of our chronic problems and he has said and also giving the best homeopathic medicine for keratoconus. So my question is still how long should I take medicines and what is the upcoming treatment for the disoriented vision or will it be reversed?

  5. Muhammad Saeed says:

    Hi Sir,
    This is Muhammad Saeed from Pakistan. It sincerely request to you that I have keratoconus in my both eyes. Doctor recommended thaf you must have to do CXL to stop deformation of the eyes the keratoconus.
    I didn’t CXL now but I’m looking for any medicine that can help me to recover my eyes from keratoconus.
    Can you suggest best medicine for me.

  6. Good morning Doctor
    Age 16 boy keratoconus advance in right eye. Left eye also affected. Please suggest

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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