What is Trigger Finger?
Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition affecting the tendons of the hand. It is a painful condition in which the fingers or thumb get locked in a bending position. There is difficulty in straightening the affected finger. Clicking or popping sound is heard on straightening the finger. Trigger finger can appear in one finger or may involve many fingers at a time.
Though commonly affecting the right hand, it can affect both hands as well. Trigger finger makes a person anxious and frustrated since it interferes with daily life and work. It affects the efficiency of a person adversely, especially while performing tasks to be done with the hands.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic treatment for trigger finger is very effective. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the intensity of symptoms like pain, stiffness, and frequency of episodes gradually declines.
To treat any case of trigger finger, case details of characteristic symptoms of the person are required to find the underlying cause. The symptoms are important for the selection of the most suitable medicine for the patient. Homeopathic medicines treat trigger finger by correcting the underlying cause –inflamed, thick tendon sheath in most cases. Homeopathic treatment for trigger finger is natural, safe, and has no side effects. These are recommended for mild to moderate cases of trigger finger. In severe and advanced cases with fixed locking of finger, homeopathy is not helpful and conventional treatment is recommended.
Homeopathic Medicines For Trigger Finger
The top homeopathic medicines for trigger finger are Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveolens, Arnica Montana, Causticum, Merc Sol, and Sulphur.
1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine
Rhus Tox is a highly recommended medicine for cases of trigger finger. It has magnificent action on tendon and its sheath. Any complaint that arises from overuse or overstraining of tendons can be addressed wonderfully with this medicine. Here overuse or overstraining of tendons of fingers is the root cause behind trigger finger for which Rhus Tox is the leading medicine. In case joint inflammation is associated with trigger finger, there too Rhus Tox is effective. It is helpful in cases of trigger finger where there is noticeable rigidity and stiffness in the fingers during initial movement especially in the morning. Patients needing this homeopathic medicine get relief by moving their fingers and hands continuously. The problem may aggravate by resting the hand.
When and How to use Rhus Tox?
Rhus Tox can be used as a first line of treatment in cases of trigger finger where stiffness is marked in fingers. It will reduce inflammation of tendon, its sheath and reduce stiffness of fingers. It can be used in different potencies from low (30C) to high (200C, 1M) potencies. Initially, Rhus Tox 30C is the most preferred potency that can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval. High potencies are usually not repeated too often and homeopathic physician’s advice is a must.
2. Ruta Graveolens – For Overstrained, Inflamed Tendons And Nodes On Tendons
Ruta is a natural medicine prepared from ‘garden rue plant’. It is very effective in treating trigger finger caused by overstrained or inflamed tendons of the hands. Additionally, nodes get formed on the tendons. The fingers get contracted. Tearing or drawing pain is felt in the fingers and hands.
When and How to use Ruta Graveolans?
Ruta can be used in case of pain in fingers and hands where tendons are inflamed along with node formation from over-straining. Though it can be used in varying potencies, the most frequently used potency is 30C which can be taken two to three times a day.
3. Arnica – For Complaint From Overstraining Or Overexertion Of Hands
Arnica is similar in action to the above two medicines. It is well-indicated when trigger finger develops due to over-straining or overexertion of the hands. The patient needing it has soreness and pain in the fingers that gets worse with the slightest touch.
When and How to use Arnica?
When this condition arises from overstraining of hands along with pain and soreness of hands, Arnica can be used. It gives excellent results in 30C potency. Arnica 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per severity of pain.
4. Causticum – For Stiff Fingers With Difficulty In Moving Them
Causticum is a very useful medicine for cases having marked stiffness of fingers. The fingers get bent over the palmar side with difficulty in moving them. These can only be moved with the help of the other hand. Tendons of fingers get contracted and hardened from long-term inflammation.
When and How to use Causticum?
Consider this medicine’s use when fingers are stiff and bent from contracted and hard tendons. 30C is the right potency to use in beginning. Causticum 30C can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of complaint.
5. Merc Sol – When There Is Locking Of Fingers / Thumb
Merc Sol is valuable for cases of trigger finger where there is locking of fingers or thumb. The fingers/thumb may be completely bent on the palms. There is excessive struggle to open the locked fingers without assistance from the other hand. Besides, there is stiffness in hands while using them. On moving the hands, fingers make a cracking sound.
When and How to use Merc Sol?
Merc Sol can be used when there is the tendency of fingers or thumb to be completely bent on the palm and get locked there. This medicine will gradually help to reduce frequency and intensity of such episodes though it may not help much in unlocking if the fingers are acutely bent. It can be taken in 30C potency twice a day for good results.
6. Sulphur – For Locked Fingers When Grasping Something
Sulphur can be considered in cases where the fingers lock when the person tries to grasp something. There may also be nodules on the fingers and cracking of finger joints in such cases. A tearing pain may be felt in the hands. Burning sensation in palms may attend.
When and How to use Sulphur?
When there is tendency to get locked fingers on grasping some object, Sulphur can be considered. Sulphur 30C once a day can be taken to reduce such tendency. In case no changes occur, higher potencies can be used after consulting a homeopath.
What Are The Causes Of Trigger Finger?
Trigger finger is caused by irritation, inflammation, scarring and thickening of tendon sheath of the fingers and thumb. Tendons are the strong tissue bands that link muscles to the bones. There is a covering on the tendon called the sheath. In normal conditions, there is smooth movement of the tendon within the sheath while bending and straightening the thumb and fingers. In cases of trigger finger, the space between the tendons and its sheaths becomes narrow due to inflammation or thickening of tendons or sheath of the affected fingers or thumb. This narrowing leads to pain and restricts the movement of fingers.
What Are The Risk Factors For Trigger Finger?
1. Overuse of hands with frequent and repetitive movement of hands and fingers puts a person at risk of getting trigger finger. Individuals who carry out regular or continuous straining movements, like gripping something for a prolonged time are prone to getting trigger finger. Persons in certain occupations or activities in which there is a constant straining of the fingers and hands tend to suffer from trigger finger. Musicians, farmers, and laborers are at high risk of developing trigger finger.
2. Apart from overuse, medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of joints) and gout (inflamed joints from high uric acid levels) also make a person prone to trigger finger.
3. Age: Persons between 40-60 yrs of age at risk
4. Sex: Females are more likely to suffer from trigger finger than males
5. Surgery of carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness and tingling in fingers from pressure on median nerve)
What Are The Symptoms Of Trigger Finger?
Trigger finger can affect any finger or thumb, and either hand can be affected. It can affect multiple fingers at the same time.
1. Mild stiffness or tenderness at the base of the thumb or affected fingers. It is the initial symptom. The stiffness is more in the morning or when the person initiates movement. In some cases, the patient may get relief by continuous movement of the fingers.
2. Pain at the base of the affected finger/ thumb. It is felt on movement or applying pressure. With the progression of the condition, pain may be felt even when the hand is at rest.
3. Affected fingers get locked on bending as the disease progresses and the person finds it difficult to straighten locked fingers.
4. Popping or clicking sound on moving or straightening the affected finger.
5. Locking of finger in the bent position which the person may have to unlock with the help of the other hand in advanced cases. At times there is inability to straighten the finger.
6. Formation of nodosities at the base of the affected fingers in palms.
Grading of Trigger Finger
Grade 1: Only pain and tenderness in palm or fingers; there may be a history of bent finger
Grade 2: There is catching (bending) of finger but can be actively extended
Grade 3: Unlocking of finger requiring passive extension (using the other hand to unlock)
Grade 4: Fixed locking of finger
According to your chart I have #2, a catching of the second joint of my right index finger. I have no pain yet but it’s annoying. When bending there is a clicking sound. How should I treat this situation?
I have trigger fingers. Looking for natural ways to heal. Supplements! Where would I find yours?
My middle finger is slightly bend and feeling nodules in the palm there is stiffness in the morning on whole hand my doctor give me ruta 30
What medicine would you recommend
Please suggest
Dear doctor,
My left finger is Very pain full situation since 4 month , I feel automatic will reduce
Pain in may hand under some time . But not control pain after 4 months passing.
Kindly advice me to control and immediately reduce from painful situations ( cause of trigger finger) kindly help me. My age is 55.
Thanking you
Dear doctor,
My left finger is Very pain full situation since 4 month , I feel automatic will reduce
Pain in may hand under some time . But not control pain after 4 months passing.
Kindly advice me to control and immediately reduce from painful situations ( cause of trigger finger) kindly help me.
Thanking you
Dear doctor,
My left finger is Very pain full situation since 4 month , I feel automatic will reduce
Pain in may hand under some time . But not control pain after 4 months passing.
Kindly advice me to control and immediately reduce from painful situations ( cause of trigger finger)
Thanking you
I was a patient of the senior Dr. Sharma and briefly worked in his office in the early 1970’s.
I’m in the US and very excited to find this website. I just had my 74th birthday. My husband of 50 years crossed the veil about 2 years ago. Since then I have had a tumor removed from my colon . I’m on a good diet with mostly seafood and a few eggs for protein, no processed foods, lots of vegetables and a little fruit.. I try to get good sleep, not always successful.
I’m writing to find out the best treatment and remedy for trigger finger. My right hand index finger started off getting locked first thing in the morning. With flower essences applied topically it lets go . Most often only symptoms first thing in the morning.
Previous to this I had been cleaning out our storage units and doing lots of physical work for several months.
I started using arnica, causticum, sulphur and merc sol mostly all 6x’s from my home kit.,
I think Rhus tox and causticum are the best for my symptoms. I’m ordering them in 30c as you recommended.
My question is will cutting back on the physical labor help the condition. Can I get over this without conventional medical treatment?
I am v. Jayaram aged 65 years,
I have diabetes for last 15 years. I had TIA in 2016, OCD in 1994 and coronary angioplasty balloon in 1994.
Since 6 months pain and burning sensation in base of all fingers in right palm. Ring finger locking.
Pl help.
I am 62 years old male have diabetes for 20 years. I have trigger finger at middle finger of left hand. Two years back I have same at my right hand ring, index fingers and underwent physiotherapy, ayurvedic and get a major relief. Now I want my left hand middle finger treatment. Kindly advice. Thanks.
This is Shoma Mukherjee.
My problem is that I am suffering from trigger thumb on my right hand.
Safdar Ali Khan 67/M, having pain & stiffness in the Ring & Middle fingers of my left hand for the last 6 months.
According to symptoms Rhuxtox perhaps suits me.In.the morning & at night the pain & stiffness aggravate.Please advise medicine with potency & doses.
My right hand thumb has continuous severe pain in its base.There has been continuous straining of my hand for cooking habits for years for prolonged time.The finger cracks as I try to fold it. It has become very stiff and I cannnot move it and hold any object.
This is for my wife aged 54 years. Please suggest/prescribe.
Safdar Ali Khan 67/M, having pain & stiffness in the Ring & Middle fingers of my left hand for the last 6 months.
According to symptoms Rhuxtox perhaps suits me.In.the morning & at night the pain & stiffness aggravate.Please advise medicine with potency & doses.
My wife is suffering from triggered finger in ring finger of right hand since November 2021.
She feels pain on the base of the finger. There is small swelling on that area.
This finger bends only 50%, and doesn’t touch the palm. She feels pain when trying to touch palm by using other hand.
Trigger occurs whenever she does some domestic work .
Please recommend a good homoeopathy medicine for quick recovery.
My left-hand ring finger locks. It is painful in the morning, with lots of swelling, the pain radiating into the center of my left palm. I had a cortisone shot for it two years ago, and now it’s back again. Is Arnica Montana the best remedy? Or should I use Mercurius Sol? Thank you.
My wife is suffering pain due to trigger thumb since last twenty days. The right thumb palm area has started a bit swelling too.
Please advise and guide
दोनों हात के पंजे की रिंग फिंगर में अटक है,और दोनों गदेली में दर्द भी है,पहले कभी कभी होता था,अभी बार बार उंगली अटकती है,मुठ्टी बाधने के बाद रिंग फिंगर खुलती नही है,और खोलने पर बहुत दर्द होता है दबाने से गदेली में दर्द होता है,ठंडी में अटक और दर्द ज्यादा बढ़ता है,गर्म पानी मे पंजा रखो तो उतनी देर आराम मिलता है बाद में वैसा ही हो जाता हैं, मुझे शुगर भी है,दवाई चालू है
Hi my index finger was getting locked when I get up. There in problem in movement. Past few days I have started getting pain in my index finder during night. Please suggest
Hi Man, my left hand middle figure is locking working like Spring. Full finger is pain full. Facing stuffing at night. Pl. Help to suggest for suitable medicine.
I have a trigger finger in left hand ring finger.In the morning to much stiffness and pain in hole day after some time stiffness and pain. When I Griff all finger the ring finger trigger.please suggest me what i have to do
Hi I have trigger fingers in both hands in middle and ring finger. In my right hand my middle finger is unable to straighten this has been happening since beginning of this year. They are painful when locked in and when I knock my hand. Also making a fist is painful.
I’ve been checked for inflammation blood test showing nothing. I am a diabetic on insulin for 46 years always had good control. Now in menapause it’s up and down alot. My doctor feels it’s due to diabetes, I’ve only been seeing her for a year. My specialist retired last year. I’m also have underactive thyroid due to autoimmune disease.
Can you suggest what would be good for me to take.
Thankyou kindly Theresa