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Meniere’s Disease – Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies For Its Treatment

homeopathic medicines for Meniere'sMeniere’s disease is a condition that affects the inner ear and is characterized by episodes of vertigo, a variable degree of hearing impairment and tinnitus (triad of symptoms). It develops due to the inadequate regulation of the endolymph (fluid) present in the inner ear. Therefore, it is also pathologically termed as Endolymphatic Hydrops. A well-indicated remedy for Meniere’s disease can help reduce the severity of the troublesome symptoms associated with tinnitus and vertigo and improve the quality of life of anybody dealing with the disease. The top homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s Disease include Chininum Sulph, Conium, and Gelsemium.

Though this condition is very rampant, there is no known cause of its origin. And though it is not a life-threatening disorder, it can cause a considerable amount of disturbance in those people who are affected by it. Due to recurrent episodes of vertigo and tinnitus, it may affect the ability to perform the daily routine work.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Meniere’s Disease

There is an excellent scope for treating Meniere’s disease in homeopathy. Effective treatment for this condition varies upon the duration and intensity of the complaint. Homeopathy for endolymphatic hydrops treats the severity of acute symptoms of Meniere’s disease and also help stop further progression of the disease.

1. Chininum Sulph – For Ringing Noises in Ear

Chinimum sulph is one of the top-indicated remedies for tinnitus present along with meniere’s . The leading symptom to use this medicine in most of the cases is the presence of tinnitus. There is an unusual sensation of ringing or roaring in the ears, and it is invariably associated with vertigo. People in whom Chinimum sulph may generally be indicated have complaints of postural dizziness and heaviness in the ears. Vertigo could be very sudden in onset and in severe cases the person may fall due to loss of balance. Generally, they may feel uncomfortable in a standing posture. Chininum sulph gives desired results when there is a considerable degree of hearing loss (especially that affects the left ear).

2. Conium Maculatum – For Vertigo Attacks in Meniere’s Disease

Conium Maculatum is prepared from a flowering plant of natural order Umbelliferae native to Europe and North Africa. Conium is usually suitable for people who experience severe Vertigo in Meniere’s disease. Sideways motion of the head tends to worsen the condition. A feeling of moving around in a circle may be present, and vertigo may also get worse from any movement in bed.

3. Gelsemium – For Meniere’s Disease with Dizziness

Gelsemium is a natural medicine for Meniere’s disease. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘yellow jasmine,’ of natural order Loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is marked dizziness Meniere’s Disease. Difficulty in walking with a loss of balance may arise from dizziness. Dim vision and heaviness of eyelids may attend above features may also be present.

4. Chenopodium Anthelminticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Buzzing Noises in Ear

Chenopodium anthelmenticum is prepared from a plant named ‘Jerusalem oak.’ This plant belongs to natural order Chenopodiaceae. It is suitable for Meniere’s disease when the person hears a buzzing noise in the ear. Sudden vertigo episodes, better for high pitched sounds than low pitched sounds, and Tinnitus that is synchronous with heartbeats are the symptoms indicative of using Chenopodium.

5. Salicylicum Acid – For Meniere’s Disease for Tinnitus and Vertigo with Nausea

Salicylicum Acid works well in those cases of Meniere’s disease where tinnitus and vertigo are present with troublesome nausea. The noises in the ear can be roaring, ringing, or buzzing (similar to flies or a swarm of bees) in nature. In some cases, a person hears musical noises. There is vertigo, diminished hearing, and with intense nausea.

6. Theridion – For Vertigo upon Closing Eyes

Theridion is prescribed to people who are generally sensitive to noises and may feel a sudden discomfort when they hear loud and unpleasant sounds. The guiding symptom for Theridion to be prescribed is that vertigo appears when the person closes the eyes. Theridion may be indicated in people who detest traveling because it triggers attacks of vertigo. There may be an uneasy sensation in the ears with fullness or heaviness in one or both ears.

7. Kali Muraticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Fullness in Ears

Kali Muraticum is a remedy that works well in cases where there is deafness due to swelling of internal ear and eustachian tube. It causes a diminution (reduction) of the fluid secretion and gradually reduces the swelling. It is also useful for noises in the ears. There is a crackling noise in the ears on swallowing. Vertigo is present, along with head congestion. A sensation of having a plug inside ears may be present along with the above symptoms. There may be a history of chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

8. Natrum Salicylicum – For Tinnitus of Low Tone in Meniere’s Disease

Natrum Salicylicum is a well-indicated for tinnitus of low tone. Along with noises, there is giddiness and deafness. Vertigo that gets worse from raising the head, and gets better upon lying down is present.

9. Silicea – For Meniere’s Disease with Hissing Noises

Silicea is a significant medicine for Meniere’s disease with prominent hissing noises in the ear. In some cases, the sounds may be loud and pistol-like. There is a feeling of blockage in the ears. Itching in the ears and vertigo spells upon closing the eyes are also present. The person needing Silicea may have a history of ear discharges of offensive, fetid nature.

10. Cocculus Indicus – For Meniere’s Disease with Vertigo, Nausea, and Vomiting

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from the plant named ‘Indian cockle’ of natural order Menispermaceae. Cocculus Indicus is an excellent medicine for Meniere’s disease when vertigo and dizziness with nausea and vomiting are present. There are noises in the ear that resemble the sound of rushing water. This is attended with loss of balance, hardness of hearing, a feeling of blockage in the ear, and dread of sudden noise.

11. Phosphorus – For Meniere’s Disease with Vertigo, Noises in Ear and Fainting

Phosphorous is used in cases where the person experiences noises in the ear along with severe vertigo and fainting spells. The sounds may be roaring or ringing in nature. Along with this, there is vertigo that is worse from looking up or down. Tickling and itching in ears may be there. Difficulty in hearing human voices may also be present.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Meniere’s Disease with Sharp Pain in Ear

Argentum Nitricum is a medicine for Meniere’s Disease where a sharp pain in the ear is present along with other significant symptoms. The primary symptoms include noises in the ear, vertigo, and hardness of hearing. The sounds may be buzzing, ringing, whizzing in nature. Fullness or obstructed sensation in the ear may be present. In some cases, head congestion and vertigo that gets worse upon closing the eyes may be present.

Meniere’s Disease: Symptoms


Vertigo is one of the most bothersome symptoms suffered by people dealing with Meniere’s Disease. It comes in attacks, with sudden onsets. There is a feeling of spinning (to-and-fro or up-and-down) during an attack. The episodes can last from few minutes to hours. At times the attacks are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Most of the times there are no warning signs of vertigo, but sometimes the sensation of fullness in ears may precede an attack. In severe cases, there may be abdominal cramps, diarrhea or bradycardia (slow heart rate) associated with the episode.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may accompany or precede an attack of vertigo. The hearing loss gets better after the attack and usually becomes normal during remission period. This kind of fluctuating hearing loss is characteristic of Meniere’s disease. However, with recurrent episodes, the improvement in hearing loss may not occur during the remission, and one can develop permanent hearing loss. There is slow and progressive hearing loss in most of the cases.


There is ringing or roaring in ears which gets worse during the attacks. The intensity and pitch of tinnitus can vary during and after the attacks. Tinnitus can be a constant symptom in some of the cases. This can further hinder the hearing and also affects the quality of life.

Fullness in Ears

The patients can experience a sensation of fullness or blockage in the ears. It can occur with vertigo or exist independently. This symptom can also fluctuate, and the intensity varies.

Intolerance to Loud Sounds

In some patients, there is an increased sensitivity to loud noises, and it becomes difficult for them to tolerate the same. This because it is hard for them to tolerate amplification of sounds.

Meniere’s Disease: Causes

The cause behind Meniere’s disease is not yet clear. Environmental and genetic factors both seem to play some role in the development of Meniere’s Disease. The disease is thought to run in families.

Meniere’s Disease occurs when there is distention of the fluid (Endolymph) in the inner ear. The function of endolymph is to aid hearing and to maintain the body balance. The distention can be either due to overproduction or faulty absorption of this endolymphatic fluid. Sometimes, both overproduction and reduced absorption can co-exist and cause Meniere’s Disease.

Genetic Factors

Certain abnormalities in the structure of inner ear running in the families can make a person more disposed to develop Meniere’s disease. They are at high risk if they have a strong family history of Meniere’s disease.


Allergies can also predispose a person to develop Meniere’s. In such cases, the offending allergens stimulate the inner ear causing excess production of endolymph.

Sodium and Water Retention

Certain theories relate increased sodium levels as a contributing factor towards the development of Meniere’s Disease. This causes excessive water retention in the ear leading to endolymphatic hydrops.

Vasomotor Disturbance

There is some sympathetic overactivity (the involuntary part of the nervous system associated with constriction or dilatation of blood vessels) resulting in spasm of the internal auditory artery. This interferes with the function of the cochlear or vestibular epithelium (in the inner ear) leading to vertigo and deafness.

Conditions Similar to Meniere’s Disease

Conditions like a migraine and BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) can have a similar clinical picture as that of Meniere’s Disease. An episode of a migraine can have similar symptoms of vertigo, nausea, and tinnitus. In some instances, there is co-existence of both Meniere’s disease and migraine.

BBPV is one condition which can clinically mimic Meniere’s disease. The marked positional vertigo is more specific for BBPV whereas the vertigo of Meniere’s is not related to the position of the head.

Diagnosis: Meniere’s Disease

The diagnosis of Meniere’s is commonly made based on the triad of symptoms. There will be frequent episodes of vertigo along with tinnitus. The audiometry would show low to moderate frequency of sensory neural hearing loss. The hearing loss can be severe in chronic cases. Also, other causes of vestibular diseases should be ruled out.

Foods to Avoid in Meniere’s Disease

Sodium: There is a strong relation seen between increased intake of sodium and vertigo episodes. It causes more retention of water in the body, that can be one of the triggering factors for Meniere’s disease. A low-sodium diet should be followed to limit the condition.

Nicotine: It can cause vasospasm (sudden constriction of a blood vessel) and the attacks of the disease are more frequent in smokers. Excessive smoking makes one more vulnerable and quitting smoking has helped a lot of patients in managing their condition better.

Caffeine: Avoiding excessive intake of stimulants like coffee and tea is beneficial in such cases. These can predispose an individual to an attack. Caffeine can also increase the loudness of noises associated with tinnitus.

Alcohol: It can affect the volume of fluid in the inner ear and increase vertigo and tinnitus. Patients who have Meniere’s should cut down on their intake of alcohol.

MSG: Most of the Chinese foods contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). They increase the sodium levels in the body and can bring an episode of vertigo or fullness in ears.

Avoid canned or processed foods.

Consume low-sugar fruit juices.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Menier’s affect both ears?

Meniere’s usually affects one ear initially, but in chronic cases, one can develop the disease in both ears.

2. Should I avoid driving if I have Meniere’s?

In patients who have vertigo as a prominent and frequent symptom, it is usually advised to avoid driving. As it is difficult to predict a vertigo episode, one should not indulge in activities requiring body balance or minute concentration.

3. Who can be affected by Meniere’s?

Anyone can be affected by this condition. However, Meniere’s is more common in males and frequently seen in the age group of 30-60 years.

4. Can stress trigger Meniere’s disease?

Emotions like extreme anger and stress seem to act as a triggering factor in some cases. The episodes tend to be more frequent during a stressful period.

5. Do I have to live with it for the rest of my life?

Though a chronic disorder, Meniere’s is not something that one has to live with. Homeopathy can treat Meniere’s very effectively. Complete recovery occurs in a majority of the cases with the correct treatment. The chances of recurrence post-treatment are negligible.

6. I am taking the medicine vertin; will it treat my Meniere’s?

Medicines like vertin are betahistine drugs which can help in managing the acute episodes of vertigo. They are meant to control vertigo attacks and are commonly prescribed to patients to help them manage the condition instead of treating it.

7. Is the hearing loss permanent?

Usually, there is a fluctuation in the hearing loss, and it gets better after the episodes are over. In a majority of cases, it is the sensory neural type of hearing loss.
It has been observed that the hearing loss is intermittent, which means that it comes and goes in episodes. Early interventions and treatment can prevent the hearing loss. However, after prolong years of suffering one can develop permanent hearing loss.

8. Does the weather affect the condition?

Meniere’s is seen to get worse during the winters. Symptoms like the fullness of ears and vertigo episodes are more frequent and troublesome for the patients in winters. Also, the tinnitus seems to be louder in some. These are comparatively less severe during summers.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. My daughter is been suspected by endolymphatic
    Hydrops. And she’s also having harmonal problem so having homephaty medicine so now with this continues whoshing sounds in her right ear. If you can help us.

    • Hello Mumtaz, homeopathy can simultaneously cover both her hormonal and hydrops issues naturally. We can select the most indicated remedy which suits her overall homeopathic constitution.

  2. Phani Brahma says:

    I have been suffering with tinnitus &vertigo problem for 3yrs.I feel fullness in the left ear&about to fall towards lefthead side.

  3. Hi ,
    I myself is suffering from minieors disease from last 2 years. I had a vertigo problem,hearing loss in left ear, sometimes she suffers from body imbalance and vomitting.
    I have taken allopathic treatment but progress is not so good and only during the Vertigo attack .I am an Software firm but not perform well in my job due to health reasons.
    Kindly suggest me medicine for healthy lifestyle also my family life is also gone for a toss.


  4. Aparna pandey says:

    Respected Sir,
    My daughter is 24 years old and suffering from minieors disease from last 2years. She has a vertigo problem,hearing loss in right ear, sometimes she suffers from body imbalance and vomitting.
    I have given her allopathic treatment but progress is not so good.She is a software engineer but not perform well in her job due to health reasons.Normally her problem raises around manstrual circulation.She is fighting from this problem with the help of yoga& accuepressure
    Kindly suggest me medicine for healthy lifestyle

    • Jean Francis says:

      My husband is a patient of menears disease he 68 has had it for 2 yrs now making feel insecure going out please forward homeopathy Remedies to me please. Thankyou

  5. Subhraranjan Senapati says:

    Dear Sir,

    I am suffering from miniear’s since 1 1/2 years and still undergoing treatment. But still it is not improved. I have also tinitus severity in left ear with imbalance sensation in body.

    Please guide

  6. Ravi Khanna says:

    Hello Dr Sharma,
    I am suffering from menier’s disease from last 2 years.
    Some times vertigo is there on weekly basis, some time it disappears for 3~4 months.
    My ENT gave me stugeron, but its not giving me permanent cure.
    I have fullness in left ear and buzzing sound in left ear.
    You suggested- Chininum Sulph for this condition.
    Can you suggest dosage for the same?
    How long this medicine should be taken.

  7. Amjad Gohar says:

    Dear sir,my query is that i want to ask about patient the patient age is near about 100 and he is suffering from some hearing loss problem but he hears some sounds of barking dog in his ears what is problem behind this can you tell some remedy about this disease i shall be grateful to u

  8. M Mondal says:

    I have cervical spondylosis and occasional vertigo. Now a days I find feeling of blocked right ear and associated loss of hearing and discomfort. I have tried kali mur 200 and mullien drop but of no use. As I am allergic to sugar of milk I could not try kali mur 6x. I would be obliged if you could suggest anything so that I could get rid of the problem. I am above 60.
    Thanking you,

  9. Tapan Ghosh says:

    Sir, I am menier’s disease patient in write ear since 2012. I am 48 years male. Now I am taking regularly vertin OD 48 twice daily as per my ENT doctor’s prescribed. Last 15 days I have attacked vertigo, vomiting and feel balance problem and excessive pressure in my MD ear. please prescribed me the homeopathy medicine for treating my illness.

    With regards,

    • Saju Luckose says:

      Dear Sir,
      I have been suffering from Menier’s disease since 2013. I went to an ENT specialist and diagnosed the problem as Meniers. On and off vertigo with high and low intensity badly affect my normal life. I have ringing sound in my left ear for 6 years.
      I am eagerly waiting to hear you for proper medication.

  10. Sangitachoudhary says:

    48 yrs old suffering from miniere disease since 6 years accompanied by vertigo nausea and vomiting and I have profound hearing loss in right ear and mixed hearing loss in right ear. PL priscribe me medicine

  11. RS Mishra says:

    I am Ramsharan Mishra M/54 years suffering from last 5 months. In the first months, I have 5 severe vertigo attack of duration 2 hours to 5 hours (including vomiting, dizziness) . Meniere’s Disease. I have tinnitus labyrinthitis as well. MD doctor has prescribed vertin 16 for 3 months. Since last 3 months, I have no vertigo episode. I am fine. Treatment is over. I am ok now. But I fear the vertigo episode could recur again. My question to you whether I should continue vertin 16 for another three months or six months.

  12. Shankar chinchole says:

    Good evening sir muje ye bimari he our esake vajase muje takhalip hoti he please sir isake upar koi ilaz he to muje atai mera contact no 9323903060.

  13. Kathy Martin says:

    I am 55 and just diagnosed with what the ENT thinks might be Meniere’s Disease. I have tinnitus in both ears (have had for about 10 years now), but recently thought I had water behind my ear drums left over from an earlier sinus infection. I would like to try some of your medications, especially the Chininum Sulph. Can you tell me how much I should take? I weigh 135 lbs and am 5’5″ tall. I just feel off balance all the time!

    • hakam singh says:

      l have meniers deases pasent of 2 year .i age 45 year . my symptoms vertigo.neause haedache. unbalance body, left ear noise contineu,no help any medicine PLZ. HELP ME

      • Sravanti says:

        Hello sir my husband also suffering with mineres disease from 8 years along with tinnitus and he also diabetic and day by day hearing loss percentage is increasing and sudden attack of giddiness still we are taking daily number of medicines but they are working only for temporary and again after few days again suddenly giddiness is attacking for this problem he stopped driving from three years not able to work properly we spent so much money but many doctors cheated us and sent for many tests and x-rays and last they told low salt diet should take we have taken him many top specialist ENT doctors in Hyderabad Dr Deen day ,dr Shankar Rao, dr Shoban Babu etc sir please help us what medicine should take how much and how many times should take along with diabetic tablets can we take this homeopathy medicines

  14. Ramona Sexton says:

    Dr Sharma, my name is Ramona Sexton and I have been dealing with Ménière’s disease for 10 yrs and I just got the diagnosis last week. I have completely lost my hearing in my left ear. My ENT dr that I finally seen last week gave me Triamterrne 37.5 mg. I take a bp pill at night that is 5mg. Anyway I started taking the medication Saturday morning and I didn’t feel really good but I was ok. Sunday I took it and it dropped my bp really low and made my stomach and chest feel really bloated. I’m not going to take anymore because I’m afraid at this point it will drop me to a deadly point.

  15. Bette Waller says:

    I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease when I was thirty-three. I am in my seventies now with long periods of not having any symptoms of Meniere’s. It hit with a vengance recently. It’s continued for months. I do not have spinning sensation any longer. I feel light headed and off balance. Feeling as if I’m going to pass out when I stand. That goes away if I just wait standing still. But the light headedess does not go away.I Feel best lying down with eyes closed.

    I have an active life and would like to get back doing the things needing to be done. Is there anything that can help me get rid of this “off balance” feeling?

  16. Habibullah says:

    I am 45 years old & suffering menier disease since 2 years. Please give me better treatment

  17. Habibullah says:

    Sir, I am Habib from Kln Bangladesh. All times I hear whistling sound in my right ear. Sometimes I become imbalance and vomiting problems. I went many doctors ent & neorology . MRI report is ok. Pls advice me better treatment

  18. ajay singhal says:

    have a good day!
    i am Ajay singhal has had meniere’s diseasein 2016 and was cure in two months by taking treatment through ENT Dr. but now after 2 years again the same problem has been occurred and this time i m taking treatment from same DR. but till now i have no relief even taking sturgeon 25 mg. two times in a day as per advice of Dr.
    now a days it is repeating in 3-4 days some time intensity is wearable and some time not
    i have need some better treatment by medicine /surgery . pl. suggest/advice . i hope you will have a better treatment for the same.

  19. Pushpendra Kumar Srivastava 49 YEARS says:


  20. Kenneth James breighner says:

    I Kenneth James breighner has had meniere’s disease for going on 14 years now & it was so bad I go to the VA.ent DR.all they give me is meclizine HCl 25 mg that’s it for the past 14 years it help s lot but I do need something better cause I still have it pretty bad when it hits me real bad I’m down for a week or a week and a half!!!!! I told sent DR’s that I need something better but they won’t PLEASE help me DOC!!!!!!!!!!! In JESUS name I pray that GOD will use u to help me!!!!!!! Ty GOD bless you!!!!!!!!!

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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