Homeopathy Remedies are very effective in treating general body pains and aches. These body pains can be general body pains caused by exertion etc or caused by more specific reason like fevers or joint inflammation. As homeopathy is a more symptom-based system of medicine ( this means that symptoms are given more preference over pathological condition while choosing the right remedy ) the medicine set remains quite same for general as well as specific reasons for causing body pains. Homeopathic medicines for body pains are a natural substitute for painkillers. The best feature while using medicine for treating body pains is that they are totally side effect free and are made from naturally occurring plants and substances.
Homeopathic Medicines for Body Pains and Aches
Rhus Toxicodendron, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Magnesium Phosphorica, Ruta Graveolens, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Causticum, and Colchicum Autumnale are the top medicines for body pains and aches.
1. Rhus Toxicodendron
Rhus Toxicodendron is a natural medicine that occupies the highest rank in treating general body pains and aches. This medicine is prescribed for patients in whom the body aches are worse in resting position and are better by walking. The body pains are accompanied by anxiety and restlessness. The patient feels a need to constantly move to get relief. The body aches are worse on starting to walk after rest but as the patient walks by the aching goes on decreasing gradually. Marked stiffness always accompanies the body aches. This medicine is almost specific if the body pains start after getting wet in rain. Its use is highly recommended in those body pains that are a result of overstraining or overstretching of muscles.
2. Arnica Montana
Arnica Montana is also an excellent medicine for body aches. This medicine is used where excessive sore bruised aching of body is present. The whole body feels sore as if beaten. The patient requiring arnica finds it difficult to lie down calmly in bed. The bed feels hard on which he lies, which makes him constantly changes. The whole body feels lame. Arnica can very effectively treat the soreness and body aches due to overexertion. This medicine has the great ability to reduce body aches which occur due to injuries either recent or old. Even the joint pains that result out of injury can be treated with this remedy.
3. Bryonia Alba
Bryonia Alba is yet another natural medicine used in homeopathy for treating the general body aches and pains. This medicine gives marvellous results when body pains result from either muscular or joint involvement. The prominent symptom guiding the use of this medicine is – worsening of the body Pains on the slight motion. The body pains are better on absolute rest. Every part of the body is painful to touch. An increased thirst for large quantity of water is always present in patients requiring this medicine.
4. Magnesium Phosphorica
Magnesium Phosphorica is used for a wide range of body pains and aches. Main Indications for its use are – severe body pains that are shooting, cutting or stitching in nature.; The severity of pains are almost unbearable making the person mad. The pains are worse by cold air exposure. Warm application gives relief in body aches. Patient feels better by applying pressure to the parts of body.
5. Ruta Graveolens
This medicine is used for body aches where the whole body feels painful and bruised. The main indications for its use are – All those parts of body on which patient lies are tender. Extreme weakness is always present with body pains. Patient has a great difficulty on rising from a chair. The lower limbs lack strength. Back pain is more prominent. Patient feels relief in backache by pressure.
6. Gelsemium Sempervirens
Gelsemium Sempervirens is a wonderful natural medicine for treating body aches that are accompanied by dullness and drowsiness.Other main indications for its use are – The whole body feels tired with excessive muscle weakness. Mostly used where pain is present in neck, back and lower limbs. The body pains are attended with weakness from slight exertion. This medicine can also help in relieving the neck and shoulder pain with headache.
7. Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Arnica Montana, Chamomilla and Rhus Toxicodendron – Natural Remedies for Body Pains and Aches during Fever
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best natural medicine for treating body pains that occur during fever. This is mainly given where the severe and general bone pains predominate. This medicine gives quick relief in the body aches during fever like malaria or influenza. The patient feels as if the whole body is broken down. Arnica Montana is used for sore and bruised type of body aches in fever. Whole body feels lame. Patient feels worse on lying down. The bed feels hard on which the patient lies. Body aches are worse from touch. Chamomilla is an important medicine used for unbearable body aches in fever. Patients requiring Chamomilla are very sensitive to cold air. Such patient turns irritable or violent due to pains. Rhus Toxicodendron is used for body aches in fever that are better by walking and worse at rest.
8. Arnica Montana, Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba for Treating Body Aches due to Exertion
The first medicine Arnica Montana is used where the person feels excessive soreness over whole body due to exertion. The body is very sensitive to touch. The bed on which person lies feels hard. Body aches are felt as if someone has beaten the body. The next two medicines Rhus Toxicodendron and Bryonia Alba are both natural remedies for the treatment of body aches due to exertion. The main indicating feature for selecting the medicine out of these two for body aches – Rhus Toxicodendron is prescribed when the body aches are better by walking and worse at rest whereas Bryonia Alba is given when the body aches are worse by walking and are better by absolute rest.
9. Remedies for Painful Joints
The medicines Causticum, Bryonia Alba and Colchicum Autumnale are natural joint pain remedies for the treatment of body aches due to acute inflammation of joints as in Rheumatoid arthritis. Causticum is mainly used where the joints are inflammed and very stiff leading to body aches. The aches are worse by slight exposure to cold air. Warm applications give relief to the patient. The second medicine Bryonia Alba is prescribed when the body aches occur due to swelling and intense pain in joints. The worsening of aches by slightest motion and relief by rest are strong indicating features for using this medicine. The last mentioned medicine Colchicum Autumnale is mainly given when the body aches are a result of intensely swollen, stiffened and painful joints. Here the body aches are worse by slightest touch and at night time.
10. For Body Aches due to Muscle Soreness
The natural medicines for body pains due to excessive muscle pains are Rhus Toxicodendron and Magnesium Phosphorica. Rhus Toxicodendron is the best medicine for body aches due to muscle soreness. The muscle soreness can be the result from over-exertion, over-stretching, over-straining. The patient requiring Rhus Toxicodendron will complain of relief in the body aches by motion and worsening by rest. The second medicine Magnesium Phoshorica is well suited to persons who have body aches that are better by warm applications and by pressure
11. For Nerve Pain
Nerve pains can also lead to severe pain in the parts of the body eg sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, peripheral neuropathy in feet etc. Hypericum, Mag Phos are natural pain remedies for conditions arising out of afflictions to Nerve.
12. For Joint Pains with Ulcerative Colitis
Joint pains can occur secondary to other disorders such as Ulcerative colitis. Rhus Tox is wonderful medicine for treating joint pains in ulcerative colitis. Read the detailed feature on medicines for ulcerative colitis.
After aweke full body pain
हरपीज के बाद होने वाले नसों में दर्द के लिए कौन सी दवा कारगर रहेगी, रोगी किडनी इन्फेक्शन की एलोपैथी ट्रीटमेंट भी लेता है।
I have severe pain of my skin, extreme sensitivity to touch, especially my back from lying down, my head and ribs chest due to viral infection.
What do you recommend and in what dose?
I am searching for a medication that can replace my hydrocodone for extreme back pain if, well probably when, the drugs stores may get closed due to govt shut downs and such. I have drops for antibiotics and some other medications in storage just incase we can’t get then but I have no alternatives for the back pain medications.
Do you sell a tincture that could replace it with similar effectiveness. Something weaker would be useless but I also do not want much stronger either. This medication has worked daily well without interfering with my thinking or cognitive ability for years. Discs are all but gone, pinched, narrowing, and bulging in bottom 4, more in neck area, arthritis, and sciatic issues.
Hello Dr Sharma, I am suffering pain in my worn out hips and knees, osteoarthritis. Left hip needs replacing. Please help with pain management.
Kind regards.
Im suffering from stomach cancer severe backache
me kaun si dawa use kare
Sir my mother is suffering from aches all over body mostly legs and arms headache. She is 65 years old and diabetic, hypertensive ckd. Any solution…
I am heroin dependent for last two years. I used to take 1 gram heroin daily through smock. Since last four month I have tamppered it to 40mg/24 hours. I want your recommendation for treatment of body pains.
Sir my mother is suffering from aches all over body mostly legs and arms headache. She is 65 years old and diabetic, hypertensive ckd. Any solution…