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Homeopathic Remedies for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe and complex mental health condition in which a person fails to understand or to differentiate between reality and unreality. It is mainly characterized by delusions and hallucinations. Delusions are fixed, false beliefs that cannot be shaken even when a reason is given against such beliefs. Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli like hearing a voice or seeing an image that is not present in reality. Disordered thinking and abnormal social behavior also accompany these characteristic features.

There is a vast scope for the treatment of many such psychological complaints with homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines are found to be very effective in treating Schizophrenia. Being of natural origin, they are free from any toxic side effects and are safe to use. Apart from safety, homeopathic medicines for schizophrenia are also not habit-forming, and one can withdraw their use once recovery begins. Homeopathic medicines act deeply and aim to work on correcting the root cause of the disease. Delusions of varying kinds, hallucinations, and the other accompanying features of Schizophrenia are treatable with natural homeopathic medicines. Due to the use of these medicines, the intensity of symptoms is seen to reduce gradually and there is a sense of general well-being.

Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia

Homeopathic Medicines For Schizophrenia

There is a huge list of homeopathic medications to treat Schizophrenia, and the remedies are selected symptomatically depending on a case-to-case basis. The top-ranked homeopathic medicines for Schizophrenia are Lachesis, Anacardium Orientale, and Hyoscyamus Niger. The keynote symptoms of these homeopathic remedies are as follows:

1. Lachesis – Top-Grade Medicine

Lachesis is the top recommended medicine for schizophrenia treatment. Certain delusions are mainly indicated for the use of this medicine. These include the patient’s delusion about having been poisoned by someone, being harmed, or being followed by enemies. There is suspicion to an extreme degree towards everything. The sensation of being under the control of some superhuman power is yet another unique feature in persons needing Lachesis. Another delusion could be there are robbers in the house. In some cases, there is a delusion that she is dead and people are preparing for her funeral. A wish to isolate themselves, aversion to work, and a marked loquacity (excessive talking) are also present among such subjects. There is disorganized speech and continuous talking marked by quick jumping from one subject to another unrelated subject. Repetition of the same words over and over again is also present in the speech.

2. Anacardium Orientale – For Auditory Hallucinations

Anacardium Orientale is an important medicine for Schizophrenia where a person hears voices. The voices are mostly of spirits or dead people. A few patients narrate that the voices say that they are going to die soon. Some patients say that the spirits call their names, and command them to follow them. Some patients state that the voices inside them speak in abusive language. Those who need it experience delusion as if the mind and body are separated and delusion of being double or having two wills. A very unique delusion that may be present is that on one shoulder an angel is sitting commanding and doing good things, and on the second shoulder a devil is sitting asking to commit bad things. Other accompanying features are extreme sadness, absent-mindedness, suspicion, indifferent behaviour, and lack of interest in anything. Forgetfulness, aversion to work, desire to swear and curse, and talking in phrases that make no sense are also some characteristic symptoms that may be present. Another unique feature is the feeling that everything is a dream, and nothing is real.

3. Hyoscyamus Niger – For Delusion Of Being Poisoned And Seeing Absent Persons

Hyoscyamus Niger is useful in cases where the patient thinks someone is going to poison them. In most cases, as a result, they avoid eating or drinking offered by others. There is also a suspicion that family members are keeping a watch over them all the time.  Sometimes the patient does things that appear foolish. Laughing loudly at everything is also distinctly present. An impulse to strike and bite others may also arise along with delusions. Excessive and hurried talking, and unintelligible muttering can also appear. One may make strange and funny gestures like a clown dancing. The next important symptom to use this medicine is when a patient says he is able to see people who are not actually present.

4. Stramonium – Where Patients Talk with Imaginary Spirits

Stramonium works well in cases of Schizophrenia where the patient thinks that they can talk with spirits. Patients who need this remedy say that they are under the influence of these spirits. They may also say that they are in communication with God. They carry out conversations with imaginary people. A feeling of restlessness accompanies talking to spirits and imaginary people.  Delusions about the presence of multiple people in the room may also arise though none are there in reality. The patient sees people coming out of all corners of the chamber. Patients who hear voices that scold them are also treated well with Stramonium. Another delusion that points towards using Stramonium is a firm belief by the sufferer that he is going to die soon. As a consequence, they start to give directions for their funeral. A constant praying and recitation of religious rhymes also predominantly appear with the above features.

5. Platina – For Schizophrenia Accompanied By Delusions Of Grandiosity

Platina is a high-grade homeopathic medicine for Schizophrenia with delusions of grandiosity. Patients who need Platina think of themselves as superior to others, and of great value to humanity. They believe that they are better than everyone else, and that all others are insignificant in comparison. Even the closest family members seem to be of no value and inferior to them. They exhibit great pride and are extremely critical of others.

6. Baryta Carb – For Suspicion That A Person Is Being Talked About

Baryta Carb is helpful in treating Schizophrenia where sufferers have a high suspicion that other people are talking about them. There is also a feeling that they are being made fun of and people are always laughing at them. Other symptoms that accompany are difficulty in concentration and confusion of the mind. Childish behaviour is also common among patients who need the medicine — Baryta Carb.

7. Plumbum Met – For Delusions Of Conspiracies Of Being Murdered

Plumbum Met is administered for Schizophrenia among those suffering from delusions of others conspiring to murder them. These individuals think everyone around them is a murderer and their life is in danger. Sadness, melancholy, restlessness, anxiety, aversion to talking, and absent-mindedness also prevail.

8. Thuja Occidentalis – For Sensation Of Being Under Superhuman Control

Thuja Occidentalis is of help in cases where the patient feels as if he is under the control of some superhuman power. The patient has a vacant look with staring eyes and may talk in a hasty way or use the wrong words while talking. They are also sad, irritable, and suffer from insomnia. They are usually unable to manage daily life tasks.

9. Calcarea Carb – For Delusions Of Being Followed By Someone All The Time

Calcarea Carb is administered for Schizophrenia with a delusion of being followed by someone all the time. Along with this, there is the fear that something bad is going to happen. Fear of misfortune and of losing reasonableness in one’s life is also present. Anxiety, high irritability without any reason, and the constant fear of death also appear.

10. Kali Bromatum – Where Persistent Sleeplessness Attends Delusions

Kali Bromatum is a medicine for Schizophrenia where there is persistent insomnia accompanied by delusions. The delusions are of varying kinds. They mainly include delusions of conspiracy, and of persecution (as if someone is conspiring against them or pursuing them). Symptoms of depression, which include profound melancholy, indifference to life, and uncontrollable weeping, are also present. Such patients fear talking to people. Another marked symptom is a feeling of being singled out as the only person for divine wrath.

11. Cannabis Indica – For Disorganized Speech

Cannabis Indica is a very useful medicine for Schizophrenia with the presence of disorganized and incoherent speech, with the tendency to stammer. A person who needs Cannabis Indica begins speaking but is unable to complete a sentence. They forget words while talking. A lot of ideas tend to crowd their brain, and they get lost in thought and/or are unable to fix their attention on one subject. Uncontrollable laughter may arise when the patient laughs at every word spoken to him. They even laugh at serious matters. They, however, have the persistent fear of becoming insane.

12. Medorrhinum – When Nothing Seems Real

Medorrhinum is a medicine for Schizophrenia when nothing seems real, and the person feels everything is a dream. This is accompanied by feelings of anxiety and of always being in a hurry. Patients are also impulsive, and cruel and tend to use abusive language. As night approaches they are overwhelmed by the fear of someone following them. They have delusions of people looking at them from behind the furniture. Apart from the above symptoms, sudden mood changes may also be present. A very characteristic feature is that patients constantly think that they have done some unpardonable sin and are going to hell, so they keep praying.

13. Aurum Met – To Manage Depression

This medicine is of great value to manage depression in such cases. Those who need it have intense sadness, and hopelessness along with predominating suicidal thoughts. They feel as if life is a burden, and the future is all dark. They indulge in self-criticism. There is a desire to die, and such people constantly talk of self-destruction and suicide.

Reasons Behind Schizophrenia

1. The exact reason behind Schizophrenia is still not clear to the medical fraternity. However, a combination of genetic, and environmental factorsseems to play a vital role in making a person prone to developing Schizophrenia. It most commonly begins in teenage or early adulthood.

2. It is also thought that some imbalance in chemicalsused by the brain(neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamate, serotonin) for communication between one nerve cell to another nerve cell and losing connections in some brain areas may play a role behind its cause.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that increase the risk of schizophrenia such as:

  1. Family history of schizophrenia
  2. Certain viral infections to the mother during foetal development, malnutrition, stress, exposure to toxins during foetal life, and having gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia increases the risk of schizophrenia in baby
  3. Infections and autoimmune diseases that affect the brain
  4. Prolonged stress for long time periods
  5. Using psychotropic drugs like cannabis
  6. Some factors like childhood trauma, abuse in childhood, dysfunctional families, death of mother/father, unemployment, being bullied or any deep insult in the past may increase the risk of schizophrenia in a person who has a predisposition for it.

Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

1)Positive/psychotic symptoms: These means symptoms related to actions and thoughts not based on reality

A). Hallucinations: Sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli like hearing a voice or seeing an image that is not present in real. a). Mainly auditory hallucinations occur in schizophrenia, in which the sufferer hears voices in the absence of any sensory stimulus.

b) Hallucinations related to smell, taste, and vision may also occur though these are not common.

B). Delusions: It is a firm belief in something with a lack of evidence to support it. a) Delusions are mainly persecutory in nature. In these delusions, patients feel that someone is plotting to harm them, someone is spying on them, they are being followed by someone, or someone will poison them. b) A delusion as if someone is controlling their thoughts or is keeping a watch on them is also a prominent feature among some of those who suffer. c)Delusion that they are very important or have excess fame.d) Delusion of possessing extraordinary powers e) Delusion that another person is in love with you.

3. Disorganized Speech: Disorganized speech and confused thoughts are present. The sufferer may give an answer to a question that has no link to the asked question. Senseless talking, jumping from one subject to the other quickly while talking. Speaking in a monotone, and saying meaningless words may also arise. They may also feel as if some external source is controlling their thoughts or think that they have some extraordinary powers.

4. Negative symptoms: These refer to not showing normal behaviour by persons having schizophrenia: It includes social withdrawal, losing interest in life activities, weak expression of emotions (not sad on sad occasions or not happy on happy occasions), lack of facial expressions, fewer to no gestures, lack of emotions, lack of motivation, neglect in maintaining personal hygiene.

5. Other symptoms are difficulty in recalling things, confusion of thoughts, poor concentration, moving slowly, writing excessively but meaninglessly, difficulty in making decisions, changes in sleeping patterns, and suicidal thoughts.

6. Catatonia:In some cases, the sufferer may stop talking with the body fixed in a particular position for long hours.


If not treated certain complications can arise such as:

Anxieties, obsessive-compulsive disorder, aggression, depression, suicidal thought or attempt, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse are a few things that may complicate Schizophrenia.


1.There are no lab tests to diagnose schizophrenia. It is diagnosed by ruling out other mental health conditions and substance-induced psychosis. Certain tests may be carried out like MRI, and CT scan to check for changes in brain structure; blood tests to rule out other causes of symptoms.

2. A detailed psychiatric evaluation and symptom study is required to diagnose schizophrenia

3. Criteria given in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

(DSM-5) may be used to diagnose schizophrenia. As per this manual two diagnostic criteria have to be present for one month with a major impact on social or occupational functioning for minimum of six months. Among these one symptom is to become hallucinatory, one remains in delusion and disorganized speech and the second symptom is to be some among negative symptoms or disorganized or catatonic behaviour.


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  1. D A Chowdary, 3-6-291.Ist venture SBH colony LBNagar Hyderabad 500074 says:

    Good morning sir My son Sowmith of age 26yrs is suffering from Schizophrenia for last two years. He is writing his final year MBBS exams one subject in a year. Initially took treatment by a psychiatrist due to fear of severe side effects and sedation later started treatment from Star homeopathy at Hyderabad India but as there is no effect in two months again started treatment by psychiatrist. Now again I am fearing he is given intense psychotic drugs resulting weakness and impotence ED etc. His fears are that some body is stimulating his testicles and they are getting shrinked and he will be checking them frequently about 100 times a day. He first started fearing that some body observing him through cameras microphones and knowing his thoughts and talking about him. Shall we confidently retake homeopathy and is there permanent cure in homeopathy plz guide us

  2. Netpreeya Choomchaiyo says:

    My friend, 63 year old male, an opera singer, single, now very much obsesses in Covid-19. He’s afraid he would get infected and keep asking me about the homeopathic medicine. I gave him one dose of Arsenecum ablum 30c. He was satisfied for a month and now starts talking about how the government should use homeopathic treatment for all covid-19 patients. I think he starts to have a delusion. He talks a lot, senseless, jumping from one topic to another. He was bitten by a venomous snake 10 years ago but did not have any vaccination, instead he kept praying with strong belief in supernatural power to help him. His complaint at present is pain on his left shoulder, worse when raise up his arm and when wake up, better when move. He was infected with malaria, Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) when he was young. He likes sweet but dislikes salty food, hot food and drinks. He sweats if warm temperature, on face and body, but cold feet. He sleeps on his back.
    What remedy would you recommend for him? Is Lachesis a good choice?

  3. Poonam Mittal says:

    My mother 86 yrs old feels that someone is hiding under her bed.

    • My father 82 years old is suffering from delusion that there are number of persons in the room although there is no one except one or two family members. Some times he think that he is at some other station than the actual place.

  4. My daughter 18 arrogant behaviour tried suicide twicespoiled by herkeen ter classfellows those are keen for boys my daughter was so innocent to the extent stupid now she is uncontrollable threatening all the time she is unpredictable

  5. Santosh srivastava says:

    Hi sir i have a suspicion problem like whenever i walk on the road and when i saw the dog i feel fear from them i also think that whether they bite me or not.
    I check my hand my leg whether they bite me or not i become very much suspicious from the last one year i am suffering from this problem.
    My confidence is decreasing day by day i feel very dee sadness in my life.

    No happiness is remain .

    Please suggest me what should i do.

  6. What frequency and dosage should a person with schizophrenia take of Anacardium orientale?
    Asking for my sister in the USA.

  7. P.K.Mazumder says:

    My brother 67 suffering from hallucinations /schizophrenia for last 40 years, taking allopathic 1 tab.daily. Symptoms : – mutter often , keep away from society, unclean/ dirty , avoid to bath , sometimes speaks with someone, sings, sencere about money, maximum time lies, thinks somethings, when he is asked something by someone replies gently.
    Before this problem he was a service holder but sincerely worshipped God regularly engaged himself in DHYAN/Meditation. Last of all he got fear and lost mental balance.

  8. Vinod Mishra says:

    I am 40years old my name is Vinod Mishra .I am suffering from major depression, psychosis, psychotic, schizophrenia, excessive sleep, sleeplessness, taking allopathic medicine pls advice homeopatic medicine.

    • Kamal Hossain says:

      A woman 46 years old. She is suffering from mental disorder. She is felling somebody is keeping watch on her and a firm belief in something with the lack of evidence to support it. she is least interested in household works and loses interest in everything.She remains away from people and becomes of quarreling nature , talks of herself, mutter often and feeling disturbed. She things others are doing wrong and she is perfect.

      Pls help and advice which is best suited medicine

  9. Rajpal Singh says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma
    My wife has kind of schizophrenia. She has been treated with many psychotropic drugs on and off for the last 8 years.
    However she has first time had auditory hallucinations for at least 5 months already now even when she gets doctors prescriptions.
    She has been prescribed Latuda 2 tabs and now another doctor told her to take Invega 1 tab as well.
    I really need help and not sure what to do. Looking forward to your help and advise.
    Thanks again.

    • Anonymous says:

      I had been prescribed Olanzapine which is similar to Latuda. The homeopathic remedies that have helped with my auditory hallucinations, and other symptoms (delusions, mood issues) have been Nat Mur, Mercurial, and Ignatia, all at 30c. The Nat Mur I also take daily at a lower dosage. Do your research on them first to see if the symptoms fit. There’s also a book, Homeopathic Psychology, that would likely help.

  10. Mahendra Singh says:

    My son is suffering from a disease. He feels something goes out of mind (streak/ ray) and then that thing sticks somewhere resulting stress. He loses interest in evrything at that time. He beieves that this is not true but this happens frequently. Doctors diagnosed it OCD and schizophrenia. Treatment given for two years. He does nothing. He remains away from people. Help me.

  11. Deepak Chatterjee says:

    Hi we are 37 years married. Since last few months my wife has become of quarreling nature and talks to herself. She is least interested in household works. I think she is suffering from schizophrenia. She is 59years old. Is it possible to cure her by homoeopathy. If so please prescribe the medicine.

  12. Hi we are 37 years married. Since last few months my wife has become of quarreling nature and talks to herself. She is least interested in household works. I think she is suffering from schizophrenia. She is 59years old. Is it possible to cure her by homoeopathy. If so please prescribe the medicine.

  13. Where can we get these remedies?

  14. Which remedy for feeling like negative energy around you .and you exhale cold heavy air (schizophrenic)

  15. Deepak sinha says:

    I have tactile hallucinations. I feel something is moving in my body internally.
    Please solve my problem.

  16. Dr. Sharma Ji. One patient suffering from auditory haulicination since 1998 and he is under the treatment of allopath(Sychterist) , can he be given homeopathic treatment simultaneously.Thanks. Om Satija

    • Rina Raj says:

      Hello mam my mother is suffering from schizophrenia for a long time and she thinks some spirits are talking to her and she answer their questions doing mumble. She also thinks that someone is planning to harm her and all family members are her enemies. She is suffering from schizophrenia due to some family matters.So, can you please recommend me some good homeopathic medicine to cure both type of schizophrenic symptoms .Thank you

      • Sanjay Kapoor says:

        My father 89 years old, imagines my mother is alive, (she is dead for 10 years now). This started 1year back. Gets out of control, aggressive, curses and says we do not allow her in. Speaks to her, at scolds her for not meeting and even says his father is back. Insists to go out to meet her n talk to her. Talks aloud at times to himself.
        Please HELP.

  17. My son is suffering from auditory hallucination..He gets ringing music sound in his mind….his body weight is 38kg height 175 cms.
    Rest all fine with his health..
    Please advice


      Sir,my wife is suffering from schizophrenia for last 14th years and she is on psychotic past she had taken homeopathic and ayurvedic treatment also but she is not responding better .Her treatment is going continue but not getting cure.what can do for this.

  18. krishna thakur says:

    choking in the head,tingling sensation which medicine we have to use

  19. My sister age 45 yrs unmarried has sleeplessness and continously talking day and night with images. Sometimes shouts at images and cries and sometimes smile. Never brushes hates bathing. But daily does some kitchen work. She was on. Allopathy. Does not attend counseling and thinks others are mental and she is perfect. Just lies at bed as and when and starts talking to self. Very hard to handle. Cant get her Admitted. Old 80 yr old father and myself just moving on just give medicine on water. Or risiniae2mg in. Water. If she drinks its fine other wise no sleep. Pls help and advice which is best suited medicine.

  20. Malinda Connally says:

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Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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