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How To Get Rid of Sinus Infection with Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic remedies for sinus

Waking up with a headache, that too with a blocked nose, is a rough start to the day. If this becomes a routine where the face hurts with heaviness in the head, it could be arising from medical condition sinusitis. The inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities within the skull bone) is referred to as sinusitis. Homeopathy can be of great help in treating sinusitis. The natural mode of treatment aims at treating the root cause (like chronic cold, nasal allergies) behind sinusitis to give long-term relief. Along with treating the root cause, these medicines offer relief in the immediate symptoms of sinusitis as well. The homeopathic mode of treatment can completely cure chronic and recurrent sinusitis, though it may take some time. The homeopathic remedies for sinus infections, are made of natural substances and have zero side effects.

Homeopathic Remedies For Sinus Infection

Some of the leading remedies to treat sinusitis are Belladonna, Kali Bichrome, Silicea, Hydrastis, Pulsatilla and Natrum Mur. Lemna Minor is the top-most medicine to treat nasal polyps.

1. Belladonna – Top-Grade Medicine For Sinus Headache

Belladonna is a natural medicine sourced from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It is the most frequently used medicine for cases of sinusitis when headache is most marked. In cases needing it, pain and heaviness is marked in the forehead (frontal headache) due to sinus congestion. There is relief by binding the head tightly with cloth or applying pressure. This medicine is most prominently indicated for frontal sinusitis. It is also indicated for maxillary sinusitis as well. Belladonna is also suitable to manage sore throat and cough in cases of sinusitis. The cough is short and dry which gets worse at night. It is the best remedy for acute sinusitis.

When and How to use Belladonna?

It is a leading medicine for sinusitis recommended mainly when frontal headache is causing trouble. This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In low potency like 30C, it can be taken three to four times a day. Once the severity of the headache reduces, the dose should be decreased. When using high potency like 200C, its use is usually limited to once a day. 1M potency is also required in some cases, but to use it, consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Sinusitis With Post Nasal Discharge

Kali Bichrome is the best medicine for sinusitis where the most prominent complaint is post nasal discharge – PND (dripping of mucus from back of nose into the throat). The discharge is very thick, sticky, ropy mostly yellowish or greenish. Along with PND, there is headache in frontal region (forehead). Pain at the root of the nose is also present. Nose feels stuffed along with these symptoms. The bad smell from nose occurs due to accumulation of nasal discharge. In cases needing it, a history of recurrent cold may be found.

When and How to Kali Bichrome?

A person having post nasal dripping from sinusitis can find this medicine highly effective. Pain in the forehead and the root of the nose are also indicative to use it. The most commonly used potency of this medicine is 30C that can be taken twice a day. It will reduce sinus inflammation and reduce associated symptoms including PND, frontal headache and pain at the root of the nose.

3. Silicea – For Sinus Infections And Chronic Colds

Silicea is a highly recommended medicine for cases of sinus infections and chronic cold. The main symptom guiding its use is throbbing pain in forehead especially over the right eye. There is relief in headache by pressing the head firmly or wrapping up warmly. Other symptoms along with this include nasal blockage and thick pus-like discharge. The nasal discharge forms hard crusts; any attempt to loosen these crusts results in bleeding. There is loss of smell and taste as well.

When and How to use Silicea?

Use of silicea should be considered for those who suffer from chronic cold and sinus infection. The symptoms to prescribe it are pain in forehead, nasal blockage and thick pus-like nasal discharge. Among various available potencies, Silicea works most wonderfully in 6X potency. Silicea 6X can be taken any time twice a day to four times a day as per the severity of symptoms.

4. Hydrastis – For Sinusitis With PND

This medicine is prepared from fresh root of plant ‘golden seal’. Like medicine Kali Bichrome, this medicine is also very beneficial for treating sinusitis with prominent PND (post nasal discharge). The discharge is thick, mostly yellow. Besides, sinus headache is present. Burning pain in the nose, sore throat, burning sensation in throat may attend above indications.

When and How to use Hydrastis?

This medicine can be used in sinusitis cases when main complaint is post-nasal thick yellow discharge. It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day for good results.

5. Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Or Green Nasal Discharge

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine for sinusitis prepared from ‘windflower’. The foremost indication to use it in sinusitis is thick yellow or green nasal discharge.  A characteristic feature is the discharge gets worse in a closed room and gets better in open air. The discharge may be very foul-smelling. Nostrils may be blocked as well, along with loss of smell and taste. This medicine is recommended for frontal sinusitis and maxillary sinusitis. Pain and heaviness is felt over the forehead when frontal sinus is involved. In case of maxillary sinus involvement, tearing type of pain is felt in maxillary sinus (in cheeks) that may extend to ears.

When and How to use Pulsatilla?

For sinusitis, the key indication based on which it is prescribed is ‘thick yellow or green nasal discharge’. Though may be used in different potencies, it is best to begin with  30C potency. Pulsatilla 30C can be taken once or twice a day. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M can also be considered afterward but only under the supervision of homeopathic expert.

6. Natrum Mur – For Sinus Infections And Nasal Allergy

Natrum Mur is good choice of remedy in cases of sinusitis where nasal allergy is associated. This medicine aims at treating nasal allergy when it is the root cause leading to sinus Infections. The symptoms to use this medicine are , a watery discharge from nose , sneezing, pain in head.

When and How to use Natrum Mur?

Persons who suffer sinusitis as a result of nasal allergies are ideal subjects to use this medicine. This medicine works in treating nasal allergies to prevent recurrent sinus infections. Natrum Mur is very effective in 6X potency that can be repeated three to four times a day.

7. Lemna Minor – For Sinus Infections Complicated With Nasal Polyp

In some cases, nasal polyps are a contributing factor for sinus infection. A nasal polyp  in a nasal cavity blocks the normal drainage of discharge. The collected discharge thus acts as a pool for infection-causing agents, leading to inflammation of sinuses. Here, medicine Lemna Minor is the best medicine to help shrink nasal polyps to prevent sinus infections. It may take some time to shrink the polyps, but once done recurrent sinus infections are prevented.

When and How to take Lemna Minor?

If nasal polyps are obstructing mucus drainage and causing recurrent sinus infections, this medicine can work wonders. It will help in shrinking nasal polyps which are a contributing factor for sinus infections. Lemna Minor acts best when taken in mother tincture (Q) form. 5-7 drops of Lemna Minor Q can be taken twice a day by dissolving in half a cup of water.

Cause And Risk Factors Behind Sinusitis

Sinusitis results when there is blockage of sinus openings by mucus. There are certain factors and health problems that increase the risk of sinusitis.

1. Common cold (that can be caused by virus or bacteria) can cause inflammation of sinus and obstruct the drainage of mucus

2. Nasal allergies and upper respiratory tract infections

3. Nasal polyps are the non-cancerous growths in nose or paranasal sinuses which are blocking nose or sinus

4. Deviated nasal septum means cartilage that divides the nose is not straight that is causing nasal blockage

5. Weak immune system

6. A dental infection, cystic fibrosis (a genetic disease that causes build-up of the mucus which is thick, sticky mainly in lungs and pancreas), and smoking are some other contributory factors.

Pathophysiology Of Sinusitis

Paranasal sinuses are four pairs of hollow spaces in the skull. These are situated in cheekbones (maxillary sinus), forehead (frontal sinus), behind the bridge of the nose and between the eyes (ethmoidal sinuses). Another set is situated in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes (sphenoidal sinuses). All the sinuses have the same lining that is present in the nose. This lining produces mucus, which is drained out of the sinuses, through an opening in the nose. When a person has a cold or nasal allergy, there is increased mucus production and swelling of sinuses that can cause the drainage to get blocked. This results in the mucus being trapped in the sinuses, leading to the growth of bacteria and viruses.

Types Of sinusitis

There are four types of sinusitis depending on how long the symptoms last.

Acute sinusitis:  This type of sinusitis lasts till about 2- 4 weeks’ time.

Subacute sinusitis: It lasts between one to three months.

Chronic sinusitis: Its symptoms last for three months or longer.

Recurrent sinusitis: Acute sinusitis happens four or more times in one year and each episode remains for one to two weeks’ time.

Symptoms Of Sinusitis

The signs and symptoms of sinusitis include

1. Nasal discharge: Thick discharge that can be yellow, green, pus-like or blood-stained

2.  Post-nasal dripping

3. Headache especially in the morning

4. Pain/pressure on head or face, swelling or tenderness on the face according to the sinus involved as given below:

In frontal sinusitis: It is felt on forehead and above the eyes

In maxillary sinusitis: It is felt on cheeks, or upper jaw, teeth

In ethmoidal sinusitis: Pain or pressure is observed  behind eyes and in medial canthi (corner of eye where upper eyelid and lower eyelid meet towards nose side)

In sphenoidal sinusitis: Pain/pressure occurs behind eyes and felt in the top/ back of the head

5. Stuffy nose, making breathing through nose difficult

6. Ear fullness/pain, decreased sense of smell and taste, cough, throat clearing, tiredness, bad breath are some other signs and symptoms

7. Fever (it may occur in acute sinusitis and is uncommon in chronic sinusitis)

The signs and symptoms are similar for acute and chronic sinusitis. However, the duration varies with chronic sinusitis lasting for three or more months.


Complications are rare in sinusitis cases. however, if not treated, some complications that might occur include meningitis (inflammation of membranes that cover brain and spinal cord), infection of eyes, and infection of skull bones.

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  1. Anuj Chauhan says:

    Nose Polyp in Left Side of Nose, congestion and mostly its in Block stage, through this I am unable to breathe properly,
    and because of this my voice got changed.

    i am using Pulsatilla 30C – 5Drops 4 time and Lemna Minor Q 10 drops 3 time,
    and Sanguinaria can 8 piece 2 time.
    can you suggest some better medicines, as i am facing Acute Sinus from April 2019 and taking all major precautions and treatment from Homeopathy, but sometime it resolve and sometime its show no result..

  2. Abani Bhusan Pathak says:

    Pain in the left supraorbital region (above left canthus ), throbbing character pain, CT scan of brain is no abnormality.pain is also in the occipital region which is covered by finger tip. It is the case of daughter, age 13 years. It is noted pain is relieved during sleep. It is remained for two years. Please suggest homoeopathic remedy with dose.

  3. Where should I be able to find these natural medicines? A health food store? I have never heard of any of them. I live in the US.

    thank you.

    • Kumar Priyanshu says:

      You can buy these all Medicine through online stores. Because mainly this style is practice in few countries only.
      These medicines called Homeopathic Medicine

  4. Vishal Pawar says:

    Hi sir,
    Myself vishal, I am 31 years old. From childhood I am having sinus ellergy and astama and dry scaly skin problem. For 7-8 years I have taken ellopathic treatment ( ellegra 120 mg, seroflow inhaler etc) because of this treatment I recover by ellergy. After that I stop taking medicine and again after 2-3 years same issue occur again. Now I am taking the treatment of homeopathy since 4 years, I feel very better in summer season and winter season by taking homeopathy medicine, but its fail to recover me rainy season ( from August to October), in this period I am suffering from
    1) runny nose,
    2) burn watery eyes,
    3) itching in all body with dry skin
    4) headache
    5) throat infection
    6) some time cough in chest causes Astama or sneezing
    7) chest pain due to cough
    8) not getting sleep in night and irritation.
    9) black circle in below eyes and black head issue.
    10)very less immunity power
    Please provide me the solution for this.

  5. halle dr Sharma. I need your advice on a sinus problem of the posterior nares. I got a massive infection about 3 or 4 years ago after falling into a river during floods in India. I got a lot of bacteria into my system and my eyes were blood red for about three months with a viral infection. Since then, I have problems with my sinuses. Something, sticky sweet and always present feels like it is blowing up my nostril (left) and gets worse with cold and every change of weather and when I do yoga (head stand), it just flows down – even when I bend my head down. I realize my teeth are worsening with lots of regular dental problems after this. I have tried many remedies (homoepahty), but nothing has been truly success ful. I do yoga regularly, pranayama etc. but nothing has truly helped. In the first and second years it was a bit better in hot seasons but now, even in hot seasons I do have problems. It always drips down my throat – from the back.

  6. Dr.G.MAHESWAR RAO says:

    A 39 yr. Woman suffering from severe sneezing and nasal discharge (not so thick, transparent.) May be sinusitis prescribe medicine for cure

  7. Rebecca Caesars says:

    Dr pls I need your help am in Ghana and I have sinusitis for over ten years now , have been to hospital to the extent that I have a left brain wash that’s how I can call it as I dont know the terms doctors use , and till date is not healed is like is even becoming worse than earlier pls help me I ve severe allergy and headaches and because of that am always on pain killers . Thanks

  8. I’m having pressure in my upper cheeks, swelling and drainage in my eyes. Stuffy runny nose could this be my sinuses? If so wat would u recommend?

    • Kumar Priyanshu says:

      The pain is felt mainly in cheeks, upper
      jaws and may get referred to teeth in sinus.
      This is mainly a feature of Maxillary
      Sinusitis. Spigelia is the top natural remedy
      for pain in the face due to sinus infection. It
      can be given when a severe pain is felt in
      the cheeks and upper jaw. The face is very
      tender and the teeth too may ache.
      Touching the face worsen the pain.
      Belladonna is the best choice when the facial
      pain is accompanied by heat and redness on
      the face.

  9. Ananta sahu says:

    Pls guide me for left nose sinus infection
    Pls sir

  10. Pran Krish says:

    My daughter having fungal sinusitis done 2 surgery may 2019 2 n surgery done but again CT report came fungal sinusitis dr didn’t done surgery well we asked 2 nd opinion that dr also told again we have to do surgery n remove the fungus pl tell me any remedy on homeo for further gal infection tnq

  11. Wagieda says:

    Good day my eyes feel sticky and sandy heavy in the mornings.. My nose blocked n ears blocked feel wet inside also..

  12. Debendra Nath Nayak. says:

    Dear Sir Myself is 70Yrs old male. I am suffering from nasal congestion in my Left nostril since 1992.Twice I have undergone corrective Surgery for Septoplasty,Cenchaplasty &Turbinoplasty on !6-8-!! AND 7Yrs after on 16-9-18. The problem still continues. They call it “allergic rhinites” but hardly there are any allergic symptom like:- sneezing,itching, red eye,watery discharge. evry night when I sleep after one hour or so my left nostril gets congested, the mucus which is not visible gets thicker &thicker.I have to get up &wash the nostrils with hot saline water, which lasts for 1-2 hours! It is quite irritating. Recently Iam taking the following Homeopathic Medicines which is also not working 1)AllarAid(Brekson) Tabs. 2) Sinapsis nigra30 3)Lemna minor30 4) Tuberculinum200 (once in a Week). Please advise me what to do. I have no Sinusitis. With Regards

  13. Sona Naskar says:

    Sinusitis long time maximum 8 yeas no sneezing no coughing … But always pain both sides and pain into behind of eye….some time nose blokedg.. please Dr help me and give me solutions…. Always eye pain..since 24 hourse

    • Sona Naskar says:

      Sinusitis long time maximum 8 yeas no sneezing no coughing … But always pain both sides and pain into behind of eye….some time nose blokedg.. please Dr help me and give me solutions…. Always eye pain..since 24 hourse

      • Raj Kumar sobti says:

        Sir I am suffering from sinus last ten years.i have no coughing and no sneezing but always pain in cheeks.face and behind eyes.Please tell me vest homeopathy medicine. I will be great thankful to u sir

  14. Sir good morning,I m suffering from sinusitis since 1 year.i m having homeopathy medicine from long time.i have got relief from discharge from nose and no headache issue.but some time coughing and sneezing disturbing me and main problem is lack of smell . sometimes I m unable to smell anything.could u please suggest me any medicine.

  15. satish Miglani says:

    I have sinus , mucus in throat, cough, depression from 30 years , tremer, please suggest medicine. Prostate 15 grams,
    Sugar fasting 125
    Age 64 years

  16. giacomo viteritti says:

    HI Dr Sharma

    i had enlarged turbinate surgery in Novemebr2018 had blockage now since the I have constant
    mucus build up in my nose and throat please Help me

  17. Dear Dr. Sharma,
    I have pain on the left side of my cheek and around my eye. I’m congested on that side, can’t breathe out of my left nostril. No discharge from my nose, but it is in my throat because of post nasal drip. If I spit it out, it is slightly green. No offensive odor or taste, no burning. Sometimes it’s on both sides, sometimes it moves to the right side. My head feels funny, sort of like of like vertigo, and I feel nauseated when I move my head around a lot. I’m very tired. Which remedy should I take? Thank you.

  18. Rsjesh Verma says:


    My sinus mostly remains choked. I feel pain and severe pressure. The mucus color is either green or yellow and it is too thick. I feel comfort when takes the medicine which reduce the viscosity of the mocous. When the the congestion in my forehead increased then I feel anxiety without any reason. Some time I feel so much pressure in my forehead that I got awakened immediately while sleeping. Please suggest some medicine which can cure my problem. The antibiotics if taken alone without de congestant worsen the situation.

  19. Brijane Hills says:

    Dear Dr. I have a HomeoPet feline nose relief. Is this safe for me? I seem to have a sinus infection. I have not had one for 9 years.

  20. Muralidhar Narra says:

    I am Muralidhar Narra from Hyderabad, facing nosel block since one year on right side.I could not able to sleep at nights. I visited one Alopathy doctor, who suggested me a surgery. Our colleague suggested me Homeopathy. I visited one professor who is running a Homeo hospital.He treated me about a year, I did not get any relief. Now I changed the doctor and still trying homeopathy medicine. Is this is curable in Homeopathy. Please suggest me best medicine and doctor at Hyderabad.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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