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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Shingles

Shingle is a viral disease characterized by a very painful skin rash which usually erupts in the form of cluster blisters on the body. It is also known as Herpes Zoster. The outbreak of shingles presents itself in the form of a cluster of fluid-filled blisters. The hallmark of shingles is that it affects only one side of the body particularly face or torso (torso refers to the trunk of the human body). The blisters are located as band or strip on one side of the chest and do not cross the midline. Other locations include one side of the forehead or eye. Many people develop only one episode of shingles in their life, but some people can have recurrent episodes depending upon their immunity. Homeopathic remedies for shingles helps boost the immunity, reduce the severity of the symptoms and also helps reduce the chances of recurrence of the disease.

What Causes Shingles?

The causative agent of Shingles is VZV (Varicella Zoster Virus). The reactivation of VZV causes shingles, and it is the same virus that causes Chickenpox (varicella). Only those who ever had Chickenpox can develop shingles later in their life. The first exposure to VZV that most commonly occurs in childhood or adolescent leads to chickenpox. After the chickenpox resolves in a person, the virus remains dormant in some nerve cells of the spine of our body. When the VZV is in an inactive state in our body, it shows no symptoms. In some people, the virus can get reactivated again due to some factors and travel along the nerve pathway. It then reaches the skin of the particular area supplied by that nerve and can cause shingles (painful blisters). The most important thing about VZV is that it never goes away from the human body but lies dormant within some nerve cells. Only when the virus is active, it produces symptoms in the human body.

Homeopathic Medicines for Shingles

Homeopathic treatment for shingles works in a gentle, yet effective manner to reduce the severity of the symptoms and also help clear up the infection rather than suppressing it. These medicines have no side effects and work very well for post-herpetic neuralgia.

There is no cure for shingles in the conventional system of Medicine; medications are aimed to reduce the duration of shingles episode and to minimize the intensity of pain. Some commonly used medicines include

Antivirals: These do not treat shingles but are meant to reduce the severity and duration of the disease. They are not effective for postherpetic neuralgia. Side effects of antiviral medicines include nausea, dizziness, pain in stomach, mild skin rashes, joint pains, and they can also cause a sore throat.

Analgesics: Pain medications are used to treat mild to moderate pains in shingles. When the pain is severe, excessive intake of painkillers can cause side effects and trigger anxiety in a person.

Corticosteroids: Corticosteroids are indicated along with antivirals to reduce the pain and for postherpetic neuralgia. Prolonged usage of corticosteroids can cause immunosuppression.

1. Rhus Tox: For Shingles on the Right Side

Rhus tox is prepared from poison – ivy, a vine-like shrub. This shrub grows naturally all over North America. Rhus Toxicodendron belongs to the Anacardiaceae family. The leaves and stalks of this creeping shrub are collected at night. The oil found within the plant is said to be most potent at night. The curative effect of this shrub dates back to the 18th century when a French physician found that accidental exposure to poison ivy healed a patient with chronic skin lesions. Since then this plant is used to treat various skin disorders. Rhus tox is very useful in Herpes Zoster with intense itching in the affected skin area. There is burning and Neuralgic pains after herpes zoster, especially on the right side. Herpetic eruptions alternating with dysentery and pains in chest, itching with burning and smarting, feeling as if pierced with hot needles, increase in eruptions on rubbing, a feeling of burning pain on blistering skin rash and itching that gets better with the application of hot water are the main symptoms. It is also indicated for shingles alternating with asthma.

2. Ranunculus Bulbosus: For Bluish Vesicles and Intense Itching

Ranunculus bulbosus for shingles is derived from the plant bulbous buttercup or St Anthony’s Turnip. This is a perennially growing plant and belongs to the Buttercup family. Ranunculus bulbosus is prepared from the bulb of this plant. This plant is native of Western Europe and the northern Mediterranean coast. As an introduced weed it grows in eastern and western parts of North America.
It is the principle medicine for treating Herpes zoster. It is indicated for herpetic eruptions with itching where the eruptions are vesicular and pustular. It is highly recommended for shingles with blue blisters that are filled with serum. There is an intense burning and itching that gets worse with contact.

3. Mezereum: For Shingles with Blisters with Scabs

Mezereum is prepared from a plant called Daphne Mezereum (also known as Spurge olive). This plant belongs to the vegetable kingdom. The bark of the shrub is used to prepare Mezereum. This plant is native of hilly woods of nearly whole of Europe and Russian Asia.
It is indicated for Herpes Zoster with burning pains. Eruptions ooze out with a discharge of acrid, gluey moisture from thick crusts. Scab formation over herpetic blisters with pus beneath it, itching over affected skin rash that gets worse by warmth, a sensation of insects crawling are some symptoms. The eruptions are crusty with white scabs and can bleed when touched. The skin becomes cold in those places where there is intense itching.

Other Important Remedies

1. Croton Tiglinum: For Shingles on Face

Croton tiglinum is prepared from a plant known as purging cotton. It belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. Croton tiglinum is also known as ‘Jamaal Gota’ in Hindi. This medicine is prepared using croton oilseeds. This shrub is found in Southeast Asia. It works well in cases of Herpes zoster where the eruptions have stinging and smarting pains, vesicles, and pustules run into one another and speedily develop a seropurulent exudation. There is the formation of large brown scabs with peeling of skin and falling off of the pustules. Blisters are present in clusters, confluent and oozing, especially on the face with itching that is followed by painful burning.

2. Dolichos: For Shingles on Armpit

Dolichos pruriens is prepared from a plant named cowhage, also known as the cow-itch plant. It is a bean-like plant that belongs to the Fabaceae family. Dolichos is prepared using hair scraped from the epidermis of the pod. This plant grows widely in the tropics, including Bahamas and India. It can also extend to southern Florida. It is indicated in those cases where herpetic eruptions are on the armpit, spreading in rings forward to the sternum and backward to the spine. Pains are burning and smarting over the affected area. This medicine is also indicated for shingles without eruptions, and there is intense itching which gets worse by scratching.

3. Dulcamara: For Shingles from Exposure to Cold

Dulcamara is prepared from the bittersweet plant, also known as the bitter nightshade. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is made using freshly obtained green leaves and stems of the bittersweet plant. This is a perennially growing plant which is indigenous to Asia and Europe, and now it is widely found in North America. Dulcamara is a top grade remedy when Herpes Zoster occurs after being exposed to cold, especially in wet weather. Herpetic eruptions get worse at night and better by moving about and from external warmth. The eruptions are thick, crusty, moist and get worse before menses (in women). The crusts over blisters are thick and brownish –yellow which starts bleeding when scratched.

4. Natrum Mur: For Shingles on Flexures

Natrum Mur is a treatment for shingles that are worse on flexures (bent or curved part). Vesicles with watery contents burst and leave thin scurf (flakes on the skin). Blisters form on burning spots on the skin. Herpetic eruptions become crusty and dry in bends of the limbs and margins of the scalp.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia

Postherpetic neuralgia refers to the condition when there is a persistent and recurrent pain in the area of the body which was affected by Herpes Zoster. In some persons, the pain continues to be present for months or years even after the herpetic lesions have subsided. When pain persists for more than 90 days, it is termed as post-herpetic Neuralgia.

Homeopathy is very effective in treating postherpetic neuralgia. They can naturally help to reduce the intensity of pain without making the person dependent upon them. Following medicines are highly recommended for Postherpetic Neuralgia:

Mezereum: Natural Treatment for Postherpetic Neuralgia with Burning

Mezereum is a top grade remedy for neuralgic pains with violent itching and burning. The inter-costal neuralgia continuing after the disappearance of the eruptions can be effectively treated with Mezereum. It is also recommended for violent neuralgia of the face and teeth, that which towards spreads towards the ears at night. Neuralgic pains come and go quickly, leaving the part numb. Mezereum is used to treat neuralgia over the left eye, where the pain radiates and shoots downwards.

Kalmia: For Postherpetic Neuralgia with Pains

It is highly indicated remedy for neuralgic pains of the face or of those nerves that supply the part where there were herpetic eruptions. The neuralgic pains are violent, tearing and shooting type, and come and go suddenly. The pains are worse in the day, coming and going with the sun or else get worse at night by lying down

Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Neuralgia on Eye

Ranunculus Bulbosus is a treatment for postherpetic neuralgia on the supraorbital (above the eye orbit) or intercostal nerves (between the ribs) after herpes zoster with sharp neuralgic pains preceding it. Neuralgic pains are stitching, stabbing and shooting type, and the herpetic eruptions are bluish in color.

Zincum Mettalicum: For Postherpetic Neuralgia with Burning Pains

Zincum met is indicated for Herpes zoster when the blisters are dry, over the whole body or on the back and hands. Neuralgic pains are burning and jerking in nature, and the shingles get worse in the evening and from the slightest touch. It is also indicated for suppurating herpetic eruptions.

Contributing Factors that Lead to Shingles

Emotional or psychological stress makes a person more prone to develop Shingles since chronic or intense stress weakens our immune system.

Increasing Age
Shingles most commonly occur after 50 years of age. The risk of having shingles increases with age. It is rarely seen in children, but older people are more prone to develop it due to compromised immunity.

Impaired Immune System
Shingles most commonly develop in people with a weak immune system. Certain diseases like HIV/AIDS, cancer, a long history of medicines intake, long-term use of steroids or immunosuppressive drugs, autoimmune disorders like (rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases) makes a person more prone to develop Shingles.

Shingles – Signs and Symptoms

Early symptoms: The initial symptoms of Shingles before the rash develops include fever and feeling of weakness. There may be a feeling of pain, burning and tingling sensation over the affected area.

Skin Rash: Skin Rash in shingles appears as pink or red blotchy patches which appear in the form of a band over one side of the trunk(the most common site) along the nerve pathway. The person can also feel shooting type of pain in the area of the rash. At this stage, shingles are not contagious.

Blisters: Blisters are a cluster of fluid-filled eruptions that appear after the rash. They appear as a band over one side of the trunk, and can also develop over one side of forehead or eye. Blisters continue to grow for many days.

Are Shingles Contagious?

Active blisters are contagious. The infection (VZV ) can transmit to other people through direct contact with the infected person. However, the other person will first develop chickenpox, not Shingles if the person never had a VZV infection earlier.
On the other hand, if a person has had Chickenpox earlier and he gets exposed to the VZV infection, there is a likelihood of developing shingles.

Scab Formation: Over a period of seven to ten days blisters sometimes ooze a contagious liquid, start becoming cloudy and begin to flatten. Gradually scab starts forming over the flattened blisters. It can take approximately one to two weeks for complete crust formation over the blisters.
At this stage, there are fewer chances of transmission of the virus. The pain also starts subsiding, but in some people, pain continues for months or years.

The Shingles ‘Belt’: Shingles is also referred to as “ shingles girdle “ or “shingles band” as it looks like a belt or half belt when it appears around the waist or rib cage. Shingles are easily recognizable with this classic presentation.

Shingles On Face: Shingles on the face appear in different areas.

Zoster Opthalmicus: Shingles can commonly involve Trigeminal nerve of the face. The ophthalmic branch is most commonly involved, and when the virus gets reactivated in this nerve branch, it is referred to as zoster opthalmicus. In some cases, it can cause blindness. The skin of the forehead, the orbit of the eye and upper eyelids may also be involved.

Shingles Oticus: It refers to shingles which involve the ear. It develops when the virus travels from the facial nerve to the vestibulocochlear nerve. There are chances of hearing loss and vertigo in this condition.

Widespread Shingles: A shingles rash is referred to as a wide rash which occurs when more than twenty skin lesions supplied by separate spinal nerves are involved. It is more likely to occur in people with a weak immune system.

Infections can also occur in open blisters and can lead to permanent scarring of skin in some individuals.

Healing: In many people, the skin rash starts healing within two to four weeks. Some people are left with minor scars while in some complete healing without any scarring is observed.
Some people can also have continued pain for months or longer after healing has taken place at the site of the rash. This is referred to as postherpetic Neuralgia.

Difference between Shingles and Herpes

Herpes Zoster and herpes simplex are two different diseases caused by a virus. The only similarity is that the family of Herpes virus causes both these diseases.
Varicella-zoster virus causes shingles or herpes zoster through direct contact with the infected person. Herpes is caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV 1 and HSV 2). HSV 1 is transmitted through oral contact via saliva, surface in and around the mouth and can also be spread by oro-genital contact. HSV 2 is transmitted through sexual contact.
Blisters in Herpes are red and painful around the mouth, genitals, and thighs. Infected women can experience vaginal discharges as well.

In Shingles, blisters appear in clusters and are fluid-filled and usually occur on one side of trunk, eye, face like a band and never cross the midline.
In one condition called zosteriform herpes simplex, the rash looks similar to Shingles rash and is difficult to differentiate visually. The Tzanck smear is used to diagnose acute infection in herpes but cannot distinguish between VZV and HSV.

Shingles: Complications

Post Herpetic Neuralgia: In some cases, even after the shingles blisters have resolved, the pain continues to be present. This condition is known as post-herpetic neuralgia. Postherpetic neuralgia is most commonly seen with shingles in the mouth which occurs when the mandibular division or the maxillary part of the trigeminal nerve is involved.

Neurological Issues: Shingles can cause facial paralysis, hearing problems and balance issues depending upon which nerves are involved in the infection.

Loss of Vision: When shingles involve the eyes, it can cause infection in the eyes and subsequent loss of vision in some cases.

Encephalitis: In sporadic cases, shingles may lead to inflammation of the brain resulting in encephalitis (acute inflammation in the brain).

Shingles: Pain Mangement

There is no cure for shingles in the conventional system of treatment, but there are some home remedies for shingles nerve pain that can help:

  • A cool, wet compress can help relieve pain and itching in shingles rash. You need to soak a cloth in cold water, squeeze the water out of cloth and apply the cloth to the affected area. Repeat it several times. Do not use any ice packs to the rash as it can make the affected area more sensitive.
  • Shower Baths: Cleaning of blisters on a daily basis with cooling bath or shower can reduce the risk of spreading the infection.
  • Soothing Lotions and Creams: Lotions do not hasten the process of healing but can help reduce the itching to some extent. Choose the lotions containing natural ingredients, like calamine lotion.
  • Dietary Changes: Healing of shingles is prolonged when you have a weak immune system. Try consuming diets that help boost the immune system. This includes a diet rich in vitamins, green leafy vegetables, and a protein-rich diet that includes eggs, chicken, and red meat. For a Vegan diet, tomato, beans, and spinach are the top foods.

Natural remedies and medications can help manage herpes zoster to a great extent, and also reduce the chances of recurrence.

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  1. My wife Shikha Roy had Herpes Zoster from 27 Mar 22 on the left side of forehead and around left eye. Though the blisters had dried and scales had fallen except one on the left eye brow. Initially she had severe pain on the forehead and in and around eye including eye lid. Now, the pain has decreased in intensity but it come and goes on & off. The skin on the fore head and eye lid are stiff and hard to touch and have lot of pain.
    Request advice.
    Lt Col S K Roy

  2. Williams Morgan says:

    Who will ever believe that a herb can cure 4 years of Herpes in my body, My name is Williams Morgan, I never believe that it will work, that is why I am dropping this post. I have spent a lot getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for was death because I was broke. One day a friend of mine from the UK came to visit me and saw my condition was getting worse, then she told me about this great man from Africa called Dr. Oghede who cured her sister from Herpes and Human papilloma virus HPV) , without demanding much from her, she told me that he is well known in curing HIV/AIDS, HERPES (HSV1, HSV2), (HPV) ACUTE RETROVIRAL SYNDROME (ARS), CANCER, VITILIGO, DIABETES, HEPATITIS B. CANCER, CELIAC, CHLAMYDIA, STROKE and any kind of Deadly DISEASES. I decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the Herpes in my body, he prepare for me Herbs and prescription on how to take it, at the end of three weeks, i was asked to go to the hospital for a checkup, and i went, Surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to another hospital, it was also negative, I was so happy that I quickly introduce my friend who has been suffering from Herpes too for the past 5 years to Dr. Oghede, after taking the Herbs Dr. Oghede sent to her, less than four days the inching and pains stopped, less than 3 weeks later she was completely healed and healthy again. Words alone cannot express how much joy and happiness I have now… Please I want everyone out there with any virus or infection to be healed and healthy, Health is Wealth. Contact Dr. Oghede you can also WhatsApp him +2347054690368. or my assistant email: williamsmorgan621@gmail. com

  3. Lanny White says:

    I am having severe pain from shingles. It went from middle of chest to under my left arm pit back around my left shoulder and back. I’ve had it for 2 months and the pain is sharp throbbed pain from the top of left shoulder down to my chest area and it hardly ever let’s up. The doctor has me on gabapentin is not helping. Do you have any answers.

    • Brittany Freece says:

      Hi there, I’m currently experiencing this. I’m seeing a functional doctor who has me avoiding all chocolate and nuts and taking 2000mg of lysine a day. It’s truly helping. I can feel the nerves tingling and repairing. Do this for a month and see how you feel. Sending you strength and hope.

  4. I had shingles when I was 60. Since then I have gotten the single shot several years ago for shingles and recently the 2 shot. Unfortunately I just got shingles again in my left ear. I am allergic to many medications. The only one I can take is neoomycin-polymyxin-HC ear solution. I do Healing Touch to the ear area (I am a certified Practitioner), cool wet compresses and take tylenol. In an allergic reaction my heart increases. With the intense pain my heart increases. Not sure where to go from here. Any help you can provide?

    • Anand Prakash Garg says:

      Herpes zoster or shingles – blisters on left side of the forehead occurred almost three years ago. That time pain from heart and ears also occurred during the eruption of disease. Pain in ear is still persistent with less intensity.

      Both eyes were effected and got swollen. Ophthalmic treatment was also taken at that time. No harm to eyes but the upper eyelid and eyebrow are sensitive and crawling pain in eyebrows and eyelids persists now a days. Pain in the left side of the head/ entire skull is still there. Both ears have itching from within which caused flowing fluid from both ears. At present I used Pulsa Tilla 30 for almost 10 days and then stopped. Flowing fluid from ears has been checked. Hearing is soared. Please tell me about neurological pain in eyebrows, upper eyelid of left side head.

      I am of 80+ age. Please take my case urgently and reply to me.

      Thanking you for the trouble I am giving to you.

  5. Pamela Buettner says:

    What if the shingles is on the left side? Somehow my 14 year old son has shingles and it is on his left arm following some nerve route from shoulder to wrist. He is ok day 5 or 6 and was told that he had it yesterday at doctors. They just gave him acyclovir and sent him home.

  6. Donald Scott says:

    Am here to testify about the miraculous work of a great traditional doctor called Dr. Kham…..I have been suffering from Herpes Virus since the last 2 years but today I am happy that I am cured from it with the herbal medicine made by Dr. Kham the great healer, I was browsing the internet searching for the possible cure when I came across a testimony shared by someone on how Dr. Kham cured her from Herpes Disease. I quickly contacted him to get the cure and today i am now free from the Virus, I am so much happy today that we have someone like this great healer out there, so people out there kindly contact this great doctor on his email address please sir keep your good work cause there are people out there who is in need of your healing medicine .please in contact with him with this information,
    *EMAIL*….. dr.khamcaregiver@gmail. com

    • Can u pls share , what herbal medication was given.

    • Rohit kulkarni says:

      Dear sir
      My Mom is suffering from shingles since 2-3 weeks with the lesion band on her trunk n abdomen. As a result she is irritated with the nerve pain and also feels fatigued and tired. She also had a hemorrhoids operation in the month of January this year. Please suggest any remedy for the same???

  7. Arlene Kiesler says:

    Hello, I have had Herpes Zoster (Shingles) since mid-Oct. It is on my right shoulder blade and under my right armpit.

    I am interested in taking Rhus Tox 1M and Bryonia 1M. Can you tell me how often I can take these remedies?

    Thank you.

  8. Rocco Brienzo says:

    I have shingles, is there a homeopathic remedy available. Ive the shingles for about 5 or 6 weeks. its healing but very slow. I’m having more pain now then i did in the beginning

  9. Kathleen Donofrio says:

    have post neuologic in my sciatica. flares up and this time it is debilitating. what can I do?

  10. Tanisha sharell says:

    Contact Dr Odiagbe the great Africa herbalist for permanent herpes remedy. His WhatsApp/calling number: 09011108005

  11. I found someone testimony and formula was amazing. I was diagnosed with HSV-1 about a few months ago and was absolutely shocked… Wondering how could this happen to me?” I was desperate trying to find something.. anything that could save me from a life of humiliation. “I found someone testimony by accident how he was cure from herpes by a herbal doctor called Oshuku with his natural herbs and root i contact him and told him that am interested in more information about getting rid of herpes and he explained to me what he has to cure the virus i just give it a try and i was so amazed with his marvelous works in my life. Contact Dr Oshuku

  12. I was hoping this would work, but i expected it to fail. Everything else i did.” I started feeling better in just a few days and now, Three weeks after i finished your medicine i was saved from outbreak free. I had an HSV-1 outbreak every month for saven years. I was way past the point of breakdown. i just wanted my life to end, so i don’t have to go through this anymore after i used dr Oshuku natural herbs and root. “Now it’s like herpes never happened to me.. “No cold sores, not even a single itch for the last eight months contract Dr Oshuku

  13. David Mercy says:

    I got Diagnosed with Herpes, I have be dealing with Herpes for the past 4 years. On till I got review online about natural cure people testifies how DR. Ehimare cure them with his herbal treatment. And I order the treatment, after taking it for 21 days I totally got cured with DR. Ehimare treatment. I’m recommending you diagnosis with herpes should get this treatment and be cured of it you can contact his email address via; drehimare3@gmail. com or you can also call or whatsapp +1 (267) 681-1087Dr. Ehimare also cure the following virus and many more… 1} Cancer 2} Diabetes 3} Hepatitis 4} fibroid 5} herpes 6} Lupus

  14. sarah rita says:

    Alternative drugs for genital herpes cure blogspot post comment

  15. Hi
    what is the remedy for shooting stabbing pain, burning. itching. for shingles

  16. karina green says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,
    I have suffered chronically from herpes 1 and 2 for 30 years.
    2 years ago I had brain surgery and now every time I get a herpes 1 outbreak on the right side I have tooth pain ear pain and face pain (surgery was on the right side) it’s so painful and I can’t chew or sleep. What is the right remedy for that ? Thank you


    My mother is 84 years old. She was suffering from herpes on right hand and right neck back side. The herpes were healed but she is feeling with heavy pain on right side head, face, neck & hand i.e. the affected areas since last one months & unable to sleep at night. She had taken some homeopathic medicine as er the doctor available here. Please advise specific medicines in homeopathy/biochemic to reduce the pain early. Regards.

    • Wilson Mya says:

      you can contact dr alabi herbal home +2348050634446

    • I was hoping this would work, but i expected it to fail. Everything else i did.” I started feeling better in just a few days and now, Three weeks after i finished your medicine i was saved from outbreak free. I had an HSV-1 outbreak every month for saven years. I was way past the point of breakdown. i just wanted my life to end, so i don’t have to go through this anymore after i used dr Oshuku natural herbs and root. “Now it’s like herpes never happened to me.. “No cold sores, not even a single itch for the last eight months contract Dr Oshuku


    Please find the Symptoms am facing: It Starts on both the thighs with a sort of itching, then the area forms a cluster with itching. When itching is continuing bubbles with transparent liquid is formed and a colorless liquid oozes out forming a red-faced rash is developed which slowly heals up with a formation of scales and the skin around becomes black and remains continuously After a few days when scales are removed again the symptoms repeated. Please advise medicines in Homeopathy/Biochemic. Regards

  19. Bhagwat Prasad says:

    My father 79 Years old suffering from post hepes pain in back for last 5 years along with frequent etching. Lots of medicine taken but no relief. Kindly advice best medicine for comply curing it.

  20. Rex Hopping says:

    Any negative interaction with antiviral medication – Valacyclovir ??

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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