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8 Top Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

Cough with throat dryness can arise due to different reasons. First reason behind it could be hay fever/ nasal allergies like allergy from inhaled dust and pollen. Nasal allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to inhaled  allergens present in the environment. It can cause cough and throat dryness along with its main symptom of sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, and sore throat. Being in AC rooms may also trigger throat dryness and cough. Next reason for this includes viral infections like cold and flu. Cold is a viral infection that affects the nose and the throat. It may cause cough, throat dryness along with its other important symptoms including nasal discharge, stuffy nose, sneezing, body aches and mild fever. Flu is an illness resulting from infection due to influenza virus. In flu, cough and dry throat occur in addition to runny and stuffy nose, sore throat, fever, weakness and muscle aches. Cough and dry throat may also happen in cases of sore throat and tonsillitis.

Sore throat refers to an inflammation in any part of the throat. It leads to irritation and scratchy feeling in the throat, pain in the throat, redness, swelling in throat and difficulty in swallowing. Additionally, throat dryness and cough can occur in sore throat infection.

Tonsillitis refers to inflammation of the tonsils i.e. the lymphoid tissues located in the back of the throat, one on either side. Exposure to smoke or pollution may also trigger this complaint. Acid reflux can also cause throat dryness and cough. Acid reflux refers to back flow of the stomach acid upward in the food pipe and the mouth as a result of malfunction of the LES – lower esophageal sphincter. Acid reflux can cause dry throat and cough with its symptoms like heartburn (burning sensation in the middle of chest behind the breastbone), chest pain, lump in the throat feeling, hoarse voice, sore throat, regurgitation of food, difficulty in swallowing, nausea, vomiting, etc. Smoking, alcohol intake, caffeine can also cause throat dryness and cough.

Depending on the cause, other signs and symptoms may attend it including pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, red swollen throat, burning sensation or a plug sensation in the throat, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, expectoration, fatigue, body aches and fever.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cough with throat dryness. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally and safely with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief follows in cough and throat dryness. Besides, any attending signs and symptoms (like pain in the throat, inflamed tonsils, expectoration, voice hoarseness, difficult swallowing, heartburn, fatigue, body aches) can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case and the cause behind cough and throat dryness is found out. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self-medication is not recommended.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough With Throat Dryness

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of cough with throat dryness. The cough is dry. It occurs day and night. With cough, a tickling sensation is felt in the throat. Headache may occur along with cough. Face becomes red due to intense coughing. On examination, the throat is found to be red, inflamed. Redness and swelling of tonsils is also noted. Heated sensation is also felt in the throat. In some cases, the throat feels constricted. There is pain in the throat on swallowing liquids particularly. A lump sensation is felt in the throat that results in hawking. Fever can attend the above symptoms in some cases.

2. Drosera – With A Tickling Sensation In The Throat

This medicine is recommended when there is throat dryness with tickling sensation exciting cough. Rough sensation is felt in the throat. The attacks of cough occur after each other quickly. Along with cough yellow coloured expectoration can occur. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is cough occurs at night time as soon as a person lies down. Sometimes vomiting occurs with cough. Sensation of a bread crumb in the throat can be felt. Besides above the cough may get triggered from laughing and talking.

3. Bryonia – When Cough Worsens After Eating Or Drinking

This medicine is well indicated when cough worsens after eating or drinking. This could be attended with vomiting of what has been eaten. On coughing, pain may occur in the abdomen and head. A feeling of scratching the throat is felt again and again. Roughness is felt at the back of the throat. A sensation of fullness or pressure is also felt in the throat. While swallowing, stitching pain is felt in the throat. In cases needing it, cough also worsens in a warm room. In the evening and night, no expectoration occurs while during the day,  yellow expectoration is there.

4. Conium – From A Dry Spot In Larynx (Voice Box)

Conium is a prominent medicine when there is cough with a dry spot in the larynx. The cough arises from itching and irritation in the throat. The cough gets worse at night and when lying down. Cough disturbs night’s sleep. During the day, no cough occurs. Repeated coughing leads to tiredness. Cough comes in the form of short attacks. Along with coughing, headache occurs. Talking worsens the cough. During coughing, vomiting of mucus occurs.

5. Spongia – For Absolutely Dry Cough

Spongia is a highly suitable medicine for an absolutely dry cough. There is dryness of the throat and all air passages, where this medicine is indicated. A burning sensation in the throat is also well marked. Plug sensation in the throat is also felt. The cough is worse in the evening. It gets worse by lying down. Cough gets relieved by sitting up and also from drinking warm drinks.

6. Pulsatilla – With Itchy, Scratchy Feeling In Throat

This medicine is important for cases in which cough arise from itching and scratching in the throat with dryness of the throat. The dryness in throat is worse in the morning. The cough gets worse after eating. The cough is loose during the day with expectoration and is dry at night time. The mucus expectorated is yellowish or greenish in color. The mucus is bitter in taste. Sometimes, there is vomiting of mucus or food. Hoarseness of voice is also felt. While coughing, pain in the head or back may be felt.

7. Sticta – For Cough In Evening And Night

Sticta is a useful medicine when there is dryness of throat along with cough mostly in the evening and at night. Due to coughing, lying down or sleeping is difficult. Dryness is marked in the soft palate. The soft palate feels dry like dried leather. It is attended with pain on swallowing. While coughing, pain is felt in the frontal area of the head. There may occur whitish expectoration.

8. Squilla – With Burning Sensation In Throat

This medicine can be used when there is cough with dryness and burning in the throat. Irritation is also felt in the throat. Irritation leads to a constant cough. Cough occurs day and night. At night, coughing is rattling type that disturbs sleep. Cough gets worse from cold drinks. It is also worse after exertion. Along with cough, excessive expectoration occurs. The expectoration is of whitish or reddish mucus. It has an offensive smell.



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Medorrhinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Medorrhinum is a deep acting polychrest medicine that acts on various body parts, and is highly valuable to treat several health issues. It is mostly administered to treat complaints arising from suppressed gonorrhoea. It is a well suited medicine for women suffering from pelvic disorders. Its use in treating joint complaints is also noteworthy. It is also well suited to children who have stunted growth. For cases of warts, especially on genitals, it proves to be a great medicine.

Drug ActionThis medicine has a widespread action on various body parts. It acts quite well on the brain, female, and male genitals. Next, it acts well on the nose, urinary organs, back, skin, limbs, joints and respiratory organs.

Clinical Indications

Memory weakness, various fears, drug-abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, ovary pain, inflammation, cysts, fibroids, sexual abuse, warts, gonorrhoea, prostate enlargement, itching, cold, sinusitis, bedwetting, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, cough, asthma, backache, joint pains

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Regarding Brain (Memory Weakness, Various Fears, Drug Abuse, OCD)

Medorrhinum acts wonderfully on the brain. It is a brilliant medicine in cases of weak memory. Those who need it are very forgetful. They tend to forget names of closed ones even sometimes their own, words, spellings, and initial letters. They make mistakes in reading, and writing. They are forgetful while talking, and lose the thread of conversation often. It is magnificent medicine to manage cases of fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Main fears that are present in those who require it include fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. Those who need it are anxious, sensitive, nervous by their very nature. They are always in great hurry.   Its use is also suggested for cases of depression. There is sadness, tearfulness and such people keep dwelling in the past. Suicidal thoughts may occur. There is hopelessness about recovery. In many cases there may occur frequent mood swings. Happiness alternates with sadness. It also has an affinity to manage cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition characterized by various hallucinations, and delusions and that affects thinking, emotions, behavior, and decision making quality of a person). It is of great use to tackle cases of drug abuse and alcoholism. Its use is also suggested in cases of OCD  or obsessive compulsive disorder (mental health condition in which the sufferer has constant unwanted thoughts and fears leading to repetitive behavior). There is fear of contamination, germs and the person keeps washing hands due to fear of contamination.

Key Indicating Features

Weak memory and forgetfulness

Forgetfulness of names of closed ones even sometimes own, words, spellings, and initial letters

Fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases

Drug abuse and alcoholism

Obsessive compulsive disorder, fear of contamination, germs and washing hands again and again

2. Female Problems (Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Ovary Pain, Inflammation, Cysts, Fibroids, Sexual Abuse)

It is very effective in treating several women related problems. It is of great clinical significance in treating warts on female genitals. It is a valuable medicine for treating vaginitis (vaginal inflammation). The main indication is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) which is thick, having fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation. There is marked vaginal itching too. Rubbing relieves it. Washing with lukewarm water also soothes the itching. Next, it can manage well painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Those women who need it experience intense labour like painful periods. It gets better by pressing feet against a support. Another complaint in which case it gives good results is heavy menses. It is used when the menses are heavy, offensive, dark and clotted. Other than this it can be used in cases of intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) especially during menopausal period. Its use is also recommended to manage ovarian pain. It gets worse on the left side. Pain is drawing in nature. It gets better from pressure. It is well suited to women having chronic inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes or have ovarian cysts (fluid filled sacs), fibroids (non – cancerous growths in uterus). Its use is also highly considered in cases of infertility in females. Complaints that occur after sexual abuse in women can be managed with this medicine. Lastly, it is administered to women who have excessive sexual desire or have sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Warts on female genitals

Vaginitis with thick discharges from vagina of fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation

Vaginal itching, gets better from rubbing, and washing with lukewarm water

Painful periods with intense labour like painful periods with drawing up of knees

Heavy periods with offensive, dark and clotted blood

Inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, fibroids

Infertility in females

3. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Urethritis, Prostate Enlargement, High Sex Drive)

Males may find this medicine quite useful in treating some of the health concerns. Firstly, it is an important medicine to manage gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It is indicated when there is a thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow. Secondly, it is helpful to manage urethritis with marked soreness of urethra. Thirdly, it is used in cases of enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination. This medicine is very suitable to control men with high sex drive. Those men who need it have intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour that points towards sexual desire. It is also preferred in cases of sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow

Urethritis with marked soreness of urethra

Enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination

Men with high sex drive and intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour indicating sexual desire

Sexual perversions

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Restless Legs, Cramps, Leg Pain, Burning)

This medicine acts quite well on the limbs and the joints. It helps manage pain and stiffness in any of the body joints. Another remarkable indication for its use is deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles. It is also administered in cases of pain, swelling and stiffness of ankles. Another complaint in which it gives excellent results is restlessness of the legs, and people cannot keep them still. There are cramps in the legs that get better by stretching. It can also be given in cases of pain in the legs especially felt while walking. The legs feel very heavy and walking may get difficult. Lastly, it can deal effectively in cases of burning sensation in hands and feet.

Key Indicating Features

Pain and stiffness in any of the joint of body

Deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles

Restlessness of legs, person cannot keep them still

Burning sensation in hands and feet

5. Back (Backache, Neck Pain)

It manages backache very well. It is usually given when there is pain in the back along with burning sensation in the spine. The burning starts in the neck, and goes down the spine. There is also soreness, and tenderness in the spine. It is also well-indicated for lower back pain that arises from straining caused by lifting. This medicine can be used for neck pain as well. The pain in neck goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back. There is a drawing sensation in the neck. Spasms (involuntary muscle contraction) in neck muscles may occur too.

Key Indicating Features

Backache along with burning sensation in the spine

Back pain that occurs from straining caused by lifting

Neck pain which goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back

6. Nasal Problems (Sinusitis, Hay Fever)

It has wonderful action on nose and paranasal sinuses. It proves to be highly effective in managing cases of sinusitis. Here it is prominently indicated for thick, yellow green nasal discharge, post nasal discharge that is thick and yellow. It is also indicated for managing allergic rhinitis/ hay fever (an allergic condition arising from response to allergens for eg, dust-mites, pollens resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, and itchy, watery, and red eyes). This medicine is prominent in cases in which there is a constantly runny nose. Along with this there is marked burning pain in nostrils, crawling in left nostril, itching in nostrils, and an obstructed sensation at the root of the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Sinusitis with thick, yellow green nasal discharge or post nasal discharge that is thick, and yellow

Allergic rhinitis with constantly runny nose, burning and itching in nostrils, and obstruction at root of nose

7. Urinary Concerns (Bed-wetting, Kidney Pain, Cystitis, Urethritis, Nephritis)

This medicine can be given to treat certain urinary issues as well. It is useful to treat bedwetting that occurs at night. Those who need it tend to pass excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine in bed at night. It is also well indicated to manage cystitis (bladder inflammation) and urethritis (urethra inflammation). It is also accompanied by burning pain. It also helps in kidney pain. The kidney pain gets worse when one rises after stooping. This pain gets better upon passing urine. It is also indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. In those who need it, scalding occurs during urination. The urine may stain clothes dirty brown.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting at night – passage of excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine

Kidney pain worse when rising from stooping

Kidney pain better by passing excessive urine

8. Skin Issues (Warts, Itching)

Medorrhinum has marked action on the skin. This medicine is mainly indicated to treat warts (fleshy bumps on skin caused by human papilloma virus) on skin. It is most helpful in cases of small pedunculated warts. It proves very beneficial to manage skin itching. There are no eruptions on the skin. One feels like scratching skin until it bleeds. The itching increases at night. Itching is continuous in many cases. Itching also gets worse when one just thinks about it. This medicine also works well when itching occurs specifically over the left side of the body. This medicine also offers help to relieve pricking sensation on the entire body.

Key Indicating Features

Small pedunculated warts on skin

Skin itching worse at night

Itching worse when thinking of it

9. Respiratory Problems (Cough, Asthma)

This medicine also acts well on the respiratory system. It is useful in managing cough. The cough is dry, hacking type. It gets worse when one eats sweets. A characteristic feature is that one gets relief from coughing by lying on the stomach. Its use is also recommended to manage asthma cases. The guiding feature for its use is that the asthma gets better by lying on the abdomen with the protruding tongue. The sufferer has cough with wheezing and whistling in chest occurring when lying on the side or the back. There is desire to take a deep breath. There may be ropy mucus that is difficult to expectorate.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worsens from eating sweet things

Cough gets better by lying on the stomach

Asthma better by lying on abdomen and protruding tongue


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp and cold weather, 3:00 am to 4:00 am, from sunrise to sunset, when one thinks of the complaints

Relieving factors: Complaints get better at seashore, in fresh air, bending backwards, lying on the abdomen


Use of this medicine is recommended in high potencies. This medicine should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Ipecac

Followed well by: Sulphur and Thuja

It can be compared with medicines including Natrum Sulph, Thuja and Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Arum Triphyllum: Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Arum Triphyllum is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from plant ‘jack-in-the-pulpit’ also known as Indian turnip. It belongs to family Araceae. When this plant undergoes potentization (a process via which homeopathic medicines are prepared by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Arum Triphyllum. It is a very important medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of nasal allergy (hay fever, allergic rhinitis), laryngitis and clergyman’s sore throat.

Drug Action

Arum Triphyllum manifests its primary action on nose and throat. Other than this, its action is noted on skin and mouth.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, acrid discharges, sneezing, clergyman’s sore throat, laryngitis, aphonia, sore mouth, cracked tongue and scarlatina

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Watery Nasal Discharge, Nose Picking)

The most important of all the actions of this remedy is seen on the nose. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. It refers to an allergic condition resulting from an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen leading to symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and red, watery and itchy eyes. For hay fever, it is used when there is watery discharge from the nose which is acrid means irritation causing rawness, soreness and burning in the nostrils and the upper lips. Sometimes discharge from the nose can be blood-streaked too. In some cases, thick yellow mucus flows from the nose. Inspite of nasal discharge, one feels blockage in the nostrils. A person feels the need to breathe through the mouth. Sneezing may occur which gets worse at night. Pain at the root of nose is an attending symptom. The nasal discharge can smell offensive. It is well indicated for cases in which a constant desire of picking at the nose is present until it starts to bleed.

Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with watery discharge from the nose that causes irritation and burning in nostrils and upper lips

Complete stoppage of the nostrils inspite of nasal discharge

Sneezing worse at night time

Constant desire to pick at nose until it starts to bleed

2. Throat Problems (Laryngitis, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, Aphonia)

Arum Triphyllum acts wonderfully on the throat. It proves to be highly effective in treating laryngitis (inflammation of larynx – voice box). There is marked hoarseness of voice. It is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicines for treating ‘clergyman’s sore throat’. It refers to chronic throat inflammation in persons who overstrain their voice frequently like public speakers, singers, etc. In these cases, arum triphyllum  is used when voice is hoarse, uncontrollable and changes continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow. Its use is also recommended in cases of loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind. This medicine is helpful in treating sore throat. Persons needing it feel burning and scratching in the throat. Burning also occurs in the root of the tongue along with dryness. Stinging is also felt in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Sticky mucus may be present in the throat with tickling cough. In throat, ulcers may get formed along with the other symptoms. It can be given in cases where a person feels pain, soreness and burning in the palate. It gets worse from drinking and eating.

Key Indicating Features

Laryngitis with hoarseness of voice

Clergyman’s sore throat hoarse, uncontrollable voice that changes tone continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow

Loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind

3. Mouth Complaints (Cracked Mouth Corners, Dry Lips, Sore Mouth, Cracked Tongue)

Arum triphyllum gives marvellous results in cases of sore cracked mouth corners. It can, secondly, be used when the lips are dry, chapped, swollen accompanied with burning pain. A very peculiar indication to use this remedy is picking of the lips until bleeding occurs. This medicine also works well for sore inflamed mouth. In cases needing it, the mouth is sore, raw, with profuse acrid saliva. Marked burning sensation is felt in the mouth. It acts well on the tongue as well. It is well indicated when tongue is cracked with bleeding along with redness and soreness. Burning sensation is felt on the tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Soreness and cracks at the mouth corners

Dry swollen lips with burning

Picking of the lips till they bleed

Red, sore tongue with cracks and bleeding

4. Skin Issues (Scarlatina, Pemphigus)

Arum triphyllum is prominently indicated for treating cases of scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever. It is a bacterial illness that may develop in persons having strep throat.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

In this a bright red rash appears on the skin, attended by fever and sore throat. In such cases, arum triphyllum offers help when rashes occur on the entire body with itching and restlessness. Raw, bloody surface appear everywhere on the body. A person has tendency to pick and bore into raw surfaces. It is painful, and later on peeling of the skin occurs. Dry heat is present in the skin. Other than this, it is also indicated for managing cases of pemphigus (an autoimmune disease in which painful blisters appear which are fluid-filled bumps on skin and mucus membranes.



Key Indications

Scarlet rash on whole body with itching and restlessness

Raw, bloody surface on body with tendency to pick and bore though painful


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold wind, talking, singing, voice overuse and from lying down.


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short-acting medicine and its action lasts for about one to two days. It can be repeated frequently in low potencies but in high potencies, its frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Acetic Acid, Belladonna, Lactic Acid and Pulsatilla

It can be compared with other medicines including Allium Cepa, Ammonium Carb, Cina, Arsenic Album, Hepar Sulph, Lycopodium, Silicea and Sulphur.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sanguinarium Nitricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Sanguinarium Nitricum is derived from nitrate of sanguinarin. The nitrate of sanguinarin undergoes potentization (a process in which medicinal properties from a crude substance are extracted). As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Sanguinarium Nitricum which is of great clinical significance. It is a prominently indicated homeopathic medicine to treat various nasal complaints especially nasal polyps and turbinate hypertrophy.

Turbinate hypertrophy

Turbinate hypertrophy

Drug Action

It is a great remedy and helps cure the mucus membrane of the nose. It also acts well on the throat, respiratory system, the eyes and the head.

Clinical Indications

Nasal polyps, cold, allergies, hay fever, post nasal drip, cough, bronchitis, asthma, sore throat, quinsy, pharyngitis, laryngitis and headache.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Polyps, Turbinate Hypertrophy, Cold, Post Nasal Discharge, Hay Fever)

Sanguinarium Nitricum acts well on the mucus membrane of the nose and proves effective in resolving various nasal-related issues. The first and foremost complaint where it is used is nasal polyps. It gives magnificent results in cases of nasal polyps (soft, painless, non-cancerous growths that may develop on the lining of nasal passage or the paranasal sinuses). Sanguinarium helps to dissolve the polyp’s growth in the nose as well as helps relieve nasal blockage. Secondly, it can be administered in case of cold with copious watery discharge from the nose accompanied by pain in the nostrils, burning in nature. Also, an accompanying factor is  ‘pressure-feeling’ at the base of the nose. Sneezing also occurs along with this. Profuse eye-watering (lachrymation) accompanies too. Soreness and rawness is felt in the nostrils. It can be used in cases of hay fever (nasal allergy / allergic rhinitis). It refers to a condition characterized by symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal stuffiness and itchy, watery and red eyes arising from an allergic response to allergens for eg, dust mites, pollen.

Another prominent indication for its use is hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates (nasal turbinates are tiny structures inside the nose formed of bone covered with spongy mucus membrane). It offers help in the beginning of turbinate hypertrophy. Another important complaint in which it proves beneficial is stuffing of nose with mucus that is thick, yellow, and blood-stained. There may be little crust formation in the nostrils as well. Upon removing the crusts, bleeding follows. This medicine can prove to be extremely useful in cases of post-nasal discharge (mucus dripping from the back of nose into the throat). Those needing it in this complaint have excessive difficulty in dislodging the mucus that seems to be stuck behind the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal polyps with nasal blockage

Cold with copious watery nasal discharge with burning pain and sneezing

Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates in the beginning

Nasal stuffiness with thick, yellow, blood-stained mucus

Post nasal discharge with difficulty in dislodging the mucus

2. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Quinsy, Laryngitis)

Sanguinarium Nitricum acts well on the throat. Here it is mainly indicated to manage sore throat and tonsillitis. The throat feels rough, dry, constricted. Burning in the throat is also felt alongside. There is redness, roughness, soreness, rawness on the right tonsil. It is accompanied by pain. Swallowing becomes difficult. Excessive mucus is accumulated in throat. There is expectoration of thick, yellow mucus which tastes close to being sweet. Its use in managing quinsy (also called peritonsillar abscess refers to accumulation of pus behind the tonsil) is also recommended. It can be administered in cases of laryngitis. In such cases, there is deep, hoarse, changed voice.

Key Indicating Features

Rough, dry, constricted sensation in throat along with burning sensation

Redness, roughness, soreness, rawness on the right tonsil

Laryngitis with deep, hoarse, altered voice

3. Respiratory issues (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

Its action on respiratory system is also indicated. It is mainly helpful for managing cough. It is given when there is short, tickling cough with expectoration of thick yellow mucus having sweet taste. It is well indicated for asthma and bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases. Persons who need this medicine feel as if thick mucus lines the air passages. Sense of suffocation also occurs. Tightness and burning sensation in chest is another symptom that is present. Pressure and mucus accumulation behind sternum (T-shaped bone that forms the front portion of the chest wall) is also present.

Key Indicating Feature

Short, tickling cough with expectoration of thick yellow sweetish mucus

4. Eyes (Watering, Pain, Redness)

Sanguinarium Nitricum helps manage eye redness, excessive eye watering and eye pain. It is useful for sore, aching and pressing pain in the eyes. Burning in the eyes is also present. The eyelids and conjunctiva is red. Excessive eye watering (lachrymation) is accompanied. Lastly, eye dimness as if a mucus film is spread oversight is an indication for its use.

Key Indicating Features

Sore, aching, burning, pressing pain in eyes

Eeye dimness with sensation as if a mucus film is spread over sight

5. Head (Headache)

By acting on head, Sanguinarium Nitricum works wonderfully for managing headache. Main indication for its use is burning pain in forehead and root of nose. It is attended with aching in eyeballs.  It can also be used when there is pain above eyes (supraorbital region) that extends to forehead. A characteristic indication guiding its use is feeling of fullness in head that gets better when there is expectoration of thick, yellow sweetish mucus. A very unique feature that can be there is heat in forehead relieved by bathing in warm water. Soreness and aching all over the head can also be present.

Key Indicating Features

Burning pain in forehead and root of nose

Pain above eyes (supraorbital region) extending to forehead

Fullness in head better from expectoration of thick, yellow sweetish mucus


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night and touch, eye soreness is worse from pressure.

Relieving factors: There is relief in headache by expelling mucus from the nose.


The dose and potency of this medicine varies from low to high as per the case details. In low potency, it can be used often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some other remedies including Arum Triphyllum, Kali Bichrome and Psorinum



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Arundo Mauritanica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica is derived from ‘Italian grass’ that belongs to family Gramineae. When this grass is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, it becomes a very significant homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauritanica. It is a brilliant medicine to treat cases of nasal allergy (hay fever).

Drug Action

The sphere of action of this medicine is very limited and not widespread. The first and major action of this remedy is on the nose, which is the most prominent one. Rest of its action is noted on skin, respiratory system, female genitals, head and rectum.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, allergies, sneezing, cold, nasal discharge, hair loss, pustules, cough, dyspnoea, dentition, diarrhea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Allergy, Itching In Nostrils, Sneezing)

Arundo Mauritanica has its most important action on the nose. It gives brilliant results in cases of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergy). It is also known as hay fever. It refers to an allergic condition that occurs due to an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen resulting in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The foremost symptom indicating use of Arundo in hay fever is itching in the nostrils with sneezing. It promises effective cure in such cases. Other than this, it is an equally important medicine when there is itching on the roof of the mouth (palate) and in the eyes. For cases of allergic rhinitis that begin with itching and burning of the eyes and palate, it proves to be the best medicine. The palate feels raw and sore as well. Along with these symptoms, there occurs nasal discharge. Initially, the discharge is watery. Later, it becomes thick white slimy or green mucus. The mucus may have putrid smell. There may be pain at the root of the nose. Loss of smell may be present too.

Key Indicating Features

Itching in nostrils with sneezing

Itching on roof of mouth (palate) and in eyes

Allergic rhinitis beginning with itching and burning of eyes and palate

2. Skin Concerns (Crawling, Pustules, Cracks)

Arundo Mauritanica acts on skin too but to a lesser extent. The main indication to use it is crawling sensation on the body. It may be on the whole body or particularly on upper limbs, shoulders, chest and kidney region. It can be given for pustular (pus-filled) eruptions with intense itching. These are mostly present on the chest and arms. It can be used for healing cracks on heels or on fingers.

Key Indicating Features

Crawling sensation like that of an insect on body

Pustules on chest and arms

3. Respiratory Issues (Cough)

For respiratory issues, its use is usually considered when there is cough. Bluish sputum may be expectorated followed by white sputum. Rattling occurs during cough. After expectoration, bruised sensation may be felt in the pit of the throat. There may also occur vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough. Pricking sensation may be felt in the chest. On breathing, whistling occurs in the chest. There may occur short difficult breathing as well.  It gets worse while walking.

Key Indicating Features

Cough with bluish expectoration initially followed by white

Vomiting of frothy, sticky matter after cough

4. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Itching, Pain In Nipples)

This medicine can help in managing certain health concerns in females. The first complaint where it is useful is heavy menses that last for a long time. The menses also come early. The bleeding is of dark, black, clotted blood. Secondly, it can help to manage sexual desire along with itching in vagina. Pricking pain may occur in vulva. A very unique feature indicating its use is pain in the left side of jaw going to shoulders, kidney area that finally locates in pubis along with burning sensation. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage pain and burning in nipples.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with dark, black, clotted blood

Sexual desire along with vaginal itching

Pain and burning in nipples

5. Head (Hair Fall, Headache, Formication)

It acts wonderfully on head to manage cases of hair fall. The scalp may be itchy. The roots of hair are painful. There is extreme or entire hair loss in children. Another prominent indication is headache when there is deep-seated pain in front of head and sides. Heat is felt in forehead. Sometimes pain appears in the back of head that extends to right side eye. Another indication is pricking sensation and formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) in forehead area. It can prove effective to treat pustules (pus-filled bumps) with red areola followed by crust formation in children.

Key Indicating Features

Extreme or entire hair loss in children

Deep-seated pain in front of head and sides

Pricking sensation and formication in forehead

Pustules with red areola followed by crust formation in children

6. Rectal Complaints (Diarrhea, Piles)

Its action is also noted on the rectum. It is mainly indicated for diarrhea in children during teething. The stool is green, in some cases blood may pass in stool. It is also indicated to manage cases of piles (swollen, enlarged veins in or around anus or in lower rectum). The piles protrude before passing stool, burning is felt at anus after passing stool. Piles may be attended with prolapse of rectum.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea during teething with greenish stool

Protrusion of piles before stool

Piles with prolapse of rectum


Its use can be done in both low and high potency. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency, it should not be taken often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with other remedies including Allium Cepa, Sabadilla, Lycopodium, Calcarea Carb, Silicea and Sulphur.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dulcamara: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Dulcamara is derived from the plant ‘woody nightshade’ also known as ‘bitter-sweet’ that belongs to family Solanaceae. It is prepared by potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance) from fresh green stems and leaves of this plant gathered just before flowering. It is a magnificent medicine to manage nasal problems predominantly for managing stuffy nose and various skin complaints mainly urticarial and warts.

The ‘Dulcamara’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people having irritable and restless nature who are very sensitive to cold and damp weather conditions.  They are prone to get infected by cold easily from exposure to cold damp environment or weather. Persons who suffer from health complaints as a result of living or working in damp, cold environment are ideal subjects for using this medicine.

Drug Action

This medicine has vast action on different body parts among which it manifests its chief action on nose, skin and joints. Other than these, its action is also seen on face, throat, glands, mucous membranes, muscle tissues, gastric system, neck, back, and female genitals. The most peculiar action of this medicine is to treat complaints arising from cold and damp, rainy, wet weather and also when days are hot and nights are cold towards the end of summer.

Clinical Indications

Nasal stuffiness, colds, nasal allergy, urticaria, warts, herpes, skin eruptions, hard swollen glands, itching, cough, asthma, joint pain, facial pain, tinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp), diarrhea, back pain, neck stiffness.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Nose (Stuffy Nose, Cold, Nasal Allergy)

It proves to be effective in managing numerous nasal problems. It is one of the best medicines for managing nasal stuffiness that causes trouble in breathing through nose. It is most helpful when the nasal blockage worsens in cold rainy weather / from exposure to cold air. Second main indication where it is beneficial is if one is suffering from cold with thick yellow nasal discharge. There can be bloody crusty nasal discharge too. It suits well new-borns suffering from cold. Hay fever or nasal allergy can also be well managed with this medicine. For using it, constant sneezing and watery nasal discharge that aggravates in open air is a guiding feature. Copious eye discharge can attend. Sensitivity to newly mown (trimmed) grass is an important feature that can be present in persons needing it.

Key Indicating Features

Stuffy nose from cold exposure and in cold rainy weather

Cold with thick yellow or bloody crusty nasal discharge

Hay fever with constant sneezing, watery nasal discharge worse in open air

2. Skin (Urticaria, Warts, Itching, Eruptions, Eczema)

Dulcamara has extensive action on skin where it helps to rectify a number of complaints. The most important skin issue where it helps is urticaria which refers to red, itchy bumps (wheals) on the skin from an allergic reaction. For this complaint, it is selected when urticaria worsens from exposure to cold. Red spots appear on the skin, mostly on the entire body that is accompanied by intense itching. A pricking needle-like sensation is also felt. This medicine also offers benefits in cases of warts (small, painless bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). Large and smooth textured warts mostly indicate its use. The main location of these warts is on palms of hands and face. Another striking feature to use it is skin itching that increases in cold, wet weather. There can occur skin eruptions that are thick, covered with scales or crusts, sometimes these bleed too when scratched. Skin eruptions around menses especially on face, hands and arms is another peculiar indication for using this remedy. It is useful for eczema cases when eruptions occur on face and limbs. There appear vesicles (fluid-filled skin eruptions) that itch and pus may develop in them. These can get covered with crusts too. It can also be given for managing cases of eczema in infants. Besides these, it can be used for ringworm of scalp and fungal infection of scalp (tinea capitis).

Key Indicating Features

Urticaria from cold exposure

Warts on palms of hands and fingers

Skin itching in cold, wet weather

Skin eruptions on face, hands, arms around menses

3. Limbs And Joints (Joint Pain, Warts, Exostosis, Muscle Pain)

Dulcamara has wide action on limbs and joints. It works well in case of joint pain after exposure to cold or being wet for a relatively long time. The affected part feels as if beaten. The pain worsens if kept still in one position and gets better by moving about. A unique feature that indicates the use of this remedy is joint pain alternating with skin eruptions. It can also be given for cold feet, limb swelling and warts. The feet are icy cold. Swelling of limbs and calf muscles is present. It helps when warts appear on fingers and palms of hands. Apart from these, Dulcamara is indicated for exostosis (extra bony growth on the top of existing bone). It is a prominent medicine to dissolve extra bony outgrowths in arm bones and the upper part of tibia bone present in leg. It can be given for muscle pain and stiffness, attended with soreness. It gets worse from cold exposure.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain after exposure to cold or wet

Warts on fingers and palms of hands

Muscle pain, soreness and stiffness from cold exposure

4. Face (Facial Pain, Herpes, Warts, Twitchings)

With its action on face, Dulcamara can manage well facial pain, facial neuralgia, skin eruptions, herpes, warts and twitchings. In case of facial pain, it begins around the cheeks and then radiates to eyes, ears and jaw. Pain increase from even little exposure to cold. External warmth reduces pain. It can be given for warts and herpes on the face. Herpetic eruptions (cold sores) appear on lips or around the lips. Skin eruptions appear on the face, especially on the cheeks. The bumps are thick that may be covered with brown yellow crust. Its use is also recommended for lip twitching that occurs in cold air.

Key Indicating Features

Facial pain that worsens from exposure to cold

Herpes eruptions on lips or around the lips

Warts on face

Lip twitching in cold air

5. Throat And Cough (Tonsillitis, Cough, Asthma)

Use of this medicine is also recommended for certain throat issues and cough. The foremost symptom pointing towards its use is tonsillitis from change of weather. It is primarily indicated for cough that worsens in cold, wet weather, and winter. The cough may be dry or lose rattling type. Cough may occur from tickling in the back of the throat. Tough green expectoration comes out. Cough worsening from physical exertion is also an important symptom to use Dulcamara. This medicine is very useful to manage cough in elderly people and in infants. It also proves to be effective in treating asthma that gets worse during wet weather with loose rattling cough with excessive phlegm expectoration, and difficulty in breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Tonsillitis from change of weather

Cough worse in cold, wet weather, winters and from physical exertion

Asthma worsens during wet weather

6. Neck And Back (Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain)

Dulcamara is of great value to manage back and neck complaints. It is beneficial to manage lower back pain. It worsens in damp, cold weather. Heat is felt in the back. It is used for neck pain and stiffness. The stiffness extends to shoulders which increases after getting cold or wet.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain in damp, cold weather

Neck pain and stiffness after getting cold and wet

7. Gastric Complaints (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea)

When it comes to gastric issues, Dulcamara is beneficial to manage stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. It helps to alleviate cutting type of pain felt in the navel region. Green, slimy stool follows pain. Vomiting is of green, yellow slimy matter or white thick mucus. It is prescribed when diarrhea mainly occurs during damp cold weather. The stool is watery, green, slimy, sour smelling. It may have undigested food particles.

Key Indicating Symptoms

Cutting pain in navel region followed by green, slimy stool

Diarrhea in damp, cold weather

8. Female Problems (Genital Herpes, Skin Rash, Suppressed Menses)

This medicine is also known to be helpful in managing some female problems. Dulcamara can help to heal genital herpes. There are eruptions on vulva in cases needing it. These get worse in cold and damp surroundings. Another notable symptom to use it is skin rash that appears specifically before menses. Not only this, it can also be given for suppressed menses in cold and damp weather and when menses are delayed and of too short duration.

Key Indicating Features

Genital herpes when eruptions get worse in cold and damp weather

Skin rash before menses

Suppresses menses from cold and dampness


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, damp, rainy weather, sudden temperature change, from getting chilled while heated, when days are hot and nights are cold, from taking cold drinks or ice creams and at night.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, by external warmth and moving about


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat this medicine in low potencies frequently but in high potency, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Cuprum Met, Ipecac, Kali Carb and Merc Sol

Followed well by Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Rhus Tox and Sepia


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Arsenicum Iodatum: homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Arsenicum Iodatum is derived from iodide of arsenic. To prepare this medicine, iodide of arsenic undergoes potentization . It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance. This process converts the iodide of arsenic into a very important homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Iodatum. This medicine is highly recommended to treat cases of nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis) and psoriasis (skin condition with inflammatory patches covered with silvery-white scales).

The ‘Arsenicum Iodatum’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly recommended for those having allergies mainly allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma.

Drug Action

Among the various organs, Arsenic Iodatum acts best on the nose. Its action on the nasal membranes helps manage the thin, burning, and excoriating nasal discharge. Another important action of this medicine is seen on the skin where it is of great help to manage skin inflammation and scaly eruptions. It also acts well on the lungs, throat, gastric system and breast.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, cold, sneezing, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema, lichen planus, pimples, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, goiter, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, breast tumor.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Runny Nose, Cold, Sneezing)

This medicine acts on the nose to manage different issues. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing cases of hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis). Hay fever refers to an allergic condition arising from an allergic response to allergens such as dust mites and pollen resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The characteristic feature for using it in hay fever is thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge that reddens the upper lip. The nasal membrane is sore. Those in need of it also report excessive sneezing. There is irritation or tingling in the nose with urge for constant sneezing. It’s also used in cases of long-term cold when the nasal discharge is thick, yellow and profuse. This may be sticky gluey like honey as well. There may occur post-nasal drip (dripping of mucus from back of the nose down in the throat). Burning sensation in the eyes may be present along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

 Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge causing redness of the upper lip.

Constant sneezing from irritation or tingling in the nose.

Cold with thick, yellow and profuse nasal discharge.

Burning sensation in the eyes.

2. Skin Problems (Psoriasis, Ichthyosis, Eczema, Pimples, Itching)

It addresses various skin-related issues effectively. To begin with, it has shown great clinical results in treating issues pertaining to dry scaly skin conditions. First among these is psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder in which one can see inflammatory patches on the skin covered with itchy, silvery-white scales. The main indication to use this medicine in psoriasis is dry, itchy and scaly skin when large scales fall off from the affected spots on the skin. It leaves raw surface underneath. Secondly, scaly skin condition where Arsenicum Iodatum seems to work well is ichthyosis. Ichthyosis also known as fish scale disease is an inherited skin condition characterized by rough, dry, scaly skin from the accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin surface in the form of thick dry scales. Other than scaly skin conditions, its role to manage eczema is noteworthy. Its use is recommended specifically for eczema under the beard. Those who need it may have watery oozing under the beard. It is accompanied by itching. Upon washing, the complaint of eczema under the beard gets worse. It also proves effective in cases of acne (pimples).

Here it works well when pimples are hard at the base with pus at the top. It can offer relief from itching on various body parts especially the back. Another important skin complaint where it proves beneficial is lichen planus (an inflammatory skin condition of auto-immune origin characterized by small flat-topped purple-coloured bumps on the skin). It is of great service to manage cases of venereal bubo (enlarged, swollen, tender lymph nodes in the groin area in case of sexually transmitted infections).

Key Indicating Features

Psoriasis with falling of large scales from skin


lichen planus

2. Lungs Issues (Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis And Cough)

This medicine acts well on the lungs. Here it is used for managing tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and cough. It is prominently used for the management of pulmonary tuberculosis (it refers to bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis) means tuberculosis of the lungs. It gives supportive help to manage symptoms along with the conventional mode of treatment in these cases. It is very effective in the initial stages of tuberculosis. In these cases, its use is suggested when there is hoarse coughing and excessive expectoration of pus, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss. Next it is helpful in the cases of pneumonia. Pneumonia refers to infection that inflames air sacs of the lungs. In pneumonia, it is administered when there is expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night. In asthma, it is useful when there is wheezing while lying down. It is also used in cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs). For cough, it works equally well for dry as well as wet cough. Coughing increases during night hours. It also worsens from exertion. When cough is wet, phlegm of mucus and pus is expectorated. In some cases, expectoration is yellow-green colored having foul odor.

Key Indicating Features

Management of tuberculosis of lungs with hoarse coughing, excessive pus expectoration, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss

Pneumonia with expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night

Asthma with wheezing on lying down

Cough at night and from exertion

4. Throat (Inflamed Tonsils, Pharyngitis, Goiter)

Vis-a-vis throat, this medicine acts well in cases of inflamed, swollen, enlarged tonsils. It is also given in cases of follicular pharyngitis. People who need it have rawness and burning pain in the throat. In some cases, throat is dry. Sometimes there is hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from the throat. Voice hoarseness may also be present. Lastly, it is indicated for goiter (swelling in front of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Rawness and burning pain in throat

Hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from throat

5. Gastric Problems (Pain, Diarrhoea, Splenomegaly Means Spleen Enlargement)

For gastric troubles, it is mainly administered for managing stomach pain which worsens on getting up from a sitting position and from sitting down also. Pain mainly manifests in the afternoons. There is also heartburn (burning in chest felt behind the breastbone means sternum). Its use is also suggested for abdomen pain which one is relieved after passing stool. The abdomen is hard and distended with gas. Excessive wind-breaking may happen. Its use is also recommended for diarrhea with copious watery stool. Urge for passing stool occurs in the morning upon beginning to move about. Diarrhea does not occur at night. Lastly, it can be given in cases with long-term enlargement of spleen.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain worse on rising from sitting

Abdomen pain relieved after stool

Enlargement of spleen

6. Women-related problems (Vaginal Discharges, Breast Lumps)

Women may find this medicine useful to manage vaginal discharge. It is used when the vaginal discharge is yellow, blood-stained, irritating and foul-smelling. With this, there is swelling of the labia. Next, it also acts well on the breast and proves effective to treat cases of lumps in the breast. The lumps are painful and sensitive to touch, nipples are retracted. This medicine can also be recommended for the management of cancer of the breast after ulceration has started.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge that is yellow, blood-stained, irritating having foul odor with swelling of the labia

Lumps in breast that are painful and sensitive to touch


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in dry, cold weather, windy, foggy weather, in room and from exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better after meal and also in open air


Its use can be in both low as well high potencies. In low potency, one may repeat it often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advisable.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Bryonia

It can be compared to homeopathic medicines Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Tuberculinum and Sanguinaria Nitricum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Dry Throat

Dry throat is a very common problem that can arise simply from less fluid intake, dryness in air, cold winter months, or  it is a symptom of a medical health issue like allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, GERD, etc.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is highly effective in managing cases of dry throat. Homeopathic medicines bring gradual relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Along with dryness of throat, they also help to manage the attending signs and symptoms like sore, painful throat, inflamed tonsils, cough, voice hoarseness, and heartburn. The homeopathic prescription for dry throat cases varies depending on the attending symptoms and the cause behind it. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. It is to be noted that when shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, high fever accompany throat dryness, one should take help from the conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Throat

1. Belladonna – For Throat Dryness And Sore, Inflamed Throat / Tonsils

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’ of family Solanaceae. It is a very effective medicine for cases in which there is dryness, and inflammation of throat and tonsils. There is marked dryness on the roof of mouth and fauces (arched opening at the back of the mouth leading to pharynx). Burning and scraping sensation is felt in the throat and mouth. Swallowing may be difficult due to red, swollen tonsils with shooting, stinging type pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump in the throat sensation is also felt. Dry cough with tickling in the throat is yet another symptom. Fever may accompany the above-mentioned signs and symptoms.

2. Bryonia – For Excessive Roughness And Dryness Of Throat

It is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba from family Cucurbitaceae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases in which there is excessive roughness, rawness and dryness of throat. There may be stitching pain in the throat while swallowing which causes irritation in the throat. Sometimes, there may be burning or crawling sensation in throat that induces cough.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Dry Throat And Tonsillitis

It is another medicine very helpful for relieving throat dryness and tonsillitis. There is usually stitching type of pain in the throat which extends to the ear. It worsens while  swallowing food. Smarting sensation and rawness is also felt in the throat. It appears as if a splinter or of a plug of mucus is stuck in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen, studded  with enlarged reddish follicles or white pus points.

  4. Natrum Mur – For Dry Throat With Allergic Rhinitis

This medicine works well in cases of dry throat and allergic rhinitis. In cases requiring it, there is a feeling as of a plug in throat, rawness and burning pain in the throat. Besides, there is sneezing and watery discharge from the nose, some may complain of a blocked nose. Redness, itching and watering from eyes may be present. There may be cough with a tickling sensation in a dry sore spot in the throat.  Lastly, bitter or salty mucus is hawked from the throat.

5. Pulsatilla – For Dry Throat And Cold

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly called wind flower, from family Ranunculaceae. It is beneficial for cases in which a dry throat accompanies a cold.  A scraping sensation, rawness and scratching is felt in the throat, leading to cough in some cases. Dryness is mostly marked in the morning, when this medicine is required. Greenish yellow discharge comes out from the nose which gets worse indoors but better in open air. Nasal blockage and frequent sneezing can attend above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Dry Throat And Voice Hoarseness

Causticum is an effective medicine when there is dryness of throat and hoarseness in voice. A constant desire to clear the throat occurs, there may be rawness and tickling in throat along with dry cough.

7. Drosera – For Throat Dryness And Cough

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia with common name ‘round leaved sundew’ from family Droseraceae. It is useful when the throat is dry along with dry, irritating cough. It may end in vomiting sometimes. There is stinging in throat while swallowing.

8. Phytolacca – When Burning In Throat Attends

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as ‘poke root’ or ‘red ink plant’ from family Phytolaccaceae. This medicine is recommended when the throat is dry, rough, sore and is accompanied by burning sensation. There is disposition to hawk frequently and clear the throat accompanied by cough sometimes. Swallowing is difficult along with the above symptoms. The tonsils are dark red, bluish, dark purple, congested and swollen. The breath is offensive.

9. Merc Sol – When Throat Is Constantly Dry

This medicine is indicated for constant dryness of throat. The tonsils are red, dark, enlarged and may have whitish spots or ulcers on them. It is attended with sharp pain. The pain may radiate to the ears. Swallowing is difficult along with bad odor from the mouth.

10. Robinia – For Dry Throat And Acid Reflux Symptoms

It is prepared from the fresh bark of young twigs of the plant Robinia Pseudacaciafrom family Leguminosae. It is an important medicine for managing throat dryness along with acid reflux. Persons needing it have dryness and scratching in throat. They have acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour belchings and vomiting of intensely sour fluid. The acidity symptoms are most marked at night on lying down.

What Causes Dry Throat?

The first medical issue that can lead to dryness in the throat is hay fever/allergic rhinitis. It is an auto-immune disease, in which the person’s immune system overreacts to allergens that are normally harmless to the people who are not suffering from allergy. Some of the common allergens are dust mites, pollen, grass, pet dander, mold,etc. Its symptoms are sneezing, runny nose or stuffed nose, itching in nose, eyes and cough. In case of nose blockage, the person breathes through the mouth that can lead to dryness in the throat.

Second is common cold, a viral infection of the nose and throat. Dryness, soreness and a scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. The other symptoms of common cold include runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sneezing, bodyache and mild fever.

Next it can arise in case of flu (influenza), a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. The symptoms in case of flu are quite similar to common cold but are severe than common cold. These includes stuffy nose, runny nose, dry throat, sore, scratchy throat, fever, chills, weakness, cough, and pain in head and muscles. It can have various complications including ear infection, sinus infection, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs in lungs) and bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes) and pharyngitis (inflamed throat).

Tonsillitis (Inflamation of tonsils, a mass of lymphoid tissue in the back of the throat one on either side) is yet another reason behind dry throat. Its signs and symptoms include sore throat, red swollen tonsils, dry throat, white spots on tonsils in some cases, fever, headache and bad breath.

Other than these, it can arise in case of strep throat, an infection of the throat caused by bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. Its signs and symptoms are sore throat, dry throat, red, swollen, inflamed tonsils, white patches on the tonsils, fever, bodyache, swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Another cause for dry, scratchy throat is mononucleosis caused by an infection by the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). Its signs and symptoms are swollen tonsils, dry, scratchy throat, tiredness, fever, headache, muscle weakness, swollen lymph nodes in neck and armpits. Acid reflux, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux), can also lead to it when the stomach acid back-flows into the food pipe from stomach. Its common symptoms include burning sensation in chest behind sternum (breast bone), problem in swallowing, lump in throat sensation, nausea, and vomiting.

Sleeping with an open mouth can also lead to dry throat. The saliva that helps moisten the mouth and throat is dried by the air that result in dryness in the mouth and throat. A person who keeps the mouth open during sleep may also have other signs and symptoms that include bad breath, snoring and weakness during the day.

Some other causes for dryness in throat are dehydration, tobacco use, voice strain, some medication side effects (like from use of antihistamines), pollution, coughing and vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Dryness of throat can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include sore, painful throat; enlarged, swollen, inflamed tonsils; white patches or pus on the tonsils; cough, voice hoarseness, heartburn, vomiting and difficulty while swallowing. Some general symptoms that can attend are fever, fatigue, bodyache and muscle weakness.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Euphrasia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Euphrasia Officinalis is derived from the plant eyebright. It belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. There is a black spot in the petals of flowers of this plant that look like pupils of the eye that made ancient people use this medicine for eye complaints. Its utilization for treating various eye problems has been confirmed in homeopathic experiments too. When this plant goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic remedy Euphrasia Officinalis. It is a top-listed and highly recommended medicine in homeopathy for treating numerous eye-related concerns mainly eye allergies, conjunctivitis and excessive eye watering (lachrymation) along with itching and burning.

The ‘Euphrasia Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine mostly suits people who are predisposed to eye complaints. It is also helpful in treating nasal allergy.

 Drug Action

It acts most effectively on the mucus membrane of eyes and nose and helps to manage irritation and watery discharge from eyes. Its action on nose, chest and lungs is also marked. It also acts well on head, skin and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Eye disorders, eye allergy, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iritis, ptosis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, hay fever, cold, cough, headache, warts and measles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Eye Allergy, Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Iritis, Ptosis, Keratitis, Corneal Ulcer, Pterygium)

Euphrasia is a highly preferred and frequently used remedy as the first line of treatment for various eye-related complaints. Among its numerous indications, the first one is eye allergy. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases where there is excessive watering from eyes, swelling of eyes, redness of eyes and itching, burning in eyes. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis characterized by symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, watery, red itchy eyes). There is heavy eye-watering that causes irritation and burning sensation in the eyes, along with bland nasal discharge that doesn’t cause any irritation.  Secondly, it works well in cases of conjunctivitis (inflammation of conjunctiva that is the transparent membrane lining the eyelids and eyeball). Here, it is indicated when eyes are red along with watery mucus or thick yellow discharge, accompanied by itching and burning in eyes. A sensation of sand-like particle in the eyes is yet another attending symptom. Euphrasia proves to be very effective in treating eye pain. There is cutting, sharp, pressive or burning pain in eyes.

It is suggested for swelling of eyelids when accompanied with burning sensation. The eyelids may be agglutinated (sticking together). There is burning pain in the eyes along with watering (lachrymation) especially when its windy. Itching in the eyes with frequent wiping and frequent blinking of eyes can also be relieved with this remedy. Euphrasia has notable action in cases suffering from dryness of eyes and eyelids. Persons with photophobia means sensitivity to bright light can also benefit from it. If a person suffers from iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured part of eyes), Euphrasia is considered where eyes are red with aching darting pain, watery eyes and sensitivity to bright light. It is also recommended for treating Keratitis (inflammation of cornea which is a clear protective layer covering iris, pupil and anterior chamber of eye). Here, it is given when there is light sensitivity, excessively watery eyes, and pus like discharge.

Euphrasia is recommended for managing cases of corneal ulcer with excessive eye watering with smarting or clear mucus discharge or thick pus like discharge, accompanied by eye pain and light sensitivity. Its use is recommended for ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid) and pterygium (an abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva and cornea) cases as well. One may find it useful to manage eye inflammation, pain in eyes, excessive eye watering and burning sensation after an eye injury. Lastly, it can be used for cases of blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids). There is redness, swelling, dryness of lids with itching, burning and watering from eyes in such cases.

Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with acrid eye-watering along with bland nasal discharge

Eye allergies with profuse watering from eyes, swollen, red eyes and itching, burning in eyes

Conjunctivitis with red eyes, watery mucus or thick yellow discharge from eyes along with itching and burning

Eye itching and burning

Excessive watering from eyes that cause irritation, itching and burning in eyes

2. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Runny Nose)

This medicine has a prominent action on mucus membrane of nose. It is an effective medicine for treating hay fever which is a response to allergens (like dust mites, pollens) that causes symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery red eyes. The characteristic feature to use it is excessive, watery, bland (without any irritation or burning) nasal discharge and excessive acrid watering from eyes. Sneezing is frequent, inner nose feels sore and painful. The eyes are red and eyelids are swollen. Persons needing it may have runny nose in the day and suffer nasal blockage at night. Cough with expectoration may occur in the morning with above symptoms. Its use is also indicated for nose bleeding.

Key Indicating Features

Bland nasal discharge along with acrid eye discharge

 3. Chest And Lungs (Pain Behind Sternum, Cough)

Euphrasia mainly helps to manage pain under the sternum felt during inhalation. With its action on lungs, it is capable of managing cough occurring especially in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges. It is also beneficial to relieve cough in daytime with excessive eye watering. Along with cough, a person may complain of difficulty in breathing. In cases needing it, cough occur in the morning as soon as one rises from the bed and does not occur at night at all. Cough is accompanied by excessive expectoration.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp pain under sternum during respiration

Cough in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges

Cough in daytime with excessive eye watering

4. Head (Headache)

Euphrasia Officinalis acts well on the head to manage complaint of headache. The most important symptom to use this medicine is headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes. Its use is recommended when pain in forehead is present along with sensitivity to bright light.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes

5. Skin Issues (Measles, Warts And Eruptions)

It acts wonderfully in cases of measles with watery eyes and runny nose. It renders valuable service in treating warts (raised bumps on skin resulting from infection caused by Human Papilloma virus) that itch. Its use in treating eruptions around the eyes and on the nose also brings good results.

Key Indicating Features

Measles with watery eyes and runny nose

Itchy warts

Eruptions around eyes and on nose

6. Male Problems (Itching, Warts)

This medicine is beneficial for treating male problems like itching on glans and prepuce. Secondly, it can be given to treat warts on genitals, where there is itching and stinging in warts. There is soreness and burning pain in warts on being touched. Lastly, it can be used for cases of prostatitis.

Key Indicating Features

Itching on glans and prepuce

Warts attended with itching and stinging sensation

7. Female Problems (Late, Scanty Short Periods, Warts)

Females can find this medicine useful for late, scanty and short menses. The periods last just for an hour or a day in cases where this medicine is required. The flow of blood during menses is scanty, accompanied by pain. Its use can also be considered to treat warts on genitals. There is itching and stitching in these warts, mainly while walking.

Key Indicating Features

Late, scanty and short menses

Menses lasting just for one hour or a day

Warts on genitals with itching and stitching mainly when walking


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from sunlight, wind, in evening, indoors and from warmth

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, in dark and from taking coffee


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be considered in low potencies but in high potencies, frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. Its action lasts for about 7 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Aconite, Conium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur


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Psorinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Uses, Indications And Dosage

Psorinum is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing various skin complaints effectively. Some of the main skin issues treated well with it include skin itching, eczema, psoriasis and scabies. Its action in treating tonsillitis, Quinsy and recurrent cold is marvellous. It is of great clinical significance for cases where even well-recognized medicines fail to act, where Psorinum helps to boost body’s response to medicines.

 The ‘Psorinum’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who get nervous, restless and anxious easily. It is also highly suitable for persons prone to skin problems or have a history of suppressed emotions. Extreme sensitivity to cold air is experienced by those needing it. They desire to be covered warmly even in summers.

Drug Action

Psorinum is a polychrest medicine which means it is of great value in treating many health conditions related to different body parts. The most important action is noted on skin, throat and nose. It also acts well on the mind, ears and face. Its action is also noted on head, gastric organs and respiratory system. It is helpful in managing weakness in the recovery phase of any acute disease. It also deals effectively with diseases that involve foul discharges like stool, ear discharge, oozing from skin eruptions or sweat with filthy smell.

Clinical Indications

Skin disorders, itching, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, skin eruptions, scabies, tonsillitis, quinsy, cold, depression, anxiety, ear discharge, acne rosacea, pimples, diarrhea, constipation, spleen pain, cough, asthma, headache

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems (Itching, Eczema, Urticaria, Scabies, Psoriasis)

Psorinum has marked action on the skin. It is used to treat numerous skin-related conditions. To begin with, it can handle cases of skin itching well. Those needing it complain of intense itching that is almost intolerable. They scratch the skin till it starts to bleed.  Even the heat of bed worsens the itching at night that disturbs sleep. Simultaneously with itching, there may occur stinging sensation on the skin. In some cases, after rubbing the skin, little bumps on the skin (vesicles) may appear that may be filled with fluid.

It is a superior medicine for managing eczema (inflamed skin with dry rough itchy patches or fluid- filled eruptions). It renders great service in cases of eczema that occurs behind ears, in bend of elbows, armpits or scalp. There may occur dirty, rough skin or eruptions that bleed easily. In some cases, pus may accumulate in the eruptions. Psorinum proves to be one of the best medicines for skin complaints that appear in winters and vanish in summers. It is the most effective medicine to manage dry, scaly eruptions.

Psorinum is a highly effective medicine for scabies as well. Scabies is a highly contagious itchy skin condition caused by mite known as sarcoptes scabiei. Another skin condition where it gives good results is herpes zoster (a painful skin rash with blisters caused by varicella zoster virus). Herpes eruptions that occur on scalp or bend of joints are treated wonderfully with it. These eruptions are accompanied with itching and burning. Further use of this medicine is considered for cases of urticaria (itchy wheals means raised bumps on skin caused usually from an allergic reaction). The characteristic to use this medicine is urticaria caused by exertion. In cases that need it, the skin is usually dirty and greasy due to excessive secretion from sebaceous glands. Lastly, it is useful for treating psoriasis (an autoimmune skin disorder that results in inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales). There occurs small red eruptions with white scales.

Key indicating features

Intolerable skin itching with desire to scratch till skin starts to bleed

Eczema behind ears, in bend of elbows, armpits or scalp

Skin complaints that appear in winters and go away in summers

2. Throat Issues (Tonsillitis, Quinsy)

Next Psorinum acts magnificently on the throat. Its foremost action is treating tonsillitis wonderfully. It is well indicated when the tonsils are swollen and painful. The pain gets worse while swallowing and reaches the ears. There is burning sensation in the throat. Throat feels dry in morning and a sensation of plug is felt in the throat. Tickling in throat can occur that excites cough. It is a principal medicine for treating Quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils) cases especially of recurrent Quinsy. Its well-known action is to eradicate tendency to Quinsy. In cases needing it for Quinsy, excessive pain is felt in the tonsils that extends to the ears on swallowing and there is tough mucus in throat that needs to be hawked continuously. There is mainly hawking of mucus in the form of cheesy pea-like balls that smell bad and leave a bad taste in the mouth. There is excessive salivation that has an offensive smell.

Key indicating features

Tonsillitis with swelling and pain in tonsils worse when swallowing with pain in ears

Recurrent quinsy to eradicate its tendency

Hawking of mucus in form of cheesy pea like balls that smells and tastes bad

 3. Nose (Recurrent Cold, Hay Fever)

This medicine can rectify many nasal complaints. It is of great clinical significance in treating cases of recurrent cold. As per homeopathic therapeutics, psorinum proves to be effective in boosting immunity against frequent colds. In cases needing it, either there is dry cold with nasal blockage or there occurs thin discharge from the nose. Loss of smell may be noted too. In some cases, post nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat) is witnessed on clinical examination. Besides, it is a prominent medicine to tackle cases of nasal allergy/hay fever (an allergic condition caused by allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes). It is well indicated when hay fever occurs every year especially in August.

Key indicating features

Recurrent cold

4. Mind Complaints (Fear, Depression)

Psorinum can help people suffering from various mind-related complaints. It is a useful medicine for managing anxiety and different kind of fears. The fear is mainly of being alone, of fire, of business failure and fear of death. A person has negative thinking, constant thoughts of dying may prevail. It is beneficial for managing depression in females during menopause. There is sadness and forsaken feeling in those needing it. There is a desire to be alone and remain in bed all the time. Hopelessness is marked. It is also indicated for children who are very irritable, fretful and get startled easily. During day, they may be playful but at night, become restless and may scream without any reason.

Key indicating features

Fear of being alone, of fire, of business failure and fear of death

Depression in females during menopause

5. Ears (Discharge, Eczema, Noises)

It gives substantial relief in cases of otorrhoea (ear discharge). Offensive brownish pus discharge from ear is the guiding feature for its use here, accompanied by headache. Secondly, it has a great ability to lessen itching in the ears. In most cases needing it, itching is intolerable with a need for picking and boring in the ears all the time. It is a highly suitable medicine to treat eczema behind the ears. There appear red, oozing eruptions with scabs around the ears. Sore pain behind ears is also well marked. Lastly, psorinum is helpful when hearing is impaired, along with noises in the ears (tinnitus) which may be buzzing, humming, ringing or cracking type.

Key indicating features

Offensive brownish pus discharge from ear

Eczema behind the ears

6. Face (Pimples, Acne Rosacea)

Use of this medicine is considered to manage some of the facial concerns too. The foremost use is in treating acne (pimples). Those needing it complain that the pimples get worse from fats, sugar and coffee. Females may have worsening of pimples during menses. Next noteworthy complaint where psorinum proves beneficial is acne rosacea (a skin condition that causes flushing and redness of face along with appearance of small pimples). The face is red along with burning heat. Small red pimples appear in the middle of the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead.

Key indicating features

Pimples worse from fats, sugar and coffee intake

Pimples worse during menses

7. Head (Headache, Eruptions)

Psorinum can give great relief in headache and eruptions on scalp. The major symptom is headache occurring from suppressed skin eruptions or suppressed menses. The pain is hammering type. In many cases, headache may be preceded by flickering before the eyes, dim vision or black spots before the eyes. The head is sensitive to draught of air, the affected person covers head even in hot weather. It plays a very important role in treating eruptions on the scalp. The eruptions are filled with pus (pustules) with severe itching. The eruptions are covered with thick, dirty yellow scabs. Hair become matted. The eruptions may spread over the nape of neck.

Key indicating features

Headache from suppressed skin eruptions or suppressed menses

Pus-filled eruptions on scalp with severe itching

8. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Constipation, Pain, Belching, Spleen Pain)

Psorinum can be administered for cases of chronic diarrhea. The persons requiring it have early morning diarrhea with urgent desire to pass stool. The stool is dark, watery with horribly offensive smell. Diarrhea that follows some severe acute disease or when it occurs during dentition can be treated well with this medicine. It can be used for cases of constipation. The stool is hard, difficult and blood may pass along with stool. Burning may be felt in the rectum. Pain in lower back may occur along with constipation. In some cases, stool is passed after a gap of three to four days. Next, its use may be done in cases of abdomen pain that gets better from eating or emission of gas. Its use is also considered for belching that is sour with offensive odour like rotten eggs. Another important indication is stitching type of pain in spleen. Pain gets worse from movement but better on standing.

Key indicating features

Morning diarrhea with urgent desire to pass stool which has horribly offensive smell

Abdomen pain better from eating or emission of gas

 9. Respiratory problems (Cough, Asthma)

Lastly, psorinum acts well on the respiratory system. It is mainly indicated for dry, hard cough with chest pain. Heaviness is also felt in the chest. Bouts of coughing occur in mornings and evenings. Its use is next suggested when there is expectoration of green or yellow sputa that tastes salty. The mucus is sticky and difficult to expel. It is a brilliant medicine for asthma cases. The characteristic feature to use it is difficult breathing which gets worse in open air and while sitting; asthma gets better when lying with arms spread wide apart.

Key indicating features

Asthma with difficult breathing worse in open air, when sitting and relieved when lying with arms spread wide apart


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse by cold, open air, weather change, evening, night, heat of bed and from scratching

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by lying quietly, from heat, washing, rest and when eating


Use of this medicine is recommended in 200 C and higher potencies. Its action seems to begin approximately after ninth day of intake and lasts for around  30 to 40 days. It is strictly advised to not repeat this medicine frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Coffea Cruda

Followed well by: Alumina, Borax, Baryta Carb, Carbo Veg, China and Sulphur


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