Homeopathic medicine Hecla Lava is prepared from volcanic ash from Mount Hecla in Iceland. This ash contains lime, silica, alumina, magnesia and some oxide of iron. With potentization procedure (a process that extracts medicinal properties from crude substance), this volcanic ash is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Hecla Lava. This medicine is of great clinical significance in treating complaints related to teeth, jaw, bones and also facial neuralgia.
Drug Action
Hecla Lava shows most prominent action on teeth, jaw, bones and nerve of face. Other than this, it also acts well on the joints. Besides these, its action is marked on the breast to treat breast tumors and deficient milk production.
Clinical Indications
Toothache, dental abscess, teeth decay, facial neuralgia, bone spurs, exostosis, bone disorders, osteomyelitis, bone tumors, Osgood – schlatter disease, jaw pain, maxillary polyp, arthritis deformans, arthritic nodosities, breast tumors, deficient milk, nodosities
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1.Teeth and jaw (Toothache, tooth decay, nerve pain after tooth extraction, dental abscess, dental fistula)
This medicine is known to have marvelous action on teeth and jaws. It is extensively used to treat numerous problems related to teeth and jaws. It is a brilliant medicine to manage toothache. It is well indicated when there is marked sensitivity of teeth to pressure along with swelling around the jaws. There is boring or digging type of pain in the jawbone. It is highly preferred to deal with cases of decayed teeth. It is also usually first choice of medicine to relieve facial nerve pain that is related to decayed tooth. If there occur facial nerve pain after tooth extraction, then also this medicine proves to be highly effective to relieve pain. Another prominent complaint where its use is highly recommended is dental abscess (it is a pus-filled pocket inside teeth or gums). It can be given when there is pus along with swelling and pain on pressing the affected tooth. Another striking feature to use it is abscess (pocket of pus) formation or enlargement of jaw bone near the area where tooth extraction had been done. Its role in managing cases of dental fistula is also highly noteworthy. Besides these, it works well in cases where swelling of upper jaw is present along with soreness (painful on touch).
Key Indicating Features
Toothache with marked sensitivity to pressure and swelling about jaws
Decayed teeth
Facial nerve pain related to decayed tooth
Facial nerve pain after tooth extraction
Dental abscess with pus, swelling and pain on pressing the affected tooth
Dental fistula
2. Face (Facial Nerve Pain, Polyp In Maxillary Sinus)
Hecla Lava acts wonderfully on the face. With its action on the face, it proves very beneficial in cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain). It gives substantial relief when facial nerve pain arises from irritation by a decayed teeth or as a result after tooth extraction. Other than this it works well in cases of polyps that start forming in maxillary sinus (maxillary polyp is non-cancerous growth developing on the lining of maxillary sinus) and therefrom advances to nearby structures. It deforms the facial features, forces eyeball up, causes eversion of eyelids and nasal blockage. It also results in difficult breathing, bleeding from nose and pain in head.
Key Indicating Features
Facial nerve pain resulting from irritation by a decayed teeth or after tooth extraction
Polyps beginning in maxillary sinus
3. Bones (Bone Spurs, Osteomyelitis, Periostitis, Osgood – Schlatter Disease, Bone Necrosis, Bone Tumours, Osteosarcoma)
Hecla Lava manifests remarkable action on bones. It is a very powerful medicine to resolve various bone-related problems. It is a principal medicine to help cases of bone spurs and exostosis. Bone spurs and exostosis refer to extra bone development on an existing bone. It proves successful when bone spur or exostosis occurs especially in jaw, head, fingers or leg bones. The way it helps to dissolve bony outgrowths is noteworthy. It has a great affinity to treat cases of inflammation of bone (osteomyelitis) and inflammation of periosteum means connective tissue surrounding the bone (periostitis).
Hecla Lava is a superb medicine for cases Osgood – Schlatter disease (painful lump forming below knee cap from repetitive use injury in children). Further, this medicine can help cases of bone damage and necrosis (bone necrosis means the death of bone cells). Bone tumors especially forming after injury, and bone cysts can also be managed effectively with this medicine. Not only this, in homeopathic therapeutics, its role in managing cases of osteosarcoma (a type of bone cancer) is also mentioned to provide supportive help.
Key Indicating Features
Bone spurs or exostosis in jaw, head, fingers or leg bones
Inflamed bone or periosteum
Osgood – Schlatter disease
Bone tumors after injury
4. Limbs (Pain, Exostosis, Joints Problems)
By acting on limbs, it can manage well pain in lower limbs when pain is continuous. It is an important medicine for cases of exostosis of tibia bone. Here it gives excellent results when attended with intense pain that occurs continuously. Hecla Lava has a well-defined action on joints where it is best suited when there is node formation especially on finger or toe joints. It is also indicated to manage cases of deformed joints from arthritis (joint inflammation). In such cases, it can help to halt further deformity of joint but cannot reverse the deformity that has already occurred.
Key Indicating Features
Continuous pain in lower limbs
Exostosis of tibia bone
Nodes on joints mainly finger or toe joints
Joint deformity
5. Breast Complaints (Breast Tumors, Diminished Milk Production)
This medicine can be given for certain breast complaints. It can be used to help cases of nodes or tumours in breast. It can work well in cases where milk production is diminished in nursing women.
Key Indicating Features
Breast nodes or tumors
To boost milk production in nursing women
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, pressure, rest and on the left side
This medicine is recommended in low potencies in general. The dose and repetition varies in every individual case.
Relationship With Other Remedies
It can be compared with remedies including Calcarea Fluor, Silicea, Kali Iodatum, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Symphytum, Ruta and Sulphur