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Stramonium: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Stramonium is derived from the plant Thornapple. This plant belongs to the family — Solanaceae. This fresh plant undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of its crude form) to prepare the homeopathic medicine — Stramonium. It is the best medicine to manage cases of schizophrenia and stammering.

The ‘Stramonium’ Constitution

This medicine suits youngsters mostly children very well, especially the ones who complain of mania, delirium, or chorea.

Drug Action

The most important action of Stramonium is on the mind and the brain. It also acts well on the mouth, head, eyes, and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Schizophrenia, delusions, mania, stammering, delirium, chorea, epilepsy, fears, meningitis, headache, strabismus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Of The Mind & Brain (Schizophrenia, Delirium, Mania, And Fear)

The foremost action of Stramonium is on the mind. It is one of the best medicines to help manage cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition in which various hallucinations and delusions occur and that affect thinking, emotions, behavior, and decision-making quality of a person). Hallucinations mean seeing or hearing things that do not exist for real. Delusions refer to fixed, false beliefs not based on reality. It suits well cases of paranoid schizophrenia in which delusions and hallucinations are marked. Those who need this medicine have terrifying hallucinations. They see ghosts, and animals jumping sideways or running at them. Another characteristic feature is hearing voices and talking with spirits. There may occur delusions about their identity. The sufferer believes he is suddenly taller, sees himself double or some of his/her body parts go missing.  A very important indication pointing its use is religious mania. Those who need it keep praying constantly and do inspiring talk. Its use is also prominently indicated for cases of delirium (sudden change in the brain leading to confused thinking, emotional disturbance, and reduced awareness about the environment). It is used when during delirium there is excessive talking all the time that is confusing and unclear, singing, laughing, and a desire to escape. It can be given in cases of mania. In such cases, its use is indicated when a person having mania curses and gets violent, tears clothes with teeth. Besides these, Stramonium is known to help with certain fears. It is useful in managing fears including fear of the dark, of being alone, and of shining objects. It is also a great medicine in case one fears water, medically termed hydrophobia. The sight of water tends to bring on spasms in those who need it.

Key Indicating Features

Paranoid schizophrenia

Terrifying hallucinations when people see ghosts, animals jumping sideways or running at them

Hallucinations of hearing voices, and talking to spirits

Religious mania is where a person keeps praying constantly

Delirium with excessive talking all the time that is unclear, singing, laughing, and desire to escape

Mania with cursing, violence, and tearing of clothes with teeth

Fear of the dark, of being alone, and of shining objects

Hydrophobia (fear of water)

2. Mouth (Stammering, Increased Salivation, Teeth Grinding)

Stramonium acts well on the mouth. It is highly recommended for treating cases of stammering. Those who need it have to exert themselves really long and hard before they can utter a word. It helps in cases of too much salivation. In those who require it, the saliva is sticky. The person constantly spits saliva. Besides, it is beneficial in treating those who keep grinding their teeth.

Key Indicating Features

Stammering, a person has to exert to begin uttering a word

Too much salivation with constant spitting

Grinding of the teeth

3. Head (Headache, Meningitis, Hydrocephalus)

It manages well cases of headaches. It is effective in managing headache that worsens from the sun. There occurs boring pain in the head preceded by unclear vision. In some cases, there occurs throbbing in the forehead and in the right temple. Sometimes the headache occurs in both temples that shoot to the back of the head (the occipital region). Nausea and vomiting may occur with the headache. It is effective for those who suffer from a periodical headache that locates over either eyebrow on the forehead beginning around 9 am until noon. Heat is felt in the entire head. This medicine is well-indicated for meningitis (inflammation of membranes that covers the brain and spinal cord). Here it is used when the eyes are red and inflamed accompanied by dilated pupils, headache, nausea, frequent lifting of the head from the pillow, and delirium. It can be used for managing hydrocephalus cases (fluid build-up in the ventricles of the brain). In such cases, the guiding features to use it are excessive talkativeness, teeth grinding, staring look, convulsive motions of the head and frequent raising up of the head.

Key Indicating Features

Headache due to exposure to the sun

Boring pain in the head preceded by an unclear vision

Periodical headache over either eyebrow on the forehead beginning around 9 am until noon

Meningitis with red, inflamed eyes, dilated pupils, headache, nausea, frequent lifting of the head from the pillow, and delirium

Hydrocephalus with excessive talkativeness, teeth grinding, staring look, convulsive motions of the head, and frequent raising up of head

4. Eyes (Strabismus, Eyeball Pain)

Stramonium is also good for the eyes. It is an excellent medicine for treating cases of strabismus (squint). Its action in managing diplopia (double vision) is also marvellous. Its use is also considered in the case of hallucination where everything looks jumbled to the sufferer. Objects may look crooked, small, large, or black. A very peculiar feature is pain in the eyeball from the change of light, especially while going from dark to light or vice versa. There is excessive sensitivity to daylight. Visual illusions are present. When one looks at an object a person feels he sees rats, dogs, cats, or insects in continuous motion. The black colour may seem grey. The objects may seem multiplied and in different colours. Another indication for its use is excessive watering from the eyes (lachrymation) with headaches. Lastly, it is well-indicated when convulsions (fits) occur from bright light exposure, the sight of water or a mirror.

Key Indicating Features

Strabismus (squint)

Hallucinations where everything looks jumbled to the sufferer, objects may look crooked, small, large, or black

Eyeball pain from the change of light, when going from dark to light or vice versa

Visual illusions – objects may seem like rats, dogs, cats, or insects in continuous motion, and black colour may seem grey

Convulsions (fits) from bright light exposure, the sight of water or mirror

5. Limbs (Chorea, Twitching, Hip Joint Pain)

It is helpful in managing cases of chorea (involuntary unpredictable body movements from muscle contractions). There is irritability, sensitiveness, and inclination to bouts of weeping and alternate laughing before the onset of chorea symptoms. Trembling occurs in one or more limbs. Twitching occurs either in a single muscle or a group of muscles mainly in the upper body part.  When chorea triggers from fright, this medicine is of great help. There appears creeping sensation in limbs followed by violent movements. In most cases, the movements occur in the left arm and right foot.  It is also well indicated when there occurs constant motion of hands and arms as if spinning.  It is useful for managing the trembling of hands and arms. Its use is also considered to manage hip-joint pain on the left side. It works magnificently in cases of abscess (a lump containing pus) of the left hip joint with excessive pain. Stramonium is also valuable to manage creeping sensations in thighs, feet, and toes. It can be administered in cases of paralysis of lower limbs as well. Twitching in hands and feet can be managed well with this medicine.

Key Indicating Features

Chorea preceded by irritability, sensitiveness, and an inclination to both weep and laugh

Twitching in a single muscle or group of muscles mainly in the upper body part

Chorea triggered by fright

Creeping sensation in limbs followed by violent movements


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from looking at shining objects, the surface of water, sun exposure, fright, touch, and pressure

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from bright light, in company, and warmth


Its use is recommended in thirtieth and lower potencies in general. The potency is selected per every individual case based on the symptom presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Nux Vomica, and Camphor

It antidotes: Merc Sol and Plumbum Met


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Helonias Dioica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Helonias Dioica is derived from the plant Unicorn Root also known by the name of ‘blazing star’. It belongs to family Melanthaceae. To obtain this medicine the roots of this plant have to undergo potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of its crude form). After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Helonias Dioica. It is a highly valuable medicine in homeopathy and manages very well uterus disorders, especially, uterine prolapse, and backache.

The ‘Helonias Dioica’ Constitution

This medicine is most suited for the women who are nervous, and become easily fatigued by any kind of hard work either mental or physical. They may suffer from uterine prolapse. They frequently complain of backache, and a tired feeling in the back that goes down the limbs. It is also suitable for women who have aching, and burning sensation  in overstrained muscles.

Drug Action

Among its most notable results are its action on the uterus. Other than this it also acts well on the brain, urinary organs, and back.

Clinical Indications

Uterus disorders, pruritis vulva, leucorrhoea, uterus atony, menopausal complaints, painful menses (dysmenorrhoea), heavy menses (menorrhagia), intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia), weakness, backache, depression, kidney pain, diabetes, impotency

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Female Problems (Prolapse Of Uterus, Vaginal Discharge, Itching, Backache, Weakness, Heavy Menses, Intermenstrual Bleeding)

This remedy’s sphere of action is mainly centered on the uterus. It is a highly suitable medicine to manage cases of prolapse of uterus and also malposition of uterus. There is uterine atony and relaxation of ligaments of uterus.  Weight, and heaviness is felt in uterus. A dragging sensation in pelvis, and sacral area may accompany. Excessive weakness, and fatigue accompanies. Sometimes there are ulcers in cervix. It is also accompanied by constant dark, and bad smelling vaginal discharge. There is also soreness, and tenderness in the uterus. A major guiding feature for its use is consciousness of the womb (a woman feels uterus is moving when she moves).

Its use is also recommended to manage itching in vulva (pruritis vulva), the itching may occur on labia, clitoris, and skin just outside vagina. The vulva itches intensely. It is also red and swollen. Heat and burning are felt in vulva. In some cases, there may develop ulcers on vulva.

Further, it is of great clinical significance to manage cases of leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge). For those who need it, the vaginal discharge is lumpy or curdled and has a foul smell. It is accompanied by pain in the lower back. There can be vaginal infections in women needing it since childbirth.

It is a well-indicated medicine to manage long-term weaknesses that women have since childbirth. Weakness after abortion or miscarriage can also be well managed with this medicine. Women who feel weakness during menopause can also be benefitted from this remedy. It proves highly effective in managing back pain among those women who might have encountered it after miscarriage.

It is also indicated for women who have a loss of sexual desire. Another important indication to use it is intermenstrual bleeding from lifting weights or from very little exertion. It can also manage well heavy periods. The menstrual flow is heavy and lasts too long accompanied by marked weakness. Bleeding gets worse from slight motion. Blood is dark and clotted, and it has a bad odour. Back pain and frequent palpitations can also be present.

This medicine is also suitable for managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). Women who require this medicine experience sharp, cutting, and drawing pain during menses. The pain passes from the back through the uterus. The ovaries are sore. The breast is swollen along with excessive tenderness. It is a highly useful medicine to reduce swelling of breasts and pain, and tenderness of nipples.

Key Indicating Features

Prolapse of the uterus with a dragging sensation in the sacral region

Malposition of uterus

A dragging sensation in the pelvis, and sacral area with excessive weakness

Consciousness of the womb

Itching in vulva (pruritis vulva)

Vaginal discharge – lumpy or curdled having a foul smell

2. Complaints Of The Mind (Depression)

Helonias also acts wonderfully on the mind. This medicine is suitable for managing cases of depression. Those who need it have profound sadness and a desire to be alone. There is an aversion to any conversation that seems unpleasant. Excessive irritability is present in them. They cannot bear even the slightest contradiction. They are restless and want to be moving continuously. They feel better while they are busy and the mind is engaged in doing some or the other work. In general, they have a fault-finding nature.

Key Indicating Features

Depression with profound sadness, desire to be alone, and aversion to any conversation

Cannot bear contradiction

Relief when one gets busy with work

3. Urinary Issues (Frequent Urine, Burning, Kidney Pain, Diabetes)

It can prove helpful in managing certain urinary complaints. Firstly, it can help cases of frequent urination. The urgency to pass urine is marked. There occurs burning and scalding while urinating. Secondly, it is beneficial in managing kidney pain. Along with this albumin may pass in the urine. The kidney on the right side may be sensitive to touch. The prominent symptom here to use it are burning sensation in the kidney region, the sufferer can trace the outline of the kidneys by constant burning. Weakness and weight is also felt in the kidney region. It is also well-indicated in managing cases of diabetes. There is profuse urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, irritability, and sadness in such cases where it is required. It is also indicated to manage numbness in feet that gets better by motion in cases of diabetes. Males having complaints of erectile dysfunction in the case of diabetes (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse) may find this medicine quite useful.

Key Indicating Features

Frequent, urgent urination with burning and scalding

Burning sensation in the kidney region; the sufferer can trace the outline of kidneys by the constant burning

Diabetes – profuse urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, irritability, and sadness

Numbness in feet gets better upon movement in cases of diabetes

Erectile dysfunction in cases of diabetes

4. Back Problems (Backache, Burning, Weakness, Dragging)

It acts very well on the back. It is highly valuable in managing the pain in the back accompanied by weakness and tiredness in the back. Weight on the back is also felt. A characteristic symptom is a burning sensation in the lower back. It worsens mostly upon sitting. In some cases, pain from the lower back may extend down the legs. Stiffness is also there in the back. Among those who need it, the pain in the back worsens at night. This medicine can be considered in cases where aching, and dragging is felt in the sacral region in cases of uterine prolapse.

Key Indicating Features

Backache accompanied by weakness, and tiredness in the back area

The burning sensation in the lower back worsens upon sitting

Pain in the back worsens at night

Aching, dragging in the sacral region in cases of uterine prolapse


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from touch, motion, stooping, and from fatigue

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better while one is busy when doing something (mental diversion)


Depending on case to case, it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency, frequent repetition is usually not recommended.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It antidotes Kali Bromatum and Lilium Tigrinum

It can be compared with other remedies including Aletris Farinosa, Ferrum Met, Pulsatilla, Senecio Aureus, Stannum Met, Phosphoric Acid and Lilium Tigrinum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cannabis Indica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Cannabis Indica is derived from young leaves and twigs of plant Cannabis Indica, commonly known as Indian marijuana. This plant belongs to family Cannabinaceae. The young leaves and twigs of this plant undergo potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extract and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance). With this process, it gets converted into a very important medicine Cannabis Indica. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of memory weakness, absent mindedness, hallucinations, fears and certain urinary complaints.

Drug Action

The top most action of this medicine is seen on the mind. Second important action is noted on head and urinary organs. Next it acts well on ears. It shows noteworthy action on male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Memory weakness, delusions, fears, absent mindedness, urinary disorders, kidney disorders, headache, satyriasis, priapism, gonorrhoea, heavy menses (menorrhagia), painful menses (dysmenorrhoea), infertility, paralysis, sleeplessness, teeth grinding, night mares

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind Complaints (Weak Memory, Hallucinations, Fears)

The foremost action of this medicine is noted on the mind. It is a superb medicine for cases of memory weakness. Short term memory is poor, persons needing it are forgetful while writing or speaking. They start to speak or write a sentence but forget what they were about to speak or write so are unable to finish it. When speaking they tend to forget their last words and ideas. It is also a principal medicine for absent mindedness, poor concentration and foggy mind. It is a wonderful medicine for certain hallucinations (seeing, hearing or smelling things that appear to be real but do not exist in reality). It firstly includes a feeling as if body is swelling and becoming larger. Another is hearing music or numberous bells chiming at the same time when in actual there are none. Another symptom is a hallucination that someone is calling him/her. A characteristic indication is a sense of exaggeration of time and space. Time seems very long, time of few seconds feels like ages. A distance of some miles seems a very long distance. It is also indicated for cases of emotional excitement, exaltation of spirit with excessive talkativeness. There is constant theorizing and a person gets lost in thoughts. Further indication is uncontrollable laughter with extreme happiness (especially drug induced). There is a disposition to laugh on the slightest pretext and a person may laugh at every word said to him.  It is best suited to manage certain fears. These are fear of becoming mad, fear of approaching death, and fear of darkness.

Key Indicating Features

Memory weakness with poor short term memory

Forgetfulness in writing or speaking

Absent mindedness, poor concentration and foggy mind

Sense of exaggeration of time and space,

Emotional excitement, exaltation of spirit with excessive talkativeness

Uncontrollable laughter with disposition to laugh from slightest trifle and at every word said to him

Fear of becoming mad, fear of approaching death, and fear of darkness

2. Head (Headache)

With its magnificent action on head, it gives remarkable results in cases of headache. For using it, the pain may be felt in forehead that can be throbbing or dull drawing in nature. In some cases, dull or throbbing pain is felt in the back of the head and neck. A heavy weight is felt in the back of head. A very unique guiding feature for its use is a feeling as if the top of head is opening and shutting. Headache with hallucinations is also indicative for its use. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of involuntary shaking of head.

Key Indicating Features

Dull, throbbing pain in forehead or back of head and neck

Headache with hallucinations

Feeling as if the top of head is opening and shutting

Involuntary shaking of head

3. Ear (Noises, Sensitivity, Pain)

This medicine also acts well on ears. With its action on ears, it can manage well complaint of noises in ears (tinnitus). It can be used for ringing, buzzing or noises like that of boiling water in ear. There may be intense sensitivity to noise. Lastly, it is beneficial for throbbing and aching in ears along with a feeling of blockade in ears.

Key Indicating Features

Ringing, buzzing or noises like that of boiling water in ear

Intense sensitivity to noise

Throbbing and aching in ears along with feeling of blockade in ears

4. Urinary Issues (Difficult Urination, Painful Urination, Kidney Pain)

This medicine proves effective to treat some of the urinary issues. Firstly, it is indicated when there is difficulty in urination. The sufferer has to wait for some time and strain for urine to flow. After the stream ends, there is dribbling of urine. It is helpful to manage painful urination. It can be given when pain is burning, scalding or stinging in nature. It may be felt either before, during or after urination. Other than this, it can be given in cases of kidney pain. It is useful for dull, aching, burning or sharp stitching pain in kidney.

Key Indicating Features

Difficulty in urination, has to wait for some time and strain before urine flows

Burning, scalding or stinging pain before, during or after urination

Kidney pain that can be dull, aching, burning or sharp stitching type

5. Male Problems (Increased Sexual Desire, Painful Erections, Gonorrhoea)

Cannabis Indica is of much help in treating certain male problems as well. This medicine is valuable for controlling increased sexual desire in men. Males needing it have uncontrollable excessive sexual desire (satyriasis). It is also well indicated for managing painful erections. Its use is often considered for priapism cases. Priapism refers to persistent, painful erections continuing for hours without any sexual stimulation. It is also an important medicine to relieve pain in the back that occurs after sexual intercourse. Cannabis Indica is an important medicine for treating gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). Here, it work well for cases presenting with profuse yellow white discharge from urethra.

Key Indicating Features

Increased, uncontrollable sexual desire

Persistent, painful erections without any sexual stimulation

Backache after sexual intercourse

Gonorrhoea with profuse yellow white discharge from urethra

6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Painful Menses, Infertility)

If we talk of female problems, then this medicine can successfully handle cases of heavy menses along with pain. The menses last for prolonged time around two weeks. The menstrual bleeding is dark colored. The uterine pain is intense and is attended with difficult painful urination. An increased desire for sex may be present along with painful menses. Back pain also occurs during menses. Cannabis Indica can also be recommended for treating infertility. In such cases it is well indicated when there is increased sexual desire in women having infertility.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses of dark blood along with intense uterine pain and difficult painful urination

An increased desire for sex along with painful menses

Infertility with an increased sexual desire

7. Limbs (Weakness, Paralysis)

Action of this medicine is also noted on the limbs. Cannabis Indica is of great help in managing weakness in the limbs along with stiffness. Its use is also recommended for management of paralysis of lower limbs and right arm. It is a suitable medicine when there is pain in soles, calves, knees, ankles along with fatigue from walking even slight distance.

Key Indicating Features

Weakness in limbs accompanied with stiffness

Paralysis of lower limbs and right arm

8. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Teeth Grinding, Nightmares)

Cannabis Indica is of great clinical significance to deal with cases of long term insomnia (sleeplessness problem). Here it is effective for persons who feel sleepy but are unable to sleep. Another prominent complaint for which it can be used is talking in sleep and grinding of teeth during sleep.  Its use is also preferred for cases of jerking of limbs during sleep. Besides these its use is suggested for cases of nightmares. The dreams can be of dead bodies or of some immediate danger.

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness, person feels sleepy but cannot sleep

Talking in sleep

Grating teeth during sleep

Jerking limbs during sleep

Nightmares with dreams of dead bodies or of some immediate danger


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from coffee, tobacco, in morning and when lying on right side

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in fresh air, by rest, from cold water


This medicine works well in both low and high potency. If taken in low potency, it can be repeated frequently. In high potency, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with other medicines including Agaricus, Belladonna, Cannabis Sativa, Hyoscyamus, Lachesis and Stramonium


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Medorrhinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Medorrhinum is a deep acting polychrest medicine that acts on various body parts, and is highly valuable to treat several health issues. It is mostly administered to treat complaints arising from suppressed gonorrhoea. It is a well suited medicine for women suffering from pelvic disorders. Its use in treating joint complaints is also noteworthy. It is also well suited to children who have stunted growth. For cases of warts, especially on genitals, it proves to be a great medicine.

Drug ActionThis medicine has a widespread action on various body parts. It acts quite well on the brain, female, and male genitals. Next, it acts well on the nose, urinary organs, back, skin, limbs, joints and respiratory organs.

Clinical Indications

Memory weakness, various fears, drug-abuse, obsessive compulsive disorder, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, ovary pain, inflammation, cysts, fibroids, sexual abuse, warts, gonorrhoea, prostate enlargement, itching, cold, sinusitis, bedwetting, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis, cough, asthma, backache, joint pains

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Regarding Brain (Memory Weakness, Various Fears, Drug Abuse, OCD)

Medorrhinum acts wonderfully on the brain. It is a brilliant medicine in cases of weak memory. Those who need it are very forgetful. They tend to forget names of closed ones even sometimes their own, words, spellings, and initial letters. They make mistakes in reading, and writing. They are forgetful while talking, and lose the thread of conversation often. It is magnificent medicine to manage cases of fear, anxiety, and panic attacks. Main fears that are present in those who require it include fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer, and sexually transmitted diseases. Those who need it are anxious, sensitive, nervous by their very nature. They are always in great hurry.   Its use is also suggested for cases of depression. There is sadness, tearfulness and such people keep dwelling in the past. Suicidal thoughts may occur. There is hopelessness about recovery. In many cases there may occur frequent mood swings. Happiness alternates with sadness. It also has an affinity to manage cases of schizophrenia (a mental health condition characterized by various hallucinations, and delusions and that affects thinking, emotions, behavior, and decision making quality of a person). It is of great use to tackle cases of drug abuse and alcoholism. Its use is also suggested in cases of OCD  or obsessive compulsive disorder (mental health condition in which the sufferer has constant unwanted thoughts and fears leading to repetitive behavior). There is fear of contamination, germs and the person keeps washing hands due to fear of contamination.

Key Indicating Features

Weak memory and forgetfulness

Forgetfulness of names of closed ones even sometimes own, words, spellings, and initial letters

Fear of dark, enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), misfortune, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases

Drug abuse and alcoholism

Obsessive compulsive disorder, fear of contamination, germs and washing hands again and again

2. Female Problems (Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea, Dysmenorrhoea, Ovary Pain, Inflammation, Cysts, Fibroids, Sexual Abuse)

It is very effective in treating several women related problems. It is of great clinical significance in treating warts on female genitals. It is a valuable medicine for treating vaginitis (vaginal inflammation). The main indication is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) which is thick, having fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation. There is marked vaginal itching too. Rubbing relieves it. Washing with lukewarm water also soothes the itching. Next, it can manage well painful periods (dysmenorrhea). Those women who need it experience intense labour like painful periods. It gets better by pressing feet against a support. Another complaint in which case it gives good results is heavy menses. It is used when the menses are heavy, offensive, dark and clotted. Other than this it can be used in cases of intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia) especially during menopausal period. Its use is also recommended to manage ovarian pain. It gets worse on the left side. Pain is drawing in nature. It gets better from pressure. It is well suited to women having chronic inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes or have ovarian cysts (fluid filled sacs), fibroids (non – cancerous growths in uterus). Its use is also highly considered in cases of infertility in females. Complaints that occur after sexual abuse in women can be managed with this medicine. Lastly, it is administered to women who have excessive sexual desire or have sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Warts on female genitals

Vaginitis with thick discharges from vagina of fishy odour that causes burning and excoriation

Vaginal itching, gets better from rubbing, and washing with lukewarm water

Painful periods with intense labour like painful periods with drawing up of knees

Heavy periods with offensive, dark and clotted blood

Inflammation of ovaries, fallopian tubes, ovarian cysts, fibroids

Infertility in females

3. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Urethritis, Prostate Enlargement, High Sex Drive)

Males may find this medicine quite useful in treating some of the health concerns. Firstly, it is an important medicine to manage gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It is indicated when there is a thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow. Secondly, it is helpful to manage urethritis with marked soreness of urethra. Thirdly, it is used in cases of enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination. This medicine is very suitable to control men with high sex drive. Those men who need it have intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour that points towards sexual desire. It is also preferred in cases of sexual perversions.

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with thin, transparent urethral discharge mixed with white mucus staining clothes yellow

Urethritis with marked soreness of urethra

Enlarged prostate gland with frequent painful urination

Men with high sex drive and intense sexual fantasies, intense erections day and night, and behaviour indicating sexual desire

Sexual perversions

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Restless Legs, Cramps, Leg Pain, Burning)

This medicine acts quite well on the limbs and the joints. It helps manage pain and stiffness in any of the body joints. Another remarkable indication for its use is deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles. It is also administered in cases of pain, swelling and stiffness of ankles. Another complaint in which it gives excellent results is restlessness of the legs, and people cannot keep them still. There are cramps in the legs that get better by stretching. It can also be given in cases of pain in the legs especially felt while walking. The legs feel very heavy and walking may get difficult. Lastly, it can deal effectively in cases of burning sensation in hands and feet.

Key Indicating Features

Pain and stiffness in any of the joint of body

Deformity of finger joints with large puffy knuckles

Restlessness of legs, person cannot keep them still

Burning sensation in hands and feet

5. Back (Backache, Neck Pain)

It manages backache very well. It is usually given when there is pain in the back along with burning sensation in the spine. The burning starts in the neck, and goes down the spine. There is also soreness, and tenderness in the spine. It is also well-indicated for lower back pain that arises from straining caused by lifting. This medicine can be used for neck pain as well. The pain in neck goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back. There is a drawing sensation in the neck. Spasms (involuntary muscle contraction) in neck muscles may occur too.

Key Indicating Features

Backache along with burning sensation in the spine

Back pain that occurs from straining caused by lifting

Neck pain which goes to either side, shoulder, and down the back

6. Nasal Problems (Sinusitis, Hay Fever)

It has wonderful action on nose and paranasal sinuses. It proves to be highly effective in managing cases of sinusitis. Here it is prominently indicated for thick, yellow green nasal discharge, post nasal discharge that is thick and yellow. It is also indicated for managing allergic rhinitis/ hay fever (an allergic condition arising from response to allergens for eg, dust-mites, pollens resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose, and itchy, watery, and red eyes). This medicine is prominent in cases in which there is a constantly runny nose. Along with this there is marked burning pain in nostrils, crawling in left nostril, itching in nostrils, and an obstructed sensation at the root of the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Sinusitis with thick, yellow green nasal discharge or post nasal discharge that is thick, and yellow

Allergic rhinitis with constantly runny nose, burning and itching in nostrils, and obstruction at root of nose

7. Urinary Concerns (Bed-wetting, Kidney Pain, Cystitis, Urethritis, Nephritis)

This medicine can be given to treat certain urinary issues as well. It is useful to treat bedwetting that occurs at night. Those who need it tend to pass excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine in bed at night. It is also well indicated to manage cystitis (bladder inflammation) and urethritis (urethra inflammation). It is also accompanied by burning pain. It also helps in kidney pain. The kidney pain gets worse when one rises after stooping. This pain gets better upon passing urine. It is also indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. In those who need it, scalding occurs during urination. The urine may stain clothes dirty brown.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting at night – passage of excessive amount of strong smelling dark urine

Kidney pain worse when rising from stooping

Kidney pain better by passing excessive urine

8. Skin Issues (Warts, Itching)

Medorrhinum has marked action on the skin. This medicine is mainly indicated to treat warts (fleshy bumps on skin caused by human papilloma virus) on skin. It is most helpful in cases of small pedunculated warts. It proves very beneficial to manage skin itching. There are no eruptions on the skin. One feels like scratching skin until it bleeds. The itching increases at night. Itching is continuous in many cases. Itching also gets worse when one just thinks about it. This medicine also works well when itching occurs specifically over the left side of the body. This medicine also offers help to relieve pricking sensation on the entire body.

Key Indicating Features

Small pedunculated warts on skin

Skin itching worse at night

Itching worse when thinking of it

9. Respiratory Problems (Cough, Asthma)

This medicine also acts well on the respiratory system. It is useful in managing cough. The cough is dry, hacking type. It gets worse when one eats sweets. A characteristic feature is that one gets relief from coughing by lying on the stomach. Its use is also recommended to manage asthma cases. The guiding feature for its use is that the asthma gets better by lying on the abdomen with the protruding tongue. The sufferer has cough with wheezing and whistling in chest occurring when lying on the side or the back. There is desire to take a deep breath. There may be ropy mucus that is difficult to expectorate.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worsens from eating sweet things

Cough gets better by lying on the stomach

Asthma better by lying on abdomen and protruding tongue


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp and cold weather, 3:00 am to 4:00 am, from sunrise to sunset, when one thinks of the complaints

Relieving factors: Complaints get better at seashore, in fresh air, bending backwards, lying on the abdomen


Use of this medicine is recommended in high potencies. This medicine should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Ipecac

Followed well by: Sulphur and Thuja

It can be compared with medicines including Natrum Sulph, Thuja and Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Nux Moschata: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Nux Moschata is derived from plant Myristica Fragrans commonly known as ‘nutmeg’. It belongs to family Myristicaceae. Powdered seeds deprived of mace of this plant are potentized as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. Post-potentization it becomes a highly valuable homeopathic medicine called ‘Nux Moschata.’ It manages really well the cases of memory weakness, excessive drowsiness/sleepiness and dryness of mouth and eyes.

The ‘Nux Moschata’ Constitution

‘Nux Moschata’ is highly suitable to people who have dry skin, and do not sweat easily. Elderly people who have weakness, and have concern of acidity may find this medicine suitable.

Drug Action

This medicine acts well on the brain, mouth, eyes, and gastric system, and also women’s organs. Besides these, its role in treating certain sleep issues is highly recommended.

Clinical Indications

Memory weakness, Alzheimer’s disease, drowsiness, sleepiness, narcolepsy, dry mouth, dry eyes, pterygium, droopy eyelids, colic, flatus, diarrhea, constipation, worms, irregular menses, painful menses, uterine prolapse, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints Pertaining To Brain (Memory Weakness, Alzheimer’s Disease, Change of Mood, Absent-mindedness)

Nux Moschata has a magnificent action on the mind. This medicine is of great clinical significance in managing cases of weak memory. Those who need it complain of sudden vanishing of thoughts while talking, writing or reading. On such occasions, they fail to get the right word and use wrong words instead. While writing they may omit letters in a word or write wrong alphabets. There is slow flow of ideas to the brain, and the person faces difficulty in comprehension. In some cases, there may be complete loss of memory about the past. It is also well-indicated in managing cases of Alzheimer’s Disease (a brain disorder where death of brain cells occurs leading to memory loss and destruction of thinking, behavioral and social skills). It is also helpful in cases of senile dementia (decline of memory in old age). This medicine also has a great ability to manage cases of sudden mood changes. Those who need it are happy one moment, and sad the next moment, and may even start crying. This medicine is also recommended for absent-mindedness. The person may not even answer simple questions, and could even be bereft of the knowledge of his present whereabouts.

Key Indicating Features

Weak memory with vanishing of thoughts while talking, writing or reading

Alzheimer’s Disease

Sudden mood changes with happiness, and laughter at one moment but sadness, and crying the next moment

2. Sleep Issues (Drowsiness, Sleepiness, and Narcolepsy)

Nux Moschata plays a very important role in managing certain sleep issues. First of all, it is a very beneficial medicine in case of excessive drowsiness, and sleepiness. There is overpowering sleep, and irresistible drowsiness. It is the main medicine for cases of narcolepsy (a sleep disorder causing excessive daytime drowsiness and sudden episodes of sleep). It is helpful when a person has tendency to wake up with a jerk from sleep. It is accompanied by sensation of shocks as if electricity is being passed through the body. Lastly, it is well indicated for people who have dreams of falling from high place.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive irresistible drowsiness

Excessive sleepiness


Tendency to wake up with a jerk from sleep with shock like sensation as from electricity being passed through the body

3. Mouth (Dry Mouth)

This medicine has a wonderful effect on the mouth. It is best suited in case of complaints of dry mouth. The dryness is so intense that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. The dryness in the mouth gets worst at night. The lips, and throat get dry as well. But there is absence of thirst in spite of marked dryness. The saliva is produced in a very less amount, it is thick, and feels like cotton in the mouth. The tongue looks white. Bad smell in the mouth is present. Lastly, there is chalky taste in the mouth in the morning .

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of Mouth with the tongue sticking to the roof of the mouth

Intense mouth dryness but absence of thirst

Less saliva, feels like cotton in mouth

4. Eyes Complaints (Dry Eyes, Pterygium, Droopy Eyelids)

Use of Nux Moschata is considered well to manage complaints of dryness of eyes. It puts a hindrance in moving eyelids, and closing them. Next, it can be used in cases of pterygium (abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva). Its last indication is drooping of eyelids (ptosis).

Key Indicating Features

Dry eyes causing hindrance in the movement of eyelid


Drooping of eyelids

5. Gastric Complaints (Bloating, Gas, Colic, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Worms)

It can be used to treat various gastric related problems. To begin with, it offers great help in cases of excessive bloating of abdomen. There is much gas in abdomen and it seems that the entire eaten food has turned into gas. Pressure in the pit of the stomach is felt as if there is obstructed gas. Burning, and heat is also felt in the stomach. This medicine is also suitable when there occurs pain in abdomen soon after eating. There is soreness of the navel. Pinching pain is felt in the navel region. Any outside pressure relieves it. Weight is felt in the upper part of the abdomen.

This medicine works well in cases of constipation as well as diarrhea. For constipation, its use is recommended when there is difficulty in passing stool. The stool is soft but requires much straining to pass. In cases of diarrhea, it is mostly used when loose stool is accompanied by loss of appetite, and excessive sleepiness. Stool is copious, offensive with a tendency to faint. During the passing of stool, stitching pain is felt in the anus. After passing the stool, the anus, and rectum both feel constricted. Diarrhea due to cold or drinking cold drinks in the summer can be managed well with this medicine. Lastly, it is a valuable medicine to deal with cases of worms in the children. Here, it is given when stinging pain in the stomach is present, and there is excessive sleepiness.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive bloating, and gas in abdomen as if entire food has turned into gas

Abdomen pain soon after eating

Stinging, and pinching in the navel region, get better when outside pressure is applied

Constipation when the stool (even if soft) is difficult to pass

Diarrhoea when loose stool is accompanied by loss of appetite, and excessive sleepiness

Diarrhoea due to cold or drinking cold drinks in summers

Worms in children with stinging pain in stomach and excessive sleepiness

6. Female Problems (Irregular Menses, Painful Menses, Uterine Prolapse, Leucorrhoea)

For women, Nux Moschata can be of great help in treating various ailments. Firstly, it is mainly helpful when the menses are irregular in terms of time and its amount of flow. These may come too early or too late. The menstrual bleeding may be profuse or scanty. When the periods are suppressed from fright or from cold this medicine is mostly indicated. Next, it is suitable when the periods last too long. The blood is dark, and thick. This medicine can be given to manage painful menses. There is bearing down in the abdomen and drawing pain in limbs, great pressure, and pain in the back along with weakness. Besides these, it can be used to manage cases of prolapse of uterus and vagina; cases in which there occurs passage of gas from vagina; and leucorrhoea (vaginal discharges). For those who need it, leucorrhoea may occur in place of menses. The discharge is muddy or bloody.

Key Indicating Features

Irregular menses in terms of time and the amount of flow

Suppressed menses from fright or from getting cold

Painful menses with bearing down in abdomen, drawing in limbs, and pain in back along with weakness

Prolapse of uterus, and vagina

Passage of gas from vagina

Leucorrhoea in place of menses

Vaginal discharge that are muddy or bloody


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from shock, emotions, alcohol, wind, motion, jarring, and dampness

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in warm room, from moist heat, and in dry weather


Depending from case to case, the potency of this medicine varies from low to high. One should not repeat its high potency frequently while in low potency it can be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Opium, and Zincum Met

It antidotes: Arsenic Album, Laurocerasaus and Rhododendron

Followed well by: Antimonium Tart, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Stramonium


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Best Homeopathic Medicines for PTSD

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a serious psychological condition which occurs in people who have undergone some terrifying stressful trauma (for example, sexual assault, road accident, domestic violence). Most people who face a traumatic experience undergo fear, anxiety, shock, and nervousness. These are the common reactions in response to stressful events and do not usually result in PTSD. If anxiety or the stressful condition persists for more than a month and hinders social functioning, then it is indicative of PTSD.

The main symptoms of PTSD are flashbacks of horrifying events in the past, nightmares, and hallucinations. Patients with PTSD want to be left alone and are indifferent to life. Disturbed sleep and difficulty in concentration are also common complaints of PTSD. Homeopathic treatment for PTSD helps remove the imprints of trauma and brings about natural recovery. 

homeopathic treatment for PTSD

Homeopathic Treatment for PTSD

Homeopathy remedies are made up of natural substances and are very safe. The advantage of homeopathy treatment for PTSD is that it does not make a person dependent. Homeopathy cures the person without any side effects. These natural remedies do not slow down the body’s natural processes and make it dull, as might be the case with other treatments.

Top Homeopathic medicines for PTSD

Top recommended medicines for PTSD are Ignatia, Natrum Mur, Kali Phos and Staphysagria. Ignatia, an excellent medicine for PTSD, is of great help when depression frustration and hopelessness accompany PTSD. Ignatia also works well when a person is quarrelsome and exhibits mood swings. Natrum Muriaticum acts well for PTSD when a person tends to dwell on past unpleasant memories. The person wants to be isolated and is afraid of new relationships.  Kali Phosphoricum is a well-indicated medicine for PTSD when night terrors accompany it. In such cases, patients have an aversion to meeting people and talking to them. Staphysagria is considered when there is history of some physical or sexual abuse of the sufferer.

In homeopathy treatment for PTSD, the patient is considered a whole entity. Thus, the cure acts at all the levels, including the psychological level.

1. Ignatia

Ignatia is a leading medicine to help persons having PTSD. It is well indicated when the sufferer has flashbacks of past incidents. The thoughts of that event keep crossing the person’s mind. There is sadness, depressing feelings, weeping spells, desire to be alone and aversion to talk. The person feels angry about himself/herself. There is anxiety, terror and fearfulness. Hopelessness is marked as well. Other symptoms include moodiness and  aversion to any amusement. Due to thoughts of terrifying events crossing through mind, sleeplessness prevails. It is best for PTSD that follow unexpected death of a loved one.

2. Natrum Mur

This medicine is of great help for cases of depression in case of PTSD. Those needing it frequently recall the trauma faced in the past. They feel sad all the time along with weeping spells. They isolate themselves after the traumatic event. They have no desire to do work, either mental or physical. They get irritable frequently. They feel afraid to form relationships, with a trust deficit in others.

3. Kali Phos

Kali Phos is helpful in managing various issues in PTSD cases. Firstly, it is very effective in managing sleeplessness. It is also useful for excessive restlessness during sleep. It is well indicated to manage nightmares (frightful dreams). Its use is also suggested to deal with depression, sadness, anxiety, memory issues.

3. Staphysagria

This medicine is most suitable to persons who developed PTSD after some sexual or physical abuse.  It acts well when a person keeps dwelling on past unpleasant incidents. There occur spells of anger. During anger outbursts the sufferer tends to throw or break things. Additionally, feeling of guilt and self-pity also predominates. Worthlessness, depression may attend.

4. Sepia

Sepia is very useful in persons who become indifferent and show an aversion to family, friends, company, and sympathy. They do not wish to do any work. They feel helpless,  weeping episodes occur often. They have anxiety along with fear, flushes of heat especially in evening. They get irritable and offended easily.

5. Aurum Met

It acts well when the sufferer is intensely depressed, has no hope and has self harming or suicidal thoughts. Future seems dark to them. They have no love for life and desire death. They get offended easily. They overreact to any situation that seems to hurt their feelings.

6. Coffea Cruda

Coffea Cruda works well in cases where there is sleeplessness with a continuous flow of ideas in mind. Mental activity keeps a person awake and makes him restless. It is also indicated for restless sleep with tossing and turning in bed from side to side. The person may wake up frequently from sleep with a sudden jerk.

7. Opium

Opium acts well in cases of PTSD when a person is sleepy but is unable to sleep.  Some noises coming from far away distance keeps the person awake. The person develops fear after the fright (sudden feeling of fear or shock) which remains for a long time.

8. Aconite

This medicine should be considered to deal with anxiety and panic attacks in cases of PTSD. The persons who need this medicine are terror stuck and are afraid to go out. During anxiety spells, they feel very restless. They have fear of death. It is also indicated when the thoughts of an unfortunate event haunt the person with marked anxiety and restlessness. Aconite is also well indicated to manage nightmares in PTSD cases.

9. Nux Vomica

It is a very effective medicine for PTSD when the patient shows violent anger spells. The person gets offended easily, may get angry even without provocation.

Symptoms of PTSD

The symptoms of PTSD can be triggered by words or situations reminding of trauma faced in the past. These may begin in the first three months after the traumatic incident, however in some cases may not occur for years after the event.

These symptoms are as follows:

1. Emotional distress and Intrusive memories

It includes

unwanted unpleasant memories of trauma faced

flashbacks of horrifying events in the past as if these are occurring again

nightmares about trauma

physical reaction to things which remind the sufferer of trauma faced


2. Avoidance symptoms

Patients with PTSD want to be left alone. They avoid talking about the terrific event faced.  They avoid going to places or people that remind them of the trauma.

3. Thinking and mood changes

Negative thinking

Feeling indifferent to life, and detached from their family and friends

Difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships


Loss of interest in activities that in past were loved and enjoyable

4. Arousal and reactivity

Getting startled easily

Irritability and anger outbursts

Lack of concentration

Self-harming behavior

5. Others symptoms  

Problems in sleeping

Guilt, self-blame

Difficulty in remembering things

Depression and panic attacks

In females: Anxiety, depression, getting startled easily, feeling emotionless are marked

In males: Symptoms of avoidance, mood, arousal predominate

Cause behind PTSD

A person may go on developing PTSD if he / she has actually gone through or just seen or heard about some terrifying event for example sexual assault, serious injury.

1. The exact reason behind PTSD is yet not fully understood. However, it is thought to arise from interplay of some factors as follows:

Stressful trauma

Family history of depression or anxiety

Personality traits inherited from parents

How the chemicals and hormones released during stress is being regulated by brain

2. PTSD tends to develop in persons who have gone through some terrifying or traumatic events in past. For example

 sexual assault

an accident

childhood physical abuse

a natural disaster


domestic violence

sudden unexpected death of a loved one

having someone in family suffering from life threatening illness

Having miscarriage

Though not everyone who has faced any event like the above develop PTSD because everyone handles stress differently but such incidents increased PTSD risk

3. It has been observed that persons who have PTSD have small Hippocampus (a part of the brain which controls memory and emotions) but it is not clear whether their hippocampus is already small before trauma or it shrinked following trauma. It requires further research for clarification.

4. Stress levels may be abnormal in persons having PTSD that leads to excited fight or flight response.

Risk Factors

Though anyone can develop PTSD but some factors as follows put a person at risk:

1. Already suffering from depression or anxiety or family history

2. Men and women, especially those who are emergency front line and rescue workers, are often affected by PTSD

3. History of childhood abuse

4. Excessive alcohol drinking and drug abuse

5. Medical conditions like cancer, stroke, heart attack are linked with increase risk of PTSD


PTSD hinders relationship with family members, jobs and day to day activities. It puts person at risk of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and drug abuse or alcohol abuse.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Picricum Acidum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Picricum Acidum, also known as ‘Picric Acid’, is derived from Trinitrophenolum. Inert in its crude state, when Trinitrophenolum is potentized as per homeopathic formula which is a process of arousing the latent medicinal properties from a crude substance, we obtain a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Picricum Acidum. If we have to pick the most important indications for its use, then these would be brain fag and exhaustion, either mental or physical.

The ‘Picricum Acidum’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people who are exhausted, tired mentally and physically. It also suits well anemic and weak people.

Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is seen on the mind, brain, spine and back. Other than this, it acts well on limbs, ear and male genitals. It has well-defined action to manage cases of fatigue and weakness, either mental or physical.

Clinical Indications

Brain fag, dementia, memory weakness, weakness, headaches, backache, spinal irritation, anaemia, writer’s cramp, deafness, ear boils, emissions, priapism

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Mind Complaints (Brain Fag, Memory Weakness)

Picricum Acidum has magnificent action on the mind. It is one of the best suited medicine for cases of ‘brain fag’. Brain fag refers to set of symptoms including mental exhaustion, difficult concentration, confusion of mind, forgetfulness, and lack of focus and mental clarity. It can be attended with pain in head, neck and eyes. In case of brain fag, it works well when there is mental exhaustion following even the least reading or writing. It is accompanied by headache. There is also inability to use the mind in thinking or talking. A person feels aversion to do any physical or mental work. A person just wishes to sit still with no interest in his surroundings. Next, it is prominently indicated for forgetfulness and weakness of memory. This memory weakness may be a result of prolonged, stress and strain on mind or anxiety. There is inability to collect thoughts and quick prostration occurs from using mind. Another characteristic feature for its use is fear of examination and fear of failure. This medicine can also help persons who have undergone mental shock from a death. Those needing it feels exhausted, tired, want to lie down and sleep all time.

Key Indicating Features

Brain fag with mental exhaustion after least intellectual work attended with headache

Forgetfulness and memory weakness

Fear of examination and failure

2. Head (Headaches)

It has marked action on the head to manage cases of headache. Its use is mainly recommended for headache that is dull throbbing type and gets worse from study. The slightest mental exertion worsens it. Headache gets better by bandaging the head tightly or by taking rest. It is very beneficial for people who have headache resulting from nervous exhaustion. Teachers, students who get frequent headaches and over-worked businessmen may find this medicine very helpful. It is also effective for headache that occurs after grief or other depressing emotions. In most cases needing it, pain is present in the back of head (occiput) and neck. The pain may radiate down the spine too.

Key Indicating Features

Headache worse from study, nervous exhaustion and slightest mental exertion

Headache better by bandaging head tightly or from rest

Headache of teachers, students and over worked businessmen

Headache after grief, or other depressing emotions

3. Back And Spine (Backache, Spine Burning)

Picricum Acidum is of great clinical significance in managing many complaints related to back and spine. The main indication for its use is backache with weakness and tiredness. The person is unable to sit straight. It is accompanied with peculiar burning sensation in the spine. There is also a sensation as if the back is bandaged. A dragging sensation and aching is felt in the lower back which worsens from movement. Heaviness is also felt in the lower back. In some cases, pain along with lower back also occurs in the front part of thighs. The lower back is sensitive to pressure.

Key Indicating Features

Backache with weakness, tiredness

Burning sensation in the spine

Dragging and aching in the lower back worsens from motion

4. Limbs (Weakness, Pin Needle Sensation, Tiredness, Writer’s Cramp)

This medicine is highly valuable in managing certain concerns related to limbs. Firstly, it is a useful medicine for cases of tiredness, heaviness and weakness in the limbs. The legs feel weak and feel heavy like lead and are lifted with much difficulty. It is accompanied by trembling of legs. Its use is highly suggested for managing pin and needle sensation in the limbs. Another prominent indication to use this medicine is numbness and crawling in the legs. Another guiding feature to use Picric Acid is heaviness and a cold feeling in the feet. Lastly, it is beneficial for Writer’s Cramps (involuntary muscle spasm or cramps in hands while writing) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Tiredness, heaviness and weakness in the limbs

Weak legs that feels heavy like lead

Pin and needle sensation in the limbs

Numbness and crawling in the legs

5. Ears (Noises, Boils)

With its action on ears, Picricum proves successful in managing noises in ear (tinnitus). Noises can be hissing or buzzing in nature. It is attended with vertigo and headache. There may be hearing loss as well. It is well indicated to treat boils (pus-filled lump) in the ear that are painful.

Key Indicating Features

Hissing or buzzing in ears along with vertigo and headache

Painful boils (pus-filled lump) in ear

6. Male Problems (Emissions, Priapism)

Males may find this medicine helpful to relieve weakness that occurs from frequent seminal emissions. There is tendency to violent erections and frequent emissions at night without sensual dreams. This medicine is also recommended for cases of priapism (persistent and painful erections of penis unrelated to sexual activity). Lastly, it offers help in cases of enlargement of prostate gland.

Key Indicating Features

Weakness from frequent seminal emissions

Violent erections and frequent emissions at night without sensual dreams

Priapism (persistent and painful erections of penis unrelated to sexual activity)


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from least exertion especially mental, study, after sleep, in wet or hot weather

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold air, bandaging, tight pressure and rest


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general, low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Picricum Acidum can be compared with other medicines including Gelsemium, Argentum Nitricum, Oxalic Acid, Phosphorus and Silicea


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cocculus Indicus: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Cocculus Indicus is derived from a plant named ‘Indian cockle’ also known as Anamirta Cocculus. It belongs to family Menispermaceae. When powdered seeds of this plant go through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a brilliant homeopathic remedy Cocculus Indicus. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing certain health complaints like motion sickness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, sleeplessness and complaints arising from loss of sleep.

The ‘Cocculus Indicus’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to sad, nervous, sensitive, fearful, timid people. It is suitable to handle complaints after mental and physical overexertion.

Drug Action

Cocculus Indicus acts wonderfully on the mind, gastric system, female organs, head and limbs. It is one of the best medicines for managing vertigo as well. It can manage well certain sleep issues too. Besides these, its action is noted on neck, back and ears.

Clinical Indications

Motion sickness, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, sleep deprivation, sleep loss, nursing complaints from, jet lag, headaches, weakness, menstrual problems, heavy periods, painful menses (dysmenorrhea), vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) colic, gas, hernia, constipation and diarrhea, meniere’s disease, joint pain

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind Complaints (Mental Fatigue, Memory Issues, Depression, Fear, Anxiety)

Cocculus Indicus has marvellous action on the mind. To begin with it is a brilliant medicine to help cases of mental fatigue that follows loss of sleep. It is an excellent medicine for managing complaints that follow nursing others (taking care of someone who is ill). It is also beneficial for cases of memory weakness. Several memories are forgotten and the mind goes blank at times. This medicine works well in cases of depression also. The sufferer is immensely sad. They remain absorbed in deep sad thoughts. Mind dwells on disagreeable events that happened in the past.  Weeping spells can occur too. This medicine is very suitable for managing anxiety issues. Those needing it have excessive anxiety about the health of others. Its use is also recommended to manage certain fears. These include fear of death, ghosts, and danger. In general, those persons requiring it are highly sensitive in nature. They are most sensitive to noise, touch, insults and disappointments.

Key Indicating Features

Mental fatigue following loss of sleep

Complaints that follow nursing others (taking care of someone who is ill)

Anxiety about health of others

Fear of death, of ghosts, of danger

2. Vertigo

It is a very frequently used medicine for managing cases of vertigo. The most characteristic symptom for its use is vertigo attended with nausea and vomiting. It is also one of the best medicines for vertigo that occurs while travelling in a car or train. Vertigo gets worse on sitting and looking at the moving surroundings in a moving vehicle. A person who suffers from vertigo due to loss of sleep can also be highly benefitted with this remedy.

Key Indicating Features

Vertigo with nausea and vomiting

Vertigo while travelling in a car or train

Vertigo from loss of sleep

3. Gastric Problems (Motion Sickness, Nausea, Vomiting, Pain, Gas, Hernia, Constipation And Diarrhea)

Cocculus Indicus has wide action on the gastric system. It is a highly recommended medicine to manage complaint of motion sickness. It is a problem that can occur when travelling in car, train, aeroplane, boat causing symptoms including nausea, vomiting, dizziness and trouble maintaining balance. Cocculus offers great help when a person has nausea, vomiting, vertigo while travelling. Next its use is considered to help cases of stomach pain. It can be cramping, griping or lacerating type. Cramps are attended with excessive gas. This medicine can be given to manage nausea and vomiting. Nausea gets worse from cold. The vomiting is sour and emits a bad odour. Vomiting may be accompanied by headache.

Another complaint where Cocculus gives good results is gas in the abdomen with excessive rumbling and twisting type of pain. The abdomen is bloated as well. It is a well indicated medicine for managing hernia cases too.

It is suitable to manage inguinal hernia. It is also helpful to manage umbilical hernia attended with excessive constipation. With its action on rectum, it proves effective to manage diarrhea cases. It is majorly indicated when loose stool occurs in the morning soon on rising from bed. Stool is yellow, slimy, fetid and frequent. A sensation of stones rubbing together in abdomen is an important symptom that may be present. Burning and itching at anus may occur. Diarrhea gets worse on standing and better by sitting or lying on the sides. Lastly, it can be used in cases of constipation. There is ineffectual urge for stool. The stool is hard and is expelled with much difficulty.

Key Indicating Features

Motion sickness with marked nausea, vomiting and vertigo when travelling

Stomach pain that can be cramping, griping or lacerating type

Gas in abdomen with rumbling, bloating and twisting type of pain

Sensation of stones rubbing together in abdomen

Inguinal and umbilical hernia

4. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Jet Lag)

It is a magnificent medicine for managing sleep issues. It offers great help in cases of sleeplessness (insomnia). Cocculus is selected when sleeplessness occurs from mental or physical exhaustion. Its use is further considered for sleeplessness from anxiety and restlessness. It is also best suited for helping complaints that arise from loss of sleep from nursing others (taking care of sick) or otherwise too. There is constant drowsiness next day after loss of sleep previous night. Besides these, it is a top listed medicine for cases of jet lag (temporary sleep issues experienced by those who travel across multiple time zones frequently).

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness from mental or physical exhaustion or from anxiety

Complaints from loss of sleep from nursing others (nursing means taking care of sick) or otherwise too

Jet lag

5. Head (Headache)

With its action on head, it has given great clinical improvements in headache cases. It is effective in managing headache that occurs from travelling in car, train, boat. It is also well indicated for migraine headache. Person cannot bear slightest light or noise. It may cause nausea and vomiting. Cocculus is also useful when headache occurs from sun exposure. In most cases that require this medicine, the pain is felt in the back of head (occiput) and nape of neck. A sensation of shutting and opening as well is felt in occiput area. Apart from these, it is highly valuable to manage headache experienced by women every time during menses.

Key Indicating Features

Headache from travelling in car, train, boat

Migraine headache when slightest light or noise is unbearable

Headache during menses

6. Female Problems (Excessive Weakness, Heavy Periods, Painful Menses, Vaginal Discharge)

This medicine is beneficial for managing various female problems. Among these the main is excessive weakness during menses where female is too weak even to stand. It is useful for cases of early, profuse and frequent menses. The menstrual blood is clotted along with pain. This medicine can be of great use in managing painful menses (dysmenorrhea). Cocculus can be used when there occurs cutting and cramping type of pain in uterus and ovaries during menses and menstrual bleeding is profuse and dark. Further this medicine is well indicated to manage vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea). The features to use it in these cases is gushing vaginal discharge with intense weakness. This discharge mostly appears in between menses and in some cases in place of menses.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive weakness during menses

Early, profuse and frequent menses with clotted blood and pain

Cutting and cramping pain in uterus and ovaries during menses with profuse and dark bleeding

Gushing vaginal discharge with intense weakness

Vaginal discharge in between menses or in place of menses

7. Neck and Back (Pain)

It also acts well on neck and back. Cocculus gives great relief in cases of pain and stiffness of neck. The neck muscles feel stiff on moving neck. Stiffness is attended with great weakness. A pressure is felt in the nape of neck as well. It proves effective for pain in the lower back with drawing sensation across hips. It prevents walking.

Key Indicating Features

Pain and stiffness in neck along with weakness

Lower back pain with drawing sensation across the hips

8. Ear Problems (Noises, Meniere’s Disease)

Cocculus Indicus is a very effective medicine for cases of ear problems. It is a useful medicine for managing noises in ears (tinnitus). The noises can be ringing, roaring or like that of rushing water. Hearing difficulty may also be there. It is a well-indicated medicine for Meniere’s disease. It is useful when there is ringing in ears, loss of balance and hardness of hearing.

Key Indicating Features

Noises in ear that can be ringing, roaring or like that of rushing water

Meniere’s disease with ringing in ears, loss of balance and hardness of hearing

9. Limbs (Joint Pain, Weak Limbs, Trembling Hands)

Lastly, it has a marked action on limbs too. It acts wonderfully on joints and helps to manage pain and stiffness in them. Persons needing it complain of pain shifting from one joint to another along with swelling, redness and stiffness. The pain gets worse from slightest touch and motion. It is indicated for cases where lower limbs are weak with unsteady and clumsy gait. Another indication for its use is numbness of hands while grasping objects. It is also useful in case of trembling of hands, especially while eating.

Key Indicating Features

Shifting pain from one joint to another attended with swelling, redness and stiffness

Joint pain worse from slightest touch and motion

Weak lower limbs with unsteady and clumsy gait

Hands numb when grasping objects

Hands tremble while eating


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from travelling in car, train, boat; from loss of sleep; from exertion; from touch, pressure, and jar; during menses and from nursing others (taking care of a sick person)

Relieving factors: Complaints improve by sitting, lying quietly and in a warm room


Its use can be done in low as well as high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general, low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Chamomilla and Nux Vomica

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Hepar Sulph, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Sulphur



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Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea | Homeopathy Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies For Acne Rosacea

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea is a skin condition affecting the face characterized by marked redness or the flushing of face followed by appearance of acne/pimples. The skin of the mid-forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin are the most affected parts. As the condition advances, the blood vessels over the face get dilated, and become visible. If the condition continues unabated, connective tissue grows around the blood vessels, and it results in thickening of the skin. Nodules are formed, especially, on the nose, and it gets enlarged. In the more complicated cases, there is redness, itching, and watering from the eyes.

Homeopathy promises great results in cases of Acne Rosacea. Homeopathic medicines greatly help control signs and symptoms of Rosacea. Not only does it help in reducing frequency of flare ups, and intensity of its symptom but also helps in complete cure if taken regularly for a few months as suggested by the physician.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Acne Rosacea are  Belladonna, Carbo Veg, Hepar Sulph, Lachesis and Psorinum.

1. Belladonna – Is The Top Medicine Which Helps Treat Red, Flushed Face

Belladonna is a leading medicine for Acne Rosacea when the main complaint is red, flushed skin of the face. The skin appears very shiny and is very hot to touch. Facial swelling may accompany. Besides the cure of skin, it is a wonderful medicine when rosacea affects eyes with marked eye redness. Dryness in eyes accompanies. Sensitivity to light may also be present.

2. Carbo Veg – For Red Face With Prominent Blood Vessels

Carbo Veg works well as a homeopathic cure for rosacea in case the facial skin appears red, glowing along with prominently visible small blood vessels. The cheeks are, especially, prominently red. Cold sweating on the cheeks may occur. The face may also be found to be swollen along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

3. Hepar Sulph – To Manage Pimples On Face

It is a magnificent medicine for the treatment of the pimples on face. It is administered for papules and pus-filled pimples (pustules) on the face. The pimples may be painful. Pricking pain is felt. Pimples may bleed upon being scratched. The face is fiery red. There is an accompanying heat sensation.

4. Lachesis – For Circumscribed Red Spots On Cheeks & Flushes Of Heat

Lachesis gives good results where the skin has circumscribed red spots on the cheeks. Flushes of heat on the face are felt. Blood vessels are visible on the face. Face becomes swollen with itching, especially at night.

5. Psorinum – For Red, Hot Face With Red Pimples

Psorinum is an excellent homeopathic medicine when the face is red and hot with red pimples. The pimples form on the nose, middle of cheeks and the chin. The skin on the face is very rough with the above-mentioned complaints. There is sweating on the face with the sensation of heat.

6. Eugenia Jambos – For Treating Pimples

Medicine Eugenia Jambos works in cases of simple and hardened acne. The pimples and the area around it is painful.

7. Sulphur – For Circumscribed Red Cheeks & The Burning On Face

Sulphur is most helpful when there is circumscribed redness of cheeks, and burning on the face. It is also useful when pimples appear on the face. The pimples are very itchy. There are also prominent swollen blood vessels on the forehead.

8. Hydrocotyle Asciatica – For Thickened Skin

It is a wonderful medicine when there is the growth of connective tissue over the skin making it thickened, and hardened. There are pimples, especially, pus-filled on the skin. Scaling of the skin may also be present.

9. Euphrasia Officinalis – For Rosacea Affecting Eyes

This medicine holds good promise in giving natural relief when rosacea affects the eyes. The eyes are red, itchy, and watery. Burning and biting sensation in the eyes is also felt. A gritty sand-like sensation in eyes is felt.

Note: When exposure to sun excites the condition, Cantharis Vesicatoria is the medicine to fall back on. However, Bovista Lycoperdon medicine can give good results when one uses cosmetics excessively. When there is excessive use of alcohol or spices Nux Vomica is a very effective medicine. The above-mentioned homeopathic remedies for Acne Rosacea should only be used after consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor.  

Signs and Symptoms

The signs, and symptoms vary from person to person and at a given time not all signs, and symptoms may be apparent.

Areas Affected

1. Face: The mid part of the face is typically affected including forehead, nose, medial cheeks (towards nose side) and chin.

2. Areas other than face: In some cases, signs, and symptoms may go beyond face including chest, scalp, neck, ears and upper back.

Following are the Signs & Symptoms:

1. Flushing (Redness) of Face: Facial flushing, and redness is often the first sign of rosacea. It affects the mid part of the face and appears symmetrically. The redness may tend to come and go or may persist.

2. Visible Blood Vessels: The small, and dilated blood vessels on the face may be visible.

3. Pimples on the Face: There may be presence of red bumps on the face called papules or pus-filled bumps called pustules.

4. Burning and stinging on the face and itching at times. The skin area involved may be hot, and painful to touch (tender)

5. Facial Swelling: It may occur alone or along with other signs and symptoms.

6. Dryness, Roughness & Scaling Of Facial Skin: In some cases, thickening of skin can be present.

7. Nasal Enlargement: with the progression of the condition the skin of the nose may thicken leading to its bulbous condition known as rhinophyma. It is common in women as compared to men.

8. Ocular Rosacea: Redness of eyes, dryness, burning, stinging, grittiness, itching in eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision.

Types of Acne Rosacea

1. Erythematotelengiectatic Rosacea (ETR): In this, there occurs redness (erythema), and flushing. With this, tiny widened blood vessels are seen on the skin surface (telangiectasias). Itching, burning, and stinging are usually seen along with the above features.  Other than the face, involvement of neck, chest, ears, scalp and upper back may be seen.

2. Papulopustular rosacea: Here facial redness is accompanied by red eruptions (papules) or pus-filled bumps (pustules). Mostly middle-aged women are seen to be affected with this problem.

3. Rhinophyma: It is a rare problem in which there occurs enlargement of nose (rhinophyma). The skin of nose gets thickened with irregular nodes (lumps) and an accompanied enlargement. It is mostly seen in men.

4. Ocular rosacea: This type of Acne Rosaceaaffects eyes. The eyes appear red and there may occur dryness, gritty sensation, itching, burning stinging or irritation in eye. Sensitivity to light may also accompany. If cornea is affected, vision may get blurred and vision loss may occur.

Causes Behind Acne Rosacea

The exact cause behind Acne Rosacea is not clear yet. However, it is thought that hereditary, and environmental factors collectively play a role.

Some of the factors that may worsen Acne Rosacea symptoms as follows:

1. Certain Food and drinks: Drinking tea, hot coffee, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, eating spicy food, chocolates, tomatoes, food having cinnamon

2. Extreme of temperature, heat of sun

3. Excessive exercise

4. Stress and anxiety

5. Use of Topical Steroids (steroid-induced rosacea) and certain treatments for acne, and wrinkles removal like chemical peels, microdermabrasion and also isotretinoin and benzoyl peroxide

6. Excessive Cosmetic Use

7. Demodex Mites: It has been found that some persons suffering from rosacea have increased demodex mites. In a study, it has been revealed that mites demodex folliculorum may be a triggering factor for Rosacea. A bacteria Bacillus oleronius present in these mites leads to inflammation of Acne Rosacea as well as papules and pustules.

8. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO): It is found that SIBO is more prevalent in persons having Acne Rosacea which suggests that the gut bacteria may be involved in causing lesions of Rosacea.

9. Increased Cathelicidin & Stratum Corneum Tryptic Enzymes

10. Hpylori Bacteria In the Gut: It can increase gastrin (digestive hormone) that may cause flushing of skin.

Risk factors

1. Age: Persons between 30 and 50-year-old are at the highest risk

2. Women are more at risk compared to men though it can occur among men

3. Fair-skinned people are more prone

4. Family history of Acne Rosacea

5. Those who smoke are at risk

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Magnesia Carbonica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica is prepared from magnesium carbonate. Magnesium carbonate is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Magnesia Carbonica. It is an important homeopathic medicine to manage various gastric issues, women-related problems, toothache, and facial neuralgia.

The ‘Magnesia Carbonica’ Constitution

It is suited to persons who are nervous, have excessive gas in abdomen and have sour-smelling sweat. It is also highly suitable for women who suffer from exhaustion and uterine problems. Lastly, it suits children with nervous, irritable temperament, and have smelly sweat.

Drug Action

The most marked action of this remedy is on the gastric system, women’s organs, and teeth. Besides, it acts well on the face and throat too.

Clinical Indications

Diarrhea, constipation, colic, belching, vomiting, acidity, heartburn, sore throat, delayed menses, leucorrhoea, toothache, neuralgia (nerve pain)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Constipation, Gas, Pain, Vomiting)

Magnesia Carb has its most important action on the gastric system. Firstly, it manages cases of diarrhea quite well. In such cases, the stool is watery, green and frothy. White lumps may be seen floating along with the stool. There could be mucus, and blood in the stool.  Stool is accompanied by stinging pain and pressure in the abdomen. Distension of abdomen is noted as well. Before passing stool, pinching in the abdomen and rumbling is felt. After passing stool, burning is felt at the anus. This medicine can manage well, cases of constipation also. There is frequent urge to pass stool. The stool is dry, hard, crumbling type. It sometimes is hard like a stone. Stitching pain in the anus and rectum occurs. Next, it is a well-indicated medicine for children who are on breastfeed and are unable to tolerate milk. They either get stomach pain from milk intake or the milk passes undigested. Another complaint where it proves beneficial is gas in the abdomen along with rumbling, gurgling, and bloating. There may be cutting pain around the navel which is relieved by passing gas. It is also administered for abdomen pain, which gets better from doing a bending double exercise (touching feet with hands). This medicine is also given in case of sour belching, and vomiting of bitter food. Heartburn too may be felt. If heartburn, and sour belching occur specifically after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage, then this medicine is very useful.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea when the stool is watery, green, frothy

Inability to tolerate milk in children who are on breastfeed

Cutting pain around the navel better from passing the gas

Pain in abdomen gets better from bending double

Heartburn and sour belching after intake of potatoes, milk or cabbage

2. Female Problems (Late & Scanty Menses, Vaginal Discharge)

It is a really suitable medicine for managing certain women-related issues. Firstly, its use is considered when the menses appear late and are scanty. The menstrual flow is dark, thick, and sticky. It is accompanied by dragging pains. Before and during the menses there is backache, and weakness. Menses may be preceded by a headache. Secondly, it is valuable in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea). Women who need it complain of white vaginal discharge after periods. Before the discharge, pain is felt in the uterus. There may occur pinching pain around the navel. The discharge causes smarting vaginal pain, especially, while sitting or walking. Another very striking feature to use this remedy is sore throat, cold and nasal blockage before menses.

Key Indicating Features

Late and scanty menses with dark, thick, sticky bleeding

White vaginal discharge after periods

Sore throat, cold, and nasal blockage before menses

3. Dental Issues (Toothache, Wisdom Teeth Complaints)

Magnesia Carbonica is a benchmark medicine to administer toothache. The pain in teeth can be tearing, drawing or burning in nature. The pain may radiate from the teeth to the side of the head. It is useful when the pain in the teeth worsens at night and gets better from cold drinks. It also gets worse when one is resting, and one gets relief by walking. It can really manage well stinging pain in the teeth after eating. It is also well indicated to manage toothache during pregnancy. Lastly, complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth are wonderfully managed with it.

Key Indicating Features

Toothache gets worse at night time

Toothache better from cold drinks

Toothache gets worse while resting, and there is relief by walking

Stinging pain in the teeth after eating

Complaints arising from eruption of wisdom teeth

4. Face (pain)

It proves very effective in managing facial neuralgia (nerve pain). It is a good choice in case of left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature. It gets worse upon being touched, due to changes in temperature, and cold air exposure. It also gets worse at night. It gets better by walking.

Key Indicating Features

Left-side facial pain that is shooting in nature

Facial pain gets worse from cold air exposure, change of temperature and upon being touched

Facial pain gets worse at night

Facial pain gets better by walking

5. Throat Concerns (Sore Throat)

This medicine acts magnificently on the throat. It is mostly used in case of sore throat. It can be given when there is sticking or shooting pain in the throat that increases from excessive talking, and also while swallowing food. Burning sensation is felt in the throat along with this. Dryness, and roughness are also felt in the throat at times. There may be hawking of offensive green or cheesy mucus from the throat. A very peculiar complaint for which it is a top-listed medicine in homeopathy is a sore throat before menses.

Key Indicating Features

Sticking or shooting pain in the throat which gets worse upon too much talking and while swallowing

Sore throat which gets worse before menses


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, wind, weather change, rest, and warmth of the bed

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and from movement


This medicine works well in both low, and high potencies. The potency is chosen individually on a case-to-case basis. Generally, in low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Chamomilla, Merc Sol and Nux Vomica

It antidotes: Acetic Acid

Followed well by: Causticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur


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