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Dissolve your Heel Spurs – Top 7 Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain

Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spurs

Pain in the heel not only restricts movement, but the general discomfort while walking or on standing affects the personality of a person. The pain can be attributed to a medical condition known as Calcaneal Spur/ heel spur. It refers to a sharp, pointed, horny outgrowth on the calcaneal bone present in the heel. The main symptom of Calcaneal Spur is pain in the heel around the the spur.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines offer a very safe and complete treatment of Calcaneal Spur. The homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spur are made of natural substances and have no side effects. They are very strong and powerful in treating the condition.  Homeopathic medicines, which are completely safe to use, help in both, relieving the pain in heels due to spur and in dissolving the spur, thus providing complete treatment for Calcaneal Spurs.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Calcaneal Spur

Calcarea Fluor, Aranea Diadema, Ruta, Rhus Tox are the top remedies for Calcaneal Spur.

1. Calcarea Fluor – Best Medicine For Dissolving Calcaneal Spur

Though there are several homeopathic medicines to dissolve heel spur, but Calcarea Fluor tops the list. It is a natural medicine with the best healing power to dissolve a Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur. Not only heel bone, this medicine is equally suitable to dissolve spurs in any bone in the body. This medicine is also indicated for extra bony outgrowths that tend to form after an injury.

2. Aranea Diadema – For Heel Spur With Boring Pain In Heel

Aranea Diadema is the next best medicine for Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pain in the heel. The pain initially aggravates on moving the feet but is relieved after continued movement. The pain may alternate with a feeling of numbness in the heel. Extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.

3. Ruta – For Heel Spur Formed After Stressed Ligaments, Muscles And Tendons

Ruta works well in cases where ligaments, muscles and tendons are repeatedly stressed following which bone spurs gets formed. It is indicated by a shooting pain in the heel. The pain from heel radiates to the Achille’s tendon. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to heels is known as Achille’s tendon also known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in the heel due to Calcaneal Spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best remedy for relief is Ruta.

4. Rhus Tox – For Heel Pain On Stepping (Putting Pressure On Feet To Begin Walk)

Rhus Tox is the top natural remedy for pain in the heel felt when stepping on foot. It gets worse from standing. If pain in the heel troubles you on the first standing in the morning, Rhus Tox is the best medicine. The person needing it feels as if he/she is stepping on a pin with the first step taken, though pain gets better by continuous walking. Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage.

Its other action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain experienced by the person on standing is most of the times stitching in character. The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be sharp pain as from a nail under the skin.

5. Ammonium Mur — For Pain In Heel On Walking

Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial natural medicine for Calcaneal Spur. This remedy is of great help when pain in the heel is felt on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in the heel in the morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain may be stitching, tearing or ulcerative in nature.

6. Aurum Met – For Calcaneal Spur Which Causes Pain At Night

The pain in the heel at night due to Calcaneal Spur is best relieved by natural remedy Aurum Met. It is a very appropriate and efficient homeopathic medicine to get rid of pain in the heel at night arising because of the spur.

 7. Mezereum – For Calcaneal Spur That Hurts By Touching

For patients complaining of pain in the heel spur when touched, natural medicine Mezereum is the best remedy. Mezereum is of great help in treating the heel spur pain that worsens by touching. The patient may show increased sensitivity to cold air.

8. Pulsatilla – For Heel Pain Like From Pricking From An Iron Nail

This natural medicine works well when a person feels pain in the heel as from pricking from an iron nail. There is inability to walk barefoot. Heels feel sore, pain gets worse with walking. Heel pain tends to increase in evening.

Symptoms Of Heel Spur

1. Heel spur mainly leads to sharp pain in the heel.The pain arises from injury in the soft tissue in the heels caused by bony spur. Thepain gets worse when a person steps on the ground after a period of inactivity, especially in the morning following long rest. The pain increases while walking, running and standing. The character of pain may be described as sharp pain, dull pain or pain as from pin-pricking.

2. Heel may be inflamed, swollen and warm to touch

3. Heel may be tender to touch

4. In long term cases, a bony growth may be visible on heel

5. However in some cases, there may be no symptoms

Cause Behind Heel Spur

The bony outgrowth is the build-up of calcium deposit on the heel bone. Heel spur forms when excessive stress and strain is put repeatedly on ligaments, muscles, tendons, fascia of the foot.  Due to repeated stress and strain, there is damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons and plantar fascia (a band of tissue connecting heel bone to base of toes) that cover the heel bone. As a result, the heel bone is also stressed and becomes prone to trauma and formation of Calcaneal Spur. A single stressful episode on the heel like from a sports activity does not cause heel spur. These develop with repeated stress put on the heel over a period of time.

Risk Factors For Heel Spur

1. Recurrent stress on the heel from walking, jumping, jogging, running especially on hard surface is the main risk factor

2. People who are either obese or athletic are prone to develop Calcaneal Spur

3. Having Plantar Fasciitis (inflamed plantar fascia) increases risk of developing heel spurs

4. Wearing high heels and ill-fitted or worn-out shoes also puts a person at risk of formation of calcium deposits on the heel bone.

5. Having arthritis (joint inflammation), flat feet, diabetes and gait issues (it affects balance and coordination as a result of which the sufferer is unable to walk correctly) also puts a person at risk of heel spur

Are Heel Spurs And Plantar Fasciitis Same?

Heel spur and Plantar Fasciitis are often confused because both cause heel pain but both these conditions are not the same. Heel spur is calcium deposit that forms a bony outgrowth on heel bone. Plantar Fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia (a tissue band that connects heel bone to the base of toes) is irritated and swollen. Plantar Fasciitis increases the risk of heel spurs.

Diagnosis Of Heel Spur

Heel spur causes heel pain that may arise from other reasons as well (for example Plantar Fasciitis, gout, arthritis) and heel spur is not visible from outside, when we look at the heel, so it is difficult to confirm diagnosis only on the basis of symptoms.

X-ray is the most commonly used investigation to detect a heel spur.

Measures To Prevent Heel Spurs

1. Select soft surfaces to run or jog rather than hard surface

2. Wear properly fitted shoes that support heels well

3. Avoid wearing high-heeled shoes as much as possible

4. Try to lose weight if obese to reduce the pressure on the foot

5. If possible, avoid standing for long time periods

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Restless and Painful legs at night? 6 Homeopathic Medicines That Work

Homeopathic medicines for restless leg syndrome

Do you have this irritating tendency to keep twitching your legs all the time while sitting at your computer desk? Or do you suffer from this annoying habit to keep rocking your legs constantly while sitting in front of the TV at home with your spouse? This seemingly trivial annoyance may, in fact, be a medical disorder. Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to a condition whereby a person has an irresistible desire to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations felt in the lower limbs. Not really a life-threatening disorder, this condition, however, could create inter-personal or social problems for the affected persons due to the annoyance or disturbance caused to people around them at home, work or public place. Homeopathic medicines for Restless Leg Syndrome provide a simple, safe and successful line of treatment to such patients as these remedies are drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and have no side-effects. Their selection is based upon the individual constitution of the patient and customized to suit his/her unique requirements.

Homeopathic Treatment For Restless Leg Syndrome

The medicines used in the conventional system for treating Restless Leg Syndrome are temporary and, beyond a point of time, they stop working and become ineffective. They also carry a risk of side- effects, including day drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea. Homeopathic mode of treatment, on the other hand, offers complete riddance of Restless Leg Syndrome. There is no chance of any side-effects in this mode as the medicines used are of natural origin with zero toxic effects. Homeopathic medicines help in relaxing the nervous system. The various discomforting sensations in the legs that lead to Restless Leg Syndrome are wonderfully controlled with homeopathic medicines and the patient can also enjoy a sound sleep.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

The highly recommended medicines for Restless Leg Syndrome are Zincum Met, Tarentula Hispanica, Rhus Tox and Arsenic Album.

1. Zincum Met

Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating RLS which disturbs the person at night. It is used when there is marked uneasiness in the legs. The person finds it impossible to relax and find a comforting place for the legs when at rest. The constant motion of the legs is needed to find little relief. The complaint is worse during sleep. The person keeps moving his feet in bed for many hours on going to sleep. A formication or insects crawling sensation can be felt in the legs. Sometimes, a tension or pressure is felt in legs. At times drawing pain in legs may be felt in the evening.

 2. Tarentula Hispanica

This medicine is highly valuable when there is marked restlessness of legs as well as hands. These are in constant motion. Persons needing this medicine feel uneasiness in the legs that compels them to move their legs constantly. The uneasiness also makes the person wake up and move constantly to ease the symptoms. The complaint gets worse in the evening and at night when lying in bed.

3. Rhus Tox

Rhus Tox is a wonderful remedy for RLS when the legs get restless from an aching pain in leg muscles. It is useful when a person finds it difficult to keep the legs in a relaxed position while sitting or at night after heavy exertion during day time. There is a desire to stretch the legs, rest worsens the symptoms. Constant motion of legs provides relief. Along with aching, a crawling, tingling sensation may also be felt in the legs at night. There is a desire to constantly move the legs back and forth which leads to sleeplessness. Rhus Tox is also considered when legs get restless at night after over-exerting in the daytime.

4. Arsenic Album             

Arsenic Album is useful when restlessness of legs is worse at night. There is desire to move from one place to another to get relief which leads to sleeplessness. Other than legs, restlessness may also be felt in the head with an urge to move head constantly.

5. Medorrhinum

Medorrhinum is the appropriate choice when there is pain in legs with difficulty in keeping them still even for a moment. The complaint gets worse when relaxing and in bed, when trying to sleep. Burning in the feet may be an accompanying symptom.

6. Causticum

Causticum is considered when the person has a twitching sensation in the legs along with heaviness. There is a need to move the feet constantly or walk about to get relief. A drawing pain or a pulling sensation in legs also occurs. The sufferer keeps moving his legs constantly during sleep. Along with this, there may be a complaint of an electric shock-like sensation in the legs.

7. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is helpful when restlessness of legs worsens before going to sleep. This compels one to constantly move legs. It leads to sleeplessness due to which the sufferer wakes up lazy and irritable.

8. For Restless Leg Syndrome With Iron Deficiency

Among the best medicines for iron deficiency are Ferrum Met and Ferrum Phos. These medicines can prove beneficial to relieve symptoms of restless leg syndrome resulting from depleted iron reserves of the body. They ensure complete recovery in the most natural way. These medicines help a person to relax, keep their legs still and have a sound sleep.

Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome

The symptoms of RLS occur in legs on both sides in most cases, however in some people, these occurs only on one side. It affects mostly legs, but arms and head may be affected as well.

The Restless Leg Syndrome manifests itself in a couple of ways as follows:

1. Urge to move legs: A compulsive or uncontrollable urge to move legs to get rid of various unpleasant sensations felt in the legs.

2. Sensations in legs: The various sensations vary from creeping, tingling, crawling, pin-pricking to aching and throbbing, burning, electric sensations. Some people find it difficult to explain the sensations they have in their legs.

3. Worsening time: The symptoms get worse at rest mainly at evening/night; in lying or sitting position, when you are relaxing.

4. Relieving factors: Movements, stretching, walking relieves the symptoms.

5. As the symptoms get worse at night, it makes sleeping difficult at night which causes day-time drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, difficulty in concentration the following morning.

6. Above symptoms may come and go and vary in intensity. These may be only present at night or in some people entire day and night. For some, it is a minor problem while for others it can be quite troublesome, impairing quality of life. The symptoms seem to worsen with age.

Causes Of Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome cannot be attributed to any specific causes. However, certain pointers may indicate RLS, which are as follows:

1. A familial tendency towards developing RLS has been noted. In about 90% of the people suffering from RLS, a family history of this complaint is often present.

2. It is also suggested that imbalance of dopamine levels (a brain chemical which sends signals for muscle movement) may cause RLS. Parkinson’s disease is also linked with reduced dopamine levels. This is the reason that some people having Parkinson’s disease are also seen to be suffering from RLS.

3. Low iron levels in brain may contribute to Restless Leg Syndrome.

4. Besides these there are other many medical conditions linked with RLS like:

varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), depression, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness or pain in hands or feet from nerve damage), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder that cause joint inflammation), hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

5. Use of certain medicines is also associated with development of RLS, like antidepressants, medicines to treat allergies, nausea, etc.

6. RLS can occur during pregnancy. In some women, RLS develops during pregnancy and the symptoms mostly go away after delivery. While if a woman is already suffering from RLS, symptoms may get worse during pregnancy.

7. Women are more at risk of RLS as compared to males.

8. Alcohol and caffeine can trigger symptoms of RLS.


Types of RLS

RLS is of two types, primary and secondary:

1. Primary(Idiopathic) RLS:It includes RLS that occurs without any known cause and is more common among the two types. It starts before the age of around 40 and appears gradually. Its symptoms may go away after several months or years but it is a lifelong condition that tend to get worse with age.

2. Secondary RLS:  RLS that occurs along with a medical condition or use of some drugs is referred as secondary RLS. It starts suddenly after the age of 40.


There are no lab investigations to diagnose RLS. It is diagnosed based on the symptom picture given by the patient. The five major hallmark symptoms that confirm its diagnosis are as follows:

1. A strong irresistible urge to move legs attended with uncomfortable sensations in legs

2. Beginning or worsening of symptoms during rest, like lying down or sitting

3. Improvement in symptoms with activity

4. Worsening of symptoms in evening or at night

5. No explainable medical or behavioral cause for the symptoms is present

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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst

 Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal CystPilonidal Cyst refers to the formation of a cyst at the cleft of the buttocks near the tailbone. Pilonidal term means ‘nest of the hair’. The pilonidal cyst contains hair and skin debris. It develops when hair penetrates the skin due to friction, and the body, considering it to be a foreign substance, forms a cyst around it. The cyst can get infected, get filled with pus, and form an abscess. A pilonidal sinus is formed when a tract begins from the infected cyst, and opens on the surface of the skin. Under the conventional mode of treatment, a surgical incision of the Pilonidal Cyst is advised (which is painful, and temporary, and the cyst can recur even after surgery). Homeopathic medicines for pilonidal cyst is a safe and efficient alternative treatment option. These medicines treat Pilonidal Cysts in a very safe, gentle, and effective manner, and prevent the need for surgical procedures.

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathic medicines follow a curative approach to treat Pilonidal Cysts, rather than just providing relief from the symptoms. These help in dissolving the cyst. These medicines are made from natural substances and raise the body’s self-healing powers to fight the infection naturally. They help manage symptoms like pain, swelling, itching, and discomfort. Homeopathy for Pilonidal Cyst also helps in absorbing the pus discharge from the Pilonidal sinus.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus

Among a long therapeutic list for treating Pilonidal Cysts, the top-rated homeopathic medicines are Silicea, Myristica, Hepar Sulph, and Merc Sol.

1. Silicea – Top Remedy For Pilonidal Cyst

Silicea is the top recommended medicine for Pilonidal Cyst. It is usually the physician’s first choice of medicine to deal with these cases.  This medicine is helpful when a cyst is present in the buttock cleft, and also in the case of the pilonidal sinus with pus discharge. The pus discharge may be very offensive and fetid. The pus can be scanty or copious. The pus can be thin, watery, or thick, jelly and sticky in nature. Hardness, and swelling at the cleft of the buttock is also present. Itching also appears mostly in the daytime. Silicea helps reduce swelling and aids in the expulsion of hair and pus from the cyst.

2. Myristica Sebifera – For Pilonidal Sinus With Pus Discharge

‘Myristica Sebifera’ is of unquestionable value when it comes to treating pilonidal sinus with pus discharge. The most important action of this medicine is to hasten the process of suppuration (pus formation) and aids in complete recovery. Myristica speeds up pus discharge from sinus and shortens the time of complete recovery. Its use prevents surgical intervention in most cases of pilonidal sinus. Apart from Pilonidal Cysts, Myristica works wonders in treating suppurative diseases like boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and anal fistula.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pilonidal Cyst With Pain And Pus Formation

Hepar Sulph is medicine for Pilonidal Cyst when there is pain in the cyst along with the formation of pus from an infection. However, the pus isn’t in the stage of oozing yet. The pain is throbbing, beating, stinging, or pricking in nature. ‘Hepar Sulph’ will aid the drainage of pus from the cyst. Once pus begins to come out there is relief from pain. Mostly pus discharge is watery and blood-stained. There is an offensive odour, like old cheese from the pus. The skin above the cyst is highly inflamed, and hot. It is also very sensitive and sore to the touch. In the majority of cases, the pain gets worse at night. Exposure to cold air also worsens the pain in some cases.

4. Calcarea Sulph – For Pilonidal Cyst With Yellow Pus

Calcarea Sulph is effective for Pilonidal Cyst when pus discharge has started to ooze from an opening. The pus is yellow in colour. The discharge is thick, and lumpy and may be bloody in some cases. ‘Calcarea Sulph’ helps to hasten pus discharge and aid the effective healing of the cyst.

5. Calendula – For Painful Pilonidal Cyst And Pus Discharge

Calendula is a natural herbal homeopathic medicine that can be administered when the infected area over the buttock cleft is sore, and painful with pus discharge. One feels pain as if the affected area has suffered beating. The area surrounding the pus discharge point is red. There may be a fever with stinging pain in the cyst. Complaints become worse at night. It is a great healing agent that heals skin infections with marked brilliance.

6. Merc Sol – For Pus Discharge With Burning, Stinging Pain

Merc Sol is medicine for Pilonidal Cyst with the pus releasing from the cyst accompanied by burning and stinging pains. The pus discharge is profuse, green-coloured, and may be blood-stained and sticky. The affected area is sore, and painful to touch. Itching may also be present. An increased amount of offensive sweat on the body is present. The symptoms worsen at night, and warmth tends to aggravate all these symptoms.

 7. Phosphorus – For Pilonidal Cyst with Bloody Discharge

Phosphorus is medicine for Pilonidal Cyst treatment when there is a bloody discharge from the cyst. The blood is thin and profuse. Burning in the surrounding skin may also appear. Phosphorus is an excellent anti-hemorrhagic remedy. It helps in controlling the bloody discharge, and also contributes towards healing the ‘Pilonidal Sinus.’ It is also useful in cases where healing has taken place in the past, and the problem has arisen again with a bloody discharge. It is also indicated in those cases where the Pilonidal Cyst has colourless and fetid pus.

8. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Milky-white Pus Discharge

‘Lycopodium Clavatum’ is a medicine for ‘Pilonidal Cyst’ where there is a milky white pus discharge. The discharge has a putrid smell and it corrodes. Burning, and stitching pain is felt in the affected area. Warmth worsens the complaint. Fever alternates with chills, and heat may also arise. It is also indicated when the cyst recurs periodically and does not get treated.

Signs and Symptoms of Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus

Sometimes Pilonidal Cysts do not give out any signs/symptoms. However, if it gets infected following signs and symptoms may appear:

1. A dimple or swelling, and pain in the cleft of the buttocks. The size of the cyst may be small or large. Though the cleft of the buttocks is the major location where ‘Pilonidal Cyst’ forms, rarely it may form in some other areas as well like the armpit, between fingers, navel, cheek, or genital area.

2. When this dimple gets infected a cyst is formed(a fluid-filled sac) that may turn into an abscess (pus-filled lump)

3. Redness, itching, and tenderness in the swollen area

4. A discomfort while sitting also arises from this cyst

5. Formation of sinus tract/holes in the skin. The sinus tract is a channel that starts from the source of infection and opens on the surface of the skin. Drainage of pus or blood from the ‘Pilonidal Sinus.’ The pus may be white or yellow or may have an offensive odour

6. Hair protruding from the affected area may be seen

7. Nausea, tiredness, and low-grade fever may also appear along with the above features in some cases.

Pilonidal Cyst And Its Causes

The exact cause of the Pilonidal Cyst is not clear. But a theory states that initially, loose hair penetrates the skin of the cleft between the buttocks. Friction (as from riding a bicycle) or rubbing makes the hair go deep into the skin. The body, considering this hair to be a foreign article, forms a cyst around it to push it out from the skin. If left untreated this cyst may lead to an abscess (pus-filled lump) or it may break open, and form a tract that emerges on the surface of the skin (which is called a Pilonidal Sinus). However, as per another theory, the trauma to the area between the buttocks is what may create this cyst.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get a ‘Pilonidal Cyst’ but there are certain factors that increase the risk of a Pilonidal Cyst as follows:

1. Excessive body hair (especially thick and stiff) on the back

2. Inactive lifestyle, excessive sitting (as office workers, drivers) that puts pressure on the coccyx area

3. Obesity

4. The age group most prone to developing a Pilonidal Cyst is between 20 – 35 years

5. Pilonidal Sinus is more common in men compared to women. Men are three to four times more likely to get Pilonidal Cyst as compared to women.

6. Having a family history of Pilonidal Cyst (if thick, rough body hair runs in family)

7. Having congenital Pilonidal dimple

8. Excessive sweating

Complications Of Pilonidal Cyst

The main complication of a Pilonidal Cyst is getting infection in the cyst. Secondly, if left untreated the sufferer may be at risk of squamous cell carcinoma.


Pilonidal Cyst can be easily diagnosed by having a look at the buttock cleft area. So usually no investigations are required to confirm the diagnosis of Pilonidal Cyst.

Preventive measures

1. Keep the buttock area clean, and dry

2. Avoid sitting constantly for prolonged hours if possible

3. If obese consider losing weight

4. Shave the hair around the buttocks at regular intervals or use some hair removal products to remove excessive hair.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Plumbum Metallicum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Uses, Indication And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum is derived from metal lead. To obtain this homeopathic medicine metal lead is potentized (Process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal power of a crude substance is called potentization). It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of paralysis with muscle atrophy and wrist drop.

 Drug Action

The most marked action of this medicine is seen on nerves, muscles and limbs. Other than these, its action is noted on gastric system, mouth, female genitals and urinary system

Clinical Indications

Paralysis, muscle atrophy, wrist drop, numbness, spasms, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, colic, hernia, vomiting, constipation, rectal pain, ovarian pain, vaginismus, menorrhagia (heavy menses), kidney disorders, nephritis,

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Action On Limbs (Paralysis, Atrophy, Wrist Drop, Sciatica)

Plumbum Metallicum acts profoundly on limbs. The most important action of this medicine is to manage cases of paralysis (loss of muscle function). The hallmark indication to use this medicine is paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass). It is usually most helpful when there is paralysis of single muscles. It is a great medicine to manage paralysis of limbs especially lower limbs along with atrophy. There may be pain in atrophied limbs. It is also indicated for paralysis of right hand, wrist and forearm. It is a specific medicine for paralysis of legs with atrophy in females that occurs after childbirth. There is coldness of legs, stool and urination may pass involuntarily. It is well indicated for paralysis of wrist and arms, it begins with cramps followed by loss of sensation and sudden loss of flesh and body parts becoming cold. Plumbum Met is a leading medicine for cases of wrist drop (inability to extend hand at wrist caused by radial nerve palsy).

Plumbum Met is also considered for cases of trembling, twitching, numbness and tingling in limbs. Further it is a suitable medicine for cases of sciatica (pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve that starts in lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). For its use in sciatica, the guiding feature is sciatica with muscle atrophy. Persons who need it have drawing, pressing pain from back of thigh to knee with difficult walking and exhaustion from walking. It can also prove effective in relieving lightning like pain in the lower limbs. Besides, it is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the protective myelin sheath covering nerve fibres is damaged).

Key Indicating Features

Paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass)

Paralysis of single muscles

Wrist Drop

Sciatica with muscle atrophy

Lightening like pain in the lower limbs

2. Gastric Concerns (Pain, Hernia, Vomiting, Constipation)

It acts wonderfully on the gastric system. It is well indicated to manage abdominal pain arising from obstructed gas. A very peculiar sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine is present. The pain from abdomen may radiate to all parts of the body. It is a prominent medicine to manage cases of umbilical hernia. This medicine is helpful for stomach pain that gets better by bending backwards and with hard pressure. It can also be used for pain around navel with sensation as if bowels are twisted. It is also useful in managing vomiting. In cases needing it, the vomiting may be of blackish brown fluid, or green mucus. There may also occur vomiting of food. Lastly, there may arise vomiting of faecal matter with constipation and abdomen pain. With its action on rectum, the first complaint where it proves highly effective is constipation. In cases needing it the stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung. Hard stool is attended with intense pain from constriction of anus.

Key Indicating Features

Abdominal pain from obstructed gas

Sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine

Pain from abdomen radiating to all the parts of body

Stomach pain better by bending backwards and with hard pressure

Constipation when stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung

3. Mouth Complaints (Ulcers, Excessive Salivation)

By acting on mouth, Plumbum Met gives excellent results in cases of mouth ulcers. Here it can be used when mouth ulcers are attended with fetid smell. These ulcers turn yellow. It can be given for cases of excessive salivation. The saliva may be sweetish in taste. It is attended with fetid mouth odor and pain in tongue and lips. Yellow purple ulcers are present on the tip of tongue and mouth. A distinct blue line along margins of gums is a peculiar indication to use it.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers attended with fetid smell

Excessive salivation, sweet in taste with fetid smell from mouth and pain in tongue and lips

A distinct blue line along margins of gums

4. Female Problems (Ovary Pain, Vaginismus, Heavy Menses)

Plumbum Met can help in treating certain female problems as well. Firstly, it can effectively deal with cases of ovarian pain. The guiding feature to use it is ovary pain getting better by stretching the legs apart. Secondly, it is of great service in cases of vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to penetrate it) with constipation and weight loss. It can next give substantial relief in case of heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). Here it is indicated for managing heavy bleeding when accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to the back. Bleeding contains dark clots and especially occurs during menopausal period.

Key Indicating Features

Ovary pain better by stretching the legs

Vaginismus with constipation and weight loss

Heavy bleeding accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to back

5. Urinary Issues (Bladder Paralysis, Nephritis, And Strangury)

Besides, Plumbum Met has important action on urinary system. It is prominently indicated to manage cases of paralysis of bladder. Here it can be given if there is difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine. Plumbum Met is considered in cases of chronic interstitial nephritis (a kidney condition in which there occurs swelling in between kidney tubules). In such cases, it is prescribed when it is attended with marked pain in abdomen. Lastly, it can deal with cases of strangury (painful strong desire to urinate and urine emitted drop by drop due to spasm of urethra or bladder) effectively. Those needing it have urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops. It is accompanied with extreme pain. Burning is felt during and after urinating.

Key Indicating Features

Bladder paralysis with difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine

Chronic interstitial nephritis with marked pain in abdomen

Strangury with urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops with extreme pain


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, touch, mental exertion, at night and in open air

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by hard pressure, rubbing, physical exertion, stretching limbs, at rest, bending double relieves abdomen pain


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency, but in high potencies it should not to be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Alumina, Petroleum and Platina

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cedron: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Cedron is derived from the plant — Simaruba ferroginea, also known as Simaba cedron. It belongs to family Ericaceae. To obtain this medicine the seeds of this plant have to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouse medicinal properties out of their crude form. After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Cedron. It is the main medicine to handle cases of neuralgia (nerve pain), and headache that occurs at clock-like precision meaning thereby that the problem arises at the exact time every day like clock timings.

The ‘Cedron’ Constitution

This medicine suits well people who have a nervous nature, and get easily excited especially, women.

Drug Action

The predominant action of this medicine is on the nerves. Its action is marked on the eyes, head, face, and female genitals. Lastly, its action is seen in the limbs and the joints.

Clinical Indications

Neuralgia (nerve pain), malaria, headache, supraorbital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, epilepsy, joint pain

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Supraorbital Neuralgia, Eyeball Pain, Eyelid Twitching)

Cedron shows magnificent action on the eyes. It has given great clinical improvements in cases of supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes). Here the hallmark indication is that this neuralgia is periodic that repeats itself at regular intervals. Mainly severe shooting pain occurs over the left eye. It is an excellent medicine to manage pain in the eyeballs. This pain radiates around the eyes. It is attended with scalding lachrymation (eye-watering). Further, its use is considered in cases of eye redness and burning sensation in the eyes like fire. Lastly, it can be given in cases of twitching (brief, involuntary contraction or jerking of muscles) of the upper eyelid.

Key Indicating Features

Supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes)

Supraorbital neuralgia occurring periodically means repeating itself at regular intervals

Severe shooting pain over the left eye

Pain in the eyeballs with radiating pain around the eyes with scalding eye- watering

Twitching of the upper eyelid

3. For Headache

It is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of headaches. The most prominent notable symptom of using this medicine is bouts of headaches occurring with clock-like precision. It means the headache returns at a specific time every day like a clock. In cases needing it, the pain is felt deep in the orbits that force the sufferer to shut the eyes. The pain may extend to the back of the head (occiput). It is also indicated when pain traverses from one temple to another across the eyes. Pressure may be felt on the top of the head (vertex). Mostly the headache gets worse in the open air and when one wakes up.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of headaches occurring with clock-like precision

Pain in the orbits forces the sufferer to shut his eyes

Pain traverses from one temple to another right across the eyes

4. Facial Concerns (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Its action is further noted on the face. It is prominently indicated to help cases of trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe pain in the face resulting from pressure over the trigeminal nerve or from its damage/injury). For those who need it, pain occurs mainly on the right side of the face. It occurs at regular intervals at a fixed time with a clock-like accuracy. It is accompanied by distortion of the face from spasm of muscle on the affected side. Usually, it comes at 7 or 8 pm and lasts for about two to four hours. It is also indicated for nerve pain in the face that spreads from a decayed tooth. It is characteristically pressing and tearing pain with shooting pain sometimes.

Key Indicating Features

Trigeminal neuralgia, pain on the right side of the face at a fixed time in a clock-like accuracy

Nerve pain in the face spreading from a decayed tooth

5. For Fever (Malaria)

The use of this medicine is highly recommended to manage malaria fever. The key indication to use it is that there is a marked periodicity of fever that comes at the same hour every day. It starts at 6 pm with chills in the back and feet or with cold feet and hands. Before the onset of fever (about 20 to 40 minutes) mental excitement occurs with the sensation of heat. During the heat stage head feels heavy along with a red face, burning in the hands, and a desire for warm drinks. In some cases, chill starts at 4 am followed by sweat at 4 pm. During chills, congestion in the head occurs along with icy coldness of the hands, feet, and nose. Profuse sweating occurs every evening.

Key Indicating Features

Fever occurring with a marked periodicity that comes at the same hour every day

Fever starting at 6 pm with chills in the back, and feet or with cold feet, and hands

6. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Epilepsy)

This medicine is very suitable for managing certain female problems. Here it is a beneficial medicine to manage cases where vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) occurs in place of menses. The next characteristic feature of its use is epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses. Besides these, it is indicated for the excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breasts.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses

Epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses

The excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breast

7. Limbs (Joint Pain)

If we talk of the limbs, it proves effective in cases of joint pains. It is most helpful for sharp or lancinating pain in the joints, especially in the feet, and hands. Another main indication for its use is pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees. This medicine can manage well elbow pain on both sides. It is a sharp cutting pain in nature. The last indication of its use is the icy coldness of the limbs.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp or lancinating pain in the joints especially the feet and hands

Pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees

Sharp, cutting pain in both the elbows


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse periodically, at the same hour, upon lying down, after sleep, and in the open air.

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better from standing erect


The dose and potency of this medicine varies from low to high as per the case details. In low potency, it can be used often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna and Lachesis


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Coccus Cacti: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Coccus Cacti is a highly valuable homeopathic medicine for managing cases of cough. It has marked action on respiratory system and is predominantly a medicine to deal with cases of cough that end in vomiting (spasmodic cough). It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of spasmodic cough that occurs on waking up in the morning. Other than this it helps in managing certain urinary concerns, throat issues and female problems.

Drug Action

This medicine manifests its chief action on the mucus membrane of respiratory system. It also acts wonderfully on the throat. Next it acts markedly on urinary organs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cough, bronchitis, vomiting, kidney pain, nephritis, kidney stones, menorrhagia (heavy menses), vaginitis, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Bronchitis)

Coccus Cacti is of paramount value in managing complaints of respiratory system. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases of cough. The striking feature to use this medicine is spasmodic cough ( attacks of cough ending in vomiting of mucus). There occur regular attacks of violent, tickling cough that ends in vomiting. Clear ropy tough mucus is expectorated. Cough may arise from rawness in air passages. The second noteworthy complaint to use this medicine is spasmodic cough which is at its worst on first waking or rising in the morning. It is mostly worse around 6:00 am to 7:00 am. Tough white mucus is expectorated with cough. There is severe headache along with cough. Its use is also preferred when cough is worse in warm room and gets better in cold air. It is also relieved by taking cold drinks. Its use is highly recommended for cough that happens from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth. It is also suitable to manage cough in alcoholics. It can also be used when there occurs barking type, tickling cough at night and morning.

After coughing for a while, there is expectoration of mucus like white of an egg, tough or whitish yellow that can be drawn into threads. It has a saltish taste. Coccus Cacti is also a good medicine when there is cough with expectoration of stringy, sticky, yellow mucus having sour taste. Other than this, it is beneficial for cough that gets worse from lying down. It can help relieve cough that occurs while exercising. Its use is also considered for bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) . In such cases, it is helpful when there occurs expectoration of sticky mucus. The bronchial tubes are loaded with mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of cough ending in vomiting of tough mucus

Spasmodic cough worse on first waking or rising in morning

Cough arising from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth

Cough with expectoration of tough mucus or clear ropy mucus

Cough in alcoholics

Cough worse during exercise

2. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Irritation In Throat)

Coccus Cacti is useful for treating cases of sore throat when attended with excessive dryness. Rawness and scraping sensation are present in the throat. There may also occur burning and constricted sensation in throat. A peculiar sensation as if a crumb, lump or hair is lodged in the throat behind larynx is the guiding feature to use it. The lump sensation causes the sufferer to swallow constantly. Another feeling of a thread hanging down the back of throat is also indicative of the use of Coccus Cacti. The uvula may feel elongated.  It can also be successfully used in cases where any sort of irritation in throat brings cough and vomiting. There is accumulation of sticky mucus in the throat,hawking causes cough and vomiting. Coccus Cacti is highly valuable to manage cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with excessive dryness in throat

Sensation of a crumb, lump or hair lodged in throat behind larynx

Sensation of a thread hanging down the back of throat

Irritation in throat leading to cough and vomiting

Cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus

3. Urinary Concerns (Kidney Pain, Nephritis, Bladder Pain)

Use of this medicine is recommended for certain urinary concerns as well. It is a well indicated medicine for managing kidney pain. For using this medicine, the pain in kidney can be sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like. It gets worse from pressure and motion. Along with pain there is copious urination. This medicine is indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. Its use is next considered in cases of cutting type of pain in bladder. Pressure builds up in the bladder with a constant urge to urinate. Another notable feature to use it is lancinating pain extending from kidney to bladder with difficult, painful urination. Lastly, it can be used in cases of kidney stones and blood in urine (hematuria).

Key Indicating Features

Sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like pain in kidney

Kidney pain worse from pressure and motion

Cutting pain in bladder, pressure in bladder with a constant urge to urinate

4. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea)

The most salient feature to use this medicine while dealing with women-related problems is heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination (dysuria). The menses also come early. There is passage of large clots from vagina while passing urine. The clots also pass when rising up and when quiet. Next complaint where its use is recommended is inflammation of vagina (vaginitis). The lower part of vagina is tender with irritation. It gets worse while urinating. It is also effective in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea) that consist of mucus. It is preceded by drawing pain in groin, bladder and pubic region.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination

Vaginitis with tenderness and irritation in lower part of vagina, worse when urinating

Vaginal discharges that consist of mucus preceded by drawing pain in groins, bladder and pubic region


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from the slightest exertion, from heat, lying down, in early morning, at night, from brushing teeth, from touch

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold drinks, from washing in cold water and from walking


This medicine is generally recommended in low potencies though high potencies can be used as well. A general rule to be followed is lower potencies can be repeated frequently while higher potencies should be used in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Coccus Cacti can be compared with medicine Kali Bichrome in case of sticky mucus in throat

It can be compared with homeopathic medicines Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, and Ocimum Can in case of urinary complaints


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ferrum Phosphoricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Phosphoricum is prepared from iron phosphate which is inactive in its crude form. But after potentization (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal properties from its crude form), iron phosphate is converted into a homeopathic medicine — Ferrum Phosphoricum. It is a biochemic medicine, one among the 12 biochemic medicines also known as Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. Apart from several other health issues, it is a leading medicine to help manage cases of anaemia; the first stage of inflammatory conditions for example sore throat, tonsillitis, otitis media, and conjunctivitis; to control bleeding from various body parts like the nose, lungs, uterus, rectum; and it also helps manage weakness after blood loss.

The ‘Ferrum Phosphoricum’ Constitution

This medicine is very suitable for sensitive, nervous and anaemic people.

Drug Action

The most prominent action of Ferrum Phosphoricum is on the blood and it helps in cases of anaemia, and complaints like a weakness that occurs after blood loss. In general, it acts well to check inflammatory processes in different body parts, especially in the initial stages. Next, it acts well on the head, ears, eyes, face, nose, and throat. Its action is also marked on the respiratory system, limbs, joints, and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Anaemia, haemorrhages, fever, headache, vertigo, ear disorders, otitis media, conjunctivitis, styes, cold, nose bleeding, profuse menses, painful menses, vaginismus, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, hemoptysis, pleurisy, joint pains, sprains.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Acts on blood

Ferrum Phosphoricum acts well on the blood. It is a top medicine to help in managing cases of anaemia. Anaemia is a condition characterised by a lack of enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to body tissues. As per the homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine is known to increase haemoglobin levels when given in 3 X potency. Secondly, this medicine helps control bleeding from various body parts. Some of these include the nose, lungs, uterus, and rectum. Besides these, it can be used to manage weakness that follows blood loss.

Key Indicating Features


To control bleeding

Weakness that follows blood loss

2. Head (Headache) And Vertigo

This medicine has marked action on the head. It is an important medicine to manage headaches. It is well-indicated for headaches with pressing and throbbing pain. Stopping and shaking your head makes it worse. The headache gets worse from small movements. A characteristic feature is a relief in headaches by applying cold. Along with the headache, the sensitivity of the scalp is present. There is also a rush of blood to the head. Another very peculiar feature indicating its use is a headache which starts from the top of the head and extends to the sides of the head which is then relieved by nose bleeding. The top of the head is also sensitive to cold air, noise, and jar. Its use is advised in cases of vertigo. The principal indication is vertigo in case of anaemia, with weakness. There is marked dizziness with a sensation as if everything around the victim is swimming.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with pressing throbbing pain

Headache worsens from stopping, shaking head, and from any movement

Headache gets relieved by applying cold

Headache from the top of the head to the sides of the head and subsequently gets better after the bleeding of the nose.

3. Ear Disorders (Otitis Media, Tinnitus, Hearing Difficulty)

This medicine acts well on the ears. It is most suitable for managing otitis media (inflammation or infection of the middle ear). Its use is highly recommended to manage acute otitis media, especially, in the first stage. Those who need it make complaints of throbbing pain in the ear along with ear discharge. This discharge consists of mucus and pus. Secondly, it manages tinnitus (noises in the ear in absence of any external source of sound). It is mostly used when the noise in the ear gets worse upon lying. Mainly ringing and roaring noises are heard in the ear due to the rush of blood to the head. Other than these, it is beneficial in managing deafness that arises from a cold.

Key Indicating Features

Acute otitis media in the first stage

Otitis media with a throbbing earache, and discharge of mucus and pus from the ears

Tinnitus which gets worse upon lying down

Deafness due to cold

4. Eye Complaints (Conjunctivitis, Styes)

This medicine also helps manage certain complaints of the eye as well. It is primarily indicated to manage cases of conjunctivitis (an inflammation of the transparent membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball). It can be given in cases of acute conjunctivitis cases when there is no mucus or pus discharge. The eyes are red, and inflamed accompanied by a burning sensation. There is a sensation of sand under the eyelids. This medicine also deals with cases of traumatic conjunctivitis (which means conjunctivitis that follows some injury). Its use is further recommended in cases of styes (red, painful lump on the edge of the eyelid). It mainly helps in curing styes that form on the lower eyelid.

Key Indicating Features

Acute conjunctivitis without any mucus or pus discharge

Traumatic conjunctivitis

Styes on the lower eyelid

5. Facial Problems (Facial Neuralgia)

If we talk of facial concerns its use is suggested to help cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain in the face). The symptoms to look for while using it are nerve pain in the face of pressing, stinging or throbbing type which gets worse from stooping, shaking of the head, and upon small movements. It gets better by applying cold. The face becomes hot and red during pain.

Key Indicating Features

Facial neuralgia with pressing, stinging, or throbbing pain

Facial nerve pain worsens when one stoops, from shaking of the head and on any small movement

Facial neuralgia gets better by applying cold

6. Nasal Problems (Cold, Nose Bleeding)

It is most useful in handling cases of cold and nasal bleeding (epistaxis). It is mainly applicable during the first stage of cold with watery nasal discharge. In case of nasal bleeding, it can be used when there is bright red bleeding from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

The first stage of cold with watery nasal discharge

Nose bleeding of bright red blood

7. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Laryngitis)

It manages some of the throat issues quite well. It ensures clinical improvements in cases of sore throat and tonsillitis. It is very helpful when a sore throat occurs along with a cold. There is a pain in the throat that worsens from empty swallowing. The throat is red, and inflamed sometimes with ulcers in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen, especially the one on the right side. It also acts well on the larynx. Here it is effective in managing laryngitis. It controls well hoarseness of voice mainly that occurs from straining. Much mucus is also felt in the throat. Use of this medicine is also recommended in managing bleeding, and soreness that follows an operation on the throat.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat which occurs along with cold

Tonsillitis with red and swollen tonsils especially the one on the right side

Laryngitis with hoarseness of voice that occurs from straining the voice

8. For Fever

This medicine is recommended to manage fever cases. The predominant feature to use it are the cases of the first stage of inflammatory fever. It is very helpful in cases of fever that occurs in case of sore throat, cold, cystitis (urinary bladder inflammation). In those who need it, there is general heat with little thirst. Chill also occurs that returns at the same time every day around 1 pm.

Key Indicating Features

First stage of inflammatory fever (like in sore throat)

9. Female Problems (Profuse Menses, Painful Menses, Vaginismus, And Painful Intercourse)

Women may find this medicine helpful in managing various problems. Firstly, it offers help in managing cases in which menses occurs every three weeks with profuse bleeding. It is accompanied by pressure in abdomen and the lower back. Along with heavy menses there occurs pain in the head. During menses, a bearing down sensation is also felt. Ferrum Phos is a highly valuable medicine to manage painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). The most characteristic feature is painful menses accompanied by indigestion and vomiting. There is bearing down pain and marked pain in the lower back. This medicine can help cases of vaginismus (involuntary muscle spasm or contraction when something is trying to enter the vagina) as well. It can effectively deal with cases of pain during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia). There is marked heat and dryness in the vagina in the patients who need it.

Key Indicating Features

Profuse menses every three weeks with pressure in the abdomen and lower back

Headache during profuse menses

Painful menses accompanied by indigestion, and vomiting

Pain during sexual intercourse

10. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Hemoptysis, Pleurisy)

It treats well some respiratory issues. It is helpful in managing cough. It is well-indicated when the cough is dry, hard, short, and tickling type. Cough gets worse when one is exposed to the open air. It may be accompanied by vomiting. Soreness in the chest may accompany the cough. In some cases, the cough is accompanied by mucus rattling in the chest which worsens during the night. It can be administered in cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs), especially in young children. There is a short, hacking, tickling cough which is at its worse during the mornings and evenings. Its use is also well-indicated in the first stage of pneumonia (inflammation of the air sacs of the lungs). It can be used to manage blood spitting that originates from the lungs (hemoptysis). Besides all these, it is suitable to manage pleurisy (Inflammation of pleura means two layers of tissue that separate lungs from the chest wall) with sharp pain in the right chest. It gets worst on coughing and deep breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Dry, hard, short, tickling cough

Cough which gets worse when going into the open air

Bronchitis especially in young children

Blood spitting that originates from lungs (hemoptysis)

Pleurisy with sharp pain in the right chest, which gets worse on coughing and deep breathing

11. Limbs (Joint Pain, Sprains)

In the case of limbs, its action is mostly well-marked on the joints. It is prominently indicated for joint pains. The guiding feature to use it is joint pain involving one joint after another. The joints are swollen with little redness. Pain increases from the slightest movement. It proves most beneficial for shoulder joint pain. Pain may extend in two different directions – from the shoulder to the chest and to the wrist. The pain is sore and bruised in nature. It is also of great help in case of knee pain. The pain from the knees shoots down the legs. The pain worsens from every motion. The pain causes sleeplessness at night. An important indication suggesting its use is sprains (over stretching of ligaments – fibrous tissue band that connects one bone to another) of elbow.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pains attacking one joint after another

Shoulder pain extending to the chest and wrist

Knee pain which goes down the legs and gets worse from small movements

A sprain in the elbow


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse at night, in cold air, open air, touch, jar, motion, noise, and cold drinks

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better upon lying down, cold applications, rest, and from bleeding


Its use is usually recommended from third to twelfth potency. Among these, the most preferred is 6X potency. In 6X potency it can be repeated three to four times a day depending on the case.

Relationship with Other Remedies

In cases of fever it can be compared with medicines — Aconite and Gelsemium.

It can be compared with medicines Kali Mur (in case of pneumonia) and Antimonium Tart (in bronchitis cases).


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Lac Caninum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Lac Caninum is a very valuable medicine to treat several health-related issues. This medicine manages very well throat issues mainly sore throat, and tonsillitis. It is of great clinical significance in managing joint pains. The most notable use of this medicine is for joint pains that wander from one joint to another and from one side to another. It is also effective in managing depression, forgetfulness, and certain fears. It is also well-indicated for managing some women-related problems like vaginal discharges, mastitis, and breast pain.

Drug Action

The best action of Lac Caninum is on the throat. It also acts well on the mind and women’s genitals. Next, it acts on the head, nose, ear, limbs, and joints.

Clinical Indications

Sore throat, tonsillitis, depression, delusions, menses disorders, leucorrhoea, ovarian disorders, dysmenorrhea, galactorrhea, breast pain, mastitis, headache, migraine, cold, nasal bleeding, ear infections, joint pain, sciatica.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Tonsillitis, Quinsy)

Lac Caninum acts wonderfully on the throat. Its use is firstly recommended to manage cases of sore throat. The most characteristic indication for its use is sore throat before or during menstruation. There is a pain in the throat while swallowing. The pain from the throat extends to the ears during swallowing. There occurs a pricking sensation in the throat as if it is full of sticks. Tickling and constriction are felt in the throat leading to a dry hacking cough. A lump is felt in the throat that goes down as one swallows but again returns. The throat also feels raw. There is dryness in the throat along with a scalding sensation as after ingesting hot fluid. In the throat, there may appear swelling of mucus follicles that are covered with whitish cream-colored mucus. The deposits in the throat look shining, glazed, and pearly white. Its use is considered in cases of tonsillitis as well. For those who need it, the tonsils are deep red, enlarged, shining, inflamed along with dryness in the throat. In most cases, the left-sided tonsil gets inflamed first then the inflammation is followed on the right. Pricking and cutting pain is felt in the tonsils on swallowing. White ulcers form on tonsils. This medicine can also help in managing cases of quinsy (pus collection behind the tonsils). This works well when the ailment starts from the left tonsil and then goes to the right.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat before or during menses

Sore throat with throat pain while swallowing and it extends to the ears

Tonsillitis beginning in left tonsil followed by the right

Quinsy starting from left tonsil, and then it goes to the right

2. Mind Complaints (Forgetfulness, Depression, Fears, Delusions)

This medicine does wonders for ailments of the mind. It is of great value in managing cases of weak memory and forgetfulness. Those who need it make mistakes in reading, and writing. While writing one may not write the right words or may omit letters in a word. There is also difficulty in concentrating while reading or studying. Further, it is effective in managing cases of depression. The sufferer weeps several times in a day. This is accompanied by negative thoughts, and intense hopelessness. Self- loathing is present. There is sensation that there is nothing worth living for. In some cases, there is alteration of moods. Its use is also considered in managing certain types of fears. These include fear of disease especially heart disease and tuberculosis (a type of hypochondria); fear of going mad, fear of fainting and fear of snakes. Lastly, it is well indicated in managing certain delusions means rigid, false beliefs not based on reality. The first one is delusion of big eyes, and creeping things. Second is the delusion of entire body being filled with pus. Third is the delusion of snakes, insects, spiders.

Key Indicating Features

Weak memory, and forgetfulness with mistakes in reading, and writing

Depression with weeping episodes several times in a day, negative thinking and intense hopelessness

Fear of disease especially heart disease, and tuberculosis

Fear of going mad, fear of fainting and fear of snakes

Delusion of big eyes, and creeping things

Delusion of the entire body being filled with pus

Delusions of snakes, insects, spiders

3. Female Health Concerns (Heavy Menses, Vaginal Discharge, Painful Menses, Breast Swelling, Galactorrhea)

Its use is highly recommended in managing several women-related issues, such as heavy menses. Those who need it complain of early, and heavy menses. There are gushes of menstrual flow. It is also helpful in managing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). Its peculiar feature is that the vaginal discharge occurs only in the day time, and never at night. It is accompanied by foul smell in the genitals. Another complaint where its use can be considered is genital herpes (sexually transmitted infection caused by herpes simplex virus). There are sores between labia, and the thighs where this medicine is required. These have a foul smell. It can also handle well enough the cases of ovary pain. It is well indicated for sharp pains in ovaries that traverse from one side to another. This medicine is of great help in managing complaints of painful menses. It can be given when pain is marked in the left groin during menses. The abdomen becomes very sensitive even to the weight of the clothes. Lac Caninum also acts well on the breast. Here it is found effective in relieving pain and swelling in the breast that occurs particularly before the menses. It gets better when periods are about to commence. Along with swelling and pain the breast is sensitive to touch and pressure too. It has also given good results in cases of mastitis (breast inflammation). It can be used when mastitis symptoms get worse upon slight movement. This medicine is also of great service in cases of hard lumps, knots, and tumours in the breast. It is an important medicine to help cases of galactorrhea (milky discharge from nipples that is not related to normal milk production of breast feeding). Lac Caninum is also known to help establish milk production when there occurs loss of milk in nursing females without any known cause. Last action of this medicine is to help those who feel the need to dry up the breast milk.

Key Indicating Features

Early and heavy menses when bleeding occurs in gushes

Genital herpes with sores between labia and thighs having a foul smell

Pain and swelling in breast that occur particularly before menses

Galactorrhea (milky discharge from nipples that is not related to normal milk production of breast feeding)

Helps to enhance lactation when there is loss of milk among nursing women without any known cause

Helps to dry breast milk wherever required

4. Head (Headache, Migraine)

This medicine manages headaches very well. The most characteristic feature for its use is headache accompanied by blurring of vision and nausea, and also vomiting. Headaches usually occur on both sides alternately. It is very effective in cases of migraine. One feels throbbing in the temples. Pain is darting, stabbing in nature. The pain may begin on the right or left side and always shifts from one side to the other. Pain in the head gets worse from noise or talking. It gets better when one goes quiet.

Key Indicating Features

Headache accompanied by blurring of vision and nausea, and also vomiting

Headaches occur on both sides alternately

Headache gets worse from noise, and talking and it is relieved by keeping quiet

5. Nasal Problems (Cold, Bleeding)

When it comes to nasal problems, it is a suitable medicine to manage cases of cold. It is administered when one nostril is stuffed up and the other has free discharges. The discharge is profuse pus-like or watery in nature followed by dryness. In some cases, the nasal discharge is a thick white mucus or of blood-stained pus. The nasal discharge causes rawness of nose and lips. It is also valuable in managing nose bleeding. It can be used when nose bleeding occurs while speaking or swallowing. Another peculiar guiding feature is bleeding from the right nostril at night.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with stuffed up one nostril, and discharge from another nostril

Nose bleeding while speaking or swallowing

Bleeding from the right nostril at night

6. Ear Complaints (Ear Infections, Tinnitus)

This medicine can be administered in cases of ear infections. It proves best when infections alternately take place in one ear or the other. There occurs green-coloured discharge from the nose. Ears feel full. There is pain in the ear. It can be used in case of tinnitus (hearing noises in the ears in the absence of any external source). It is helpful if there is ringing, and buzzing noise in the ears.

Key Indicating Features

Ear infections that takes place alternately in one ear or the other.

Green-colored discharge from the ears

7. Limbs And Joints (Pain, Joint Pains, Sciatica, Burning)

This medicine has a marked action on the limbs, and the joints. It works wonderfully in managing alternating pains in limbs as if one has been beaten. In case of joints, it is highly suitable when pain in the joints keeps shifting from one joint to another and from one side to other. The pain in the joints get better from cold applications. These get worse after movement and heat. It is also well-indicated to manage sciatica on the right-side (pain along the sciatic nerve that begins in the lower back and goes down the hips, back of the thigh, legs and up to the foot). There is intense pain in lower back radiating down the right buttock and the leg. This pain is severe enough to disturb sleep. Lastly, another striking feature for its use is burning in the hands, and the feet at night time.

Key Indicating Features

Pain that alternately takes place between the limbs as if one is beaten

Joint pain which shifts from one joint to another and from one side to the other

Joint pain gets better from cold applications

Sciatica on the right side gets severe enough and even disturbs sleep

Burning is felt in the hands, and feet at night


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from touch, pressure, motion, cold, rest, after sleep, empty swallowing, during menses, and at night

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better in the open air, from cold drinks and walking


It can be used in 30 C and higher potencies. As a general rule, its low potencies can be repeated often while frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with some other remedies including Lachesis, Lactic Acid and Lac Vaccinum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Tarentula Hispanica: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Tarentula Hispanica is a great remedy having profound action on nerves and mind. Extreme restlessness is one of the top most indication for its use. It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of restlessness, twitching, jerking, chorea (movement disorder in which there is involuntary, unpredictable muscle movement) and hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety). Oversensitivity to music is another key indication for its use.



The ‘Tarentula Hispanica’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to nervous, hysterical persons prone to involuntary muscle movements (chorea) and destructive impulses.

Drug Action

This medicine’s sphere of action is most marked on nervous system and mind. It also acts well on female and male genitals. Its action is also seen on limbs, back, urinary organs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Nervous disorders, restlessness, ADHD twitching, chorea, restless legs, hysteria, mania, kleptomania, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, pruritis vulvae, nymphomania, sexual mania, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, fibroids, uterine displacements, coccygodynia, cystitis, boils

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Mind Complaints (Restlessness, Mood Changes, Music Sensitivity, Hysteria, Mania)

The foremost action of this medicine is seen on the mind. The most important indication to use this medicine is intense restlessness that compels the sufferer to walk. They have to be in constant motion even if walking worsens the problem. The persons needing it are very impatient, anxious and impulsive. They may have impulses to cause destruction, they may strike themselves or others. It is one of the most prominent medicine to treat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) with extreme restlessness and compulsion to hurry. There may occur sudden mood changes with lack of emotional control. The person may indulge in intense laughter followed by screaming. Cheerfulness may alternate with anger and irritability.

Another top listed indication guiding feature to use Tarentula is sensitivity to music. Music causes great excitement and the person dances up and down, laughs, runs and makes gestures on listening music. They may also roll on ground from side to side, strike with feet or roll the head and rub it. It is also well indicated for cases of kleptomania (a recurrent urge to steal). It is a highly valuable medicine for hysteria (an uncontrollable outburst of emotion or fear characterized by laughing, weeping, fits of rage or anxiety) and mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels).

Key Indicating Features

Intense restlessness compelling the sufferer to walk

Impatience, hurriedness and impulses to cause destruction

Hypersensitivity to music

Sudden mood changes, intense laughter followed by screaming, cheerfulness alternating with anger and irritability

Mania (abnormally elevated changes in mood, emotions and activity levels)

2. Limbs (Chorea, Restless Legs, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s Disease)

Tarentula has a well-marked action on the limbs. It is of great help in cases of chorea. In cases needing it, there may occur irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg. Another characteristic symptom to use this medicine is the trembling of body and great agitation in all the limbs. It is relieved by listening to music. Tarentula is also a valuable medicine for managing cases of Sydenham’s chorea earlier known as St Vitus’ dance. There is rapid jerking movement of face, hands and face in a person who suffers from this disease.

It is highly suited for cases of twitching and jerking. It proves highly effective for restless legs. There is excessive restlessness of lower limbs with need to change position frequently. Its use is also considered in epilepsy (tendency to fits). The person falls down unconsciously with rigidity of body, teeth grinding, squinting of eyes, tongue biting followed by dizziness. It is also an important medicine for cases of Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder that starts with tremors at rest in one hand followed by other symptoms including slowness of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech). This medicine is indicated when there is marked trembling of left leg that extends to head and tongue. Pricking is felt in fingers and toes, memory is diminished and there is inability to do any fine work. It has shown great clinical improvements in numbness and weakness of legs too.

Key Indicating Features

Chorea – irresistible movement of left hand and foot or right arm and leg

St Vitus’ dance with rapid jerking movements of face, hands and face

Restless legs with a need to change position frequently

Trembling of body and great agitation of all the limbs, gets better from music

Parkinson’s disease with trembling of left leg extending to head and tongue, pricking in fingers, toes, diminished memory and inability to do any fine work

3. Female Problems (Pruritis Vulvae, Nymphomania, Painful Menses, Leucorrhoea, Fibroids, Uterine Displacements)

It has a marked action on female genitals. Tarentula is a very beneficial medicine for managing itching of vulva (pruritis vulva) felt after menses. There is dryness, heat and rawness in vulva and vagina along with itching. The itching increases at night. Scratching makes the itching worse. It is well indicated for managing cases of nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women). The females needing it are unable to suppress sexual desire. Its use is highly effective in managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). During menses, there is marked sensitivity in the ovaries. Females needing it mainly have painful menses more during cold weather and less in warm weather. This medicine can be given in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge is of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge. Another complaint where it can be used is uterine fibroids (non-cancerous growths in uterus). The guiding features for its use is fibroids with bearing down pains. It is further useful for early and copious menses with pain in uterus and extreme sexual excitement. Use of Tarentula can also be considered for cases of displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool.

Key Indicating Features

Itching of vulva and vagina after menses

Nymphomania (excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire in women)

Vaginal discharge of clear, sticky lumps alternating with bloody discharge

Uterine fibroids with bearing down pains

Displacement of uterus attended with urine retention and difficulty in passing stool

4. Male Problems (Extreme Sexual Excitement, Gonorrhoea, Pain)

This medicine can be helpful in managing some male problems as well. It is a highly recommended medicine to manage extreme sexual excitement in males. Males needing it have unrestrained sexual behavior amounting almost to madness. The genitals are highly sensitive. Next it can be used in gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). There is irritation in urethra with smarting (sharp) pain while urinating. This medicine can also be given to manage pain in testes mainly on touching and pain in groin. Lastly, it is indicated for heat sensation in penis during emission of semen. Semen may contain some blood.

Key Indicating Features

Extreme sexual excitement and unrestrained sexual behaviour in males almost to madness

Gonorrhoea with irritation in urethra with smarting while urinating

Heat sensation in penis during emission of semen

5. Back Concerns (Tail Bone Pain, Sensitive Spine)

If we talk of back complaints, Tarentula mainly acts well on the coccyx (tail bone that lies at the bottom portion of spine). It is a very suitable medicine to manage pain in coccyx (coccygodynia). Persons needing it have worsening of this pain from little movement and touch. It gets better by standing. It is a prominent medicine when pain in tailbone occur in a woman specifically after delivery of child. It is accompanied with burning smarting vaginal discharges. The pain worsens by movement, sitting, lying and from the least pressure. It feels better while standing. Second indication for using this medicine is increased sensitivity of spine to touch. A slightest touch on spine cause pain in chest and heart.

Key Indicating Features

Tailbone pain worse from little movement and touch, better by standing

Pain in tailbone in women after delivery of child

Tailbone pain in women accompanied with burning, smarting vaginal discharges

Increased sensitivity of spine to touch

6. Urinary Issues (Urinary Incontinence, Cystitis)

Tarentula acts wonderfully on urinary organs. Here it is effective in managing complaint of urinary incontinence (involuntary escape of urine). The guiding feature to use it is involuntary urination while coughing or laughing. It is beneficial for cases of cystitis (inflammation or infection or urinary bladder). The bladder feels hard, painful and swollen. There is frequent urination along with pain which worsens at night. Urine smells foul, it may contain sandy particles. Fever may attend cystitis.

Key Indicating Features

Involuntary urination while coughing or laughing

Cystitis with hard, painful and swollen bladder, frequent urination with pain

7. Skin Complaints (Boils, Abscess, And Carbuncles, Itching)

Lastly, it has magnificent action on the skin. The first indication for its use is boils (pus- filled lumps under the skin). It works well when boils are painful with burning sensation. It is also indicated for other skin complaints where pus formation occurs including carbuncles (cluster of multiple boils) and abscess (pus-filled pocket in tissues of the body or organs) that are deep. This medicine aids pus expulsion from all kind of skin lumps. Secondly, this medicine shows good results in case of itching in the skin along with sensation of insects crawling on skin.

Key Indicating Features

Boils with pain and burning

Deep abscess and carbuncles

Skin itching with sensation of insects crawling on skin


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from rest, touch, noises, damp, cold, after menses, periodically

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from music, open air, pressure, bright colours, in sun and from warm water


It works well in both low and high potency. Its potency needs to be selected as per the individual case presentation. The low potencies can be taken often, but high potency should be taken in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Pulsatilla, Magnesia Carb, Moschus, Cuprum Met, Gelsemium, and Carbo Veg

It antidotes: Lachesis

It can be compared with other medicines including Agaricus, Arsenic Album and Magnesium Phosphorica


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Syphilinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Syphilinum is a strong and deep acting homeopathic medicine. It is a principal homeopathic medicine to deal with many health complaints which aggravate at night. Its use is mainly recommended as an intercurrent remedy in cases of treatment of chronic diseases when response of patient is weak or nil to the well indicated remedies already given. Among the various health concerns, it is frequently recommended for cases of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), ulcers and shifting joint pain. Its use is also highly considered for cases in which there is intense weakness in morning.

Drug Action

Its major action is seen on the mind and female genitals. It also shows good results in ailments affecting eyes, mouth, male genitals and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, memory loss, leucorrhoea, ovaries disorders, painful menses, ulcers, keratitis, eye pain, iritis, tooth decay, chancre, syphilis, sciatica, exostosis, joint pain, bone disorders

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind Complaints (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Memory Loss)

Syphilinum has remarkable action on the mind. The foremost complaint where this medicine is highly recommended is OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). OCD refers to mental health condition characterized by constant unwanted thoughts and fears leading to repetitive behaviour. Syphilinum is well-indicated when the sufferer has an intense fear of germs. They have marked fear of catching an infection. They keep on washing hands very frequently out of this fear. In such cases, Syphilinum has shown great clinical improvements.

Secondly, this medicine can be used to treat anxiety, especially marked anxiety about health. There is fear of suffering and pain, and fear of death. Hopelessness is there, the person sees no hope of recovery. Next this medicine is well indicated for cases of loss of memory. Persons needing it have loss of memory but all the occurrences prior to the disease are well remembered. Memory of ongoing occurrences, names, places, dates is lost. Lastly, its use is indicated for cases exhibiting depression, along with suicidal thoughts. The sufferer experiences extreme attacks of pain. There is marked sadness, irritability and aversion to company.

Key Indicating Features

OCD with fear of germs, of catching an infection leading to frequent washing of hands

Anxiety about health with fear of suffering, pain and death

Loss of memory, but all the occurrences before the onset of disease are well remembered

2. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Ovarian Pain, Ulcers, Painful Menses)

This medicine shows wonderful action on female organs. The most important complaint where it proves effective is vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The yellow discharge is thin, watery, very profuse that runs down the heels, and has an offensive odor. It is attended with itching in genitals. The discharge also causes inflammation of external genitals. The discharge gets worse at night from the warmth of bed. Itching and inflammation reduce during periods. Pain in ovaries also occurs along with vaginal discharge. The nature of ovarian pain is sharp knife-like; pain in ovary on right side gets worse at night time.

Syphilinum is beneficial for managing cases of ulcers on vulva and labia. Ovarian pain accompanies it. The ulcers are sensitive to touch. It is helpful in managing early menses and painful menses. The menses come early in every two weeks’ time. The menstrual bleeding is pink red, bright, profuse and have putrid meat like odor. This medicine also offers help in cases of inflamed, congested ovaries and also ovarian tumours. There is sore aching in the left ovarian region that extends to the right. Pain in ovary is felt at orgasm time during coitus.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge that is thin, watery, profuse, offensive yellow with genital itching and ovarian pain

Ulcers on vulva and labia that are sensitive to touch

Early menses in every two-weeks time and painful menses

3. Eye Problems (Keratitis, Eye Pain, Iritis)

With its magnificent action on the eyes, Syphilinum gives good results in cases of recurrent inflammation of cornea (keratitis). Phyctenules (small pustules means pus-filled eruptions) appear on the cornea of the eye. It is attended with redness in the eyes, pain, excessive eye watering and sensitivity to bright light. It is very helpful when eyes are very painful at night. It is an excellent medicine to help cases of photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive eye watering (lachrymation).  This medicine can manage well complaint of iritis. Inflammation of colored ring around the eye’s pupil.

Key Indicating Features

Inflamed cornea with small pustules, attended with red eyes, eye pain, excessive eye watering and sensitivity to bright light

Eye pain at night

Photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive eye watering

Iritis with sensitivity to bright light

4. Mouth Issues (Ulcers, Excessive Salivation, Coated Tongue)

By acting on the mouth, Syphilinum can handle mouth ulcers well along with marked burning and stinging. It is a prominent medicine for managing cases of excessive salivation. There is increased flow of saliva, saliva runs out of mouth while sleeping. Other than this, it is helpful for coated tongue with deep lengthwise cracks along center. It also acts on teeth and is indicated for tooth decay when decay occurs at the edges of gums.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers with marked burning and stinging

Increased flow of saliva, saliva runs out of mouth when sleeping

Coated tongue with deep lengthwise cracks along center

Tooth decay at the edges of gums

5. Male Problems (Syphilis)

If we talk of male problems, it is a leading medicine for managing cases of syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum). Males needing it have chancre (an ulcer on genitals that form during primary stage of syphilis) on prepuce (foreskin). The ulcers have raised edges and is accompanied with burning sensation. It can be used to manage aching in genitals when the sufferer is not even able to sit still.

Key Indicating Feature

Chancre (ulcer on genital) on prepuce with burning in syphilis cases

6. Limbs (Sciatica, Exostosis, Joint Pain, Leg Pain)

Lastly, it acts well on limbs and joints. It is well indicated to manage sciatica (a pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve that starts in lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). The guiding feature for its use is sciatica which gets worse at night and better at daybreak. It can effectively deal with cases of exostosis (also called bone spurs, referring to growth of extra new bone on the surface of an existing bone). In cases needing it, there is soreness and pain in the overgrown bone.

Syphilinum is also very helpful for treating joint pains. There is redness, swelling and heat in joints. There is shifting of pain from one joint to another. The muscles feel like hard knots. There is shoulder joint pain; its use is considered mainly when this pain gets worse from raising arm outwards or to the front. It can also be given in cases of pain and swelling in left-side wrist and big toe, which gets worse from sundown to sunrise. Other than this, Syphilinum is recommended for cases of pain in legs and in shin bone (it is tibia bone which is the larger of two bones in lower leg). A peculiar feature for its use is when relief sets in by pouring cold water on legs.

Key Indicating Features

Sciatica gets worse at night and better around daybreak

Exostosis with soreness and pain in the overgrown bone

Shoulder joint pain worse from raising arm outwards or in front

Pain in legs, in shin bone gets better from pouring cold water on legs


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night, from sundown to sunrise, from extreme heat or cold, motion, from dampness, thunderstorms, and during full moon.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better at high altitudes, mountains, during day, from heat application, and continued or slow motion


The use of this medicine is recommended only in high potencies. It is strictly advised not repeat the dose frequently in any case.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Syphilinum can be compared with certain other homeopathic medicines having similar action like this. These includes Merc Sol, Nitric Acid, Aurum Met and Alumina.


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