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Ten Steps to Autism Recovery

Ten steps to recover your child from autism. Research shows that some forms of autism are recoverable with early intervention and homeopathic medicine. Download this info graphic on ten steps for autism recovery .

Autism 13 steps

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Hi doctor my 30 month old daughter has mild autism and i want to cure her problem
    please advise how homeopathy work for her
    as,we already take biomedical treatment from gangaram hospital

    we live in Delhi do you have any branch here

  2. denise moore says:

    Please help ,,,,, my child is 2 1/2 years old I see that he is different he does slip in his wold but we talk and play with him a lot.I no longer work during the week. I am looking for a school for him any advice.

  3. Hitendra Agrawal says:

    My son 2 year old and diagnosed asd n adhd .sir plz advise

  4. Devendar says:

    Hello sir,

    My sister’s son is 9 yrs old and he is having Autism. He does not speak and focus on what we say but he understands our words and reacts to our commands some times. We are helping all basic activity, he is now studying in special school. He always plays with wheel games (observes the moving things a lot) ,gadgets.We are from Hyderabad and we would like to take the treatment with you,so kindly share the process of the treatment.

  5. RAMESH KUMAR says:

    my son 24 yr old diagnosed mild MR childhood autism. how homoeopathy can help me

  6. Tracey Black says:

    I have a 6 year old with hight funching Autism and a 12 year old with ADHD. They are both in school with I.e.p ‘s therapys and so on we go see thier doctor every three months. I have been reading some of what is on your page and would like some answers or help with treatments. I ‘am having a big problem with the schools. Looking for some answers.

  7. muniyandy says:

    Dear sir

    My son age 9 yrs old,He is suffering by Autism,he does not speak as the normal we are helping all basic activity,Now he is studying in special school,but he has not interested to study,always playing with wheel games,I would like to take the treatment with you,so kindly share the ideas to communicate with you and start the treatment

  8. vejayakumarie says:

    Dear Dr.Sharma,

    My son is 18yrs old now. He is a autistic child. Till the age of 3 he was talking and gradually regressed after that. We have taken him to many places for treatment. He is a calm and nice at times, but sometimes he becomes so unpreditable. He gets into a rage and slaps himself or knocks his head on the floor. He loves to sing and sing songs well, but does not like to speak though he know the words. He is able to get things done on his own expect for bathing which he takes a long time in the bathroom so he needs a bit of a supervision there. We both are working parents and at night he become so enraged probabaly due to less attention from us as we come back late from work.We have a maid to take care of him but he is ok when we are not around. When travelling in the car, he always like to turn on the songs he like. If we are talking to each other and if it is distracting he gets angry and close our mouth. I look at it as he needs attention.We want him to calm down and we are trying some possible ways of getting a tutor to come and take him to classess that might interest him, so that he is occupied.
    Please advise.

  9. jagmeet singh says:

    hello Sir,

    My four year son is suffered from Mild Autism.when he was 3 year old and did not start speaking i was consult with DR. R.k sabharwal (child neurologist) of Ganga ram hospital Delhi and child development clinic at delhi to Dr. prveen suman they both advised to me go for occupational and speech therapy. At that time I put him in a school now after one year h start speaking some work like mama papa and othe chile name also. but did not response properly. I want to consult with you, is there any treatment in homeopathy please advise me what should I do because I did not want to give him allopathic medicine due to his Sid effect .

    Thanks & regard,

    Jagmeet singh

    • sadeque ahmed says:

      My daughter 6 years old cold not speak and respond properly. But her memory is is quiet well . she remember about place ; object; taste could speek amma ; Dada ; she can reapeat the word she hear. She is found pku positive and autism as the doctor of NIMHANS Bengalore says and aviseed for speech thearaphy and dirt control/ training . we are obseving the advise .Sir is there any heomophathy treatment for her brain development

  10. Sir
    my number is 9600974511.
    Would like to take homeo treatment for my ADHD child.


  11. hello Dr.Sharma
    i have a son who become 3 yrs in this aprail today i go to a doctor whose name is ram sharma he examines him and tell me that he have autism behaviour disorder actually my son sings rhymes which he seen on tv he knows the alphats and coutings also but he never talks properly he talks in his own language not say mama papa i only understand him by his gestures .he plays with toys and often i talk him and he will in a deep thinking and not listening me .i want to know is this disorder genatic or with gorws with my lake attention .he never plays with children is this autism affects his mental growth ,is it grows with age and remain life time .is he never behave like a normal childs he less intelligent from other intelligent can i overcome it how can i change his behaviour and become a normal child doctor i live in saudia having no interactions with lots of family and have no children who plays with him please tell me is he will behave like normal children wht should i do to get out of this situation ….

  12. Pradeep Dwevedi says:

    my 6 year old daughter is grinding her teeth in sleep time . how can I stop it

  13. Dilip Kr. Mallick says:

    My son Age – 11 Yrs. +
    According to Dr. my son is AUTISTIC.
    I found in him the problem for speaking & cannot mix with other children.
    Such as Other children are playing Cricket Or Football. My son cannot obey the rules for game.
    He tries to be alone in crowd.

  14. Prachi Tripathi says:

    Sir, my son is going to be 18 month old this 23 .basically he is a very happy child liked to play with his father n elder sister. My concern is till now he never say any meaningful word n make less eye contact . He babbles all d time but when i sing he make perfect eye contact. He is not that much stubborn also. We did all hearing test and ita all fine . We took him to speech thetapist also she say ur child is fine but i always feel there is smthing wrong. He follow sm instruction like no ,throw kiss high five hand shake etc .please help me

  15. Hi doc. sharma,
    Shall i get complete cure from my hypothyrodism and quit medicnes through homeopathy?Traditional medicines not giving any releif of m sympoms…pls reply.
    thanks shameera

  16. Robin Hughes says:

    It all makes sense & sounds wonderful I just need to get patients…..I have a Three year old Grandson who has some traits of Autism. So my question to you is, do you think a normal child can be conditioned to having autism? What about pot smoke could it harm a 9month old? My last question is do you honestly think that with the proper treatment a child who just has traits could live a normal life?

  17. uma shanker says:


    My son is 2 years old. Till now, he is not able to speep 2 letter words. He only speaks amma, akka only. Even if we say other words repeatedly, he won’t repeat them.

    • Hello Dr. Sharma,

      My 2nd son is 25 months old. He used to speak a few words last year but now only hums a bit. Doesn’t mingle with any other kid at all, except his brother who’s about 7 yrs. Loves Wiggles and Ramayana’s Luv-Kush episodes and a few selected movies and scenes. Reacts a lot at his favourite scenes and smiles and scream. Has learnt to urinate/pooh outside house when not in Nappy in last 2-3 months. Understands when being told off after making mistakes. Has his own special places/corners in house. Doesn’t cross the road by himself. He Waits/looks for the parents & their directions. Plays with certain few toys and loves swing. Loves outdoors very much.

      One of our Neighbour’s daughter is 19 and she is a case of Autism recognised late. Her parents told us that some of the symptoms of my son are of Autism. Then someone told us about You, Dr Sharma. So found you on Google and mailing you now.

      Please guide us and if you need more detailed behavioural points, then I’ll mail you in detail next. My wife is leaving her part time job soon and would devout her full time on him. I too am spending more time with him now a days, after my job & at the weekends.

      Please guide us Dr Saab. We’re really worried. I’ve a close friend in Chandigarh who’s Punjab gharana’s leading Tabla player based in Chandigarh ( Avirbhaav Verma ). He can send us the medicines from you and pay you there, in case that can be done just based on symptoms ( Currently we’re Overseas ).

      Best regards,

      Rakesh Kumar

  18. T.Chandrasekar says:

    I need the homeopathic medicine for my son who is ADHD child, Studying in a special school aged 15

  19. Sir, I want to treat my back pain .I suffering February.2013 in my MRI the L4-L5 I/v are press the nerves and also spine pained .when ever right leg pain and some time left also or neck .the pain is very sever .dr advised me to take bed rest I rest six month and take so many medicines .than I change a dr. They gave me new medicine .now I can walk and exercise but medicines are continued I take duzela m20 or calciumD3 every day osteofos35 one tablet a week but my bones are stif my all blood test are right .Can homeopathy cure me permanently . Thanks dr vikas.

  20. Dr Sb,
    How can I get rid of Uric Acid.

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