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Homeopathic Remedies for AVN – Avascular Necrosis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for AVN - Avascular Necrosis Treatment

AVN, also known as osteonecrosis, bone infarction and ischemic bone necrosis/aseptic necrosis refers to a condition which leads to death of bone cells due to interruption in blood supply. Avascular Necrosis (AVN)  can cause unbearable pain in the bones. Since there is no blood supply to the bone, the bone breaks and finally collapses. AVN may involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Avascular Necrosis

The homeopathic treatment for Avascular Necrosis uses the body’s own restorative process to heal. It basically aims at halting the destruction of bones in patients of Avascular Necrosis because of interrupted blood supply. The second aim of these remedies is to reduce the pain in bones because of bone damage. Both these aims are accomplished by the use of natural medicines, which have zero side-effects and are completely safe. The medicines are selected after taking into account the proper case history of the patient. The medicines are prescribed based on the bone involved, the kind of bone pain and other peculiar symptoms in each individual case.

Top Homeopathic medicines for AVN

Top Homeopathic Medicines

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating AVN are Syphilinum, Strontium Carb, Natrum Sulph, Fluoric Acid, Asafoetida and Silicea. Some of the homeopathic medicines to manage hip pain in such cases include Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

1. Syphilinum – For Bone Pains At Night

Syphilinum is well known for its beneficial action on body tissues wherever the destructive process is present. Apart from its universal healing action to stop the destruction of body tissues, Syphilinum is of great help in treating bone necrosis. The most dominant feature for selecting Syphilinum in any given case of AVN is the worsening of bone pains at night. The person experiences pain throughout the night and is unable to sleep on account of the severe pain. The pains may compel the patient to walk, which seems to bring relief. Such persons remain comparatively well the whole day.

Another marked symptom that can help in selecting Syphilinum for AVN cases is a specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains. The pattern followed is a gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. The third symptom that may be present in a few AVN patients needing Syphilinum is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. History of excessive alcoholism may be present in persons requiring Syphilinum.

2. Strontium Carb – For Avascular Necrosis of Femoral (bone in thigh) Bone

Strontium Carb is a natural remedy recommended for cases of AVN of femoral bone. Those needing it have worsening of pain in cold air. Besides AVN, it is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of weak and brittle bones prone to break easily.

3. Natrum Sulph– For Hip Joint Necrosis

Natural remedy Natrum Sulph should always be considered in cases of AVN of the hip joint. Natrum Sulph is one of the most beneficial medicines when dealing with hip joint AVN. The patient mainly complains of pain during movement or when stooping.

4. Fluoric Acid–For AVN of Long Bones

Fluoric Acid is the most effective for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg). Fluoric Acid is mainly used to halt necrosis appearing in long bones. The persons needing Fluoric Acid usually have excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Apart from long bones, necrosis of the bones of the ear (which are rarely involved) are also covered under Fluoric Acid, which helps in improving the blood circulation and preventing further necrosis of bones.

5. Asafoetida – For Necrosis Of Tibia ( A Bone In Leg) Bone

Asafoetida is a wonderful medicine for AVN of the tibia. There is worsening of pain at night along with over-sensitivity in bones. The bone pain can be darting, sharp or stitching in nature.

6. Silicea– For Necrosis of Bones

Silicea is considered among the best natural medicines for necrosis (premature death of cells) of a variety of bones ranging from long to small bones. The necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of leg) — are the sites of action for using Silicea. The general symptom for using Silicea is sensitivity to cold air when bone pain worsens even from the slightest exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief.

 7. Aurum Metallicum – For Necrosis Of Nasal, Palatine Bones

Aurum Metallicum is a natural remedy which is very beneficial in the treatment of necrosis in nasal and palatine bones. The mastoid bone is also the site that benefits with the use of Aurum Met. The patient complains of pains at night and may suffer from extremely offensive odor from the mouth and nose along with pain. The patient may also feel depressed with a high degree of sadness.

8. Symphytum – For Bone Damage In Fracture

Natural medicine Symphytum is very beneficial as a remedy for bone-related complaints. Symphytum can be considered in all cases where the bone has suffered damage following fractures. It helps in proper knitting of the bone. This is helped by providing the necessary callous material needed for bone reformation. So, in every case of fracture where Symphytum is used, it acts as a preventive agent against necrosis as the bone is very neatly and efficiently woven by this medicine.

9. Phosphorus– For AVN Of The Jaw

Phosphorus is an effective remedy for treating lower jaw AVN. It is of great help when the lower jaw is affected due to lack of blood supply. It is pertinent to mention here that Phosphorus is used in match-box making factories and some persons may acquire AVN there inhaling Phosphorus fumes for a long duration.

10. Hekla Lava– For Decay Of Jaw With Marked Pains

Hekla Lava is a top natural remedy for Avascular Necrosis of the jaw when jaw destruction is accompanied by marked facial nerve pains.

Symptoms Of AVN

In the beginning, no symptom is noticed by the patient. But gradually when death of blood cells start increasing, pain in the affected joint is felt. For example, in case of AVN of hip joint pain may be felt in groin, thigh or buttock. Initially pain is felt when the joint is put under pressure. In case of hip or knee AVN, walking, standing, stair climbing become difficult. Limping occurs while walking. As the condition reaches the most advanced stages, pain in the affected joint increases in intensity due to small breaks in the bone and pain becomes a constant feature. Other symptoms include stiffness of joint and limited range of movement at the joint. When condition has progressed excessively, then the bone collapses. Bone collapse makes one unable to use the joint. The symptoms of AVN may occur on both sides of body. In jaw AVN, pus may be present.

Bones prone to AVN

Avascular Necrosis can involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. Among these, hip joint is the most commonly involved joint, the bone mainly involved is head of the femur (a bone in the thigh extending between the hip and the knee). Humerus (bone in the upper arm extending between shoulder and elbow) is the next commonly affected bone. Scaphoid bone (bone in wrist), jaw, ankles, hand and foot may be affected as well.

What are the Causes and risk factors behind AVN?

AVN results from decreased or hindered blood supply to bone. Reduced blood supply to bone causes death of bone cells. Under normal conditions, our body keeps replacing old bone tissue (which gets damaged as a part of daily wear and tear) with new one to keep bones healthy and maintain their strength. Blood supply to bones provides oxygen and nutrients essential for regeneration of new bone tissues. If due to any reason blood supply to bone is hindered, our body becomes unable to make new bone tissue at right pace. As a result, the old-aged bone breaks down and dies.

AVN may happen from many reasons. Broadly the causes can be divided into two categories:

1.Traumatic AVN: It occurs after breaking of bone or joint dislocation

2.Non-traumatic AVN: It arises from some medical health problem which is causing obstruction of blood supply  to bone. In most cases of non – traumatic AVN, same bones on the either side of the body get affected like AVN of left hip and AVN of right hip.

The various causes and risk factors are enumerated below:

1.Injury / trauma: An injury or trauma can reduce or stop blood supply to a bone which is the main cause of AVN. For example, joint dislocation or a fracture (broken bone).

2. Smoking: Smoking makes the blood vessels narrow that reduces blood supply to body tissues including that of bone.

3. Excessive consumption of alcohol: It is known that alcohol can lead to hyperlipidemia (increased level of lipids means fats like cholesterol, triglycerides in blood) and fatty deposits in blood vessels. High levels of fat tend to block blood vessels and reduce blood flow. Decreased blood flow to bone cells can cause death of bone cells (AVN). This condition is similar to the one when a person suffers a heart attack where arteries that supply blood to the heart become blocked from cholesterol cutting blood supply to heart muscle causing heart attack and damage to heart muscle.

Secondly, high number of fat cells in the head of the femur might increase pressure inside it contributing further to reduced blood flow. In addition to this, alcohol may damage bone cells directly from its toxic action. It has been estimated that those who consume 15 to 20 large pegs of alcohol per week are 10 times more at risk of developing AVN as compared to non–alcoholics (means who do not drink alcohol).

4. Excessive use of steroid medication, like prednisone, for a prolonged period of time also makes a person prone to develop AVN. The reason is that these medicines can raise lipids (fat) in the blood that causes blockage of small blood vessels. Around 3 % to 38% people consuming steroids go on developing steroid-induced AVN. High doses of steroids taken orally (from mouth) or intravenous steroids (administered through veins) for prolonged time period is linked with AVN.

5. Exposure to radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment predisposes a person to AVN.

6. Bisphosphonate therapy used in the treatment of bone cancer and osteoporosis makes a person prone to AVN. It is mainly related to cause AVN of jaw.

7. Decompression sickness/caisson disease (a medical condition in which bubbles form in the blood of a person from rapid decrease in surrounding pressure), and Leg-Calve Perthes disease (a condition occurring in childhood from interruption of blood supply to the head of femur of hip joint)

8. Having high cholesterol, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well), high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia (Inherited disorder affecting shape of red blood cells, RBCs become sickle shaped that can slow blood flow), leukemia (blood cancer), Gaucher disease (build-up of fatty substance in certain organs), organ transplant like kidney transplant, pancreatitis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – an autoimmune disease causing inflammation and damage to various organs), HIV are other risk factors.

9. Sometimes AVN occurs without any cause, for example, spontaneous AVN in knee (known as SPONK or SONC).

10. In some cases, the reason for interrupted blood flow is not known, for example in Kienbock disease (breakdown of a bone in wrist known as lunate bone from interrupted blood supply) and Preiser’s disease (AVN of scaphoid bone which is one of the bones in wrist).

11. Chances of AVN are more in men as compared to women.

12. Persons aged between 30yrs to 60 yrs are the most at risk though it can occur in person of any age group.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in subchondral (bone lying beneath the cartilage) blood supply. It leads to low oxygen (hypoxia) in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.


If AVN is left untreated, the condition goes on becoming worse and worse and finally may result in bone collapse. It can lead to severe arthritis.

Stages of AVN

There are four stages defined as per progression of AVN

Stage I: In this stage, X-ray is normal but in MRI, dead bone can be detected.

Stage II: X-ray can reveal bone damage changes related to AVN. At this stage, the collapse of bone of femoral head has not taken place.

Stage III: X-ray shows sign of bone collapse (crescent sign).

Stage IV: It is the serious stage. At this stage, X-ray shows bone collapse and significant cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)

Ficat: Four stages classification system of AVN based on standard radiographs

Stage I – Normal radiograph

Stage II – In this stage femoral head contour is normal but in radiographs, signs of bone remodelling are seen (cystic and sclerotic portions)

Stage III – Flattening of femoral head occurs in this stage

Stage IV – It is characterized by narrowed joint space and degenerative signs in acetabulum.

Differential Diagnosis of AVN

There are certain medical conditions that might have similar symptom presentation like AVN which need to be differentiated while making a diagnosis of AVN. These conditions include:

1. Osteoarthritis: Degenerative joint disease arising from the breakdown of joint cartilage (it cushions end of bones to allow smooth movement over each other) and underlying bone

2. Rheumatoid arthritis: An autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well

3. Osteomyelitis: Infection of bone by bacteria or other microorganisms

4. Osteoporosis: Condition arising from reduced bone density whereby bones become weak, brittle and are at high risk of easy fracture (breaking of bone)

5. Osteochondrosis: Group of disorders affecting bone growth in children and adolescents

6. Septic arthritis: Joint infection occurring when germs from some infected body part travel via blood stream to the joint

7. Synovitis: Inflamed synovial membrane (it secretes synovial fluid needed for joint lubrication) of joint

8. Bone marrow edema syndrome: It is characterized by bone pain and bone marrow edema found in MRI.

9. Bone Cancer

Some measures to prevent AVN

  1. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol use
  2. Keep a check on cholesterol levels
  3. Avoid excessive steroid use

Frequently Asked Questions of AVN

I have AVN of femoral head stage II on both sides, will homeopathy be helpful?

Yes, you can be benefitted by homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy has good scope of managing cases of AVN going through Stage 2. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and  stiffness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines also boost the body’s immunity to fight back disease naturally and halt further advancement of the disease.

I have been recommended hip replacement surgery for AVN Stage III, I do not want to go for surgery, can homeopathy help to avoid surgery?

Though homeopathy has limited scope in Grade 3 stage of AVN, if you wish to go for an alternative to surgery, you can try homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines will not be able to reverse the changes that have already occurred, but can surely help in pain management. Surgery should be the last option when all the alternative treatment methods have proved fruitless.

Can homeopathy help in Grade IV AVN cases?

Homeopathy has a good scope in treating Grade 1 and 2 AVN, limited role for grade 3 AVN patients and a very minimal role to play in cases of Grade 4 AVN. However, one can opt for homeopathy to ease pain-related issues before proceeding towards surgical options. The help it can offer in relieving pain varies from case to case.

Can homeopathy help in reversal of AVN changes?

There is no current treatment option available in any system of medicine that claims to reverse pathological changes that have already taken place in AVN cases. Homeopathy helps in slowing down the progression of bone changes in AVN and eases its symptoms, but unfortunately cannot reverse the bone damage that has already occurred.

Is there any natural homeopathic medicine to manage pain in hip joint from AVN?

Yes, several homeopathic medicines can help in managing hip joint pain in AVN cases. Though a specific medicine is selected after taking case details but some general medicines to relieve hip pain are Rhus Tox, Bryonia and Colocynth.

Can homeopathy help cases of AVN other than hip like AVN of jaw, knee, shoulder joint?

Yes, homeopathy can help AVN occurring in joints other than hip as well. There are several homeopathic medicines for it. The best prescription is finalized after taking the entire case details from the patient.

Is Syphilinum a good homeopathic remedy for AVN?

Yes, Syphilinum is one of the well-indicated homeopathic medicines to help cases of bone necrosis and decay. It is mainly indicated when there is worsening of bone pains at night.

What is the treatment duration in homeopathy to treat AVN cases?

The duration of homeopathic treatment for AVN depends on the stage, duration, intensity of complaint and duration varies from several months to a year or two, for good long term relief.

Can homeopathy cure AVN?

Homeopathy is a natural science of medicine that have a management role in AVN. Though they cannot cure the condition, the homeopathic medicines aim at preventing further bone loss and promise relief in the associated symptoms to a great extent.

I have hip pain from the last 6 months, am I suffering from AVN?

Hip pain may arise from various causes. AVN is just one among those causes. Other reasons might be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. So only having hip pain does not confirm AVN. A complete detailed case history and MRI of hip is required to confirm the diagnosis in each and every case.

Is groin pain indicative of hip AVN?

Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suffering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. It is advised to consult a doctor for groin pain to find the exact cause behind it.

I have no pain in hip, but my MRI shows AVN hip joint on right side, do I need treatment?

See, AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent (occurring at some intervals and not continuous) but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage. So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain.

Can a person with AVN hip run, or do jogging?

In recently diagnosed AVN hip cases, it is usually advised to avoid running, jogging or other activities that put excessive pressure on the hip joint to prevent the collapse of femur head. A doctor should always be consulted to get advice regarding resumption of such activities.

Is AVN self-limiting and can it heal on its own?

AVN unfortunately is a progressive condition that goes on worsening. Very rarely if AVN’s cause is alcohol or steroid use and it is caught (diagnosed) in early stages entire stoppage of alcohol, or steroids can stop its progression and healing may take place from formation of new blood vessels.

Which investigations can confirm AVN?

MRI and CT scan are the most valuable to check and confirm AVN. These tests can reveal early bone changes in AVN cases. X-ray may also be done but it shows changes in bone only in later stages of AVN. For checking early AVN stages, X-rays are not helpful to detect any bone changes. A bone scan (nuclear bone scan or bone scintigraphy) is the next recommended investigation. In this test, a radioactive substance is injected via a vein before doing the scan and after that, the bone scan is done to see the injured areas of bone. In some cases, biopsy is advised in which the bone sample is removed with help of a needle or during surgery to check tissue for abnormal cells or cancer. If other tests are normal but still doctor doubts that it is AVN, then functional bone test is recommended. This test measures pressure inside the bone.

Is AVN curable?

Unfortunately AVN is not curable but with proper treatment its progression can be slowed down.

Is surgery the only option for AVN?

Not all cases of AVN require surgery. If it is diagnosed in early stages, it can be managed with medicines. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable. An orthopedic surgeon is the right person to tell whether a given case of AVN needs surgery or not.



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  1. I have 4stagr of avn. Can it cure

  2. Nabreen irum says:

    Hello sir good morning I am diagnosed avn of right hip joint it is of Bread 4 as pr my Doctor and MRI report ple suggest me if you can help I am from Pakistan please help me sir I am not able to afford surgery hip raplacement

    • noshad ahmad says:

      hey irum irum i have the same problem and looking for treatment but in your case i wish that your bone can heal itself but in worse cas scenario i can help you if you need hip replacement

  3. Sukanta Mondal says:

    Sir my mother’s hips are painining from more than 4 daignosed and told me she suffering from avascular necrosis of femoral head avn of right hips recomended me for hip surgery.her age is 53 is there any option if so do tell me

  4. Neelam Vania says:

    Hello sir i have AVN in both hip in stage 4 . so please help me to avoid hip replacement. And my age is 39 . and i am suffering from 5 pls give me suggestion about this.

  5. Avijit Nandy says:

    Dr. Sharma,
    I have AVN at left femoral head stage 2B , I have little pain throughout the day and at a stretch I can walk with a limp till 500m then I have to take a break and again can walk the next stretch of 500m . How can I overcome the problem with the help of homeopathy. Looking forward for your response.
    Thanking you,
    Avijit Nandy

  6. sheyna gold says:

    DSear Dr. Sharma,
    Can you give me an idea if these remedies (below) might help for a situation like this  – where someone has, (according to a dental x ray checkup) – an infection of the bone under a previous root canal. 
    (The infection did not show on x ray there 6 months ago).  The dentist said he should have 2 teeth out over there..
    He currently has no  pain or swelling – just showing on the x ray and the dentist says he should have two teeth out.

    He once had  a case of trial neuralgia before  a bad tooth was taken out before – nerualgic pain in jaw going to ear, which was vefry severe at the time – and I would be nervous if any of these remedies
    would “awaken” any latent problem like that now…)?

    Someone suggested these remedies: for once a day each for 3 days –
    pyrogen 30 c, hekla 30c, mercury sol 30c.

    Could you tell me if in your opinion, this might be good, as I am nervous. to give
    Thanks very much,

  7. Shyam Gujare says:

    Dear sir
    I am shyam Gujare 31 y male patient I was suffering from AVN BL hip and humerus. I was done by left sided total hip replacement for last one year. But I have severe pain in right hip and left humerus and start in right humerus. I was taking a Inj zylondranic acid 5 ml in IV plz take me ur opinion and suggest ur treatment.
    Sir I was Live in Nashik Maharashtra.
    Plz I hope you to take me ur opinion

  8. Manoj kumar says:

    I am suffering from avn of both hip grade 2and grade 3

    • Pravin Jahul says:

      Dear Dr,

      I am from Mauritius. My daughter aged 22 followed treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Medanta from June 2018 to January 2020. She is doing fine. Recently we found out that she had contracted AVN in the elbows, knees and ankles as a result of the steroids-intensive treatment. She jas been prescribed Calcium tablets and Vitamin D. What would you recommend?
      Thanks and regards

  9. Sukh dev sharma says:


  10. K P Satish Nair says:

    My name is Satheesh and my age is 53 now .
    Last year September onwards started heavy pain in my left leg and it got siviour with in 3months ,pain was fells like entire leg specially in Thai and hip area . Earlier I got back pain neck and Lower portion in back (the same happened in long back but it is get cleared by massages & acupressure) presently everything tried but failed.
    Dr. Taken x ray blood test sonography as i told him I am feeling pain mainly left side lower adohman.
    As per him it nothing and servicle spondylitis. But pain increased and under gone for mri , reported bilateral avn stg 3 at right and stg 4 with colapse head at left.
    Undergone core decompression surgery for left and taking risophos 35 ever week and shell cal 500 daily.
    As there was a shortage d3 it’s course for 4weeks and 11 months will complete by February 2020.
    Now again pain in left side is start increasing in similar way
    Having fear to go to back previous condition
    Can i get it treated in homeopathy
    Please help me with your valuable advise.

    Satheesh chandran

  11. Omshankar panday says:

    Kya AVN early stage ka treatment without surgery possible hai …? ? ?

  12. lisa Johnson says:

    Just diagnosis today. Both hips. I have very little pain. Can I send you the Puc from my MRI?

  13. I have bilateral hip Avn
    IM currently get hyperbaric oxygen has helped a lot..
    Pain reduced to almost zero

  14. Dear Dr. Sharma
    My name is Naaz 50 yrs old.
    Last year I went for an MRI. I have avn of the right hip. I was diagnosed with Lupus about 2 years ago. I am on prednisone and methotrexate. I had bone decompression 2 months ago. But I still have pain.
    Please advice on alternative treatment.

  15. Om Prakash agarwal says:

    Sir, namaskar my name is om prakash agarwal age about 58 yrears old residents, cuttack,orissa
    My right leg in hip joint pain last 2 years I have MRI testing and result is AVN
    Further last 15 days start my left leg hip joint pain same is right leg
    Please suggest treatment in homeopathy
    Or cured procedures.

    • Rajendra Prasad Mishra says:

      My sister aged 38 yrs is suffering from avn in right hip since long but diagnosed last month only. I have shown to three doctors they are telling to go for hip transplant.
      Kindly advise me

  16. Sakib Mohasin Khan says:

    Suffering from avascular necrosis since 2017

    • Dear sir,
      My brother Aashish is suffering from AVN pain. It’s due to an accident and surgery in right hip. Now doctors are suggesting for hip replacement later or sooner. His age is only 26years. Sir is there any treatment for this problem. You are requested to do the needful. My number is 987139922.

      With regards

  17. prabhat prakash lal says:

    Avn in early stage in right leg ,unable to walk,shooting pain,suggest homeopathy medicine pls

  18. Harish Malhota says:

    Dear sir , I am suffering from AVN pain in both hip joints from last 6 months , it’s due to cause of steroids medicine wysolon of now I am taking bakson B69 and B17 and symphytom mother tincher.
    Please help me and advise is it curable or not and what is the best medicine for this problem. My age is just 28year and I don’t want any hip replacement at this age.

  19. Gajen Narzari says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am Gajen Narzari, 55 years old, Male patient suffering from AVN in left side leg as Orthopaedic Doctor said which was diagnosed in July 2019 after MRI reports. It was affected from July, in the year 2018. I was also suffering from Septicemia problem w. e.f. 12th July, 2018 and under the treatment of Critical care Doctors and Neurologist Doctor . But AVN problems was not diagnosed during this time. Now Orthopaedic Doctor advised to go for the operation for AVN which is damaged 75% of the Femoral Head L. S. Please let me advise for Homeopathic treatment without operation if any .
    With regards.
    Gajen Narzari, aged 55 years, Male.
    New Bongaigaon,
    Dist:- Bongaigaon, Assam. Pin-783381,
    Phone : 9085532798 .
    E-mail :-

  20. Arnab halder says:

    Dear sir I have avn in left leg hip joint I had done decompression in 2012 but still suffering pain in leg I have don hip x ray and consult doctor and he advice me that the necrosis in increasing and he give me medecine astoposis 70mg and told me to continue 3 month I don’t know what to do pls advice me medecine to cure fully if possible my age is 40 plus regards Arnab

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