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High blood pressure in young people


High Blood Pressure Could Be Killing You While You Are Young

Research shows that high blood pressure starts much early in life and at times goes undetected for decades until it shows itself in symptoms. It usually, is one of the most common cause for heart disease. In an extensive research carried around the world for six years, a scientific panel learned that the problems in the cardiovascular system (heart and the vessels carrying blood) can begin at much lower blood pressure levels than previously believed.

It concluded that the risk of heart disease and stroke can begin to rise when blood pressure increases past 120/80. That?s why the panel developed a new range called ‘Pre hypertension’ – for readings between 120/80 and 139/89. People with blood pressure readings in the Pre-hypertension range are now encouraged to adopt life style changes to lower their blood pressure levels or else they would develop hypertension (high blood pressure) and become prone to heart disease and Stroke.

Blood pressure is measure of pressure exerted by the flowing blood on the walls of arteries. It is measured in two numbers systolic over diastolic. Systolic the top number is the pressure exerted when the heart pumps the blood, diastolic the bottom number is the pressure exerted when the heart is resting between the two beats. People with blood pressure readings over 140/90 are said to be having hypertension.

Although Pathological causes such as Pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal), coarctation of aorta (bending of a major artery) and renal diseases are not so common but need to excluded as being the cause for hypertension.. When no such cause is ascertained the increased blood pressure is called as ‘Essential Hypertension.’ Essential Hypertension in young is generally an out come of a faulty living habits- which mainly include improper diet, sedentary life style, alcohol and smoking. Genetic factors also play a role in its early onset. High blood pressure is dangerous as it makes the heart work hard and contributes to hardening of the arteries. It increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. It can also lead to kidney and eye diseases.

The treatment of prehypertension and hypertension in young requires a combination of a well rounded homoeopathic intervention and restructuring of one lifestyle. Homoeopathic intervention aims at treating the whole patient and not just the symptoms. Among many homoeopathic medicines that are found useful, Nux Vomica leads the table in treating essential hypertension in the young when the cause can be attributed to faulty living style i.e. . Sedentary living, overwork, stimulants etc. Ignatia and Kali Phos are helpful when mental stress are the key causative factors. Natrum Mur helps those who are addicted to high salt diet and also where long standing grief is the cause for elevated blood pressure levels. Medicines mentioned above are for information purpose only and should not be used without professional help.

Preventing hypertension

Adopting Lifestyle modifications can be of great help for those in the prehypertension stage and also those suffering from hypertension.


Reduce sodium intake, which basically means reducing salt intake. Eat more whole grains, beans, fresh fruits and vegetables and low fat diary products. Reduce alcohol intake and for smoking, in short, don’t. Limit intake of saturated fats (animal fats).


Eliminate unnecessary elements of stress in your life and try activities like meditation, yoga, dancing, regular walks etc. Certain homoeopathic medicines are a natural form of reducing stress.

Obesity and Exercise.

Being overweight means that your heart will have to work more hard, resulting in higher blood pressure. Keep a regular check on your cholesterol levels. Regular exercise is must for maintaining ideal blood pressure levels

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  1. sir recently i realize i have high b.p
    my age 21 ,male
    ecg abnormal heart prblm what should i do

    • Sir, I am 23 yeard old and have a bp of 140/90. Do i need to start taking medicines or should i control with dieting. Please suggest

  2. Good day Sir/ma, please, I check my BP yesteday (30th Aug, 2017) for the first time and it read 170/30. I am very afraid even when drug was prescrib. Please, help me out

  3. Hii madam I am sabith from Karnataka now I checked my Bp it shows 151 madam I am afraid when I see like this,my mind is always under pressure,tension madam,please suggest me a good way plsss help me madam

  4. Mona Hussein says:

    Hello, I’m Mona
    I’m 24 years old and my blood pressure reads 145/94 its my first ever I meet like this problem help me to know what to do

  5. Jigar Patel says:

    Sir, i am 25 years old and having 140/90 as bp reading.
    Please provide ways to reduce it to 120/80.
    Thank you

  6. Manjunath says:

    This is Manjunath from Bangalore. My bp was 180/114, plz tell me to control bp . I consult doctor, I am not satisfied from his treatment. Plz suggest me

  7. Rini Stephen says:

    I am female, 26 years old .. my BP is 180/120mmhg .. I am suffering from renal hypoplasia and my on medication(cilidipine 10mg morning and 5mg at night) I consume almost 3mg salt or no salt in a day .. but then too my BP is high ..
    Can u give me some solution so that my BP decrease. .

  8. My son is 26years old. His bp is 150/110. Previously, he is an alcoholic smoker. Recently, he just stop. What is the advice to lower the bp or to take medication.

  9. Lawsib Kittir says:

    I am 17 years old , male . In April , at doctor’s clinic my bp showed 150/90 Doc advised me to exercise and reduce weight . My weight was 80 kgs . After 1 month , i developed chest pain and breathing problem . At doctor’s office my bp was 164/80 and pulse rate was 120 . I was very much nervous . Doc advised for ecg , ecg : abnormal , tachycardia . Doc advised for echo . Echo :normal . Doc said that it’s due to anxiety and sleep disorder and gave me bp and anti anxiery medicines . At home my pulse rate remains 60 to 70 bpm , but at doctor’s office it’s 100 . Plz. Help

  10. Sanchita Ruidas says:

    Hi sir,i am 26years old girl my weight 64 height 5’3″ my current bp is 160/110 that because i am suffering from breathing problem, headache and body pain can u tell me what should i do? Although, i do some exercise but It’s just for 10 min and then i do my homework like floor cleaning by clothe not useing dry mop at all, clothwashing etc etc. Even i take less spice and less oil made food.But after that not reduse my pressure.please help me sir..

  11. Good evening doc.
    I am 27years old married male. I recently suffer from anal itching. Than i doubt about hemaraids. So immediately i meet to the doctor. He check my anal and say dont worry there is no hemaroids. After that i say i get more sweat all the day. Doc chek my bp he surprised and what is this you have 140/110. Than he gives low power tablets. I afiried to use and dint take medicine after a day i check my bp countinues 3days avg report is 135/90 and some time 140/105. Please help me.

  12. MuthuArunKumar says:

    My name is Muthu.. I am 35 years old. I am having BP in the range of 150-160/90-100 and doctor prescribed me prolomet am 50 Mg…is that OK to take.. I have started half an hour walking daily also reduced salt.

    • Dr .my age is 33 my blood pressure is 150/94 plz advice me what can I do for reduce my plood weight also 84

  13. Syed shams says:

    Hi my name is shams.. And iam 23 years old… Yesterday i got done my sugar test at home before meals and it was 145 … I usually test my sugar at home and Evrytime it shows normal like 90-92 but this time i was shocked….. My sister is getting married dis monyh and m vry stressed out… Is it because of it? Like temperory? Or iam a diabetic patient forever?

  14. shabbir says:

    Dear Doctor ,my age is 44 I have readings 153/89 with pulse 112 , I feel that my heart pulse is faster than usual, please advise some good homeopathic medicine , your kind help will be highly appreciated.


  15. shabbir says:

    Dear Doctor , I have readings 153/89 with pulse 112 , I feel that my heart pulse is faster than usual, please advise some good homeopathic medicine , your kind help will be highly appreciated.


  16. Hi Dr. Sharma I am 20 year old male. My last blood pressure reading was 164/94. I was at the doctors so I may have been a little bit nervous but the last few times it has been taken, it’s been high. What Can I do to get it down?

  17. Shaheen Fatima says:

    Hello Dr meri friend ko 400 blood pressure hai use kabhi kabhi dekhna band hojata hai kiya y blood pressure ki wajah se hota hai or uski age 31ya32 hai kiya is age wale ko 400 blood pressure ho sakta hai

  18. Am 36 years Old Male, i have 150/90 Blood pressure, but i haven’t feel any much tension,

    please suggest me what to do

  19. Hi,

    Im a 21 year old female and (although i shouldn’t have, i got a fitbit) it worries me that alot of the time i have a resting heart rate of 120-140bpm. What should i do?
    Thank you

  20. Neha Gupta says:

    Dr. Sharma,

    I am just 31years old and blood pressure usually gets low and i feel tired, severe head ache, Please suggest me what shoul I do?

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