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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines To Get Relief From Phantosmia

Phantosmia or olfactory hallucination means smelling imaginary odors that are not present in reality.  Most of the time, phantosmia occurs from mild problems that are not very worrisome, and relief sets in some time. However, in rare cases, a serious medical condition like brain tumour or stroke can be the cause that needs urgent medical attention. Different kind of smells may be experienced in phantosmia cases. Some examples include rotten smell, smell of something burning, chemical smell, metallic smell etc. The smell may occur in one nostril or both the nostrils. The smell may be persistent or occasional, varying from case to case. It is of two types i.e. peripheral phantosmia and central phantosmia. When the causes are associated with nose conditions, then it is known as peripheral phantosmia. When the causes are linked to brain conditions then it is referred to as central phantosmia.

Phantosmia can be due to different reasons like sinusitis, nasal polyps, allergic rhinitis and COVID–19. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the para-nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavities). Nasal polyps refer to benign i.e. non–cancerous growths that develop on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, indicates an overreaction of the immune system to an allergen like dust mite, pollen, etc. that results in symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffed nose, and itchy, watery and red eyes. COVID – 19 refers to a highly contagious disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2. Other causes are migraine, dental problems, schizophrenia and depression. Migraine indicates one-sided headache which is throbbing type and is often attended with nausea and vomiting. Schizophrenia indicates a mental health condition characterized by hallucinations and delusions, and also affects thinking, emotions and behaviour. It may also occur after a head injury. Brain tumours, seizures (a medical condition arising from uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain), Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder starting with tremoring of the hands at rest followed by other symptoms including slow movement, abnormal gait, stooped posture, slurred speech, etc)  may also lead to phantosmia. Stroke can also be a reason of phantosmia. It is a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to the brain causes the death of brain cells. Besides the above medical reasons, phantosmia may occur as a part of aging, from smoking and also from the use of certain medicines.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment is very effective in managing cases of smelling imaginary odors (phantosmia). In this mode, natural medicines are used to manage phantosmia. These medicines are entirely safe to use with no side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines gradually bring relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation. So one must take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication. In cases where a serious cause is linked with phantosmia like brain tumor, stroke etc. one should take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relief In Imaginary Odors

1. Phosphorus – For Imaginary Foul Smells

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine for managing cases having imaginary foul smells. In cases needing it, there is long-term inflammation of the nasal membrane. Nasal discharge alternates with nose blockage. The discharge is greenish-yellow and may be blood-stained at times. There may be incessant sneezing that may lead to headache. In cases needing it, nasal polyps may be present that tend to bleed easily.

2. Graphites – For Bad Smell Like Something Getting Burnt

This medicine is highly effective in managing cases where a person experiences bad smell like of something getting burnt. The person suffers from cold with the discharge of thick, yellow mucus from the nose. Offensive pus-like discharge may be noted. There is blockage of the nose along with nasal discharge. Crusts may be present in the nostrils. Pain may occur in the nostrils especially while blowing out the nose.

3. Anacardium Orientale – For Burnt Smell In Morning

This medicine is also suggested when there is an imaginary odor of something burnt. The condition is worse in the morning on rising. Runny nose with sneezing may be present. There may be watering from the eyes. The nostrils are painful. Besides the above, this medicine is also indicated to manage cases of perverted smell.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bad, Offensive Smell In front Of Nose

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine for managing bad, offensive odor in front of the nose. Along with this, there may be profuse discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked even with watery nasal discharge. Frequent sneezing occurs. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Itching is also felt in the nostrils. There is excessive weakness along with the above complaints.

5. Sepia – For Fetid Smell Like Rotten Eggs

This medicine is indicated for managing cases who feel a fetid smell like that of rotten eggs. Long-term nasal discharge may be experienced. Thick green discharge from the nose is prominent. Foul-smelling crusts get discharged from the nose in some cases. There may be post nasal discharge (PND) means the dripping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat. This discharge is lumpy. Pressive type of pain at the root of the nose accompanies the above complaints.

6. Pulsatilla – For Foul Smell Like Of Old Nasal Discharge

Pulsatilla is yet another medicine to manage imaginary foul smells. The smell feels like that of an old nasal discharge in the nose. Thick yellowish-green nasal discharge flows which is a characteristic feature for the use of this medicine. There is more discharge indoors, but relief in open air. The sinus lining is inflamed (sinusitis). The nose feels swollen. Itching is felt in the nostrils in the evening.

7. Veratrum Album – To Manage Imaginary Smell Of Smoke

Veratrum Album is of great use in cases where a person experiences imaginary smell of smoke. It is accompanied by frequent sneezing. The nose feels dry and the tip of the nose feels icy cold.

8. Senega – For Imaginary Odor Like Pus

Senega is an important medicine to help cases of imaginary odors with smell like pus. Along with this, there is violent and continuous sneezing. The head feels heavy. Profuse thin watery fluid flows from the nose. A feeling of sniffing pepper is felt before the onset of watery nasal discharge.

9. Psorinum – For Managing Imaginary Smell Of Blood

Psorinum is a helpful medicine when there is an imaginary smell of blood. There is burning sensation in the nose followed by thin nasal discharge. There may be dripping of mucus from the nose into the back of throat (post nasal dripping). This disturbs sleep at night. The mucus may dry up in the nose which is difficult to expel.






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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema On Face

Eczema is a skin condition showing chronic (long-term) skin inflammation with dry, rough and itchy skin patches. It can affect any body part and when it affects the face it is known as facial eczema. Other than dryness and itching on the face, the other signs may include blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on the skin, crust formation on the skin, burning sensation, discolored skin, and cracks on the skin. There may be bleeding from the cracks in cases of severe intensity. The signs and symptoms may get flared up for some time period. Afterwards, a phase of remission occurs where a person suffers no signs and symptoms of eczema at all for some time. The reason behind eczema is not clear yet, but it is suggested that genetic and environmental factors play a major role. Some factors that may trigger the eczema are dry or cold weather, increased sweating, stress, excessive sunlight exposure, smoking, cosmetic products, hormonal fluctuations and food allergies (like allergy to eating certain food products like shellfish, eggs, milk and nuts).


Facial eczema is of various types. The first among these is atopic dermatitis. This is a skin condition causing inflamed dry and itchy skin occurring usually in young children, though it can affect people of any age group. The bend of the limbs (elbow bend and knee bend), face and neck folds are mostly affected. A person having a family history of eczema or other kind of allergies or somebody who is already suffering from any allergic condition (like asthma, nasal allergy/hay fever, etc) is at high risk of suffering from atopic dermatitis. The second type of facial eczema is contact dermatitis which can be of two types i.e. irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis arises from irritation when the skin comes in contact with some irritant in a product like cosmetic products, face wash, soap, sunscreens, etc. Allergic contact dermatitis results from an allergic reaction by the immune system to a cosmetic product, facial cream, etc coming in contact with the facial skin. The next type is seborrheic dermatitis. This condition causes red and inflamed skin topped with scales/flakes that may be dry or greasy in nature. It mainly affects the scalp but may also involve other areas such as face, eyebrows, area behind the ears and chest. This condition is thought to arise from the overgrowth of a yeast called malassezia globosa present on the scalp. Additionally, weak immunity, family history of this condition, greasy skin also predispose one to this condition. The last type of eczema that may affect the face is light sensitive eczema. Those who are sensitive to sunlight and humidity are also predisposed to this type of facial eczema. It causes dry, scaly skin along with itching. The areas affected mainly include face, neck and the arms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very safe choice to treat skin problems including eczema on the face as it heals gently with zero side effects. It treats the root cause of the skin complaint to cure the problem rather than suppressing it which carries the chances of recurrence. Homeopathic medicines help in healing the accompanying rash/eruptions to ensure complete recovery. It also manages the attending symptoms of eczema like itching, burning, pain in eruptions. The homeopathic medicines for managing this complaint are selected as per every individual case based on the characteristic symptom presentation. Always take any homeopathic medicine for eczema after consulting a homeopath and never do self–prescription of any medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines For Eczema On Face

1. Graphites – Top Recommended Medicine

Graphites is a top ranked and highly effective homeopathic medicine for managing cases of facial eczema. In cases needing this medicine, the skin on the face becomes very dry. The cheeks and the forehead appear red, rough and covered with scales. Scabs may form on the face. Small itchy eruptions can appear on the face. Heated sensation may be felt on the face. This medicine is also indicated when there appear crusty eruptions on the skin. There is oozing of sticky, gluey fluid from the eruptions which is another keynote to use this medicine.

2. Sulphur – For Eruptions Without Fluid Or Pus Fluid

This medicine is indicated when there are eruptions either without fluid or with pus fluid in them. Crusty eruptions may also appear on the face. Peeling of the skin on the face may also be seen. At times, cracks appear on the face that may bleed as well. This medicine in general can also be used to control itching and burning in the skin eruptions. In addition to the face, eczema may also appear on the head, where this medicine is required.

3. Arsenic album – With Small Vesicles On Face

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine for managing cases with small vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) on the face. These may ooze fluid or get dried into scales. The vesicles are very itchy and also have a burning sensation. This complaint gets worse at night. Itching is severe and may lead to an urge to scratch until it starts paining. Warmth tends to relieve itching.

4. Psorinum – For Roughness On Face

This medicine is recommended when there is marked roughness on the face. The face is covered with scabs right from cheeks to the ears. An offensive smell occurs from the scabs. Swelling on the lips and eyelids can be present along with the above symptoms where this medicine is required.

5. Petroleum – For Dry Skin With Cracks

Petroleum is a highly suitable medicine when the skin is dry and has cracks. It is attended with marked pain. Bleeding may also occur from the cracks. The face looks red. There is also intense itching on the face. This medicine is also helpful when there is green-yellow crust formation on the face.

6. Rhus Tox – For Thick Crusty Eruptions On Face

This medicine is well indicated for cases having thick crusty eruptions on the face. Oozing of fluid takes place from the eruptions. The discharge has an offensive smell. Itching occurs in the eruptions. Burning sensation is also felt. Swelling around the eyelids may be seen along with the above complaints.

7. Anacardium Orientale – For Redness And Small Blisters

This medicine is highly useful for managing eczema on the face attended with redness and small blisters (fluid-filled bumps). It is accompanied by severe itching. Intense burning pain may be felt on the face. The skin on the face may be rough and scaly. The eczema may involve neck as well, along with the face.

8. Lycopodium – For Bleeding From Eruptions

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for treating cases in which bleeding is noted from skin eruptions. Thick crusts cover the eruptions. Fetid-smelling discharge collects under the crusts. In addition to the face, other areas affected may include legs, neck and genital area.

9. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Eruptions In Clusters

This medicine is indicated for facial eczema with eruptions appearing in clusters. There is sharp stinging pain in the eruptions which are filled with fluid. Dry heated sensation is felt on the face. The cheeks may get red in the evening.



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Feeling A Bitter Taste In The Mouth, Try Homeopathy

A bitter taste in the mouth may be caused by various reasons. It may be due to improper oral hygiene, from eating some specific kind of food stuff, dryness in the mouth and cigarette smoking. However, in some cases, it may indicate an underlying health condition. The first among these is dental problems including inflamed gums (gingivitis) and tooth cavities. The second cause can be acid reflux/GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). It refers to the backflow of stomach acid in the food pipe due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. Thirdly, it may happen in case of common cold (viral infection of nose and throat), sinus infection and tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). The next cause could be burning mouth syndrome. It refers to a condition in which there is a burning sensation in the mouth. The burning may occur inside the cheeks, on tongue, gums, lips or the entire mouth varying from case to case. This condition can be primary (without any obvious cause) or secondary (it results from some underlying health condition like fungal infection in mouth, allergic reaction to some food, acid reflux etc.). Oral thrush (fungal infection in the mouth) could be another reason. Liver problems like fatty liver (a condition characterised by build – up of excess fat in the liver), hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and cirrhosis (condition causing scars in the liver and permanent liver damage) can also leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Pine nut syndrome is yet another cause. In this syndrome, there is a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth one-three days after eating pine nuts. Besides the above reasons, use of certain medicines like some antibiotics or supplements containing zinc, iron and some antidepressants can leave a bitter taste in the mouth. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may also lead to it. Bitter taste in mouth can also be experienced during pregnancy or menopause due to hormonal changes. Apart from the above, stress and anxiety too can cause bitter taste in the mouth.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of bitter taste in the mouth. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that help in managing bitter taste by working to treat the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, the bitter taste gradually fades away and normal taste begins to occur in the mouth. Along with bitter taste, any attending symptoms in the mouth also start to improve with the use of homeopathic medicines. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating cases of bitter taste in the mouth is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms in every case. So, it is advised to always get any case of bitter taste evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. Self-medication should not be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bitter Taste In Mouth

1. Arsenic Album – Top Medicine

Arsenic Album is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of bitter taste in the mouth. After eating, a bitter taste is left in the mouth. There can be dryness of the mouth and tongue along with the above symptoms. It is attended with excessive thirst. A burning sensation is felt on the tongue and the edges of the tongue appear red. Blisters or ulcers can be present in the mouth sometimes.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bitter Taste With Dry Mouth

Pulsatilla is an excellent medicine for managing bitter taste in the mouth. The food also tastes bitter in cases needing this medicine. The mouth is dry, especially in the morning, and despite the dryness, there is no desire to drink water. There may be white or yellow coating on the tongue in most cases. Sticky mucus may cover the tongue. Offensive odor may emanate from the mouth.

3. Merc Sol – For Bitter Taste With Excessive Salivation

Another well-indicated medicine for bitter taste in the mouth is Merc Sol. There is excessive saliva in the mouth in cases needing it. The tongue may be inflamed, red and coated. It appears as if the tongue is covered with fur. Pricking pain is felt in the tongue along with swelling. Ulcers may be seen on the tongue, inner cheeks or on the gums. Burning sensation may be felt in the mouth. There is fetid, offensive odor from the mouth. There is increased thirst for water. Inflammation of the gums can be prominent. Besides helping cases of bitter taste, this medicine is also indicated to manage sweetish or metallic taste in the mouth.

4. Natrum Mur – When Food Tastes Bitter

This medicine is recommended when every kind of food tastes bitter. There is dryness of the tongue. A sensation of hair on the tongue may be felt. The tongue is coated with red patches on it. Blisters or ulcers may be seen in the mouth with a burning sensation when food particles come in contact with the ulcers. There is decreased appetite for food and water.

5. Nux vomica – For Bitter Taste In Mouth In Morning

Nux Vomica is an effective medicine for managing bitter taste in mouth in the morning. It is attended with offensive breath from the mouth. Small ulcers may be seen in the mouth and throat. The front part of the tongue is clean but the back portion appears fur white or yellow. The above complaints can be attended with bitter or sour burping. Inflammation of the throat and gums can be present sometimes.

6. China Officinalis – When Food, Drink And Water Tastes Bitter

This medicine is valuable to manage cases in which food and drinks, even water, tastes bitter. There is no bitter taste in the mouth while not drinking or eating. The tongue has a thick, dirty coating. The tongue may be white or yellow coated. Burning can be felt on the tip of the tongue. At times, stitching pain is felt on the tongue. There are bitter belchings where this medicine is needed. This medicine is also indicated to manage cases where a sweet taste is felt in the mouth followed by sour taste. It is attended with excessive salivation.

7. Borax – When Food And Saliva Taste Bitter

Borax is an important medicine for cases where not only food but even saliva has a bitter taste. Ulcers are seen in the mouth and on the tongue in cases needing this medicine. The tongue may have cracks. There is marked heated sensation in the mouth, along with excessive salivation. In some cases, fungal infection can be present in the mouth (oral thrush).

8. Sulphur – For Bitter Taste Soon After Eating

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine when there is bitter taste in the mouth soon after eating. The tongue is coated white with redness on the tip and borders. There is burning sensation on the tongue. There is bad smell from the mouth after eating. Bitter saliva is felt in the mouth. It is accompanied with nausea.

9. Bryonia – For Bitter Taste When Not Eating

This medicine is helpful when food appears tasteless but bitter taste is felt in the mouth when not eating. It is attended with offensive breath. The tongue is dry, rough, cracked. The tongue may be coated yellow or brown. The mouth is dry with an increase thirst for water. Little ulcers may appear on the tip of the tongue.



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Voice Hoarseness From Overuse Of Vocal Cords? Try Homeopathy

Voice hoarseness medically refers to a voice that is rough, weak, husky, strained and unclear. This may happen from different reasons and is not a serious condition. One of the most common cause behind it is the overuse of vocal cords. The problem may be faced by professionals like teachers, actors, singers, salespersons who have to speak a lot as part of their jobs or this may happen from excessive yelling or shouting. Voice overuse tends to strain the vocal cords and result in hoarseness of voice. Other reasons for hoarse voice besides voice overuse include upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), allergies, acid reflux and nodules/cysts on the vocal cords. Hoarseness of voice can be attended with pain in the throat when speaking or swallowing, dryness in the throat, a lump sensation in the throat, throat clearing and cough.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can prove very beneficial in cases of voice hoarseness that results from the overuse of voice. Homeopathic medicines are natural and very powerful remedies to help these cases. They manage cases of hoarse voice with zero side effects. Such medicines are highly effective for recent or long-term cases of voice hoarseness. These medicines also help in managing any attending symptom if present like dryness in the throat, cough, pain in throat, etc. For the most suitable homeopathic prescription for these cases, a detailed case evaluation is required by a homeopathic physician. Hence it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for any case of hoarse voice for the right prescription of medicine, its potency and repetition. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases of voice hoarseness.

Homeopathic Medicines For Voice Hoarseness

1. Arum Triphyllum – Top Recommended Medicine

Arum Triphyllum is an excellent homeopathic medicine to manage voice hoarseness that is due to the overuse of vocal cords from prolonged speaking or singing. In cases needing it, the voice becomes hoarse along with constant hawking. There is pain in the throat while clearing the throat. Throat may be swollen as well. The voice is uncertain and cannot be controlled. It keeps changing its tone, it sometimes becomes high and sometimes low.

2. Causticum – For Hoarseness Worse In Morning

This medicine is highly effective for managing hoarseness from overstraining of the vocal cords as may happen with public speakers. In most cases needing this medicine, the hoarseness of voice is worse in the morning. A person is not able to speak loudly. Rawness and scraping sensation is felt in the throat. There is pain in the voice box while blowing out the nose. Besides, cough with a tickling sensation is felt in the throat pit.

3. Rhus Tox – For Hoarse Voice Worse In Evening

Another prominent medicine on the list for the management of hoarse voice from overuse is Rhus Tox. Not only hoarse voice from overstraining, Rhus Tox is in general a great homeopathic medicine to manage complaints that arise from overuse/overstraining of muscles and tendons in different body parts. The complaint is worse in the evening. The throat feels sore and stiff after overstraining. Warm drinks help in relieving the soreness. A characteristic feature that can be present is excessive hoarseness when starting to speak, but after talking, a little improvement is noticed and hoarseness reduces. Dryness is felt in the throat along with the above complaints where this medicine is needed.

4. Argentum Met – For Hoarseness With Inability To Speak Loudly

Argentum Met also works well in cases of voice hoarseness. Persons needing it are unable to speak loudly. There is a worsening of hoarseness after speaking for a while. While reading, there is a need to hem and hawk often for voice clearing. The quality of voice keeps changing. Tickling is felt in the throat which excites cough in most cases. The larynx feels raw and constricted. Grey jelly-like mucus is expectorated in some cases. This medicine is also indicated for loss of voice occurring in professional singers.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Voice Hoarseness And Roughness In The Throat

This medicine is well-indicated for voice hoarseness and roughness in the throat. A scraping sensation is felt in the throat. The voice is weak and toneless. Irritation is felt in the larynx. There is pain at a particular spot in the larynx. It gets worse while speaking, on applying pressure and also on coughing. Stitching pain occurs in the larynx. Hoarseness can be attended with cough in the morning on waking up. There is sensitivity to cold air where this medicine is indicated.

6. Capsicum – For Hoarseness With Tickling, Crawling In Larynx

Capsicum is a valuable medicine to manage hoarse voice and a tickling, crawling sensation in the larynx. A dry cough may attend. The problem aggravates in the evening. Cough is attended with a fetid breath. Bad taste is felt in the mouth. Besides, roughness is felt in the throat. Burning sensation is also present in the throat. There is pain and dryness in the throat.

7. Carbo Veg – For Deep Rough Voice With Roughness In Larynx

This medicine works well when there is a deep rough voice along with roughness in the larynx. Hoarseness of voice is felt more towards the evening. There is an urge to clear the throat frequently in the evening. This leads to soreness and rawness in the larynx. There may be coughing, along with pain in the larynx. Other than these complaints, sometimes loss of voice happens in the morning in cases that need this medicine.

8. Merc Sol – With Burning Sensation In The Larynx

This medicine is recommended where there is burning sensation in the larynx along with hoarse and rough voice. Tickling sensation is felt in the larynx. There is dry cough along with long-term inflammation of the larynx. There is increased salivation in the mouth, along with excessive sweating sometimes. This medicine is also indicated for complete loss of voice due to overstraining.

9. Phosphorus – For Hoarse, Rough, Husky Voice In The Morning

This medicine is also suitable for hoarse, rough, husky voice in the morning. Along with this, there is rawness in the larynx accompanied by cough. The larynx feels sore and dry as well. Cough with a little expectoration might attend it. Pain in the larynx is felt too when speaking.  A sensation of weight in the larynx can be there in some cases along with above complaints.

10. Natrum Mur – For Hoarseness In Morning With Mucus In Throat

This medicine is helpful when there is hoarseness in the morning with mucus in the throat. The person is unable to talk. There is a sensation as if there is a need to swallow over a lump present in the throat. Pain may be felt in the larynx, especially on the right side.

11. Spongia – For Hoarseness With Dry Larynx And A Dry Cough

This medicine can be used when there is dryness in the larynx and dry cough along with hoarse voice. The voice sounds cracked and weak. The person needing this medicine speaks with difficulty. A plug sensation is felt in the larynx. The larynx is painful while speaking and painful to touch.



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Want To Get Rid Of Stage Fright? Try These Homeopathic Remedies

Stage fright refers to anxiety or fear that a person feels when he/she has to give a presentation or speak in front of an audience or a group of people. Stage fright is very common and the intensity may vary from mild to severe. It may be more intense when the performance has to be given in front of strangers. It may happen in various situations. Some examples include giving interviews for jobs, giving a speech, attending an office meeting, giving a presentation in class, dance performance, and singing on stage in front of an audience. It may also occur in athletes. Some of the symptoms of stage fright are trembling, shaking of voice, sweating, redness of the face, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. Stage fright is considered to be a type of social anxiety disorder. There is a constant fear of being watched, judged and rejected by people. It is also thought to be just a fight-or-flight response. It indicates our body’s reaction to stress or recognition of some situation of danger where the body senses some harm that is going to occur in body. There is release of adrenaline in the body on recognition of a stressful event. This leads to an increased rate of contraction of muscle fibers that can result in trembling, increased sweating and dryness of the mouth. Other changes include high blood pressure, increased heart rate, nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Besides the above factors, low self-esteem and poor self–confidence also contribute to stage fright.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic system of medicine offers a very natural and effective management for dealing with cases of stage fright. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in managing these cases wonderfully. These medicines help keep the mind calm and reduce the effects of anxiety very effectively. It is a gradual process of treatment and results do not happen overnight with these medicines and it takes some time for good results to appear. The homeopathic medicines are free from any kind of toxic side effects. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms in every case following in-depth case analysis. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician for case evaluation to get the most suitable medicine. One should avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stage Fright

1. Argentum Nitricum – Top Recommended Medicine

Though there are numerous medicines in homeopathy for helping cases of stage fright, among these Argentum Nitricum tops the list. This medicine is highly beneficial for managing stage fright along with marked anticipation. Anticipation means constant revolving of thoughts in the mind regarding some event that is going to happen in the future. For example, if someone has to deliver a speech on stage, then the anxiety occurs not only on the stage but begins beforehand. It starts right from the day when the person comes to know that he has to give a speech in front of a group of people. Various thoughts may cross his mind in anticipation, for example: Will my speech go on smoothly? Will I be able to speak without stuttering? What if I forget and get numb while delivering the speech? I think I will panic and fail. Will others notice my anxiety? And so on. In this anxiety and fear, the person may suffer from vertigo and gastric symptoms usually diarrhea (frequent, loose stool). Those needing it are nervous, impulsive and do things hurriedly.

2. Gelsemium – For Stage Fright With Fear Of Appearing In Public

Gelsemium is also a very effective medicine for managing cases of stage fright. Those needing it have an intense fear of appearing in public. There is marked fear of failure. There is fear of some upcoming event where they have to appear in a stage performance, like a speech. There is lack of courage to perform on the stage due to marked fear and anxiety. In general, other complaints that one may face are dullness of mind, drowsiness, and weakness. Concentration issues can be present as well along with the above-mentioned indications.

3. Lycopodium – For Fear Occurring On Starting Stage Presentation But Afterwards It Goes Well

Lycopodium is another useful medicine for cases of stage fright. To use this medicine, the leading characteristic feature to take note of is anxiety in the beginning of the performance (like a speech, dance performance, etc.) on the stage but soon after confidence develops and the act goes brilliantly till the end. The persons needing it have marked fear of public speaking. There is aversion to do new things and the sufferer is not ready to undertake any act for stage performance. There is poor self-esteem and low confidence initially.

4. Silicea – For Stage Fright With A Fear Of Failure

Silicea is of great help in cases of stage fright where a person always has a fear of failure. Those needing this medicine are sure that they will fail in any stage performance act. They lack self-confidence and are very shy to speak in front of a group of people and on stage. They are very nervous and avoid taking any responsibility of public speaking due to fear of failure.

5. Aconite – For Stage Fright With Marked Anxiety And Panic Attacks

This medicine is recommended for cases of anxiety and panic attacks with fear of speaking in front of a group of people. Those needing it suffer from excessive shaking or trembling during a bout of anxiety. Numbness and tingling sensation is felt in the arms and fingers. Heart palpitations are felt too. Sometimes, the sufferer may faint.

6. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety With Marked Restlessness

Arsenic Album is the next best medicine for managing stage fright with marked anxiety and restlessness. Those needing it are highly nervous and become anxious with very small issues. They exhibit facial flushing due to anxiety. Nausea may occur too. There is difficulty in breathing and chest constriction may attend as well. There is also excessive fear along with trembling and cold sweating. Weakness is also present.

7. Medorrhinum – For Stage Fright, Anxiety With Anticipation

Another homeopathic medicine recommended for managing stage fright is Medorrhinum. This medicine is indicated for anxiety in anticipation like in medicine Argentum Nitricum. There is marked fright and panic attack where this medicine is required. Those needing this medicine are nervous and sensitive. They do things hurriedly and get irritated easily. Additionally, they may suffer weakness of memory, forgetfulness and poor concentration.

8. Ambra Grisea – For Shy People Having Fear Of People

This medicine is well suited to those who are very shy in nature and blush easily. They are not able to do any activity in front of others. They have a marked fear of people and wish to be alone most of the times. They feel embarrassed in the company of other people. Additionally, they are forgetful and have weak memory. They get irritated easily and are very impatient.



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Increased Sensitivity To Strong Odors? Try Homeopathy

Increased sensitivity to strong odors is medically known as hyperosmia. Some people have a sharp sense of smell by birth and they perceive smells strongly, this is due to genetics. However, in some persons increased sensitivity to strong odors develops later on in life and can be associated with some medical conditions. Strong odors become highly intolerable in them and may result in nausea. In some, it may trigger a few complaints including runny nose, sneezing, headache, dizziness, vomiting, cough, skin rash, asthma attack and fainting as well. In some cases, it may also lead to irritability, concentration problems, anxiety issues and depression too. The sensitivity to strong smells can be persistent or occur sometimes varying from case to case. A person can have sensitivity to the smell of different products. Some examples of products that a person can have high sensitivity to include perfumes, chemicals, air fresheners, etc. Increased sensitivity to strong odors may occur during pregnancy mainly in the first trimester due to hormonal changes. Several medical conditions can be associated with increased sensitivity to strong odors. First among these is migraine (one-sided headache often attended with nausea and vomiting). A person might feel increased smell sensitivity before the onset of a bout of migraine headache and also during headache. It goes away after the headache is over. In some, sensitivity may even remain between two migraine episodes. The second cause behind sensitivity to strong odors is epilepsy (brain disorder with a tendency to have recurrent seizures). Before onset of a seizure attack, a person can have increased smell sensitivity in the aura stage. Increased sensitivity to strong odors may also be felt in cases of Lyme’s disease. It is a bacterial infection caused by bacteria borrelia. This infection spreads from a bite by a tick which carries this bacteria. In around 50 percent of the cases of Lyme’s disease, it is a major symptom noted besides the other symptoms. Persons who are suffering from Type 1 diabetes that is not controlled well can experience increased sensitivity to smells.

Another reason can be Addison’s disease. Addison’s disease is an illness in which adrenal glands are unable to produce some hormones like cortisol and aldosterone. In this disease increased sensitivity to smell might occur in addition to other symptoms like excessive tiredness, loss of appetite, weight loss, joint pain, muscle pain, dark skin areas, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, hair loss, nausea, diarrhea and depression.

Increased sensitivity to strong odors is also linked with some other disorders including Lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Tourette’s syndrome. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the healthy tissues and organs in the body get inflamed, damaged by the immune cells of the body. Some of the signs and symptoms of this disease include butterfly-shaped rash on the face, joint pains, fatigue, fever, headache and memory loss. Sensitivity to odors may attend these complaints. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder in which brain cells die off resulting in memory loss and decline in thinking, behaviour and social skills. Parkinson’s disease affects the nervous system that starts with hand tremors at rest. After this, other complaints arise like a stooped posture, stiffness of the muscles, impaired balance, diminished expressions on the face, changes in speech and reduced arm swing while walking. Tourette syndrome is a disorder characterised by uncontrollable repetitive movements and vocal sounds called tics. In some cases, increased sensitivity to strong odors may occur without any cause.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective treatment for complaint of sensitivity to strong odors. Homeopathic medicines gradually help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint. Complaints like headache, sneezing and cough that arise from strong odors can also be well managed with these medicines. They help to overcome this issue in a very gentle and natural manner with zero side effects. As this complaint can arise from various causes, it is advised to consult a physician to rule out the cause behind it and take proper treatment. Always consider taking any of the homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and never self-medicate.

Homeopathic Medicines For Increased Sensitivity To Strong Odors

1. Phosphorus – For Headache, Cough And Sneezing From Strong Odors

Phosphorus is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage various complaints resulting from sensitivity to strong odors. Firstly, this medicine is of great use for cases in which headache occurs from strong odors. In cases needing it, there is headache over one eye or on one side of the temple area.  Strain in the eyes may attend headache. It is very effective in managing cough resulting from exposure to strong odors. A tickling sensation is felt in the throat that excites cough. Dryness and a burning sensation is felt in the throat in some cases. Cough is dry and can be accompanied with a headache. Head feels as if it would burst. Lastly, this medicine is highly beneficial for managing sneezing resulting from exposure to strong odors.

2. Colchicum – For Increased Sensitivity To Odor Of Cooking Food

This medicine is well indicated for cases where marked sensitivity to odor of cooking food is present. Next it is useful for cases when there is increased sensitivity to smell of eggs, fish and meat. Nausea occurs from smell of these food products. The person may even faint. There is aversion to eating food. Smell or even the sight of the food may be a source of irritation. Strong smells disturb their temper of mind.

3. Sabadilla – With Nasal Discharge And Sneezing

This medicine can be considered when there is sensitivity to strong odors along with sneezing and nasal discharge. The nasal discharge is excessive and watery. Itching and tickling is felt in the nose. Pain in the forehead can attend the above complaints. Sabadilla is also one of the top medicines where there is sensitivity to smell of garlic which becomes intolerable.

4. Sepia – For Headache From Strong Odors

Sepia is a helpful medicine for managing headache arising from strong odors. Along with headache, there is aversion to every kind of food and even the smell of food is unbearable. An empty feeling in the stomach attends headache. Nausea and vomiting can occur during headache.

5. Nux Vomica – When There Is Fainting From Strong Odors

Nux Vomica is well indicated for cases where there is sensitivity to strong odors that often leads to fainting. The smell of tobacco is the most intolerable. Persons needing it might also have increased sensitivity to light and noises in addition to that of smell.

6. Hepar Sulph – For Increased Sensitivity To Smell With Vertigo

This medicine is a useful medicine for increased sensitivity to smell attended with vertigo. Vertigo may be accompanied with nausea and a tendency to fall. In cases needing it itching in the nostrils with sneezing can also be present. Next, there can be heat or burning sensation in the nose.

7. Ignatia – For Sensitivity To Smell Of Tobacco

This medicine is suitable for cases of sensitivity to the smell of tobacco. Those needing it suffer headache from the smell of tobacco. Pain usually appears in the back of the head (occiput). There is relief in pain from warm application and also from eating.


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10 Best Homeopathic Nerve Tonics

Nerve tonics are medicines that help to support and strengthen the nervous system. These help to relax the mind and body and make one feel energetic and strong. People may consider the use of nerve tonics in cases of stress, anxiety, low energy levels (exhaustion, tiredness), mental fatigue, reduced focus and concentration, and sleeplessness.

Homeopathic Medicines As Nerve Tonic

Homeopathic medicines can work as a superb nerve tonic when prescribed after proper evaluation of the individual symptoms in every case. These tonics help to improve energy levels, improve concentration power and help in cases of sleeplessness, anxiety, stress as well. In homeopathy, the same medicines used to treat different health conditions are used as nerve tonics. In general, there are no specific nerve tonics in homeopathy that differ from homeopathic medicines. And also there is no universal one medicine that can be used as tonic for each and every case of fatigue, low concentration, sleeplessness and anxiety. Rather the medicine that can act as the best tonic for a given case has to be selected based on the individual concerns in every case. Persons who wish to take a homeopathic nerve tonic should consult a homeopathic physician for the correct customized prescription and to afford best results. No one should use any homeopathic medicine on their own.

Homeopathic Medicines That Can Be Used As Nerve Tonic

1. Kali Phos – Leading Nerve Remedy

Kali Phos is a top-recommended medicine that can be used as a nerve tonic. It has a pre-eminent action on the nervous system that works magnificently to improve the energy levels in the body in a very natural manner. People who feel tired, weak, exhausted due to different reasons can benefit greatly from Kali Phos. It helps to improve both mental and physical fatigue in a very effective manner. In cases where there is weakness due to an acute disease, this medicine proves to be a great tonic to rejuvenate the body and increase energy levels. Cases of mental fatigue like that resulting from over exertion of the mind as from over study can be effectively helped with Kali Phos. It is highly effective in cases of stress and helps to calm and relax the mind and promote a general feeling of well–being. Further, this medicine is known to offer help in cases of sleeplessness. It helps to improve sleep wonderfully. This medicine is also highly suited to manage anxiety issues and irritability. Kali Phos also improves dullness of the mind and memory weakness. Lastly, it helps in improving weak nerves and nerve functioning in general.

2. Avena Sativa – To Improve Weakness, Tiredness

Avena Sativa is a great nerve tonic in homeopathy to improve weakness, tiredness that has resulted from some exhausting disease. This medicine will help to strengthen the nerves and restore energy levels. Avena Sativa further helps in cases of an exhausted mind and brain fag. When these complaints occur from overwork, this medicine suits very well. This medicine can help to improve concentration power as well. Avena Sativa functions well to improve sleeping pattern in persons facing sleeplessness.

3. Gelsemium – For Cases Of Dullness, Drowsiness And Weakness

Gelsemium is a wonderful and highly effective nerve tonic in homeopathy. It is indicated when there is marked dullness, drowsiness and weakness. The use of Gelsemium can also be considered to overcome long-term weakness after a bout of viral infection. Gelsemium helps to enhance energy levels in the body and also makes the mind active by taking away dullness. Those facing issues of reduced concentration and decreased focus and attention in doing work can get help from this medicine. Gelsemium works in an excellent way to improve the concentration power of mind. Another action of Gelsemium is noted to deal with cases of nervousness, irritability and anxiety issues.

4. Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) – To Enhance Energy Levels

It is a great herbal medicine in homeopathy with prominent action on nervous system. This medicine is employed to rejuvenate the body, increase vitality, and enhance energy levels. It can be used in any case of weakness or debility. This herbal medicine works brilliantly in cases of brain fatigue and decline in memory. Besides the above, this medicine is known to be good for overcoming complaints including nervousness, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness.

5. Picric Acid – To Help Cases Of Brain Fag

Picric Acid works wonderfully well in cases of brain fag. Brain fag includes a group of symptoms i.e. exhausted mind, concentration problem, decline in focus, confused mind in addition to complaint of forgetfulness. Picric Acid is best indicated for memory weakness and forgetfulness. Memory weakness may be the result of a long-term stress and anxiety in a person. The mind feels exhausted in those needing it. This occurs from even a little reading or writing. There is inability to collect thoughts in the mind and do any sort of mind exertion. There is an aversion to do mind- related work. Any type of mind exertion brings on an episode of headache. It is a well-indicated medicine when brain fag results from excessive study in a person.

6. Anacardium Orientale – To Manage Weak Memory And Forgetfulness

It is an important medicine for cases of weak memory and forgetfulness. Those needing it have poor memory and are absent-minded. There is difficulty in remembering and retention in the memory is poor. Next, it is indicated for cases of exhausted mind from overstudy. There is an aversion to doing any work. There is desire to lie down or sit all the time in persons needing this medicine.

7. Phosphoric Acid – To Help Cases Of Low Energy And Poor Concentration

This medicine is valuable as a tonic for cases of low energy and decreased concentration. This medicine works well to improve energy in both the mind and body. It is next effective when there is slowness of the mind and poor concentration power. This medicine is also a prominent one for weakness and drained-out feeling after some kind of fever. Weight loss can be present with this.

8. Coffea Cruda – For Cases Of Sleeplessness

It works very effectively to help cases of sleeplessness. Those needing it have a chain of thoughts going on in the mind that prevents sleep. The thoughts come one after the other jumbling together and disturbing sleep. They remain restless at night tossing and turning in bed. It is also indicated for managing sleep problems occurring after acute diseases. Coffea Cruda promotes mind’s tranquillity, calms the mind and helps in sleeping.

9. China Officinalis – For managing Low energy After Loss Of Fluids

China Officinalis is a well-suited tonic to improve energy levels. It is well indicated for cases when energy levels have dropped down from excessive loss of fluids like diarrhea (loose stool), and medical problems involving loss of blood. Here this medicine is very beneficial to increase energy levels.

10. Natrum Carb – For Cases Of Weak Memory And Poor Concentration

This medicine is helpful as a tonic where memory is weak and concentration is poor. It helps improve memory and concentration power. In cases needing it, there is difficulty in thinking and comprehending things. Mind-related work seems impossible. This medicine can also be used in cases of sadness, and depression with constant sad thoughts in mind.



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Feeling Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies? Try Homeopathy

Loss of smell medically known as anosmia can be due to various reasons. Cold and nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) are among the major causes behind it. These conditions tend to cause swelling and blockage in the nose that may result in loss of smell. There may be partial or complete loss of smell varying from case to case. Cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat resulting from different kind of viruses among which rhinovirus is the most important virus. Common cold is contagious means it spreads from direct contact with infected persons. It can cause various symptoms that include runny nose, blocked/ stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, PND (post nasal drip means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), headache, weakness, body aches and low-grade fever. In some cases, it can result in loss of smell and taste as well. Nasal allergies (allergic rhinitis) refer to an overreaction of the immune system to an inhaled allergen like dust mites, pollens, etc. It results in symptoms including watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itching in the nose, blocked nose, and red watery itchy eyes. In long-term cases, a reduced power of smell may be noted along with the above symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of loss of smell from cold and allergies. The homeopathic medicines used for treating these cases are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in improving the sense of smell by treating the root cause behind it. Along with loss of smell, they also manage well any associated symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal dryness, post nasal discharge and blocked nose. Homeopathic medicines for treating loss of smell are selected based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine to treat loss of smell. Self-medication should be avoided in all cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Loss Of Smell From Cold And Allergies

1. Pulsatilla – Top Recommended Medicine

Pulsatilla is a highly recommended medicine for managing loss of smell in cases of cold. A very characteristic feature for using this medicine is thick yellow green discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked, pressure is felt at the root of the nose. Nose may be sore to touch. Pain in the forehead can also attend. A constant tickling sensation can be felt in the nose. This is attended with violent sneezing in most of the cases. Along with loss of smell, there is also loss of taste where this medicine is required. It can be accompanied with loss of appetite.

2. Calcarea Carb – For Loss Of Smell With Dry, Blocked Nose

Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing loss of smell. In cases needing this medicine, there is dryness and blockage of the nose at night. There is difficulty in breathing through nose at night. Yellow nasal discharge flows during the day. In some cases, nasal discharge is blood-stained as well. In addition to the above complaints, there may be constant sneezing in the morning on waking up. There may be bleeding from the nose in the morning.

3. Silicea – For Loss Of Smell And Taste

Silicea is a prominently indicated medicine for treating cases of loss of smell and taste accompanying cold. There is nasal blockage. Thick green yellow foul discharge may flow from the nose. Itching is felt in the nose. There is swelling in the nostrils. In some cases, the nose becomes dry with crusts inside. There may be alteration between dryness and discharge from nose. The inflammation of frontal sinus (frontal sinusitis) may be seen. Throbbing pain is felt in the forehead. Sometimes pain from the tip of the nose extends to the forehead.

4. Natrum Mur – For Loss Of Smell With Profuse, Clear Nasal Discharge

It is a very important medicine used in cases of cold and nasal allergies. It also works very effectively for managing cases of loss of smell with clear-white profuse nasal discharge. There is frequent sneezing. Nasal discharge and sneezing are worse in the morning. The nostrils are swollen with difficulty in breathing through the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Headache occurs almost daily in the morning on waking up.

5. Phosphorus – For Loss Of Smell With Alternate Nasal Discharge And Blockage

Phosphorus is a useful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and blocked nose alternating each other. There may be discharge from one nostril and blockage of the other at a given time. The nasal discharge is yellow green or blood streaked where this medicine is needed. In some cases, the nasal discharge dries up to form crusts and sticks in the nose. Sore pain is felt in the nostrils on touching the nose. There may also be a tendency of recurrent bleeding from the nose. One may feel a sore throat. There is loss of taste most of the times.

6. Hepar Sulph – With Nasal Discharge And Burning In Nostrils

Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for cases of loss of smell with nasal discharge and burning in the nose. The nasal discharge is yellow and sticky. Pain is felt in the nose that also affects the eyes. Nose feels blocked in the morning. Crusts and scabs can be present in the nose. Itching is felt in the nose that leads to sneezing. In some cases, mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat (PND). The mucus can be blood stained.

7. Kali Bichrome – For Loss Of Smell With Ropy Stringy Nasal Discharge

This medicine can be considered in cases of loss of smell with ropy, stringy discharge from the nose. The discharge is thick and yellowish or greenish in color. The nose feels blocked along with the above symptoms. There is difficulty in breathing through the nose due to blockage. Pain or pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is intense sneezing in the morning. Kali Bichrome is also a leading homeopathic medicine for managing cases of sinusitis.

8. Arsenic Album – With Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is of great help when there is loss of smell and watery discharge from the nose. The nose feels blocked even if there is free flow of nasal discharge. Burning and itching in the nostrils is well marked. There is frequent sneezing along with the above complaints.

9. Psorinum – For Loss Of Smell With Tough Mucus In Nose

Psorinum is yet another homeopathic medicine for managing loss of smell in case of cold. It helps relieve tough mucus from the nose. Soreness is felt in the nose. Nose is sensitive to inhaled air. Sometimes, dry nose is attended with nasal blockage. Along with cold, there is cough with yellow-green expectoration. There may be post nasal dripping means dripping of mucus from the back of nose into throat. It disturbs the most at night.



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What Causes White Spots/ Patches On The Face And Its Homeopathic Remedies

White spots refer to spots on the face that look lighter compared to the surrounding skin on the face. They may be seen as small or large patches on the face. White spots may also appear on the skin of other body parts besides the face in some cases depending on the reason behind it. There are different reasons behind white spots on the face. The first among these can be vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which there are white patches on the skin and it may also affect the hair. This occurs when the melanin-producing cells in the body either cease to function or die. This is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells of the body start to destroy the melanocytes i.e. the cells that produce melanin pigment that imparts color to the skin. Persons with a family history of this condition or those who are already suffering from some other autoimmune disorder are at risk. Certain factors like stress, skin injury, sunburn, chemical exposure are some of the triggering factors behind vitiligo. The second reason behind white spots can be pityriasis alba. It is a type of eczema/dermatitis (skin condition causing inflamed, itchy patches on the skin) that tends to affect children and adolescents. Initially, red patches appear on the skin covered with scales. When these patches improve, patches of light color as compared to skin are left behind in their place. It generally affects the skin on the face, shoulders, arms and abdomen. The exact cause behind this condition is unknown. However, there are some factors that may predispose a person towards it. These include excessive sun exposure, overuse of corticosteroids on the skin, and sensitive skin. Persons having family history of atopy or are themselves suffering from atopy (genetic tendency to allergic diseases like allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and asthma) are at greater risk.  Another cause is pityriasis versicolor. It is also known as tinea versicolor. It is a fungal infection of the skin. It is caused by overgrowth of a skin fungus malassezia globosa that is normally found on healthy skin without causing any harm. This fungus can overgrow in some persons from various triggering factors like excessive sweating, warm humid environment and oily skin. The white spots that appear in this condition may be covered with fine scales. Itching can attend these spots but is mild in nature. There is worsening of this condition by sun exposure and warm humid weather, while relief is noted in cold weather.

Next cause can be milia. Milia refers to a skin condition causing tiny white bumps on the skin usually on the face. They appear mainly on the cheeks, forehead, eyelid and under the eyes and nose. Besides the face, they may appear inside the mouth, arms, legs, chest and genitals. They appear in clusters. Itching may sometimes be felt in some cases but it is not painful. Milia develops from trapping of dead skin cells under the surface of the skin. The dead skin cells are shed from the body from time to time and new cells replace them. When dead skin cells do not get shed but get trapped under the new skin instead, then they tend to form milia. Skin damage from injury, exposure to sun, burns, blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) on the skin and prolonged use of creams containing steroids predispose a person to formation of milia. In some cases, milia is present right from birth which is known as congenital milia. Further causes include some forms of nevi like nevus depigmentosus, piebaldism and idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis. Nevus depigmentosus, also named nevus achromicus, is a congenital disorder with hypopigmented spots on the skin. Piebaldism is a genetic condition where white patches develop on the skin and hair due to absence of melanocyte cells in the affected area. In majority of the cases, a patch of white hair develops near the forehead. Idiopathic guttate hypomelanosis is a condition in which round or oval patches of hypopigmentation appear from genetic factors, exposure to ultraviolet rays, skin trauma, autoimmune activity or changes in the skin that occur with advancing age. Next, yeast (a type of fungus) infections can sometimes cause white spots. Apart from the above reasons, deficiency of certain vitamins (like B12, D and E) and calcium can also lead to white spots on the face.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves very effective in treating numerous skin complaints including white spots on the face. Homeopathic remedies halt the further progression in the number of white spots on the face and also stops the size of these spots from increasing. These medicines help in gradually pigmenting the spots already present, in addition to halting their progression. Homeopathic medicines also manage itching if present in the white spots which may occur in case of fungal infection. Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for treating every case of white spots on the face. Though these medicines are safe to use, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For White Spots On The Face

1. Calcarea Carb – Top most Medicine

Calcarea carb is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing light spots on the face. It is also recommended for milky white spots with dark borders on the skin. There may be swelling on cheeks near the light spots. The face can be cold to touch. Face is oily in most cases. This medicine is well-indicated for tinea and vitiligo cases. There is a general tendency to increased sweating where this medicine is required.

2. Arsenic Album

Arsenic Album is the next well-indicated medicine for managing white spots on the face. In cases needing it, the skin is very dry and rough. Scales may be noted on the spots on skin. Itching can also be present along with the above features. In some cases, burning and stinging is felt in the affected area.

3. Natrum Carb

Natrum Carb is another medicine in the list for treating white spots on the face. A heated sensation may be felt on the face where this medicine is needed. The cheeks may be swollen. Face may be pale with blue rings around the eyes. Itching can be felt on skin. The skin becomes rough, dry, and cracked in general.

4. Silicea

Silicea is beneficial for treating white spots when the face is also pale and oily. A burning sensation is felt around the mouth. The skin on the face may develop cracks. There may be itching and pricking on the face. The skin may be painful and sensitive. There is a  tendency of increased sweating.

5. Arsenicum Sulf Flavum

This medicine is a top-ranking medicine to treat white spots caused by vitiligo. In cases needing it, the skin can be scaly and dry with cracks developing on the skin. One feels itching on the skin.

6. Sulphur

Sulphur is an effective medicine to manage white spots and itching on the face which becomes worse at night. Washing the face worsens the itching. After scratching the affected part, burning is felt on the face. The skin is dry and scaly in general. A heated sensation in different body parts can be present along with the above complaints.



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What Causes Arm Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Arm pain refers to pain in the arm anywhere starting from the shoulder joint to fingers. The arm has three parts. The area between the shoulder and elbow is the upper arm. The area between elbow to wrist is the forearm. The third part is the hand and fingers. The pain can happen due to different reasons. The pain may be linked with problem in the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments of the arms. The first cause can be joint problem like rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints) or osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease resulting from wearing down of joint cartilage). Other causes may include rotator cuff injury, shoulder impingement syndrome, or brachial plexus injury.

Rotator cuff injury is a shoulder condition resulting from injury to the rotator cuff (i.e. a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint) resulting from overuse, injury or wear and tear occurring with time. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common reason behind shoulder pain that occurs from rubbing of rotator cuff against the top of shoulders resulting in irritation of muscles and tendons. Brachial plexus injury indicates injury/inflammation of a meshwork of nerves originating from the neck region that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand. Another reason can be tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow refers to lateral epicondylitis resulting from the overuse of tendons and muscles of the elbow on the outer side. Golfer’s elbow indicates medial epicondylitis arising from the overuse of tendons and muscles of elbow causing pain on the inner side of the elbow. Other causes for arm pain include cervical disc herniation, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and ulnar nerve entrapment. Cervical disc herniation refers to pushing out of gel-like center of spinal disc through the tough area of the disc present in the neck region resulting in neck or arm pain and numbness or tingling sensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition affecting the hands resulting from a compressed or irritated median nerve. Ulnar nerve entrapment is a result of  the compression of the ulnar nerve in the arm. It may be caused by other reasons like tendinitis (inflammation of tendons that connect muscles to bones), sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connect one bone to another bone), De Quervain tenosynovitis (a condition affecting tendons on the thumb side of the wrist) and fracture. Besides these, arm pain may indicate serious causes like heart attack that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause behind arm pain, some other symptoms may attend it. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling, reduced range of movement and weakness in the arm. In some cases, chest pain and breathing difficulty may attend arm pain, such cases may indicate serious issues like heart attack that needs immediate medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cases of arm pain. Homeopathic medicines give great relief in these cases by treating the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief sets in. Along with pain, any attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the correct prescription which varies in every individual case. In no case, self-medication should be done. In case of any breathing difficulty or chest pain along with arm pain mainly on the left side, it is recommended to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as this may be indicative of a heart problem and homeopathy cannot help in such serious matters.

Homeopathic Medicines For Arm Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine for managing pain in the arm. Rhus Tox is highly effective in relieving pain occurring from muscle involvement, inflamed tendons, inflamed joints and sprains. In cases needing this medicine, the arm pain gets worse while lying down still. The pain may start from the shoulders and radiate downward. Usually the pain is drawing or stitching type. Pressure is felt on the shoulders. Tearing type of pain is felt in the shoulders which gets bad at rest and better from moving about. It is also indicated for pain in the elbow. Pain in the elbow is drawing or tearing type and extends to the wrist which gets worse at rest. The forearm feels stiff. It is also indicated for pain, swelling and stiffness in the wrist.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Shoulder, Upper Arm, Elbow

Bryonia is suitable for managing pain in the shoulder, upper arm and elbow. It is indicated for tearing, stitching pain in the shoulder and upper arm. It is attended with tightness and swelling in these parts. It is useful for stitching type of pain in the elbow joint mostly on the right side. Swelling of the elbow joint accompanies it. Swelling may extend to the upper arm and forearm. Tearing pain can also be felt on the inner side of the forearm.

3. Sanguinaria can – For Pain In Right Shoulder And Right Arm

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in shoulder and right arm. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse from raising the arm. It also increases at night and while turning in bed. There is a sensation of coldness in the right arm. Swelling from shoulder to elbow may also be present on the right arm.

4. Ferrum met – For Pain In Left Shoulder And Left Arm

Ferrum Met can be considered in cases of pain in the left shoulder and arm. Pain in the arm worsens from the slightest movement of fingers. There is difficulty in raising the arm. The pain increases at night. It disturbs sleep. The nature of pain is mostly tearing or stinging type. The arm may feel heavy along with the above complaints. There may be swelling and stiffness in the arm.

5. Ruta – For Elbow Pain

Ruta is a very beneficial medicine for managing pain in the elbow especially due to inflamed tendons. It is highly suited for tennis elbow cases. In cases needing it, there is over straining of tendons resulting in inflammation. There is pain and stiffness in the elbow which is also sore to touch.

6. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Arm Pain With Soreness To Touch

This medicine is highly recommended for managing pain in the arm along with soreness. The arms feel as if beaten. Pain is most marked above and below the elbow. Both the wrists are also sore and painful. Wrists feel as if broken and dislocated.

7. Belladonna – For Arm Pain With Weakness

Belladonna is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of pain in arm along with weakness. The pain can be drawing or tearing type. Pain can also be felt in the humerus bone in the upper arm. The arm may feel heavy. Pain in the left elbow joint may also be prominent. The type of elbow pain can be cutting or sharp shooting type.

8. Pulsatilla – For Pain And Numbness In Arm

This medicine is of great help in cases of pain and numbness in the arm. Persons needing it have drawing or tearing pain anywhere from shoulder to wrist. This is attended with numbness in arms while in use or in raised position. Heaviness is also felt in the arm. There is a feeling as if the arm is broken and pain gets worse on movement. They may have pain in the bend of elbows due to involvement of tendons. Besides, it is helpful to relieve pain in the wrist along with redness and swelling which gets worse in the afternoon.



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