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Top 10 Homeopathic Remedies for Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Trochanteric bursitis refers to hip pain caused by inflamed bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at the outside point of the hip. Nowadays, greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) is the more preferred term used. Bursitis remains one of the most common reasons for hip pain. Trochanteric bursitis is named so because in this condition bursa present over the greater trochanter (the bony prominence at the top, outer side of the femur means thigh bone) at the edge of the hip is affected. Homeopathic Remedies for trochanteric pain syndrome help in reducing the inflammation of the bursa and provide excellent relief in its symptoms.Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

Bursa are small, fluid – filled sacs found near the joints. Bursa help muscles and tendons to glide over bone smoothly and prevent their rubbing against bones during joint movement. There are numerous bursa  in the human body, about 150 in number. Any of these bursa in the body can be inflamed. There are two main bursa in each of the hips. One is on the outside point of the hip called as trochanteric bursa and another one is on the inside area of the hip known as iliopsoas bursa. Among them in trochanteric bursitis the bursa that lies on the outer side of the hip is involved that causes pain in the outer part of the hip. In cases the iliopsoas bursa is inflamed then pain is felt in the groin area.  


There are various causes behind trochanteric bursitis. Among them the first one is injury on the outer side of the hip area. This can arise from a fall, being hitted by something hard on the outer side of the hip. It can also happen from lying on one side of the body for a long duration of time.
Secondly it can arise from overuse or repetitive activities that involve movements of the hip as from excessive running, ascending stairs and standing for too long.
Next it can arise from hip surgery or presence of surgical wire or some prosthetic implant in the hip.
Another reason that can lead to it is arthritis as in rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease that leads to pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints) and gout (red, tender, hot swollen joints from high uric acid levels in blood).
Having psoriasis (primarily a skin condition with red, inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales, is also a predisposing factor for trochanteric bursitis), thyroid disease, scoliosis ( a condition in which a person has sideways curvature of the spine) and infection like tuberculosis also predisposes a person to it. 

Other reasons include bone spur (bony outgrowths that occur on the edges of a bone) in femur, torn tendons (tough fibrous bands that connects muscle to bone), poor posture that put strain on the hip, being overweight that also put excessive strain on the hip and difference in the length of two legs. In many cases no cause is ruled out behind trochanteric bursitis is unknown

Trochanteric bursitis is more common in females as compared to males. It more commonly affects people in the middle and old age.


The major symptom is pain in the outer side of the hip. Initially the pain is usually sharp and as time progresses the pain becomes like a dull ache. The pain tends to worsen from hip movement as while walking, stair climbing, doing exercise, rising from a chair or getting out of a car. It is also worse from lying on the affected side of the hip. In most of the cases the pain is worse at night. In some cases the pain can radiate to the thighs also. The outside area of the hip may be sore and sensitive to touch or when being pressed. There may also be stiffness in the hip joint along with pain. Swelling may sometimes appear in the affected leg. In severe cases fever may also appear. If the condition persists for too long then it can cause limping, can lead to loss of hip movement and also disability.

Homeopathic Remedies for Trochanteric Pain Syndrome

There are very effective medicines in homeopathy to treat trochanteric bursitis. People find major relief in hip pain and stiffness with use of these medicines. They target the root cause behind it to bring wonderful recovery. These medicines are selected as per the symptom present in each and every individual case. These are natural medicines so can be used safely with zero side effects in people of any age group. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a top listed medicine to treat cases of hip bursitis. People who need it have marked pain in the hip. They feel worsening of pain from lying on the side. The pain also worsens in them when rising from sitting position. Sometimes they complain of radiation of pain from hip down to the knee. This is most felt when they are walking or standing.  Along with pain they also experience stiffness in the hip region. It is one of the best medicines to treat conditions that follow over overstraining or overuse of hip or from injury to the hip.

  1. Bryonia – When Walking Worsens the Pain

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba commonly known as white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for cases having pain in the hip that worsen from walking. The pain for using it can be stabbing, shooting or stitching in nature The pain can extend from hip to the thigh and also the knee. Along with this sometimes lameness and bruised sensation is felt in the hip in the morning time. This is felt especially in the right hip. 

  1. Colocynth – For Continuous Drawing Pain in the Hip

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit of plant Citrullus colocynthis having the common name bitter apple. The family of this plant is cucurbitaceae. This medicine is indicated for continuous drawing pain in the hip. The persons who need it feel the pain all the time while standing, walking and even while sitting. Next it is also indicated for stitching or tearing pain in the hip that extends to the knee. This is particularly worse from motion.

  1. Causticum – For Soreness of Hip on the Side Lain Upon

Causticum is helpful for persons who feel soreness of the hip on the side on which they lay upon. The soreness is also felt in the thighs. This especially appears at night time. They frequently turn the sides when lying due to this complaint. With soreness pain in the hip is present that can be stitching type or aching type.

  1. Arnica – When it Follows an Injury

Arnica is prepared from plant Arnica Montana commonly known as leopard’s bane. This plant belongs to family compositae. It is a general medicine in homeopathy to treat conditions that follow injury, fall, blow or hit with a hard object. The key feature to use it here is a sore, bruised sensation in the hip. It is also indicated for drawing and pressing pains felt mainly in the left hip.

  1. Agaricus – For Tearing or Stitching Pain in Hip

This medicine is helpful when there is tearing or stitching pain in the hip. The tearing pain may extend from hip to knee in some cases requiring it. Pressing sensation may also be felt in the hip. With this stiffness in the hip joint can be present. 

  1. Natrum Sulph – For Hip Pain that Worsens at Night

This medicine is used when there is worsening of the hip pain at night time. This pain makes a person wake up at night. Other than this Natrum Sulph is beneficial when hip pain worsens from walking and also when rising from a seat. Next it is helpful for cases in which hip pain is worse from climbing stairs. 

  1. Phytolacca – For Sharp, Cutting Pain in Hip

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra having the common name poke – root that belongs to family phytolaccaceae. Its use is mostly done when sharp, cutting pain in the hip is present. The pain mostly radiates from hip down to outside of the thigh. This mostly worsens at night and after sleep. Rubbing the hip can help ease the pain where it is required. 

  1. Carbo Animalis – When Hip Pain causes Limping

Carbo Animalis is a well-indicated medicine when hip pain makes a person limp. The pain is mostly drawing or stitching in nature. Most of the times the hip pain extends down the leg.

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain in Hip Worsening when Rising 

This medicine is prepared from plant Chelidonium Majus commonly known as Greater Celandine. This entire fresh plant at time of flowering is used to make homeopathic medicine Colocynth. This plant belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is well indicated when there is pain in the hip particularly when rising from the seat. To use it the pain is mostly drawing or shooting type. Right sided hip is more affected where it is required.

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8 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea

Galactorrhea refers to flow of milky discharge from the nipples which is not related to normal milk secretion that appears with childbirth and breastfeeding. It is not a disease but can point towards some other health condition. Mostly it tends to occur in women between the ages group 20 to 35, but it can also appear in men, newborns and infants (babies less than 1 yr age) too. Homeopathic medicines for galactorrhea can help gradually reduce the milk flow in these cases.Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea


Common causes of galactorrhea for both men and women include the following: 

Galactorrhea usually arises from excessive prolactin hormone. Prolactin is a milk hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Prolactin helps in regulating periods in non pregnant women; promoting breast growth during pregnancy and helps in lactation means production of milk for breast feeding. Excessive prolactin and galactorrhea  can occur from following reasons: 

Prolactinoma ( a benign means non – cancerous tumour that forms in the pituitary gland and leads to overproduction of the hormone prolactin.) 

In females the prolactinoma can cause galactorrhea in addition to other symptoms that includes irregular menstrual periods or absent periods; painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness, low sex drive, fertility issues, acne (pimples), excessive hair growth on the face and body.

In males, this tumour can cause low libido (low sex drive), erection issues, enlargement of breast (gynaecomastia), low sperm count, decrease in facial and body hair and galactorrhea though it is rare. 

Headaches, visual disturbance and low bone density can occur in both males and females from prolactinoma.

Side effects of certain medicines can lead to galactorrhea. This some antidepressant (eg, paroxetine), antipsychotics like risperidone and high blood pressure medicine (eg methyl dopa); using opioid medicines (like fentanyl.)

Underactive Thyroid (hypothyroidism)

Use of herbal supplements like fenugreek, fennel seeds; 

Some medical conditions including chronic kidney disease; some types of lung cancer, liver disorder like cirrhosis


Chest wall injuries / surgeries.

In some cases no cause can be ruled out behind galactorrhea, such cases are referred to as idiopathic galactorrhea (it may be arising from increased sensitivity of  breast tissue  to prolactin hormone in the blood. In case the sensitivity is high galactorrhea can occur even when prolactin level in blood lies within normal range.)

In women

In women other than above causes taking birth control pills (oral contraceptive pills) can be another cause for galactorrhea. This can arise from imbalance of hormones caused by these birth control pills. It can also happen from excessive breast stimulation during sexual activity or from self examining of breast at very small intervals and nipple manipulation.

In men

In men, it can arise from low  testosterone apart from above reasons. It remains the common reason behind galactorrhea in males. This also results in breast enlargement in males (gynaecomastia). When this is the cause they may also experience erectile dysfunction and decrease sexual desire in them.

In newborns

Galactorrhea can occur in newborns too. This tends to happen from increased oestrogen levels in the mother that can enter the placenta and get into the baby’s blood before birth. It can also lead to enlarged breast in babies and also milky nipple discharge.

Signs and Symptoms 

The main sign of galactorrhea is a discharge of white  milky fluid from the nipple. It can be constant or appears at some intervals and can be slight or heavy flow. In some cases it tends to come out itself and in others on pressing the nipple. Either one or both the breasts can be affected in this. Other associated symptoms that can arise include irregular menstrual cycle, headaches or vision problems.

Homeopathic Medicines for Galactorrhea

Homeopathy offers very natural and effective treatment for cases of galactorrhea. These medicines bring excellent results in these cases by working towards regulating the hormonal levels in the body which is the main reason behind galactorrhea. They also help in treating any associated menstrual irregularities when present in any case. These medicines being of natural origin are very safe to use among females of all age groups. 

1. Pulsatilla – Top grade medicine for galactorrhea cases

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower and pasque flower. This entire fresh plant when in flower is used to prepare homeopathic medicine. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a top listed medicine for treating cases of galactorrhea. Its use is indicated when non pregnant females have milk in breast along with marked fullness of breast. The females needing it may also have menstrual irregularities along with this. The menses can occur too late or too early in them. The menstrual flow also varies from scanty to profuse. The menstrual blood can be thick, clotted or thin and can be black coloured. It is a top listed medicine to treat cases where milk like fluid starts to flow from the breasts of girls before puberty.

2. Asafoetida – For Galactorrhea with Congested Breast

This medicine is prepared from gum resin obtained by incision from the living root of Asafoetida plant. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. This is a very helpful medicine when there is milk secretion in a non pregnant woman. Along with this the breasts are congested and distended.

3. Merc Sol – For Milk Fluid Secretion during Menses

Merc Sol is a prominently indicated medicine for females who are full breast with milk during menses. They also have pain in the breast with this. Sometimes they have milk in the breast instead of menses. It is one of the leading medicines for galactorrhea in females during puberty. Apart from above it is also indicated for boys who complain of galactorrhea.

4. Cyclamen – When Milk Flow Occurs after Menses

Cyclamen is a natural medicine prepared from the root of plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as sow – bread. This plant belongs to family primulaceae. The indicating feature to use it is milk in non pregnant females after menses. Along with this the breast is also swollen. In some cases the breast is painful, hard having a stitching sensation in it along with discharge of milky fluid. In some cases needing it menstrual irregularities may be present. This can be attended with headache, blindness or fiery spots before the eyes.

5. Borax – When Milk is Thick in Galactorrhea

It is the next well indicated medicine to treat cases of galactorrhea. Its use is suggested when the discharged milk is too thick. It is also very profuse. Females needing it may also have low sex drive. Apart from above infertility issues may also be present in females who require it.

6. Belladonna – For Heaviness and Hardness of Breast

Belladonna is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is also a beneficial medicine when the milk fills in the breasts of females who are not pregnant. The milk starts flowing out of the breast in copious amounts. Along with this, there is heaviness and hardness of breast. 

7. Lycopodium – Natural Medicine for Galactorrhea

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is another excellent medicine for cases of milk discharge from nipples in non lactating females. Additionally they may have tendency to have late periods. Another complaint that they may have is low libido ( decrease desire for sex). Lastly they can have dryness of vagina that lead to painful intercourse.

8. Phosphorus – For Amenorrhoea (absent periods)

The main indicating feature to use Phosphorus is absent periods with milk in breast of non pregnant women. Females who require it may also have tendency to late periods but with very copious flow. The menses may also last for long period of time in them.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Brittle Nails

Brittle nails refers to nails that are cracked, split and breaks easily. It is medically known as onychoschizia. The nails are made up of keratin ( a strong protein that is present in nails and also in hair, skin, and teeth). Homeopathic remedies for brittle nails help stimulate and speed up the growth of nails when they grow at a slow pace.

Normally nails are strong without any spots or discolouration and have a smooth texture. But these strong nails have a tendency to become brittle. It is a very common issue that can affect anyone but is more common in women as compared to men. It is twice more common in women than men. Brittle nails can appear on fingers or toes due to various reasons. In many cases brittle nails can be treated with home care tips / remedies. But when it fails to respond to these measures or if it is associated with some medical condition then they need a proper treatment for it to regain health and strength of nails.Homeopathic remedies for brittle nails help stimulate and speed up the growth of nails


Many times brittle nails is only a cosmetic concern that arises from wear and tear of nails, too little moisture or excessive moisture and from other external factors. While in many cases it can arise from a vitamin deficiency or some medical condition. If there is only breaking and splitting of fingernails but the toenails are healthy and strong then the cause is usually an external factor. 

Brittle nails can arise as a part of the ageing process. Mainly the finger nails get thin and brittle but the toe nails become hard and thick as a person ages.

This condition can also arise from external factors. Some of these factors include excessive exposure to detergents, chemicals or cleaning materials that tend to damage the nails. Next external factor is repeated washing (it lets the nails absorb water with its expansion. On drying the nails contract from loss of moisture. This is seen in people like swimmers and those who wash dishes excessively). Another external factor is long term use of nail polish or nail polish remover (these contain harsh chemicals that makes the nails dry and damage the keratin leading to brittle nails). Lastly cold, dry environments and winter months can also damage the nails causing it to be brittle. 

Other than this, it can arise from certain deficiencies like deficiency of iron or biotin (vitamin B7). 

Repeated injury to the nail is another cause. 

Some medical conditions in which brittle nails can arise includes the following:

I) Anaemia – Means low haemoglobin, Hb (a protein molecule present in the red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to rest of the entire body). If Hb is low then oxygen supply to the nail matrix also lowers depriving it of required nourishment that results in improper development of nail. 

II) Underactive Thyroid (hypothyroidism) – In such cases brittle nails can occur in addition to some of its major signs and symptoms that include weight gain, tiredness, hair fall, constipation and cold intolerance.

III) Fungal Infection of nail (onychomycosis) – in this infection the nails become brittle and crumble very easily. Other than this the nails get discoloured that can be yellow or brown.)

IV) Nail Psoriasis – Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that majorly causes inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white flakes. It can also involve nails in many cases. When nails are involved the signs include  pitting of nails, discolouration of nails, crumbling of nails, changes in shape of nail and sometimes loosening and separation of nails from the nail bed.

V) Lichen Planus – It is an autoimmune disease that can affect skin, nails and mucous membranes. When it affects nails the signs that appear include ridges on the nail, thinning of the nails, splitting of nails and sometimes snail loss which is permanent.

VI) Raynaud’s Syndrome – In this there appears problems with blood circulation that can also affect the nails.

VII) Nail Patella Syndrome – A hereditary disorder in which the nails and knee caps are small and poorly developed. It can also affect other body areas including hips, elbows and chest. 

VIII) Diabetes – People who are diabetic are also prone to develop brittle and thin nails.

Signs and Symptoms 

The signs of brittle nails includes, dry nails (from too less moisture) or soft nails (from too much moisture), thin nails; easy cracking or chipping ( breaking of a small piece from the edge) of nails, split nails, peeled nails at the tip, easy breaking of nails, vertical ridges on the nail, slow growing nails and the hindrance in growing nails for long length. Pain around nails may also be present.  

Homeopathic Remedies for Brittle Nails  

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to strengthen and thicken the thin, brittle weakened nails. These medicines aim to slow down the process of cracking, breaking, crumbling chipping, splitting and peeling of nails and also prevent future recurrences. They also aid repairing of the damaged nails and also help cases where the nails are dry, rough, discoloured, have vertical ridges or have become deformed and grown out of shape. The homeopathic medicines that tops the list for treating cases of brittle nails are Antimonium Crudum, Graphites, Silicea and Thuja. 

Antimonium Crudum – Top Grade Medicine

Antimonium Crudum is a leading medicine to treat cases of brittle nails. In cases needing it the nails get cracked and crushed easily. The nails also have a tendency to grow in splits. Sometimes pain in the skin lying under the nails is present. In some cases the nails may be discoloured. They may also be deformed and grow out of shape. Apart from above it is also indicated for cases presenting with slow growth of nails. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of nail damage that arise from fungal infection of the nail.

Graphites – For Nails that Crumble, Breaks Easily

This medicine is very effective for cases having brittle nails that show a tendency to crumble and breaks easily. Along with this the nails may be painful and sore as if they are ulcerated. In few cases requiring it the nails are rough and sometimes are discoloured black. The nails may also be deformed.  

Silicea – For Brittle, Rough, Yellow, Crippled Nails

Silicea is a very beneficial medicine to stimulate nail growth. It is indicated  for cases having brittle, rough, yellow and damaged  nails. It is indicated to treat crippling of both fingers and toe nails. There may be sometimes grey discolouration of nails, or white spots on nails. In many cases the nails on cutting splits into layers or fall like powder.  Ulceration around the nails may be present. Excessive sweating on hands and feet may be present along with above indication in many cases needing it. 

Thuja – For Brittle, Distorted Nails

Thuja is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. It is an excellent medicine for brittle, distorted nails that get out of shape. The nails are also very dry. The nails crumble and may be discoloured too. Sometimes the nails are soft and peel off easily in layers. The nails may sometimes have vertical lines on it. Hangnails (a partly detached piece of dead skin at the side or the base of a fingernail) may also attend it.  

Arsenic Album – For Thin, Brittle Nails

Arsenic Album is well indicated  for thin and brittle nails. These nails get  cracked, chipped easily. The nails may be transparent or they may be discoloured reddish or blackish. The nails have vertical ridges on it and are highly damaged.

Castor Equi – For Crumbling of Nails on Impact

Castor Equi is prominently indicated when the nails are very brittle that crumble or chip from slightest knock, strike on a surface or a blow. The persons needing it also have cracking of nails or peeling of nails. They also have dropping off nails.

Fluoric Acid – For Brittle, Corrugated Nails

Fluoric Acid is a suitable medicine for cases presenting with brittle nails that are corrugated means have parallel, vertical ridges on the nails. They are rough too and tend to crumble quickly. Sometimes a sensation of splinter under the nail is felt. The nails can be distorted and not have a proper shape.

Sepia – For Brittle, Discoloured Nails

Sepia works well when the nails are brittle and discoloured. They are mostly discoloured yellow. They crumble easily and are damaged . the nails may also show peeling. 

Nitric Acid  – For Nails with White Spots

This medicine is indicated for brittle nails with white spots on it. The nails may also lack their normal shape. Sometimes the finger nails are yellow and curved. Both finger and toe nails may be severely damaged where it is required.

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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Brain Fog

Brain fog is a term to describe a temporary state of inability to think clearly, confusion of mind, forgetfulness and lack of focus and concentration. It is not a disease, disorder or any medical condition in itself but can be an indicating feature of many other medical conditions. It can have an impact on a person’s day to day life and interfere with ability to work, attend job from concentration difficulty. It can lead to irritability, anxiety, frustration. Homeopathic medicines for brain fog help a person think clearly, improve concentration and focus, treat forgetfulness, confusion of mind, mental fatigue, low energy levels, headache and manage stress, anxieties. Homeopathic medicines for brain fog


There are many reasons behind brain fog. 

Firstly it includes long term stress, depression, anxiety ( long term presence of all these three can exhaust the mind leading to difficulty in thinking and problems in paying focus and concentrating in doing any work). Second reason is lack of adequate sleep. 

Next are hormonal changes (like those occurring during pregnancy, menopause), underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism), Hashimoto’s disease (an autoimmune disorder that inflames the thyroid),  iron deficiency anaemia, deficiency of vitamin B12 and obesity (being overweight). 

Additionally, certain medications (like sleeping pills, some pain relieving medicines, corticosteroid, chemotherapy drugs, anxiety treating drugs) can cause brain fog. 

Other than this, some medical conditions can have brain fog as an attending symptom in addition to the other major symptoms. These medical conditions include multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the protective myelin sheath covering of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord), chronic fatigue syndrome (disorder in which a person has extreme tiredness which is not explained by any underlying medical condition. In this concentration issues can arise). 

The next medical condition is Alzheimer’s disease (a progressive brain disorder in which brain cells die that causes decline in memory and thinking ability and eventually the sufferer is unable to carry even the simple tasks. It is the most common cause of dementia. In this symptoms of brain fog can appear). 

Fibromyalgia is another medical condition linked with it (a chronic disorder in which widespread pain in the body is experienced along with general fatigue. In this other complaints like sleep problems, depression and brain fog can also appear too). 

Other medical conditions that can have brain fog as an attending symptom are sleep apnea (it is a serious sleep disorder in which a person experiences momentary pauses in breathing many times during sleep. This causes a person to wake frequently leading to poor quality sleep. This lack of sleep can lead to excessive sleepiness in daytime, headache, irritability and problems to pay attention while awake), diabetes and migraine.


Its symptoms include inability to think clearly or have sharp thoughts in mind, short-term memory problems, forgetfulness, and problems in remembering information. Its next symptom is inability to focus, lack of concentration, short attention span, taking much longer to complete any task even the routine ones. A person having it may also have difficulty following conversations. He feels as if his brain is not absorbing or understanding what other people are talking about and he may lose the train of thought mid way while talking or have problems putting thoughts into words. Along with above symptoms he may have confusion, feels disoriented, feel detached from reality, remain disorganized, is unable to solve problems and make plans. Other than this stress, low energy levels, mental fatigue, trouble sleeping at night, headache are present.

Homeopathic Medicines for Brain Fog

People having brain fog can be highly benefited with homeopathic medicines. These medicines focus to address the root cause behind it to ensure natural and excellent recovery. Homeopathic medicines for treating brain fog are of natural origin and are free from side effects. They are suitable for people of all age groups. 

1. Kali Phos – Top Grade Remedy

Kali Phos is a leading medicine to treat cases of brain fog. It is highly effective when there are memory problems, forgetfulness. It is attended with marked mental fatigue. Low energy levels are also prominent with this. It mostly suits when the brain fog arises from over work, over exertion of mind, over study or some worries. The mind feels dull and sluggish with this. In some cases depression, sadness, much weeping and crying are present. Sometimes anxiety is also there. It is one of the best medicines to manage mental stress and complaints arising from it. Kali Phos is also a prominent medicine for chronic fatigue syndrome.

2. Phosphoric Acid – Inability to Collect Thoughts

This medicine is beneficial for persons who are unable to collect thoughts. They are unable to find the right word when talking. Their thoughts vanish on reading. While reading they could not comprehend it. After reading, they forget everything. They also have loss of ideas and are unable to do any intellectual work. While thinking they feel dizzy. Other than this they have weak memory, dullness of mind and lack of imagination. 

3. Gelsemium – Inability to Think Clearly and Difficulty in Concentration

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is very helpful medicine for cases presenting with inability to think clearly and concentration difficulties. Persons needing it are unable to think properly or fix attention. With this they have marked dullness of mind. Confusion of mind is also there with mental exhaustion. They are unable to do anything that requires thought. While doing any mental exertion they have vanishing thoughts. They also have problems in connecting ideas and cannot follow an idea for long. They can be highly irritable along with above symptoms. 

4. Picric Acid – For Brain Fog from Academic Stress

This medicine is indicated for cases of brain fog from over studying. Its use is also indicated for brain fog in people doing excessive literary work. The symptoms that are present include inability to collect thoughts and quick mental exhaustion from using mind, reading / writing a while or doing least intellectual work. With this there is aversion to do any mental work. There is also an inability to exert mind to think or talk. Along with this headache may be present that is triggered from any mental exertion. This headache is better by sleeping at night.

5. Anacardium – with forgetfulness

This medicine is prepared from a layer of nuts between the shell and kernel  of plant Anacardium Orientale commonly known as marking nut. This plant belongs to family anacardiaceae. It is considered in cases of brain fog attended with forgetfulness. Persons needing it have marked forgetfulness and forgets what has happened recently or what they have seen recently. They retain nothing in his memory. They also have a deficient flow of ideas in the brain. With this dullness of mind and problems in thinking are there. They have marked brain fatigue. It is also a top listed medicine for Alzheimer’s disease.

6. Cannabis Indica – For Poor Concentration

It helps cases having poor concentration. In such cases there is an inability to fix thoughts on one subject. The mind appears foggy. In some persons needing it there is forgetfulness while talking. They forget last words or ideas and begin a sentence but are unable to finish it because they forget what they were about to speak. They also cannot recall thoughts or events.

7. Lycopodium – For Confused Thoughts

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum (common name Club Moss.) This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. It is useful when there are confused thoughts in mind. There appears confusion about everything. There is also difficulty concentrating during conversation. Other than this it is indicated when a person is unable to express oneself correctly he may use wrong words for correct ideas. Sometimes there is difficulty to find the right fitted words. Along with above symptoms the memory is weak, the brain power seems failing. Its use is also made when a person makes mistakes in writing. He makes mistakes in spelling or mixes up letters. Lastly it is well indicated for mental fatigue from intellectual exertion with inability to do mental labor.

8. Argentum Nitricum – For Poor Focus and Concentration

It is prominent medicine when a person complains of poor focus and concentration. He is unable to fix his thoughts on anything and if attempted he gets darkness before his eyes along with a headache. There is weakness of the mind, mental confusion, and forgetfulness in conversation. There may be frequent attacks of anxiety along with impulsiveness and a desire to do things in a hurry. 

9. Natrum Mur – For Sleeplessness

Natrum Mur works well in cases of brain fog when sleeplessness attends it. Other symptoms that can arise are exhaustion, dullness of mind and  difficulty of thinking. The person needing it may have some sort of depression with much sadness and weeping spells. 

10. Calcarea Carb – For Headache

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which the brain fog is attended with headache. The other symptoms that appear are forgetfulness, difficult thinking, confusion of mind, inability to understand anything read or heard. With this a person often misplaces words. There can be anxiety about the present and future along with above symptoms.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome

Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is an uncommon rectal disorder that arises when sores / ulcers develop in the rectum. Rectum is the terminal section of the large intestine where faeces are stored before they pass out of the body via anus. It is an uncommon disorder and people having long standing constipation usually develop it. Homeopathic remedies for solitary rectal ulcer syndrome help in effective management of its symptoms including constipation, bleeding from rectum,  mucus passage from rectum, straining during defecation, feeling of incomplete evacuation of stool, rectal pain and involuntary passage of stool. 
Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome

The term solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is a misnomer means is an inappropriate term for this disorder. This is because in this disorder either one (solitary) or multiple ulcers can develop in the rectum and also lesions range from patchy mucosal erythema means redness of mucosa to ulcers or to polypoid lesion  in the rectum. In this condition the lesions are usually located in the anterior rectal wall and it lies around 3 to 10 cm distance from the anal margin.

Homeopathic Remedies for Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome

There is excellent treatment of solitary rectal ulcer syndrome in homeopathy. They help to heal the lesions in the rectum and prevent its further progression by targeting the root cause behind it. The homeopathic medicines for treating this condition are selected individually for every case based on the prominent symptoms.

1. Nux Vomica – For constipation with ineffectual urge for stool which is unsatisfactory

Nux Vomica is a top listed medicine to manage cases of solitary rectal ulcer syndrome. The main indication to use it is constipation with frequent, ineffectual urging for stool. The person needing it has to go for stool many times a day. Stool is scanty, hard, dry, insufficient and unsatisfactory. A feeling of incomplete evacuation of stool is always present. There is always a sensation as if some stool still remained in the rectum even after going to stool a number of times in a day. Blood may also pass with the stool. Sometimes sharp pain in rectum is felt after passing the stool. In some cases prolapse of rectum may be present along with above symptoms.

2. Alumina – For constipation and straining during defecation

Alumina is a leading medicine to manage cases where constipation is present and stool is passed with great straining efforts. The stool can be dry, hard or soft but always passes with much straining. The stool can be covered with mucus. Blood can also pass after stool. Sometimes cutting pains in anus appear during stool. In many cases needing it there is no desire for stool for many days together until there is a large accumulation.  

3. Bryonia – For constipation with very dry, hard stool

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of plant Bryonia alba also known as white bryony or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very suitable medicine for cases having constipation with very dry, hard, large stool. It appears as if burnt. It passes with much difficulty and straining. Sometimes the prolapse of rectum attends to stool passage. After stool burning sensation is felt in the rectum.

4. Alumen – For hard stool followed by long lasting pains in rectum

This medicine is very effective for persons having complaints of constipation with hard stool followed by pain in rectum that lasts for too long. The stool is dry, hard, large or passes in small pieces. In some cases, the first part of the stool is hard followed by soft stool.

5. Silicea – when stool is passed with much straining and pain in rectum

This medicine is beneficial when stool is passed with much straining and pain in rectum. For using this medicine the stool is very hard and passes with difficulty. The stool often slips back into rectum after coming to the verge of anus. The straining efforts required to pass it is extreme and causes soreness of abdominal muscles. During passage of stool rectal pain is felt. The pain can be burning, stinging or cutting in nature.

6. Hamamelis – To manage rectal bleeding

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Hamamelis Virginiana commonly known as witch – hazel. This plant belongs to the family hamamelidaceae. It is a great medicine to manage bleeding from rectum. The bleeding can be profuse in cases needing it. Along with this stool is hard, dry and often coated with mucus. 

7. Phosphorus – For rectal bleeding and pain in rectum

It is another well indicated medicine for cases having rectal bleeding and rectal pain. The pain can be burning, needle-like stitching or smarting in nature. The bowel movements are sluggish and stool is dry, hard which is voided with difficulty. Sometimes pus from rectum also passes along with blood in these cases where it is required. 

8. Aloe – When mucus passes from rectum

This medicine is prepared from gum of the leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina that belongs to the family liliaceae. It offers help in cases with passage of mucus from rectum. With this pain in rectum after stool is felt. Constipation along with heavy pressure in the lower abdomen is present with this. Fullness and heavy weight sensation in the pelvis is another attending symptom. Burning sensation in the rectum may also appear along with above. Apart from above it is also prominently indicated for cases having involuntary passage of stool. Stool may also pass along with gas without any notice.

9. Merc Cor – For mucus passage and bleeding from rectum

Merc Cor is a very valuable medicine for managing mucus passage and bleeding from rectum. With this constipation is present. A feeling of incomplete defecation means sensation as if the bowels didn’t emptied completely and stool is still left behind in the rectum is prominently felt with this. It’s a never ending feeling even after passing stool, which smells offensive. 

10. Nitric Acid – For rectal pain

It is a very helpful medicine for managing rectal pain. It is indicated when there is sharp, splinter like or cutting pain in the rectum. This is felt while passing stool. With this constipation with dry, hard, scanty stool is present. The person who requires it has ineffectual urging to stool but passes little stool. A sensation as if stool still stayed back in rectum after defecation is present. With stool, blood or mucous discharges from rectum may occur.

11. Hydrastis – For burning and smarting pain in rectum

This medicine is prepared from the fresh root of plant Hydrastis Canadensis having the common name golden seal and orange-root. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. Its use is considered when there is burning and smarting pain in rectum during and after stool. Additionally long standing constipation is present with this. The stool is hard and is not passed daily.

12. Paeonia – For multiple ulcers in rectum with pain

This medicine is prepared from fresh root dug in spring of the plant Paeonia Officinalis commonly known as peony. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is very beneficial medicine when there are multiple ulcers in rectum with marked pain. The pain is felt during passing stool. Constipation can also be present with this.

13. Causticum – For involuntary passage of stool (faecal incontinence)

Causticum is a major medicine like medicine Aloe, to manage cases with involuntary passage of stool. In cases needing it the stool can be hard or its first part is hard and the last part is soft. White mucus can also be passed along with stool. Sometimes blood passes along with mucus.

14. Sulphur – Another medicine for involuntary stool

It is another suitable medicine to manage cases of involuntary stool. The stool is soft, thin. In many cases mucus passed with stool. The mucus can be greenish, white, brownish mucus or bloody. The stool is offensive. 

15. Ruta – For prolapse of rectum

This medicine works well in cases with prolapse of rectum. Along with this frequent urging for stool is there. The stool can be soft or hard and discharged with difficulty. It is unsatisfactory. Rectum protrudes while passing stool. With stool mucus or blood can pass. Sometimes stool passes involuntarily. 


The exact reason behind it is not clearly understood yet. However it is believed that injury to the rectum can lead to ulcer formation there. Injury can result from long term constipation, hard stool, putting strain to pass stool, removing hard stool from rectum manually and dis coordinated tightening of pelvic floor muscles causing reduced blood flow to rectum). Other than this medical conditions that are related with this include rectal prolapse ( a condition in which the rectum comes out of the anus) and intussusception (a condition in which one part of intestine slides in the another immediately adjacent part of intestine that causes reduced blood flow to the part of intestine affected).  


Its signs and symptoms include constipation, bleeding from rectum, passage of mucus from rectum, straining during defecation and a feeling of incomplete evacuation of stool. It can be attended with fullness sensation / pain in pelvis and pain in rectum. Lastly involuntary passage of stool (faecal incontinence) may arise. In some of its cases no symptoms can appear.

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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Duodenitis

Duodenitis refers to inflammation of the duodenum. Duodenum is the first section of the small intestine just below the stomach and is followed by other two sections of the small intestine (jejunum and ileum respectively.) Homeopathic remedies for duodenitis help reduce the inflammation of duodenum and halt its further progression. Homeopathic remedies for duodenitis

The food from stomach after mixing with the stomach acid enters into the duodenum for further digestion. In duodenum the food mixes with bile and digestive juice of the pancreas.
Afterwards absorption of the nutrients like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fat and also water from the food start there. Duodenitis may be acute or chronic in nature. In acute duodenitis the inflammation appears suddenly and remains for a short time while in the chronic one inflammation appears gradually and tends to remain for some months or years together.  

Homeopathic Remedies for Duodenitis

The cases of duodenitis can be effectively treated in the homeopathic system of medicine. They are effective for both acute (recent) as well as chronic (long standing) cases of duodenitis. These medicines aim to treat the root cause behind it and bring excellent recovery. They also help to relieve its symptoms including stomach pain, burning, cramping in the stomach, nausea, vomiting and stomach fullness in a magnificent way. Both intensity and frequency of symptoms are controlled with its use. These medicines are of natural origin so treat it safely with zero side effects. 

Lycopodium – For Marked Stomach Pain 

Lycopodium is prepared from a plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. This plant belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is useful when there is marked pain in the stomach. The pain is highly variable in nature from case to case. It can be constricting, cramping, gnawing, griping, cutting, pressing, boring, tearing, burning or stitching type. The pain from the stomach may also extend through to back. The stomach pain can get worse from sitting bent over. Stomach may be sensitive to pressure too. Another symptom that is prominent is pressure and heaviness in the stomach. This is felt after eating even a little quantity of food. The stomach gets bloated and full from slight food. There is excessive formation of gas in the abdomen. Vomiting of sour nature may accompany above symptoms in some of the cases.

Baryta Mur – For Cramping Pain and Heated Sensation in Stomach

Baryta Mur is a well indicated medicine when there is cramping pain and heated sensation in the stomach. The heated sensation can extend to chest from stomach. The pain may be cramping or burning in nature. Heat sensation in the stomach is there that can extend to the chest. Retching and vomiting  most of the time appears with this. Another complaint that is present is the heaviness of the stomach. Pressure in the stomach after eating food is felt. The appetite is also lost. People needing this medicine also have complaints of chronic indigestion. On investigation the duodenum appears inflamed, dark red and is highly congested. 

Arsenic Album – For Prominent Burning Sensation in Stomach 

Arsenic Album is a very beneficial medicine when burning in the stomach is prominent. The person needing it has severe burning in the stomach as if coals of fire are lying there. It is also indicated when there is pain in the stomach from taking even slightest food or drink. Vomiting may attend burning and pain in the stomach. Vomiting may be of clear water, bile or it may also be bloody in a few cases. Apart from this fullness, pressure or weight in the stomach as from a stone is felt. Stomach may also be tender to pressure along with above symptoms.

Arsenic Sulf Flavum – For Violent, Persistent Vomiting

Arsenic Sulf Flavum is also a useful medicine where a person complains of burning in the stomach. It is attended with vomiting. The vomiting may be violent and persistent in cases needing it. Indigestion is also present.  

Colocynth – To Relieve Cramping in the Stomach

Homeopathic medicine Colocynth is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis commonly called as bitter apple. This plant belongs to the natural order cucurbitaceae. It is an excellent medicine for cases where cramping in the stomach is marked.  Persons needing it have worsening of the cramps by taking little food or drink. They feel relief in the cramps by bending double or hard pressure. Apart from cramping it can also be used in cases where the pain is cutting or tearing in nature. Stomach fullness may attend cramps and pain.

Magnesium Phos – When Cramping in Stomach is Better by Warmth and Pressure

Magnesium Phos is also a very helpful medicine when cramping pain in the stomach is a prominent symptom. There is relief by warm application or pressure to the stomach in cases requiring it. It also helps cases with griping, drawing cutting, shooting pain in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting may attend stomach pain. Along with above symptoms, fullness and bloating in the stomach may also be felt.

China – For Bloating in the Stomach

Homeopathic medicine China is prepared from dried bark of a plant Cinchona Officinalis commonly known as peruvian bark. This plant belongs to family rubiaceae. It is a well indicated medicine when there is bloating in the stomach after eating. A heavy pressure and weight is felt in the stomach after consuming a small quantity of food. Abdomen may also be bloated. Vomiting of sour fluid may appear. Appetite is lost with above complaints.

Nux Vomica – For Fullness in Stomach after Eating 

Nux Vomica is also a prominent medicine when there is fullness in the stomach after eating. With this stomach may be distended. Stomach may also be sensitive to pressure. Sometimes there is constant pain in the stomach. In some cases there is a burning sensation in the stomach. Vomiting of food and sometimes blood may attend these symptoms. There is loss of appetite. There may be a history of excessive alcohol intake or drug abuse in persons who require this medicine.

Ipecac – For Relieving Constant Nausea and Vomiting 

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to family rubiaceae.The nausea and vomiting is constant in cases needing it. Vomiting may be of white, glairy mucus, watery fluid, sour fluid or dark liquid. Along with this cutting, pressing, cramping pain in the stomach may accompany. Appetite is lost in many cases needing it.

Uranium Nitricum – For Cases where Duodenal Ulcers are Formed 

Use of Uranium Nitricum is highly considered in cases where ulcers have developed in the duodenum. The key features to use it are sharp pain in the stomach, burning in stomach and nausea, vomiting. Abdomen bloating, belchings may attend to it. Recurrent vomiting of blood is another important feature.

Graphites – For Duodenal Ulcers with Constrictive / Burning Sensation in Stomach

It is also indicated for duodenal ulcers cases. In cases needing it there is constrictive pain or burning sensation in the stomach. Along with this there is prominent vomiting that follows soon after eating. Fullness and pressure in the stomach may accompany this.  

Causes and Risk Factors 

The most common cause behind duodenitis is infection by a bacterium called  Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacteria. The infection is spread through contaminated food and water. Its transmission happens through direct contact with vomiting, saliva or other body fluids of a person infected with this bacteria. This bacteria disrupts the mucus barrier which protects the duodenal lining from stomach contents that are acidic. This damage to the mucus barrier put a person at increased risk of inflammation in duodenum.

The next common reason behind duodenitis is long term use of NSAIDs i.e. non – steroidal anti inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen. 

Apart from these, some other causes and risk factors are:

Drinking excessive alcohol. 

Crohn’s disease – An inflammatory bowel disease – IBD, that can cause inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus including duodenum. It is a disease of autoimmune origin.


Trauma or injury to the duodenum.

Certain viral infections.

Celiac disease – An autoimmune disease in which eating gluten which is a protein found in the wheat, barley and rye leads to damage in the small intestine from an immune response.

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy done for cancer treatment also predispose a person.

Recent surgery in the small intestine. 

Intense stress caused by major surgery.

Swallowing toxic /poisonous substances. 


Duodenitis does not cause symptoms in each and every case. When they appear they include stomach pain, burning or cramping in the stomach and in some cases  the stomach pain going through to the back. Other symptoms that tend to appear in such cases include nausea, vomiting, a bloated feeling in stomach, indigestion, sensation of fullness in the stomach that appears soon after beginning to eat and loss of appetite. If it is left untreated for a long duration then there is a risk that it  can lead to an ulcer in the duodenum.

Sometimes the stool may look black or vomiting may look like wet coffee ground particles that happen if there is some internal bleeding. While in some cases the stomach pain gets very intense. These are serious symptoms that can arise in some cases and they can be life threatening thus immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken in such cases. 

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Homeopathic Medicines for Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia Nervosa also simply called bulimia is a serious life threatening disorder in which a person binge eats, or  eats an excessive quantity of food in one sitting followed by self induced vomiting or purging (evacuating bowels by use of laxative, enemas) to get rid of consumed food, shed calories and prevent weight gain. Laxatives are substances that loosen stool and increase bowel movement and enemas is a procedure in which fluid is injected into the in rectum to empty bowels. The sufferer may also use drugs to lose weight, or exercise excessively, follow strict dieting or fasting in between the episodes of binge eating. Homeopathic medicines for bulimia nervosa like Lycopodium and Calc. Carb can effectively help manage the disorder. Homeopathic medicines for bulimia

The sufferer mostly has a normal weight needed as per the age and height or sometimes they are overweight. They have a fear of gaining weight and are not satisfied with their body shape and weight. They have constant thoughts in mind about an ideal body shape and weight they should have sometimes influenced by as shown on media, magazines or from pressure from society, family.

As per diagnostic criteria adopted by DSM-5 (DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) to diagnose bulimia nervosa, a person must have repeated episodes of binge eating followed by excessive or inappropriate measures taken to avoid weight gain and this should happen for at least once a week for a consistent period of 3 months and the sufferer should be over concerned about his / her body weight, shape and physical appearance.

Homeopathic Medicines for Bulimia Nervosa

Treatment with well selected constitutional medicines in homeopathy carry a great scope to recover from this condition. The constitutional medicine is a remedy selected after considering the totality of an individual’s symptoms both psychological as well as physical symptoms including overall personality and behaviours. These medicines are selected individually for every person after detailed case analysis. These medicines mainly work on treating its root cause which is mostly psychological in origin. These medicines are excellent to bring recovery in mild to moderate cases. However in severe cases where life threatening complications have arrived like severe electrolyte imbalance, major heart or kidney problems then urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be opted.   

  1. Lycopodium – For Bulimia with Bloated Abdomen

Lycopodium is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss belonging to the family lycopodiaceae. It is a suitable medicine when bulimia is there with a bloated abdomen. Persons needing it have excessive hunger and eat a lot, the more they eat the more the urge to eat increases. Sour belching and heartburn are other complaints they often face. They have a poor self esteem and low self confidence levels. They are also very concerned about their image. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Person having Bulimia is Overweight

This medicine is suited to people in whom the appetite is increased to a great extent and who are overweight. With an increase of appetite they may also have complaints of exhaustion, weakness. They usually feel weak when walking or when climbing stairs. They do not want to do any exertion or other work. They may also have distended, hard abdomen and heartburn. The glands in the neck may also be swollen among them. The females may have complaints of suppressed periods along with above symptoms. 

  1. Staphisagria – Suitable for with Low Self Esteem, Poor Confidence 

This medicine is prepared from seeds of plant Delphinium staphisagria also called stavesacre. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is best suited for treating bulimia in people who have low self esteem, poor confidence level and have traits of self pity. They feel they are worthless. They also are very sensitive to the opinions of other people about them and what other people say to them with a tendency to get easily offended. They also feel depressed and eat large quantities of food. They mostly have a tendency to binge on sweets. Following eating excessive food they feel guilty for it. 

  1. China – For Episodes of Binge Eating at Night with Weakness

Homeopathic medicine China is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also commonly called Peruvian bark. This plant belongs to family rubiaceae. This medicine mostly helps when there are episodes of excessive eating mainly at night time. People needing it also feel weak and have low energy levels. Digestive complaints are also prominent among them that mostly includes bloated abdomen, gas and loose stool (diarrhoea).

  1. Ignatia – For People who are Sad or Depressed 

Ignatia is prepared from seeds of plant Ignatia Amara also called St. Ignatius Bean. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is most beneficial to treat bulimia in persons who are sad, worried, depressed or have a history of some grief. They may also have sudden mood swings. It also suits persons who have traits of perfectionism or obsessions and who are over concerned with their appearance. They are hard on themselves when it comes to weight and have a desire to have an ideal body image. They may also have low self esteem and have some sort of frustrations in their lives. 

6. Natrum Mur – For People with Sensitive Nature or Depressed Mood

Its use is also indicated for persons who are sensitive or have depressed moods with increased intake of food. They may also have weakness and tend to get exhausted easily. The skin is dry in them. The sexual desire is also reduced among them. Females needing it may have irregular or absent periods. 

7. Sacharum Album – For Bulimia with Obesity

Sacharum Album is especially used when there is bulimia with obesity. People needing it do compulsive eating. Soon after eating the appetite returns with an empty feeling in the stomach. They also lack energy and feel weak. Their skin is also extremely dry.

  1. Antimonium Crudum – For People with Chronic Indigestion and Bulimia

Antimonium Crudum is a useful medicine for persons who have an excessive appetite and eat food beyond how much their stomach can digest. They suffer from chronic indigestion and have distended abdomen with rumbling. They also have heartburn and nausea. A peculiar finding in them is a thickly coated white tongue. Another complaint that they face is excessive weakness. There is also a tendency to grow fat in persons needing it. 

Risk Factors

The real reason for bulimia is not known yet. However, there are certain factors that are thought to play a role in its development and increase its risk.

Genetic factors 

People having a family history of bulimia are at risk to develop the same pointing towards the possibility of a genetic link involved in its development. 

Emotional and psychological complaints

People having depression, anxiety disorders are at risk of it. Certain personality traits like having low self – esteem, self critical nature, having anger issues, impulsiveness or thinking negatively about themselves, over striving for perfection, over concern about body size, weight and shape put a person at its risk. People having a history of some mental trauma in past and long term psychological stress are also predisposed to develop it. People who are sensitive and influenced by social media are also at risk. 

Women and girls are more at risk to develop bulimia as compared to men and boys. It is estimated that females are nine times more at risk of it as compared to males.

Bulimia mostly tends to affect people of late teenage and early adulthood age groups.

People who were overweight / obese in childhood or in teenage are at risk of bulimia.

Dieting is another risk factor for developing it. Most people having bulimia goes on a strict low calorie diet between episodes of excessive eating (binging). This can trigger a desire to again binge and purge

Decreasing levels of chemical serotonin in the brain is also thought to play a role as per some researches.


The main symptom of bulimia is eating excessive quantities of food in one go with inability to control oneself to stop it followed by forcible vomiting to avoid weight gain. Some people having it tend to use laxatives, enemas, diuretics to avoid weight gain. Few excessively exercise or use herbs to lose weight. While many tend to do fasting or take low calories diets on a strict basis between episodes of excessive eating. They have a fear of gaining weight and always keep on thinking about one’s body shape and weight. They tend to avoid eating in front of others and go to the bathroom soon after eating. Other symptoms include having negative self – image, always thinking they are fat and keeps complaining about it to others, depressed mood and mood swings. Their teeth may be damaged or the teeth are stained from stomach acid, the glands in the neck and face may be swollen. There may also arise swelling on hands and feet and there may be sores / calluses on the knuckles of hands. They may feel exhausted, weak, have unhealthy or dry skin and have gastric troubles (like constipation, diarrhoea, indigestion, heartburn, bloating, constipation) or have low sex drive (libido). In women the periods may get irregular or absent. 


The complications are several and some are severe and life threatening. Complications in cases of bulimia include electrolyte imbalance, digestive issues (like stomach ulcers), esophagitis – inflamed esophagus (food pipe), rupture of esophageal wall, hyperglycaemia (low blood sugar levels than the normal) following vomiting. Other complications that can arise include severe gum disease or tooth decay, dehydration, kidney failure, heart problems (rapid heartbeat, irregularity of heartbeat, palpitations or in severe cases heart failure). Infertility is another complication that can arise. The person may also have poor self esteem, or faces difficulty with social life, may develop anxiety, depression or indulge in abuse of alcohol or drugs or they may also develop self harming tendencies, suicidal thoughts / attempts.  

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

9 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterised by excessive weight loss, fear of gaining weight and becoming fat and desire to be thin. People having this aim on controlling their weight and body shape. To do this they follow food restrictions by eating only certain kinds of food, small quantities of food and keeping a strict check on their calorie intake. Homeopathic medicines for anorexia nervosa can help regain normal eating habits, improve weight, and can also help in recovering from its physical and emotional effects. Homeopathic medicines for anorexia

People affected by this disorder may exercise aggressively. They may even forcibly vomit after eating or use laxative (substances that loosen stools and increase bowel movements) or enemas (injection of fluid into the rectum, to stimulate stool evacuation) to empty the bowels quickly to avoid weight gain. They always feel that they are overweight and fat even after losing so much weight and being underweight. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Anorexia Nervosa

Homeopathy is very beneficial to help cases of anorexia nervosa. Use of a well selected constitutional homeopathic medicine can help in recovering from this condition. These medicines bring excellent improvement by working on a deep psychological level. They bring a balance in the brain and help in removing obsessive compulsive thoughts, fears that are restricting a person to avoid food. These medicines are effective for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases with complications and irreversible damage to body organs should be treated under conventional mode of treatment as they can be fatal.

1. Natrum Mur – For very thin people with Excessive Weight Loss

It is especially suited to persons who have excessive weight loss and look thin, particularly in the neck area. They are over sensitive, tend to have depressed moods and tend to withdraw socially. They have weakness and get easily tired. Their skin is dry and their limbs remain cold. They are also anaemic. Hair fall is another complaint present in them. There may be mental trauma going in their lives like some grief from the death of a loved one or they may be going through a phase of broken relationships. Females needing it may xperience absence of periods and reduced sexual desires.

2. Arsenic Album – For Anxious Personalities or those with Obsessive Compulsive Traits

This medicine mainly is suitable for persons having anxious personalities or those having obsessive compulsive traits. They have fixed ideas and have a nature of complaining about things to people near them. They mainly have rapid weight loss, anaemia and extreme weakness. They feel exhausted even after slight exertion. Excessive restlessness is also present among them. They have an aversion to eating sweets and fats. With the above symptoms they have a dry, rough skin. 

3. China – For Thin, Anaemic People

This medicine is indicated for persons who look very thin and are anaemic. Their complexion appears pale, yellow and skin is dry. They suffer from intense weakness. Their hands and feet remain cold.  Along with above they suffer from gastric issues mainly bloated abdomen and pain in abdomen.

4.  Alfalfa – To Improve Appetite

Its use is considered to improve appetite where a person has aversion to all kinds of food. It also helps to promote weight gain when a person is very thin. It is also beneficial to improve mental and physical weakness and also muscle weakness. 

5. Ignatia – suited to people having Sensitive, nervous nature

This medicine is indicated for persons having sensitive, nervous personalities. They may have some sort of depression or mood disorder. They may also have some form of emotional shock, grief, worry or major disappointment in their life. They might be frustrated. They have a depressed mood, remain unhappy, sad, irritable and face issues of sleeplessness. They do not wish to go out, withdraw socially and prefer to be alone. They carry a low self esteem. They become overly concerned about their outlook and appearance. They strive for perfection and are harsh on themselves to maintain an ideal body weight and image.

6. Kali Phos – For People who are Sensitive and Overstressed

It is a preferred medicine for sensitive, irritable, overstressed people having a lot of stress in their lives. They are very thin. They feel very weak and tired all the time. The weakness is present both on the mental and physical plane. They lack energy to do anything and experience muscle weakness. Their mind remains dull, mood remains sad, depressed and memory weakens. They face a major concern of sleeplessness along with above complaints. 

7. Phosphorus – For Weak People with Anaemia

It suits nervous, weak people with anaemia. They have intense weakness, sometimes fainting spells. Hair fall is a main complaint they have. Their bones are also weak, fragile and prone to break easily (osteoporosis.)

8. Sepia – For Weakness and Fainting

It is most suited to women having weakness and easy fainting. They have yellow looking skin and face appear old wrinkled. They feel extremely cold even in a warm room. They remain depressed, have aversion to work, are highly irritable and get easily offended. They also have low libido means reduced desire for sex.

9. Phosphoric Acid – For Weight Loss and Weakness

It is beneficial when weight loss and excessive weakness are marked. There is intense fatigue, debility and tiredness. The person needing it is thin with dark circles around the eyes and has a sunken face. They may have a history of some grief. Other symptoms are slowness of mind, dull mind, lack of emotions, difficulty in concentration, forgetfulness. They also face complaints of hair loss.


The exact reason behind anorexia nervosa is not known yet. However certain factors including biological, environmental and psychological factors are thought to be involved in developing this disorder.

Biological: Genetics is thought to play a role in developing it as it tends to run in families, but the exact genes that are involved are not known. Changes in certain hormones which control the mood, appetite, hunger, thinking are also linked with development of this disorder. Other than this, a chemical called serotonin produced in the brain is suggested to play a role in it.   

Environmental: Society and peer pressure to look thin as it is a sign of beauty may also influence a person to develop this condition. Other than these, pictures of body images from media, television, fashion industry that depict beauty in thinness can also impact a person’s mind and influence them to be thin and contribute to the development of anorexia nervosa. 

Psychological: People having OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) are at risk because sticking to a strict diet is easier for them. Persons having a mood disorder, depression, anxiety disorder are also at risk .

Risk Factors 

Though both men and women can develop it, women are 10 times more at risk than men for developing anorexia.

It is common in teenagers and young adults though it can affect people of any age group. It rarely affects people above 40 years of age. Teens are at risk because due to hormonal changes at this age their body is going through a lot of changes and at the same time they may be sensitive to others’ opinion about them and some may not be able to take up any comment about their body shape and weight from others.

People having a family history of anorexia nervosa are at high risk of developing the same.

People going through some major stressful event in life like relationship breakup, death of a family member or someone close,  unemployment, change of job / school, some major family problem are at risk to develop it. When life gets out of control for them they may seek ways to control their lives. They may then develop anorexia nervosa as a way to have a control on some area of their life. This achievement gives them a feeling of success.

History of being bullied or teased about body weight, physical, sexual / emotional  abuse

People having certain personality traits and emotions like striving for perfection, following strict rules and regulations, sensitive to criticism regarding them, prone to anxiety, depression and difficulty in handling stress are predisposed to develop it

Another factor is dieting. When a person starts dieting and begins losing weight, the lack of nutrients cause the brain to bring about mood changes, rigid thinking, obsessive thoughts, restrictive eating linked with anorexia nervosa 


Physical symptoms

The major sign is excessive weight loss and looking very thin. People with this disorder experience weakness, fatigue, and lack of energy. They may have low blood pressure or feel dizzy, sometimes fainting and have an inability to tolerate cold. Their skin looks yellow, pale, it’s dry and covered with soft, fine hair (lanugo), the fingers may have blue discolouration. Their hair may become thin, breaks easily or fall out and the nails may get dry, brittle. They face complaints of sleeplessness (insomnia), concentration difficulties. Additionally constipation, abdomen pain, stomach cramps, can arise. In females periods may be absent for months together. Rest of its symptoms are swollen arms / legs, dehydration discoloured / eroded teeth, tooth decay from induced vomiting, muscle weakness and low immunity.

Emotional and behavioural symptoms

People having it skip meals or eat little amounts of specific food low in calories even when they are very thin and have low weight. They deny hunger, refuse to eat, make excuses for not eating or lie about the quantity of food eaten. They tend to avoid eating in public. They may eat food in a particular sequence,  excessively chew food or spit food after chewing. They feel fat even when they are underweight or feel as if some body parts are too fat. They have fear of getting fat and gaining weight and they keep checking body looks in the mirror and weighing, measuring themselves frequently. They cover themselves in layers of clothing to hide weight loss from others and remain warm or wear loose clothing to hide weight loss. They may exercise excessively, use laxatives or diuretics. They may lack emotion, have depressed mood, withdraws from social activities and tend to have low libido (decrease of interest in sex.)


The complications include loss of bone mass (osteoporosis), increased risk of fractures, anaemia (low number of  healthy red blood cells to carry sufficient oxygen to body tissues), loss of muscle mass, electrolyte imbalance like sodium, potassium and calcium. It can also cause hormonal problems (Lower levels of growth hormones, low testosterone in males ), gastric troubles (like constipation, bloating), kidney problems and heart problems (low heart rate, damage to heart muscle, irregularity of heart rhythms or heart failure.) Persons may have suicidal thoughts or also indulge in self harming activities or attempts to suicide attempts.

If it turns severe then the brain, heart and kidneys may be damaged and such changes can not be reversed. It can be fatal, and death can occur in the most severe cases from abnormal heart rhythms or an imbalance of electrolytes.

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Lichen Sclerosus – Homeopathic Treatment and Remedies

Lichen sclerosus is a rare skin condition in which white patches appears on the skin mainly on genital and anal area, though skin on the other body areas can also be affected. In this condition the affected skin area appears thinner than the normal. Homeopathic remedies for lichen sclerosus help in reducing the white discolouration in these cases as well as halting the progression of disease and preventing scarring. Homeopathic remedies for lichen sclerosus

It does not spread by direct skin to skin contact or sexual intercourse. Another old name for lichen sclerosus is lichen sclerosus et atrophicus. In females this condition is also known as kraurosis vulvae and when it affects males this condition is known as balanitis xerotica obliterans. 

Homeopathic Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus can be managed very well with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy works effectively to manage its symptoms including itching, pain in the affected part of genitals, painful intercourse and cracks, blisters / ulcers on the affected skin area. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so they offer effective management in a very safe and gentle manner without any side effects. The top remedies are: 

X-Ray : Top Medicine for Managing Lichen Sclerosus

X-ray tops the list of homeopathic medicines to manage cases of lichen sclerosus. In cases needing it there is white discolouration of the skin. The affected skin is dry. It also appears wrinkled. In some cases blisters appear on the affected skin area along with itching.

Homeopathic Medicines for White Patches on Skin

Among various homeopathic medicines for white patches on skin the prominent ones include Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb and Silicea. These medicines are indicated where white discoloured patches on skin is the only sign present without any symptoms. In such cases they help to reduce the discolouration and also helps to prevent its further progression. 

For Managing Lichen Sclerosus in Females

Sepia – For Intense Itching of Vulva

Sepia is very effective medicine for managing vulva itching. Females needing it have severe itching in vulva. They may also have blisters on the vulva. Redness and swelling on the inner labia may also be present. Painful intercourse is another symptom they mostly complain of. 

Kreosote – For Itching and Burning in Vulva

Kreosote is an excellent medicine for managing itching and burning in the vulva. The vulva is also sore. The external genital is swollen with heated sensation. There is also complaint of violent pain and burning during sex.  

Calcarea Carb – When Vulva Itching is Worse in Evening

This medicine is considered when the itching of the vulva gets worse in the evening. Along with this the vulva is also sore. Sometimes stitching pain is felt in the vulva. Burning in the genital area may also appear.

Melilotus – For Pain in Vulva

It is indicated when there is pain in the vulva, mainly the labia area. The pain may be severe, sharp or shooting in nature. The pain lasts for a little moment but appears frequently. In most cases needing it, the pain usually gets worse after menses.

Platina – When Vulva is Painful and Sensitive

Platina is an excellent medicine when vulva is painful and sensitive to touch. With this itching in vulva is also present. Tickling and tingling sensation in vulva may also be felt.

Sepia – For Painful Intercourse

Sepia is the top grade medicine for complaint of painful sex in females. Sexual intercourse is almost intolerable where it is indicated. Tenderness in sexual parts is also there. The vulva is also swollen, red and itchy.

Natrum Mur – For Painful Intercourse with Burning Pains

It is indicated when sex is painful in females along with burning and smarting pains in vagina. It is also sore. There is also itching in vulva with this.

Graphites  – For Blisters on Vulva

Graphites is a very beneficial medicine for cases where blisters form on vulva. The blisters are itchy. Pain and smarting sensation is also felt in the blisters. The blisters mainly are present on the labia where it is required.

Nitric Acid – For Painful Ulcers on Vulva

Nitric Acid is useful when there are ulcers on vulva which are sore and painful.  Cracks on labia minora may also be there. Itching and burning in vulva is also present.

Helonias – For Ulcers on Vulva with Heat and Redness

Helonias is a helpful medicine for ulcers on vulva mainly labia with heat and redness. Terrible Itching is also felt in vulva. Swelling and burning sensation in vulva are other attending symptoms. 

Graphites – For Cracks on Vulva 

It is also well-indicated for cracked skin on vulva. They may also have cracks around the anal region. Bleeding may arise from the cracked area of skin.

Homeopathic Medicines for Managing Lichen Sclerosus in Males

 Nitric Acid – For Itching on Glans and Foreskin

It is well indicated when there is itching on glans and foreskin. With this burning sensation may be present in this area. There may be reddish spots on glans. Small blisters may appear on the foreskin. It is also a top listed medicine for cases of phimosis.

Sulphur – For Itching on Glans Penis

It is very beneficial for managing itching on the glans penis. In cases requiring it the foreskin is red along with burning sensation. Stitching pain in penis may attend. An offensive sweat on genitals is present with these symptoms.

Cantharis – For Pain in Glans Penis

Cantharis is an excellent medicine when pain in glans penis is present. The pain is worse from external pressure. The glans is swollen in cases needing it. There may also be difficulty to urinate. The erection is painful with above symptoms in most the cases where it is needed. 

Argentum Nitricum – For Painful Erections

It is suitable medicine when erections are painful. Males needing it may also have small ulcers on the foreskin. They may also have complaints of difficult urination.

Cannabis Sativa – For Tensive Pain with Erections

Cannabis Sativa is used when there is tensive pain with erections. The glans and foreskin are red and swollen. The foreskin is sensitive to touch. There may also be complaints of difficult urination. It is also indicated for phimosis.

Rhus Tox – For Blisters on Glans

It is a significant medicine to treat cases where blisters are formed on glans. With this there is intense itching in the genitals. The glans and foreskin are swollen. The glans may be red and painful. Stinging pain may be present on the inner surface of foreskin.

Merc Sol – For Ulcers on Glans / Foreskin

It is a prominent medicine for cases where ulcers form on glans or foreskin. The ulcers may ooze yellow white fluid. They may also bleed on being touched. Ulcers are painful too. Swelling, redness, pain and itching on foreskin is also there.

Petroleum – For Cracks on Glans

It is an effective medicine for cases where cracks appear on the glans penis. Bleeding may also appear from these cracks. Other than this, eruptions can appear on glans with redness. 


The exact reason behind it is still unknown. However it is suggested that it can develop from an autoimmune process. Autoimmune means when the immune cells that are normally meant to fight with infectious agents begin to attack and damage the body’s own healthy tissue from a misdirected response. Genetics is also thought to play a role in its development. Other factors that are thought to play a role in it include hormonal imbalance (mainly low oestrogen), an infection (bacterial or viral) or an old damage / injury to the skin area specifically predisposed to develop it. Sometimes combination of any of the above factors collectively can lead to its development. Persons having it may have a personal or a family history of some other autoimmune disease also.

Risk Factors 

Mostly women after menopause are at most risk of developing it though it can also develop in men and children also. It is ten times more common in females as compared to males. Among males the uncircumcised ones (in whom there is presence of foreskin around the head of the penis)  are at more risk than the circumcised ones (in whom the foreskin around the penis head had been removed) because this condition mostly affects the foreskin. 

Signs and Symptoms

In this condition the signs and symptoms appear mostly appear on the skin of genitals and around the anal region. Among genitals the external genitalia is involved. It tends to involve vulva in females and foreskin, glans penis in males. The involvement of area around anus (perianal area) is more common in females and less frequent in males. Apart from genitalia it can also develop on the skin of upper arms, breast and upper body. In mild cases white, smooth, shiny patchy skin is there and there may not be any attending symptoms. The skin gets thin and may be wrinkled. In the rest of cases there appear symptoms along with white, smooth, shiny patches on skin. These includes itching varying from mild to severe, pain or discomfort in affected skin areas and sometimes there may also be redness / easy bruising (bluish, blackish discolouration on skin from bleeding under the skin due to trauma) because of the affected skin being thinner than the normal . Painful intercourse is another symptom that can appear. In severe cases, blisters, ulcers may form in the affected area. There may be easy cracking or tearing of skin. Rubbing or scratching may cause bleeding. The symptoms may come and go off and on. 


The complications arise from permanent scarring in the affected area of the skin and can lead to narrowing of vaginal opening, meatal stenosis (narrowing of opening of urethra) and an inability to retract the foreskin (phimosis). It can cause pain during sex, difficulty with urination, thin urinary stream, urinary retention, or problem with defecation (passing stool) / constipation. There is also a slight chance that it can turn into skin cancer called squamous cell carcinoma of the affected area. 

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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Scleritis 

Sclera is the white, outer, tough fibrous protective layer of the eyeball. Scleritis refers to intense inflammation and redness of this white portion of the eye. It is a serious inflammatory disease of the eye. Homeopathic medicines for scleritis help reduce inflammation and redness in the white part of the eye to help manage the condition. Homeopathic medicines for scleritis

Homeopathic Medicines for Scleritis 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to symptomatically manage cases of scleritis. With this they work wonderfully to relieve its symptoms including eye pain, tenderness of eyes., excessive tearing from eyes (lachrymation), photophobia (sensitivity to light), double vision, irritation in eyes and blurred / dim vision. Homeopathic medicines for treating scleritis are of natural origin so help to manage it very safely without any side effects.

For Eye Pain

Kalmia – For Eye Pain Worse from Eye Movement

Homeopathic remedy Kalmia is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Kalmia Latifolia commonly known as mountain laurel. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is helpful for cases where eye pain gets worse from eye movement.  The pain may be drawing or stitching. With this itching in eyes may also be felt. If eyes are rubbed, stinging sensation tends to arise. It is also indicated for right sided eye pain that extends to the forehead. 

Spigelia – For Eye Pain on Movement

Spigelia is prepared from plant Spigelia Anthelmintica commonly known as pink – root. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is well indicated for eye pain on movement and profuse watering from eyes. The pain may be pressive, sharp, stabbing, excruciating in nature in cases needing it. The pain may extend to the head from eyes. Eyes may also be sensitive to touch. There is excessive watering from the affected side. The eyes are also very red. 

Cocculus Indicus – For Sharp, Shooting Eye Pain

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from seeds of a plant named Indian cockle. The family of this plant is menispermaceae. It is useful for sharp, shooting pain in eyes. The vision may also be dim with this. Sensitivity to light is another attending symptom. For using this medicine mainly left sided sclera is mostly inflamed.

Bryonia – For Painful, Tender, Sensitive Eyes

Bryonia is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia Alba having the common name white bryony and wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. Its use is made when there is pain in eyes along with sensitiveness and tenderness to touch the eyes. It is indicated for pressing, crushing, sharp needle-like pain in eyes. The pain is worse from the motion of eyes. Along with eye pain there is sometimes pain in teeth and face. Watering from eyes in day and aversion to sunlight are other symptoms.

Hepar Sulph – For Sensitive, Sore, Bruised to Touch Eye

This medicine is indicated when eyes feel sensitive, sore, bruised to touch. The sclera is violet red. Eyes are intolerant to light. There is dimness of vision while reading. Watering from eyes is also present with above symptoms. 

For Redness of Sclera 

Belladonna – For Redness with Pain

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade belonging to family solanaceae. It is well indicated when white of the eyes are red. With this eye pain is marked. For using it pain in the eyes is violent deep. Sometimes pain may be throbbing, shooting, pressive, stinging or burning in nature. Eyes are also sensitive and intolerant to light. Other symptoms that appear are double vision and dimness of vision. It is also useful to relieve headaches.

Aconite – For Deep Redness of Sclera

Aconite is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly named monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is beneficial when the sclera is deeply red. With this there is watering from eyes. Itching in eyes may also appear. Sensitivity to light accompanies. Shooting, tearing pain in eyes can also arise.

Merc Sol – For Stitching, Cutting Eye Pain

Merc Sol is useful when there is redness of sclera along with stitching, cutting pain in eyes. The pain is most worse when exerting eyes. Other than this there is profuse watering from eyes and sensitivity to light.

For Sensitivity to Light (Photophobia)

Arsenic Album – For Intense Sensitivity to Light

This medicine is well-indicated when there is intense sensitivity to light along with deep redness of sclera. Eyes are sensitive to sunlight. With this pulsating, throbbing pain in eyes is usually felt. This pain gets worse from moving eyes.

Nux Vomica – For Light Sensitivity with Stitching Pain

Nux Vomica is a prominent medicine for light sensitivity along with stitching pain in the eye. The light sensitivity is worse in the morning. The white of the eye is bright red. With this there is watering from the affected eye. Dimness of vision is there. Tearing pain in eyes can arise.  

Graphites – For Sensitivity and Watering from Eyes

Graphites is an excellent medicine where there is great sensitivity to light and watering from eyes. Eyes are sensitive to daylight. There is profuse watering from eyes. Another symptom is pain in the eye that extends to the head.

For Excessive Tearing 

Euphrasia – For Profuse Tearing

Euphrasia is prepared from plant Euphrasia Officinalis having a common name  eye – bright. This plant belongs to family scrophulariaceae.  It is beneficial for persons who have excessive tearing from their eyes. Along with this they may have light sensitivity and dimness of vision. They may also have cutting, stitching pain in the eyes. Itching in the eyes is yet another symptom.

Psorinum – For Excessive Flow of Hot Tears

Psorinum is most indicated when there is excessive flow of hot tears from the eyes. It is attended with soreness of the eyes with desire to close them frequently. Sharp pain in eyes and aversion to light are other accompanying symptoms.

Thuja – When Eyes are Full of Tears

Thuja is prepared from green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family coniferae. This medicine is excellent where eyes are full of tears and eyes are blood red. Along with this there is constant pain in the eyes. Pain worsens from bright light. Vision also feels dim. There is also double vision. Intolerance to light and tenderness of eyes are the rest of the symptoms experienced by persons requiring this medicine. It works well for both acute as well as chronic scleritis. 

For Blurred / Dim Vision

Gelsemium – For Dim Vision

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. It is effective to manage complaints of blurred or dim vision. Persons needing it also have eye pain, aversion to light, and double vision along with blurring of vision.

Kali Iod – For Blurred Vision and Profuse Watering

Its use is indicated when there is blurred vision and profuse watering from eyes. Sensitivity to light is present with this in most cases needing it.

For Double Vision (Diplopia)

Merc Cor – For double vision

Merc Cor is significant medicine when there is double vision. Excessive sensitivity to light is also felt. With this there is shooting, tearing pain in eyes. Pain is severe at night time. 

Aurum Met – For Double Vision and Constant Watering 

Aurum Met is a wonderful medicine for cases where a person complains of double vision and constant watering from eyes. There are complaints of stitching, burning pain in eyes. The sclera is red and the eyes are very sensitive to touch. Extreme light sensitivity is also there. 

For Eye Irritation

Natrum Mur 

Natrum Mur works well when irritation of eyes is prominent. There is also an itchy burning sensation in the eyes. The eyes are red with lachrymation (watering from eyes). Sensitivity to bright light, mainly sunlight is present. Lastly there is dimness of vision and double vision along with the above symptoms.

For Rheumatic Scleritis

Chininum Mur 

This medicine is specifically indicated for scleritis in case of rheumatic joint inflammation. The symptoms indicating its use are pain in eyes, tearing from eyes, and sensitivity to light. 

 Scleritis Following Eye Injury

When scleritis follows eye injury then the prominent medicines to deal with it are Aconite, Arnica, Ledum Pal and Symphytum. These medicines help to recover from effects of injury and reduce inflammation, redness of the eye. They also help to bring relief in the pain and soreness in the eye in these cases in a very effective manner.  

 Causes and Risk Factors 

The exact reason behind it is unknown. But there are theories that suggest it is autoimmune in origin where the body’s immune cells attack and destroy the body’s own healthy tissues. In scleritis T-cells (that are normally meant to fight and destroy disease causing organisms that enter the body) start to attack and destroy eye’s scleral cells. The reason why the T-cells start this destruction is not clear yet. 

Women are at more risk of developing scleritis as compared to men. Persons having any of the following conditions are at risk of developing scleritis:Rheumatoid arthritis – It is an inflammatory disorder of autoimmune origin causing joint inflammation with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints.

Sjogren’s syndrome – An autoimmune disorder that mainly presents with dry eyes and a dry mouth.

Systemic lupus erythematosus – In this immune system attacks healthy tissues of the body in many of the body parts.

Scleroderma – A group of diseases in which the skin and connective tissues tighten and harden

Wegener’s granulomatosis – A disorder that causes inflammation of the blood vessels

Inflammatory bowel disease – It includes crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. In this there is long term inflammation of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Infection or Trauma / injury to the eye


The main symptom of scleritis is severe eye pain. The eye pain gets worse from eye movement. The pain may extend to face, head, or jaw. The eyes may also be tender to touch. There is marked redness of white of the eye (sclera). The sclera may also have purple or bluish tinge in some cases. Other symptoms that appear are excessive tearing from eyes (lachrymation), photophobia or sensitivity to light and decreased / blurred vision. In case of posterior scleritis eye pain from eye movement, double vision, deep – seated headaches and irritation in eyes appear.

Types of Scleritis 

It has broadly two types – anterior and posterior.

Anterior scleritis: in this the front portion of sclera is inflamed and it is the most common form of scleritis. In most of the cases it is related to an underlying autoimmune disease. It further has following  types:

Diffuse scleritis – it is very common and easily treatable. In this there is inflammation of sclera throughout the front part.

Nodular anterior scleritis –  in this there is formation of one or more immobile, firm tender nodules in sclera

Necrotizing anterior scleritis with inflammation (it is the most serious one) and necrotizing anterior scleritis without inflammation.Posterior scleritis – In this type the back portion of sclera is inflamed.  It is rare form of scleritis. In this usually no autoimmune disease is related. It can cause complications like retinal detachment and angle closure glaucoma

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