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Homeopathic Medicines for Smell and Taste Disorders

Smell and taste disorders are conditions that lead to decrease, absence or distortion in the sense of smell and taste. Smell and taste disorders can be frustrating because they affect a person’s ability to enjoy fragrances and enjoy food/drink. Both smell and taste disorders affect quality of life. Homeopathic medicines for smell and taste disorders that are suitable for a given case are selected on the basis of the prominent, characteristic symptoms of a person following a detailed case analysis.

Homeopathic medicines for smell and taste disorders

Smell disorders may have serious consequences sometimes because they make a person unable to detect smell in case there is any gas leakage, fire or if the food is decayed. Loss of smell or taste can lead to decrease of interest in eating which can cause weight loss and malnutrition. 

Homeopathic Medicines for Smell and Taste Disorders

Natural homeopathic remedies for smell and taste disorders can prove to be highly effective. These medicines manage such disorders in a very effective manner. They aim at correcting the root cause behind it to bring excellent results. The extent to which these medicines help depends upon the duration and intensity of the complaint.   

For Decreased Power of Smell or Complete Loss of Smell

  1. Natrum Mur – For Cases of Cold, Nasal Allergies

Natrum Mur is a leading medicine for managing cases with reduced smell or loss of smell from cold, nasal allergies. People needing it have a history of severe colds with clear white  copious nasal discharge. With this, violent and frequent sneezing is complained about. Sometimes they have alternate fluent nasal discharge with nasal stoppage. In most cases loss of taste is complained along with loss of smell where this medicine is indicated.

  1. Pulsatilla – From Recurrent Cold

This is another suitable medicine to manage reduced / loss of smell. In persons needing it, a tendency of recurrent colds may be present.  Most times they have thick yellowish, greenish nasal discharges. These discharges can have an offensive odour. Their nose feels blocked in the evening. Most times they have loss of taste and appetite too along with smell loss.

  1. Calcarea Carb – Due to Nasal Polyps and Frequent Cold

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases of loss of smell from nasal polyps. Along with polyps a tendency to have frequent colds is also present in persons needing this medicine. They may have alternate nasal dryness and blocked nose with yellow offensive mucus. They may also have ulceration or scabs in the nostrils. 

  1. Teucrium – From Nasal Polyps 

This medicine like Calcarea Carb is well indicated for cases of decreased or loss of smell from nasal polyps. The symptoms that are present along with smell loss are stoppage of nostrils, crawling sensation in nostrils, discharge of green scabs from the nostrils.

  1. Silicea – For Cases of Chronic Cold and Sinusitis

It is the next beneficial medicine for cases of diminished or loss of smell. Persons needing it usually have a tendency of chronic cold and also sinus inflammation / infection. The symptoms that they frequently have along with smell loss includes complete stoppage of nose, sore scabs in nostrils,  fetid offensive green or yellow pus like nasal discharge and pain in forehead. They also have loss of taste along with smell loss.

For Foul Smell from the Nose

  1. Kali Bichrome – In Cases of Inflamed Mucus Membrane of Nose and Sinus

Kali Bichrome is a very useful medicine for cases having putrid smell from the nose. In such cases chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of nose and sinus is usually present. For using it the symptoms other than putrid smell are dryness of nose, blockage of nose, pressure in root of nose and tough ropy discharges dripping from back of nostrils into the throat.

  1. Lemna Minor – For Cases with Nasal Polyps 

This medicine is most helpful for foul smell in the nose, in the presence of nasal polyps. There may be presence of nasal polyps in cases requiring it. Other than foul smell the symptoms to look for using it are stopped nose, discharge of a crust / pus like discharge from nose and frequent sneezing attacks.

  1. Graphites – For Foul Smell like Burnt Hair 

Graphites is an excellent medicine to treat cases in which a person experiences a bad smell from the nose, as from burnt hair. They also have discharge of thick, yellowish, offensive mucus from nose  and stoppage of nose. They may also have hard masses, dry scabs or crusts in the nostrils.

For Increased Sensitivity to Smell

  1. Phosphorus – For Increased Sensitivity to Smell (Especially Flowers)

It is a top grade medicine for cases where the sensitivity to smell is increased. Persons needing it may particularly have a very heightened sense for the smell of flowers which can even cause fainting in them. In them there may be long standing inflammation of the nasal membrane. Along with this sneezing may also be present. There can be fluent nasal discharges alternating with nasal blockage. Apart from above it is an excellent medicine where nasal polyps are present especially the ones that bleed easily.

  1. Hepar Sulph – When Vertigo Appears with Increased Smell Sensitivity

It is the next well indicated medicine to treat cases with high sensitivity to smell. Along with this vertigo may be present. Few other attending symptoms are nasal stoppage in morning and thick pus like discharge from the nose that can be sometimes blood tinged.

  1. Colchicum – For High Sensitivity to Smell mainly of Cooking Food

This medicine is also of much help when a person has increased sense of smelling. He is mostly highly sensitive to the smell of cooking. Additionally he may have sneezing and crawling in the nose. With this he can complain of long lasting nasal discharges that are thin. 

For Reduced Sense of Taste and Loss of Taste

  1. Antimonium Crudum – For Reduced Sense of Taste

This medicine is significant to treat cases having lowered sense of taste. A peculiar symptom that attends is thick, milky white coating on the tongue. With this the  borders of the tongue may be red and the mouth can be dry.

  1. Borax – For Complete Loss of Taste 

Borax is the next important medicine to manage this condition. It is indicated when  a person doesn’t get any taste of food. Additionally he may have oral thrush (fungal growth in mouth). The main  symptoms that he has are white fungal patches in mouth, heat in mouth, tenderness in mouth and dry cracked tongue.

  1. Bryonia – For Loss of Taste with Dry Mouth

This medicine is helpful for persons who have loss of taste for food. But when they are not eating their mouth feels bitter. A characteristic symptom with this is great dryness of tongue, mouth and lips. The tongue may also be cracked.

Loss of Sense of Smell and Taste Occurring Together

  1. Natrum Mur – In Case of Cold or Nasal Allergies

This medicine is highly valuable for persons who have loss of smell as well as taste. Both food and drink feels tasteless to them. They usually suffer from cold or nasal allergies. The symptoms they suffer from in this condition are sneezing and fluent nasal discharges.

  1. Pulsatilla – From Long Standing Cold

This medicine works well when there is reduction / loss of taste and smell with loss of appetite. In cases where it is indicated, sense of taste is diminished for every kind of food. Prominently long term cold is present with this. Here thick, yellow or greenish nasal discharge with offensive smell is the key symptom.

For Bad Taste in Mouth

  1. Nux Vomica – For Bad Taste, Especially in Morning

Nux Vomica offers great help in cases presenting with bad taste in mouth. Most people needing it feel that it is most prominent in the morning.  They may also feel a sour taste in their mouths after eating or drinking. Another symptom they have is altered taste especially for coffee, milk and water. Their tongue may be inflamed. They can have needle-like piercing pain on the edges of the tongue.

  1. Carbo Veg – For Bad Taste and Offensive Smell from Mouth

This medicine is beneficial for cases having foul taste and offensive odour from mouth. With this the appetite is lost. In many cases requiring it, gum inflammation can be present. Here the gums are swollen, painful, sensitive and bleed often.

  1. Belladonna – For Offensive Taste when Eating or Drinking

This medicine is useful for someone having offensive taste in mouth when eating or drinking though food and drink have proper taste. The tongue is clean with this. Heat or burning sensation in the mouth can accompany this.

For Unusual Taste in Mouth

  1. Merc Sol – For Metallic Taste in Mouth

It is a leading medicine to manage cases presenting with metallic taste in the mouth. Tongue can be inflamed, with intense redness, severe pain and burning sensation. The salivation mostly is increased with these symptoms. Bad smell from the mouth can appear. In some cases needing it, fungal infection in the mouth or inflammation of the gums may be present.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Coppery Taste in Mouth

This medicine is indicated when there is specific coppery taste in the mouth. Along with this all food tastes like clear water. Tongues can be inflamed from a long time and be accompanied by profuse saliva.

  1. Arsenic Album – For Bitter Taste in Mouth

It is given when there is bitter taste in the mouth. This appears usually after eating or drinking. A burning sensation in the mouth frequently attends these symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Sour Taste in Mouth

This medicine is used when there is sour taste in the mouth. Great dryness and heat in the mouth can arise with this.

5. Lycopodium – For heightened Sense of Taste

For managing cases with increase sense of taste, the most prominent medicine is Lycopodium. White coating on tongue, dryness of mouth and tongue with putrid smell are the main symptoms.

 For Heightened Sense of Taste

For managing cases with an increased sense of taste, the most prominent medicine is Lycopodium. In cases needing it white coating on the tongue can be present. Dryness of mouth and tongue with putrid smell are other attending symptoms to this.

Smell Disorders

A person is able to smell due to smell receptors present in the nose. The microscopic odor molecules released from substances like from cooking food, flowers stimulate these receptors. From here messages go to the brain, which helps us recognize smell. If these receptors are blocked or damaged then it will lead to smell disorders.


The symptoms depend on the different types of smell disorders described as follows:

  1. Hyposmia – A decreased ability to detect odours or partial loss of sense of smell.
  2. Anosmia – A complete inability to smell or total loss of sense of smell is there.
  3. Parosmia -When there is a change in the normal perception of odours. In this, the odour of familiar substances is distorted and it smells different from what was previously remembered (like something pleasant starts smelling foul now.)
  4. Phantosmia – This is when a person smells an odour (mainly foul, burnt, spoiled, putrid) that isn’t actually present. 
  5. Hyperosmia – It refers to an increased sensitivity to smell.


The  common causes of smell disorders includes Common cold or flu, nasal Allergy / hay fever, nasal polyps, sinus inflammation / infection, nasal congestion / blockage and any sort of upper respiratory infection (whether bacterial or viral). Next to this tumours in nasal cavity, any injury or trauma to nose, head injury especially if it involves frontal lobes of the brain and radiation treatment to the head for cancer can lead to smell disorders. 

Other than this certain medications (like nasal decongestants if used for long time some common antibiotics and antihistamines, high blood pressure medication), smoking, hormonal disturbance, any circulatory illness that diminishes blood flow to nasal tissue, exposure to insecticides or other chemicals can cause this. 

Smell disorders can also be present in some medical conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (a nervous system disorder characterised by rest tremor, slowed movement, rigidity of muscles, impaired posture and balance, speech changes. In this disorder sometime problems with smell can arise), epilepsy (a brain disorder  causing recurrent seizures characterised by unusual behaviour, movements and sometimes loss of consciousness) and schizophrenia (serious mental disorder in which reality is interpreted abnormally and the sufferer has hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking and behaviour). 

It can be congenital too, which means that some people may be born with it. Sense of smell may also become less sharp as you age.  Sometimes it is idiopathic where no cause is found.

Taste Disorders

The taste buds on the tongue and mouth carry taste receptors that help to identify taste. When we eat or drink something tiny molecules released from it stimulate taste receptors. These receptors then send messages to the brain which helps us to identify tastes. Smell and taste are closely interlinked with each other and the taste of the food is also influenced by the smell of the food. The aromas released on chewing food stimulate sensory cells of smell through a channel that connects the roof of the throat to the back of the nose which help us distinguish different flavours. If this channel is blocked, like from stuffy nose due to cold then it prevents odours from reaching sensory cells of the nose. Due to the lack of smell, the food tastes bland  and feels it has no flavour. This is why some people who think they have loss of taste have actually lost their sense of smell instead.


The symptoms of taste disorders are described as per the type given below:

  1. Hypogeusia – It presents with reduced ability of sense of taste
  2. Ageusia – In this, a person has complete  inability to detect any taste. It is rare and many times people having loss of taste actually have lost their smell.
  3. Dysgeusia also called parageusia – In this an unusual unpleasant taste like a foul,  metallic, salty, rancid taste persists in the mouth. It can be accompanied by a painful burning sensation in the mouth. In this type a person can also perceive the wrong taste of food; like eating an ice cream may have a salty, bitter or metallic taste. It also includes change in taste in which foods taste differently than it previously used to be like something starts  to taste  bad which previously used to be pleasant to taste.
  4. Phantom Taste Perception – In this type a bad unpleasant taste lingers in mouth even though there is nothing in the mouth.
  5. Hypergeusia -It refers to heightened sense of taste.


It can arise from cold, nasal allergies, nasal blockage and upper respiratory tract infection. Secondly it can arise from poor oral hygiene, dental issues, gum inflammation (gingivitis), burns to the tongue, sjogren’s syndrome (autoimmune disorder characterised by dry mouth and dry eyes), salivary gland infection and oral thrush (fungal infection in mouth). 

Next, it can follow some surgeries on the ear, nose, and throat, a head injury, radiation treatment for treating cancer of head and neck. Other reasons for this include smoking, certain medicines (like some antihistamines and antibiotics), exposure to insecticides and some chemicals,  nutritional deficiencies (like vitamin B12 and Zinc). It can also be congenital means present since birth. It can appear in people with advancing age.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Parotitis 

Parotitis refers to inflammation of one or both the parotid glands. The parotid glands are the largest and one of the major pair salivary glands which function to produce saliva in the mouth. These are located on either side of the face inside each cheek over the jaw in front of each ear. The parotid gland is the most commonly affected among all the salivary glands by inflammation. Homeopathic remedies for parotitis help in reducing the inflammation and swelling of the parotid glands. homeopathic remedies for parotitis

Homeopathic Remedies for Parotitis 

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of parotitis. The homeopathic medicines bring excellent recovery by focusing to treat the root cause behind inflamed parotid glands. These medicines are very beneficial for both acute (of recent origin) as well as chronic (present from long periods of time or recurring frequently from long time) cases of parotitis. With this they work magnificently to bring relief in its symptoms like facial pain, tenderness, difficulty in opening mouth and fever. These medicines are also indicated for cases where the parotid glands have become hard or where pus has collected (abscess formation) in the parotid glands. These medicines are safe to use among people of all age groups and don’t have any side effects as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances.

  1. Belladonna – Top Grade Medicine with Facial Swelling and Pain

Homeopathic medicine belladonna is prepared from plant Deadly Nightshade. This plant belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is a top grade medicine for treating cases of parotitis. The key symptoms to use this are swelling in the face in front of the ear with violent shooting or stitching pain. The side of the face also gets red and hot with swelling. The pain can worsen from touch or motion. The pain may sometimes extend to the throat, external ear or neck. The pain is recurrent and tends to appear everyday, sometimes peculiarly at the same hour. Dryness of mouth and lips is also present. Along with above symptoms, high fever with alternate heat and chills appears. Although it works well for treating parotitis of either side, it is commonly used to treat swelling of the right parotid. 

  1. Merc Sol – For Swollen, Tender Parotid

It is the next effective medicine for treating parotitis cases. It is used when there is swelling of parotid gland along with tenderness and sensitiveness. The parotid gland is also hard. In these cases pain in parotid mostly throbbing or stinging type is also there. The pain is worse mainly at night. The pain can also worsen from empty  swallowing (means of swallowing saliva down the throat) or in fresh air. Sometimes speaking also increases the pain. With above few general symptoms including excessive salivation, offensive odour in mouth, bad taste in mouth and excessive sweating can appear.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Inflamed Parotid with Difficulty Opening Mouth

This medicine is helpful for persons who have inflamed parotid gland and have extreme difficulty in opening their mouths. Swallowing causes pain and is difficult, at times nearly impossible. The parotid gland is also very much enlarged along with swelling and inflammation in it. They have fever accompanying the above complaints.  For using this medicine mostly left sided parotid is involved. It is also useful for cases where abscess (lump having pus in it) has formed in the parotid gland. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Parotitis with High Fever

Hepar Sulph is a helpful medicine for inflamed parotid gland with high fever. Marked chills are present with fever along with restlessness. Its use is indicated for cases of acute inflammation of parotid gland.

  1. Aurum Met – When Parotid is Swollen and Painful to Touch

Aurum Met is a prominent medicine when the parotid gland is swollen and painful to touch. The gland feels sore and bruised. There is also a pressing pain in the parotid gland.

  1. Crotalus Horridus – For Parotitis with Swollen, Puffy Face

This medicine is indicated when there is swelling and puffiness of face in case of inflamed parotid glands.

Specific Remedies For Left-sided Parotitis

  1. Kali Bichrome

This medicine is useful when the left parotid gland is inflamed, swollen and enlarged with pain in it. The pain is usually stitching in nature. The pain can radiate from the parotid gland to the ear or head. 

  1. Bromium 

The features guiding its use are swelling and hardness of the left parotid. With this warmth is felt over the parotid gland on the left side. Apart from this it is also indicated when there is pus formation in the parotid gland.

  1. Arum Triphyllum

This natural medicine is prepared from Indian Turnip belonging to the Araceae family. Use of this medicine is considered when the left parotid gland  is swollen and is very sore to touch. 

Specific Remedies For Right-sided Parotitis

  1. Baryta Carb 

Baryta Carb is an excellent medicine for cases where the right parotid gland is swollen and painful. This gland is also tender to touch. Along with this the breath is very offensive.  

  1. Bryonia

This medicine is prepared from root procured before flowering of a plant Bryonia alba commonly known as wild hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a wonderful medicine to treat cases where swelling and pain is present in the right parotid gland. There is marked swelling in the face before the ear. The parotid is also sensitive to even slightest touch. 

  1. Lycopodium 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum having the common name club moss. This medicine belongs to the family Lycopodiaceae. The characteristic symptom for using it is stitching pain in the region of the right parotid gland.

  1. Baryta Mur

It is valuable medicine when the right sided parotid is swollen and hard.

For Swollen and Hard Parotid Gland

  1. Conium – For Swelling and Hardness of Parotid Gland

This medicine works well when the parotid gland is swollen and hard. It is also significant medicine when there is pus in the left sided parotid gland with profuse sweating and disturbed sleep.

  1. Carbo Animalis

Carbo Animalis is a very beneficial medicine when the parotid gland is hard, swollen and painful. The pain is most times shooting or lancinating type.

Causes and Risk Factors 

Inflammation of parotitis can arise from various causes. These includes the following:  

  1. Infection

Parotitis can arise from bacterial infection. The common bacteria involved in inflaming these glands are staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes and Escherichia Coli (E.coli). Apart from these the infection of parotid glands can also arise from bacteria known as mycobacterium tuberculosis that is responsible to cause TB (tuberculosis).

The infection can also arise due to a viral infection. The most common virus that causes parotitis is mumps virus. This virus infection is rare nowadays because of the use of vaccination MMR (the vaccine that provides protection against three serious illnesses including measles, mumps and rubella). Before the introduction of this vaccine the mumps infection used to be very common in children.

  1. Blockage of parotid duct or any of its branches

This blockage obstructs the flow of saliva and favours the accumulation and growth of bacteria within the salivary glands. The blockage may arise from many reasons that includes – salivary duct stone, a mucus plug in a salivary duct, stricture which means narrowing of salivary duct from an injury / infection and a tumour which is mostly benign i.e. non – cancerous.

  1. Sjogren’s Syndrome 

It is an autoimmune disease where immune cells due to a misdirected response start damaging the glands which are responsible to produce tears and saliva. It results in dry eyes and a dry mouth. Chronic inflammation of the parotid gland can arise in this syndrome. Women suffering from sjogren’s syndrome are at a high risk of parotid gland inflammation as compared to males having the same syndrome, in a ratio of 9:1 respectively.

Some of the factors that put a person at a high risk of parotitis includes poor oral hygiene, having diabetes, taking medicines that cause dryness of  the mouth (like some antihistamines and antipsychotics), dehydration (it is mainly a cause of non – infectious cases of parotitis and can occur after surgery or in elderly people), excessive intake of alcohol, radiation therapy of head and neck done for cancer treatment and as a part of bulimia from self induced vomiting. 

Signs and Symptoms 

In this condition swelling of the face in front of ears below the jaw occurs. There may be redness over the face / upper neck on the affected side. With this facial or mouth pain occurs that is mostly felt while eating or opening mouth. There can also be decreased ability  or difficulty to open the mouth. Foul taste in mouth, dryness of mouth and fever, chills attends above features. There can be complaints on either one or both sides and the intensity of symptoms also tend to vary from case to case. If not treated well in time then there are chances of collection of pus (abscess formation) in the parotid gland. In cases of recurrent parotitis intense swelling in the neck can cause destruction of the affected glands.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) refers to an itchy, burning, stinging, blistering skin rash that commonly occurs in some people suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance). Homeopathic medicines for dermatitis herpetiformis bring excellent results in these cases by moderating the overactive immune system. DH is also known by some other names including Duhring’s disease, gluten rash or the celiac disease rash. It is not caused by herpes virus despite the name. Rather, the name suggests that in this disease skin rash and blisters (small fluid filled bumps on skin) having a resemblance to herpes virus infection appear.         Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

Homeopathic Medicines for Dermatitis Herpetiformis 

The homeopathic system of medicine carries a great scope to treat numerous skin complaints including dermatitis herpetiformis. With its use the intensity and frequency of the complaint is reduced gradually. Initially it aims to heal the blisters and relieve itching already present followed by controlling its future recurrences. Along with homeopathic treatment a strict gluten-free diet needs to be followed. A person should take homeopathic medicines to treat this condition after consulting a homeopathic specialist and should avoid self medication.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine 

Natrum Mur is a top grade medicine to treat cases of dermatitis herpetiformis. In cases where this remedy works well, burning spots appear on the skin. Following this, blisters form on these spots which have a clear watery fluid in it.  

  1. Sulphur – When Blisters Form on Itchy Spots

It is indicated for cases where initially itching arises on body areas causing scratching, leading to blisters. The blisters are small sized having watery content and soon get covered with scabs and itch afterwards. Most persons needing it have worsening of the itching from warmth. They also feel a burning sensation in the eruptions after scratching.

  1. Graphites – For Blisters that Itch and Burn

It is a very effective medicine for cases that present with blisters having itching and burning in it. The itching is violent and people feel like tearing it with nails. These blisters contain transparent fluid. The blisters may also be covered with scabs. The area is red where eruptions are present. 

  1. Rhus Tox – When Blisters are Itchy

It is a very significant medicine for cases in which blisters are itchy. The itching leads to constant scratching. The blisters are tiny and filled with clear liquid. The vesicles are multiple and appear on different body parts. It is attended with redness of the affected skin  and the affected skin is also hot to touch. There is also violent burning in blisters. The skin complaint usually worsens at night.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Marked Stinging Sensation in Blisters

It is the next beneficial medicine for cases of dermatitis herpetiformis. It works well in persons who complain of intense, intolerable stinging sensation in the blisters. The blisters sting like a bee sting and there are numerous small blisters on the skin. Along with stinging, they also have itching and burning sensation in the blisters. the itchy can be so severe as to cause scratching till eruptions bleed. Soon these blisters crust over. 

  1. Arsenic Album – For Blisters with Burning

It is a very useful medicine for blisters that have burning in it. The burning is violent. The burning is mostly worse at the night time in cases requiring it. Along with burning, itching is also complained in the blisters.

  1. Merc Sol – For Tiny Blisters with Clear, Thin, Watery Fluid

Merc Sol is a valuable medicine for cases where tiny blisters with clear thin watery fluid is present on the skin. The blisters form on a red base on skin. These blisters appear in various body parts and are itchy. The blisters may appear most times in morning time in cases needing it.

  1. Ranunculus Bulbosus – When Small Blisters Appear in Oval Groups 

It is prepared from a plant named as buttercup belonging to the family Ranunculaceae. This medicine is indicated when small blisters appear in an oval -shaped group. The blister size is like a pinhead. These blisters heal then a fresh crop of blister form again. For using it intolerable burning and itching are also present in the blisters. 

  1. Cantharis – For Burning, Smarting Sensation on Touching

Cantharis is also a very useful medicine where burning, smarting sensation is felt in the blisters on touching them. The blisters have watery fluid, and itching may appear along with burning sensation.

  1. Clematis – For Blisters with Red, Burning, Inflamed Skin

This medicine is prepared from leaves and stem of plant Clematis erecta. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is indicated when blisters form with red, burning inflamed skin. These blisters exude a clear, watery secretion followed by formation of scabs. 

  1. Lachesis – For Burning Spots on Skin Followed by Blisters

This medicine is usually considered when initially burning spots appear on the skin, followed by blister formation. These blisters are water filled and attended with much itching. Marked inflammation surrounds these eruptions. 

  1. Mezereum – For Blisters that Burn 

This medicine is prepared from plant Daphne Mezereum also known as spurge olive. This plant belongs to the family Thymelaeaceae.The part of this plant used to prepare homeopathic medicine is fresh bark gathered just before it flowers in February and March. This medicine is used when the skin blisters burn intensely like fire. The blisters have fiery red tips. They appear recurrently and also have violent itching along with burning sensation.

Causes and Risk Factors

 1. DH is a skin manifestation that usually arises in celiac disease. Celiac disease also known as celiac sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy, refers to an autoimmune disorder in which eating gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) triggers an immune reaction in the small intestine in person having this disease.
It is estimated that about 15 % – 25 % of people having celiac disease also have DH. Very rarely people with DH may have gastric symptoms of celiac disease (like loose motion, weakness,  bloating, abdominal pain) along with skin complaint but majority of the time, they don’t have any accompanying gastric symptom of this disease and only have skin manifestation. Though they don’t have any gastric symptoms, more than 90% of people with DH do have associated intestinal damage which is of the same kind as seen with celiac disease.
In a person having celiac disease, the skin rash and damage to intestine appears when gluten protein reacts with an antibody known as immunoglobulin A (IgA). When such a person having celiac disease eats gluten then, IgA is being produced by his body to fight with gluten. On reaction of IgA antibodies to gluten damage to the lining of the small intestine occurs that normally helps to  absorb nutrients from food. When IgA attached to gluten gains entry in the bloodstream it builds up and clogs small blood vessels under the skin. The WBC’s (White blood cells) start to appear in clogs and trigger the DH rash.

2. A genetic predisposition is also present and is associated with human leukocyte antigens HLA – DQ2 and HLA – DQ8. A person having a family history of gluten sensitivity is at risk of it. Having a personal or family history of any other autoimmune disease like vitiligo, thyroid disease, and alopecia areata also puts a person at risk. Though DH can appear at any age, it is mostly seen to begin  between 20 to 30 years of age. DH is  more common in men as compared to women, and rare in children. 

Signs and Symptoms 

In cases of DH, initially before the appearance of rash there is a burning, stinging sensation or itching on some of the skin areas prone to develop this rash. Following this, small, red pimple-like bumps filled with clear fluid (called blisters) start appearing in clusters. The size of the blisters vary from very tiny up to 1 cm. They are highly itchy and are among the one of the itchiest rash known. In around 1-2 weeks time, these bumps scabs over and heal leaving purple marks behind. New bumps begin to appear as the old ones heal. The rash of DH mostly appears on the elbows, knee, lower back, buttocks, scalp, hairline, shoulders, back of neck and sometimes face and groin. The rash in DH most of the time appears on both sides of the body at a given time (i.e. have symmetrical body distribution) and is of the same shape and size on either side of the body. The signs and symptoms of DH can  continue for many years together or it goes in remission state temporarily and then flare up again. Usually it is a lifetime condition where it goes and appears again and again.

The skin features of DH can be mistaken for many other skin conditions (like atopic dermatitis, scabies, pemphigoid) that share similar features. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Periodontitis refers to a serious infection of the gums in which the soft tissue surrounding the teeth is damaged. If not properly treated in time, it progresses further to a stage where destruction of bone supporting the teeth arises. This can cause loosening or falling out of teeth. Periodontitis is also called gum disease or periodontal disease. Homeopathic remedies for periodontitis helps treat symptoms like swelling, painful and tender gums, bleeding from gums, and bad breath.       Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Homeopathic Remedies for Periodontitis 

Homeopathic medicines are very safe and effective to manage cases of periodontitis. These manage its symptoms in an excellent manner. These medicines are most helpful when taken in early stages and help in halting its further progression. In severe cases (where the gums have receded excessively with loosening of teeth), homeopathy plays a supportive role along with dental treatment. The most prominent homeopathic medicines along with its indicating symptoms for managing this condition are described below. One should opt using any of these medicines under supervision of a homeopathic specialist after proper case analysis. 

  1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine 

Merc Sol is a top listed medicine for cases of gingivitis and periodontitis. The main indicating features for its use are very red, swollen, inflamed, soft, spongy gums that are very sensitive and painful to touch. This may be attended with burning sensation in gums. Along with this the gums also bleed easily even on slightly touching them. A very offensive odour from mouth appears with  above symptoms. Excessive salivation and metallic taste in the mouth are other attending symptoms. It is also indicated for cases where gums are destroyed and when gums recede from the teeth. Following this, the teeth feel long, get loose from the gums and tend to fall out. 

  1. Silicea – For Marked Swelling of Gums

This medicine is effective when there is intense swelling of gums. The gums are very sore, painful, sensitive and bleed easily, and are painful to little pressure. Pain in the teeth can also accompany this. Another symptom that appears is the feeling that the teeth are too long. Looseness of teeth can also arise.

  1. Natrum Mur – For Bluish, Red and Swollen Gums

Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine for cases where gums are bluish red and swollen. They are painful too and pain is mostly burning, smarting type. The pain is felt usually while eating. Sometimes there may also appear pain in teeth when chewing.

  4. Phosphorus – For Gums that Bleed Easily

This remedy is most helpful for cases that present with easy bleeding from gums. In such cases the bleeding arises especially from touching the gums. Pain in teeth, mainly throbbing type with sore, swollen gums may accompany this. Another prominent symptom along with above is loosening of teeth in gums. 

  1. Carbo veg – For Receding Gums

This medicine is well indicated when the gums recede from the teeth and as a result teeth become loose. The teeth also feel elongated. Persons needing it complain of soreness, pain and sensitivity in gums. They also have complaints of easy bleeding from gums especially when sucking or cleaning them. 

  1. Kreosote – For Offensive Smell from Mouth

This medicine works well for cases with very offensive putrid odour from the mouth. On examining, the gums appear bluish red, inflamed. They are soft, spongy and sometimes destroyed. Easy bleeding from gums may also be present in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Hepar Sulph – When Gums are Swollen and Tender 

Hepar Sulph is valuable medicine for people who have swollen, tender gums. Their gums are painful to touch. The gums may bleed in them. The teeth can become loose. Offensive breath is another symptom that they complain of.

  1. Lachesis – When Gums are Bluish and Swollen

This medicine is useful when gums are bluish and swollen. There may be pain in gums that worsen from taking warm drinks. The gums are spongy and bleed often. The teeth may feel long with above symptoms.

  1. Sepia – For Dark Red, Swollen Gums

For using this medicine the main feature is dark red and swollen gums. This is frequently accompanied with excessive pain in gums. Burning sensation can appear with this. The gums may bleed and get loose in many cases requiring this medicine.

  1. Staphisagria – When Gums Bleed on Cleaning Teeth

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Delphinium staphisagria. commonly known as Stavesacre. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae.  Persons needing it mainly complain of bleeding from gums on cleaning teeth. They also notice bleeding from gums on pressing them. Apart from this they experience pain in gums. Their gums are sore, sensitive and have pain on touching. Some of them have spongy, receding gums.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Very Painful Gums 

Calcarea Carb is another prominent medicine for cases of periodontitis. It is indicated when the gums are very painful. For using it the pain can be pulsating, stitching, shooting or throbbing in nature. Gums are red, swollen, inflamed, sensitive and tender to touch. The gums may be destroyed. Foul odour from mouth is felt with these symptoms.

  1. Merc Cor – For Looseness of Teeth

Merc Cor is indicated for cases where looseness of teeth is present. They are painful and even fall out. The gums are purple, red, swollen, and spongy. They are also tender and may also bleed easily. 


Poor dental hygiene is the most common cause behind periodontitis. Many types of bacteria are normally present in the mouth that are harmless. When a person doesn’t brush and clean the teeth in a proper manner, these bacteria multiply and overgrow and build up on teeth forming plaques (which refers to a sticky film formed of bacteria). This plaque can be removed by proper brushing and flossing teeth but it has a tendency to form again quickly. If the plaque remains on the teeth for a long time, minerals get deposited by the bacteria in these plaques. It further causes its hardening under the gum line which is called tartar. Brushing and flossing can’t remove this tartar and a dental treatment is required. 

If this tartar is not removed, it further favours growth of more bacteria. This in turn causes gum inflammation (gingivitis which is mild gum disease) from an immune response. If it is not treated here, then the condition progresses and pockets form between the gums and teeth that get filled with bacteria. With time these pockets become deeper. If still left untreated, then this infection causes damage to the gums. In this process destruction of bones that support the teeth also gets destroyed resulting in falling out of teeth.

Risk Factors 

The main factors that increase the risk of periodontitis are gingivitis, smoking (major risk factor), keeping poor oral hygiene and tobacco chewing. Other factors that enhance the risk include type-2 diabetes, hormonal changes in women (like occurring during menopause or pregnancy), obesity, improper nutrition like vitamin C deficiency, some medications that cause dryness in mouth, conditions that cause low immunity and genetics (means a person having a family history of periodontitis is at risk of developing the same).

 Stages of Periodontitis

 Stage I – Gum Inflammation or Gingivitis

In this bleeding while brushing teeth, dark red ,swollen gums, discolouration on teeth appears and plaque may form (it is a build up of bacteria and food debris on teeth). 

Stage II – Early Periodontal Disease

In this stage gums recede from teeth and small pockets form between gums and teeth. Bacteria tend to collect in the pockets formed. Bleeding during brushing is present in this stage and some bone loss may start.

Stage III – Moderate Periodontal Disease

In this stage the teeth begin to loosen because of the loss of supporting bone. Receding of gums, bleeding for gums and pain around the teeth is present here.

Stage IV – Advanced Periodontal Disease

In this stage destruction of the connective tissue which keeps teeth in place starts. Eventually the gums and attached bones get destroyed. Intense pain while chewing, bad breath and bad taste in mouth appear and teeth may fall out.

Signs and Symptoms 

In case of periodontitis, the gums are swollen, red / purplish that can be sensitive, tender to touch. Easy bleeding from gums like on brushing teeth appear with this. A person may also have bad breath (halitosis) and foul/metallic taste in the mouth. Plaque or tartar may build on the teeth. The gums tend to recede away from the teeth which can make teeth look more elongated than normal. Following this there may appear a gap between teeth or the teeth may get loose in gums. There may occur change in the way they fit in gums upon biting or they pain while chewing. The teeth may eventually fall out of the gums.


Its complications include tooth loss, painful gum abscess. If the bacteria enters the  bloodstream through gum tissue, it can cause diseases in other  body parts like respiratory or heart disease. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica

Meralgia paresthetica is a condition that causes numbness, tingling, burning and pain in the outer area of thigh. It is also known as Bernhardt – Roth syndrome. Homeopathic treatment for meralgia paresthetica includes using natural medicines that effectively help manage symptoms like burning, numbness, tingling, and pain. This condition occurs when there is compression, pinching or damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.  

Homeopathic treatment for meralgia paresthetica        

Homeopathic Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica

Homeopathic medicines hold a great promise in treating cases of meralgia paresthetica. The medicines used in these cases are of natural origin and bring excellent and safe recovery. With the use of well selected medicine as per the individual prominent symptoms, one experiences relief in both intensity and frequency of the symptoms. One also needs to follow some lifestyle modification along with use of these medicines like avoiding wearing tight clothes, losing weight if are overweight, avoiding standing / walking for long periods of time.

For Numbness in Thigh

  1. Lac Defloratum 

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases where numbness over the outer side of thighs is prominent. Along with this pain is present in thighs. The pain appears soon on stepping on the floor in the morning. 

  1. Conium

Conium is another excellent medicine for managing numbness in thighs. Thigh pain of pressing, drawing nature usually attends numbness in cases needing it.

  1. Spongia

Spongia is the next medicine in the list to manage thigh numbness. In most cases needing it, a stitching pain in thighs especially on walking appears. With this there is sensation as if muscles of the upper end of thigh are short. Other than this tickling sensation especially in the left thigh may be felt sometimes. 

  1. Carbo Veg

Last medicine prominently indicated to manage thigh numbness is Carbo Veg. In addition to this people needing it also complain of thigh pain that may be tearing, drawing, constrictive or stitching in nature. They may also have pain in the outer side of the left thigh when going upstairs or on lifting the thigh. They also frequently complain of burning sensation in thighs. Numbness in thighs when walking is yet another symptom.

For Tingling Sensation

  1. Oxalic Acid

Oxalic Acid is a very helpful medicine to manage tingling, pricking sensation in the  thighs. Most people needing it also have numbness in thighs along with above complaint 

  1. Sabadilla

It is a natural medicine prepared from seeds of plant Sabadilla officinarum commonly known as Cebadilla or Cevadilla. This plant belongs to the family Melanthiaceae. It is highly useful medicine when there is marked stinging sensation in thighs. This is accompanied by pain in the thigh. The thigh pain is most time boring or tearing in nature for using this medicine.

  1. Silicea

Silicea works well in cases with peculiar pricking sensation in the thighs. Persons who require it also experience thigh pain with this. The pain is explained as shooting or stitching in nature by them.

For Burning Sensation 

  1. Zincum Met

Zincum Met is very effective medicine to manage burning sensation on the outside of the thigh. For using it other symptoms may attend to it. These include drawing, stitching, tearing or sore pain in the thigh and heaviness in thigh while walking. In some cases the pain from the thigh can extend downward to the knee. This mostly happens while standing and gets better by sitting in most of the cases.

  1. Agaricus

This medicine is the next significant medicine to manage burning sensation in thighs. People requiring it also have pressing pain in thighs or drawing pain in thigh, extending to knee. They usually complain that crossing legs cause violent pain in thighs. Walking also worsens thigh pain in them. They also have soreness in thighs.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of a plant named barberry that belongs to family Berberidaceae. It is also very valuable medicine to manage burning sensation in thighs. Other complaints that a person needing it may have along with this includes thigh pain and sensitivity. The thigh pain they usually have varies from tearing, stretching, throbbing to shooting type. The thigh is sensitive and is painful to the slightest of touch. 

For Thigh Pain

  1. Rhus Tox

It is a very effective medicine to manage thigh pain. The main symptom to use it is pain in the outer portion of thigh that worsens while sitting and gets better by walking. The pain is usually tearing in nature. It is top listed medicine to treat cases where over activity / over exertion or injury has brought on the complaint.

  1. Colocynth

Homeopathic medicine Colocynth is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis commonly known as bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is a very effective medicine to manage thigh pain. For using it the pain may be drawing or tearing in nature. The intensity of pain is very high and standing is difficult due to pain. Walking is also painful from thigh pain. In many cases the pain can radiate from thigh to knee especially right side where it is indicated.

  1. Guaiacum 

Guaiacum is prepared from gum resin of tree Guaiacum officinale. It is a large tree growing in the West Indies. It belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae. It is a very useful medicine for thigh pain when attended with crawling or tingling sensation. The pains are  pressing. Tension in thighs may accompany this. These symptoms are worse when walking and are better when sitting. Another key feature is pain from the middle of the thigh extending to the knee.

  1. Causticum

Its use is indicated when the thigh pain is worse at night time. The pain is usually described as tearing, bruised and drawing type in persons who require this medicine. With this a characteristic feature to use it is soreness of thigh upon which there is body weight, forcing him to turn over frequently. 

  1. Arnica

It is prepared from the root of the plant Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. The family of this plant is Compositae. It is one of the best medicines to manage cases that follow a blow, trauma or injury. Most people needing it have thigh pain that arises when walking. They also have excessive soreness of thighs. This medicine helps to heal the injury and reduce thigh soreness and pain.

  1. Ledum Pal

This medicine is prepared from dried small twigs and leaves collected after flowering begins of plant Ledum Palustre. This plant is commonly named as Wild Rosemary, Marsh Cistus and Marsh Tea. This plant belongs to the family Ericaceae. This medicine is used when the pain in the thigh is worse from standing or walking. A feeling of pressure in the thigh accompanies. Worsening of thigh pain from touch is another symptom suggestive of its use.

  1. Gelsemium

Gelsemium is prepared from the bark of the root of the plant Gelsemium Sempervirens, commonly named as Yellow Jasmine. This plant belongs to the family Loganiaceae. It works well when the thighs are very sore and sensitive to touch. Violent lancinating pain in thigh is present. Person can move their thigh very slightly. 

  1. Dulcamara

This medicine is prepared from  fresh green stems and leaves, gathered just before flowering of plant Solanum dulcamara commonly named as Woody Nightshade and Bitter-sweet. It belongs to the family Solanaceae. It is indicated when a person has thigh pain while sitting. The pain can be drawing, tearing or pinching type and he finds relief in the pain by walking.


This nerve is a sensory nerve and supplies sensation to the skin surface of the outer thigh. Normally this nerve after originating in the lower spine smoothly passes through the groin to the upper thigh. But in cases of meralgia paresthetica this nerve gets trapped in its pathway (usually under inguinal ligament) leading to its symptoms. The compression of this nerve can arise from various reasons like wearing tight – fitting clothes or tight belts, weight gain, obesity and pregnancy. The damage to nerves can result from diabetes (it can damage the nerves) or trauma like from seat belt injury during a car accident.

People who are overweight, diabetic people, pregnant women and people of age group between 30 yrs to 60 yrs are at risk to develop this condition. Standing or walking, cycling for a long time also predisposes a person towards this condition. In some cases it can follow some surgery or trauma to the hip or back.


Symptoms include numbness, tingling, pain and burning sensation in the outer side of thigh. The pain sometimes can extend to the outer side of the knee. Bee sting sensation may be felt in the outer side of thigh in some cases. The outer side of thigh may also be sensitive to light touch and hypersensitive to heat. The symptoms mostly occur on one side of the body. Walking and standing might worsen the symptoms. Initially the symptoms are mild but with time when the condition gets worse, the pain intensifies and becomes sharp and shooting in nature. 

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness – Homeopathic Medicines for Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia refers to a condition in which a person experiences excessive sleepiness during the day and struggles hard to stay awake during day time. It is also known as excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS). Homeopathic medicines for hypersomnia help restore the normal sleep cycle of a person and also manage the attending symptoms like low energy levels, concentration difficulties, irritability, anxiety and restlessness. People having hypersomnia frequently face complaints of low concentration levels, lack of alertness, difficulty in thinking clearly and low energy levels during day time.Homeopathic medicines for Hypersomnia

Homeopathic Medicines for Hypersomnia

Homeopathic medicines offer great help in cases of hypersomnia. These medicines are of natural origin and are safe to use among people of any age group. They bring about excellent recovery in cases based on the intensity and duration of complaint. Given here are the top 10 homeopathic medicines that are well-indicated for treating hypersomnia cases. One should consult a homeopathic expert for case assessment and prescription and do not self prescribe them in any case.

  1. Nux Moschata

Nux Moschata is prepared from powdered seeds of a plant Myristica Fragrans (also called Myristica Officinalis), or Nutmeg. This plant belongs to the family Myristicaceae. It is a top listed medicine to treat cases of hypersomnia. It is indicated when there is great sleepiness and irresistible drowsiness. Person needing it feels sleepy as if he is intoxicated. Sometimes attacks of sleepiness are attended with vertigo. There may be a confusion of mind, impairment of memory, slowness of thinking and sluggish flow of ideas in the mind. Mood changes from laughing and crying and vice versa may also be present. Apart from above it is a prominently indicated medicine for cases of narcolepsy with overpowering sleep.  

  1. Gelsemium 

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as Yellow Jasmine of the family Loganiaceae. It is the next prominent medicine for cases of hypersomnia. People needing it are unusually sleepy and drowsy all the time. They have prolonged sleep cycles with difficult waking. They may sometimes wake with a headache. The characteristic features that attend it are marked dullness of mind and tiredness, weakness. They also have confusion of mind and difficulty in thinking. Putting attention and concentration to do any sort of work is difficult for them. Lastly they may have irritability where they don’t wish to speak, anxiety and also tend to get angry easily. 

  1. Phosphoric Acid

It is another significant medicine for cases where excessive sleepiness in daytime is present. There is a strong desire to sleep. With this there is dullness and slowness of mind. Confusion of mind with impaired memory accompanies it. The mind gets blank and there is inability to concentrate and focus mind in doing any task. Marked weakness is another main complaint appearing with the above.

  1. Arsenic Album

This medicine is effective for people who complain of constant drowsiness. They wake unrefreshed in the morning and always feel as if some more sleep is required. Along with this they suffer from intense tiredness and exhaustion and feel like lying down all the time. Extreme anxiety is another attending complaint that they usually have. Anxiety is mostly about little things, about health or about the future. They also are very restless along with the above symptoms.

  1. Agaricus 

This medicine is very helpful when there is excessive drowsiness and weariness during daytime. People requiring it have excessive desire to sleep in the day. They may even feel sleepy soon after getting up from sleep. Sleepiness is also marked while eating or after eating. Along with sleepiness, heaviness of the head is usually present. Tired feeling in the lower limbs is another complaint that attends. 

  1. Antimonium Crudum

Antimonium Crudum is beneficial for persons who have great sleepiness during the day. They usually have deep sleep at night but wake unrefreshed in the morning. Waking is hard for them in the morning and they feel very tired, weary at that time. They mostly have a strong desire to sleep in the morning and evening time. Intense irritability of mind appears with sleepiness. It is a well-indicated medicine for excessive drowsiness in elderly people. 

  1. Cannabis Indica

This medicine is significant for treating cases of excessive sleepiness. To use this medicine the main symptoms are great desire to lie down in daytime and poor concentration. Mind appears foggy and there is an inability to fix the mind and pay attention to anything. Anxiety may also accompany the above symptoms.

  1. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is useful medicine for cases where extreme sleepiness in the day is present with frequent yawning. The complaint is most worse in the afternoon. The person needing it feels unrefreshed in the morning. Weakness is excess and is most prominently felt in the morning in bed. There may be some sort of depression present where it is indicated. In this condition sadness, weeping spells, desire for loneliness, aversion to work, dullness and dwelling on the past disagreeable events are additional symptoms.

  1. Sepia 

It is used when there is difficulty waking in the morning and no desire to rise. The limbs feel weak at that time. There is sleepiness during the day and people fall asleep soon after sitting down. Sleep does not refresh and leaves the person tired with aching throughout the whole body. Weakness is there sometimes with fainting attacks. Weakness is present on both mental and physical level. Confusion of mind, poor memory are frequent attending symptoms. Irritability and tendency to get offended easily are there.

  1. Hydrogen 

This medicine is indicated when a person complains of sudden sleepiness. He feels very sleepy in morning time. He feels the need of frequent short naps during the day. With this excessive weakness and difficult concentration are present among them.


Hypersomnia can arise from poor sleep at night, conditions causing weakness and tiredness during day. Genetics play a role and a person having a family history of hypersomnia is at risk of developing the same. This condition affects men more than women.

A) In some cases no underlying medical condition is  present behind hypersomnia (primary hypersomnia).

Primary hypersomnia includes following:

1. Narcolepsy – chronic sleep disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrollable attacks of sleep  during day occurring any time regardless of the circumstance often at inconvenient times like while driving.

2. Idiopathic hypersomnia (where no cause is found behind hypersomnia)

3. Recurrent hypersomnia like Klein – Levin syndrome (rare sleep disorder with persistent episodes of hypersomnia, cognitive problems and mood changes).

B) In other cases it arises from some medical condition (secondary hypersomnia).

The medical conditions linked with secondary hypersomnia include following:

1. Sleep apnea (a sleep disorder in which a person experience momentary pauses in breathing several times during sleep)

2. Some neurological diseases. Some examples of these linked with secondary hypersomnia are as follows:

Parkinson’s Disease – a nervous system disorder with symptoms including rest tremor, slowed movement, rigid muscles, impaired posture and balance and changes in speech changes.

Epilepsy – a brain disorder that causes recurrent seizures which is sudden uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain that causes unusual behaviour, movements and sometimes loss of consciousness

Multiple Sclerosis – a disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in brain and spinal cord

3. Encephalitis – Inflammation of the brain

4. Psychological complaints including depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder ( a mental health condition characterised by extreme mood swings between depressed mood to abnormally elevated mood)
5. Chronic fatigue syndrome – a disorder characterized by extreme tiredness, weakness that doesnt improve with rest and  that can not be explained by any underlying medical condition
6. Restless Leg Syndrome – a disorder characterised by strong urge to move ones legs due to unpleasant sensation in the legs
7. Fibromyalgia – a disorder characterized by widespread body pain, tiredness, sleep issues and memory issues

8. Kidney Failure

9. Some autoimmune diseases like :

Lupus – In this body’s immune system attacks bodys own tissues and organs causing its Inflammation and it can affect joints, skin, kidneys, brain, heart and lungs.

Rheumatoid Arthritis – a chronic inflammatory disorder in which joint inflammation arise with pain, swelling and stiffness of joints.

10. Hypothyroidism – under active thyroid

11. Mononucleosis – an infection caused by Epstein Barr virus (EBV)

Apart from above the medical conditions, other possible causes linked with secondary hypersomnia are head injury, use of certain medicines (like tranquillisers, antihistamines, anticonvulsants, opioids, antipsychotics, melatonin), withdrawing use of some medicine, excessive alcohol use, excessive smoking and drug abuse.


The major symptoms of this condition are feeling tired constantly, excessive sleepiness during the day and taking frequent and long naps during day which are unrefreshing. People with this condition also have prolonged night time sleep. They have difficulty waking from sleep and feel confused disorientated on waking up. Rest of its symptoms include low energy levels, trouble concentrating, poor performance at work or in school, irritability, anxiety, restlessness, problems with memory, difficulty remembering, slowness of speech, slowness of thinking, trouble thinking clearly , headache and loss of appetite.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin

Prolactin is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland (also called the master gland) which is situated at the base of the brain. Prolactin is also known as lactogenic hormone or milk hormone. The prolactin levels are considered high when they exceed the normal levels in blood of non pregnant females, non breastfeeding females and males. The medical term for this rise of prolactin levels is  hyperprolactinemia. Homeopathic remedies for high prolactin focus on treating the root cause leading to high prolactin levels and regulating the hormone to bring it to a  normal range. Both men and women usually have small amounts of prolactin in their blood.   Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin

Prolactin plays a role in regulating periods in non-pregnant women. In women, prolactin levels normally increase during pregnancy and nursing. This helps in breast growth during pregnancy and production of milk after delivery for breast feeding the baby. Increase of prolactin is normal during pregnancy and breastfeeding but sometimes it can occur in non pregnant women or even in men due to other causes.

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin 

Homoeopathic medicines carry a great scope to manage complaints that arise from high prolactin levels in males and females. These medicines focus to treat the root cause behind high prolactin levels to bring recovery in its complaint and also the prolactin levels in normal range. These medicines being of natural origin are perfectly safe to use, and have no side effects. These medicines can help both females and males having high prolactin levels.

For Irregular Periods and Amenorrhoea

  1. Sepia

It is a very effective medicine for cases of irregular periods. Symptoms to use this medicine are late periods, sometimes appearing at a gap of three to four months. They are also scanty. Before periods, pain in the abdomen and back may appear. During periods there may be chilliness and sometimes fainting. Sometimes there appears vaginal discharge (leucorrhea) in place of menses. A peculiar symptom that may be present is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis as if the womb would force itself out of vagina.

  1. Pulsatilla

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as Wind Flower. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is very beneficial for irregular periods and absence of periods. The menses are late and scanty where it is required. The menstrual flow also lasts for too short a time. The menstrual blood may be of a dark or blackish colour. During menses there may appear pain in abdomen and back, sometimes nausea and vomiting, headache and vision dimness. 

For Infertility

Cases of infertility can also be treated with homeopathic medicines. Among various medicines used in homeopathy to treat infertility the top grade medicines are Sepia, Natrum Mur, Borax, Conium and Calcarea Carb. The best suited medicine among them is selected after thorough case analysis. 

When Non Pregnant/Nursing Women have Milk Production (Galactorrhea)

  1. Asafoetida

It is prepared from gum resin obtained by incision of the living root of plant Narthex Asafoetida. This plant belongs to the family umbelliferae. It is well-indicated when there is milk production in non-pregnant females. With this the breast is congested, distended and swollen. 

  1. Cyclamen

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Cyclamen Europaeum commonly known as sow-bread. This plant belongs to the family Primulaceae. It is useful for non-pregnant females who have discharge of milk from their breasts. Swelling in breasts and a hard, tensed sensation with pain may appear.  Stitches may be felt in the breast. Mostly there is breast swelling with milk secretion after menses.

  1. Pulsatilla

It is helpful when there is milk discharge from the breasts of girls before puberty. The breast gets fuller with production of milk which is thin white. The breasts are swollen with this. There is a pressing sensation and tension in the breast.

For Low Libido 

  1. Sepia

It is a top listed medicine when there is decrease desire for sex in females. There is irritability even on thoughts of sex. The vagina feels dry and there may be pain during intercourse.

  1. Lyssin

It is indicated when there is dislike for sexual intercourse following childbirth. Females needing it also have sensitive vaginas and complain of painful intercourse.

  1. Onosmodium

Onosmodium is prepared from plant Onosmodium virginianum having the common name False Gromwell. This plant belongs to the family Boraginaceae. Its use is considered when sexual desire is completely lost in females.

For Dry Vagina and Painful Intercourse

  1. Sepia

It is an excellent medicine for females who have a dry vagina and pain during intercourse. The sexual parts are also tender to touch, there is exhaustion after intercourse, and in some cases, bleeding. Sexual desire also tends to be low. 

  1. Natrum Mur

It is also a prominent medicine for complaints of vaginal dryness and painful intercourse in females. With this burning and smarting sensation in vagina may also be present. The vagina is sore.  

For Breast Pain / Tenderness

  1. Conium

Its use is mainly recommended when there is pain in the breast before and during periods. The pain worsens from least to jar and on walking. Stitches are felt in the breast. The breast feels swollen and sore.

  1. Lac Can

It is indicated when there is pain in the breast with soreness and sensitivity to least pressure. A dull, constant, aching pain is felt in the breast and also engorgement of breasts may also occur. 

For Hot Flashes

  1. Sepia

It gives wonderful results in cases of hot flashes. Females needing this experience sweating with hot flashes, weakness. There is also a tendency to faint.

  1. Lachesis

It is also highly useful in the cases of hot flashes. There is marked heat on the top of the head. With this there may be palpitations, headaches and fainting spells.

  1. Amylenum Nitrosum

It is considered when there are heat flashes in females which are followed by drenching sweats. Anxiety and palpitations are marked with this.

For Acne (Pimples)

  1. Hepar Sulph

It is best suited for acne that has pus in it. The acne is painful where it is required. The pain is like prickling pain. The acne may also bleed easily.

  1. Kali Bromatum

It is given in cases of acne that appear on face, shoulders and chest. The acne is itchy in these cases. They also leave scars on the skin. The acne gets worse before menses begin.

For Excessive Body and Facial Hair 

To manage this complaint the top listed medicines in homeopathy are Sepia, Oleum Jac and Thuja.

Homeopathic Remedies for High Prolactin Levels in Males 

For Low Libido 

  1. Agnus Castus

This medicine is prepared from ripe berries of the plant The Chaste Tree belonging to the family Verbenaceae. It is well-indicated when males have decreased or almost complete absence of sexual desire. With this they may also have weak or no erections.

  1. Nuphar Luteum

It is prepared from the fresh root of plant Yellow Pond Lily of family Nymphaeaceae.  It is very useful for males in whom sexual desire is completely absent.

  1. Yohimbinum

This medicine is prepared from the bark of the Yumbe Hoa tree of the family Rubiaceae. It is another prominent medicine that act as a great aphrodisiac to boost sex drive in males and treat sexual weakness.

For Erectile Dysfunction

  1. Agnus Castus

It is very effective when there are no erections and loss of sexual desire. The penis remains relaxed, flaccid and cold.

  1. Caladium

It is prepared from the plant Caladium seguinum also called Arum Seguinum. This plant belongs to family Araceae. It is used when sexual desire is present but there are no erections. The penis remains relaxed despite sexual desire.

  1. Lycopodium

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly called Club Moss of family Lycopodiaceae. Its use is considered when the erections are weak and not perfect. There is also the complaint of premature ejaculation in males.

For Low Sperm Count

To help such cases, the top grade medicines are X-ray, Radium Bromatum and Agnus Castus.


There are various causes for high prolactin levels.

  1. The most common cause for elevated prolactin levels is a benign (I.e. non cancerous) tumour in the pituitary gland known as a prolactinoma which secretes excessive prolactin. Prolactinomas are more common in women as compared to men. As per a study about 50 percent of hyperprolactinemia cases are caused by prolactinomas
  2. Second reason that can cause high levels of prolactin is diseases  (like infection, injury, tumour) of hypothalamus (small region of the brain located near the pituitary gland) 
  3. Next causes for it include hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid gland which does not produce enough thyroid hormone), low blood sugar levels, anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder in which a person has excessive weight loss and there is fear of gaining weight and becoming fat) chronic kidney failure, cushing’s disease (a condition characterised by excessive release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH by the pituitary gland) and cirrhosis of liver (scarring of liver)
  4. It can arise from use of certain medicines. These include antidepressants like clomipramine and desipramine, antipsychotics like haldol, risperdal, antihypertensives that control high blood pressure like Verelan, isoptin, acid H2 blockers like, birth control pills, opiate medicine used to relieve pain derived from opium.
  5. Excessive use of certain herbs like fenugreek, fennel seeds.
  6. Injuries or irritation of the chest wall (like from some surgical scar, shingles / herpes zoster). 
  7. Extreme stress or exercise.
  8. Sometimes no cause is found behind hyperprolactinemia.

Normal Range of Prolactin Levels

  1. The normal range of prolactin in women who are not pregnant is less than 25 ng/mL.
  2. The normal range of prolactin in women who are pregnant is between 34 – 386 ng/mL.
  3. The normal range of prolactin in men is between 2 – 18 ng/mL.


Some females may have no symptoms from high prolactin. While in others symptoms can appear that vary from one female to another. It can lead to irregular periods, missed periods / having no periods (amenorrhoea), infrequent periods and change in menstrual flow. 

There can be a stoppage of ovulation from high prolactin leading to infertility. Next it can cause milk production in women who are not pregnant or not nursing medically called as galactorrhea, low libido (reduced interest in having sex) and dryness of vagina that can cause painful intercourse. 

Other symptoms include breast pain / tenderness, hot flashes, acne (pimples) and excessive body hair and unnatural growth of facial hair.

In men the symptoms of hyperprolactinaemia are low libido (reduced desire for sex), erectile dysfunction (in this a man is unable to achieve or maintain erection required for sexual intercourse), enlargement of breast (gynaecomastia) and rarely breast milk production. Other complaints that appear in them include decreased muscle mass, lack of body and facial hair, and low sperm count or zero sperm count.

Headaches and eye problems in case of pituitary tumours can appear in both males and females in addition to above symptoms.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Neurogenic Bladder

Neurogenic bladder is a term applied to lack of bladder control due to some brain, spinal cord or nerve problem. While homeopathic medicines for neurogenic bladder cannot completely reverse the condition or the damage which has already occurred, they are very effective at halting further progression of the condition and provide symptomatic relief.
The function of the urinary bladder is to store urine and expel it out from the body. Many nerves and bladder muscles work together in a well coordinated way for this purpose. These nerves help to carry messages between the bladder, spinal cord and brain to hold and release urine at appropriate times. Only on receiving a nerve message the bladder muscles either tighten or relax to manage urine release and storage. When this nerve pathway doesn’t work properly from nerve damage or from some brain disorder then it results in a neurogenic bladder in which the bladder muscles may not relax or tighten at the right time. As a result, the bladder may not fill or empty correctly respectively. homeopathic medicines for neurogenic bladder

Homeopathic Medicines for Neurogenic Bladder  

There are numerous natural homeopathic medicines that carry a good scope to help in managing symptoms of neurogenic bladder. These medicines can be taken for supportive help along with conventional treatment. There are no specific medicines in homeopathy which are indicated for these cases and the prominent individual symptoms present in every individual case serves as a guide to selecting the homeopathic medicine for that particular case. The symptoms of neurogenic bladder including frequent urination, urgency to urinate, involuntary urination, difficulty in starting to urinate, straining during urination, a weak urine stream, dribbling of urine and painful urination can be well managed with homeopathic medicines. These medicines should be used after complete analysis of the case from a homeopathic expert and self medication should be avoided. In case of acute urinary retention or kidney damage one should seek urgent help from conventional mode as homeopathy has its limitation here to help these cases.

For Managing Frequent Urination

  1. Merc Sol

This medicine is very beneficial for people who experience frequent urination day and night. They also have marked urgency to pass urine and have to hurry when the urge to pass urine is felt. When they pass urine it is scanty and flows in a thin stream. Sometimes it passes only drop by drop. They may also have burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. 

  1. Lycopodium

This medicine is prepared from the plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as Club Moss. This plant belongs to the family Lycopodiaceae. Its use is highly recommended for cases where frequency of urination is increased at night time. Person needing it has to wait for a long time before he can pass urine. During urination burning can be felt in the urethra. The urine may be strong smelling. Other than this it is also indicated when there is complaint of involuntary micturition. Lycopodium is also a top grade medicine to treat cases of kidney stones.

For Marked Urgency to Urinate

  1. Petroselinum

This medicine is prepared from plant Petroselinum Sativum, also known as Parsley. This medicine belongs to the family Umbelliferae. It is very useful when there is sudden urging to pass urine. Along with this the urination is also frequent. The desire to urinate may arise every half hour. During micturition, burning in the urethra may be felt.

  1. Pulsatilla

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, also known as Pasque flower. The family of this plant is ranunculaceae. Its use is considered when there is marked urgency to urinate where a person can’t wait and has to rush to urinate. If he doesn’t hurry then the urine starts to leak on its own (urge incontinence). Other symptoms include frequent almost ineffectual urging to urinate, discharge of urine drop by drop, burning during and after urination

  1. Thuja

This medicine is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known by the name of Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is another excellent medicine for cases presenting with urgent, hasty desire to urinate that can not be controlled. To this continual urge to pass urine attends. Urine flow is obstructed in most cases needing it. Cutting pain in urethra appears during urination. Its use is also done when there is dribbling of urination.

In Cases of Difficulty in Initiating Urine

  1. Chimaphila

This medicine is prepared from plant Chimaphila Umbellata commonly known as pipsissewa or Ground Holly. This plant belongs to family Pyroleae. It is a very useful medicine when there is difficulty in starting urine. Persons needing it have to strain to initiate the urine flow. They have frequent desire to urinate every hour or two but pass only a small quantity of urine. The urinary stream is very thin like a thread. Sometimes they pass urine in drops. During urination they also feel cutting, scalding pains. 

  1. Nitric Acid

It also works well when there is difficulty in starting urine. Persons who need it have to stand and press a long to make the urine begin to flow. There is a very thin stream of urine that mostly smells very offensive. They may also feel cutting or needle – like stitches in the urethra.

  1. Prunus Spinosa

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Blackthorn of the family Rosaceae. The part of this plant used to prepare homeopathic medicine are the buds that appear just before flowering. This medicine offers much help when a person has to strain for a long time to begin urination. The urine passes in a feeble stream and is scanty. Other indications to use this medicine are an urgent desire to urinate, continuous urging to urinate, burning and biting in the bladder. 

For a Weak Urine Stream

  1. Clematis

This medicine is prepared from leaves and stems of plant Clematis Erecta that belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. This medicine is very effective for cases having weak urine streams and slow urination. The urination begins only after great straining in such cases. Other symptoms that are present include frequent and urgent desire to urinate, dribbling after urination, and a burning or sharp stitching pain in the urethra.

  1. Sarsaparilla

This medicine is prepared from dried rhizomes of the plant Sarsaparilla Officinalis also known as Wild Licorice (of the family Liliaceae.) Its use is also considered when the urine stream is very thin, feeble and the person has to press a lot to urinate. Sometimes urine flows in drops. Much pain and burning is felt at the end of urination. It is also top medicine for treating cases of UTI and kidney stones.

For Straining During Urination 

  1. Pareira Brava

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant called Velvet Leaf. This plant belongs to the family Menispermaceae. It is an effective medicine when a person has to strain a lot to pass urine. In some cases needing it straining is extreme where a person has to go in a knee-hand position to pass urine. During efforts to urinate the pain goes down the thighs and even to the feet. The urge to pass urine is also constant with the above complaint. Dribbling of urine at the end of micturition may also arise. 

  1. Magnesia Mur

This medicine is significant to treat cases where a person has to strain intensely to urinate. He is able to pass urine only by bearing down hard with abdominal muscles. They may also have increased need to urinate with scanty urine. Sometimes urine is passed only by drops and he always feels some urine remains back in the bladder.

For Dribbling Urination

  1. Baryta Carb

This medicine is valuable to treat cases of dribbling of urine after urination. Additionally, there is a frequent and urgent desire to urinate. During urination, a  burning sensation can be felt. This medicine is also beneficial in cases of complete urinary incontinence (involuntary passage of urine).

  1. Cannabis Indica

This medicine is also well-indicated for dribbling of urine when the urinary stream stops. The urine is passed at short intervals and in small quantities. They also complain of burning, scalding or stinging pain during and after urination.

For Involuntary Urination (Urinary Incontinence)

Some of the leading homeopathic medicines for involuntary urination are Causticum, Sepia and Natrum Mur. The most suitable medicine among them can be used after case analysis to manage urinary incontinence.

For Sensation of Bladder not Emptying Completely 

  1. Staphisagria

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Delphinium staphisagria also known as Stavesacre. It belongs to the natural order Ranunculaceae. It is an excellent medicine to manage cases where sensation as if the bladder did not empty completely is present. Other symptoms that are present are increased frequency to urinate but urine is scanty and passes in a thin stream. Following this, there is a sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder. During and after urination burning in urethra is there.

  1. Hepar Sulph

This another one of the useful homeopathic medicines for neurogenic bladder when urine passes slowly with a feeling as if some urine is left behind in the bladder and it is not emptied thoroughly. In cases needing it, the urine flow is also obstructed and in the beginning the urine is slow to come after some wait.

For Painful Urination and UTI

  1. Cantharis 

It is a top grade medicine to manage cases of UTI. The key feature to use it is pain or burning during urination. It is also present before urinating and continues after urination. Other than this, there is a constant urge to pass urine, but the urine is very scanty or falls out drop by drop.  A sensation as if the bladder didn’t empty accompanies above symptoms.  

  1. Apis Mellifica

Apis Mellifica is next prominently indicated medicine for UTI cases. In cases needing it there is burning while urination that is felt extremely at the end of urination. Sometimes stinging pains are felt on urinating. Increased frequency to urinate is present with this.


The brain disorders that can lead to neurogenic bladder include the following:

Multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the protective sheath called myelin sheath that covers the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord is damaged.)

Parkinson’s Disease (a nervous system disorder presenting with rest tremor, slowed movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and balance, speech changes. In this disorder sometimes bladder problems can arise with difficulty urinating or inability to control urine.)

Alzheimer’s disease (an irreversible, progressive brain disorder in which memory and thinking skills are destroyed and it finally can make difficulties to carry out even the simplest tasks. In its last stages it can affect bladder and bowel control)

Stroke (refers to interrupted or decreased blood supply to a part of the brain that deprives it of getting oxygen and nutrients resulting in cell death). 

Infection or tumour of brain / spinal cord.

Cerebral Palsy (group of disorders in which movement, muscle tone or posture are affected due to damage to the immature brain during its development usually before birth.) 

Birth defects of the spinal cord like spina bifida (a birth defect in which the baby’s spine and spinal cord do not develop properly in the womb).

  1. Damage to the nerves which supply the bladder muscles can also lead to this condition. This kind of nerve damage can arise from diabetes, a pelvic surgery, vaginal childbirth, spinal stenosis / herniated disk, spinal cord injury, long term use of alcohol or some heavy metal poisoning.


In cases of neurogenic bladder, there is loss of ability to control urination. The symptoms vary from one person to the other. In these cases either the bladder becomes overactive or underactive depending on the nerves which are involved and nature of the damage. In some of the cases both overactive and underactive bladder can occur in the same person.

  1. When the bladder becomes overactive it contracts more often than normal before it gets full with urine. It causes symptoms that include increased frequency to urinate, usually small amounts of urine, urgency to urinate (means sudden, urgent feeling to urinate). Additionally, sometimes the sphincter muscles may be too loose that cause urine to leak before reaching the bathroom (urge incontinence).
  2. When the bladder becomes underactive then it will not contract when it gets full with urine. With this, the sphincter muscle may be too tight to allow urine to pass. In this type of case, there is difficulty to feel or know when the bladder is full, and overflow incontinence (urine leakage when the bladder gets full) occurs.
    Other symptoms are difficulty in starting to urinate, straining during urination, a weak urine stream, an inability to empty all urine from the bladder and dribbling of urine.
  3. Painful urination can be present that indicates there is an urinary tract infection (UTI). In these cases recurrent UTIs may be present.


The complications of neurogenic bladder may include repeated urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and urinary retention. Damage to the kidney if the bladder becomes too full and causes back flow of urine into the kidneys frequently may also occur.

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Achilles Tendinopathy – Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis 

An inflammation of the achilles tendon is known as achilles tendinitis (or tendonitis). This condition is also known as achilles tendinopathy. Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis involves the use of highly effective medicines that help reduce the inflammation of the achilles tendon and prevent the condition from worsening further.  The Achilles tendon is a tissue band that attaches the calf muscle (present in the back of leg) to calcaneus, or the heel bone. It is the thickest as well as the strongest tendon in the body. 

Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis

Homeopathic Treatment of Achilles Tendinitis 

Homeopathy provides a very natural and effective treatment for cases of achilles tendinitis. Homeopathic medicines bring about excellent relief in its symptoms including pain, swelling, stiffness in the region of achilles tendon and a  tight feeling in the calf muscles. Among the various homeopathic medicines for treating achilles tendinitis, the top grade ones are Rhus Tox and Ruta. These medicines work best when the inflammation of the tendon follows excessive straining or stress on the tendon due to its overuse. In case of a tear of the achilles tendon, one must seek help from conventional treatment for immediate care, and rely on homeopathy for supportive treatment only. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine to treat cases of achilles tendinitis. It is a forefront medicine when tendinitis arises from overuse of tendon or putting over stress, or over strain on the tendons. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the tendon and bring relief in pain of the tendon. People needing it mostly have aching pain in the lower back side of the leg. With this the calf muscle feels tensed. Stiffness in the leg is also felt, particularly in the morning hours. They also have pain in heels that is mostly sharp and stitching in nature. A general relief may be felt by motion and the complaint can worsen while at rest.

  1. Ruta – Tendinitis Following Overuse of Tendon 

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens, commonly known as Garden Rue. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. Just like Rhus Tox, this medicine is well-indicated to treat cases in which tendinitis follows tendon overuse or strain or stress on the tendons. There is an aching or sore, bruised pain in the tendon along with marked restlessness.  

  1. Causticum – For Pain in Lower Leg

This medicine is useful when there is a pain in the lower leg. The pain is mostly tearing in nature. Along with this, the achilles tendon feels contracted and tensed. The heel also feels contracted. Other than this, cramping in the achilles tendon is also treated well with this medicine.

  1. Bryonia – When Motion Worsens the Complaint

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Bryonia alba having the common name White Bryony and Wild Hops. This plant belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is best suited when the tendon is painful and motion increases the complaint. In cases needing it the tendon is also sore and bruised. With this there is marked pain in heel and tightness in the calf muscle.

  1. Zincum Met – For Pulsating, Drawing or Tearing Pain 

This medicine is very beneficial when there is pain in the achilles tendon having pulsating, drawing or tearing nature. The complaint worsenS from touching the heel to ground. A contracted sensation in the achilles tendon attends the pain. Lastly, the calf muscles feel tense and stiff usually when walking.

  1. Cimicifuga – When the Tendon is Painful, Sore and Stiff 

This medicine is prepared from the root of the plant Cimicifuga racemosa commonly named as Black Cohosh. This plant belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. It is a very effective medicine when there is aching pain, soreness and stiffness in the achilles tendon. These symptoms increase from walking. There is aching pain down the leg and bruised sensation in the heels. It is also indicated when the aching, pain and stiffness of tendon worsens in the evening time.

  1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Pain in Back of Heel

Berberis Vulgaris medicine is prepared from the bark of the root of plant barberry. This plant belongs to the family Berberidaceae. This medicine is useful when there is pain in the back of the heel. This pain can be tearing, stinging, stitching in nature. The heel pain tends to worsen while stepping, standing and walking, and the heel area can also be swollen along with the pain. 

  1. Ignatia – For Pain in Achilles Tendon and Calf Muscle

This medicine is considered when there is pain in achilles tendon and calf muscle. The pain is tearing in nature. This worsens from walking or exerting the area. Another symptom indicative of its use is a burning sensation in the heels especially at night time.

  1. Muriatic Acid – For Swelling and Heat in the Region 

This medicine is prominently used when there is swelling and marked heat in the area over the area of the achilles tendon. It is also highly painful and causes difficulty in walking. Lying down helps relieve the complaint. A drawing and tensed sensation in the calf-muscle can appear along with above symptoms. This medicine is used to treat the right leg more often. 

  1. Calcarea Carb – For feeling of Contraction 

This medicine is valuable to treat cases in which a person has a contracted feeling in the achilles tendon along with pain. With this, there is a stitching pain in the leg and above the ankle. There can also be an attending complaint of pain in the calf muscle upon walking, bending the foot or on touching. 

  1. Benzoic Acid – When Pain Worsens from Walking

It is a significant medicine for cases when the pain in the tendon worsens from walking. The pain begins from slightest body weight being put on the heel while walking in such cases. It is a well-indicated medicine for complaint in the left side of the leg.

  1. Kali Bichrome – For Soreness and Burning Sensation in Heel

This medicine is helpful when there is marked soreness and burning sensation in the heel. The soreness is worse from walking. Along with this, pain in the achilles tendon with a stretched sensation and aching in the calf muscle is also present.

Causes and Risk Factors 

The achilles tendon is used during walking, jumping and running. Though it is the strongest tendon, it is prone to inflammation that arises from the overuse of this tendon or putting, repetitive or extreme stress and extreme strain on this tendon.  

The factors that increase the risk of getting achilles tendinitis are as follows:

  1. Repeated exercise or sudden increase in intensity of exercise involving achilles tendon or excessive running, jumping that puts intense strain and stress on this tendon increases the risk.
  1. Athletes or people participating in some sports that put extra stress on the achilles tendon are at risk.
  2. Wearing worn out or poorly fitting shoes for a long time or while running. This also applies for ill-fitting high heels or their excessive use. 
  3. Elderley people are at an increased risk owing to the weakening of the tendon with age. 
  4. A naturally flat-arched foot also predisposes a person towards this condition.
  5. Tightness in the calf muscles can lead to an inflammation in the achilles tendon. 
  6. It happens more in men than women, and people who are overweight or obese face an increased risk. 
  7. Bone spurs (bony outgrowth developing along the edges of a bone) in the back of the heels can lead to its inflammation. 
  8. Certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (autoimmune disease causing inflammation of the joint with pain, swelling and stiffness in joints), high blood pressure  and psoriasis (autoimmune disorder that causes skin inflammation along with silvery white plaques) also increase the likelihood. 
  9. Certain antibiotics containing fluoroquinolones can lead to this condition as a side effect.
  10. This condition is more common in the cold weather as compared to warm weather

Types of Achilles Tendinitis

Tendinitis is primarily of two types –  

  1. Insertional Achilles tendinitis – In this type the lower part of achilles tendon where it joins the heel bone is affected
  2. Non- insertional Achilles tendinitis – In this type the fibers in the middle area of the achilles tendon are affected.


The main symptom in cases of achilles tendinitis is pain above the heel or at the bottom of the back side of the leg. The pain most times appears while walking or running. Swelling in the back of the heel can appear and this area can also be tender and warm to touch. The calf muscles can feel tight along with the above symptoms. Lastly morning stiffness can be felt near the heel or bottom of the leg that usually starts getting better after mild activity.


Achilles tendinitis can lead to deformity of this tendon or heel bone. Long term inflammation in the achilles tendon also leads to weakening of this tendon. This makes it prone to tear or rupture that mostly requires surgery for its repair.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Mastoiditis

What is mastoiditis?

Infection of the mastoid bone of the skull located behind the ear is referred as mastoiditis. Mastoid bone is a part of temporal bone of skull and is spongy bone and not solid like other bones in the body. The mastoid bone has a honey comb like structure and is made of air sacs called mastoid cells. These mastoid air sacs function to protect the delicate ear structures.

What causes Mastoiditis ?

a) Middle ear infection

Infection in the middle ear that is untreated or improperly treated remains the most common reason for mastoiditis . Infection from middle ear can travel to the air sacs of mastoid bone, leading to infection and inflammation. In long run, it can cause damage and destroy the mastoid bone. The muco-peritoneum covering of mastoid air cells is continuous with epithelium of middle ear cavity. So this gives a pathway for the infection in middle ear cavity to spread to mastoid air cells.

Mastoiditis mostly occur in children but can occur in adults too. The main bacteria involved in acute mastoiditis are streptococcus pneumoniae, staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pyogenes and hemophilus influenzae. While in chronic mastoiditis, the most common bacteria involved are pseudomans aeruginosa, enterobacteriaceae and staphylococcus aureus.

B) Cholesteatoma

Less common reason behind it is cholesteatoma (an abnormal collection of skin cells in the middle ear behind ear drum that mostly arise from repeated middle ear infections). This may prevent proper drainage of ear and favours bacterial multiplication and infection.

What are the symptoms of Mastoiditis 

The symptoms of mastoiditis resembles an ear infection.  It includes pus or fluid discharge from the ear, pain in or around the ear,  fever / chills and foul smell from ear. There also appear redness and swelling behind the ear. Tenderness may also be present behind the ear. Headache, hearing loss and ringing in ears are rest of its symptoms. The young children might pull their ears, cry or may have high irritability or mood changes as they are unable to express their symptoms.

What are its complications?

This condition needs to be diagnosed and treated quickly in order to prevent its complications some of which can be serious and life threatening if the infection spreads outside the mastoid bone to the brain or sometimes to the whole body. Its complications include inflammation of labyrinth of inner ear I.e labyrinthitis (it leads to hearing loss, ringing in ears, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo). Another complication includes facial paralysis-  if the infection spread to facial nerve .

Its serious complications arise when the infection spreads to the brain. Severe headaches and swelling behind the eyes (called papilledema) are main symptoms . The complication that appear from infection spreading to brain include blood clot in brain, brain abscess (a collection of pus in the brain tissue), epidural abscess (pus  collection  between the outer membrane covering the brain and spinal cord and the bones of the skull or spine) and meningitis (inflammation of the protective membranes covering your brain and spinal cord). Another potentially serious life threatening complication is sepsis arising when there is spread of the infection throughout the body.

Homeopathic treatment of Mastoiditis

Homeopathy has an excellent scope to treat cases of mastoiditis. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s defence mechanism to fight with an infectious agent causing mastoiditis and bring natural recovery. These helps to reduce the inflammation of mastoid bone and halts its further progress that can cause destruction of mastoid bone. Simultaneously these medicines effectively manages its symptoms like earache, ear discharges, tenderness and swelling behind ear, hearing difficulty and noises in ear (tinnitus). There are numerous medicines in homeopathy which are helpful to treat middle ear infections too which if taken well in time help to resolve it which is the main reason behind mastoiditis. Homeopathic medicines for mastoiditis are taken as per the individual’s prominent symptoms that vary from case to case. These medicines are natural medicines and can be taken by persons of any age group without any risk of side effects.

It is to be noted that in case of serious complication that has already occurred in mastoiditis cases from spread of infection to brain needs to be urgently treated under conventional mode of treatment as these can be life threatening in short time and homeopathy can not offer help in these cases.


Homeopathic Medicines for Mastoiditis

 Belladonna – for pain in ear

Belladonna is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is an effective medicine to reduce inflammation of mastoid bone and relieve pain in ear. Indications for its use are – ear pain that can be throbbing, tearing, stitching or shooting type. The ear is also hot and sensitive to touch. Other than this persons needing it may have hardness of hearing. They may also complain of noises in the ear that can be ringing, humming or roaring in nature.

Kali Mur – To treat middle ear infection

It is a top listed medicine to resolve middle ear infection well in time and reduce the chance of mastoiditis. To use this medicine the symptoms to look for include white discharge from ear, hearing difficulty and snapping or popping noises in ear.

Silicea – For ear infection / mastoiditis with pus discharge from ear

It is considered when there is pus discharge from ear either from infection in ear or mastoiditis. The discharge has an offensive smell. Along with this there is pain in mastoid bone behind the ear. Fever may also be present. Persons needing it also complain of boring or throbbing pain in ear. Additionally they may have hissing or ringing noises in ear and hearing loss. It is indicated for cases where the mastoid bone is inflamed as well as in cases where the decay of mastoid bone has started.

Pulsatilla – for ear infection / mastoiditis with yellow or yellowish green ear discharges

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine prepared from plant  Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as pasque flower and wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is another excellent medicine for ear infection and mastoiditis. Its use is indicated when there are yellow or yellowish green discharges from ear. The discharge is profuse and thick. With this there is pain and swelling behind the ear. The pain is usually sharp or shooting in nature. Sometimes pain in head appears along with ear pain. Apart from above roaring or humming noises in are may be present. High fever may attend above symptoms.

Capsicum – when there is pain and tenderness behind ear

This medicine is very useful when area behind ear is painful and it is highly sore and tender to touch. This area is also swollen. Discharges from ear appear with this. Burning and stinging sensation in ear sometimes accompany this.

Merc Sol – for ear pain worsening at night

Merc Sol is helpful medicine when a person experience ear pain at night time. The pain for using it can be drawing, tearing or shooting in nature. With this another characteristic feature is presence of thick yellow, green ear discharge having offensive smell or pus discharge and sometimes blood stained discharge from ear. Whistling or ringing noise in ears is another prominent feature appearing with this.

Hepar Sulph – When ear are painful and sensitive to touch

Use of Hepar Sulph is recommended when there is pain in ear and there is sensitivity to touch ear. Persons requiring it also have an offensive pus discharge from ear in addition to above. They also complain of roaring noises in ear and have problems with hearing.

Tellurium – for chronic  cases of Mastoiditis

Tellurium is very beneficial medicine for chronic cases of mastoiditis. The key feature to use it is constant pain in ear. The pain is mostly throbbing type and continues day and night where it is required. Another prominent symptom is thin, watery , yellowish discharge from ear. The discharge may be seen to continuously ooze from ear.  Sometimes with these symptoms hearing may be impaired and noises of buzzing, ringing nature in ear are present.

Ferrum Phos – when there is soreness and swelling behind ear

Ferrum Phos is a valuable medicine to manage cases in which soreness and swelling behind ear is marked. Throbbing earache attends it. There are ringing noises in ear and difficulty with hearing too with above complaints. Discharge of mucus and pus from ear also appears with these.

Aurum Met – for offensive ear discharge

This medicine is indicated when there is offensive discharge from ear that can be purulent I.e of pus. Along with discharge, burning and prickling in ear arises. Difficulty in hearing attends to this. Lastly there can be noises in ear of varying character like buzzing, roaring, humming or rushing type. The mastoid bone is inflamed or may also have even started to decay in cases where it is indicated.

Asafoetida – when pain in side of head is prominent

Asafoetida is beneficial when pain is in the side of head I.e. temporal region is marked with a pushing out sensation. Boring type of pain is also present behind the ear. Ear discharges having offensive smell . The discharge is mostly thin and contains pus. Hardness of hearing is another symptom that accompanies it.

Carbo Animalis – for sharp stitching pain and swelling behind ear

Carbo Animalis is used when a case present is  with sharp, stitching pain and swelling behind the ear. Person needing it also have buzzing noises in ear and discharge of pus from ear.

Phosphorus – When there is pain and marked noises in ear

This medicine is indicated when there is pain in ear and marked noises in ear. The pain for using it may be throbbing, tearing or shooting type. The shooting pain may also occur in head. When it comes to noises in ear they can be ringing, roaring or buzzing  nature. Yellow coloured fluid discharge from ear may be present too.



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