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Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Homeopathic Remedies for Seizures Epilepsy is a disorder of the nervous system which is characterized by the tendency of a person to have seizures. Seizure refers to the appearance of symptoms (depending upon the type of seizure) in a person due to abnormal and excessive nerve cell activity in the brain. The result is abnormal behavior and sensations, including loss of consciousness. There are a variety of seizures with different symptoms depending on the part of the brain involved. Homeopathy provides treatment for Seizures in the natural way. The completely natural homeopathic remedies for epilepsy are completely safe and have no side effects. These remedies are of great help in the treatment of Epilepsy.

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Epilepsy

Epilepsy can be treated with homeopathy which helps treat acute fits as well as eliminates the tendency to have seizures. An inquiry is to be made regarding the type of seizure, aura, triggering factors, finding other causes and individual dominant symptoms in each and every case. The results of the Homeopathy vary in every case depending upon the duration and type of seizure.

1. Cicuta: Where there are Distortions of Body

Cicuta is one of the best medicines for Epilepsy where the attacks of convulsion are marked by violent, distorted body shape. The distortions are most frightful. There is present a marked Opisthotonus — which refers to the condition where the spine bends backward with the head and heels touching the ground. The person is totally unconscious. The face may be blue and the jaw appears locked. Cicuta is also one of the best herbal remedies for epilepsy following head injury. Cicuta can be used for convulsions occurring in children during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth), in women during and after delivery and also for convulsions due to worms. But the condition to be fulfilled for using this remedy in these situations is the presence of violent body distortions. The triggering factors for using Cicuta are touch and noise. An auditory aura may show its presence.

2. Artemisia Vulgaris: For Epilepsy with Petit Mal Seizure

Artemisia Vulgaris is the best natural medicine to tackle cases of Petit Mal Epilepsy. This remedy is of great help for children with Petit Mal seizures. The main symptom is frequent brief episodes of seizures in a short time period. The triggering factor for the seizure is strong emotions, including fear. Any subjective feeling predictive of the onset of a seizure prior to an attack is absent (absence of aura).

3. Stramonium: For Epileptic Convulsions Triggered by Bright Light

Stramonium is the most suitable natural medicine where the convulsion arises after exposure to bright light or shining objects. The consciousness is preserved and jerking of muscles of the upper body part is experienced by the patient.

4. Cuprum Met: When Aura for Seizure Attack is felt in Knees

Cuprum Met is the top medicine when the seizure attack is preceded by an aura in the knee.  The symptoms marked during the attack are clonic spasm that usually begins in finger or toes and soon covers the entire body. Jerking of muscles is also noticed. The triggering factors for the attack include fright and anger. In females, Cuprum Met is used for the treatment of convulsion during pregnancy, after delivery and around the menstrual period.

5. Bufo Rana: For Epileptic Fit during Sleep

Bufo Rana is a natural medicine of great help in providing a cure for Epilepsy seizures where the attacks are present during sleep. The aura is felt in the genital area. It also works well for females who have attacks of seizures during menses.

6. Hyoscyamus: For Deep Sleep following Epileptic Attack

The best natural medicine when deep sleep follows an epileptic fit is Hyoscyamus. The other symptoms include picking at bedclothes and playing with hands and muscular twitching.

Other Important Medicines

1. For epileptic fits during fever (Febrile seizures)

Belladonna and Nux Vomica are natural medicines that are very beneficial in cases of Febrile seizures. Belladonna is the ideal mode of treatment when there is fever with marked heat. The head is extremely hot with jerking of muscles. Nux Vomica is of great help when extreme chilliness is present with seizures.

2. For Epileptic fits as per the Triggering Factor

Chamomilla and Nux Vomica are the natural medicines that are of great help for the treatment of epileptic fits triggered due to anger outbursts. For fits after a fright, Opium, Aconite are ideal remedies. In cases where alcoholic drinks trigger the attack, the most appropriate medicines are Ran Bulb and Nux Vomica.

3. For Epileptic fit arising from Head Injury

For Epilepsy cases that mark their origin to head injury, Hypericum, Nat Sulph and Cicuta are the natural medicines that offer the best mode of treatment.

4. For Epileptic fit arising from Brain Tumours

Medicines that are of help in the treatment of fits due to tumors in the brain are Plumbum, Cicuta and Conium.

5. For Epilepsy during Dentition

Chamomilla, Kali Bromatum and Aethusa have proved their worth in treatment of epileptic fits during dentition (development of teeth and their arrangement in the mouth). Chamomilla is best suited when anger triggers a fit during dentition. Kali Bromatum is the ideal remedy when there is a jerking of muscles. Aethusa is selected when the symptoms are clenched thumbs, fixed pupils and a locked jaw. Eyes are turned downwards.

6. For Epileptic fits due to Suppressed Eruptions

Zincum, Agaricus and Cicuta are natural remedies that work well when the history of suppressing eruptions is ruled out prior to the onset of convulsion history.

7. Medicines as per type of Seizure in Epilepsy

The selection of natural medicines can be ruled out only after taking a complete case history of the patient.

Petit Mal Seizures: The natural medicines for treating Petit Mal Seizures are Artemisia, Belladonna, Zincum, and Hyoscyamus.

Clonic Seizures: Agaricus and Cuprum are the best natural medicines for Clonic Seizures. Agaricus is a great nervous remedy. It is a beneficial remedy when there is a jerking of a single muscle group or the whole body. Cuprum is ideal when the problem starts in toes or fingers and spreads to the entire body.

Tonic Seizures: Cicuta and Plumbum are the best medicines for Tonic Seizures. Cicuta and Plumbum bring about a marked rigidity in the body during tonic convulsions.

Types of Seizures with Symptoms

Focal (Partial Seizure): When the seizures occur due to the involvement of one area of the brain, they are known as Focal Seizures. These are of two types: Simple Partial and Complex Partial. In Simple Partial cases, the person remains conscious, has a sudden emotional experience (feeling of joy, sadness, fear, sexual arousal), has hallucinations of hearing, taste, smell or vision, and there may also be an involuntary jerking of body parts. In Complex Partial Seizure, the person’s consciousness is altered or lost. The symptoms include staring, automatism (repeated rhythmic, purposeless movements) like eye blinking, hand rubbing, walking in a circle, mouth movements, smacking movement of lips, picking at bedclothes. After a few minutes, consciousness is regained and the drowsy feeling may remain.[toc]

Generalized Seizure: When all areas of the brain are involved, then generalized seizures occur. These are of the following types:

Tonic-Clonic (Grand Mal Seizures): The symptoms are a loss of consciousness and stiffness or rigidity of body with falling down. Respiration arrest and blueness of body also occur. This is followed by relaxation resulting in jerking of the body. The jerking is followed by regaining of consciousness but confusion, impaired memory, headache, and sleepiness. Loss of bladder control and tongue biting are common in these types of seizures. Aura precedes the attack. Aura is a subjective feeling experienced by a patient whereby he or she becomes aware that an attack is about to begin.

Tonic seizures: In these seizures, muscle stiffness mainly of back, arms and legs occur.

Clonic seizures: These seizures cause muscle jerking.

Absence (Petit Mal/Minor Seizure): The symptoms are minor like mainly staring or just a slight tilt in the head, and brief alteration of consciousness usually for seconds. There is no fall or muscle contraction. A person may have more than 20 episodes per day. It is common in childhood. The person gets normal without any confusion when the seizure is over.

Causes And Triggering Factors Of Epilepsy Seizures

The main causes of Epilepsy and resultant seizures include Meningitis, head injury or trauma, stroke, brain tumor, high fever (Febrile Seizure), and parasite infection Neuro-cysticercosis. The main triggering factors include light, noise, sleep loss, alcohol intake, and cigarette smoking.

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  1. Hi, I have problem of epilepsy night fit, I am having treatment from last 4 year but disease did not get cured..
    I became very well and feels so much fatigue all time, I want to take homeopathic treatment for my night fits please help and suggests best homeopathic medicine for me..
    Can I take both alopathic and homeopathic treatment together?

  2. Shakil Ahmed says:

    My grand son age 6-7 yrs has started having absent scizors for last one month. Duration of attack is about 15-30 seconds. He suddenly goes blank, with chewing movement of face and fine movements of hands. Kindly suggest treatment. Thanks

  3. Kavita Kamath says:

    My husband started having seizures two days back after consulting a neurologist, he started medication yesterday. AFTER HAVING A BRAIN MRI DONE, found that there is a little bleeding in his right brain. Measuring 8.7 x 5.5mm. They have also recommended a DSA.
    Since this just started 2 days back and knowing that homeopathy has no side effects.
    Can this be cured by homeopathy?

  4. Asad najib says:

    My daughter she is 20 years old
    Have a focal seizure problem from last 8 years
    What medicine u suggest for her treatment

  5. Ali imran says:

    Hello Dr Sharma,
    I have four kids. The youngest baby girl is two and a half years old. Since March 2020 she is having frequent fits of Frontal Lobe seizure.
    Can u plez advise the best in favor of my beloved child?

  6. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    I have 3 children with absence seizures. I have one on medication but have not liked the side effects. For 6 months we have been on the keto diet hoping to see lessening of seizures. However we have not seen significant improvement and wonder what else I can do before we resort to medication.
    Do you have any suggestions?

  7. Jamil Minhas says:

    Dr. Sahib,

    Asslam-o-Alaikum, I am from Sialkot, Pakistan. My father is around 93-years of age. He have had a brain tumour surgery in year 2000. Biopsy report told us that the removed stuff from left side of brain was Minor and not cansarious but he go through Fritz / Seizures during sleep. He is used to take TAGRAL tablets (1-tablet daily). Two days ago he was gone through very severe Seizures (I was not at home but our family members told us). Now I have searched a little bit about fritz and found that 3-homeopathic medicines are good for Epilepsy due to brain tumour 1) Plumbumbum 2) Cicuta 3) Conium………… Kindly suggest me whether or not these are O.K. and at what potency we should use and what dosage and if in case these are not TOO GOOD then kindly tell us what to do Thanks

  8. Hello Dr Sharma, I am writing this behalf of my husband who has been having eplipsey since 2014. We had MRI and found brain tumor he refused the surgery and he only use to have seizures on one side of his body and generally it’s like spams and he is still conscious but last couple times the episode was so bad he had longer like two minutes or more .but complete loss of control and followed by vomiting , in a day he had two grand mall episodes and many small ones too. I would like to know if there is any treatment that is available for his episodes that he can take ? And about brain tumor what options do he have with treatment ?

    Thanks in advance
    Nancy dhillon

  9. Sushant Katiyar says:

    Dear Sir,
    My child Master Prakhar(age09years,weight 27kg)is eppilpse by birth. Now minimum one attack per month occurs 90% case after bath.
    After CT scan (08years ago) investigation shows 2mm spot on right side head due to oxygen deficiency by birth as per Dr advice and suggestion.
    If any homeopathic medicine then plz suggest.
    Sushant Katiyar
    Mo 7518477703

  10. Shauna Dz says:

    I have complex partial seizures. Is there anything that can help me?

    • Adnan Ali says:

      I have only complex partial seizures during the day in which I lost consciousness partially.I don’t remember what I am doing things like moving around ,say words repeatedly ,screaming for around 3 minutes .Then having a seizure I feel extreme confused,sleepy,memory loss,difficulty talking. Headache .tirdness for around 15 minutes .when I fully recover after around 20 minutes no memory at all what happened during during the seizure and recovery period after the seizue.
      Please tell me which homeopathic medicine will be best to control this type of seizue.I am 40 years old man

  11. Naarayana Selvaraju says:

    Doctor am writing to you on behalf of my son 18 years old having epilepsy left frontal lobe since 2014 and taking Oxepin 600mg two times a day. He is suffering only during sleeping time or mood also he is restless with leg syndrome while sleeping. We observed that he is disturbed whenever he is not having good sleep up to 12 hrs or sensitive issues to him.

  12. Nancy Boal says:

    I have a disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. I take name brand Klonopin ( which doctors are not being allowed to prescribe any longer) I am looking for a remedy to replace the Klonopin. I get seizing of the body where the body is sensitive to vibrations, noise, flashing lights. It seems to have simularities to Epelipsy as my body freezes up and my body suttly shakes. The shaking canot be seen but felt if touching my hand. It does seem to affect the limbs.
    Dental work is difficult as I need to get blocks to shut down the trigeminal nerves othewise my mouth and face will be seizing. It almost seems like tonic seizures. I have worked with numerous homeopaths to no avail in finding a remedy to work.

  13. Johannah says:

    My son is 28 years and developed absent seizures two years back. He has this attacks or episode now more frequently every two weeks. Prescribed medication does not help.
    He was also using homeopathy medication for 6 months but he was not getting better.

    How can you help him to be cured from this disease.

  14. Александра says:

    Добрый день! Подскажите какой препарат выбрать при миоклонических кивках? Дело в том, что точно нам диагноз поставить не могут. Симптомы такие: закатываются глазные яблоки, голова резко идет вперед, руки разлетаются, потери сознания нет, во время приступа подсмеивается, речевой контакт сохраняется, но речь замедленная, после приступа вялый, после есть порывы сходить в туалет по большому. Длительность до 2-х минут, количество до 10 шт. в день.
    Заранее спасибо!

  15. Dinesh Kumar says:

    Whole body stiffness and pain in epilepsy

  16. Jayant singh says:

    My daughter has eplepsy
    Problem.i want to cure her eplepsy.please help.thanks

    • Raghavendra B says:

      My son aged around 40 yrs had this epilepsy a few days ago. suddenly he fall down and unconscious it lasted for certain time after that he regained consciousness he did not aware of any thing happened.
      previously he had these attack some 8 yrs ago.

      PLease homoeo tratment and help.

  17. kulbhushan thakur says:

    my daughter suffering fromtonic clonic seizure since the age of 5months oldfor the last around 30years & have been put under combination of so many allopathic medicine presently she is given gardinal 30 TDS,lonazep.5 TDS,topirol50 BDS& DIVA250 EACH BDS .But inspite of these medicine with german homeopath Medicie R-33,she is still getting fits once in every week,mostly during night in sleep withjerking of arms,legs ,twiesting of head.She has been under treatment of PGI,DMC,and consulted so many neurologist serving in hospitals in chandigarh,ludhiana,jullundhur almost every doctor which seemed to me of any help .but no fruitful result got instead she became mental retarded ,may be due to side effect of medicine ,her growth is also not suggest me some homeopath medicine

  18. Ayman Yousseef says:

    My daughter is 16 years of age. Her first seizure at age of 6, a second one a 4 month later, and third one after another 4 months. Later, we had a meeting at the sick children hospital with her first neurologist. she was diagnosed after an EEG as having an epileptic focal seizures, because her seizure starts with a stare looking right and convulsions later on. she was was put on Lamictal for about six years during which her seizure patterns were changing in terms of recurrence and type of seizure , meaning her patterns changed or the kinetic has changed. The original diagnosis was a focal with seizure focus in the lower left back corner of her her cortex i.e. the occipitial lobe, later on the neurologist did not know where it was originating or what the type of epilepsy my daughter has. Changed 4 AED medication and now her recurrence coming closer. Now she off the medication WHAT TO DO NEXT?

  19. umm e habiba says:

    Sir its very urgent plz guide me which homeopathic medicine used in grand mal seizures (tonic clonic).

    • umm e habiba says:

      Sir its very urgent plz guide me which homeopathic medicine used in grand mal seizures (tonic clonic). My brother has been suffering from it since childhood and now he is 27 years old and he is a special child too. Plzz guide me . He was totally depend upon my father’s medicine and now he is no more. Plzz its a request guide me as soon as possible.

  20. Marwah Abdulkader says:

    Hi Dr my son is 16 years and autistic he developed recently grand mal seizures. He has normal MRI and EEG. He is taking now anti epileptics but still has seizures can you suggest any homeopathy to help him?

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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