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9 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Problems

Urinary problems are among the most common health issues affecting men and women of all age groups. These include cystitis, urethral stricture, renal calculi, and urine incontinence. Homeopathic medicines for urinary problems are natural, safe and free from toxic side-effects.  Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Problems

Cystitis is an infection of the lower urinary tract; the main symptoms include burning with urination, a frequent urge to urinate accompanied by significant pain. Urethral stricture is the narrowing of the urethra caused due to injury, infection or instrumentation. The most common symptoms of urethral stricture are weak and splaying urinary stream, need to strain to urinate and pain during urination. Renal calculus or kidney stone is formed from minerals in the urine. Marked symptoms of renal calculus are excruciating, intermittent pains radiating from the flanks to the groins (to the inner thigh) termed as ‘renal colic.’ Renal colic is generally accompanied by urinary urgency, nausea, restlessness, and hematuria. Urine incontinence is the term used for involuntary passage of urine, dribbling with a sudden urge to urinate. Urine incontinence results from loss of bladder control, enlarged prostate or prolapsed uterus.

Advantage of Homeopathy

Homeopathy medicines offer the best available mode of treatment of urinary problems. Homeopathy medicines stimulate the restorative processes of the body and strengthen the detrusor muscles. The tonicity of the weakened muscles of the bladder is revitalized. Conventional treatments include painful surgical procedures with increased chances of recurrences, injury, sexual dysfunction or incontinence. Homeopathy medicines restore normal health without the need for surgical interventions. They act at the root to stop recurrence of the disease process.

Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Problems

Cantharis, Clematis, and Conium are some highly recommended medicines for urinary problems. Cantharis is most helpful in treating intolerable urging. In such cases, the urine passes drop by drop, with tenesmus. Another wonderful medicine for interrupted urine flow with an inability to pass all the urine is Clematis. Conium is the most effective among medicines for urinary problems where a person has many difficulties voiding urine. Urine flows and stops again. The condition involves dribbling in elderly men.

1. Staphysigaria, Sarsaparilla, and Cantharis – For Urinary Problems due to Cystitis

Staphysigaria, Sarsaparilla, and Cantharis are rated among the most effective medicines for urinary problems due to Cystitis. Cystitis, an ineffectual urge to urinate especially in newly married women, is treated well with Staphysagria. Sarsaparilla is prescribed for severe pain at the conclusion of urination. The urine dribbles while sitting in such cases. One of the most reliable medicines for urinary problems involving urinary tract infection with intolerable urging to urinate and tenesmus is Cantharis.

2. Clematis and Thiosinaminum – For Urinary Problem resulting from Urethral Stricture

Natural medicines Clematis and Thiosinaminum have shown remarkable results in urinary problems resulting from urethral stricture. Clematis is one of the best medicines for urinary problems such as an interrupted flow of urine, inability to pass all the urine and constricted urethra. The commencing stricture is treated well with Clematis. Thiosinaminum is another wonderful medicine for urethral stricture cases where cicatricial tissue is formed in the urethra due to some reason. Thiosinaminum is rated among medicines for urinary problems that have shown proven ability to treat the condition.

3. Berberis Vulgaris and Pareria Brava – For Urinary Problems due to Renal Calculus

Two top grade medicines for urinary problems from renal calculus are Berberis Vulgaris and Pareria Brava. Berberis Vulgaris is indicated for left side renal colic radiating to the ureter, bladder, and urethra. Pareria Brava is very effective for bruised pains in the kidneys, along with constant urging and need to strain hard to urinate. The person experiences pain radiating down the thighs during efforts to urinate.

4. Lilium Tigrinum and Prunus Spinosa – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for urinary problems due to urine incontinence

The most effective medicines for urinary problems due to urine incontinence are Lilium Tigrinum and Prunus Spinosa. Lilium Tigrinum effectively treats frequent urination along with constant pressure on the bladder. Urine incontinence from prolapsed uterus is well treated with Lilium Tigrinum, making it one of the most wonderful medicines for urinary problems associated with this condition. Prunus Spinosa has shown great results in cases of involuntary urination in men with an enlarged prostate.

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  1. Sudhanshu kumar says:

    Hlw sir,
    I recently gone under the VIU surgery of urethal stricture but after four months I seee that my urine flow is like spray . Can u tell me homeopathy can help me to recover that.

  2. Janardan Sharma says:

    Even after pressure and urge to urinate, flow of urine starts little late. Some times stream is feeble and forked. Bladder doesn’t clear in one go and I have to wait for few minutes to clear the bladder completely. But I don’t feel any pain. Another problem along with this is of constipation. Stool is not hard but urging is very less. To induce urging I drink warm water in the morning but it takes one hour to feel little urge but I need to put pressure but it doesn’t clear completely. Then after doing some exercises I take another chance to clear. Some times only wind passes and nothing comes out.

  3. Ramasamy Mariappan says:

    Sir my son aged 15, slow urination and also bedwetting. But there is no pain or inflammation. I have lot of Allopathic doctors and no. Of tests. Sofar no treatment used for this problem. Plz give advice for the same.


    Dear Sir,
    I have been suffering from urinary discharge problems for quite sometime. I took homoe medicine for an year from a local doctor whos is MD and also a doctorate. There was no improvement. I got my CUA and also kidney and liver profiles tested , but everything was found normal. My RBG goes sometimes as high as 200. I am taking on doctor’s advise Glycomet 500 mg twice a day. I have good appetite and eat well. Do a lot of walking, despite arthritis in one leg.
    My please suggest medicine.
    Mohan Sharma.B

  5. Johnnie D. Upton says:

    Dr. Sharma, I have a severe problem of having to get out of bed six or eight times a night due to an urge to urinate. I believe this problem is caused by an enlarged prostate due to my age of 79 years, four months. I have to use the restroom to urinate multiple times throughout the day for the same problem. Is there any Homeopathic medicine that can correct or lessen my problem?

  6. Panduranga says:

    My problem is from last month a slow in flow of urin. I have been taking Ayurvedic medicines like Chandr Prabha bathi and
    Sarovar kalpa. But no resesult shown. If any medicine of homeopathy is Avilable, I request you to suggest..

    Thanking you in advance

  7. Md. Abdur Rashid says:

    Dear Sirs,


    I very offen suffer from Urinary probalems as shown below:

    1. Burning sensation usually when no urination
    2. Retention of Fluid even after urination
    3. Frequent calls for urination after taking water.

    Best regards

  8. Bipin Kumar says:

    क्या underactive urine bladder का उपचार है होमियोपैथ और आयुर्वेद दवाई खा रहा हूँ लेकिन कोई राहत नही है । आपके पास इसका कोई उपाय है तो कृपया बताएं

  9. D K Choudhary says:

    मुझे urinary blader कॅ operation कॅ दौरान uritherer stricture हो गई है। मै CIC सप्ताह मे एक बार करना पडता है। इसके लिये कोई दवा बतायाए

  10. K.venkateswàrlu. says:

    Dear sir,
    I had neck surgery when à tube was inserted for uriine flow without the need to go to urinal.It has been there for the past 12 weeks. The problem is. how to get the tube out without any problems. Proper homeo medicines work for me. Request you to kindly suggest

  11. Krishnendu Chattopadhyay says:

    Good evening Sir,

    I am 65 years male. For last few days even after drinking water I am feeling urine is remaining in bladder. very less urination.

    Please help me with suitable homeopathy medicine

    Krishnendu Chattopadhyay (8910870726)

  12. Mukhtar ahmad says:

    I have problem frequent urget to urinate and pain in bladder area and back pain with small amount of urine passes every time I have tried prostonum drops nl 6 drops berbis, canthris, saraspalila, lycopodum, apis melfica, sabbal serr but no effect on my illness what is the problem about me

  13. Hi dr Sharma, I am kidney transplant patient. I had a transplant 20 years ago and now am back in hemodyalisis. I have been following a vegan diet as a protocol to revert kidney disease as many have in a FB group. I ask your help for reverse oliguria. My urine fliw stopped about 6 or so months ago after I had some kind of contrast medication for image exams. It had been diminished before and it stopped completely. I was advised to increase water intake slowly as the suppression may be due to dehydration from pulling too my water in hemodyalisis sessions. Can you please help me?
    Other symptons I have that may help: dry cough, skin itching, difficulty going into deep sleep, constipation(no urge). I prefer cold weather and am unconfortable in hot humid weather. Kidney disease is Focal Segmentar Glomerulus Nephritis. Thanks

  14. Jugnu Shrivastava says:

    I am having less urination. only once. it is the side effect of allopathic medicine. what medicine should i take.

    Iam having sleep problem whivh is not curibg. i do not get sleep in the night

  15. Dear DR. Sharma : i have prostate enlargment with calsfication and small stone in the kidney since 20 years please give me your advic which homeopathy is good for me note that before 10 deayes dificult pass urine and not strong like befor ;
    regar .

  16. Kathleen Bosenick says:

    Hi Dr Shama I have had a urine infection about 8 weeks ago and i started using homeopatheic Medicine Cantarus D30 straight away for the symptons that matched , but did not get better ,After 10 days later I had a urine test and was perscribed antibotics to take for 3 days which helped but did not get fully better but lingured on with symptons of pressure and more frequent urination So rang the same doctor again and she perscribed the same antibotic again for 3 days but still lingering on but more berable so I dont want to take more antibotics Is there some other homeopatheic medicine Its like an irriated bladder and urge when I drink more often to pass urine which becomes a relief but it comes and goes and in the last few weeks it has definitely inproved to where it feels normal again but not fully better yet
    Lookingforward to hearing from you soon

  17. Kathleen Bosenick says:

    Hi Dr Shama I have had a urine infection about 8 weeks ago and i started using homeopatheic cantarus D30 straight away for the symptons that matched , but did not get better ,After 10 days later I had a urine test and was perscribed antibotics to take for 3 days which helped but did not get fully better but lingured on with symptons of pressure and more frequent urination So rang the same doctor again and she perscribed the same antibotic again for 3 days but still lingering on but more berable so I dont want to take more antibotics Is there some other homeopatheic medicine Its like an irriated bladder and urge when i drink more often to pass utine Which becomes a relief but it comes and goes
    Lookingforward to hearing from you soon

  18. Vasudevan says:

    I am 80 years. After prostate surgery urine flows in very thin stream. Later it start dribbling for more than one minute, especially in the morning. I spend more than 8 minutes in the morning. Kindly advise. Regards.

  19. Deepak Bhatnagar says:

    Hi, I am 70 yrs old man. Urine flow is very slow and it doesn’t come out in one go. I have to wait for a minut or so and then some Urine comes out
    Please suggest the treatment

  20. I am 61 years old female. I have problem with urination. My urine flow is slow with less volume, although I consume 9-10 glasses of water. This started around two months back. I pass urine in the morning at around six and then i don’t have the urge to urine at all till 2.00- 2.30. Then after 4.00 I need to run to the bathroom every half or one hour for at least four times and then whole night I dont have the urge to pass urine. Got my creatine test done around two months back and it was .08. I feel quite depressed because of this.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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