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Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

Mucus produced by the lining of the respiratory system and discharged through the mouth is called phlegm. It occurs because of inflammation or disease of the airway. There can be various causes of phlegm in the throat. The most common reasons are cold, allergies, sinusitis, hay fever, postnasal drip, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, overuse of voice and cigarette smoking. The color of the phlegm coughed up as sputa vary from white to yellow and green. In some cases, it may also be bloodstained. This problem can be dealt very efficiently with the help of treatment for phlegm in the throat. Homeopathy for a particular case of phlegm in the throat should be selected individually. The nature of phlegm, its cause, and other symptoms need to be dealt with together when deciding on the homeopathic medicine to be used. Homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat helps clear out the infection.

Using the accurately selected homeopathy medicine for phlegm in the throat can cure even the most chronic and rigid cases. Among the extremely effective homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat are Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Kali Carb, Argentum Metallicum, Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Phlegm With Marked Hawking

Argentum Nitricum is one of the most effective treatment for phlegm in the throat. It gives great results for phlegm in throat accompanied by intense hawking. The mucus in the throat is thick, and there are rawness and roughness in the throat. Splinter-like sensation in the throat may also be present. Other symptoms are a burning feeling and dryness in the throat and the fauces.  Argentum Nitricum is also very effective in cases of phlegm in the throat because of smoking.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Tough and Stringy Phlegm In the Throat

Kali Bichrome leads the list of treatment for phlegm in the throat in cases where the phlegm is tough and stringy. It sticks to the throat and detaches with much difficulty. The throat is also red and inflamed. A cough may arise from sticky phlegm in the throat. Relaxation of the uvula is also a possibility. Kali Bichrome is an excellent treatment for cases of phlegm in the throat caused by sinusitis. In such situations, a post nasal drip of mucus in the throat is the most prominent symptom.

3. Kali Carb – For Phlegm Hard to Swallow or Hawk Up

Kali Carb is another often used medicine for phlegm in the throat. It is an excellent remedy in cases where the phlegm in the throat is hard to swallow or hawk up. The phlegm remains stuck in the throat. Its accumulation is worse in the mornings and is also accompanied by a hard cough. There is also tickling in the throat which leads to a cough. The phlegm in the throat is like a lump and is unpleasant in nature. There can also be a stinging or stitching pain in the throat.

4. Argentum Metallicum – For Phlegm from Overuse of Voice

The complaint of phlegm in the throat of persons from overuse of voice – like singers and public speakers – is successfully cured with Argentum Metallicum. Symptoms include the need to hem and hawk while talking. The phlegm expectorated is gelatinous and sticky, like boiled starch, and is most commonly and freely coughed up in the morning. Another prominent symptom is hoarseness of voice.

5. Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum  – Other Effective Medicines for Phlegm

Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus and Psorinum are excellent remedies for phlegm in the throat. Kali Mur is useful in cases where the phlegm coughed up is white or milky white. Silicea and Pulsatilla are homeopathic cures in cases where the phlegm is yellow and greenish in colour respectively. Phosphorus gives excellent results in cases where the sputa are blood stained. Psorinum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine when the phlegm is nasty smelling and has a disgusting taste.

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  1. Kiran yousaf says:

    Hi my daughter 7 years is having mucus in her throat and back of nose which is not thick and not coming out

  2. I’m asthmatic also have a hietus hernia, chronic nasal drips please can you give me some advice, also do you have a clinic in London

  3. Dr. Sharma,

    Do you practice in USA or India. I live in USA and would like to get an appointment if your office is in USA.
    I have had whitish phlegm in my throat in small quantities since 2013 years. I have to keep clearing my throat. ENT finds nothing wrong with my throat.
    I have noiced that when I eat plain yougurt or Raita, I do not have the urge to spit for 4-5 hours.
    I have been to 2-3 Homeopathy doctors but so far I have found a relief.

  4. VIJAY KUMAR says:


  5. Dr A Rehman says:

    Medicine for mucous in throat from last 30 yrs. Patient age is 80yrs.

    • For the last 18months I have been getting white frothy/foamy phlegm sticking to the back of my throat 7-24. I will hawk and spit it out, immediately more has developed.
      It is too thick and sticky to swallow, therefor have to spit it out.
      Drink something cold immediately forms a lining of phlegm in the mouth, which returns immediately after hawking and spiting out.
      I have seen a couple of homeopaths.
      with the last one i kali bic stranght30 – 4 tabs daily and com
      last he increased strength 200 4 tab double dose for 4 days, improvement but not lasting.
      Now he has 200 double dose every 3 day and my condition is going back

  6. Dr. Sharma, My kid is 2.5 years old and having mucus in throat which is not very hard but coughing most of the time…. Plz suggested medicine

  7. Dear Sir,
    I have a persistent feeling (more than a year maybe) of some dry congestion at the lower part of my throat or upper part of the chest. It cannot be coughed up. It is felt by humming or try to reach deep while trying to clear throat mucus. It is accompanied with very frequent accumulation of mucus in throat which needs to be cleared every 20-30 minutes. It is not thick and white in color. But the dry congestion like feeling remains which I mentioned earlier. I have acidity problem as well which I am not sure if related or not. Sometimes at night I can feel the acid flowing near my chest causing serious burning sensation. I would be really grateful if you could help me.

  8. Mohammad Shahdab Khan says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma Good morning,
    I am 45 year make from India with a case history of chronic cough and cold since childhood.
    I stayed abroad in Middle east to more than a decade, of late I developed the problem of difficultu in swollowing.
    Since last one and a half year I have been visiting various ENT doctors and later I switched to homepathy.
    All my reports and check ups are normal, the conclusion from aleopathy is globus phayringistis and from homeopathy it’s trachea infection and tendency for cold.
    Doctor it’s getting frustrated and I am unable to eat and drink normaly with a contant pressure and roughness in pharynx along constant urge to clear throat.
    PNS and DNA is also there…in the light of above kindly advise me on urgent basis.

  9. D. Natarajan says:

    I m an octogenarian, vegetarian, non smoke, non alcoholic. I got cold sometime back. After some time, phlegm developed in the throat, creating a feeling as if it is stuck.
    It does not get removed even after my trying to cough them out repeatedly.
    What medicine do you recommend, pl.

  10. Kadavkar D P. says:

    Bronchits with mucus

  11. Because of phelgum in throat n chest infection felling severe breathlessness .feels that my wind pipe is getting blocked.
    growling and bloating most of the time.pls note i am also taking blood pressure medicine.

  12. Hi Dr Sharma
    I have had a tickly cough with excess mucus in nose for 9 months. At times it is so violent that i virtually vomit up mucus. Also I expectorate stringy mucus clearish colour from mouth with difficulty. It goes away for 2-3 weeks then comes back.
    I have an autoimmune disease-RA.
    Currently I am mostly dairy free, gluten free and nightshade free

  13. Sunita saxena says:

    Dear dr
    Because of phelgum in throat n chest infection felling severe breathlessness any medicine for immediate relief…….severe tightness of chest even inhalers not working….seeking ur help

  14. Susan Balmforth says:

    I have a chronic condition of sticky, tenacious clear or white phlegm. I find difficulty in coughing and clearing it. May cough some up but it is back within minutes. It is so gluey that I can put my finger on it and lift it 2 inches. It causes me sleep deprivation and anxiety as I am constantly aware of having to swallow hard and yet it reappears almost straight after. sometimes I cannot clear it or bring it up at all. I have 3 levels of this phlegm naso pharynx, pharynx and laryngeal area. It has plagued me for over 15 or 16 years now. I have recently been diagnosed with long standing candidiasis and have had ME for over 20 years. I would welcome your advise on homeopathic medicine. I would add that I am not good and get quite anxious dealing with the die off effects of treatments.

  15. Dr.C.Ramanan says:

    Hello Dr.Sharma,
    I have COPD.I get mucus in the throat which makes me want to clear it often. I am on bronchodilator & steroid inhalers & mucolytics.The colour of the mucus is white which I usually swallow. Could you please let me know which homeopathic medicine I can take to reduce the mucus. I don’t have breathlessness & I am a nonsmoker. Thanks

    • roger dupont says:

      Hello Dr Sharma. I have been using Sudafed on a daily basis for a long time to clear the nasal passages at night. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine
      I have chronic catarrh in my throat, which has got worse over the last few months, probably because of the decongestant. I have to clear my throat constantly as I have difficulty in speaking and singing.
      I have tried Beconase as prescribed by GP, but it is not effective.
      I am 70, the mucus is white and is easily coughed up.
      I drink alcohol regularly on a sensible basis.
      Have you any suggestions please on what could help

  16. Jennifer Welfer says:

    Hello dr sharma,
    My son suffers from chronic phlegm. He has eosinophilic esophogitis and suffers from mild tightening in chest when exercising.
    He is on restricted diet due to EOE and is apparently in remission. No doctors have been able to define what is contributing to his thick yellowish green sputum. He suffers everyday…Was on herbs for a couple of months but not 100% improved, so he lost interest in continuing. He is also 17 so it’s a rough age going through this. Would love any suggestions!

    Thank you,

  17. R.P.Paranjpe says:

    नमस्कार डॅाक्टर साहब,
    मैं रवीन्द्र परांजपे,निवासी जबलपुर, मध्यप्रदेश हूँ। मैं मेरे रोग की परेशानी को शायद अंग्रेजी की बजाय हिन्दी में बेहतर ढंग से प्रस्तुत कर सकूंगा,इसलिए मैंने आपको हिन्दी में पत्र लिखा है।आप यदि अंग्रेजी में उत्तर भेजते हैं तो कोई परेशानी नहीं होगी।
    १. आयु : ७३ वर्ष।
    २.लगभग वर्ष भर एलर्जिक सर्दी जुकाम रहता है। एलौपैथिक उपचार के अंतर्गत एंटिएलर्जिक दवाइयाँ चलती हैं। विशेष रूप से मौसम परिवर्तन होने पर कफ और गले में खराश की समस्या हो जाती है।
    ३.इस बार ,पिछले दो सप्ताह से मेरे केवल बाँये गले में दर्द ,जलन तथा चुभन तथा खराश है। गले में थोडा थोड़ा सफेद बलगम कठिनाई से निकलता है। ENT स्पेशालिस्ट को भी बतला चुका हूँ। उन्होंने बताया कि बाँये गले में छाला नहीं है,इनफेक्शन है। तीन दिनों की दवाइयाँ दी थीं।उनसे अस्थायी आराम हुआ पर अभी भी हल्का दर्द तथा गाढे कफ का निकलना जारी है। कफ निकालने के लिये खखारना पडता है या गर्म नमक के पानी के गरारे करने पडते हैं।सुबह के वक्त दर्द तथा कफ अधिक रहता है, पर कफ आसानी से नहीं निकलता। सभी खट्टी चीजें,फल ,दूध,दहीं बन्द कर दिया है। कृपया स्थायी उपचार बतला कर उपकृत करें। मैं थोड़ी बहुत होमियो चिकित्सा जानता हूँ इसलिए बोरिक के मटीरिया मेडिका देख कर बेल, हिपर आदि लिये थे पर कोई विशेष लाभ नहीं है। धन्यवाद।

  18. LATAMNA Ariane says:

    Hello Dr Sharma, could you help please? My grandson is now 5 and since he was born I would say, he gets long periods of coughing even without cold or sore throat. At first the nose is running clear just like water ( but most of the time nothing “runs” out if we don’t wipe it) but he keeps coughing just like allergy, it gets worse at noght when he is lying flat on the bed but gets a little better with a pillow under his head.
    Still, french homeopaths gave him ipeca and carbo vegetabilis, along with some others that vary everytime . One of them said it could be asthma and prescribed “ventoline” – I donn’t know the name in english-
    in fact everytime he runs or make some efforts he starts coughing, but not suffocating at all. The only thing is that he may vomit if he coughs too much, .Mostly he vomits phlegm. We keep ronsing his nose with saline doses but it keeps coming back. On average, he gets a coughing fit every month; it lasts for a fortnight then he is ok I noticed it gets worse now because all flowers and trees are blooming here in southern France . I hopeyou will answer me even though I know you must be quite busy. Thank you for reading me. Best regards
    Ariane LATAMNA.

  19. Good evening sir I am anwar khatik from Jalgaon Maharashtra. I’m suffering from chronic problem of oversecretion of mucous. The mucous stay in all body in digestive tract. I don’t know what is the cause

  20. Md Nizamuddin says:

    My Daughter aged 4 years is suffering from allergetic rhintis and cough. First she gets sneezings converted into cold and later cough. Even using Lasma C Kid and Asthalin nebulization it is recurring.
    I intend to use Homeo medicine. I read on internet that R8 syrup for cough and 84 drops for allergy.
    Please suggest me whether above medicine is sufficient or shall I use any other medicine also for nasal congestion

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