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Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

Mucus produced by the lining of the respiratory system and discharged through the mouth is called phlegm. It occurs because of inflammation or disease of the airway. There can be various causes of phlegm in the throat. The most common reasons are cold, allergies, sinusitis, hay fever, postnasal drip, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, overuse of voice and cigarette smoking. The color of the phlegm coughed up as sputa vary from white to yellow and green. In some cases, it may also be bloodstained. This problem can be dealt very efficiently with the help of treatment for phlegm in the throat. Homeopathy for a particular case of phlegm in the throat should be selected individually. The nature of phlegm, its cause, and other symptoms need to be dealt with together when deciding on the homeopathic medicine to be used. Homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat helps clear out the infection.

Using the accurately selected homeopathy medicine for phlegm in the throat can cure even the most chronic and rigid cases. Among the extremely effective homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat are Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Kali Carb, Argentum Metallicum, Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Phlegm With Marked Hawking

Argentum Nitricum is one of the most effective treatment for phlegm in the throat. It gives great results for phlegm in throat accompanied by intense hawking. The mucus in the throat is thick, and there are rawness and roughness in the throat. Splinter-like sensation in the throat may also be present. Other symptoms are a burning feeling and dryness in the throat and the fauces.  Argentum Nitricum is also very effective in cases of phlegm in the throat because of smoking.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Tough and Stringy Phlegm In the Throat

Kali Bichrome leads the list of treatment for phlegm in the throat in cases where the phlegm is tough and stringy. It sticks to the throat and detaches with much difficulty. The throat is also red and inflamed. A cough may arise from sticky phlegm in the throat. Relaxation of the uvula is also a possibility. Kali Bichrome is an excellent treatment for cases of phlegm in the throat caused by sinusitis. In such situations, a post nasal drip of mucus in the throat is the most prominent symptom.

3. Kali Carb – For Phlegm Hard to Swallow or Hawk Up

Kali Carb is another often used medicine for phlegm in the throat. It is an excellent remedy in cases where the phlegm in the throat is hard to swallow or hawk up. The phlegm remains stuck in the throat. Its accumulation is worse in the mornings and is also accompanied by a hard cough. There is also tickling in the throat which leads to a cough. The phlegm in the throat is like a lump and is unpleasant in nature. There can also be a stinging or stitching pain in the throat.

4. Argentum Metallicum – For Phlegm from Overuse of Voice

The complaint of phlegm in the throat of persons from overuse of voice – like singers and public speakers – is successfully cured with Argentum Metallicum. Symptoms include the need to hem and hawk while talking. The phlegm expectorated is gelatinous and sticky, like boiled starch, and is most commonly and freely coughed up in the morning. Another prominent symptom is hoarseness of voice.

5. Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum  – Other Effective Medicines for Phlegm

Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus and Psorinum are excellent remedies for phlegm in the throat. Kali Mur is useful in cases where the phlegm coughed up is white or milky white. Silicea and Pulsatilla are homeopathic cures in cases where the phlegm is yellow and greenish in colour respectively. Phosphorus gives excellent results in cases where the sputa are blood stained. Psorinum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine when the phlegm is nasty smelling and has a disgusting taste.

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  1. Ruby O'Neill says:

    Hi Dr Sharma
    I had a cold which resulted in shortness of breath and phlegm in my chest have been using an inhaler and on antibiotics twice for last four weeks. I had an adverse reaction to a tetanus (revaxis) vaccination in February which caused shortness of breath and I feel it has weakened my immune system. I want to get rid of the phlegm and shortness of breath could you please advise any remedies that would clear this up. I am not sure if it is asthma have not been for any tests. I did have bronchitis as a child but grew out of it. When I had a cold in the past it was going into my chest but I did not get the same breathing problems.

  2. Dr. N. S. Vishnu Priya says:

    I have lot of phlegm accumulated in my chest. I can feel that when I cough. What is the homeo remedy for that?

  3. Naveed Islam says:

    Dr sb . I am Naveed Islam from Pakistan, 55years old. Teacher by profession. i have a very sticky phlegm in my throat since last 2 to 3 years, which feels to be stuck with throat very strongly, hard to swallow and hawk up. Sometimes its colour is whitush and sometimes greenish. I feels a lot of discomfirt and try to clear throat again and again but in vain. Phlegm feels to be very geletaneous and very had to swallow or excreat out/ hawk up. Plz suggest a suitable homeo nedicine for me which is available in pakistan also

  4. Hi Dr. Sharma,

    I am suffering from severe phelgm in chest which is very thick and stubborn and unable to get out of my mouth. It is greenish in colour with some odd odour. Also feeling pain in the chest while coughing.

    • DR. like you who gives free guidance to patients is a god according to my thinking. Kindly help me and let me know what should I take to remove phlegm from my chest. It sounds in the chest when I cough.Thanks a lot Dr.Sahib.

  5. Is it possible to treat vaginismus with homeo medicines? The patient is extremely sensitive to penetration and will not allow even digital examination

  6. V. Soma Raju says:

    I am 83year diabetic, heart patient with blocks in cardiac arteries , on medical management using heart drugs, like mono nitrate, metoprolol, clopidogrel, statin, Candace, etc, I am suffering from dyspnea and mucus near trachea in the throat. Difficult to hawkup the mucus. So frequent hawking cough to clear the mucus. Dyspnea aggravates with food an increase of mucus. I am thinking whether Argentum NitricuI and Kali carb would help me out. Please suggest suitable drug(s).

    • V. Soma Raju says:

      Dr. Sharmaji ! I am 83 years old type 2 diabetic, with CAD having blocks. Medicsl management for CAD and diabetes. Present problems: Abdominal bloating, severe dyspnea specially after food, and constant mucus in the larynx. I study homoeo as a hobby and use it for minor problems. I am thinking of Argentum nitricum, carboveg, and Kali carb. But at my age I need effective advice from you. Kindly suggest suitsble drug(s) with power and how to take the same.

    • Janardhan says:

      Dr Sharmaji,
      I am 82 years old and diabetic.I feel the presence of constant mucous in throat .I have to clear it often.There is no infection and nothing comes out when i clear the throat.Allopathic ENT specialists could not solve my problem.Please suggest a remedy.

  7. I avoid Kali mur for the white mucus although it works because it has such a strong and continuous reaction. Would a different potency help make it more gentle?

  8. Sir I am Dev suffering from breathlessness,, stringy sticky colorless white phlegm ,, always feels obstruction to backside of chest,, sometimes nose clear, doctor diagnosed with asthma,, sneezing gives some relief,, very sensible to temperature change , but I don’t want to take alllopathy medicine to depend ,, please help,, is there any cure

  9. Hi,
    My 4 year old grand son has only sneezing problem in ealy morning but from 2,3 nights some foamy saliva is dripping out of his mouth .and while talking we noticed his mouth more wet or watery than normal.Earlier he had been suffering from severe throat infections , so we are afaid of this symptom. If any homeopathic medicine we should give him ,, please suggest some.


  10. Tapas Das gupta says:

    Colities & decentry,jelly type transparent mucas shown

  11. Our 80 yearold mother has problem of thick mucus phone morning and evening also after having food could u suggest some medicine .She is also diabetic bp and arthritis

    • Rajinder Kapoor says:

      Dr sharma I am 65 year old and suffering from irritation in post nasal area with sticky mucus from last one year .Mucus come out with great force which is very sticky

      • Hi there. Ive a tight feeling in center of chest wors3 at night. An itchy throat on occassion and white mucous drip from back of nose. A very tight throat where the itchy is just under Adams apple which occassionally produces some white mucous that comes up on its own . No cough. A slightly runny nose with cold air. This started with shock from hot air to cold air whilst excercising otu side o4 in air co oler than 25`. Thanks for your advice

  12. M.Afzal from pakistan says:

    Dr.i m effected by right cp angle blunting.i got 8 months treatment from pak.chest spl.dr..the water in lung become but cp angle has been blunt.what i should do to get rid off from this condition and also from pain in right side of the chest.
    i also suffer by sinusites or may be some allergies..symptoms are falling mucus in throat every time of 24 hr of the day…mucus is so thick and difficult to pull out…is it due to blunting of lung cp angle or an other cause.i m waiting for reply plz

  13. Umesh Khosla says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma ji, I am 67 years and having problem of cough in throat for almost last 15 years. Cough sticks in the throat (some times on the upper side near nose exit area, some times inside the throat, sometimes near uvula) cough sticks in the throat and detaches with very difficulty. In fact I keep on tying to clear my throat. This becomes all the more uncomfortable in the night and I normally have very disturbed sleep..Sir I have constipation which is quite chronic and for the last 4 years have thyoride also which of course under control with medicine. REQUEST FOR ADVISE

    • Ved Parkash Bhardwaj says:

      Sir, I have balgam in my throat and balgam in chest,some time I feel that I am unable to take breath, and some time I feel very good , from 2-3 days I feel that when I walk the breath is out of control.I am smoking since 40 year, and my age is 65, please tell me /send medicines , I will pay ,.please

    • M.Afzal from pakistan says:

      Dr.i m effected by right cp angle blunting.i got 8 months treatment from pak.chest spl.dr..the water in lung become but cp angle has been blunt.what i should do to get rid off from this condition and also from pain in right side of the chest.
      i also suffer by sinusites or may be some allergies..symptoms are falling mucus in throat every time of 24 hr of the day…mucus is so thick and difficult to pull out…is it due to blunting of lung cp angle or an other cause.i m waiting for reply plz

  14. TAMARA Larimore says:

    Homeopathy for removal of bacterial pus on tonsils. (Not strep, not mono) throat swollen, difficulty breathing. Nebulizing with saline and colloidal silver. On natural antibiotics. Herbs, antibacterial, anti viral anti fungal, have taken apis 200k (6), belledonna 200k (6), pulsatilla, phytolacca, mercurius, calc, sulf, aconitun. Three weeks on-going.

    • Dr, I have chronic sinusitis … right now I have phlegm mostly in morning …which is thick and red stained … no yellow or green it is whitish or colourless but dark red stained . No fever or headache. Throat feels raw and slight pain on swallowing … Throat needs to be cleared all the time… feels secretions at throat. Please advise

  15. suryakant says:

    I feeling continuous mucus in troat for last six month what is the homeopathic liquid medicine for this

  16. Chinnadevi.r.mudugal says:

    Sir,i have digetion problem.if i eat oily item little also ,curry frothy,more bile,lot of sour juice,n teeth also senses ,always sour sbstance eaten like feeling will b there,whats d medicine u suggest

    • Kitty Chen says:

      I have excess phlegm in the throat that is due to an esophageal stricture, according to my ENT. The phlegm is not coming from the nose and respiratory system. Do you have a remedy for this? It often causes me to cough. And I’m always trying to clear the throat, but never can.
      Thank you.

  17. A.R. Saghir says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma. Hope you are alright. I am a 78-year old male retired as a university professor. I have very clear symptoms as under:

    1. After every 6 or 7 months I do have a small abscess inside the tip of my left or right nostril. This is happening for about the last 6 or 7 years.
    2. I have enlarged prostate and undergone TURP, but still the problem is there.
    3. I have swollen face under the left eye for about 50 years, but no pain etc.
    4. I suffer from tendency of having darkness before eyes with vertigo and tend to fall down. This is for about last four years.
    5. I have no sugar or BP problem.

    I have a strong belief in Homeopathy and always avoid allopathy. Kindly advise me for homeopathic treatment

    • Maria Gonzslez says:

      Dear Doctor Sharma
      My sister has a mucus discharge constantly condition and spiting on a Kleenex because she can’t swallow it, she can’t eat a normal meat just two cups a day of something , some times she vomits after eating , but is all mucuos. She had an operation June 30th, 19 she had the gallbladder
      Removed, but got complicated with pancreatitis
      She was very delicate .. she was send home twice , but went back to hospital until the 3r it was the last , and she became with this condition I hope you can help me with suggestion y homephaty Mrs thanks very much Maria G.

  18. Sabah Kassam says:

    Hi my son is 20 months and has a chronic cough and phlegm for nearly 11 months now. I have been seeing the paediatrician but to no avail. His chest X-rays are clear so cannot see why he has so much phlegm. The phlegm makes him vomit nearly everyday atleast once , and sometimes more. What can I use to try and get rid of the phlegm?

  19. Kailas Borole says:

    Sir muze 25 saalo se phegm jyaada produce hita hai aur ab to saans bhi bahot kam liya jaa raha hai mai kali karb 2 salo se leta hoo us se phlegm nikalta hai lekin ab uska bhi jyaada asar nahi ho raha sama z me nahi ata ye neumonia hai ya alergy hai ya bronchitis .TB nahi hai. pls give me medicine jis se phlegm paani ki taraha nakle.

  20. Aslamoalikum sir Mera naam Hamid ha mera throat mn kera girta ha colour transparent ha or kafi time sa ha or mn raat ko call center mn kaam krta hn or din mn singing krta hn suba ka waqt thraot mn kafi resha jama ho jata ha mj sa is ki waja sa gaya nhi jata.. koi medicine bta dn

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