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Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

Mucus produced by the lining of the respiratory system and discharged through the mouth is called phlegm. It occurs because of inflammation or disease of the airway. There can be various causes of phlegm in the throat. The most common reasons are cold, allergies, sinusitis, hay fever, postnasal drip, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, overuse of voice and cigarette smoking. The color of the phlegm coughed up as sputa vary from white to yellow and green. In some cases, it may also be bloodstained. This problem can be dealt very efficiently with the help of treatment for phlegm in the throat. Homeopathy for a particular case of phlegm in the throat should be selected individually. The nature of phlegm, its cause, and other symptoms need to be dealt with together when deciding on the homeopathic medicine to be used. Homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat helps clear out the infection.

Using the accurately selected homeopathy medicine for phlegm in the throat can cure even the most chronic and rigid cases. Among the extremely effective homeopathic treatment for phlegm in the throat are Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Kali Carb, Argentum Metallicum, Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum.

Best Homeopathic Treatment for Phlegm in the Throat

1. Argentum Nitricum – For Phlegm With Marked Hawking

Argentum Nitricum is one of the most effective treatment for phlegm in the throat. It gives great results for phlegm in throat accompanied by intense hawking. The mucus in the throat is thick, and there are rawness and roughness in the throat. Splinter-like sensation in the throat may also be present. Other symptoms are a burning feeling and dryness in the throat and the fauces.  Argentum Nitricum is also very effective in cases of phlegm in the throat because of smoking.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Tough and Stringy Phlegm In the Throat

Kali Bichrome leads the list of treatment for phlegm in the throat in cases where the phlegm is tough and stringy. It sticks to the throat and detaches with much difficulty. The throat is also red and inflamed. A cough may arise from sticky phlegm in the throat. Relaxation of the uvula is also a possibility. Kali Bichrome is an excellent treatment for cases of phlegm in the throat caused by sinusitis. In such situations, a post nasal drip of mucus in the throat is the most prominent symptom.

3. Kali Carb – For Phlegm Hard to Swallow or Hawk Up

Kali Carb is another often used medicine for phlegm in the throat. It is an excellent remedy in cases where the phlegm in the throat is hard to swallow or hawk up. The phlegm remains stuck in the throat. Its accumulation is worse in the mornings and is also accompanied by a hard cough. There is also tickling in the throat which leads to a cough. The phlegm in the throat is like a lump and is unpleasant in nature. There can also be a stinging or stitching pain in the throat.

4. Argentum Metallicum – For Phlegm from Overuse of Voice

The complaint of phlegm in the throat of persons from overuse of voice – like singers and public speakers – is successfully cured with Argentum Metallicum. Symptoms include the need to hem and hawk while talking. The phlegm expectorated is gelatinous and sticky, like boiled starch, and is most commonly and freely coughed up in the morning. Another prominent symptom is hoarseness of voice.

5. Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, and Psorinum  – Other Effective Medicines for Phlegm

Kali Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Phosphorus and Psorinum are excellent remedies for phlegm in the throat. Kali Mur is useful in cases where the phlegm coughed up is white or milky white. Silicea and Pulsatilla are homeopathic cures in cases where the phlegm is yellow and greenish in colour respectively. Phosphorus gives excellent results in cases where the sputa are blood stained. Psorinum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine when the phlegm is nasty smelling and has a disgusting taste.

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  1. Amit Basu says:

    Age:61 , suffering continuous white color thick phlegm hawking and easily coming out from mouth, In night sleeping time throat dryness choked and start coughing. Others are all normal no fever. Some times hoarseness of throat and Rarely middle chest heaviness and shortness of breathing happened earlier. If you please suggest medicine to prevent generate of phlegm.

    Looking forward
    Amit Basu

  2. piece of chicken stuck in my esophogus. I can breath,but it is stuck. This happened before with a pill. Saliva, drooling present. Hepar Sulp for expulsion did not seem to work. Lachesis -can’t swallow liquids did not help. So I wondered if something that works for phlegm would help this meat move through my esophgus. Just ate too fast and didn’t chew enough.

  3. Suvajit Banerjee says:

    After 7to 10 days while splitting blood appears mainly at the time of morning or evening. There seems to be something stuck at throat. Otherwise no such other problem is there.

  4. Frankie Langhu says:

    Dr. I have been suffering from throat uncomfortableness quite for the last 10 years. I feel always like mucus is stucked in wall throat and there is also like a formation of fluid secretion in the throat. Please prescript for me the right homoepathic medicine.

  5. Doctor Sahib. Namaskar. I think I am suffering from Silent Reflux. Due to which I have post nasal drip and when I get up in the morning I feel nasal congestion and excessive throat clearing. I am also suffering from anxiety. I have changed my diet completely . I usually go to bed after 2 hours of my dinner. I lost 9 kg weight . I have taken Lycopodium 200 – 3 times . Argentum Nit 200 -3 times. But no use please advise.

  6. Sir, I have a feeling of something sticking in the throat which I want to cough out by frequent hawking but usually of no avail. But if successful expectoration relieves a lot. Sometimes I feel difficulty in breathing though my X.ray chest is clear and there is no wheeze etc. I got throat examined by ENT specialist who diagnosed it as reflux pharyngitis consequent to long standing GERD. There is no acid reflux since a month or so. Usually complaint is aggravated at night with anxiety in chest and I fear going to sleep. Moreover there is aggravation after awaking as if chest is tight.
    Kindly advise homeopathic protocol. Moreover should I continue with gargles.

  7. Harjit Singh. says:

    I am 56 years.l always have phlegm in my throat ,I have to clear it out several times in day and Even two three times in night also since apprx.30 years as I know. I suffer at least for two times from cold and cough in a year which lasts for a weak or more days. I have small sore I my nose , it cures for three four weeks and again appears .ln this February 2020 l suffered from cold and cough ,after that phlegm from throat and nose is not makes me uneasy. Sometimes it’s ok for several hours in a day,but suddenly throat tickle and force me to clear thick and sticky phlegm for 3-4 minutes continuously. Please advise and guide me.

    • I come across bouts of White mucous after eating. No cough otherwise. Non smoker. But I am chronic patient of indiagstion and constipation. Pl suggest some homeopathic medicines. Age 68
      With regards

      • Supriya says:

        I hav nose mucus and phlegm coming from throat..when i eat sauce . Kadi. Chawal
        . Curd ..its results in allergy..and i am underweight..5.8 height.weight 46..allergy affects my weight..such me nice homopartheic medicine..

    • Sharma has no solution of this problem, don’t waste your time and money

  8. Don Abraczinskas says:

    Dr. Sharma,

    I’m 65 yrs old and I’ve always had phlegm in my throat ever since I was curious a child. It is thick and I’m constantly clearing my throat. I wake up about every 2 hrs and cough up the mucus. Sometimes its ok for a couple of hrs and then all of a sudden my throat starts to tickle and I start coughing. The only time it stopped is when I went on a cleansing diet of maple syrup caynne pepper and lemon with water. I did this for 6 days and it went away for around 3 months and then it started returning. What should I take?

    Din Abraczinskas

  9. R.P. ANEJA says:

    I am having lot of phelm in the morning. Also I get breathless with slight exertion. Pl let me know the homeopathic treatment for this problem

  10. Bryan G Panvert. says:

    Dear sir,I have been coughing up phelm for months, nothing seems to stop it.The phelm is slightly yellow.Please can you help me.

    • JUGAL KISHORE says:

      A little phelm come out from throat continously daily every time without whooping but with khakkar. What I should take homeopathy medicine

  11. Nicole Protomastro says:

    I am experiencing increased phlegm in the back of my throat. I cannot clear it with coughing or Hawking. It started end of March. I have never had allergies before. I am trying mucinex and gargling with
    xylitol and alkihol? twice daily
    It doesn’t seem to be post nasal my nose and sinuses seem clear
    I do not have a cough and I do not smoke.

  12. Cliff c says:

    Mucus stusk in throat sinusitis post nasel drip worst right when lay down I smoke Kali carb looks good what do u think

  13. Muhammad Malik says:

    Help me in homoeo digonosing in urdu . H. Dr. M. Malik

  14. What’s the homeo medicine for red phelgm in the throat

  15. Karunakar shetty says:

    Good morning doctor
    I have to constantly clear my throat, besides I have neck pain,choked throat,chest pain and burning of left shoulder blades, gastric reflux that radiates from stomach to chest and back side, also causes short breath at night.
    I have been going through this for more than a year.
    I am 55 years old,and do morning brisk walks regularly.
    Recently I have also found abnormal blood pressure and take an retard 20mg daily.
    Kindly advise what medication I should follow

    Kindly advise what treatment should be taken

  16. Sergio Farias says:

    Dear Dr, have chronic gastritis, GERD and a lot phlgrem.

    What is the good treatment?

    • C .M .John says:

      Hello Doctor,
      Bitter phlegm comes up in the throat and the bitter taste in the throat and early morning sneezing. Kindly tell what’s the cause and homeopathic remedy.

    • madan lal kaim says:

      I am 66 years old. Previously about 3 years back, I was suffered from GBS followed by chronic Pneumonia. Nowadays as per Chest P A. Some problem are in my chest. Blunted right CP angle is seen. Fibronodular opacities are seen
      Prominent broncho vascular markings are seen. Please advise me homeopathy medicine. Thanks

      • Rupinder kaur says:

        Hello Doctor, I am 36 and I am getting phlegm from drinking cold milk with sugar. I haven’t been drinking anything cold since long and as I start drinking milk from fridge I get phlegm and now since its been more than a week every time I eat anything I cough it out. Normally for me it takes a long time like a month for it to go if I dnt treat it. It is white in color. Can you please suggest homepathy medicine. Thank you.

  17. Amit Saikia says:

    Sir, I am 20 years old with duchenne mascular destrophy. I have a non effective cough since 19 December 2019 after a bout of constipation and the cough still there ,now there is phelgm sounds comes out when I cough during the afternoon time I feel like vomiting but can’t expel the phelgm through my mouth. I am currently on Homeopathic medicine Bryonia 30X. Will my cough go away.

  18. Pradop Kumar Roy says:

    Since 2018 I am suffering from throat problem always it seems that some sticky cough supressed my voice.Always I had to hawking.It increased after 4 Pm. I got some relief after taking steam inhalation.I have visited numbers of ENT clinic & homeopathic clinic. But I did not get any remedy.In 2018 I undergone nasoengioplasty .
    Thereafter i am suffering from this problem.Always small piece of sputm coming out which is some time yellow & white. Kindly send me the way of remedy

  19. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    My granddaughter is six years old. She has no major health conditions but for about three years now she has had frequent bouts of cough with thick mucus from the nose as well. The mucus is whiteish. We’re not sure if it’s allergies or an infection that never fully clears. She did have pneumonia about three years ago. She was of course given antibiotics. She had a swollen lymph node about two months ago and was given antibiotics again. The lymph node went back to normal but they want to get a blood test to check for lymphoma but need her to be healthy. She is otherwise fine. This doesn’t slow her down and she is a happy child. What do you think would be the best homeopathic remedy for her. Thank you for your help.

  20. Hi Dr Sharma, I all the time try to clear my throat and a thick layer of phlegm or mucus live in my throat, please advice me for home medicines, Thanks

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