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Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Lycopodium Clavatum is a homeopathic remedy derived from the spores of the plant known as Clubmoss or Wolf’s Foot. It belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family and is commonly found in the hilly pastures and heaths of Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia and North America.
Lycopodium is a low creeping perennial plant. It is a spore-bearing, flowerless, vascular, terrestrial, widely branched plant. Its stems are erect and have small, simple needle-like leaves that cover the stem and branches thickly. The leaves contain a single un-branched vascular strand called microphylls. Kidney shaped cases include spores of one kind only and are borne on the upper surface of the leaf blade of specialized leaves. These are arranged in a cone-like strobilus at the end of the upright stems. The club-shaped appearance of these flowering stems gives clubmosses their common name.
The homeopathic remedy is prepared from the freshly crushed spores of the plant. The medicinal properties come into play after a series of trituration and succession of the spores. The remedy is prescribed in both high and low potencies, as the case may be.

The Lycopodium Constitution

In homeopathy, it is believed that every person has a particular constitution. This is the composition, structure, physical makeup and nature of a person.
Lycopodium is best suited to the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution; those who are intellectually keen but physically weak. The upper part of the body is emaciated whereas the lower part of the body is characterized by the collection of an excess of watery fluid. Such people usually have a dry temperament and dark complexion.

It is mostly adopted in cases where ailments develop gradually; functional power weakens, failure of digestive powers occurs, or the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. It works wonderfully in cases of malnutrition. The Lycopodium personality lacks vital heat and has poor circulation and cold extremities. Pain comes and goes suddenly. There is extreme sensitivity to noise and odors.

Lycopodium and its Drug Action

Lycopodium is highly effective on the nervous system, by also has other centers of action.

Mucous Membrane: Lycopodium acts powerfully upon the mucous membranes producing atonic (lack of muscular tone) state, congestion, catarrhal inflammation and copious mucous discharge.

Kidney: Acts upon kidneys and bladder, Lycopodium produces frequent painful micturition with cloudy, sedimentous urine, like brick dust and sometimes mucus and blood in urine.

Digestive Organs: Lycopodium produces slow, irregular digestion, flatulence, and constipation, also congestion of the liver with all of its concomitants, constipation, and flatulence.

Side of the Body: Lycopodium especially acts on the right side of the body. Symptoms run characteristically from right to left side of the body.

Clinical uses of Lycopodium

Lycopodium has proven its efficacy in the treatment of the following disorders:

– acidity
– bloating
– colitis
– corns
– emaciation
– flatulence
– food allergies
– hair loss
– hemorrhoids
– indigestion
– liver-derangements
– malnutrition
– kidney colic
– kidney disorders
– sciatica

Lycopodium and its Action on the Mind

Lycopodium works well in the cases where the mental symptoms are clearly present with the physical ones. The person requiring lycopodium is generally fearful. He has a fear of public speaking, failure, success, new situations, commitments, and responsibility. He has a fear of being alone, and of his shadows.
Such people are usually hypochondriacs which means that they have abnormal anxiety about their health. They typically suffer from panic attacks, have poor confidence and low self-esteem. Forgetfulness is marked with peevishness. With their dictatorial tendencies, they have a love for power and control over others.
Lycopodium works well in cases where one is experiencing failing brain power and confused thoughts. A weakness of memory, inability to remember names and letters, spelling or writing words or syllables incorrectly and experiencing difficulty in speaking during conversations are classic signs. It is also useful for ailments that stem from domineering parents or siblings.

Lycopodium for Ailments of the Head

Lycopodium covers the symptoms of external and internal head issues. Right-sided headaches, pain that begins on one side and goes to the other where it is worse, pain in the head with ravenous hunger which gets better after eating are the classic symptoms indicating towards Lycopodium. If food is not eaten regularly, the headache becomes worse. Premature greying of hair and severe hair fall that leads to premature balding is also noted. The hair fall usually follows abdominal diseases, or after parturition (childbirth). There is burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially when the body is warm after exercise. Lycopodium acts very well in cases of hair loss by preventing further loss of hair and initiating hair growth.

Lycopodium for Facial Concerns

The person needing Lycopodium may have freckles that are yellowish, pale, and gray, with blue circles around the eyes. There are herpetic eruptions on the face and corner of the mouth. Small, white, pedunculated warts on the chin may also be present.

The action of Lycopodium on the Kidneys

Lycopodium has a specific action on the kidneys. There are deposits of lithic acid in small quantities in the kidneys which can result in the formation of stones. Kidney stones cause pain in the kidneys as well as the bladder. Conditions associated with Lycopodium are Calculus with hematuria ( blood in urine) from gravel or chronic catarrh and urination of clotted blood with renal colic during the passage of small calculi. The pain is of burning, cutting character. Urine appears dark and fetid. There is a pain in the back before urination, and it ceases after urine is passed. Urine is slow in coming, and the person must strain to pass it. Heavy red sediment may be present in the urine, and the urine has a nauseating smell. Kidney colic with stinging, tearing, digging pain in the right ureter that travels to the bladder as if some small calculus was tearing its way to the bladder is present. An affected child may cry before urinating, and red sand-like substance may be present on the diaper.

Lycopodium for Gastric Disorders

Lycopodium covers many symptoms of the complaints which are gastric in origin. There is constriction of the throat that is always induced by regurgitation of food. An excessive appetite that gets satiated easily, eating a small amount of food that creates fullness are characteristic features. The person suffers from chronic constipation and hard stools. There is flatulent colic present in children and young girls. Emaciation and debility occur from loss of fluids in the morning.
It works wonderfully in cases of gastralgia (neuralgic pain in the stomach) and gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining). Derangement of stomach occurs from consumption of sweets and pastries. Belchings tend to rise only up to pharynx. The patient feels hungry immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. Cramps in the stomach, which is distended, digestion that proceeds very slowly, with flatulence and acidity and rumbling of flatulence particularly in the left upper part of the stomach are some other symptoms. Enteritis (inflammation of the intestine) occurs in infants, which is caused by indigestion. There is excessive flatulence before and after passing of stool. Tympanitic distension of abdomen is present. Flatulence presses outwardly on the rectum and bladder, and there is a sensation as if something is moving up and down in the bowels.

Lycopodium and Relation to Food

People who need Lycopodium have a strong desire for sweets. Different food allergies are present, and complaints arise after intake of wheat, bread, and fermented foods. Complaints usually aggravate after consumption of flatulent foods like cabbage, beans, and onions.

Lycopodium and Rectal Disorders

Lycopodium is indicated in cases where there are sharp, aching pains and pressure in the rectum which gets worse at night. Burning in the rectum is present during and after passing stool. Rawness and skin abrasions around the anus that bleed easily and feels itchy and moist is a common symptom. Aching and painful hemorrhoids, which are sore to touch, marked inactivity of bowels, cramps in the rectum and small of the back, unsatisfactory stools, alternating diarrhea, and constipation are other symptoms. Diarrhea occurs after the suppression of skin diseases.
Marked constipation may be present since puberty, when away from home, in infants, with ineffectual urging. Rectum contracts and protrudes during stool and can lead to the development of piles.

The stools are hard, small and are not expelled completely. The first part of the stool is difficult to expel, while the last part is thin and gushing. Stools are pale, putrid, thin and brown, usually mixed with hard lumps. Spasmodic constriction of the anus prevents stool to be expelled. There is aching and pressure in the rectum which is worse during the nights with bleeding piles.

Lycopodium for the Liver

Lycopodium is of great value in chronic hepatic congestions, where the liver is very tender on pressure. The person cannot eat to satiety as it produces a distressing feeling in the hepatic (liver) region. There may be violent gallstone colic, pain in the back and right hypochondria due to congestion of the liver.

The action of Lycopodium on the Limbs

Lycopodium has always proven its efficacy in treating the cases of sciatica. There is numbness, drawing and tearing pain in limbs, along with stiffness of joints. There may be a tendency for chronic gout and chalk deposits in the joints. Right-sided sciatica, painful corns, and callosities on soles, toes, and fingers, a feeling where one foot feels hot and one foot feels cold are other symptoms. The sciatica is so severe that the person cannot bear to lie on the painful side. Heaviness in the arm, contraction of tendons, especially hamstrings is also treated with Lycopodium.

Lycopodium for Women

Lycopodium shows good action in cases of female problems. It works well in cases where the menses are delayed, with undeveloped breasts at puberty. Extreme sadness and irritability, depressed mood and indigestion before menses is noted. The menses may be suppressed for months. Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) is so violent that it leads to fainting. Pains in the right ovary traveling to the left, ovarian tumors and vaginitis are treated well with this remedy. It is also used to treat a dry, burning sensation in the vagina which gets worse during and after sexual intercourse. Intercourse is extremely painful, and there may be profuse leucorrhoea (white discharge) with cutting pains across the right side to left with flatulence. Discharge of wind from the vagina may also be present.

Lycopodium for Males

Lycopodium acts wonderfully in cases of male impotence. It is used in instances where there is a discharge of prostatic fluid without an erection. Other symptoms include enlargement of the prostate, marked performance anxiety during intercourse, premature seminal emissions and sexual exhaustion and weakness. Impotence from masturbation, sexual excess or advancing age may occur. Lack of erectile power, a small, cold and relaxed penis, marked loss of sexual desire after gonorrhea or cystitis and premature ejaculation may also be present.

Lycopodium and Other Homeopathic Remedies

Lycopodium is antidoted by homeopathic remedies Camphor, Pulsatilla, Causticum, Aconite, Coffea, and Graphites.

It antidotes the action of homeopathic remedy Cinchona Officinalis.

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  1. Swati Sharma says:

    Hi Dr Sharma
    Please tell me dosage of Lycopodium 30 for male pattern baldness

  2. Tana Ostapcuk says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,
    could you, please, recommend a dosage of Lycopodium for ma 5-years old syn (very small, 16.5 kg). The main health problem is a constipation and stomach pain. He eats and drinks only very small portions, but he requires drinks and food very often. He is extremely afraid of water on his face, and rejects washing a head or diving. He is very fearful out of home, in unknown places, but he has a dictatorial tendencies at home.
    Thank you very much,
    Tana O.

  3. Mohammad Javaid Khan says:

    Dear doctor, l am living in Karachi pakistan, l have observed following observation s.
    1. I am feeling pain in my right kidney, urination is turbid. I am using barberiis Q 10 drops in a cup of liquid. 2. I am around 62 years of age having no hear at middle of head. 3. I have feeling Eracitile disinfection, small pan is. 4. I have lower testron. 5. I am also feeling pain of scitachi. Can use I use lycopodium 200 in daily in morning till what time.

    Thank you Sir,
    Mohammad Javaid Khan

  4. Diane Hancock says:

    Well! My husband is 88 and having trouble with is memory. Also has acid reflux and diarrhea. The neurologist says he
    Has rusty pipes. Ha! Ha!

    I have some memory loss also at 75.

  5. Michael Janket says:

    After reading your article on Lycopodium clavatum, I am concerned. I have level 3 chronic kidney disease and it appears your article indicates trouble if lycopodium is taken. I have problem with obtaining erection and sex is unsuccessful. Lycopodium appears to be contraindicated , it appears to have very serious side effects. I obtained small bottle of 30CH lycopodium and am worried that if I take it I will have very bad side effects. Is it safe for my kidney situation or will I be damaged? I see if can help impotence which is good in my case and I would like to take it IF safe. Please advise, and thank you

    • Venkatessn a says:

      எனக்கு விறப்பு தன்மை குறைவாக உள்ளது விந்து சீக்கிரம் வரும்

  6. The best work for mankind

  7. Thanks Dr sharma u r doing a very great job

    Very good describing and explaining

    As a patient and as a student of homeopathic
    Your detailed description is
    A Treasure

  8. लक्ष्मी दुबे says:

    डा. साहब, मेरी उम्र 40 वर्ष है। मैं लंबे समय से जी.आर.डी. की समस्या से जूझ रही हूँ। शाम को 6 बजे से मुझे घबराहट, गला सूखना, बेचैनी, पल्स रेट बढ़ना, लंबी डकार आना, भूख न लगना और पेट फूलने की समस्या हो जाती है। कृपया उपचार बताइये।

    • Abdul khan says:

      I saw so many people wrote here to get advice from Dr Sharma for their ailment but not a single question was replied by Dr. Sharma. He is not concerned. It means he is not a professional Dr. He is very careless.

  9. Utsa Chandra says:

    Dear Doctor,
    My mother is of age 64yrs. She is having multiple gallbladder stones but the largest one is of 6mm. Is there any homeopathic medicine instead of surgery?
    Along with that I want to know is there any side effects of that medicine?
    I have seen one medicine LYCOPODIUM . Is it good without any side effects?
    Please reply as soon as possible.
    Thank you…..

  10. Yuvraj kushwaha says:

    pigmentation on skin , melasma and skin discoloration due to darkspots and other fungul infection
    my skin is also being yellow and Nowadays there is lots of melanin production in my skin
    I hope you will provide me correct dose for lycopodium clavatum
    Age: 16
    gender: male

  11. I am 50yrs old and l need homeopathy medicine for extreme rough dry damaged, lifeless little broken grey hair from forehead frontline . Hair have lost its shine and luster. I want my gray hair silky in touch .

  12. Anne Bagnall says:

    I need an alternative homeopathy for treating high bloid pressure. Which would you recommend

  13. I’m 70 year with general good health. No major ailment except hypertension. I had my Galblabber removed 7 years back.sometime I get constipation specially when taking Rice . I don’t take much of green salad except cucumber as couldn’t digest them for so many hours and get reflux of them .can I use Lycopodium 200 and for how long and how many times in a day

  14. I’m suffering from these diseases :-

    (1) Renal concretions ( Oxalate stones ) in both kidneys.
    (2) Mouth Ulcer
    (3) Pain in the right side of my cervical and skull.
    (4) Depression and social phobia.

    The doctor has prescribed me these medicines —

    (1) Cantharis (Q) + Apis Mellifica (Q)
    (2) Pareira Brava (Q) + Sarsaparilla (Q) + Berberis Vulgaris (Q)
    (3) Ocimum Can (Q) + Berberis Vulgaris (30)
    (4) Chelidonium (30)
    (5) Elm (30)
    (6) Arsenicum Album (30)
    (7) Acid Nit (30) + Merc. Sol. (30) + Borax (30)
    (8) B3 (30)
    (9) Argentum Nitricum
    (10) Cannabis Indica

    But I’m still feeling pain in the right side of my kidney. So I want to take Lycopodium-200. Can I ? Will it react with the above ten medicines or not ? Kindly guide me. I don’t want to go to the doctor for this small purpose as his fees is very high , 500 rupees per visit.

  15. For how many days safely we used lycopodium 30 ?

  16. Sir I am 18 year old Boy and I Have hairloss for last 10 months first 4-5 month it is very aggressive but with the time and good lifestyle I Am Successful to slow it now I lose 10 to 20 strand per day but Problem is my density is losing day by day and hair is start thinning from sides and temple . My diet is clean and I Use Some DHT blocker supplements to Confirm that there is not so harm to my Follicles. My hairloss might be start with telogen effluvium and slowly it may be develop into male pattern baldness ( I am not sure ). But even now also I have full head of hair But yes I have a Huge reduction in my density compare to before.
    I have also suffers with oily forehead and nose area and eyebrow hairloss also there and i am also suffer with Leg hairloss . I have so much body hair on leg and arm except chest , back shoulder . I have craving for sweets . I am calm mind rarely get aggressive to fight . I love to eating onion salad . Hot cooked food to prefer . I have flaky scalp and scaly buildup along my hairlin. My condition is pretty good to reverse my lost hair because 60% of my problem solved with my lifestyle but I want a holistic approach from drhomei. Please prescribe me the best.

    • hello sir,
      i am 30 yr old. i facing hair loss and white hair problem till to age 16. how I treat and maintain and growing in new hair on my head.

  17. Neeraj Kedia says:

    Hi Dr Sharma…
    I’m a male …. 63 years old the things u
    detaile were great… and i fully understand.
    Having problem with my diets and am underweight maybe alcohol did effect a lot.
    Although these days I did stopped and limited.
    Constipation too is a factor.
    Need advice for weight gain and liver disorders.

    • I am suffering from erectile disfunction. My penis is not erectile when I want to sextual intercourse. I am suffering from more than 1 years. I take allopathic medicine when I take medicine Penistone works well otherwise not. Please give me some advise and medicine for recover of my diseases, thank you.

  18. Dr Sharma I just wanted to Appreciate your effort .
    The way u describe a homeopathic medicine it’s symptoms and characteristics it’s very convenient to to read and understand

    Explaining the the different actions on different parts of the body
    That’s very informative and helpful

    I am a homeopathic user and promoter

    And as a student of homeopathic
    I find your blogs very good

    If u could also mention and explain the
    Potenct which should be used
    And the duration of the dose

  19. Ahmad Tanweer says:

    Hello Dr.Sharma, I am male 75 years old. I have all the symptoms of Mind you have indicated. And also the gas symptoms. I like to know which potency I should take 200C or 30C and how often ,for how long.
    Many thanks
    Best Regards

  20. Robert Boyd says:

    I am male, 69 years old. Having ear issues (tinnitus) for last 4-6 months. Had an ear (right) cleaning from family doctor recently and hearing improved slightly. But still experiencing problems. Many sounds are too loud. I can hear okay, but sounds are too loud. I am not trusting the health care industry since the pandemic. So I am seeking homeopathic alternatives. Also, If I drink too much coffee I can experience dizziness. I know, stop that, right? I am a musician (rock), and worked in the construction industry for many years. But I never experienced what I am having now. I would like to try Lycopodium and I see Walmart carries it. But how much should I take? Thank you in advance if you can/will respond to this message. Peace Love to you.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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