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Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Pulmonary tuberculosis refers to an infection of the lungs caused by a bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is a contagious infection that spreads easily from an infected person to a healthy person. A person can get infected by breathing in air droplets exhaled from an infected person during coughing, sneezing or laughing. Homeopathic treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis offers supportive treatment and is recommended along with conventional treatment. 
Pulmonary tuberculosis

The chances of catching this infection is high in people who are exposed to persons having TB,  who live in crowded places and where hygiene is not properly maintained.

Not everyone who is exposed to this infection gets sick. In most persons, after entry of the germs in the body, the infection is kept under control and prevented from spreading by the immune system. Such people are said to have latent TB (means they don’t get any symptoms and are not contagious). But a person carrying this bacteria who does not develop symptoms still has latent TB (means the infection stays inactive for years). It may reactivate and develop into active TB in which the bacteria multiplies and leads to signs and symptoms of the infection. In the stage of active TB, a person is contagious. Risk of reactivation is high in persons having weak immune systems (as from diabetes, chronic steroid use, chemotherapy),  elderly people, infants, in those who smoke, people having some autoimmune disorder and persons with kidney disease.


Symptoms develop gradually. The main symptoms are cough lasting for a minimum three weeks duration, coughing up phlegm, coughing up blood,  chest pain and breathing difficulty. The general symptoms that are present with these includes fever, chills, night sweats, an unexplained weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. The symptoms are present in the active TB stage. There are s=no symptoms in the latent stage.  

If it is not treated correctly in time then it can cause permanent damage to lungs. It can also spread to other organs  (spine, brain, heart or liver) and cause its damage and even life threatening problems. 

Supportive Homeopathic Treatment for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 

Homeopathy plays a supportive role in case of tuberculosis along with conventional mode for managing its symptoms. Homeopathic medicines help to manage its signs and symptoms including cough, chest pain, mild breathing difficulty, fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, appetite loss, fatigue and vomiting. These medicines work by boosting the body’s immune system to fight with the infection. These medicines are recommended only when the symptoms are of mild to moderate intensity and not in severe cases. The homeopathic medicine for symptom management of TB needs to be carefully selected depending on the symptoms of an individual. Tuberculosis is a serious disease and it can have life threatening complications. So it is strictly advised to use any homeopathic medicines under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor who can after detailed case study prescribe the best suitable medicine for a case. In no case self prescription should be done. It is also strictly noted that homeopathic medicines should be taken along with conventional treatment and in no case considered a substitute for conventional treatment given in Tuberculosis. 

  1. Tuberculinum – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for these cases. In cases needing it there is dry, hard, hacking cough. It is present throughout the day but gets worse during sleep. Profuse sweating is present with this. Next there is weight loss. Excessive exhaustion attends it. Tiredness is present all the time. 

  1. Hepar Sulph – For Initial Stage

This medicine is mostly helpful in the initial stage of tuberculosis. The symptoms indicating its use are cough, stitching pain in the chest and oppression of breathing. Cough is hoarse, loose and rattling. It is attended with thick yellow expectoration. It can be bloody also. Along with cough suffocative attacks can be present.

  1. Stannum Met – For Cough, Weakness, Weight Loss

This is a well indicated medicine for cases in which there is cough, weakness and weight loss. In cases needing it the cough is attended with copious, greenish, or yellowish coloured expectoration. It has an offensive taste.  Sometimes there is tough glairy mucus mixed with pus. In the morning the expectoration is easy but it is difficult in the evening and at night. Cough is very exhausting and continues day and night. Along with this fever is present. Shivering during the day occurs. Night sweats are also there. Difficulty in breathing may also be present. This is worse from motion. Marked prostration, tiredness are there that compels the person to stay in bed.  Weakness of limbs, pain in all limbs, weakness in chest, paleness, weight loss are there with above symptoms.

  1. Spongia – For Cough, Weakness and Breathing Difficulty

It is a suitable medicine when there is cough, weakness and breathing difficulty. Cough is dry, hacking type where it is required. It worsens from evening to midnight. It is also worse from cold air exposure and from talking. Eating or drinking relieves the cough. The breathing difficulty is worse  when lying down. Exhaustion attends it. It is felt after every exertion.

  1. Phosphorus – For Blood Stained Spit 

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases in which there is blood stained expectoration.  Along with this cough and soreness in the chest is present. Easy fatigue, weight loss is also there. Fever and night sweats attend above symptoms. Other than this it is also indicated for expectoration of pus which is salty to taste or copious yellow phlegm.

  1. Iodum – For Excessive Weight Loss 

This medicine is important for cases in which weight loss is excessive. With this there is almost continuous fever and profuse night sweats. Cough is present which is a short, irritating type. It is worse at night time. Cough is accompanied with tough, stringy and blood streaked expectoration. Pressure and heaviness on the chest occurs with above symptoms. Difficulty breathing from least exertion or talking may also be present. Debility and weakness are there in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Calcarea Carb – For Cough and Chest Constriction

It is valuable medicine for cases in which cough and chest constriction are present. For using it the cough is loose with rattling in the chest. Profuse sputum is expectorated with cough. It is  whitish – yellow coloured. It is pus-like and mostly occurs in the morning. The cough produces a headache in the frontal part of the head. With this there is oppression or constriction of the chest. It is relieved by drawing shoulders backward. Lastly there may be chest pain on inspiration. Along with above symptoms the chest may be painfully sensitive to touch.

  1. Drosera – For Cough and Chest Pain

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Drosera Rotundifolia commonly known as round – leaved sundew. This plant belongs to the family droseraceae. Use of this medicine is indicated when there is cough with chest pain. Cough is violent in cases that require this medicine. With cough there is spitting of blood and pus. Additionally, a foul pus-like taste is present in the mouth.

  1. Kali Carb – When there is Cough and Stitching Pain in Chest

It is an important medicine when there is a cough and stitching pain in the chest. Cough is exhausting where this medicine is required.  With cough there is profuse expectoration of whitish yellow pus or of green coloured scabs. Whistling and wheezing in the chest may also occur. Cough worsens from any exertion. Loss of appetite and weight loss attends these symptoms. In addition to this fever, sweating in the morning and night is present. Chills may be felt in the afternoon 

  1. Ferrum Met – With Cough, Weight Loss and Vomiting

This medicine is used when there is cough, weight loss and vomiting. Persons who need it also have pus like, greenish or blood streaked expectoration. The expectoration has a foul taste. They have  vomiting of ingesta. They have weight loss, excessive sweating, loss of appetite and great weakness. Next they feel constriction in the chest and have difficult respiration. Lastly they feel stitching pain in the chest that extends  into the shoulder blades.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Cough, Fever, Burning Sensation in Chest

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the papaveraceae family. Persons requiring it have a cough with fever. They usually have a fever around 2 pm or 4 pm. Their cheeks have a bright circumscribed flush during fever. The sputum is expectorated and breath has a bad smell. Burning sensation in the chest is also present. There may occur sharp chest pain and soreness of chest muscles. Breathing difficulty can also be present. 

  1. Silicea – When there is Cough, Vomiting and Night Sweat

This medicine is indicated when there is cough, vomiting and night sweat. Vomiting is usually of tenacious mucus, especially in the morning. There is difficulty breathing, chilliness, pus expectoration and sometimes blood spitting. With this pressing pain in the chest attends. Weakness in the chest also accompanies this.

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Effective Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis

An inflammation of the bursa in the shoulder is referred as shoulder bursitis. This bursitis is also known as subacromial bursitis. Homeopathic remedies for shoulder bursitis offer gradual symptomatic relief to bring about recovery. 

A bursa is a tiny sac filled with viscous lubricating fluid that is located around a joint.  It acts as a cushion and reduces friction between the joint bones while movement. Due to these bursa rubbing of muscles, bones and tendons in a joint during movement is prevented. In case a bursa is irritated then it results in its  inflammation.

In cases of shoulder bursitis the bursa that is most commonly inflamed is  the subacromial bursa at the tip of the shoulder. 


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly it can result from an injury to the joint as from a fall, trauma, or accident. Another reason is repetitive movement or overuse of the shoulder joint.
Another cause is inflammation of the joint as in case of rheumatoid arthritis (a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disorder that causes joint inflammation resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness of the joints) and gout (a type of joint inflammation that result in pain, swelling, redness and tenderness in the joints which is caused by  deposition of needle like crystals of uric acid in a joint).
Though shoulder bursitis can occur in anyone but the people who have excessive use of their shoulders are at risk of developing it. For example gardeners, carpenters, athletes, swimmers,  tennis players are at high risk.

Persons who are painters or who do knitting are also prone to develop it.

Signs and Symptoms 

The signs and symptoms that occur in this condition includes pain around the shoulder, redness and swelling around the shoulder. The pain can be felt on the outside or top of the shoulder. The pain may be worse on raising the arm and also from keeping the shoulder at rest. Next the affected side of the shoulder may also be tender and painful to touch. The range of shoulder joint movement may be reduced too. The pain and discomfort tend to worsen at night and on lying on the painful side. A popping sound on moving the shoulder can attend. In case of infection of the bursa (called septic bursitis)  fever arises along with above symptoms.

Homeopathic Remedies for Shoulder Bursitis 

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of shoulder bursitis. The homeopathic medicines help to reduce the inflammation of the bursa. Along with this the medicines give gradual relief in the associated symptoms. The signs and symptoms that can be well managed with them include pain, stiffness, redness and swelling around the shoulder. These medicines manage this condition by addressing the root cause behind it. These medicines are very safe and gentle and treat this condition very effectively without any sort of side effects. The best suitable homeopathic medicine needed for treating a case of shoulder bursitis needs to be selected from a huge list of therapeutics. Seeking help from a homeopathic doctor is therefore always recommended for effective treatment. 

  1. Ruta – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints of shoulder bursitis. It is prepared from fresh plant Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. This plant belongs to family rutaceae. In most cases needing it the pain in the shoulder is worse from hanging down the arm. It is also worse when resting on the affected shoulder. The pain is mostly a wrenching type. In some cases pain can be bruised also. 

  1. Apis Mellifica – Prominent Remedy 

It is the next well indicated medicine for treating cases of shoulder bursitis. It helps to reduce the inflammation of the bursa and give symptom relief. For using this medicine, tensive pain is present mostly in the left sided shoulder. It may extend to the neck. There is also pain in the shoulder that radiates to the arms. 

  1. Rhus Tox – For Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

It is a very effective medicine for managing shoulder pain and stiffness. It is one of the best medicines to manage complaints that arise from repetitive movement, injury or overuse of a joint. Persons who need it have shoulder pain that is mainly felt at rest. The pain can be tearing or burning type. They feel a pressure on the shoulders similar to that of a heavy weight. Mostly they have pain at the top of their shoulders on the left side. They sometimes feel a stitching type of pain in the shoulders. This increases when lying. Movement helps relieve it. The pain is also worse in the cold, wet weather. Lastly, they can have a drawing type of pain in the shoulder that extends down the arms.

  1. Bryonia – For Redness, Swelling and Pain over the Shoulder

This medicine is  prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very helpful medicine for cases in which there is redness, swelling and pain over the shoulder. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. Along with this a pressure is felt on the top of the right shoulder. It worsens from touch. A tensed sensation is also felt with this pressure feeling.

  1. Sanguinaria Can – To Manage Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a useful medicine for managing pain in the right shoulder joint. For using this medicine the pain is felt on the top of the right shoulder. The pain may extend to the upper part of the right arm in some cases. It is worse at night time also and on turning in the bed. Along with the above symptoms there is much difficulty in raising the arm.

  1. Ferrum Met – For Shooting, Tearing Pain

This medicine is indicated for shooting, tearing type of pain in the shoulder. The pain radiates to the upper arm in cases requiring it. With this, raising the arm is difficult. The right side shoulder feels bruised and is also sore to touch. External heat offers relief in the pain. Along with the above symptoms cracking in the shoulder joint is also there.

  1. Ledum pal – For Severe Stitching Pain in Shoulder

It is prepared from a plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. This medicine works well in cases of severe stitching pain in the shoulder. This is worse when raising the arm. Sometimes sticking is felt in the shoulder when lifting arms. Another indication for using it is a throbbing type of pain in the right shoulder. Its last indication is painful pressure in the shoulder joints that is worse from motion.

  1. Silicea – For Pain Worsening at Night

Silicea is another beneficial medicine for this condition. Its use is considered when the pain in the shoulder worsen at night time. The pain may also radiate to the arm. There is relief from wrapping the shoulder warmly. Other than this sharp pain in the right shoulder also indicates its use. 

  1. Belladonna – For Aching, Drawing Pain in Shoulder

This medicine is prepared from a plant named as deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a valuable medicine for cases with aching and drawing pain in the shoulder. The pain can go down the arm from top of the shoulder sometimes. This pain is worse at night. It is also worse from motion. Relief in the pain is noted by external pressure.

  1. Graphites – For Pain in Left Shoulder

This medicine is recommended for managing left sided shoulder pain. The pain in cases requiring it is usually tearing in nature. The pain is felt on moving the arm. Sometimes a burning type of pain is felt in the left shoulder. While in a few cases there occurs a sticking, tearing or lancinating pain in the shoulders.

  1. Pulsatilla – For Drawing, Tearing Shoulder Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly named as pasque flower or wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is used when there is drawing, tearing pain in the shoulder. With this there is desire to move the arm. There may occur heaviness in shoulder and arms in addition to above symptoms.

  1. Sulphur – For Lacerating Shoulder Pain

This medicine is mainly indicated for managing lacerating type of pain in the shoulder. Mostly it worsens at night in cases needing it.  Along with this a sensation of pressure like a weight is felt on the shoulders. This is especially worse when walking in open air. Next symptom indicative of using this medicine is pain in the left shoulder as if it is bruised.

  1. Phytolacca – For Right Shoulder Pain

It is prepared from a plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. This medicine offers the best help in cases of right shoulder pain. In cases needing it the pain is shooting type. It is accompanied with stiffness.  Additionally, there is an inability to raise the arm.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Diarrhea in Children – Natural Homeopathic Remedies Can Help

Diarrhea refers to passing loose, watery stools many times a day (three or more times a day). Diarrhea is a very common problem among children and can affect children of any age. It can be acute or chronic. In acute cases  diarrhea lasts for 1 or 2 days. In case of chronic diarrhea, complaints last for a few weeks or more. Homeopathy for diarrhea in children works well in mild to moderate cases.homeopathy for diarrhea in children


It can arise from various reasons. Firstly, it can arise from infection of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenteritis). The infections can occur from viruses (like rotavirus), bacteria and in rare cases, parasites also. Among them, viral infections are the most common reason.
It can also arise from food poisoning and use of medicines like antibiotics and laxatives. It may also arise in case of food allergies or food intolerances. 
Certain medical conditions may also cause diarrhea, like Celiac disease (an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten which is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye triggers an immune response that causes damage to the small intestine’s lining and prevents proper absorption of nutrients from the food). 

Crohn’s disease (a type of inflammatory bowel disease -IBD, that can cause inflammation in any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. It results in symptoms including diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue and malnutrition) is another cause.
Next is ulcerative colitis (a type of IBD that causes inflammation and ulcers in the colon and the rectum. Its major symptoms are diarrhea mixed with blood and abdomen pain).
Lastly, it can be a part of IBS – irritable bowel disease (a common disorder affecting the large intestine that causes symptoms including abdominal cramping, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation or alternate diarrhea and constipation).


There is passage of loose stool at least three or more times in a day in case of diarrhoea. There may be urgency to pass stool also. In some cases the stool may pass involuntarily. The loose stool may be accompanied with pain or cramps in the abdomen. Sometimes mucus or blood may pass in stool in some of the cases depending on the cause behind it. In some cases nausea and vomiting also occurs. The symptoms can be mild and last for a day or two or they can be severe that last for several days. Chronic diarrhea can lead to malnutrition.
It can cause dehydration. Few symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, tongue and lips, increased thirst, urinating less than usual,  lack of energy, lethargy, weakness, irritability, sunken eyes and cheeks, no tears when crying. In case of severe dehydration, there may be drowsiness, coldness of the hands or the feet, very less urination (not passing urine in more than 8 hours), pale skin and sunken soft spot on infant’s head (fontanelle), inability of child’s skin to spring back to normal right away on pinching and releasing, high fever and unconsciousness.  Severe dehydration can result in critical conditions including  shock, organ damage, coma and even death so should be urgently treated without any delay. 

Homeopathy for Diarrhea in Children 

Homeopathy can be very beneficial in mild to moderate cases of diarrhoea in children. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, natural and effective for managing this condition. These medicines help to manage loose stool and its attending symptoms including nausea, vomiting, abdomen pain in a very effective way. Along with use of these medicines, plenty of fluid intake is recommended in each and every such case. It is advised to use any homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic doctor who can suggest the most suitable medicine for a given case after detailed case analysis.  One can opt for use of homeopathic medicines when the case is of mild to moderate intensity but in case of severe diarrhea or when it is attended with fever or signs of dehydration then  it is strictly advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating such serious cases.

  1. Chamomilla – Top Grade Medicine 

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. This plant belongs to family compositae.  It is a very effective medicine for cases in which a child passes watery, frequent stool. The stool is very offensive and smells sour. Stool is  mostly greenish in colour. It may have slimy mucus in it that can be yellow, green or white. Stool may be preceded by pain in the abdomen. With above putrid or sour smelling gas may also pass. It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy to manage complaints of  diarrhoea that occurs during dentition. 

  1. Podophyllum –  For Profuse Gushing Stool

Podophyllum is the next well indicated medicine for managing diarrhoea in children. It is prepared from the root of a plant Podophyllum peltatum having the common name may apple. It belongs to the family berberidaceae. This medicine is beneficial when there is profuse gushing stool. It can be yellow or green coloured. Stool has a  very offensive smell. It may contain undigested food particles also. In some cases stool may be mixed with mucus also.

  1. Calcarea Carb – When Stool is Offensive 

This medicine is helpful for children who pass stool having undigested particles in it and that has an offensive smell. It may smell sour or like spoiled eggs. Sometimes it may have blood also. In some cases the stool is involuntary and may be frothy too. Loose stool may be accompanied with abdominal pain. Use of this medicine is also recommended in case of diarrhea during dentition. 

  1. Cina – For Watery Stool with White Mucus

It is prepared from the unexpanded flower heads of plant Artemisia maritima. It belongs to family compositae. This medicine is useful when there is a watery stool with white mucus in it. It may be greenish and slimy. The stool may be preceded by pinching colic in the abdomen. The stool may pass involuntarily sometimes. On some occasions blood may appear in stool.

  1. Arsenic album – For Cases of Food Poisoning

It is a leading medicine for cases of diarrhea that results from food poisoning. In cases needing it the stool is thin or watery, slimy with offensive or rotten smell. It may have green mucus in it.  Along with it burning sensation may be felt around the navel region. The burning is felt before and during passing stool. In most cases vomiting is also there with loose stool. Along with above symptoms weakness can be present.

  1. Aloe – For Sudden Urge to Pass Stool 

It is prepared from gum of a plant Aloe Socotrina. It belongs to family liliaceae. It is a well indicated medicine when there is sudden urgency to pass stool. The urge for stool occurs soon after eating or drinking. The stool is watery, lumpy or mushy. Sometimes mucus passes in the stool. Its use is also considered when stool is passed involuntary when passing gas.

  1. Rheum – For Greenish Sour Smelling Stool

This medicine is prepared from plant Rheum officinale commonly known as rhubarb. It belongs to the family polygonaceae.It is a very suitable medicine for children who pass thin greenish stool with sour smell. It is accompanied by abdominal colic. The pain may be pinching type. Increase salivation is present with this.

  1. Ipecac – For Loose Stool Attended with Nausea, Vomiting

Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of a plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to the family rubiaceae. This medicine works well when nausea and vomiting occurs with loose stool. Along with this colic is also there. It is mainly indicated when loose stool occurs from eating unripe fruits, sweets or during dentition. The stool is mainly yellow or green coloured. 

  1. China – For Loose Stool with Excessive Gas

This medicine is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis commonly known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to family rubiaceae. It is  helpful when stool is attended with excessive gas. The stool is profuse, loose. It may be greenish or brownish. It can have undigested food in it. It has marked putrid smell. Weakness may occur with above symptoms. It is also a very suitable medicine when diarrhea occurs from eating fruits.

  1. Colocynth – For Managing Stomach Cramps

It is prepared from pulp of fruit of a plant Citrullus colocynthis commonly known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is very suitable medicine to manage stomach cramps. In cases needing it cramps in the stomach gets worse after taking food or drink. Bending double or hard pressure helps to relieve the pain in the stomach. Stool is watery, yellow and frothy in cases that need it. Lastly during stool gas is also passed.

  1. Silicea – For Frequent Loose Stool 

This medicine is well-indicated for cases in which stool is loose, frequent and contains undigested food particles in it. Sometimes stool is frothy or contains mucus also. Stool is most of the time painless in cases that require it. Weakness may occur with this.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Exostosis : Homeopathy Offers Treatment for Benign Growths

Exostosis refers to a new, bony growth on the surface of a bone. It is also known as osteoma and bony spur. It is a benign growth, meaning a non-cancerous growth. The main reasons behind it is irritation of the bone for a prolonged time period and injury to the bone. Homeopathic treatment for exostosis is recommended in cases of benign extra bony growths, but should be strictly followed by conventional treatment in cases of malignant or cancerous growth. 
Homeopathic treatment for exostosis

Having a family history of exostosis also predisposes a person to it. It may also occur without any known cause. Some of the common locations where it can develop are ankle, ear canal, long bone of the legs, paranasal sinuses and jaw. The exostosis can be sessile or pedunculated. In sessile exostosis the bone growth is fixed and broad. In pedunculated type the new bony growth is connected to the existing bone by a narrow stem.


  1. Surfer’s ear (exostosis of external auditory canal)

In this type extra bone growth occurs in the ear canal. It can be on one or both sides. This occurs from irritation of the bone from exposure to cold wind frequently or water. It can lead to hearing loss.

  1. Haglund’s deformity (Heel exostosis)

It refers to new bony growth that occurs on the back of the heel bone. This deformity is also known by other names including retrocalcaneal exostosis and Mulholland deformity. Its main symptom is heel pain. Some of the factors that contribute to it are tight achilles tendon that connect the lower part of calf muscle in the back of the leg to the heel bone, high arch in the foot and genetics. Most commonly it occurs in middle aged women. This deformity may also develop from rubbing of the shoe against the heel bone for a long time. That is why it is also called a ‘pump bump’.

  1. Buccal exostosis (mouth or jaw exostosis)

It is a rare type in which bony overgrowth occurs on the upper or lower jawbone. It usually results from injury to gums and underlying bones.  Mostly it develops in early adolescence and is mostly painless. 

  1. Paranasal sinus osteoma

In this bone growth occurs on the paranasal sinus wall (paranasal sinuses refers to four pairs of air filled spaces inside the skull which surrounds the nose). 

It may have no symptoms, or in some cases it can be painful from pressure put on the nearby nerve. The sufferer may feel pressure or congestion in sinus due to obstruction in sinus drainage by the bony overgrowth. 

  1. Osteochondroma 

It is very common in which new  bone growth occurs on the long bones of the leg, shoulder, pelvis. This type is seen during the growth time, when bone develops in childhood or teenage.

People experiencing it may have one leg or arm shorter than the other, their height may be below normal as compared to what is considered normal for their age, and they may have soreness of muscles that are located near the affected bone. During exercise they may experience pain.

  1. Subungual exostosis

In this type bony growth occurs underneath the nail bed. It usually occurred in the big toe. This may arise from an infection or injury to nail bed.

  1. Hereditary multiple exostosis (also called osteochondromatosis and diaphyseal aclasis)

It is one which is related to heredity and persons with family history of it are at risk. In this there occurs abnormal bone growth on more than one bone. It is a rare condition and the growths in it occurs on arms, fingers, legs or toes.  It is diagnosed in childhood mostly by the age of 5yrs old. In this the shape of bone appears abnormal. Next there may occur pain on movement, bowed legs or arms, stiffness, different length of limbs and less than normal height as per age.


The symptoms depend on the location and size of bone overgrowth. In many cases no symptoms occur and the bony outgrowth is accidentally found when an X – ray is done for some other reason. But in some cases it may cause pain in the affected bone area. The intensity of pain varies from mild to moderate. Pain usually occurs when the bone growth puts pressure on the nearby nerves or blood vessels. Rest of the symptoms depend on the type of exostosis.


In some cases of exostosis complications can occur. In the case of a surfer’s ear the complications that can arise are hearing loss and predisposition to infection. 

In case of Osteochondroma complications can occur from pressure on the blood vessels. This includes cramping in legs (claudication), inflammation of vein, blocked blood supply. Lastly, there is risk (around 1 – 5 %) of benign exostosis in hereditary multiple exostosis to turn cancerous. When it turns cancerous it is known by the name of osteosarcoma.

Homeopathic Treatment for Exostosis 

Homeopathy offers a very natural, effective safe treatment for exostosis cases. The homeopathic medicines help to gradually dissolve the bony overgrowth. Along with this they help to manage associated pain and soreness if present. The best suitable medicine in homeopathy for treating exostosis is decided for every individual case after complete detail analysis. The homeopathic medicines are selected considering the location of bony outgrowth and the attending symptoms. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended in case of benign extra bony growths but in case the growth is cancerous it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such cases.

  1. Calcarea Fluor – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for dissolving extra bony growths, bone spurs. It is well indicated for bony overgrowth on the feet, knees and fingers. Next it is indicated for such growths on head, back or ribs. Exostosis that occurs after a bone injury is also indicative of its use.

  1. Hecla Lava – For Bony Outgrowth on Jaw, Head and Legs

It is the next important medicine having marked action on the bones. This medicine works well in cases of overgrowth of bone occurring especially on the jaw, head and legs. Cases of bone growth over upper jaw from injury respond well to this medicine. In this case the upper jaw may be painful to touch. In legs mostly growth on the tibia bone calls for using this medicine. Severe continuous pain may be felt in the leg in these cases. Apart from above it gives good results in case of exostosis on the fingers.   

  1. Aurum Met – For Exostosis on Skull, Pelvis, Arms, Legs

This medicine is prominent to treat cases in which the bone overgrows mostly on skull bone. Boring type of pain attends it. It worsens from touch.
The bone may outgrow the bones of the pelvis. It may also occur on the arms and the legs where this medicine is required.

  1. Phosphorus – When Bone Overgrowth Occurs on Skull, Spine, Lower Limbs

Phosphorus is a beneficial medicine to dissolve bony overgrowths that arise on the skull, spine and lower limb. In case of lower limb the bone growth is seen in femur bone present in thigh and tibia bone in leg. While in skull involvement the extra bone forms on frontal and occipital bones.

  1. Merc Sol – For Skull Exostosis Attended with Soreness

It is a very useful medicine for exostosis on skull bone attended with

soreness to touch. Worsening of pain at night in bed may also be present. Sometimes a peculiar sensation of ulceration accompanies it.

  1. Fluoric Acid – For Bone Growth in Face, Head

Use of this medicine is considered when the bony outgrowths occur in the head or bones of the face. Exostosis which is painful especially at night is also a characteristic symptom for using it. 

  1. Mezereum – For Pain in Head from Bone Overgrowth in Skull 

This medicine is prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before the plant flowers) of the plant Daphne mezereum also known as Spurge Olive. It belongs to the family thymelaeaceae. In cases needing it pain in the head is present from extra bone growth on skull bone. The skull bones are elevated in many places.

  1. Rhus Tox – For Exostosis on Sacrum and Bone of Arm

It is helpful for painful exostosis occurring on sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the vertebral column). It is also a significant medicine for new bone growth occurring in the bones of the arm. Along with this a burning sensation may be felt in the arms.

  1. Angustura-  For Exostosis on Lower Jaw

This medicine is prepared from the bark of plant Angustura Vera, also known as Bonplandia trifoliata. The family of this plant is rutaceae. It is highly valuable medicine for cases in which extra bone grows on the lower jaw.

  1. Argentum Met – For Exostosis on Skull

This medicine is well indicated for treating cases of exostosis on skull bone.

  1. Staphisagria – For Bone Outgrowth in Fingers and Toes

It is prepared from seeds of a plant Delphinium staphisagria having the common name Stavesacre. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated to help dissolve the extra bone growth occurring in bones of fingers and toes. 

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Deltoid Pain – Symptomatic Management with Homeopathy

Deltoid pain is the pain felt in the deltoid muscle which is a large, triangle – shaped muscle lying over the uppermost part of the arm at the top of the shoulder. It is composed of three regions named the front (anterior), middle, and back. This muscle is attached through tendons to the collarbone (clavicle), shoulder blade (scapulae) and the upper arm. This muscle is responsible to lift the arm and rotate the arm. Homeopathic treatment for deltoid pain is recommended in cases of mild to moderate intensity.homeopathic treatment of deltoid pain


The main reason for it is straining this muscle, injury to muscle or its over use without taking proper rest. Straining can occur from lifting heavy weights, playing certain sports, doing intense exercise that involves the shoulder, swimming, excessive typing on the computer without taking frequent breaks. The injury can occur from repetitive use of the deltoid muscle and the shoulder mostly in the athletes, and from an accident like a fall on the shoulder. 


A person may feel deltoid pain on the front, side or back of the shoulder. The pain may radiate from the tip of the shoulder to the upper arm on lifting the arm. The intensity of the pain can be mild to severe in intensity. Next tightness may be felt in the muscle region. Along with pain the mobility of the shoulder and the arm may be hindered or restricted. There is difficulty in lifting the objects. Swelling over the deltoid muscle can also be there. The deltoid muscle may be sore and tender to touch in some of the cases. Sometimes weakness of the shoulder may be felt in addition to the above symptoms.

Deltoid Strain – Grades 

The deltoid strain is divided into three grades depending on the intensity of the symptoms:

Grade 1 – In this there occurs tightness in the muscle and slight swelling is present. Along with this pain may be felt on using the arm. The movement of the shoulder is not restricted and a person can use the arm normally.

Grade 2 – In this grade there occur partial tears in the deltoid muscle and pain and swelling are increased in intensity. The movement of the shoulder gets restricted. Using or lifting the arm leads to pain in this grade.

Grade 3 – it occurs in serious injuries where complete tear of the deltoid muscle is present. In this the pain and swelling are of severe intensity. The shoulder movements may be intensely restricted or not possible at all.   

Homeopathic Treatment for Deltoid Pain 

Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial to relieve the deltoid pain. These medicines gradually relieve the pain and its attending symptoms. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects. Use of these medicines is recommended in cases of mild to moderate deltoid pain. These help in healing the muscle strain of mild to moderate degree. But in case of serious deltoid injury or severe muscle tear it is recommended to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations to treat such severe cases.

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of deltoid pain. It is well indicated when the complaint arises from muscle strain, repetitive activity that puts pressure on the muscle and from over lifting. In cases requiring it the pain in the shoulder occurs which is accompanied with stiffness as if from a sprain. Next pressure on the shoulders is felt as from a heavy weight. The pain can be tearing, burning or stitching type. This worsens while lying and when at rest. Moving about helps to give relief in the pain. This medicine also is useful for cases in which the shoulder pain gets worse in cold weather. 

  1. Sanguinaria Can – For Right Sided Pain

This medicine is prepared from plant Sanguinaria canadensis commonly known as Blood root. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a very effective medicine for pain in the deltoid muscle of the right side. Persons needing it have pain in the right shoulder and upper part of the right arm. This pain gets worse from lifting things. They are unable to raise their arms. Worsening of the pain is also there at the night time and when turning in the bed. The pain wakes them from sleep. The pain may be specifically cutting type in some of the cases. The deltoid area is very sensitive and tender to pressure. The right deltoid is also stiff in addition to above. This is worse when raising or turning the arm. 

  1. Ferrum Met – For Left Sided Pain

Ferrum Met works well in cases of left sided deltoid pain. People who need it experience increased pain during night time. Motion helps to relieve the pain. Along with pain they have restricted arm movement and the problem in raising the arm is present. Putting the hand behind their back is also impossible for them. Mostly they have tearing or shooting type of pain. The pain may radiate from the shoulder to the upper arm. The deltoid muscle is also sore with above symptoms. 

  1. Ledum Pal – When Pain Worsens on Lifting Arm

This medicine is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre commonly known as wild rosemary and marsh cistus. This plant belongs to family ericaceae. It is beneficial when the shoulder pain gets worse on lifting arms. The pain can be stitching, lancinating or throbbing type. Next with pain pressure is felt in the shoulder. This is worse from motion.

  1. Phytolacca – For Pain Worsening at Night

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as Poke root and also Red Ink Plant. It belongs to family phytolaccaceae. It is useful when the shoulder pain gets worse at night time. The pain can dull aching or shooting in nature for using it. Stiffness can attend it. Difficulty in raising the arm is also present.

  1. Bryonia – For Pain in the Right Shoulder 

It is prepared from the root of a plant Bryonia alba commonly known by the name of wild hops or white bryony. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very helpful medicine for right sided shoulder pain, similar to the remedy Sanguinaria. It is indicated when there is painful tension feeling in the right shoulder.  A sensation of pressure on the top of the right shoulder is also felt with this. This worsens on touch.  In a few cases needing it there occurs tearing pain in the shoulder and upper arm with tension and swelling. Sometimes the pain is drawing type in the upper arm.

  1. Zincum Met – For Tearing Pain in Shoulder and Upper Arm

This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is tearing pain in the shoulder and the upper arm. The pain worsens on raising the arm. Along with this heaviness and pressure is felt in the shoulders. The shoulder also feels tensed. Other than this it is indicated for drawing from top of the shoulder going down the arm. Next in cases having stitching pain in the shoulder this medicine proves useful. 

  1. Rhododendron – When Pain Worsens from Motion

It is prepared from fresh leaves of plant Rhododendron chrysanthum. Having the common name yellow Snow rose. It belongs to family ericaceae. It is useful when the pain in the deltoid muscle gets worse from motion. The pain is mostly left sided for using it. The type of pain is usually boring or tearing in nature.

  1. Silicea – When Pain is Better by Warm Covering

This medicine is specifically indicated when the shoulder pain gets better from warm covering. It is mostly worse at night where it is required. Use of this medicine is also considered when there is sharp pain in the right sided shoulder.

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain in Right Shoulder on Movement

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh plant Chelidonium Majus. Commonly known as Greater Celandine. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is used for right sided shoulder pain that worsens on movement of the arm. The pain is tearing in nature. Sometimes this medicine is also used for left shoulder pain with a feeling of being sprained. This is often accompanied with a cold feeling in the upper arm.

  1. Agaricus – For Pain that Worsens on Moving Joint Backward

Agaricus is a beneficial medicine for cases in which the pain in the  deltoid gets worse from moving the shoulder joint backward. It is mostly present on the right side. With this a sprained feeling in the deltoid may be felt. Lastly a sensation of splinters in the deltoid muscle can be there when lifting the arm.

  1. Asarum Europoeum – For Contractive, Tensive Pain

It is prepared from plant commonly known as Asarabacca and Hazelwort. It belongs to family aristolochiaceae. This medicine works well when there is contractive tensive type of pain in the deltoid muscle. Apart from this stitching pain in the shoulders is also indicative of its use. 

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Homeopathy for Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness refers to a group of symptoms that can arise in a person from going at higher altitudes too quickly. It happens due to low levels of oxygen at high altitudes. It is also known by the name of mountain sickness.  This condition usually occurs at altitudes of 8,000 feet (ft) or higher. People who live at high altitudes are adapted to low oxygen saturation, but persons who travel to higher altitudes than their body is used to can develop altitude sickness. Climbing, hiking, driving at higher altitudes too rapidly or climbing at too high altitudes poses a risk of it because the body doesn’t get enough time then to adjust to the decreased oxygen levels. Homeopathy for altitude sickness can help manage symptoms, with homeopathic remedy Coca being the first-aid medicine, popularly known as ‘the mountaineer’s remedy.’ homeopathy for altitude sickness

Anyone can get it who hurry into ascending at high altitudes, without giving their body enough time to adjust to the changes in air pressure. The chances of it are increased if the climb is difficult and takes excessive energy compared to an easy climb needing less energy. Risk is increased in persons having a history of this complaint. The risk is lowered if a person ascends at high altitudes in a gradual manner. Mountain sickness can be acute or chronic. In acute type  symptoms are felt shortly after ascending quickly at high altitude. While in chronic type the symptoms develop after a person remains at higher altitude of more than 8200 feet for an extended time. The chronic mountain sickness is also known as Monge’s disease. 


The symptoms of this condition occur between 6 to 24 hours after reaching higher altitudes. The intensity of symptoms depends on various factors that include age of the person, weight of the person, general physical fitness levels, the speed at which a person climbed the higher altitude and how much time is spent by a person at  the high altitude. A person is said to have altitude sickness if he gets a headache and at least one other attending symptoms of altitude sickness at a height of 8000 ft. Other than headache the symptoms of this condition when in mild condition includes  dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (tiredness, weakness), sleeplessness (insomnia), loss of appetite, general malaise, feeling sleepy, increased heart rate and shortness of breath on doing exertion. The symptoms  tend to get better in a day or two as the body adjusts itself to altitude change. But in severe cases serious symptoms may develop. These serious symptoms are severe headache, shortness of breath  even at rest, chest tightness, skin discolouration, cough, coughing of blood, loss of coordination, unsteady gait means problem in walking, confusion and decreased consciousness.

Classification of Altitude Sickness

It is classified into three types:

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) :

It is the  most common and the mildest form of altitude sickness. Its symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea and muscle aches.

High – Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE):

This form occurs if AMS is not treated well in time and it persists. In this type fluid fills the brain leading to its swelling and hindering its normal functioning. This fluid leaks from blood vessels into the brain that occurs from low oxygen levels resulting in brain swelling. This type needs immediate treatment because it can cause death if not urgently treated. Its symptoms include intense drowsiness, confusion, disorientation, fever, trouble walking and hallucinations (a symptom in which a person sees or hears things not present actually in reality

High – Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)

In this type excessive fluid builds up in the lungs and hinders its normal function. This type is also life threatening and if not treated immediately can cause death. The symptoms of this type are difficulty breathing even at rest, blueness of skin or lips (cyanosis), persistent intense cough, chest tightness / congestion, rattling or gurgling noises in lungs when breathing, confusion and  weakness.

Homeopathy for Altitude Sickness

There are some medicines in homeopathy that are beneficial for cases of altitude sickness. These can be considered in these cases of mild intensity. In cases where any of the symptoms are very severe /serious and are indicating HACE and HAPE it Is advisable to take immediate help from conventional treatment. Homeopathic medicines can help mild cases with symptoms including headache, exhaustion, dizziness, sleeplessness, palpitations, anxiety and mild difficult breathing. The first aid homeopathic medicine best fit for managing these symptoms is Coca also popularly known as “The mountaineer’s remedy’’. 

  1. Coca

This medicine is prepared from leaves of the plant Coca Erythroxylon that belongs to family linee. It is top listed medicine for cases of altitude sickness. It is the best homeopathic medicine for managing cases of mild to moderate intensity. The key features to use this medicine in these cases are headache, dizziness, sleeplessness, palpitations, anxiety, exhaustion and difficulty breathing. This medicine is helpful when any of these symptoms arise from ascending high altitudes. Its use is also recommended as a preventive for altitude sickness in persons having a history of this condition any time in the past.

  1. Calcarea Carb 

Calcarea Carb is another well indicated homeopathic medicine for cases of altitude sickness. It is mainly indicated for vertigo (a symptom in which a person feels as if he is moving or the surrounding objects are moving but actually they are not) when climbing high altitudes or going up a hill. For using it the vertigo can be felt on suddenly turning the head. The vertigo is attended with a sensation of falling. Along with vertigo, headache nausea and vomiting can be present too.   

  1. Carbo Veg 

Carbo Veg is the next valuable medicine for altitude sickness. One of the main actions of this medicine is centred around the complaints arising from lack of proper oxygenation of blood. In cases of mountain sickness it is beneficial for complaints of mild difficult breathing. This can be used only in mild cases and not severe ones. Persons needing it have quick, short breathing. This is attended with desire to take a deep breath. Breathing difficulty worsens from walking. They may desire to be fanned to get more air. Palpitation can be felt with the above symptoms. Another attending symptom that they may have is weakness and exhaustion.

  1. Gelsemium

It is a natural medicine prepared from the bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as yellow jasmine. This plant belongs to family loganiaceae. This medicine can help in managing the complaint of dizziness. Persons needing it feel Lightheadedness or vertigo. It worsens from sudden movement of head and also from walking. The head may feel heavy with it. Next it works well to manage excessive drowsiness or feeling sleepy. Lastly, it is an effective medicine for managing fatigue, tiredness, weakness. 

  1. Belladonna 

This medicine is prepared from plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a beneficial medicine to manage headaches. Persons who require it feel throbbing, pulsating pain in the head usually in the temples (sides) of the head. Congestion, fullness, heat in the head accompanies it. They may feel better in pain from applying pressure on the head.

  1. Conium

This medicine is well indicated to manage dizziness and vertigo with whirling sensation in the head. In cases needing it the vertigo is felt when turning the head or when rising from a seat or walking. Along with this a pressure sensation is also felt in the head.

  1. Arnica

It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. It belongs to the family composite. It is a very beneficial medicine for managing muscle aches. The main characteristic symptom for using it is sore bruised pains in the body. It feels as if the body is beaten. It helps to relieve the muscle pain and soreness very effectively.

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Formication – Symptomatic Management with Homeopathy

The term formication is derived from Latin word ‘formica’ meaning ant. Formication is a sensation of having insects crawling/biting on or under the skin. It doesn’t mean that insects are really present which are causing the sensation. It is actually a specific form of tactile hallucination, meaning a false perception of touch in the absence of any external stimulus or physical cause for it. These help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this sensation gradually. Homeopathic medicines for formication help in reducing the intensity and frequency of this sensation gradually.Homeopathic medicines for formication

In some cases the sufferer has a fixed delusion of parasitosis. In this case he has a firm and persistent belief that he is infested with parasites, insects or bugs when no such infestation is present. He may even say that he has seen worms or bugs crawling on or under the skin. This delusion is most common in case of formication of drug induced origin and occurring in middle aged or elderly women.  

Formication is characterised under type of paraesthesia which means abnormal sensation on the skin with no apparent physical  trigger behind it. Paraesthesia also includes some other sensations including tingling, prickling, burning, numbness, coldness or pin needle like sensation. These sensations can affect any of the body parts but most commonly occurs in hands, feet, arms and legs. The reasons behind paraesthesia include pressure on a nerve, poor blood circulation, nerve damage.


Person affected may feel itching on the skin. This may lead to scratching and picking on the skin area where crawling is present. Scratching may sometimes be very severe to cause bleeding and excoriations of the skin. Scratching or picking also can damage the skin and cause cuts on the skin. It can get infected and lead to open wounds and skin ulcers. Depending upon the cause formication may occur with other symptoms. These include fatigue, body aches, stiffness in the body, tremors of the hands, difficulty concentrating, depressed feeling, or feeling agitated.


Formication can be a symptom of various medical conditions. First, it can be a symptom of anxiety. Next, it may occur in case of diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage that occurs in case of diabetes). Other conditions that may have a symptom of formication are fibromyalgia (disorder in which widespread pain in the body occurs which is attended with sleep problems, tiredness and issues with mood and memory) and parkinson’s disease (Degenerative neurological disorder that begins with tremors, muscle rigidity, slowness of movement and stooped posture). It can also occur in shingles also known as herpes zoster (A viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus. In this a painful, blistering skin rash occurs that affects one side of the body). Next medical condition that can lead to it is Lyme disease (an infectious disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia transmitted to humans by a bite from an infected black – legged / deer tick).

Apart from above it can appear in cases of skin cancer. Females who are around perimenopause age can also experience it.  It may also arise from use of some medicines (used for treating depression) or recreational drug use (eg. Cocaine and crystal meth). Other causes are pesticide exposure, mercury poisoning, hypocalcaemia, diseases of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Lastly it may arise from withdrawal of using alcohol or stopping use of certain drugs.


It can lead to poor sleep quality, tiredness, concentration difficulty, frustration, anxiety, depression. The complications that can arise from constant scratching of skin includes skin infection, skin ulcers, gangrene, fever and sepsis in severe cases.

Homeopathic Remedies for Formication 

People with complaints of formication may find homeopathy to be very useful for managing the symptoms. The medicines used in homeopathy for managing it are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Hence they are very safe and gentle to use with zero side effects. There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for managing it and the best suitable homeopathic medicine for any case of formication is selected as per the individual symptoms of the sufferer. It is advised to get a homeopathic medicine prescribed by a homeopathic doctor for a case of formication after a detailed case analysis. In case of severe complicated cases it is advised to get help from conventional mode of treatment.

1. Zincum Met – When it is Better by Rubbing

This medicine is beneficial for cases persons who have general formication which is better by rubbing. They feel as if they are covered with ants. Other than this it is useful for crawling sensation in both the calf muscles extending to toes. Formication in the feet along with coldness especially at night is also a guiding symptom to use it. Lastly, it is used when there is a sensation of bugs crawling from feet up to knees or even thighs disturbing the sleep.

2. Agaricus – For Formication Along the Spine

This medicine is best indicated for sensation of ants creeping along the spine. Along with this there may be a burning sensation in the back. It is also a prominent medicine for formication in the feet along with heaviness or weakness. Persons having crawling sensation in upper and lower limbs can also be benefited with it.

3. Aconite – When it Shifts from One Place to Another

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated medicine to manage formication in various body parts when it shifts from one part to another. For using it the crawling sensation may be present in upper and lower limbs. Next there may be crawling in the spine as from beetles. Thirdly formication is felt on the scalp specifically relieved by heat. Creeping in the fingers while writing is another characteristic symptom.

4. Cocainum Hydrochloricum – For Sensation of Foreign Body or Worms under Skin

It is the next prominent medicine used where a person has sensation of foreign bodies or worms under the skin. He may also have a sensation of bugs on his body or clothes. There may be a specific symptom of formication in the hands and forearms attended with numbness. Apart from these it is also indicated for cases of parkinson’s disease and delirium tremens. 

5. Ranunculus Bulbosus – When it Affects Scalp or Fingers

It is prepared from plant Ranunculus Bulbosus having the common name buttercup. It belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is a valuable medicine for crawling, creeping sensation in the scalp. Burning sensation in the scalp may also be there with this. Another symptom where it is helpful is crawling sensation in the skin of fingers.

6. Hypericum – For Crawling in Hands and Feet

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh plant Hypericum perforatum having the common name St. John’s Wort. It belongs to the family hypericaceae. This medicine is suitable for managing crawling sensation in the hands and feet. Sometimes needle-like sticking is also felt with this. In some cases numbness is experienced along with crawling sensation. Lastly pain in the fingers and toes may accompany the above symptoms. 

7. Picric Acid – When it Affects Head, Legs or Ears

It is another effective medicine for these cases. It is most helpful for persons having a crawling sensation on the head. They feel as if there are ants all over the head surface. It is also beneficial for persons who have crawling in the legs. Numbness may attend it. Next symptom that can accompany this is a pricking sensation as if from needles. Trembling is yet another symptom that can be present with this. Lastly people having a sensation of worms crawling in their ears can be benefited with it. 

8. Causticum – For Crawling Sensation in Soles of Feet

This medicine is suited for cases having crawling sensation in the soles of the feet. There feels as if something alive is present in the soles where it is required. Next characteristic symptom for using it is the crawling sensation in the ball of the great toe. This burning is also felt in the big toe. Sometimes it can be attended with pressive or stitching pain in it.

9. Cistus – For Sensation of Ant Crawling all over the Body

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Cistus Canadensis also named as  Helianthemum canadense. It is commonly known by various names like Rock rose, Ice plant and Frost weed. It belongs to the family cistacae. It is an effective medicine when there is a sensation of ants running through the whole body. For using it this sensation is most marked in the evening or at night time. This sensation may be accompanied with itching. It is also well indicated medicine when an ant crawling sensation is attended with anxiety.

10. Secale Cor – For Formication in Spine, Limbs, Finger Tips, Tongue

This is a good medicine for managing formication in the spine. This may be accompanied with coldness in the back. Secondly, it is indicated to manage formication in the limbs. Prickling, tingling or numbness may be felt with this. Third characteristic for using it is a crawling sensation in tips of fingers as if something alive is creeping under skin. The fingertips may be sensitive to cold with this. Another guiding symptom to use is painful tingling or sensation of crawling of ants on the tongue. Apart from all above this is indicated for managing crawling tingling sensation as from ants which is relieved from rubbing.

11. Sulphur – For Crawling Sensation in Hands and Feet

Sulphur is a valuable medicine for managing crawling sensation in the hands and feet. People requiring it may also have crawling on the tip of their fingers. Prickling sensation may also be felt in fingertips. This tends to get worse on hanging arms down. In case of feet initially heated burning sensation is felt. This is followed by itching and crawling in them.  Sometimes crawling occurs specifically in the heel of the right side. This is marked in the evening in bed.

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Hemifacial Spasm – Homeopathic Remedies Can Help

Hemifacial Spasm is a nervous system disorder characterised by involuntary twitching of  muscles on one side of the face. These result from irritation of the facial nerve that causes involuntary muscle contraction. Another name for these spasms is tic convulsif. Homeopathic remedies for hemifacial spasm help in relaxing the muscles and provide relief in this condition.hemifacial spasm

Initially there occurs twitching of the eyelid, mouth or cheek muscles and with time these spread to other areas of the face and in some cases the entire face.


The facial muscles are under the control of the facial nerve. This nerve carries signals from the brain to facial muscles to cause its contraction or relaxation. But if something causes irritation of this nerve or puts pressure on this nerve, then it can affect the nerve signals that are being carried to the face. Then it can lead to twitching or contraction of muscle at other times when they are not supposed to contract. 

Mostly it arises when a blood vessel touches a facial nerve. Other than this it may also happen from a tumour putting pressure on this nerve. Also, injury or damage to the facial nerve may also be a cause.

In many cases there is no specific cause. 

In very rare cases it may be an initial symptom of multiple sclerosis (An autoimmune system in which the immune cells attacks and damages the myelin sheath that covers nerve fibers).

Both males and females can be affected with hemifacial spasm. But mostly women above the age of 40 years are affected with it.


The main symptom is involuntarily twitching of muscles on one side of the face. They mostly start in the eyelid known as blepharospasm. The intensity varies and in starting mostly these are mild twitches and with advancing time can become more severe. In severe cases they may cause complete closing of the eye from spasm. Anxiety and tiredness tend to worsen the twitching. Initially the twitches tend to come and go but with time they may become continuous. 

Afterwards the twitching involves other areas of the face of the same side. These include cheeks, eyebrow, parts around the mouth, lips, jaw, chin and upper part of the neck. The spasm may pull the mouth to one side. 

Sometimes these twitches involve all the muscles on the entire one side of the face. The spasms may also occur during sleep. The left side of the face is usually more affected as compared to the right side.

Some symptoms that can accompany are pain in ear usually behind the ears, ringing noises in ear and difficulty in hearing.


These spasms are characterised under two forms – typical and atypical form. These spasms are said to be typical when the spasm starts in the eyelid and afterwards spreads to the lower part of the face.

In case of atypical form the spasm begins in the cheek bone area and then spreads to the eyelids.

Homeopathic Remedies for Hemifacial Spasm

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing cases of hemifacial spasm. With its use the intensity and frequency of complaint reduces gradually. These medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe and gentle to use. These treat this condition in a very natural way without any side effects. The best suitable homeopathic medicine for a case is selected after detailed case analysis in every individual case. 

  1. Zincum Met – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing cases of hemifacial spasm. It is beneficial when there is twitching of the lower lid of the left side. It is also helpful for managing jerking in the left eyebrow. Next it works well when there is spasms and twitching of muscles of the face. Twitching in the upper lip on the left side is another symptom calling for its use.

  1. Agaricus – Another Effective Medicine

It is another good remedy for managing these cases. Firstly it is indicated when there is twitching in the eyelids. Eyelids jerk and twitch. It is frequent. With spasm watering may occur from eyes. Secondly it is indicated for facial muscles twitching. Here twitching specifically of the right cheek is indicative for using it.

  1. Cuprum Met – For Spasm in Eyelids and Jaw

It is the next important medicine for managing spasms in various body parts. In cases needing it frequent twitching of eyelids specifically on the left side predominate. Next there may be spasm in jaw muscles where it is required. 

  1. Causticum – For Eyelid and Facial Muscle Twitching

This medicine also has a marked action on the nerves and muscles. It offers help to manage twitching of eyelids. Other than this it proves effective in cases where twitching of muscles of the face especially on the left side is present.

  1. Opium – For Facial Twitching at Corners of Mouth

Its use is highly recommended for managing the twitching at the corners of mouth. The mouth may appear distorted with this. Its use may also be done in twitching of other facial muscles. There occurs spasmodic motion of facial muscles with trembling in such cases. 

  1. Mygale – For Constant Twitching of Face

This is another highly valuable medicine for these cases. Its use is considered when there is constant twitching of muscles of the face. As per homeopathic literature this medicine has proved effective in curing many cases of twitching and contractions of facial muscles.

  1. Magnesium Phos – For Twitching of Eyelid and Corner of Mouth

It is a very helpful medicine for managing complaints related to muscles, one among them is spasm, twitching of muscles. It proves effective when there is spasm of eyelids. It is also useful for twitching of corners / angles of mouth.

  1. Physostigma – For Twitching Lids and Eyes

It is a natural medicine prepared from beans of plant Physostigma venenosum having the common name Calabar Bean. It belongs to family leguminosae. It is well indicated for treating twitching of muscle of eyelid and around the eyes. It also helps cases where spasms in the face are there that extends to the neck.

  1. Ignatia – For Twitching of Eyelids, Lips

This medicine is prepared from seeds of a plant Ignatia Amara commonly known as St. Ignatius Bean. It belongs to the family loganiaceae. This medicine is prominent to manage twitching of the eyelids and lips. Other than this it also helps when there occur twitching of corners of mouth. Last indication for using it is spasm in the cheek. 

  1. Cubeba – For Twitching of One Side of Mouth when Speaking or Smiling

It is prepared from dried unripe fruit of plant Cubeba Officinalis having the common name Piper cubeba. It belongs to the family piperaceae. It is specifically indicated when there occur twitching on one side of mouth when speaking or smiling.

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Menstrual Migraine – Homeopathy Can Help

Menstrual migraine is a term to describe migraine experienced by a woman every month any time between two days before beginning of the menses to 3 days after its onset. Migraine refers to a throbbing or pulsating headache that occurs mostly on one side of the head. It is usually attended with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light and sound. Menstrual migraine is diagnosed when a woman gets such a headache for at least 2 out of 3 consecutive menstrual periods. Homeopathic Remedies for menstrual migraine gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of the headache in chronic cases.Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Migraine


Menstrual migraine occurs from hormonal changes. Drop in the female hormone estrogen that occurs just prior to a menstrual period triggers these headaches.

It doesn’t occur from low levels of oestrogen in a female but from drop in levels of oestrogen from one level to another. In some women taking birth control pills can trigger these migraine attacks. This is because during 3 weeks time from a given month women take pills that supply the body with hormones regularly. But when it’s time to take no pills during pill free / menses week the estrogen level drops right away at high speed leading to headache.

Next around a woman’s perimenopausal time there occur a series of drastic changes that can trigger this migraine. 

Though these headaches decrease in frequency during menopause but women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause may also get frequent headaches. During pregnancy these headache may get better.


Its main symptom is one sided headache. It is usually felt as a throbbing type of pain. To this nausea and vomiting may accompany. Other than this sensitivity to light and sound may be experienced during headache. In some cases a set of symptoms called aura occurs before headache.

Symptoms of aura might include tingling or pins / needles like sensation in the face, arm or leg; bright spots, flashes of light or different shapes before the eyes, temporary vision loss ; Weakness / numbness in the face or one side of the body.

  1. Pure menstrual migraines –  these are experienced only around the periods and at no other times. 
  2. Menstruation-related migraines – these are the ones that occur around periods but also occur at other times too.

Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Migraine 

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat cases of menstrual migraine. They offer great help in managing the acute attacks to provide relief and are also beneficial to reduce its future recurrences in long term cases. The homeopathic medicines to treat it are of natural origin so they treat the condition in a very safe, gentle and natural way without any sort of side effects.

  1. Natrum Mur – Top Grade Medicine

It is a prominent medicine for treating headache before and during menses.  The headache feels as if thousands of hammers are knocking on the brain. With this there is nausea and vomiting. The face gets red. The eyes also feel heavy. Visual disturbance may be felt sometimes with headache. The pain worsens from motion and also from eye movement where it is needed. It feels better after sleep and pressing on the eyes. 

  1. Pulsatilla – For Headache Attended with Vomiting

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It works well in cases in which headache is accompanied with vomiting. Mostly it is helpful when a headache occurs two or three days before the menses. There is also dimness of vision. Headache is one sided and is pulsating type for using it. Watering from eyes on the side affected may sometimes be present. Menstrual flow may be scanty. There may be some relief in the headache by walking in the open air. It is also a great medicine when headache is felt at the appearance of the menses. Here pain is mostly felt at top of head and the pain is mostly pressing or throbbing in nature.

  1. Sepia – For Headache during Menstruation

This is another useful medicine for treating headache at menstrual time. In cases needing it the pain is stinging type in one side of the head. It is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain worsens in a room and feels better in the open air. It is also better by lying on the painful side of the head. The menses may be scanty and last for too short a duration in cases requiring it.

  1. Belladonna – For Throbbing Type of Headache

This medicine is prepared from a plant deadly nightshade. It belongs to family solanaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for managing a throbbing type of headache. With this there feels fullness sensation and heat in the head. Mostly the headache gets worse from light exposure and noise where it is indicated. It may also worsen from cold air exposure. Pressure on the head may relieve the pain.

  1. Glonoine – For Congestive, Throbbing, Bursting Headache

Glonoine is a very effective medicine for congestive throbbing and bursting headaches. Females needing it can feel the pain before, during or at the end of their periods. The eyes and face may be red with the pain. Sometimes pain is tearing in nature. Nausea occurs with pain. They may get relief in pain from sleep. 

  1. Lachesis – For Headache before and during Menses

Use of this medicine is considered when headache occurs before and during menses. When it occurs before menses it is felt as throbbing pain in the left temple. When it occurs during periods it is felt as beating in the head. Along with this burning sensation on the top of head is experienced. Dimness of vision or flickerings before the eyes is felt with headache. 

  1. Sanguinaria can – For Right Sided Headache

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh roots of plant  Sanguinaria canadensis having the common name Blood – root and Puccoon. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. It is a significant medicine when pain in the head occurs specifically on the right side. The headache begins from the back of the head and radiates to the front of the head and settles over the right eye. There occurs a sensation as if the head would burst or the eyes would be forced out of the head. The face gets red and hot during a headache. The menstrual blood is bright red with clots and has an offensive smell. It may be scanty. 

  1. Nux Vomica – When Menses are Preceded and Attended with Pressure in Head

This medicine is specifically indicated when menses are preceded and attended with pressure in the head. This is marked in front of head and top of head (vertex). Headache during menses that worsen from lying down is also indicative for using it. Females needing it also have cramping pains in the uterine region during menses. With this excessive nausea is felt.

  1. Graphites – For Headache over Eyes

Graphites is indicated when headache is felt over eyes during menses. The pain is severe. With this nausea and burping is there. The periods are scanty and blood flow is thin in females needing it.

  1. Lycopodium – For Headache and Abdominal Bloating before Periods

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as club moss. It belongs to the family lycopodiaceae. It is well indicated for females who complain of headache and abdominal bloating before periods. They have gas in their abdomen. They also have nausea with this. Next they can have pain in the abdomen and tiredness. Mostly pain is felt in the temples (means sides of head).

  1. Carbo Veg – For Early, Profuse Periods with Headache

This medicine is indicated in cases in which the periods occur early and are copious attended with headache. The headache is violent. It is accompanied with nausea. Lastly great weakness occurs along with above symptoms.

  1. Kreosote – For Headache with Profuse Menses

This medicine is valuable for cases in which the headache occurs during menses and the menstrual flow is profuse. Clots may be present in the blood. Along with headache rushing sound in the ears may be present. In some cases the headache occurs before menses. Before menses  vomiting of mucus, abdominal bloating and pain around the navel may be present too.

  1. Ignatia – For Heaviness in Head along with Heat

This medicine is used when there is heaviness and heated sensation in the head. This may be present before or during periods. In some cases severe pressing pain in the forehead is experienced. Mostly sensitivity to light accompanies. Some other symptoms that may attend are ringing in the ears, cramping in the abdomen and excessive weakness in the whole body.

  1. Magnesia Carb – For Headache, Chilliness and Weakness during Menses

The chief feature for using this medicine is headache, chilliness and weakness during menses. The face appears pale with this. Sometimes spasmodic or pressing pain in the abdomen are present too. Other than above it is also indicated for pain in  the head at commencement of menses.

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Homeopathic Medicines for Shoulder-blade Pain

Shoulder blades medically known as scapulae refers to flat triangular bones one on either side in the upper back below the shoulders. These bones are also known as wing bones. Shoulder-blade pain can be felt within, above, below, over, under the shoulder blades or in between the blades. Homeopathic medicines for shoulder-blade pain can gradually reduce the intensity of pain by treating the root cause behind it.
Shoulder-blade Pain
The pain can occur suddenly or develop gradually depending on the cause behind it. The pain can radiate to other body areas too. In some cases numbness or tingling sensation can accompany the pain. Lastly, crepitus (grating sound that appears when the shoulder moves or on pressing it) may be present.


It can arise from various reasons ranging from mild to severe ones.

Firstly, it may arise from straining or injuring the muscles or tendons (tough band of fibrous connective tissue which connects muscle to bone). The injury or trauma may occur from a blow, accident or a fall. The straining can follow lifting heavy objects, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, excessive exercise involving upper back, upper limbs and shoulders or working on the computer for long periods of time continuously without any break.
Other reasons include disc bulge in the spine, degeneration of disc of spine, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal) and nerve compression. Another reason is fibromyalgia (a disorder in which there occurs widespread musculoskeletal pain attended with weakness, memory issues, sleep problems and mood issues). Apart from above it may occur from scoliosis (an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine). Other than these it may arise from osteoarthritis (a degenerative joint condition in which the cartilage at the ends of bones in the joints which helps in smooth frictionless motion of joint deteriorates) in joints around neck or ribs. It can also result from shingles (an infection caused by varicella-zoster virus that causes a painful skin rash), myofascial pain syndrome (Long term pain disorder in which pressure on sensitive points in the muscles result in muscle pain and in some cases pain in some unrelated parts of the body), acid reflux  (condition in which stomach acid rise up into the food pipe), rotator cuff injuries ( means injury to group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint) and frozen shoulder (a condition in which there occurs pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint).

Other reasons are snapping scapula syndrome (in this there occur a loud popping sound, grating or grinding sensation on raising the arm overhead), fracture of scapula, whiplash injury (neck injury that arise from forceful, rapid back and forth movement of the neck commonly seen in rear end car accidents). 

It may also occur from referred pain means pain in the shoulder pain may be felt from problems in some other part of the body. For example it may be arising from some lung disorder, liver problem or a gallbladder disease. It may be present from serious causes like certain cancers like lung cancer, liver cancer, esophagus cancer. Some other serious causes that need immediate medical help right away include heart attack, pulmonary embolism ( a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in lungs usually caused when a  blood clot from deep veins in the legs travel to the lungs and block blood flow to the lungs), rupture of thoracic aorta.

Homeopathic Medicines for Shoulder-blade Pain

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to manage pain in the shoulder blade. As the reasons behind it vary from mild to serious it is best to take any homeopathic medicine under guidance of a homeopathic physician who after detailed case study will find if the case can be helped with these medicines or help from conventional treatment is required. Homeopathic medicines can be used when the pain is from mild to moderate intensity and no serious cause is linked with it for example Muscle or tendon injury / strain, joint issues, frozen shoulder, fibromyalgia). But in case of severe pain and when any serious cause is suspected or present (like heart attack, cancer, pulmonary embolism) then it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. Some of the symptom indicative of serious issue that needs urgent medical help from conventional system includes shoulder blade pain  accompanied by difficulty in breathing, chest pain, coughing of blood, lightheadedness, rapid heartbeat, irregular heartbeat, increased sweating, fever, difficulty in speaking, one sided body paralysis, sudden vision loss and loss of consciousness. 

  1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for managing shoulder blade pain. Persons needing it feel pain between the scapula. They feel better in pain from warmth. Along with pain the area between shoulder blades feels tensed.  It may be sensitive to touch. It is also indicated for pain felt on top of the scapula. Rhus Tox is an effective medicine for managing complaints that follow over – straining or injury of the muscles or tendons. It is also prominent for complaints that arise from joint problems. 

  1. Bryonia – For Stitching Pain

It is prepared from a plant named Bryonia alba or wild hops. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for cases presenting with stitching pain between the shoulder blades. Next it is helpful for managing pain beneath the right scapula at the lower angle. This pain can be sharp, aching or dull. Other than this it works well when pain is localised between inferior angles of the scapulae. Lastly a pressing sensation between scapulae is also indicative of its use.

  1. Ruta – For Pain in Nape of Neck and Shoulder Blade

Homeopathic medicine Ruta is prepared from a plant named Ruta graveolens commonly known as garden rue. The natural order of this plant is rutaceae. This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is pain in the nape of neck and shoulder blade. The pain of using it is mainly drawing type. Next it is indicated when there is pain specifically below the right scapula. Persons needing it have worsening of pain by movement of right arm and also after exertion. They feel relief from pressure. Lying on the right side also gives relief to them. Like medicine Rhus Tox it is also a great medicine for managing conditions arising from overstraining the tendons or inflamed tendons and joint complaints. 

  1. Chelidonium – For Pain under Inner and Lower Angle of Right Scapula

It is prepared from plant Chelidonium majus also known as Greater Celandine. It belongs to the family papaveraceae. This medicine is specifically indicated for pain felt under the inner and lower angle of the right scapula. The pain can be bruised or aching type. Next indication is stitching pain  beneath the right scapula. This gets worse from the motion of the arm. Last indication is a cramp like pain in the internal border of the right scapula.

  1. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Pain along Lower Margin of Shoulder Blades

This natural medicine is prepared from plant buttercups. This plant belongs to the family ranunculaceae.Use of this medicine is considered for managing pain along the lower margin of the shoulder blades. The pain is of muscle origin. With pain burning sensation may be present. Apart from this, the contusive type of pains in between shoulder blades also guides its use. The last indication for using it is stitching pain in and between shoulder blades.

  1. Arnica – For Complaints Arising after Injury, Trauma

It is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly known as Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. It belongs to family compositae. Use of this medicine is highly recommended for complaints that follow an injury (specifically from blunt objects) trauma, blow, fall. In general sore, bruised pain as if beaten is felt in injured places where this medicine is required. This medicine helps to relieve pain, heal the injured place and help recover from injury in a very effective manner. Other than this pressive pain between scapulae is another guiding feature for using it.

  1. Colocynth – When Shoulder Blade Pain Extends to Neck

This medicine is prepared from pulp of fruit Citrullus colocynthis also known as cucumis colocynthis and bitter apple. This plant belongs to the family cucurbitaceae. This medicine is helpful when pain from shoulder blades extends to the neck. Along with this tension is felt in neck and shoulder blades. Its use is also beneficial for drawing pain in the region of the right scapula. Apart from these pain under the right scapula better from pressure is another characteristic symptom where it offers help. 

  1. Kali Carb – For Shoulder Blade Pain and Stiffness

This medicine gives benefit when the shoulder blade pain is accompanied by stiffness. In cases needing it the stiffness can be present between both the shoulder blades. In some cases the stiffness begins in the left side of the nape of the neck and extends down to the left inner scapula. This is most worse after waking up. Another symptom for using it is pain in the right scapula of tearing nature felt in the morning. It is also used for stinging type of pain in the right scapula during motion.

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