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Magnesia Phosphorica – Homeopathic medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Magnesia Phosphorica is derived from magnesium phosphate which is inert in its crude state. When it goes through potentization process (process of preparing homeopathic medicines through which medicinal properties of a crude substance are aroused), it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Magnesia Phosphorica of great use. It is one among the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is the most hepful in managing stomach cramps, menstrual cramps, muscle pain, nerve pain and sciatica.

The ‘Magnesia Phosphorica’ Constitution

This medicine suits persons who feel tired and exhausted. It is best suited to young people and also to babies during teething.

Drug Action

Magnesia Phosphorica has its most remarkable action on the gastric system, female genitals, limbs, muscles and nerves. It acts well on the neck, back, eyes, face, and teeth.

Clinical Indications

Abdomen, pain, stomach cramps, colic, painful menses, sciatica, neuralgia (nerve pains), facial neuralgia, cramps, writer’s cramp, headache, Parkinson’s disease, toothache, vaginismus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Stomach Cramps, Diarrhea)

Magnesia Phosphorica has wide action on the gastric system to manage various gastric problems. To begin with, it is a magnificent medicine to help cases of abdomen pain, stomach cramps and colic. The pain may get better by applying warm applications, bending double (upper body bent forward and downward) and applying pressure. Magnesia Phos is very beneficial for flatulent colic (pain caused by accumulation of gas in the abdomen) which causes fullness and bloating in the abdomen. It is also well indicated to relieve abdomen pain caused due to gas in babies. Other than this, it is also useful in treating cutting/ cramping/ shooting pain in the stomach. There may be relief from burping. A person may also feel nausea and vomiting. Magnesia Phos can be used when pain is felt around the navel that radiates to the back. This medicine can also be given for treating cases of diarrhea (loose stool). Its use is preferred when loose stool is attended with vomiting and cramping pain in the calf muscles in the back of the lower leg.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain better from bending double, pressure and warmth

Pain in abdomen from gas accumulation

2. For Pain Management

Magnesia Phos is a top-listed medicine to manage pain of different types. Firstly, it is a marvellous medicine for relief in muscle pain and nerve pain (neuralgia). The nature of pain to use it can be shooting/ cutting/ sharp/ stitching/cramping type. Pain can be wandering that changes its location rapidly from one place to another. Pain gets worse at night and better after taking rest. The nerve pain gets better by applying heat. Most of the time, pain is located on the right side of the body. Magnesia Phosphorica is very effective in managing abdomen pain that gets better by bending double, applying pressure and warmth. Pain during periods and menstrual cramps can be managed wonderfully. One feels relieved by bending double and hot applications.

Key indicating features

Pain in muscles and nerves, worse at night, better from rest

Abdomen pain relieved by bending double, pressure and warmth

Painful periods when pain gets better by bending double and warm applications

3. Female Problems (Painful Periods, Ovary Pain, Vaginismus)

This medicine proves very effective in getting rid of many female problems. It is one of the best medicines for painful periods. Magnesia Phos manages menstrual cramps well and females requiring it may feel better by bending double and from hot applications. They may also have early menses with dark stringy blood flow. Magnesia Phos is a prominent medicine to deal with ovarian pain which is shooting/darting in nature. It is worse on the right side. Use of this medicine is also considered to treat vaginismus which is involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to enter it.

Key indicating features

Menstrual cramps better from bending double and warmth

Ovarian pain of shooting, darting type


4. Limbs (Sciatica, Cramps, Joint Pain, Parkinson’s Disease)

It is an important medicine to manage numerous complaints related to limbs. Firstly, it is highly recommended to manage sciatica. Pain along sciatic nerve that begins in lower back and radiates down the hip, down the back of thighs and legs up to feet is called sciatica. Magnesia Phos works well in right-sided sciatica where feet are very tender (pain on touching). Secondly, it is a top-listed medicine to manage cramps. It gives good results in cases of cramps in legs and feet which occur mainly at night while in bed. Its use is also suggested for cramps that follow after any kind of exertion. Another main indication for its use is writer’s cramp (a disorder characterized by involuntary contraction of muscles of hands and fingers while writing). This medicine can be used to treat joint pain as well which is very severe. Lastly, Magnesia Phos gives good results in cases of Parkinson’s Disease with involuntary shaking of hands. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the nervous system that starts with shaking of one hand at rest followed by other symptoms like slowing down of movements, rigid muscles, impaired posture, balance issues and changes in speech.

Key indicating features

Right-sided sciatica

Cramps in limbs after exertion and at night

Writer’s cramp

5. Eyes (Twitchings, Ptosis, Squint, Nystagmus, Supraorbital Pain)

Magnesia Phos can manage eyelid twitching (repetitive involuntary contraction of muscles) medically known as blepharospasm. It is also useful for supraorbital pain (felt above the eyebrow) on the right side which gets relieved by warmth.  Its use is next considered in cases of ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid). It can be used in cases of squint (strabismus) also. Another indication to use Magnesia Phosphorica is nystagmus which means involuntary, repetitive eye movement.

Key indicating features

Eyelid twitching

Pain above right eyebrow better from warm applications

Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)

6. Face (Pain, Neuralgia, Twitching)

Magnesia Phos proves very effective in treating cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain) of right side. There is shooting/ cramping/darting pain on the right side of the face . It gets worse on opening the mouth and by washing face with cold water. Magnesia Phos can be of great benefit for treating trigeminal neuralgia when even the slightest touch causes pain. Trigeminal neuralgia refers to severe electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressure on the trigeminal nerve or its damage/injury. Another characteristic feature to use Magnesia Phos is twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of the facial muscles.

Key indicating features

Right-sided facial pain of cramping/darting/shooting  type

Trigeminal neuralgia worse from slightest touch

Twitching of facial muscles

7. Teeth (toothache)

If we talk of teeth complaints, Magnesia Phos is well indicated to manage toothache. It is used when toothache is better from warmth and drinking hot liquids. It is worse from eating cold food or drinking cold drinks. The teeth are sensitive to touch. If toothache is arising from decay of teeth, this medicine can prove very beneficial. Pain in the tooth that has undergone a recent filling can also be well managed with this remedy.

Key indicating features

Toothache worse from cold food and cold drinks, better from warmth and drinking hot liquids

Toothache in decayed teeth

8. Neck And Back (Pain)

Lastly, it acts well on neck and back. It gives good relief in cases of pain and stiffness of neck. The pain in neck is sharp, shooting type where it is indicated. The neck is also sore and painful on touch. Next, Magnesia Phos is beneficial in managing sore pain in the lower back. Cramps in the back may be present in cases needing it.

Key indicating features

Sharp, shooting pain in neck with stiffness

Sore pain or cramps in lower back


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse at night, on right side, from cold air, from uncovering and exhaustion

Relieving factors: Complaints are better by bending double, from pressure, from warmth and from rubbing


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. Among these, the most frequently used potency is 6X potency which can be taken three to four times a day depending on the severity of the problem. It works best when taken by dissolving tablets in hot water.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Gelsemium and Lachesis

It can be compared with other homeopathic medicines including Colocynth, Dioscorea, Chamomilla, Silicea and Zincum Met.

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Ipecacuanha – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Ipecacuanha is a homeopathic medicine derived from dried roots of plant Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. It belongs to rubiaceae family. The dried roots of this plant undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance). As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Ipecacuanha which is of great clinical significance. It is a leading homeopathic medicine to treat certain respiratory problems and gastric issues mainly nausea and vomiting.

 The ‘Ipecacuanha’ Constitution

This medicine is known to be suitable to adults, obese children and physically weak individuals with a tendency to catch cold in warm humid weather. Next, it is recommended for person having a history of nose bleeding or blood loss from any other body part.

Drug Action

It has a wide action on respiratory system and gastric system. Apart from this, it has favourable action on head, nose and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cough, asthma, pneumonia, hemoptysis, bronchitis, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, cholera, food poisoning, hematemesis, gastric headache, migraine, nose bleeding, cold, heavy periods, frequent menses, menstrual cramps, fever.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory complaints (cough, asthma, pneumonia, hemoptysis)

This medicine has a wide sphere of action on the respiratory system where it can treat numerous complaints. Firstly, it can give immense relief in cough. It is prominently indicated to manage spasmodic cough that ends in vomiting. The cough is paroxysmal which means it occurs in fits at regular intervals. The cough is loose, rattling cough with excessive mucus accumulation in bronchial tubes (which carry air from windpipe to the lungs). Chest feels full of phlegm and the mucus is expectorated with difficulty. Ipecacuanha is one of the best medicines administered to asthma patients for dry cough with wheezing, constriction in throat and chest, and difficult breathing. After cough, vomiting can occur. Person has shortness of breath, feels suffocated and rushes towards an open window and gasps for air. The face appears pale accompanied by sweating. Asthma worsens at the slightest movement. Ipecacuanha leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating asthma during damp weather or sudden weather change. Its use is recommended for cases of pneumonia (an infection that causes inflammation of air sacs of lungs). It is a wonderful medicine for managing suffocative cough in children where the child becomes stiff and face appears blue. Ipecacuanha can also manage bronchitis in children when there is spasmodic cough, accumulation of phlegm in chest, and feeling of suffocation. Besides, it is indicated for cases of hemoptysis (spitting of blood or bloody mucus from lungs). When it occurs with rattling cough or from slight exertion, Ipecac is very helpful.

Key indicating features

1. Spasmodic cough ending in vomiting

2. Asthma with dry cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, constriction in throat and chest

3. Asthma in damp weather or sudden weather change

4. Loose, rattling cough with excessive mucus accumulation in bronchi

2. Gastric issues (nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea)

With its action on the gastric system, Ipecac can effectively deal with various complaints, most importantly nausea and vomiting. It has shown good results when nausea is constant, not relieved by vomiting also. Its use is recommended when nausea arises from smell of food, from any kind of movement (jumping, walking, etc) or occurs with cough. The vomit may contain watery fluids, mucus, food or even blood. It is accompanied with bad breath and thirst.  Nausea and vomiting during menses is another striking feature for using this remedy. It is also suitable for managing vomiting in infants who are breastfeeding. Next noteworthy complaint for which Ipecac can be used is stomach cramps accompanied by nausea and vomiting. It can also be given when there is cutting/ drawing/ griping type pain around the navel. Stomach pain following by eating ice cream, sour fruit, and unripe fruits or drinking cold drinks is also managed well with this medicine. Additionally, stomach pain from gas with loose stool is also relieved with it. Ipecac is known to treat diarrhea. The stool is green, yellow, brown, slimy and frothy with extremely unpleasant smell and comes out with excessive gas. It may have mucus lumps or bloody mucus in it sometimes. It has tendency to check diarrhea that follows eating fats, pastries, sweets, etc. This medicine is also beneficial for treating cases of cholera (an infection of small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholera) and food poisoning.  A characteristic feature in cases needing it is an absolutely clean tongue with no coating.

Key indicating features

1. Constant nausea not relieved by vomiting

2. Vomiting of watery fluids, mucus, food or even blood (hematemesis)

3. Clean tongue with no coating

4. Stomach pain after ice cream or cold drinks, sour fruit, unripe fruits

3. Head (gastric headache, migraine)

Ipecacuanha also manifests action on head where it acts best to manage gastric headache and migraine. The salient feature for using it is one-sided headache attended with nausea and vomiting. There is throbbing pain in head with sensation of heat being produced. Sometimes there is stinging pain with heaviness of head. It has given remarkable results when there is pain in the back of the head (occiput) and the nape of neck that goes down to the shoulders. Lastly, headache along with nose bleeding is a notable feature.

Key indicating features

1. Gastric headache and migraine

2. One-sided headache attended with nausea and vomiting

3. Headache along with nose bleeding

4. Nose (nose bleeding, cold)

Ipecac can successfully help in case of nose bleeding (epistaxis) when blood is bright red. There may be bleeding from nose with cold, cough or pain in head where it is well indicated. Next, it works well when there is dry cold with blocked nose. Besides, there is heaviness in the head and loss of smell. Itching in nose and sneezing can attend too.

Key indicating features

1. Bright red bleeding from nose

2. Dry cold with nasal blockage, heaviness in the head and loss of smell

5. Female problems (heavy periods, frequent menses, menstrual cramps)

If we talk of female problems, this medicine is effective in helping women with heavy periods, frequent menses, and menstrual cramps. The bleeding is gushing and bright red. Nausea accompanies it with pressure across the uterus. There is also shivering and weakness.  Menses may occur every two weeks. Uterine pain is felt from left to right side. It can help to relieve menstrual cramps attended with constant nausea.

Key indicating features

1. Heavy menses with gushing, bright red bleeding

2. Heavy menses with nausea, shivering, weakness

3. Menstrual cramps attended with constant nausea

6. Fever

Ipecac can be administered for treating fever. The most important symptom to prescribe it here is fever with nausea and vomiting. There is chill alternating with heat. A chilling sensation goes up and down the back. Excessive weakness is felt. Dry heat occurs in evening time.

Key indicating features

1. Fever with nausea and vomiting


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse in warm damp weather, overeating, ice cream, fruits, in cold and winter

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from pressure, and in open air


This medicine works equally well in both low and high potency. The action of this medicine lasts for about 7 to 10 days. If taken in low potency, it can be repeated frequently. When consuming in high potency, its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Antimonium Tart, Arnica, Arsenic Album, China, Ferrum Met, Laurocerasus and Sulphuric Acid

Followed well by: Antimonium Crudum, Antimonium Tart, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, China, Nux Vomica, Podophyllum, Pulsatilla, Tabacum, and Veratrum Album.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hip Pain – Natural Homeopathic Medicines that Work

Hip pain is a commonly prevalent medical condition that can affect any age group. Hip pain can arise from problems in the hip joint or the structures surrounding it. Homeopathic medicines help reduce pain in the hip, and related stiffness and tenderness.

The hip is made up of the hip joint and the different structures surrounding it. The hip joint is an important and one of the most flexible joints in the body. It is a ball and socket joint. The head of the femur (bone in the thigh) fits in the acetabulum (socket) of the hip bone (which is a part of the pelvis) to form the hip joint. The structures that surround the hip joint include muscles, ligaments (bands that connect two bones together), tendons (bands connecting bones and muscles), a tough fibrous capsule lined by synovial fluid and the bursa (small fluid filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near joints). The hip joint bears our body weight and helps us walk, jump and run.

hip pain homeopathy

Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Hip Pain.

Top Five Homeopathic Medicines for Hip Pain

The top five homeopathic medicines for hip pain are Bryonia Alba, Rhus Tox, Colocynthis, Ruta Graveolens and Aesculus Hippocastanum.

1. Bryonia Alba – For Hip Pain on Movement

Bryonia Alba is a natural remedy sourced from the root of plant wild hops. It is highly effective for hip pain that gets bad with the slightest motion. One gets relief by taking rest, and also by warm applications (like hot water bottles, electric blanket,etc). The pain may be cramping, bruised, knife-like stitching/ stabbing type. Cracking sound in the hip joint emanates on walking. In some cases, pain from the hip may extend down to the knee.

When and How to use Bryonia Alba?

It can be used as a first remedy when hip pain worsens from the slightest motion and gets better by taking rest. The most common dose indicated for this medicine use is Bryonia 30C two to three times a day according to the severity of pain.

2. Rhus Tox – For Hip Pain at rest

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for hip pain where the pain worsens at rest and gets better by continued motion. Additionally, the pain may increase from lying on the sides, and while rising after prolonged sitting. The pain from the hip may extend down the back of the thigh. Pain is accompanied by stiffness in hip joint. Use of Rhus Tox is also highly recommended for hip pain arising from overstraining or overstretching of muscles, tendons or ligaments, and also from injury.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is applicable when hip pain worsens at rest and improves with continuous motion. If someone is suffering hip pain due to over-use of hip joint, as from prolonged running, can also use this medicine. Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but the most frequently used dosage is 30C power. One may take Rhus Tox 30 C twice or thrice a day for good results.

3. Colocynthis – For Hip Pain which gets better by lying on affected side

It is a natural remedy sourced from the pulp of fruit of bitter cucumber. Colocynthis is highly beneficial for hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side. In most cases, the pain from the hip radiates down the leg. The nature of pain can be crampy, constricting/ shooting type. It is also very helpful when the hip pain arises from pinched nerves,  like sciatica, and the hip pain goes down the lower limbs. Walking worsens the pain while taking rest brings relief. Applying pressure also brings relief from hip pain in cases requiring Colocynthis.

When and How to use Colocynthis?

Persons who have hip pain that gets better by lying on the affected side of pain can take this medicine. Initially, it is advised to start Colocynthis 30C one to three times a day based on the intensity of pain. Later, the dosage of this medicine can be increased after consulting homeopathic expert.

4. Ruta Graveolens – For Hip Pain from Inflamed, strained Tendons or Ligaments

Ruta Graveolens has marked action on tendons and ligaments. It is the first choice of medicine to treat hip pain from inflamed, strained tendons (bind muscle to bone) or ligaments (bind bone to bone). Those needing it feel soreness (pain felt on touching) in the hip, and pain worsens if the leg is stretched. Ruta reduces the inflammation of tendons/ligaments as well as the effects of strained tendons/ligaments, and relieves soreness and pain in the hip.

When and How to use Ruta Graveolens?

This medicine is recommended for cases where hip pain is a result of overstraining (arising due to overuse of hip joint like in running, jumping), or inflamed tendons or ligaments.

5. Aesculus Hippocastanum – For Hip pain caused by Walking or Stooping

It is an effective medicine for hip pain that increases by walking or stooping (bending the upper half of the body forward and down). Along with hip pain, a person complains of lower back pain and stiffness. It is the top-most medicine for hip pain that arises from arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or damage to hip joint.

When and How to use Aesculus Hippocastanum?

Those who have worsening in hip pain from walking and stooping can use this medicine. Among its various potencies, it is best to start with 30C potency, once or twice a day.

Note One may take the above-mentioned medicines for one or two months in recommended potency and dose. To continue further, or to increase the dose, it is advisable to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

Causes of Hip Pain

The causes of hip pain are wide and variable. It can simply arise from overuse of a joint or due to some heavy exercise that causes the straining of muscles, tendons or ligaments. It tends to resolve in a few days. Inflamed tendons (tendonitis) can also lead to hip pain which gets better in a few days. Long-term hip pain can arise from several underlying medical conditions as follows:

1. Hip arthritis (arthritis here means Inflammation): Various types of arthritis can cause hip pain. These mainly include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and infective arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune joint disorder in which the immune cells start to inflame and damage joints due to a misdirected response. Usually, it begins with small joints (especially finger joints) but afterwards hip joints can be affected too. Osteoarthritis refers to age-related wear and tear of the cartilage (that acts as a cushion between two bones of the joint) of a joint. Frequently, it occurs as a part of age-related degeneration but can arise from injury as well. Ankylosing spondylitis (affects the joints of the spine especially sacroiliac joint, a joint between the base of spine and pelvis). Infective arthritis which damages the joint cartilage can also cause hip pain.

2. Injury to hip: It includes any trauma or injury due to overuse. Trauma to the hip may lead to hip fracture, sprains, dislocated hip or damage to cartilage. Injury may be due to overuse caused by repetitive strain on hip muscle, tendons, ligaments or bones.

3. Bursitis: It refers to inflamed bursa i.e. small fluid-filled sacs that cushion bones, muscles and tendons near joints.

4. Pinched nerves like sciatica (pain along the path of sciatic nerve originating in the lower back and radiating down to the hip, then thighs, legs up to the feet).

5. Multiple causes like osteomyelitis (bone infection), osteoporosis (weak, brittle bones prone to easy fracture), avascular necrosis (death of bone tissue resulting from lack of blood supply) and bone cancer.

What are the Symptoms that can Accompany Hip Pain?

Apart from pain, there is stiffness in the hip, movement of the hip reduces, there is tenderness and a warm feeling across the hip. In some cases, there may be pain in the groin. Hip pain may make a person limp while walking. The pain from hip may radiate down the lower limb. Sometimes, the hip pain may be transferred down to the knee (also known as referred pain).


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Why Choose Surgery When Natural Homeopathic Medicines Can Treat Your Enlarged Prostate

Benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH is the medical term for non-cancerous enlargement of prostate gland which puts pressure on the urethra and blocks the flow of urine resulting in different types of urinary complications.

Homeopathic medicines for prostate enlargement can potentially save a person from surgical intervention. They are a great alternative to the conventional mode of treatment in persons suffering from BPH. These medicines help manage symptoms of BPH and also work in halting further progression of the complaint.

The prostate gland is a gland about the size of a walnut that surrounds the first part of the urethra just below the urinary bladder in males. It secretes prostatic fluid which is a component of the semen and forms around 30 per cent of the semen. Prostate gland muscles also aid the expulsion of semen during ejaculation. The approximate weight of the prostate gland ranges from 8-15 grams. The normal size of the adult prostate gland is about 15cc to 30cc (cubic centimeter). A prostate gland of more than 30cc usually indicates benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH).

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH)

The top five homeopathic medicines to treat BPH are Sabal Serrulata, Conium Maculatum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Baryta Carb and Chimaphila Umbellata.

1. Sabal Serrulata – Top-grade Medicine for BPH

It is the most effective medicine to treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). It is a natural remedy sourced from fresh berries of the plant saw palmetto. It can be used to manage almost any symptom of enlarged prostate and has given great clinical results in BPH cases. It can be given to manage frequent desire to pass urine, especially at night. Secondly, it can be used when there is difficulty in the initial urine flow. Force is required for initiating urine. Sabal Serrulata also helps treat interrupted urination. Dribbling urine (slow, intermittent drop by drop trickle) is another problem where it is indicated. Burning sensation while urinating can also be treated well with this medicine. Last but not least, Sabal Serrulata effectively treats the complaint of erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse) from an enlarged prostate.

When and How to use Sabal Serrulata?

Sabal Serrulata is a specific medicine in homeopathy for BPH treatment so it can be used in any case of BPH. As soon as BPH is diagnosed, one may start this medicine without delay. It will help relieve the symptoms and prevent further progression of the complaint. It yields the best results when used in form of mother tincture (Q). Sabal Serrulata Q (8 to 10 drops in half a cup of water) can be used twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of the symptoms.

2. Conium Maculatum – for Interrupted Urine Flow in BPH

It is extremely effective in cases of interrupted urine flow due to enlarged prostate. Urine starts and stops several times before complete voiding. After passing urine, burning or pricking pain may be felt in the urethra. Dribbling of urine can also be there.

When and How to use Conium Maculatum?

Those who experience interrupted urine flow due to enlarged prostate can use this medicine. It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per the complaint. In BPH cases, its use is recommended in 30C potency. Conium 30C can be taken two times a day for good results.

3. Lycopodium Clavatum – for Frequent Urination at Night

For frequent urination at night from BPH, Lycopodium Clavatum works wonders. Persons who need it also need to wait to start urination. Urine takes time to come out, it passes with strain. Lycopodium is also beneficial to manage erectile dysfunction linked with prostate issues.

When and how to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage frequent urination at night in BPH cases. Its use is also recommended to manage erectile dysfunction associated with prostate enlargement. Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency during the initial days. Lycopodium 30C potency can be taken one or two times a day.

4. Baryta Carb – to manage Sudden Urge to Urinate

Baryta Carb is known to effectively treat the problem of sudden urge to urinate. Males who need this medicine have to rush to urinate when urge occurs with inability to retain urine. Burning sensation while passing urine may also be observed. Dribbling after urination can also be present. Frequency of urination increases due to these complaints.

When and How to use Baryta Carb?

A person with BPH can take this medicine if he faces an urgency to urinate where he has to suddenly rush to urinate. Baryta Carb works most wonderfully in 30C potency. Baryta Carb 30C can be taken twice a day to control urinating urgency in BPH cases.

5. Chimaphila Umbellata – when there is Difficulty in Starting Urination

Chimaphila Umbellata is helpful when a person needs to strain hard to start passing urine. In extreme cases, the urine is forcefully passed by bending forward. Urine is scanty and may be foul-smelling. Scalding (burning sensation) while passing urine may also be present.

When and How to use Chimaphila Umbellata?

Chimaphila is the most appropriate prescription to manage complaints of excessive straining to start urine in cases of BPH. Though it can be used in different potencies, it is more powerful in mother tincture form. Chimaphila Q (5 to 7 drops in half a cup of water) can be used twice a day.

Note  You may use any of the medicines in the recommended potency and dosage for about one month. To continue further, seek advice from a homeopath. In case of acute retention of urine, it is strictly advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

What are the Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate?

1. frequent urge to pass urine, especially at night

2. urgent need to urinate

3. strain when one begins to urinate

4. weak urine stream

5. dribbling after urination

6. interrupted urination

7. sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder

8. In case of a urinary tract infection, pain and burning while urinating

What causes Prostate Hyperplasia?

The exact cause of benign prostate hyperplasia is not yet known.

1. Age-related: There are more than 50 per cent chances for prostate gland enlargement between the age of 50 – 60 years.

2. Imbalance in male hormones as age advances: Men produce testosterone (male hormone) and a little amount of estrogen (female hormone). With advancing age, the active testosterone in blood declines leaving back relatively high estrogen levels. As per scientific studies, these hormonal changes may induce prostate cell growth by promoting the activity of certain substances. As per another theory, increased levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) may increase the growth of prostate cells.

3. Family history: Males having a family history of BPH like in father or brother are more at risk to have problems from an enlarged prostate.

4. Obesity: It increases the risk of BPH.

5. Certain medical conditions: Diabetes and heart diseases may increase risk of BPH.

Complications of BPH

Certain complications can arise in cases of BPH but not in every case. These are as follows:

1. Urine retention – In some BPH cases, urine retention can occur. Acute urinary retention is a medical emergency. To drain urine in such cases, catheterization or even surgical intervention may be required as per doctor’s advice.

2. UTI (urinary tract infection) – in BPH cases due to incomplete emptying of bladder, the chances of UTI increase.

3. Bladder stones

4. Bladder or kidney damage

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeopathic Treatment for Prostate

1. I have frequent urination at night (nocturia), could it be due to BPH?

Yes, it could be. Frequent urination at night is one of the indicating features of benign prostate hyperplasia. However, there are many other conditions that can cause frequent urination at night, like diabetes, urinary tract infection and overactive bladder. Therefore, detailed case evaluation and investigation must be carried out before a conclusion can be drawn.

2. Does a weak urinary stream necessarily mean prostate enlargement?

No. A weak urinary stream is one of the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. However, urinary stricture may also lead to a weak urinary stream. So proper evaluation of the case and investigations are required for confirmation.

3. Can benign prostate hyperplasia cause sexual dysfunction?

Yes, benign prostate hyperplasia can lead to sexual complaints. Complaints of erectile dysfunction and reduced sex drive are common in BPH.

4. Do we need to get tests done to investigate suspected benign prostate hyperplasia?

Various tests need to be conducted. The main test to find out BPH is an ultrasound of the prostate gland. Other investigations include cystoscopy, post-residual volume test, and urinary flow test. A urine test is also conducted to rule out urinary infection. PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is checked, if the PSA value is above normal, a biopsy of prostate tissue needs to be done to rule out cancer.

5. What is PSA and what does it signify?

PSA is a prostate-specific antigen. It is produced by prostate gland cells. PSA is a screening test to rule out prostate cancer in men. The normal PSA value is below 4.0 ng/ml. A raised PSA raises suspicion of cancer of the prostate gland. Therefore, a biopsy of prostatic tissue is recommended.

6. I have been advised surgery for BPH, can natural medicines help avoid it?

Homeopathy can work wonders in such cases and help avoid surgery. The conventional system of medicine considers benign prostate hyperplasia as a case for surgical intervention. Homeopathy is very effective in treating benign prostate hyperplasia. In fact, most cases of mild to moderate enlargement of prostate gland respond exceedingly well to natural treatment.

7.  My USG shows post-voidal residual urine with enlarged prostate, what does that mean?

Residual urine refers to the urine remaining in the urinary bladder after urination. Residual urine from benign prostate hyperplasia shows incomplete emptying of the bladder due to obstructed urinary outflow. A post residual urine volume of less than 50ml is normal. In elderly people over 65 yrs of age, post-residual volume ranging between 50 ml – 100ml is normal. However, acute urinary retention, where a person is completely unable to pass urine, needs to be treated as a medical emergency.

8. What are the grades of BPH, and what do they signify?

There are three grades of benign prostate hyperplasia and they show the level of progression of the disease. In BPH grade 1, there are no troubling symptoms and no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 2, bothersome symptoms appear, but there is no significant obstruction. In BPH grade 3, there is significant obstruction with post-residual urine volume of more than 100 ml.

9. Is prostatitis different from benign prostate hyperplasia?

Yes, prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia are different conditions. Prostatitis is swelling and inflammation of the prostate gland. Prostatitis can be acute or chronic. The main cause of prostatitis is a bacterial infection. On the other hand, benign prostate hyperplasia is the enlargement of the prostate gland, which is mainly age-related.

10. Why are people with BPH vulnerable to urinary tract infections (UTI)?

In men with benign prostate hyperplasia, urine outflow is obstructed. This results in incomplete emptying of the urinary bladder. The urine that remains in the urinary bladder gives a chance to bacteria to grow which leads to urinary tract infection.

11. What lifestyle changes can I adopt to manage benign prostate hyperplasia?

Here are some basic lifestyle patterns to adapt to be able to live more comfortably in spite of this condition.

1.  reduce daily fluid intake

2.  avoid alcohol and caffeine

3. limit intake of fluids towards the evening

4. not to hold urine whenever the urge arises

5. exercise daily as lack of physical exercise can worsen symptoms

6. Strengthen pelvic floor muscles by exercising

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Colocynthis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The medicine Colocynthis is derived from the plant bitter cucumber or bitter apple, with the scientific name citrullus colocynthis belonging to the family cucurbitaceae.

The pulp of the fruit of this plant undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that bring out the medicinal powers of a drug) after which it gets converted into homeopathic medicine Colocynthis. It leads the list of homeopathic medicines to treat complaints of sciatica and stomach cramps.

The ‘Colocynthis’ Constitution

This medicine is most suitable for people who get angry easily. It suits persons who have crampy, colicky abdomen pain (sharp, localized gastrointestinal or urinary pain), and joint pain.  Besides these, it is suited to people who have a tendency to get obese.

Drug Action

Primarily, it acts well on nerves, gastric system, limbs, and joints. Other than this, it works well on muscles, back, face, and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Sciatica, stomach cramps, colicky pain, cramps in legs, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, ovarian pain, painful menses, back pain, neck stiffness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, thigh pain.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Lower limbs (sciatica, joint pain, thigh pain, cramps)

Colocynthis is used broadly on lower limbs to treat numerous complaints. It is a highly recommended medicine to treat sciatica. Traveling along the path of the sciatic nerve, sciatica is a pain that starts in the lower back and radiates down the hip, back of the thigh, and back of the leg up to the feet. It is often the first choice of homeopathic medicine to begin the treatment of sciatica. Though effective to treat sciatica on any side, it is more effective in treating left-side sciatica than on the right side. It is indicated by drawing/ tearing/ shooting pain. The pain gets worse with long-continued motion, and also at night. One gets relief by applying heat treatment, rubbing and pressing. The affected area may be tender and painful to touch. In some cases, numbness occurs along with pain. Other than this prime indication, Colocynthis works well in cases of joint pain, and stiffness, and at places where tendons are shortened. There is a pain in the hip joint, mostly cramps. One gets relief from pain by lying on the painful side of the hip. Pain is mostly on the right side which can be throbbing and stitching (pinching) type which starts from the hip joint and extends to the knee or leg in some cases. The hip joint is swollen, so the buttock area is sensitive to touch. Pain increases even on the slightest motion if you bend the leg inward. Rest and a warm bed relieves pain.

Colocynthis can also improve knee joint pain especially when it is of the stitching type (as if someone’s pricking needles). The knee is stiff and a cold sensation is felt in the knee; the pain aggravates on walking.

This medicine also proves to be effective in cases of cramps in the legs, middle of the thigh and feet, and when the calf muscles feel numb. Colocynth is also indicated to manage thigh pain. Drawing pain (muscle pull-like pain) in the right thigh is felt that may extend to the knee. Standing and walking make the pain worse. The right side thigh muscles feel stiff. Drawing pain on the inner side of the left thigh is also felt.

Key indicating features

1. sciatica on the left side with drawing/ tearing/ shooting pain

2. sciatica gets worse by long continuous motion and gets better by warming, rubbing, and pressing

3. cramps in the hip joint which get relieved by lying on the painful side

2. Gastric system (stomach cramps, colicky pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting)

Colocynth is of great service in treating various gastric problems. The foremost indication to use it is stomach pain, stomach cramps, and colicky pain in the abdomen. The pain worsens even with the slightest intake of solid food or liquid. There is relief in pain by bending or pressing the stomach. Cramps may get better by burping.  Sometimes there is tearing/ burning/griping type of pain in the abdomen. Cutting or twisting pain around the navel followed by its spread to the upper part of the abdomen is also a prominent symptom. Another striking feature for its use is flatulent colic means pain in the abdomen due to gas. Croaking (deep rough sounds) and rumbling in bowels are felt.

Colocynth is beneficial for relieving nausea and vomiting. The vomit consists of food particles and greenish substances. This medicine can be used in case of long-term diarrhea with watery, yellow, frothy and sour-smelling stool, accompanied by abdominal pain and gas. A very characteristic symptom when colocynth can be administered is diarrhea due to emotional stress, like outbursts of anger or grief. Its use is also indicated in dysentery when there is a loose stool with blood and bowel pain, and a burning sensation in the anus after passing stool.

Key indicating features

1. stomach cramps and colicky pain better from bending double and from pressure

2. abdomen pain from gas

3. diarrhea from emotional causes like anger and grief

 3. Upper limbs (joint pain, hand pain)

With its action on upper limbs, it helps to manage joint pains. It is recommended for pain in the shoulder joint, elbow joint and finger joints. Pain in the shoulder is mostly on the right, which gets worse on pressing or on moving. Finger joint pain is bilateral, which means present on both sides along with stiffness and swelling. Colocynth also manages pain in the palms when there is difficulty in opening hands and spreading fingers.

Key indicating features

1. pain in the right shoulder which gets worse by moving or pressing

2. pain in finger, swelling, stiffness

4. Face (facial pain and trigeminal neuralgia)

This medicine acts well on the face where it is chiefly helpful in relieving facial pain, and trigeminal neuralgia which refers to a sudden intense shooting or electric shock-like pain in the face due to pressing of the trigeminal nerve or its injury. Colocynth works well in case of left-sided facial pain of a tearing/ burning/ shooting/ biting nature. The pain spreads between the temples in the head, ear and jaw. Excessive eye watering may be a symptom, the face looks pale and sunken due to pain which increases on touch, but is relieved by pressing.

Key indicating features

1. left-sided facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia

2. tearing/burning/ shooting/stinging pain in the face along with watery eyes

5. Women-related Problems (ovarian pain, painful menses)

Colocynth shows substantial clinical improvement in cases of ovarian pain mainly on the left side. It can handle different sorts of pain in ovaries, for example, cramping/ boring (radiating from outside in) / drawing/stitching/ burning or clutching pain. The pain is intense which gets relieved by pressing it or bending. There may be swelling in the left ovary. Colocynth can effectively deal with ovaritis (inflammation of ovaries), ovarian tumors, and cysts. The other well-acknowledged effect of this medicine is to help cases of painful menses (dysmenorrhea). Females having cramps, and intense pain which can even lead to screaming and crying during menses can be highly benefitted from this remedy. The pain worsens on eating or drinking but gets better by bending forward.

Key indicating features

1. left-sided ovarian pain

2. pain gets better by pressing and bending double

3. painful menses with cramps which get better by bending forward

6. Neck and Back (back pain, neck stiffness)

Colocynth can rectify certain neck and back problems too. It is mainly useful in managing lower back pain which gets worse on movement but better by pressing. Pain is a stitching (pricking) type. Weakness in the lower back can be felt with pain from the back extending down to the lower limbs. The medicine gives relief to neck stiffness which gets worse if one moves the neck. It is accompanied by drawing pain and stiffness on the left side of the neck muscles.

Key indicating features

1. pain in the lower back which gets worse on moving but better by pressing

2. lower back pain radiating to lower limbs

3. stiffness in the neck which gets bad on movement


Worsening factors: complaints worsen by anger, exposure to cold, eating and drinking

Relieving factors: complaints are relieved by bending forward, pressing, lying on the abdomen, applying heat or by passing stool


It works well in both low and high potency. The potency is selected depending on the case details. The dose and frequency are decided on an individual basis, but as a general rule low potencies can be repeated often while the frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Causticum, Coffea Cruda, Chamomilla, Opium and Staphisagria

Followed well by Belladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Nux Vomica, Staphisagria, Pulsatilla and Spigelia

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Aesculus Hippocastanum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications and Dosage

It is a natural medicine prepared from the kernel of the fruit of a plant called horse-chestnut. This part of the plant undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that brings out the medicinal powers of a drug) which produces homeopathic medicine Aesculus Hippocastanum.

Aesculus has been used for ages as a traditional medicine for hemorrhoids, and venous stasis which means sluggish blood flow in veins. It is used for treatment of piles and for its prevention too. Some people carry chestnut as a custom with them as a preventive measure for piles. Aescin which is the active component in horse chestnut extract has been proved to possess many medicinal properties, like reducing inflammation and swelling in body parts, and improving blood flow in veins.

The ‘Aesculus Hippocastanum’ Constitution

It suits persons who have tendency to develop piles and gastric troubles. Other than this it suits those having predisposition towards varicose veins and venous stasis.

Drug Action

This medicine mainly acts on lower bowels, rectum, veins, lower back, pelvis, hip joint, sacroiliac joints, liver and throat.

Clinical Indications

Piles, constipation, backache, hip joint disease, sacroiliac joint complaints, ankylosing spondylitis, varicose veins, varicocele, liver complaints and throat disorders.

 Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints of Rectum (piles and constipation)

If we talk of rectal complaints, then the foremost indication to use Aesculus is piles. Piles refers to swollen, inflamed, engorged veins in the anus and lower rectum. Aesculus can treat piles very effectively. This medicine works by toning the veins and reducing swelling of veins. Additionally, Aesculus improves blood circulation in veins and reduces venous congestion, besides relieving pain. Among the various types of piles, it is most suitable to treat external piles which is characterized by large hemorrhoids resembling a purple bunch of grapes, along with swelling. The hemorrhoids seem to block the rectum. People complaining of intense pain during or after passing stool can benefit tremendously by its use. They may also have worsening of pain specifically while standing and walking. Other than this, rawness, soreness and burning sensation at the anus is wonderfully relieved with this medicine. Though usually recommended for painful, external, non-bleeding piles, in some cases it has also resulted in bleeding piles too. It also relieves patients of itching.

Aesculus is also used when bowel action is slow and constipation occurs. Basically it helps when the stool is hard, dry and knotty, and is large and passes out with much difficulty. A very peculiar rectal symptom may be experienced by those needing it — dryness in rectum along with a very unique sensation of small sticks filling up the rectum. The medicine also effectively deals with backache that follows hard, large, and uneasily relieved stool.

Other than these, it can be of help to reduce anal irritation caused by ascarides worms. Expulsion of ascarides worms is another notable action of this medicine.

Key indicating features

1. painful external non-bleeding piles

2. constipation with hard, dry, knotty, large and difficult stool

3. sensation of small sticks filling up the rectum

2. Joint complaints (sacroiliac joint complaints and hip joint pain)

It is a brilliant medicine to treat joint complaints. This medicine has a marked affinity to treat complaints related to sacroiliac joints (a joint connecting sacrum and the iliac part of hip bone). It is helpful in reducing inflammation in sacroiliac joints (sacroiliitis), it is also capable of treating sacroiliac joint complaints that follow an injury, trauma or a fall.

It has clinical significance in treating hip arthritis and degenerative hip. It is also used when person complains of bruised aching pain in the hips.

Key indicating features

1. sacroiliac joint inflammation or injury

2. Hip joint inflammation with bruised aching hip pain

3. Back and spine complaints (lower-back pain, ankylosing spondylitis and disc prolapse)

Its action is most marked on the lower back including lumbo-sacral part and hips. Difficulty in walking and stooping due to pain are the marked features in persons in need of this medication. Sometimes the pain is so intense that it makes walking impossible. Rising up from a sitting position is difficult for the person. Not only does Aesculus relieve pain, but also works on stiffness in lower back. Weakness in the backbone along with pain is another characteristic symptom indicating its use. Lower back pain radiating down the thighs also guides its use.

Ankylosing spondylitis

This is an autoimmune disease causing chronic inflammation of joints of spine can be managed well with Aesculus. Ankylosing spondylitis usually begins with an inflammation of sacroiliac joints. It moderates the autoimmune activity, reduces the inflammation of this joint and gives relief from its symptoms including painful and stiff lower back.

This medicine is not limited to lower back pain, it can also be used to get rid of upper back pain where it works well for pain in the neck and between the shoulder blades.

Other than these, its role in managing cases of herniated or prolapsed inter-vertebral discs (shock absorbing cushions in between the vertebrae that form the backbone) is worth mentioning.

Key indicating features

1. Lower back pain worse from walking and stooping

2. Ankylosing spondylitis

4. Poor blood circulation and varicose veins

This medicine helps greatly in cases of poor blood circulation in veins (venous stasis) and varicose veins. Varicose veins refer to veins that are swollen, enlarged, engorged or overfilled with blood. By its action of improving tonicity of veins and improving blood flow, it is successful in treating varicose veins. Aesculus particularly helps when there are purplish-coloured varicose veins.

Key indicating features

1. purple-colored varicose veins


5. Men-related problems (varicocele, involuntary prostatic fluid discharge, seminal discharge with sexual dreams)

In this category, the main complaint where Aesculus proves effective is varicocele that refers to enlarged, dilated and swollen veins in the scrotum. Aesculus reduces swelling in the veins and improves blood flow in veins of the scrotum.

Another complaint that can be managed with Aesculus is discharge of prostatic fluid while passing urine or stool. Lastly, it helps to manage seminal discharge accompanied with amorous dreams (dreams related to sexual desire).

Key indicating features

1. varicocele

2. involuntary discharge of prostatic fluid while passing stool or urine

6. Women-related problems (vaginal discharges)

It proves to be a very beneficial medicine for managing vaginal discharge in women. The discharge is yellow, thick and sticky in nature. Females also complain of lower back pain along with this issue. This discharge increases after menses.

Key indicating features

1. thick, yellow, sticky vaginal discharges

2. vaginal discharge with lower back pain

7. Gastric and Liver issues (heartburn, navel pain, pain in liver)

Aesculus helps in managing gastric complaints like heartburn, pain in the navel area, burning sensation in stomach and empty belching of wind. A metallic taste can be felt in these gastric problems.

If there is a problem in the liver, there is mild pain in and around the liver, a feeling of fullness, and burning sensation in the liver along with nausea and vomiting is another key indication. Aesculus is also given to treat jaundice.

Key indicating features

1. pain, tenderness in and around the liver

8. Headache

It is suitable for treating pain that originates in the back of the head (occiput) which extends to the frontal part. Aesculus also helps where a person feels certain pressure in the forehead, accompanied with nausea.

Key Indicating Features

1. pain emanating from back of head to the front

2. pressure in forehead with nausea

9. Throat infections (follicular pharyngitis, throat pain, cough)

Some of the throat complaints also come within the treatment sphere of this medicine. This mainly includes follicular pharyngitis, meaning inflammation at the back of the throat. Rough dry throat along with burning sensation are the guiding symptoms to use Aesculus.  Another symptom to consider use of this medicine is throat pain of stitching type extending to ear when swallowing. Another important symptom for use is hawking (to clear the throat) of mucus that is ropy (like a rope) and has a sweet taste. Lastly it can be given for cough that is dry and short caused by soreness in the larynx.

Key indicating features

1. throat pain radiating to ear on swallowing

2. dry, short cough triggered by hurting irritation in larynx


Worsening Factors: The complaints get worse while walking or standing, in conditions where this medicine is prescribed

Relieving Factors: A general relief in complaints from being in cool open air.


It can be given in both low and high potencies. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently, while using its high potency, frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Nux vomica
Complementary medicines are Carbo Veg, Lachesis and Muriatic Acid

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Drosera Rotundifolia – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Drosera Rotundifolia is a natural homeopathic medicine derived from plant round leaved sundew. It belongs to the family droseraceae. Drosera is prepared from this active fresh plant through a process of potentization (it is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance). It is a top grade medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of cough particularly dry, irritative cough.

The ‘Drosera Rotundifolia’ Constitution

This medicine prominently suits persons having a tendency to cough, mainly dry cough and those affected with tuberculosis. It is also suitable for children who mainly suffer from nocturnal cough (cough at night). 

Drug Action 

The utmost and most wide action of this medicine is seen on the respiratory tract and larynx. Other than this it also acts on other body parts though not as extensively as above mentioned areas. Such body parts where it has limited action includes throat, joints, limbs, skin, nose, face, neck and back.

Clinical Indications

Cough, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, hoarseness of voice, haemorrhages (bleeding), measles, joint pain, bone pains, writer’s cramp, cold, nose bleeding, facial pain, back pain, neck pain.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Respiratory problems (cough, asthma, bronchitis)

Pre-eminently this medicine has the most prominent action on the respiratory system to deal with various problems related to it. Drosera is very effective for managing cases of cough. Majorly it helps out cases of dry, irritative cough. It is a deep, barking sort of cough. The cough occurs in fits at rapid intervals. The main characteristic is worsening of cough from talking, singing and laughing. It stands out as a dominant medicine for spasmodic cough in which cough ends up in vomiting. It is a top listed medicine to manage cough in children. The peculiar feature to use it here is coughing in children worsening at night as soon as the child lies down. Another specific indication is cough form constant tickling in the larynx, feels as if there is a feather in the larynx which is causing cough. 
It is also effective for cases of asthma where asthma worsens from talking. There is a contracted sensation in my throat from talking. There is difficult breathing and vomiting of tough mucus. Bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) cases also respond well to this medicine. It is particularly an important medicine for managing bronchitis in elderly people. In such cases there is a cough worsening on lying down and at night with expectoration of yellow mucus. Another complaint where this medicine seems to be of help is chest pain when coughing or sneezing.  This medicine can be given for managing complaints of cough with blood spitting. Last indication to use it is cough with blood spitting or cough with vomiting in tuberculosis cases.

Key indicating features

Dry, irritative, deep barking type of cough
Cough in fits occurring at short intervals
Cough from talking, singing and laughing
Spasmodic cough when cough ends up in vomiting
Cough in children that worsens at night as soon as child lie down
Cough excited from tickling in the larynx
Asthma worsening from talking with contracted sensation in throat from talking
Bronchitis in elderly people
Cough with blood spitting

  1. Throat (sore throat, laryngitis)

This medicine also acts well on the throat. Cases of sore throat when there is redness, dryness, and roughness in the throat can be wonderfully managed with it. There is difficulty in swallowing solid food, person feels stinging pain when swallowing. There may occur yellow, greenish phlegm. It can successfully handle cases of Clergyman’s sore throat (Sore throat in those who overuse voices like public speakers). It is well indicated for laryngitis (inflammation of larynx or voice box) cases when there is a deep, hoarse voice. Sometimes the voice is cracking, husky, having no tone and the person has to put efforts to speak. A feather sensation in the larynx is prominent. Crawling and tickling can be felt in the larynx that excites coughing.

Key indicating features

Clergyman’s sore throat means sore throat in persons who overuse voice like as in public speakers
Laryngitis with deep, hoarse, cracking, husky or toneless voice
Feather sensation in larynx
Crawling and tickling in larynx that excites cough

  1. Limbs (joint pain, bone pains, muscle pain, writer’s cramp)

With its action on limbs it can be of great help to manage joint pains, bone pains, muscle pain and writer’s cramp. Its use is recommended for hip joint pain on the right side. It is a laming sort of pain that makes the sufferer limp when walking. Its use is  considered for ankle pain on the right side along with stiffness. The pain occurs when walking. There is stiffness in the joints of feet. 
It is beneficial for bone pain in the long bones, mainly for stitching type of pain. It worsens from motion and is somewhat relieved with rest. For muscles generally it is useful when there is stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb felt in every position.
Specifically, it is indicated for pain in muscles in the back of thigh, it is worse when stooping and also from pressure. Another indication is pain in the calf muscles of the right side when it is cutting stitching type, and occurs when sitting. Lastly it is valuable medicine for cases of writer’s cramp (a condition affecting fingers, hands, forearms in which there occurs involuntary contraction of muscles when doing activities with hands like writing, typing, instrument playing with hand and similar activities). There is contraction and rigidity of fingers when a person grasps anything when this medicine is required.

Key indicating features

Hip joint pain on right side causing limping when walking
Pain and stiffness in right sided ankle when walking
Pain in long bones
Stitching pain in muscles of upper and lower limb that is felt in every position
Writer’s cramp

  1. Skin (itching, measles and ulcers)

When it comes to skin, it helps manage complaints including itching, measles and ulcers. In cases needing it the itching occurs particularly while undressing. If scratched the skin peels off. Itching is accompanied with prickling, stinging and burning sensation. The itching is better from rubbing skin. There may occur sore painful eruptions as well. For ulcers it is selected when skin ulcers have burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding is present. This complaint is worse from the warmth of the bed and better from cold. This medicine is also considered for measles cases management. Lastly, it is an important medicine for treating black pores on the chin and nose.

Key indicating features

Itching while undressing, better from rubbing
Itching with prickling, stinging and burning sensation
Skin ulcers with burning, cutting pain, and pus or bleeding
Black pores on chin and nose

  1. Nose (cold, nasal bleeding)

By acting on the nose, Drosera offers benefits to manage cases of nasal bleeding. It is used when bleeding from the nose arises from blowing nose or from coughing. In some cases nose bleeding specifically occurs in evening time.  It is useful for a cold with a runny nose in the morning, accompanied with sneezing.

Key indicating features

Nose bleeding in evening
Nose bleeding from blowing nose and on coughing

  1. Face (pain, eruptions)

If we talk of face this medicine is well indicated to manage facial pain. To use this medicine the main feature is pain in the face that increases from touch and pressure. Prickling sensation and burning in cheeks may be felt. The face is red and hot. It also gives good results in case of pus filled (pustular) eruptions on the face, when stitching sensation is present in these. Touch worsens this complaint.

Key indicating features

Facial pain that worsens from touch and pressure
Pus filled (pustular) eruptions on face with stitching sensation 

  1. Neck and Back (pain)

Drosera is indicated to settle a few complaints related to neck and back. The first indication here to use it is pain and stiffness of neck which is worse from motion. Neck is painful to touch as well. Another indication is pain in the back specifically felt in the early morning. 

Key indicating features

Pain and stiffness of neck, worse from motion
Pain in back specifically in the early morning.


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from lying down, talking, singing, laughing, after midnight

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, sitting up in bed, from pressure and being quiet

Drosera Rotundifolia Dosage

This medicine works equally well in both low and high potency. In low potency it can be repeated frequently but in high potency its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphora

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Conium, Cina, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Veratrum Album

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Aconitum Napellus – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Aconitum Napellus is commonly known as monkshood or wolfsbane. It belongs to the family ranunculaceae. This homoeopathic remedy is prepared from the whole plant monkshood with root during flowering through the  process of potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and arouses medicinal properties from crude substances. It is a useful medicine to manage numerous complaints occurring from exposure to dry, cold air/wind and to manage anxiety, panic attacks and various sorts of fears.
aconitum napellus

The ‘Aconitum Napellus’ Constitution

This medicine is suitable for people with a nervous nature and those having sedentary (means spending much of the time seated with little to no exercise) life. It suits well anxious persons and those having fears and predisposition to panic attacks.

Drug Action 

This remedy acts on multiple organs and treats numerous related conditions and diseases. Among different organs its main action is seen upon the mind, nose, eyes and respiratory tract. Rest it acts well on ears, face, throat, mouth, tongue, limbs and heart.

Clinical Indications

Anxiety, panic attacks, fear, cold, sneezing, epistaxis (nose bleeding), fever, cough, conjunctivitis, earache, noises in ear (tinnitus), trigeminal neuralgia, throat inflammation, tonsillitis, laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sleeplessness (insomnia), palpitations, pericarditis, hypertrophy of heart.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

  1. Mind complaints (anxiety, panic attacks, fear)

It has a wide sphere of action in mind to settle many complaints. Among these it is a renowned medicine for managing anxiety, panic attacks and fears. Persons needing it have great anxiety with restlessness. They do everything in great haste. They have a tendency for panic attacks too. There is excessive anxiety, palpitations, shaking, trembling. Fear of death is marked. Numbness and tingling in fingers is felt. Sometimes fainting occurs.
There are lots of fears for which it is indicated. The main one is fear of death with feeling as if a person were to die soon, so strong is this fear. Next is fear of the dark and ghosts. Another prominent fear is of crowds where a person is afraid of going out of house. There is fear of narrow streets.
It is a top grade medicine to manage complaints occurring from fright, emotional shocks and anger. Rest of noteworthy features indicating its use are over-sensitiveness to pain, sadness from listening to music, mood swings between happiness and sadness, delirium (sudden confusion and change in mental status). 

Key indicating features

Anxiety, panic attacks with restlessness, palpitations, trembling and fear of death
Fear of death, of dark, ghosts, crowds
Ailments from fright, emotional shocks and anger

  1. Nose (cold, nose bleeding)

This medicine has a marked action on the nose where it is most beneficial to manage cold, sneezing and nose bleeding. It is an infallible medicine for treating colds that follows exposure to cold dry air. There is a runny nose and excessive sneezing. Other ways there may be stopped up dry nose with little discharge. There is fever and a headache present with cold. Next, it is helpful for cases having nasal bleeding. Here it is well indicated when the bleeding is of bright red blood. 

Key indicating features

Cold after exposure to cold dry air
Runny nose with sneezing or dry stopped up nose
Nose bleeding with bright red blood

  1. Eyes (conjunctivitis, eye inflammation)

With its action on eyes it helps to manage various complaints. First among these is conjunctivitis. It refers to inflammation of conjunctiva which is a transparent membrane covering the eyelid and white part of the eye. In such cases it helps in initial stages when there is no discharge but there is redness, heat, dryness of eyes with pain that can be burning, pressive or shooting type. There is a sensation of sand in the eyes. It may follow exposure to cold dry wind. 
Next important feature that points towards its use is eye inflammation that happens from dust, or some foreign body in eyes or after surgery. It can be used for eyelid swelling too when eyelids are red, hard swollen with a tense feeling. It also covers complaints of excessive eye watering from exposure to dry, cold winds and from reflection of snow. 

Key indicating features

Conjunctivitis in early stages with redness, heat, dryness and pain in eye
Eye inflammation from dust, some foreign body in eyes or after surgery
Profuse eye watering from exposure to dry, cold winds and reflection of snow

  1. Ears (earache, noises in ear)

This medicine can be given to manage some of the ear problems. It is of great service to manage ear pain. Pain in the ear can be sharp or tearing. The external ear is red, painful, warm and swollen. Next it works wonders in cases of otitis media (inflammation or infection of middle ear). Further this medicine can be given in cases of noises in the ear that can be roaring, ringing, buzzing or humming noises. 

Key indicating features

Sharp tearing pain in ear
Roaring, ringing, buzzing or humming noises

  1. Face (trigeminal neuralgia)

When it comes to face it proves to be effective to treat trigeminal neuralgia and alleviate facial pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is a sudden shooting or electric shock like facial pain from pressure over trigeminal nerve or its damage. There is pain on the left side of the face with redness and heat where it is a magnificent medicine to manage it. The pain is intense that can make a person scream. Anxiety restlessness occurs with this. Numbness, tingling in face accompany. There may also occur crawling and creeping sensation on face. 

Key indicating features

Left sided trigeminal neuralgia
Pain in left side face with numbness, tingling

  1. Throat (inflammation, tonsillitis, laryngitis)

Action of Aconite is also seen on the throat. It is of great value in treating throat inflammation, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. It is primarily indicated when there is throat inflammation with dark redness and high fever. The tonsils, palate look dark red. Tonsils are dry, swollen. There is stinging burning pain in my throat and difficulty in swallowing. This medicine is also known to be of service in laryngitis cases. Laryngitis is inflammation of the larynx or the voice box. In such cases it helps when there is hoarseness and husky voice. It may be attended with pain when talking. Larynx is sensitive and fever may accompany.

Key indicating features

Throat inflammation with dark redness, stinging, burning pain and high fever
Tonsillitis  with dark red, dry, swollen tonsils
Laryngitis with hoarse and husky voice

  1. Respiratory complaints (cough, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis)

Aconitum Napellus is very suitable for treating numerous concerns related to the respiratory system. Out of these chiefly it is indicated for managing cough. Cough occurring after exposure to dry, cold air or wind is a classic indication for its use. It has shown great clinical improvements when cough is short, hoarse, dry, barking, hacking type.  It is a loud cough and laboured breathing may occur with this. Its other clinical indications are asthma, bronchitis (inflammation of lining of bronchial tubes), pneumonia (inflammation of air sacs of lungs). There is shortness of breath, sensation of band around chest.
Rusty, frothy mucus or white mucus with blood streaks can appear. Lastly, stitching pain in the chest when breathing or coughing can be felt.

Key indicating features

Cough from exposure to dry, cold air or wind
Dry, short, loud, hoarse, barking, hacking sort of cough

  1. Fever

It is one of the leading medicines to manage fever cases. It is a magnificent medicine for cases of inflammatory fever for example fever with throat inflammation. It is typically indicated for the first stage of fever. There is very hot, burning skin where it is required, face is red or red and pale alternately. Coldness may alternate with heat. In some cases the cold stage predominates. There is anxiety, restlessness and excessive thirst for water. 

Key indicating features

First stage of inflammatory fever
Fever with excessive heat, dry, burning skin and intense thirst for water
Fever with anxiety, restlessness

  1. Mouth (bitter taste, coated tongue, and tingling, burning, numbness)

Coming to this section, it is useful for cases of bitter taste in mouth, dryness, burning sensation in mouth. There is a bitter taste of everything except water.
Its next indication is tingling, numbness of lips. Burning sensation can accompany it. Other guiding features are related to tongue and includes coated tongue, swollen tongue, tingling / prickling on tongue, numbness, burning on tongue. Tongue is coated white or yellowish white and maybe dry, red. Burning and tingling on tip of tongue is present.

Key indicating features

Bitter taste of everything except water
White or yellowish white coating on tongue
Tingling, burning, numbness of lips or tongue

  1. Sleep (sleeplessness, nightmares)

Aconite is extremely helpful for managing some sleep problems. To begin with it is a leading medicine for sleeplessness that results from anxiety or some sort of fright. There is restlessness and tossing about in bed from sleeplessness. People are sleepless mainly after midnight. Not only this, it is suited well to elderly people to manage the concern of sleeplessness. It can also be given to those who get nightmares and to those who tend to startle in sleep. 

Key indicating features

Sleeplessness from anxiety or fright
Sleeplessness in elderly people
Nightmares and starting during sleep

  1. Limbs (numbness, tingling, joint inflammation)

Apart from above this medicine can rectify well some of the complaints related to limbs. It can give a solution to complaints of numbness and tingling in limbs. Person may complain of shooting pain in limbs. It can improve twitching of fingers and toes. Additionally it is indicated for joint inflammation. The joints are swollen, red, shiny, and sensitive to slight contact, complaints are worse at evening and night. 

Key indicating features

Numbness, tingling and shooting pain in limbs
Swollen, red, shiny, sensitive joints, worse at evening and night

  1. Heart (palpitations, pericarditis, hypertrophy of heart)

For certain heart issues too its use is recommended. This medicine can help cases of palpitations. These may be from motion, fright, smoking. Pulse is fast, hard, bounding. It can be given for heart pain extending to the left shoulder. Its use is indicated for pericarditis which is an inflammation of lining that surrounds the heart. In such cases there is stitching pain in the heart and hard, strong pulse. Lastly it is well indicated for hypertrophy of heart.  

Key indicating features

Palpitations from motion, fright, smoking
Pericarditis with stitching pain in heart and hard, strong pulse
Hypertrophy of heart


Worsening factors: exposure to dry, cold wind, checked sweating, fright, shock, at night, from music

Relieving factors: in open air and from rest


This medicine can be used from 30 C to 1 M potency. If using it in low potency, repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Acetic Acid, Paris Quadrifolia

It antidotes Belladonna, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Nux Vomica,

Followed well by: Abrotanum, Arnica, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Spigelia, Spongia and Sulphur

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

China Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is prepared from dried bark of plant Cinchona Officinalis also known as Peruvian bark. It belongs to the family rubiaceae.  When dried bark of this plant is potentised as per homeopathic formula that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties, we get as a result a highly valuable homeopathic medicine. It is a top listed homeopathic remedy to manage numerous gastric complaints and weakness.

The ‘China Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suited to people who are lean, thin and are predisposed to get nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. It is highly suitable to persons who have turned weak from excessive loss of blood, diarrhoea.

Drug Action 

The prime action of this medicine is seen in the gastric system. Next important action is on blood to manage ill effects of blood loss like weakness, fatigue and anaemia. Other than this it acts well on the liver, gallbladder, ears, nose, face, male and female genitals. 

Clinical Indications

Gas (flatulence), bloating, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, liver diseases, gallstones, gall stone colic, anaemia, noises in ear, meniere’s disease, ear pain. ear discharge, nose bleeding, facial pain, nightfall, testicle pain, menstrual complaints, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea), malaria.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy                              

1. Gastric Issues (gas, bloating, diarrhoea, anorexia, vomiting, liver disorders)

China Officinalis has a wide action on gastric tract where it helps settle various problems. Firstly, it is very helpful to ease the complaint of gas (flatulence) in the abdomen. In cases needing it there is gas in the abdomen which is felt for a long time after eating along with bloating. Weight in the stomach occurs following eating even a slight amount of food. Burping that tastes like food or is bitter may occur but it affords no relief in bloating. Motion may relieve bloating. A person may also have pain in the abdomen from obstructed gas. It is better from bending double. Gas pain after operation can be managed well with it.  Secondly, it is a top grade medicine for managing diarrhoea attended with excessive weakness. Stool is loose, brownish or yellowish, having undigested food particles with weakness. Passage of stool occurs with much escape of gas. Stool is offensive and can be frothy. It is also suitable when loose stool arises from eating fruit or drinking milk. Diarrhoea occurring in hot weather is also treated magnificently with this remedy. 
This medicine can be given for cases of worm infestation as well. It is also used when there is vomiting that may be sour, of undigested food or of mucus.
Another well known effect is to help cases of loss of appetite (anorexia). Persons who need it have an aversion to eating any sort of food and feel full all the time. It can be given for a low appetite when a person feels stomach is full from eating very little food. Appetite loss in case of malaria is an important indication for its use. It can handle gastric issues that occur from eating fruit, fish or from drinking milk, impure water, tea and sour wine. Cases of food poisoning from drinking impure water or eating bad meat, bad fruit can be treated well with this medicine. This medicine also acts well on the liver and gallbladder. Here it proves to be effective to manage cases of liver inflammation, liver enlargement, liver cirrhosis, gallstones and its related colic. 

Key indicating features

Gas and bloating, slightly better from motion
Abdomen pain from obstructed gas better from bending double
Gas pain after operation
Diarrhoea with excessive weakness
Loss of appetite with aversion to eat any sort of food
Gastric troubles from fruit, fish or milk, impure water, tea and sour wine
Liver complaints (its enlargement, inflammation and cirrhosis)
Gall stones and gall stone colic management

2. For weakness

It is one of the best medicines for managing cases of weakness and fatigue. This medicine is mainly selected when weakness occurs after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood). In males when weakness arises from excessive seminal emissions, this medicine can be really helpful. Females who suffer from weakness during breastfeeding, or after heavy periods may also find this medicine very useful to regain strength. Besides these its use can be done in cases of weakness that follows mental or physical exertion. 

Key indicating features

Weakness after diarrhoea, after bleeding (loss of blood)
Weakness occurring from excessive seminal emissions in males
Weakness in females during breast feeding or after heavy periods

3. Ear (noises in ear, pain, ear discharge)

This medicine acts well on ears and treats many ear related problems. It is mainly utilized for managing noises in ears (tinnitus) which can be roaring, ringing or humming type. With this there occurs vertigo, headache, and difficulty in hearing. Its use is recommended to manage meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder with triad of symptoms including noises in ear, hearing loss and vertigo) too. It can be used for pain in the ear, tearing type worsening from slightest touch. Sometimes there is a stitching sort of ear pain. It is useful to manage ear discharge, which is foul smelling, consisting of pus and blood. 

Key indicating features

Roaring, ringing or humming noises in ear
Noises in ear with vertigo, headache and difficult hearing
Meniere’s disease
Ear pain increasing from little touch
Ear discharge having pus and blood with foul odour

4. Nose (cold, sneezing, nose bleeding)

With its action on the nose it manages complaints of cold, sneezing and nose bleeding. There is watery discharge from the nose with sneezing. This is accompanied with pain in the temple region of the head. Pain can be felt at the root of the nose. Eye watering may be present too. Smell is very acute and the person is sensitive to the smell of cooking and flowers. It is beneficial for managing nose bleeding (epistaxis) with head congestion and pale face. The bleeding episodes are frequent and occur especially in the morning on rising.

Key indicating features

Cold with watering from nose, sneezing, eye watering
Nose bleeding with congestion of head and pale face
Nose bleeding in morning on rising

5. Face (facial pain, dark circles)

This medicine can be given for cases of facial pain. The characteristic for using it is needle-like pain in the left side of the face. In some cases pain can be burning or tearing in nature on the right side of the face. The facial pain gets worse from movement and touch. Face turns alternately red and pale. This medicine is also indicated for dark circles when there is an appearance of bluish discoloration around the eyes. Face looks pale, sickly, bloated. 

Key indicating features

Needle like facial pain on left side
Facial pain increasing from touch and motion
Pale, sickly looking face with bluish discoloration around the eyes 

6. Male Issues (inflamed testes, impotency, testes pain, nightfall)

When it comes to males this medicine is recommended for complaints including inflammation of testes (orchitis), testes pain, impotency (inability to get or maintain an erection to have sexual intercourse) and nightfall. Persons needing it feel cramping, contractive pain in testes. They may have tearing pain in their left testes. It deals well with cases of swollen testicle after gonorrhoea infection (gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae).
Next, it is an important medicine to manage impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity.
Lastly it is known to be effective for cases of excessive seminal emissions at night accompanied with weakness.

Key indicating features

Inflammation of testes and cramping, contractive pain in testes
Swelling of testes after gonorrhoea infection
Impotency from excessive indulgence in sexual activity
Nightfall, frequent with weakness

7. Female problems (heavy periods, vaginal discharge)

This medicine can rectify certain female problems. It is a principal medicine for managing heavy periods with anaemia. The menstrual bleeding is dark, with clots and periods may come early. It is attended with pain and abdomen distension may be present too. After menses excessive weakness can be felt which is magnificently relieved with this medicine. There may also occur intermenstrual bleeding of dark blood. It is also of great value to help cases of vaginal discharge. It is typically indicated for blood stained vaginal discharge. It is accompanied with pain and bearing down in vulva. 

Key indicating features

Heavy periods with anaemia, weakness
Weakness after menses
Blood stained vaginal discharge 

8. Perspiration (sweating)

It is a prominent medicine for excessive sweating. People needing this remedy have increased sweating after exertion. It is also indicated for heavy sweating during sleep, at night accompanied with weakness. The sweat drenches the whole body. Next notable indication is profuse sweating in case of fever, malaria.

Key indicating features

Increased sweating during sleep
Excessive sweating causing weakness
Profuse sweat from fever, malaria

9. Fever

It is a highly valuable medicine for cases of malaria fever. All three stages of chill, heat and sweat are well marked. The symptom of utmost importance to use it is violent chills internally with icy cold hands and feet. There is shivering with nausea, vertigo, vomiting and pain in the head. During the heat stage, the mouth is dry, face is red, pricking is felt here and there and excessive thirst for water. Sweating mainly occurs during sleep and also during movement, and is very profuse and attended with much weakness.

Key indicating features

Malaria fever with well – marked stages of chill, heat and excessive sweat
Fever with excessive sweating especially at night time with marked weakness


Worsening factors: complaints worsen after eating, slight touch, at night, from eating fish, fruits and drinking milk

Relieving factors: Complaints are better from hard pressure and in open air.

China Officinalis Dosage

It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be done in low potencies but in high potencies frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Nux Vomica, Sepia and Sulphur

It antidotes Calcarea Carb, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Iodum and Veratrum Album

Followed well by: Acid Phos, Arsenic Album, Asafoetida, Carbo Veg, Ferrum Met, Phosphorus and Veratrum Album

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Argentum Nitricum – Homeopathic Medicine: Its Uses, Indications and Dosage

Argentum Nitricum is derived from a natural compound, the nitrate of silver. This compound is potentised (the process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal power of a drug) to extract the homeopathic remedy. This remedy works wonders for treating cases of anxiety, anticipation and certain phobias (fear).
Homeopathic medicine argentum nitricum

The ‘Argentum Nitricum’ Constitution

This medicine works well for people who are tired as a result of excessive and prolonged mental exertion. It also suits people of a nervous disposition, as  well as females experiencing menstrual problems.

Drug Action 

This medicine acts well on the mind, head, eyes, throat, gastric system, urinary organs, limbs, skin, male genitals and female genitals. 

It’s clinical use includes treatment of conditions like anticipation, anxiety, panic attacks, fear, eye complaints, headache, acidity, stomach ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, laryngitis, incoordination, locomotor ataxia, and warts.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Anticipation, Anxiety, Fear, Panic Attacks)

This medicine has a marked action on the mind. It is a top grade medicine to manage cases of anticipatory anxiety. This sort of anxiety occurs from anticipation, which is the act of predicting something and excitement about something which is about to happen in future. For example, a person may feel anxious when they have an appointment with a doctor and start anticipating things that will happen during the appointment. Or a student may have anxiety about an examination that is going to be held in the future. Diarrhoea is another common occurrence that appears with such situations.
Other than this, it is a prominent medicine to help cases of performance anxiety like anxiety before giving a performance on stage. Panic attacks including sudden anxiety, fear, terror can be well managed with this medicine.

This remedy is also used to manage cases of fear. People requiring it may have different sorts of fears, like fear of heights, crowds, dark, high buildings (as if these would fall upon a person), flying in airplanes, or of death. Those who need it are very nervous, hurried and impulsive in behaviour. 

Key indicating features:

Anticipatory anxiety and performance anxiety
Anxiety with diarrhoea
Panic attacks

  1. Head (Headache and Migraine)

This medicine is effective to manage headaches and migraines. The main symptoms of using it is headache resulting from mental exertion. Binding the head tightly may improve it. For migraine the most important indication is migraine that follows some sort of emotional disturbance. It is followed by weakness most times.

Key indicating features:

Headache after mental exertion
Migraine from emotional disturbance

  1. Eyes (Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Eyestrain, Pterygium)

This medicine treats many eye complaints effectively. The most important among them is conjunctivitis that refers to an inflammation of the membrane lining the eyelid and eyeball. It is used when conjunctiva looks pink or red with excessive eye discharge. The discharge consists of mucus and pus. It is also indicated for cases of ophthalmia neonatorum means conjunctivitis of the newborn. Here excessive thick yellow pus discharge from eyes is the guiding feature. 
It can also be given in cases of blepharitis (inflamed eyelid edges). There is redness, thickness and swelling over the lid margins. Thick crusts on eyelids are prominent. Its use can also be considered in cases of eyestrain. The eyes feel tired along with aching. Person feels better by pressing or closing their eyes.
Besides these, it is valuable medicine to treat pterygium (abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva) cases when tissue growth is pinkish coloured. 

Key indicating features:

Conjunctivitis with discharge of mucus and pus from eye
Ophthalmia neonatorum (conjunctivitis in newborn babies)
Blepharitis with redness, thickness and crusts on eyelid margins
Pterygium of pink colour

  1. Throat (Laryngitis and Sore Throat)

With its action on the throat, it helps treat laryngitis (inflammation of larynx i.e. the voice box). Here, it is used when there is hoarseness of voice and sometimes loss of voice. Speaking in a high tone may trigger a cough. Itching and tickling in the larynx may occur. It is one of the best medicines for hoarse voices in those who overuse voices, for example singers. It also helps out cases of sore throat. The throat looks markedly red. There is excessive thick mucus in the throat accompanied with much hawking. The throat feels raw, sore and dry. Burning sensation occurs in the throat. A splinter sensation is felt in the throat when swallowing. 

Key indicating features:

Laryngitis with voice hoarseness
Hoarse voice from overusing as in singers
Sore throat with redness and thick mucus in throat

  1. Gastric issues (Stomach Ulcers, Gastritis, Diarrhoea, Gas, Bloating)

This homeopathic medicine has a wide sphere of action on the gastric system. The gastric issues that can be well treated with it includes gastritis (stomach inflammation), stomach ulcers, burping, gas, bloating and diarrhoea. In gastritis it is most useful when it occurs from excessive alcohol intake.
If we talk of stomach ulcers, it is beneficial to manage stomach pain that worsens from eating. This is followed by vomiting. The pain can be burning, gnawing and ulcerating. It can radiate from the stomach to other parts of the abdomen. There is excessive gas in the stomach, often leading to loud burping. It causes bloating and a sensation as if the abdomen would burst.
In general there is excessive craving for sweets but it worsens the complaint. It is highly effective to manage diarrhoea (loose stool). It is an infallible medicine to manage nervous diarrhoea that occurs from emotional reasons like anxiety, anticipation, fright, nervousness. There occurs watery stool with noisy escape of gas. It is also indicated for diarrhoea with offensive green stool having mucus in it. Another guiding feature for using it is diarrhoea that results from eating excessive sugar. It is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicine to manage cases of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). In such cases it helps when there is diarrhoea in persons who have anxieties and nervous personalities. 

Key indicating features:

Gastritis in alcoholics
Stomach ulcer with be burning, gnawing and ulcerating pain
Loud burpings
Nervous diarrhoea from emotional reasons like anxiety, anticipation, fright, nervousness
Diarrhoea from eating sugar in excess
Loose stool when it is offensive green with mucus in it
Irritable bowel syndrome  

  1. Male Problems (Weak Erections, Painful Erections, Low Libido, Ulcers on Prepuce)

In males it can be used for cases of weak erections and low sexual desire. It is also an important medicine to manage painful erections. Other than these it can be given for cases of ulcers on prepuce. These are tiny in size and covered with pus, and have a tendency to spread.

Key indicating features:

Weak erections and decreased sexual desire
Painful erections
Ulcers on prepuce 

  1. Female Problems (Painful Intercourse, Vaginal Discharge, Intermenstrual Bleeding)

There are various female problems that can be treated with Argentum Nitricum. This medicine works wonders in treating complaints of painful intercourse in women medically known as dyspareunia. Females may also have vaginal bleeding after coition.
Argentum Nitricum is useful for vaginal discharges. For using it the discharge is yellow, profuse mucus and may also be blood stained. Cervical ulcers may be present with vaginal discharge.
Lastly, it is used to treat metrorrhagia (intermenstrual bleeding). It is accompanied with pain in the ovaries. This pain radiates to the thigh and lower back. 

Key indicating features:

Painful intercourse
Vaginal bleeding after coition
Vaginal discharges that are yellow, profuse mucus, blood stained
Intermenstrual bleeding with pain in ovaries that radiates to thigh and lower back

  1. Urinary Problems (Urethritis, Gonorrhoea, Urethral Stricture)

This medicine helps to solve many of the urinary concerns too. Among these, first is inflamed urethra (urethritis). In such conditions there is burning, pain and itching in the urethra.
It is also well-indicated to treat gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) in its early stage. There is cutting pain in the urethra, excessive urethral discharge bleeding. It is beneficial for urethral stricture cases. The urine passes in a weak or divided stream. 

Key indicating features:

Urethra inflammation with burning, pain and itching
Gonorrhoea in early stages
Urethral stricture with weak or divided urinary stream

  1. Limbs (Locomotor Ataxia, Calf Muscle Pain and Rigidity)

Coming to this section this medicine works well for locomotor ataxia (lack of muscle coordination of voluntary movement like walking). Persons needing it have staggering gait. They have unsteady walking and standing. They reel while walking in the dark. Lower limbs feel weak. Another characteristic is rigidity of calf muscles or its weakness. The legs feel heavy as if made of wood. Calf pain is there especially at night time. 

Key indicating features:

Locomotor ataxia with unsteady walking and standing
Rigidity, weakness and pain in calf muscles

  1. Skin (Warts, Skin Ulcers, Bedsores, Herpes Zoster)

This remedy acts on skin and treats many complaints. It  includes warts (small bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). Second is skin ulcers that are deep rooted and the margins are hard. Bedsores and herpes zoster (a viral infection caused by varicella – zoster virus that causes skin blisters with pain, burning and sensitivity) are the other complaints that are treated with this remedy.

Key indicating features:

Skin ulcers that are deep with hard margins


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from eating sweets, cold food, excessive mental exertion, anxiety, fear, worries.

Relieving Factors: complaints are better in fresh air, from hard pressure, cold bathing.


Homeopathic medicine Argentum Nitricum works well in both low to high potencies. Generally in mind complaints, high potency of medicines is preferred. When using it in low potency it can be repeated often but in high potency, frequent repetition should be subjected to a physician’s discretion. 

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Natrum Mur

Antidotes: Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Silicea

Follows well: Bryonia, Causticum, Spigelia and Spongia

Followed well by Lycopodium

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