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Kidney Stones – Dissolve Them Fast with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

homeopathic medicines kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard deposits that are made from salts, minerals and acids in the kidneys. Kidney stones are also termed as renal calculi or nephrolithiasis. Kidney stones form when the the level of crystal-forming substances such as calcium, uric acid, or oxalate rise in the urine. At the same time, the level of substances that prevent these crystals from sticking together falls. They start as small granules and gradually grow larger in size, filling the hollow structures inside the kidneys.

Homeopathy is a natural healing science that offers amazing treatment for cases of kidney stones. Homeopathic medicines effectively manage its symptoms along with breaking down and dissolving the kidney stones. These also help them pass out by stimulating the body’s self – healing system that helps relax the muscles in the urinary tract for easy passage of stone. Homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that along with proper diet management, increased fluid intake yield positive long-term results in these cases. Homeopathic medicines for kidney stones are selected after an in-depth analysis of every individual case, mainly keeping in mind the side of the kidney stone (right or left)in the body and its attending signs and symptoms.

Besides treating symptomatic kidney stones, homeopathic medicines are also helpful when the kidney stones are asymptomatic. These medicines can also cure the tendency towards recurrent kidney stones. They have shown remarkable results in these cases by targeting the underlying associated health conditions.

Many of the kidney stones cases are considered a case for surgery under the conventional mode of medicine. But with timely homeopathic intervention, most of these can be treated without surgical intervention. To what extent surgery can be avoided varies from case to case. It depends upon the size and location of the kidney stone. It is to be noted that acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis from kidney stones is an emergency condition which demands urgent allopathic treatment.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Stones

The well-known homeopathic remedies which have exhibited outstanding effectiveness in the treatment of kidney stones are Berberis vulgaris, Hydrangea Arborescens, Lycopodium Clavatum, Cantharis Vesicatoria and Sarsaparilla Officinalis.

1. Berberis Vulgaris – For Kidney Stones Of Left Side

Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top-listed medicines for kidney stones formed on the left side. This is often the first line of treatment used by most of the homeopathic physicians to treat kidney stones. A unique symptom guiding the use of Berberis Vulgaris is pain in the left kidney that radiates down the ureter and into the urinary bladder. The pain can be shooting, stitching, cutting or stinging in nature. The pain may worsen by any kind of movement, especially jarring movement. Urine may be yellow and may contain slimy sediments. The area around the kidneys is sensitive to touch.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

The main indication of medication is pain in the left side kidney that radiates to the ureter and urinary bladder while urinating, along with increased frequency of urination. Berberis can also be used in cases with a recent diagnosis of kidney stones when the patient is asymptomatic.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Mother tincture (Q) of Berberis Vulgaris is the most frequently suggested potency for kidney stones. Berberis Vulgaris Q can be taken twice or thrice a day.

2. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Right Side Kidney Stone

Lycopodium Clavatum is an outstanding medicine for treating kidney stones on the right side. It is indicated when there is pain in right kidney and right ureter. The pain gets worse before urination, there is forceful straining to pass urine and urine is scanty. The kidney pain subsides after urination. The urine may contain red sediments. Also, the urine may be purulent (containing pus), turbid or pale in some cases.

When to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

It is best to be taken in cases of right side kidney stones with pain which gets worse before urination sometimes along with red sand in urine.

How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

Both the lower and the higher potencies of this medicine turn out to be effective with excellent results. But initially it can be taken in 30 C potency upto 2 times in a day, not more than that.

3. Hydrangea Arborescens – For Kidney Stone With White Or Yellow Sand In Urine

Hydrangea Arborescens is popularly known as the stone breaker remedy. Hydrangea Arborescens is used to crush kidney stones, stones in the ureter as well as bladder. If one notices white or yellow sand deposits, then Hydrangea Arborescens is well indicated. Soreness in the kidney region may also be felt in such cases. In some cases, blood may appear in urine.

When to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It should be considered in any type of renal stones to dissolve stones especially in cases with white or yellow sandy deposits in urine and soreness in the kidney area.

How to use Hydrangea Arborescens?

It has proven to be effective in mother tincture (Q) form and produces good outcomes. Hydrangea Arborescens Q can be used two to three times a day.

4. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Kidney Stone With Burning Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is of great help in kidney stones where there is intense burning on passing urine. The burning sensation may also be felt before urine is passed and may continue after urination. Another attending feature is kidney pain with frequent urge to pass urine. Tenesmus of the bladder may also be marked where the urge to pass urine is almost constant, along with unsatisfactory urination. Urine may contain jelly-like mucus.

When to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

The key indicating feature of this medicine in kidney stones is intense burning especially when passing urine. Burning may also be felt before and after urination in many cases needing this medicine.

How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?

Both 30C or 200C potency of this medicine give amazing results. In the beginning two to three doses of this medicine in 30C potency can be consumed per day. The dose should be reduced to once a day when improvement is noticeable.

5. Sarsaparilla – For Kidney Stone With Burning At Close Of Urination

Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the medicine that you can count on in case of kidney stones with excessive burning at the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty and may contain slimy or sandy particles. Sarsaparilla Officinalis is also prescribed for right-sided kidney stones.

When to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

The most noticeable symptom to use this medicine for kidney stones is excessive burning towards the end of passing urine.

How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?

It works best in 30C potency that one may use once or twice a day.

What Are The Causes Of Kidney Stones?

1. Low urine volume: Consistently less volume of urine is a key risk factor for kidney stones. Dehydration (loss of body fluids) through strenuous activity, residing in a warm humid environment, or not drinking enough fluids can contribute to low urine volume and concentrated, black urine. There is less fluid to keep salts dissolved in concentrated urine.
2. Diet: Diet can have a tremendous impact on stones and the likelihood of developing them. High calcium level in the urine is one of the most common causes of calcium kidney stones. The body’s metabolism of calcium may be blamed for high urine calcium levels. The most typical type of kidney stone (calcium oxalate) contains oxalate; consuming foods high in oxalate can increase the chance of developing these stones. An excessive intake of animal proteins in the diet, such as beef, fish, poultry, and hog (pig meat), can cause the acid level of the body and urine to rise. The formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid stones is facilitated by high acidity levels. The likelihood of developing calcium and uric acid stones is further increased by uric acid formation from the breakdown of meat.
3. Obesity: A risk factor for stones is obesity which may alter the urine’s acid composition which could result in the production of stones.
4. Family History: The risk of developing kidney stones is substantially high in those who have a family history of kidney stones.
5. Medications: The chance of developing kidney stones increases with intake of certain drugs, as well as calcium and vitamin C supplements.
6. Chronic UTI: Larger kidney stones can develop in those with chronic urinary tract infections. These are frequently referred to as struvite stones.
7. Bowel conditions: Certain bowel conditions that cause diarrhea (like Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis) and surgeries (like gastric bypass surgery) can raise the risk of formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Diarrhea may result in loss of large quantities of fluid from the body and decreased urine volume. The body hence absorbs the excessive oxalate from the intestines resulting in more oxalate in the urine. Both low urine volume and high oxalate in the urine can lead to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Types Of Kidney Stones

Calcium Stones (80% of the stones)
These are the most prevalent kidney stones. Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate are the two different forms of calcium stones. The most typical kind of calcium stone is by far calcium oxalate. In some cases, urine contains excessive amounts of calcium increasing the risk of calcium stones in them. Calcium stones can develop due to various other reasons also even when there is normal calcium in the urine.
Uric Acid Stones
This is yet another typical kidney stone type. Intake of large amounts of animal protein can increase the risk of uric acid build-up in the urine. Uric acid crystals do not dissolve well in acidic urine and can lead to the formation of uric acid stones. Loss of body fluids due to diarrhea, malabsorption and certain genetic factors make the person prone to developing uric acid stones. These kinds of stones frequently develop in persons having a family history of stones.
Struvite Stones
These stones have a connection to persistent UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). Some bacteria increase the urine’s basicity or alkalinity, decreasing its acidity. Struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate) stones develop in urine that is alkaline. These stones frequently have branches, are huge, and develop quickly. The greatest risk of developing these stones is in those who frequently experience urinary tract infections (UTI), those who have long tubes in their kidneys or bladders, or those who have poor bladder emptying as a result of neurologic conditions (such as paralysis, multiple sclerosis, and spina bifida).
Staghorn Calculus
The term ‘staghorn’ refers to the shape of this type of stone which has branches like a piece of coral or the antlers on a deer. People having repeated UTI are more prone to develop this type of stone. If they form as a result of infections, they may be made of struvite which is a mix of magnesium, ammonium and phosphate. If they are formed as a result of smaller stones growing larger over a period of time, then the staghorn calculi are made of calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate or a mixture of calcium carbonate apatite, apart from struvite. The way the branches of this type of stone grow, it can block the pelvis and the calyces of the kidney which can lead to kidney failure.
Cystine Stones
One of the amino acids that make up proteins and can be found in some foods is cysteine. The genetic metabolic condition cystinuria or having too much cystine in the urine, is rare. When the kidneys fail to reabsorb cystine from urine, a lot of cysteine in the urine might lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kids are frequently the first to develop cystine stones.

Symptoms Of Kidney Stones

Kidney stones usually cause no symptoms and may lie dormant in the kidneys till the time they do not move around in the kidneys and pass through ureters. In such cases with no symptoms, they usually get revealed accidentally in ultrasound done for some other purpose. When the kidney stones travel down the ureter (the tube between kidneys and urinary bladder) to the bladder to finally pass out with urine, then they cause intense pain even if they are small in size. If a kidney stone is lodged in the ureter, it may cause urine blockage resulting in swelling of kidneys and spasm of ureters which can be very painful. At that point, one may experience the following symptoms:
1. Severe sharp pain on the sides of abdomen (flank area) or in the kidney region in the back below the ribs (medically called lion’s area) is termed renal colic. The pain from the back may travel to the lower abdomen and groin, and the pain often starts suddenly and comes in waves. The intensity of the pain varies.
2. Pain or burning sensation while urinating. Persistent need to urinate again and again.
3. Urine may be dark or red (cloudy) due to blood in it, and foul-smelling. Sometimes, urine contains a small number of red blood cells that cannot be seen with naked eyes.
4. Nausea and vomiting.
5. In men, there may be pain at the tip of the penis.
6. Fever and chills if there is infection.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which tests does the diagnosis of kidney stones involve?
The tests to confirm kidney stones include ultrasound, X-ray KUB i.e. kidney ureter bladder, intravenous pyelogram and CT scan of KUB. In addition to this, renal function test also needs to be done.
Can kidney stones lead to complications or damage to kidneys?
The pain from kidney stones is usually so intense that the person seeks immediate medical aid. There are usually no complications in such cases. However, complications may arise in case a person does not approach a doctor, unaware of the kidney stones lying dormant for a long period of time without causing any discomfort or pain. In such cases, there are chances of kidney damage due to persistent and severe obstruction of urine flow.
2. Can natural medicines treat kidney stones located at junctions of the renal system?
There are two junctions in the renal system — pelviureteric junction (PUJ) and ureterovesical junction (UVJ). The PUJ is the junction where the renal pelvis and ureter meet. The UVJ refers to the junction of the ureter and urinary bladder. These medicines can treat kidney stones at both PUJ and UVJ junctions when the stones are small in size and not linked with acute retention of urine or severe hydronephrosis.
3. My USG shows multiple small kidney stones, the largest is 6mm. Can homeopathy medicines dissolve them?
Yes, homeopathic medicines can definitely dissolve the stones in your case. Kidney stones of up to 8mm to 9mm have a good scope of treatment with these medicines. This does not, however, mean that homeopathy will not work on stones of a larger size. They will, but in such cases, homeopathy can only be started after making sure that the renal function tests are normal and there is no acute urinary retention.


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Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Pain

What is Kidney Pain?

Kidney pain is felt in the back below the lower ribs. It can radiate to the flanks, abdomen and groin. The main causes of kidney pain are pyelonephritis (kidney infection), kidney stones, polycystic kidney disease and kidney cancer. Kidney pain from stone is referred to as renal colic. Kidney stones cause pain when they are trying to enter the ureter from kidney. The attending features of kidney pain are pain in the flank, painful/burning urination (dysuria), blood in urine (hematuria), frequent urination, offensive urination, fever, chills, nausea and vomiting.

Advantages of Homeopathic Treatment of Kidney Pain

Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain are highly effective remedies procured from natural sources. As the medicines are natural, there is no risk of toxic side-effects and gentle healing results. Homeopathic medicines can manage acute renal colic from stones. They are also effective in dissolving kidney stones and removing the tendency to have recurrent calculus. Homeopathic remedies are very helpful in kidney pain from infection (pyelonephritis) as well. Here these remedies help by boosting the body’s own healing mechanism to fight the infection. Homeopathic medicines can successfully treat acute as well as chronic kidney pain in a safe manner.

Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Pain

The recommended Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain are Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium, Cantharis and Terebinthina. Berberis Vulgaris is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones. It is helpful in renal colic of the left side. Lycopodium is a natural Homeopathic medicine for right sided kidney pain. Cantharis is recommended for highly painful and burning urination accompanying kidney pain while Terebinthina is useful for kidney pain attended with blood in urine.

Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium and Cantharis – Best Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones (renal colic)

Natural medicines Berberis Vulgaris, Lycopodium and Cantharis are rated among the most effective Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from stones. Homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris is indicated for left-sided renal colic. The pain radiates from the left kidney to the ureter and bladder. The urine may contain blood cells and appear turbid. To deal with renal colic of the right side, Lycopodium is an excellent choice of Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain. Pain from the right kidney may radiate to the urinary bladder and is worse before urination. Also, the urine may be loaded with red sediments. Cantharis is useful where pain and intolerable burning while urination accompanies kidney pain from calculus.

Terebinthina and Apis Mellifica – Top Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis

Top rated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis are Terebinthina and Apis Mellifica. Terebinthina is of immense help in case of burning, drawing pain in the kidney. It is accompanied by dark, cloudy or smoky urine which contains albumin and coffee ground sediments. Constant tenesmus may also appear with these symptoms. Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica is recommended when the person complains of the kidney feeling sore and bruised from pain. The person also complains of burning, stinging pain in the urethra while urinating in such cases. Urge for urine is frequent, but scanty urine is passed. Marked strangury is also observed in cases where Apis Mellifica will work as the most effective among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain from pyelonephritis.

Berberis Vulgaris and Hedeoma – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on left side

Major Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the left side are Berberis Vulgaris and Hedeoma. Berberis is indicated for radiating, shooting pains in the left kidney. The pain often travels downwards to the ureter or bladder. The kidney region is highly sensitive to the touch. Motion worsens the pain. Homeopathic medicine Hedeoma is needed for dull pain in the left kidney. The pain may be of drawing and dragging nature. Frequent urge for urination is also present. The person has difficulty retaining urine even for a few minutes once the urge begins. Hedeoma stands among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the left side that have shown the most remarkable results.

Lycopodium and Sarsaparilla – Wonderful Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on right side

Lycopodium and Sarsaparilla are wonderful Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain on the right side. Lycopodium is suggested for aching pain in the right kidney. The pain is worse before urination. The person finds relief in kidney pain after urination. The urine stream is weak and may contain red sand. Homeopathic medicine Sarsaparilla is effective when marked dysuria appears along with right side kidney pain. Urine is scanty, slimy and may contain white sand.

Cantharis, Phosphorus and Terebinthina – Homeopathic remedies for kidney pain with blood in urine (hematuria)

Prominently indicated Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain accompanied with blood in urine are Cantharis, Phosphorus and Terebinthina. Cantharis is indicated in case of bloody urine along with kidney pain. Marked burning while urinating is also observed in such cases. The pain in kidney is cutting and burning in nature and the kidney is very sensitive to touch. Phosphorus is utilized when dull pain in kidney is accompanied with hematuria. The pain in kidney is most marked when lying on the back. On the other hand, Terebinthina works well in kidney pain when urine appears smoky, dark with blood which has a ground coffee coloured appearance, making it one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain of this type.

Cantharis, Merc Cor and Pareira Brava – Recognised Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain with painful urination (dysuria)

Known Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain with painful urination or dysuria include Cantharis, Merc Cor and Pareira Brava. Cantharis can effectively manage kidney pain with marked burning while micturition. The urge to urinate is constant and urine appears in drops. Strangury is marked.  Merc Cor is selected when urine is scanty, hot with intense pain. Urine is brown, and passes in drops in cases where Merc Cor will prove the best among Homeopathic medicines for kidney pain. Pareira Brava is needed when painful micturition accompanies kidney pain. Urge for urination is almost content. The pain often extends down the thighs from the kidney and bladder while urinating in such cases.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Back Pain In Morning

Lower back pain is a very common health concern nowadays.  Lower back pain can occur at any time of the day or night.  One may wake up with lower back pain in the morning. The pain can be localized in the lower back or it may radiate down to the hips, legs and feet varying from case to case. It may be accompanied by stiffness in the lower back in some cases. Experiencing such pain in the morning once in a while is not worrisome but if it happens frequently then it needs to be investigated to rule out the underlying cause behind it. Lower back pain in the morning may simply arise from poor sleeping posture or sleeping on an old mattress that does not support the back well or doing excessive exercise a day before the onset of pain. However, several underlying medical conditions may also lead to lower back pain in the morning. Among the various medical reasons behind it, the first one could be a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease. Herniated disc refers to a condition in which the soft gel-like matter from the center of the spinal disc pushes out via a crack in the tough outer part of the disc. Degenerative disc disease refers to a condition in which the discs between the vertebrae get damaged or break down. It happens from degenerative changes that occur with aging but few factors can hasten the process of this damage. Some of the commonly known factors among these include smoking, being overweight and injury. The second cause of lower back pain in the morning can be ankylosing spondylitis. It is a type of inflammatory joint disease mainly affecting the back which causes fusion of the vertebrae in the spine over time. Ankylosing spondylitis usually starts from inflammation of the sacroiliac joint (SI joint) and then ascends upwards. It results in pain and stiffness in the lower back and the hips. These symptoms are troublesome in the early morning and improve during the day as routine activities start.

Fibromyalgia can also lead to lower back pain in the morning. Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes pain in different body parts at some specific tender points accompanied by excessive tiredness and some other issues such as sleep issues, memory problems and also depression.  Another reason could be spinal stenosis. It refers to a narrowing of the space within the spinal canal that can lead to irritation or compression of the nerves in the spine. One-sided lower back pain could also indicate kidney stones.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope in treating cases of lower back pain in the morning. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the intensity of this pain. They work in the most natural way to treat pain and there are no side effects of these medicines. Along with this, stiffness of the lower back is also managed well. Homeopathic medicines give wonderful results by targeting the root cause behind it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis of every individual case. So always consult a homeopathic doctor and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Lower Back Pain In Morning

1. Ruta – Topmost Medicine

Ruta is a leading and highly beneficial medicine for managing lower back pain in the morning, the pain may start even before waking. The pain is stitching in nature. Those needing it tend to get relief by moving about. They may feel pain in the back when sitting or stooping besides pain in the morning. Weakness is felt in the lower back. The spine feels as if beaten along with the above indications.

2. Kali Carb – For Lower Back Pain Worse In Morning Around 3 AM

This medicine is suitable when lower backache is worse in the early morning and wakes the sufferer from sleep around 3 am. The persons needing this medicine have to get up and walk about to get relief in the pain. The pain is sharp, stitching or drawing in nature. The pain from the lower back may radiate down the hips. The back feels as if it is broken. Weakness is felt in the lower back and lower limbs in cases where this medicine is required. Pressure is felt in the lower back. Besides the above complaints, the pain gets worse after standing for a long time.

3. Petroleum – For Back Pain In Morning Before Rising

This medicine is helpful to manage back pain in the morning which starts before rising. Pain leads to difficulty in standing or moving around. There is also stiffness in the back. Weakness is also felt in the back. An uneasiness is felt in the lower back. This medicine is of great use especially when there is pain in a joint in the back.

4. Silicea – For Lower Backache On Getting Out From Bed In Morning

This medicine is beneficial when there is pain in the lower back while getting out from bed in the morning. The pain compels the person to lie still. Throbbing sensation is felt in the back. Besides the morning, the pain gets worse when stooping. Persons needing it also feel pain at night. The pain in the back is attended with a sensation as if beaten. This medicine is also indicated when there is a burning sensation in the back. Pain may also be felt in the centre of the spine .

5. Staphisagria – When Lower Back Feels Broken Along With Pain

Staphysagria is a well-indicated medicine where it feels as if the back is broken in pieces along with pain in the morning. Those needing this medicine also feel pain at night. The pain gets worse in a state of rest. Rising from the sitting position also makes the pain worse. There is stitching kind of pain in the back. The pain gets better on walking. In the morning, the hip joints feel stiff in addition to the above symptoms.

6. Pulsatilla – For Lower Backache With A Tight Band / Constricted Sensation

This medicine is indicated when there is pain in the lower back along with a sensation of a tight band and constriction in the lower back. The pain is felt early in the morning waking the sufferer from sleep. Stitching pain is felt in the lower back. The pain is relieved by rising and walking about. The pain in the lower back may also worsen while rising from a sitting position. In some cases, the entire body feels stiff like a board.

7. Phytolacca – For Pain And Stiffness In Lower Back In Morning

The use of this medicine is recommended when there is stiffness along with pain in the back in the morning. In cases needing this medicine, pain in the back may be attended with hip joint pain. Heaviness is felt in the lower back. In many cases, stiffness in the neck also appears in the morning hours.

8. Argentum Metallicum – For Pain In Lower Back And Neck On Morning

This medicine can be used when there is pain in the lower back as well as neck in the morning on waking up. The pain increases with movement. A sprained feeling is felt on the left side of the back. Due to this, the sufferer has to limp. A chilly feeling may be in the back.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Stomach Pain along with Nausea and Vomiting

Stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting can arise from various reasons. The first reason could simply be indigestion that may result from eating spicy food, fatty food, or excessive intake of caffeine and alcohol. In indigestion, other symptoms like gas, bloating, stomach burning, and heartburn (burning in the middle of the chest behind the breastbone) may be felt. Other causes include food poisoning and gastroenteritis. Food poisoning mainly results from bacterial infection from consuming contaminated food or water. Gastroenteritis, also called stomach flu, is an infection of the intestine that usually occurs from viral infection. Watery stool and fever can occur along with stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting in both food poisoning and gastroenteritis cases. Stomach pain with nausea and vomiting may also occur in cases of anxiety, stress and depression. Gastritis and peptic ulcers could be some other reasons for stomach pain.

Gastritis refers to an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It mainly causes burning pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and a fullness sensation in the upper abdomen after eating. Peptic ulcers are sores that may develop in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine (i.e. duodenum). These ulcers can be gastric ulcers that develop in the stomach or could be duodenal ulcers when ulcers develop in the anterior part of the small intestine which is called the duodenum.

Other causes of stomach pain include gall bladder issues, mainly obstruction of bile duct due to the presence of gall stones, kidney stones, and an intestinal obstruction ( it refers to a blockage in the intestine). IBS could also be one of the reasons. IBS refers to irritable bowel syndrome in which there mainly occurs diarrhea, constipation or alternation between the two, cramps in the abdomen, gas and bloating. It may also cause nausea mainly in women. Lastly, it could also arise from causes like appendicitis (inflamed appendix) and stomach cancer.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases when no serious cause is linked to it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. In some cases, this complaint could point to serious health problems so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor, take medicine under the supervision of a doctor, and avoid self-medication. In case of serious health issues like appendicitis, blocked bile duct, or stomach cancer immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stomach Pain With Nausea And Vomiting

1. Arsenic Album – Top Medicine

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended medicine for cases of stomach pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, the nature of stomach pain is mostly burning type. It may be quite intense and best described as arising from the presence of hot coals in the stomach. Besides burning, in some cases stitching, stinging, tearing or cramping pain may be felt in the stomach. The stomach may also be sensitive to touch. The vomit is greenish. Vomiting may occur soon after eating or drinking anything. Along with the above symptoms, burning sensation may also be felt in the throat. Pressure or weight from a heavy stone is felt in the stomach. There can also be loose stool (diarrhea) along with the above complaints. The stool is copious and has a very foul smell. This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of food poisoning and gastritis (stomach inflammation).

2. Ipecac – For Pain With Nausea, Vomiting Before And During Stool

Ipecac is a well-indicated medicine for cases where stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting is felt before and during stool. The stool is loose in cases requiring this medicine. Besides, the abdomen is quite distended. Nausea is almost constant in most of the cases. The vomit may contain food particles of what has been eaten or maybe a green-colored substance. Sometimes jelly-like mucus is vomited. In some cases, sour fluid is vomited. Cutting type of pain is felt near the navel. There may occur pain in the stomach from trapped gas as well. Besides, there is lack of appetite. A very characteristic symptom to the above is an absolutely clean tongue.

3. Colocynth – With Pain Around The Navel

Colocynth is a suitable medicine for managing pain around the navel with nausea and vomiting. Along with this, frequent burping occurs. There is constipation. The pain from the navel tends to radiate to other parts of the abdomen as well. The pain gets better by passing gas. In some cases, pain may occur in the lower part of the abdomen. It gets better by bending double. It is also indicated when there is relief in the stomach pain by lying on the stomach. A bitter taste is felt in the mouth. There is an aversion to drinking water.

4. Nux Vomica – With Stomach Cramps, Nausea And Vomiting In Morning

This medicine is beneficial to manage cases of stomach cramps along with nausea, with vomiting in the morning time. The vomit may consist of sour mucus, undigested food or greenish matter. Rumbling or gurgling is felt in the abdomen. Sour taste is felt in the mouth. Cramps are also felt in the stomach after eating. Gas and heartburn may also be present along with the above symptoms. The abdomen is distended from gas accompanied by pain. Weight sensation in the stomach may also appear. It gets worse after eating. The stomach region is sensitive to pressure. This medicine is highly effective for various stomach issues that arise from eating spicy food, or consuming too much coffee or alcohol. In cases needing Nux Vomica, constipation may also be there. There is constipation, unsatisfactory stool along with a frequent ineffectual desire to pass stool. In spite of passing stool several times a day, there is a feeling of unsatisfactory stool. There is a sensation as if some part of the stool still remains behind in the rectum giving rise to a never-get-done feeling.

5. Iris Versicolor – With Burning Pain In Stomach

This medicine is helpful when there is burning stomach pain along with nausea and vomiting. Nausea is constant. The taste of vomitus is mostly intensely sour. The vomitus sometimes may be bitter or sweetish as well. Sour or bitter burps also occur. The stomach pain is better by passing gas and by bending forward. Burning sensation is also well-marked in the stomach. Loose stool and weakness can also be there.

6. Veratrum Album – With Relief In Pain From Passing Gas

This medicine is indicated when there is stomach pain which gets better by passing gas attended with nausea and vomiting. Pain gets worse after eating food. Pain from the abdomen may radiate to the back and thighs in some cases. The pain can be cutting, twisting or burning type. Constriction can be felt in the abdomen. Along with the above, loose stool can occur in the morning.



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Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Testicle Pain

Testicles, also called testes, is a pair of oval-shaped reproductive organs in men. These are enclosed in a sac of skin called scrotum and produce sperms and male hormones.  Pain in testicle (testicular pain) is the pain which is felt in or around the testicle. It can be in one (unilateral) or both the testicles (bilateral). The pain may be accompanied with swelling and enlargement of the testicle. Sometimes a lump may also be felt in the testicle.

Homeopathic Medicines for Testicle Pain

Homeopathic Management

There is good scope to treat cases of mild to moderate pain in testicles in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines for testicle pain help in providing relief by targeting the root cause behind it. These medicines help in natural and safe recovery without any side effects. Before starting homeopathic treatment it is very important to rule out the reason behind testicular pain. This is because homeopathy, despite its great scope, has limitations to treat some serious conditions like testicular torsion where immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment is needed. It is to be noted that in case of sudden severe unbearable testicle pain or testicle pain attended with nausea, chills, fever or blood in urine one should urgently take medical help as they can be indicative of a serious condition.

Homeopathic Medicines For Testicular Pain

1. Clematis – Top Remedy

Clematis is a top-listed medicine for managing cases of testicle pain. It is very beneficial when pain worsens from the slightest touch. In many cases requiring it, the pain from the testes can extend to the groin and the thighs. The testis may also be swollen and inflamed. Testis may also feel hard to touch. It is prominently indicated for testicle pain occurring from orchitis, hydrocele and epididymitis.

2. Rhododendron – For Pain Due To Hydrocele

Rhododendron is the most recommended medicine for cases of testicle pain arising from hydrocele. In cases needing it, the pain from the testicle may extend to the abdomen and the thighs sometimes. The testes may also be swollen. They may be very painful to touch. Another indication to use it is pain in the right testicle which worsens while sitting and gets better when walking.

3. Hamamelis – When Related To Varicocele

This medicine is well-indicated when testicle pain is related to varicocele. This medicine helps to improve blood flow in the veins of the scrotum and decrease pooling of blood. In cases needing it, the pain may be present day and night but gets worse after midnight. The right testicle may be enlarged along with heat sensation and pain. The left testicle may be swollen and hard with pain. Along with pain in testicles, pain may be felt in the groin that may extend to the back.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Testicle Pain and Swelling

This is prominently indicated in cases where pain in the testicles is attended with swelling. The males needing it complain of worsening of pain in testes from touch. At most times, the right-sided testicle is swollen. It is a leading medicine for treating cases of hydrocele.

5. Conium – From Orchitis

This medicine is well-indicated for cases of testicle pain from orchitis. It is a prominent medicine for testicle inflammation with pain in those having gonorrhea. In cases needing it, excessive pain is felt in the testes mostly at night. Besides, it is a good medicine for swollen and hard testicles that arise after contusion (injury in which blood vessels are damaged from a blow to the skin, but the skin is not broken).

6. Iodum – For Painful Swollen and Hard Testicles

This medicine is recommended for cases having painful, swollen and hard testicles. A pressure is also felt in the testes that extends to the abdomen. There is worsening of pain after sexual activity. Its use is also considered when testicles are swollen without any pain.

7. Spongia – For Pain From Epididymitis

Spongia is a very useful medicine when pain arises due to epididymitis. The testes are swollen and hard and sore to touch. Another indication to use it is stitching pain in the testicle that shoots up to the spermatic cord.

8. Arnica – For Swollen Tender Testes From Injuries

This medicine is well indicated for treating cases of swelling and tenderness in testes arising after injury. It is also indicated when the testicles are hard. Another indication for its use is pain and swelling of the spermatic cord along with pain in the testes that extends to the abdomen.

9. Staphysagria – For Left Testicle Pain 

It is a useful medicine to help cases of left testicle pain. The pain gets worse while walking. The pain also gets worse from touching  and rubbing. Sometimes pain shoots into the spermatic cord from the testicles. Inflammation of testicles may be present. Burning sensation may be felt in testicle in case of inflammation.

10. Aurum Met – For Right Testicle Pain 

It is a suitable medicine for pain in the right testicle. The pain tends to get worse from rubbing or touching. The testicles are swollen along with pain. Pressure is felt in the testicle. Along with the above symptoms, the testicle may become hard.

11. Pulsatilla – For Pain In Testes Along With Burning Sensation

This medicine is indicated when pain in testes is attended with burning sensation. This can be accompanied with swelling in the testes. Besides, the testes are also sore. It is mainly indicated for cases of hydrocele, varicocele and orchitis. It is also useful for swelling of testes after gonorrhoea.

What Causes Testicular Pain?

It can arise from various reasons enumerated below:

1. An injury such as trauma, blow to the testicles.

2. Orchitis (inflamed testicle): It is mainly caused by a bacterial or a viral infection. It can cause testicle pain, groin pain, heaviness in testicles, painful ejaculation, pain or burning during urination and discharges from penis.

3. Hydrocele:  Swelling in the scrotum due to collection of fluid in the sheath that surrounds the testicles. It causes swelling in scrotum on one or both the sides. Dragging sensation and heaviness is felt in the scrotum. In some cases, pain and redness of scrotum is present.

4. Varicocele: An abnormal enlargement of the veins within the scrotum.

5. Epididymitis: It is an inflammation of the epididymis (coiled tube at the back of the testicle in which sperms are stored while they mature and then carried from the testes to the vas deferens). It is mainly caused by sexually transmitted infections (like chlamydia, gonorrhea) and also infection of urinary tract or prostate gland. Its symptoms include pain in testicles, swelling, redness and tenderness of testicles, painful urination, painful ejaculation, blood in semen, and discharge from penis.

6. Diabetic Neuropathy: It can damage the nerve that supplies the scrotum.

7. Inguinal Hernia: It refers to a condition in which the fatty or intestinal tissues from abdomen protrude through the inguinal canal. The protruded intestine can sometimes push into the scrotum causing pain and swelling in the testicle.

8. Spermatocele (build-up of fluid in testicle), testicular tumor, testicular cancer and undescended testicles.

9. Testicular Torsion: Rotation of testicle resulting in twisting of the spermatic cord that brings blood to the scrotum is another cause. It is a serious medical condition causing severe and sudden pain in testicle. It requires urgent medical treatment because it causes blood supply to the testicles to cut off which can result in permanent damage to the testicular tissue if not attended immediately.

10. Urinary tract infection or kidney stones

11. Post vasectomy pain syndrome: In some males who have undergone vasectomy (a male birth control procedure in which the tubes that carry sperms are cut and sealed) may get testicle pain afterwards.

12. Idiopathic: When no cause behind testicle pain is ruled out such cases are known as idiopathic cases

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Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies for AVN – Avascular Necrosis Treatment

Homeopathic Remedies for AVN - Avascular Necrosis Treatment

AVN, also known as osteonecrosis, bone infarction and ischemic bone necrosis/aseptic necrosis refers to a condition which leads to the death of bone cells due to interruption in blood supply. Avascular Necrosis (AVN) can cause unbearable pain in the bones. Since there is no blood supply to the bone, the bone breaks and finally collapses. AVN may involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. One or more bones may be affected at a given time.

Homeopathy has good scope to manage cases of AVN. It firstly aims at halting the destruction of bones in the patients of Avascular Necrosis because of interrupted blood supply. The second aim of these remedies is to reduce the pain in bones because of bone damage. There are several natural remedies in homeopathy that can help to relieve pain and stiffness, and improve the range of movement of the joint. These medicines use the body’s own restorative process to fight back the disease naturally.

Homeopathy treats AVN very safely. It uses natural medicines that offer natural healing which have zero side effects. Homeopathy can help AVN occurring in hip joint as well as any other joint. The medicines are selected after taking into account the proper case history of the patient. The medicines are prescribed based on the bone involved, the kind of bone pain and other peculiar symptoms in each individual case. The duration of homeopathic treatment for AVN varies from several months to a year or two, depending on the stage, chronicity, and intensity of the complaint.

Unfortunately AVN is not curable and there is no current treatment option available in any system of medicine that claims to reverse pathological changes that have already taken place in AVN cases. But with proper homeopathic treatment, the progression of bone changes in AVN can be slowed down and symptoms can be eased to a great extent.

Homeopathy can be a great alternative to surgery in AVN cases. Surgery should be the last option when all the alternative treatment methods have proved fruitless. Homeopathic medicines though will not be able to reverse the changes that have already occurred, but can surely help in remarkable symptom relief. The results of homeopathic treatment vary according to the intensity and stage of AVN. Homeopathy brings significant improvement and excellent results in grade 1 and 2 cases. It has limited role for grade 3 AVN patients and a very minimal role to play in cases of Grade 4 AVN and all the cases in these stages might not respond equally well to treatment. In these stages, the use of homeopathic medicines can be considered along with other treatment options to get whatever best help that these can collectively provide in a given case.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For AVN

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating AVN are Syphilinum, Strontium Carb, Natrum Sulph, Fluoric Acid, Asafoetida, Silicea, Symphytum and Phosphorus. 

1. Syphilinum – For Bone Pains At Night

Syphilinum is well known for its beneficial action on body tissues wherever the destructive process is present. Due to its universal healing action to stop the destruction of body tissues, Syphilinum is of great help in treating bone necrosis. The most dominant feature for selecting Syphilinum in any given case of AVN is the worsening of bone pains at night. The person experiences pain throughout the night and is unable to sleep on account of the severe pain. The pains may compel the patient to walk, which seems to bring relief. Such persons remain comparatively well the whole day. Another marked symptom that can help in selecting Syphilinum for AVN cases is a specific pattern regarding the appearance and disappearance of pains. The pattern followed is a gradual increase in bone pains and in the same way, a gradual disappearance of pains. The third symptom that may be present in a few AVN patients needing Syphilinum is worsening of pains because of heat and some relief by applying cold water. History of excessive alcoholism may be present in persons requiring Syphilinum.

When to use Syphilinum?

Syphilinum is a leading medicine indicated for managing AVN cases when bone pains are worse at night and from heat.

How to use Syphilinum?

Its use is recommended in high potencies like 200C, 1M in infrequent doses. Initially its one dose can be used in 200 C power only once in every 15 days or after one month gap. For any changes in dose or potency consulting a homeopathic physician is a must.

2. Strontium Carb – For Avascular Necrosis of Femur (Bone In Thigh)

Strontium Carb is a natural remedy recommended for cases of AVN of femur bone of thigh. Those needing it have worsening of pain in cold air. Besides AVN, it is a prominent medicine to deal with cases of weak and brittle bones prone to break easily.

When to use Strontium Carb?

This medicine is suitable to manage AVN of femur bone in thigh when pain is worse from cold air exposure.

How to use Strontium Carb?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once or twice daily.

3. Natrum Sulph– For Hip Joint Necrosis

Natural remedy Natrum Sulph should always be considered in cases of AVN of the hip joint. Natrum Sulph is one of the most beneficial medicines when dealing with hip joint AVN. The patient mainly complains of pain during movement or when stooping.

When to use Natrum Sulph?

This medicine can be considered in cases of AVN of hip joint when pain is worse from movement and stooping.

How to use Natrum Sulph?

Usually this medicine is used in 6X power. Natrum Sulph 6X can be taken three to four times a day.

4. Fluoric Acid–For AVN Of Long Bones

Fluoric Acid is the most effective for the necrosis of long bones. The bones include humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of the leg). Fluoric Acid is mainly used to halt necrosis appearing in long bones. The persons needing Fluoric Acid usually have excess body heat and the external heat worsens the condition. Apart from long bones, necrosis of the bones of the ear (which are rarely involved) are also covered under Fluoric Acid, which helps in improving the blood circulation and preventing further necrosis of bones.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

This medicine is prominently indicated for AVN affecting long bones as in the upper arm, thigh and leg when pains in general get worse from heat application.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

One may take it in 30C potency once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

5. Asafoetida – For Necrosis Of Tibia ( A Bone In Leg) Bone

Asafoetida is a wonderful medicine for AVN of the tibia. There is worsening of pain at night along with over-sensitivity in bones. The bone pain can be darting, sharp or stitching in nature.

When to use Asafoetida?

Its use is advised when AVN involves tibia bone in leg with pains at night along with marked sensitivity to touch.

How to use Asafoetida?

Though this medicine may be used in different potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency once or twice a day. Higher potencies like 200C and 1M can also be considered afterward but only under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor.

6. Silicea– For Bone Pains Worse From Cold Air Exposure

Silicea is considered among the best natural medicines for necrosis (premature death of cells) of a variety of bones ranging from long to small bones. The necrosis of jaw, wrist bones, hand bones, feet bones, ankle, knees and long bones —including humerus (bone in the upper arm), femur (bone in the thigh) and tibia (bone in front of leg) — are the sites of action for using Silicea. The general symptom for using Silicea is sensitivity to cold air when bone pain worsens even from the slightest exposure to cold air. Warmth brings relief.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine can be used for AVN with prominent bone pains worse from exposure to cold air and relief from warm applications.

How to use Silicea?

Its use can be done in 6X potency three to four times a day.

7. Symphytum – For Managing Bone Fracture

Symphytum can be considered in all cases where there is a bone fracture. It helps in proper knitting of the bone. It helps provide the necessary callous material needed for bone reformation. So, in every case of fracture where Symphytum is used, it acts as a preventive agent against necrosis as the bone is very neatly and efficiently woven by this medicine.

When to use Symphytum?

This medicine is of great use to deal with bone fracture in cases of AVN.

How to use Symphytum?

This medicine is mainly used in Q (mother tincture) form in liquid two to three times a day.

8. Phosphorus– For AVN Of The Jaw

Phosphorus is an effective remedy for treating lower jaw AVN. It is of great help when the lower jaw is affected due to lack of blood supply. It is pertinent to mention here that Phosphorus is used in match-box making factories and some persons may acquire AVN there inhaling phosphorus fumes for a long duration.

When to use Phosphorus?

Its use is highly suggested for managing AVN particularly of the jaw.

How to use Phosphorus?

Phosphorus 30C can be used once or twice a day.

Symptoms Of AVN

In the beginning, no symptom is noticed by the patient. But gradually when more and more blood cells start dying, pain in the affected joint increases. For example, in case of AVN of hip joint, pain may be felt in the groin, thigh or buttock. Initially pain is felt when the joint is put under pressure. In case of hip or knee AVN, walking, standing, and stair climbing become difficult. Limping occurs while walking. As the condition reaches the most advanced stages, pain in the affected joint increases in intensity due to small breaks in the bone and pain becomes a constant feature. Other symptoms include stiffness of joint and limited range of movement at the joint. When condition has progressed excessively, then the bone collapses. Bone collapse makes one unable to use the joint. The symptoms of AVN may occur on both sides of the body. In jaw AVN, pus may be present.

Bones prone to AVN

Avascular Necrosis can involve almost any bone of the body, but it mostly affects hip joints, knees and shoulder joints. Among these, hip joint is the most commonly involved joint, the bone mainly involved is head of the femur (a bone in the thigh extending between the hip and the knee). Humerus (bone in the upper arm extending between shoulder and elbow) is the next commonly affected bone. Scaphoid bone (bone in wrist), jaw, ankles, hand and foot may be affected as well.

What are the Causes and risk factors behind AVN?

AVN results from decreased or hindered blood supply to bone. Reduced blood supply to bone causes death of bone cells. Under normal conditions, our body keeps replacing old bone tissue (which gets damaged as a part of daily wear and tear) with new one to keep bones healthy and maintain their strength. Blood supply to bones provides oxygen and nutrients essential for regeneration of new bone tissues. If due to any reason blood supply to bone is hindered, our body becomes unable to make new bone tissue at right pace. As a result, the old-aged bone breaks down and dies.

AVN may happen from many reasons. Broadly the causes can be divided into two categories:

1. Traumatic AVN: It occurs after breaking of bone or joint dislocation

2. Non-traumatic AVN: It arises from some medical health problem which is causing obstruction of blood supply  to bone. In most cases of non – traumatic AVN, the same bones on either side of the body get affected like AVN of left hip and AVN of right hip.

The various causes and risk factors are enumerated below:

1. Injury / trauma: An injury or trauma can reduce or stop blood supply to a bone which is the main cause of AVN. For example, joint dislocation or a fracture (broken bone)

2. Smoking: Smoking makes the blood vessels narrow that reduces blood supply to body tissues including that of bone.

3. Excessive consumption of alcohol: It is known that alcohol can lead to hyperlipidemia (increased level of lipids means fats like cholesterol, triglycerides in blood) and fatty deposits in blood vessels. High levels of fat tend to block blood vessels and reduce blood flow.

4. Excessive use of steroid medication, like prednisone, for a prolonged period of time also makes a person prone to develop AVN. The reason is that these medicines can raise lipids (fat) in the blood that causes blockage of small blood vessels

5. Exposure to radiation and chemotherapy used for cancer treatment predisposes a person to AVN

6. Bisphosphonate therapy used in the treatment of bone cancer and osteoporosis makes a person prone to AVN. It is mainly related to cause AVN of jaw

7. Decompression sickness/caisson disease (a medical condition in which bubbles form in the blood of a person from rapid decrease in surrounding pressure), and Leg-Calve Perthes disease (a condition occurring in childhood from interruption of blood supply to the head of femur of hip joint)

8. Having high cholesterol, HIV infection, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder causing inflamed, stiff, painful joints especially starting from small joints and later on may involve large joints as well), high blood pressure, sickle cell anemia (Inherited disorder affecting shape of red blood cells, RBCs become sickle shaped that can slow blood flow), leukemia (blood cancer), Gaucher disease (build-up of fatty substance in certain organs), organ transplant like kidney transplant, pancreatitis, SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus – an autoimmune disease causing inflammation and damage to various organs), HIV are other risk factors.

9. Sometimes AVN occurs without any cause, for example, spontaneous AVN in the knee (known as SPONK or SONC).

10. In some cases, the reason for interrupted blood flow is not known, for example in Kienbock disease (breakdown of a bone in wrist known as lunate bone from interrupted blood supply) and Preiser’s disease (AVN of scaphoid bone which is one of the bones in wrist).

11. Chances of AVN are more in men as compared to women.

12. Persons aged between 30 yrs to 60 yrs are the most at risk though it can occur in person of any age group.

Pathophysiology Of AVN

AVN begins when there is decrease in subchondral (bone lying beneath the cartilage) blood supply. It leads to low oxygen (hypoxia) in bone tissue resulting in death of cells (necrosis) of bone. It is suggested via experimental evidence that bone cells die within 12 hrs to 2 days’ time from reduced blood supply and low oxygen levels. With progression of the condition, degeneration and the collapse of joint occurs.

Stages of AVN

There are four stages defined as per progression of AVN

Stage I: In this stage, X-ray is normal but in MRI, dead bone can be detected.

Stage II: X-ray can reveal bone damage changes related to AVN. At this stage, the collapse of bone of femoral head has not taken place.

Stage III: X-ray shows sign of bone collapse (crescent sign).

Stage IV: It is the serious stage. At this stage, X-ray shows bone collapse and significant cartilage damage (osteoarthritis)

Ficat: Four stages classification system of AVN based on standard radiographs

Stage I – Normal radiograph

Stage II – In this stage femoral head contour is normal but in radiographs, signs of bone remodelling are seen (cystic and sclerotic portions)

Stage III – Flattening of femoral head occurs in this stage

Stage IV – It is characterized by narrowed joint space and degenerative signs in acetabulum.

Frequently Asked Questions of AVN

1. I have hip pain from the last 6 months, am I suffering from AVN?

Hip pain may arise from various causes. AVN is just one among those causes. Other reasons might be osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis. So only having hip pain does not confirm AVN. A complete detailed case history and MRI of hip is required to confirm the diagnosis in each and every case.

2. Is groin pain indicative of hip AVN?

Though groin pain can occur in hip AVN but not all those having groin pain are actually suffering from AVN. There could be other reasons as well that could be causing groin pain. For example, inguinal hernia, kidney stones, sprains, tendinitis, pinched nerve, UTI (urinary tract infection), and certain male problems like hydrocele, varicocele, epididymitis, orchitis and testicular torsion. It is advised to consult a doctor for groin pain to find the exact cause behind it.

3. I have no pain in hip, but my MRI shows AVN hip joint on right side, do I need treatment?

See, AVN in early stages is usually painless. But if left untreated, there is progression of AVN, bone damage worsens and pain starts to appear which initially is intermittent (occurring at some intervals and not continuous) but gradually may become constant from intense bone damage. So, it is advised to not ignore it and start with its proper treatment to halt progression of this condition and prevent associated pain.

4. Can a person with AVN hip run, or do jogging?

In recently diagnosed AVN hip cases, it is usually advised to avoid running, jogging or other activities that put excessive pressure on the hip joint to prevent the collapse of femur head. A doctor should always be consulted to get advice regarding resumption of such activities.

5. Is AVN self-limiting and can it heal on its own?

AVN unfortunately is a progressive condition that goes on worsening. Very rarely if AVN’s cause is alcohol or steroid use and it is caught (diagnosed) in early stages entire stoppage of alcohol, or steroids can stop its progression and healing may take place from formation of new blood vessels.

6. Which investigations can confirm AVN?

MRI and CT scan are the most valuable to check and confirm AVN. These tests can reveal early bone changes in AVN cases. X-ray may also be done but it shows changes in bone only in later stages of AVN. For checking early AVN stages, X-rays are not helpful to detect any bone changes. A bone scan (nuclear bone scan or bone scintigraphy) is the next recommended investigation. In this test, a radioactive substance is injected via a vein before doing the scan and after that, the bone scan is done to see the injured areas of bone. In some cases, biopsy is advised in which the bone sample is removed with help of a needle or during surgery to check tissue for abnormal cells or cancer. If other tests are normal but still doctor doubts that it is AVN, then functional bone test is recommended. This test measures pressure inside the bone.

6. Is surgery the only option for AVN?

Not all cases of AVN require surgery. If it is diagnosed in early stages, it can be managed with medicines. The stage of AVN decides whether surgery is needed or not. Stages I and II of AVN can be managed with medicines. However, in stage III AVN surgery may be required. In IV stage, surgery may be the only treatment option when all the conservative methods have failed to provide relief, and the pain is unbearable. An orthopedic surgeon is the right person to tell whether a given case of AVN needs surgery or not.

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Do You have a Weak Urine Stream? Try Homeopathy

A weak urine stream is a very common problem, especially in elderly people aged above 50 years. Though it can occur in both men and women, it occurs more commonly in males. A weak urine stream indicates that the bladder is not getting emptied properly. When a person has difficulty initiating or maintaining urine flow, it is medically termed which urinary hesitancy. Weak urine stream can arise due to various reasons, among which benign prostate enlargement (BPH) and urinary stricture (narrowing of urethra through which urine leaves the body) are the main causes. Weak urine stream can be attended with other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind it like dribbling after finishing urine, frequent urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder, and pain while urinating. If not diagnosed and treated well, the condition may worsen and lead to urinary retention (means complete inability to urinate). Urine retention that occurs all of a sudden is a serious health issue needing immediate medical help. 

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of weak urinary stream. Homeopathic medicines aim to correct the underlying cause behind the thin urine stream to give great relief. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with a weak urine stream, they also manage any associated symptoms present. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. In case of acute urine retention, one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such critical cases.  Homeopathic prescription for weak urine stream varies from case to case based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weak Urine Stream

1. Clematis – Top Remedy For Weak Stream For Stricture

Clematis is a highly recommended medicine to deal with cases of weak urinary stream due to a urethral stricture. Persons who require this medicine have to strain to initiate urine flow. Urine passes in a thin stream and quite slowly. Urine may start and stop several times till complete urination. After finishing urination, dribbling (passing drop by drop) of urine occurs. There is a frequent desire to pass urine. Urine passed is scanty. Burning may sometimes be felt while urination.

2. Chimaphila – For Weak Stream From Enlarged Prostate

Chimaphila is an effective medicine for weak urine stream due to prostate enlargement. Those needing it have difficulty in starting urine flow, and urine stream is thin like a thread. They need to strain a lot to pass urine. They may need to stand with feet apart and bend forward and strain to empty the bladder. Burning sensation may be felt while passing urine. This medicine is also recommended for cases of difficult urination in cases of prostate enlargement.

3. Cantharis – For Thin Stream Due To Stricture, Urine Infections

This medicine is helpful to manage weak urine flow in case of urethral stricture as well as urinary tract infections. Pain or burning sensation while passing urine is prominent. Burning/ pain may be present before as well as after passing urine. The urge to pass urine is also quite frequent and sometimes almost constant. There is an urge to pass urine even if there is little quantity of urine in bladder.

4. Thuja – For Weak As Well As Split Stream Of Urine

Thuja works well in cases where urine stream is poor as well as split (which means the urine stream goes in two directions instead of one). There is increased frequency to urinate especially at night. The urge to pass urine can also be sudden. In some cases, urine dribbles and has foul smell.

5. Sarsaparilla – Along With Pain Towards End Of Urination

This medicine is useful for persons having weak stream of urine along with severe pain towards the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty. It may contain flakes or sandy particles. This medicine is also of great help for cases of kidney stones.

6. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol is of great help in cases in which the urine stream is small and weak along with increased frequency and urgency. Only little urine passes at a time. There may be an urge to pass urine every hour. Burning in the urethra may occur especially in the beginning of urination. Sometimes, urine passes drop by drop and may contain mucus and blood. The bladder area may be painful to touch.

7. Alumina – For Frequent And Poor Urine Flow In Elderly

This medicine is highly beneficial for elderly people who suffer from frequent urination attended with poor urine flow. They also face difficulty in initiating urine. They need to strain to start urination. Little amount of urine is passed. One feels burning and smarting pain while urinating. There is always a feeling as if some drops of urine have remained back in the urethra that could not be passed out.

8. Hepar Sulph – With Feeling Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Hepar Sulph is suited to those having poor urine flow and a feeling as if the bladder has not been emptied completely. The urine stream does not start immediately when there is an urge to urinate, one has to wait for urine to start. After urinating, one feels that some urine has remained behind in the bladder. Burning or stitching pain may be felt in the bladder.

Causes Of Weak Urine Stream

1. Benign prostate enlargement (BPH) – It refers to the enlargement of prostate gland that surrounds the first part of urethra in males. When prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra thus blocking flow of the urine. It results in symptoms including frequent urge to urinate, straining to initiate urine, weak urine stream and dribbling after urination.

2. Urinary stricture – It refers to narrowing of urethra (a tube through which urine leaves the body). It is common in males as compared to females. It results when there occurs scar tissue in urethra following an injury to urethra, catheter use, recurrent urinary tract infections, some urinary tract surgery like done for stone removal or prostate surgery. The first complaint it causes is weak urinary stream. Other complaints arising from it includes split stream of urine, frequent and urgent need to urinate and interrupted urination.

3. Underactive bladder – A condition in which the bladder has reduced strength to contract and results in slow emptying of bladder. Its symptoms include poor urinary stream, needing to wait to start urine flow, straining to pass urine, interrupted urine stream, prolonged time to pass urine, decreased sensation of bladder fullness and a feeling as if the bladder has not emptied entirely.

4. Bladder outlet obstruction – It indicates blockage at the base of bladder. It causes symptoms like constant feeling of bladder fullness, abdominal pain, slow urine flow, frequent urine and straining to pass urine.

5. Kidney stones and any tumor blocking the urinary bladder or urethra

6. Nerve damage (for example from diabetes) and nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath that protects the nerves) and Parkinson’s disease (a disorder of nervous system starting with hand tremors at rest followed by muscles stiffness, stooped posture, changes in speech, impaired balance and reduced arm swing).

7. Infections like prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland that causes pain/burning when urinating, increased frequency and urgency to urinate, weak urine flow, pain in pelvic region, genitals or groins and painful ejaculation) and UTI (urinary tract infection that causespain/ burning with urination, increased frequency to urinate, strong smell from urine and in case of upper tract UTI fever, chills, pain in the upper back and sides and nausea and vomiting occurs.)

8. Use of certain medicines (for example nasal decongestants, anti-allergy medicines, some medicines used to treat cold and antidepressants) and psychological reasons.


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What causes Pelvic Pain in Women and its Homeopathic Remedies

Pelvic pain refers to pain in the lowest part of the abdomen that can arise from various reasons. It is a very common complaint in many women. It may arise from a problem in the reproductive organs, urinary organs or gastric organs. Besides, it can be a result of some medical issues related to muscles and ligaments in the pelvic floor. The pain may be acute that arises suddenly and remains for a brief period of time. In some cases, it may be chronic which remains for six months or more. The pain can be of varying types and intensity. The pain can be constant or it may come and go. Depending on the cause the pain may radiate to the lower back, thighs and hips.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to treat multiple health concerns in females including pelvic pain. Homeopathic medicines aim at the root cause behind pelvic pain to bring excellent results. Along with pelvic pain, any attending symptoms are also well managed with these medicines like abnormal vaginal discharge, heavy menstrual bleeding, painful intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding and painful urination. Homeopathic medicines for treating pelvic pain are made of natural substances, hence are very safe to use without any toxic side effects. Some of the causes behind pelvic pain can be quite serious like ectopic pregnancy, cancer, appendicitis so it is advised to always get your case evaluated by a doctor to find out the reason behind it and its appropriate timely treatment. Homeopathic prescription to treat pelvic pain varies from case to case based on the cause behind the pain and the characteristic symptoms in an individual. So any of these medicines should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and self-medication should be avoided.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Pelvic Pain In Women

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is the topmost medicine to deal with cases of pelvic pain in females. In cases needing it, pelvic pain is well marked. The pain may go to the back and down the thighs. It can be attended with a constant bearing down (a dragging feeling as if pelvic organs will come out of vagina) sensation in the pelvic area. Pelvic discomfort is felt throughout the night. Besides, there is yellowish greenish vaginal discharge which has a very foul smell. Bloating in the abdomen may attend. In some cases, pain during intercourse can be an attending concern. At times, frequent urge to urinate may be felt. This medicine is well-indicated to treat different medical conditions including PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), uterine fibroids and painful menses.

2. Pulsatilla – For Pelvic Pain In Case Of PID

Pulsatilla is a natural remedy to relieve pelvic pain occurring in cases of PID. Females needing it feel cutting type of pain in the pelvis. Pelvic region is also very sensitive to touch. Pain may also be felt during intercourse. There is thick milky white vaginal discharge attended with burning, itching and stinging pain in vagina. Besides PID, this medicine is also indicated to manage pelvic pain during menses. Pain may radiate from the abdomen to the back. There may be a frequent ineffectual urge to pass stool.

3. Magnesia Phos – For Pelvic Pain During Menses

It is an ideal choice of medicine for managing pelvic pain during menses (dysmenorrhea). This medicine works wonders to manage lower abdomen pain which is of cramping, shooting type. One gets relief by putting a hot water bottle or heating pad over the lower abdomen. It also gets better by applying pressure on the lower abdomen.

4. Sabina – In Case Of Fibroids

Sabina is a highly suitable medicine to manage pelvic pain occurring from uterine fibroids. The characteristic symptom to use it is pain radiating from the sacrum (a bone made of five fused sacral vertebrae at the bottom of the spine) to the lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis i.e. pubes. Along with this, there is heavy uterine bleeding with dark clots. The blood is offensive. Bleeding may occur in between periods as well. Thick yellow foul-smelling vaginal discharge may accompany above complaints.

5. Colocynth – For Pain In Case Of Ovarian Cyst

Colocynth is a well indicated medicine to manage pain due to ovarian cyst. The pain is one sided and can be sharp, cramping or cutting type. It gets better by applying pressure or bending forward over the abdomen. Though pain can occur on any side of the lower abdomen, it is mostly present on the left side which becomes sore. The pain can be worse during or before menses.

6. Medorrhinum – For Pain During Ovulation

It is one of the best medicines to manage pain on one side of the pelvic area in ovarian region during ovulation. The affected side of the pelvis is also painful to touch. A heated sensation accompanies it. A feeling as if the ovary may be felt. In most cases, there is vaginal discharge that has a specific fishy odor. Medorrhinum is also an excellent medicine to manage PID cases.

7. Cantharis – From Urinary Complaints Like Infection, Bladder Inflammation

Cantharis is a prominent medicine to manage pelvic pain occurring from urine complaints including inflamed bladder or urinary infection. In most cases needing it, there is pain in the bladder region attended with painful, burning urination. Pain and burning may occur before, during or after urination. Pain gets worse from drinking even small quantity of water. Besides, there is frequent urination. The bladder region is sensitive to touch and feels heavy even on the slightest movement.

Causes Of Pelvic Pain In Women

1.PID (Pelvic inflammatory disease) – It refers to infection in the female’s genital organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tube) caused by sexually transmitted infections. It leads to vaginal discharge (leucorrhea), pain in the lower abdomen / pelvic region, painful intercourse, bleeding during intercourse, painful periods, bleeding between periods, fever with chills, painful urination.

2. Menstrual period pain and pain during PMS – There may be pelvic pain, mainly cramping pain. The pain may radiate to lower back or thighs. Nausea and vomiting can attend it. In some cases, pain may occur before periods start as a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) along with other symptoms like pain in breasts, bloating, irritability, mood swings and headache. These symptoms of PMS go away when menstrual bleeding starts.

3. Uterine fibroids – These are non-cancerous growths developing in the uterus. It may cause pain in pelvis, heavy periods, back pain, pain / bleeding during intercourse, bleeding between periods.

4. Endometriosis – It is a condition in which the tissue lining the inner surface of uterus starts to grow in some body parts other than uterus, like ovaries, fallopian tube, rectum, urinary bladder. Bleeding occurs from these parts during menses. It results in pelvic pain, pain on passing urine or stool, bleeding from rectum or bladder during menses, pain during intercourse, heavy periods and infertility.

5. Ovarian cysts – It refers to fluid-filled sacs in ovaries. It may lead to one-sided pain in pelvis.

6. Ovulation pain – This pain is felt in pelvic region on one side during ovulation i.e. when an egg is released from ovary.

7. Ectopic pregnancy – It happens when an embryo gets implanted and grows at a place other than the uterus, for example in the fallopian tube. In this medical condition, a woman experiences sharp crampy pain in the pelvis on one side. Besides bleeding from vagina, there may be nausea and dizziness.

8. Cancer in pelvic organs – Cancer of uterus, cervix, and ovaries can lead to pain in pelvis and lower abdomen. Along with this vaginal discharge and painful intercourse attends. Cancer of urinary tract may also cause pelvic pain.

9. Urinary issues – These include urinary tract infection (UTI), interstitial cystitis and kidney stones. UTI is quite common in females. It can involve any part of urinary system including urethra, bladder, ureter and kidneys though bladder infection is the most common. The symptoms of UTI are pain / burning with urination, increased frequency to pass urine, pelvic pain, strong smell from urine. In case of upper tract UTI fever, a person feels chills, pain in the upper back and sides, besides nausea and vomiting. Interstitial cystitis refers to inflammation of bladder without any reason known yet. This can lead to pelvic pain, pain when urinating, frequent urination and painful intercourse.

10. Gastric issues – Some gastric issues like constipation, appendicitis, etc can also cause pelvic pain.


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Coccus Cacti: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Coccus Cacti is a highly valuable homeopathic medicine for managing cases of cough. It has marked action on respiratory system and is predominantly a medicine to deal with cases of cough that end in vomiting (spasmodic cough). It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of spasmodic cough that occurs on waking up in the morning. Other than this it helps in managing certain urinary concerns, throat issues and female problems.

Drug Action

This medicine manifests its chief action on the mucus membrane of respiratory system. It also acts wonderfully on the throat. Next it acts markedly on urinary organs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cough, bronchitis, vomiting, kidney pain, nephritis, kidney stones, menorrhagia (heavy menses), vaginitis, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Bronchitis)

Coccus Cacti is of paramount value in managing complaints of respiratory system. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases of cough. The striking feature to use this medicine is spasmodic cough ( attacks of cough ending in vomiting of mucus). There occur regular attacks of violent, tickling cough that ends in vomiting. Clear ropy tough mucus is expectorated. Cough may arise from rawness in air passages. The second noteworthy complaint to use this medicine is spasmodic cough which is at its worst on first waking or rising in the morning. It is mostly worse around 6:00 am to 7:00 am. Tough white mucus is expectorated with cough. There is severe headache along with cough. Its use is also preferred when cough is worse in warm room and gets better in cold air. It is also relieved by taking cold drinks. Its use is highly recommended for cough that happens from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth. It is also suitable to manage cough in alcoholics. It can also be used when there occurs barking type, tickling cough at night and morning.

After coughing for a while, there is expectoration of mucus like white of an egg, tough or whitish yellow that can be drawn into threads. It has a saltish taste. Coccus Cacti is also a good medicine when there is cough with expectoration of stringy, sticky, yellow mucus having sour taste. Other than this, it is beneficial for cough that gets worse from lying down. It can help relieve cough that occurs while exercising. Its use is also considered for bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) . In such cases, it is helpful when there occurs expectoration of sticky mucus. The bronchial tubes are loaded with mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of cough ending in vomiting of tough mucus

Spasmodic cough worse on first waking or rising in morning

Cough arising from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth

Cough with expectoration of tough mucus or clear ropy mucus

Cough in alcoholics

Cough worse during exercise

2. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Irritation In Throat)

Coccus Cacti is useful for treating cases of sore throat when attended with excessive dryness. Rawness and scraping sensation are present in the throat. There may also occur burning and constricted sensation in throat. A peculiar sensation as if a crumb, lump or hair is lodged in the throat behind larynx is the guiding feature to use it. The lump sensation causes the sufferer to swallow constantly. Another feeling of a thread hanging down the back of throat is also indicative of the use of Coccus Cacti. The uvula may feel elongated.  It can also be successfully used in cases where any sort of irritation in throat brings cough and vomiting. There is accumulation of sticky mucus in the throat,hawking causes cough and vomiting. Coccus Cacti is highly valuable to manage cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with excessive dryness in throat

Sensation of a crumb, lump or hair lodged in throat behind larynx

Sensation of a thread hanging down the back of throat

Irritation in throat leading to cough and vomiting

Cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus

3. Urinary Concerns (Kidney Pain, Nephritis, Bladder Pain)

Use of this medicine is recommended for certain urinary concerns as well. It is a well indicated medicine for managing kidney pain. For using this medicine, the pain in kidney can be sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like. It gets worse from pressure and motion. Along with pain there is copious urination. This medicine is indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. Its use is next considered in cases of cutting type of pain in bladder. Pressure builds up in the bladder with a constant urge to urinate. Another notable feature to use it is lancinating pain extending from kidney to bladder with difficult, painful urination. Lastly, it can be used in cases of kidney stones and blood in urine (hematuria).

Key Indicating Features

Sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like pain in kidney

Kidney pain worse from pressure and motion

Cutting pain in bladder, pressure in bladder with a constant urge to urinate

4. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea)

The most salient feature to use this medicine while dealing with women-related problems is heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination (dysuria). The menses also come early. There is passage of large clots from vagina while passing urine. The clots also pass when rising up and when quiet. Next complaint where its use is recommended is inflammation of vagina (vaginitis). The lower part of vagina is tender with irritation. It gets worse while urinating. It is also effective in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea) that consist of mucus. It is preceded by drawing pain in groin, bladder and pubic region.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination

Vaginitis with tenderness and irritation in lower part of vagina, worse when urinating

Vaginal discharges that consist of mucus preceded by drawing pain in groins, bladder and pubic region


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from the slightest exertion, from heat, lying down, in early morning, at night, from brushing teeth, from touch

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold drinks, from washing in cold water and from walking


This medicine is generally recommended in low potencies though high potencies can be used as well. A general rule to be followed is lower potencies can be repeated frequently while higher potencies should be used in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Coccus Cacti can be compared with medicine Kali Bichrome in case of sticky mucus in throat

It can be compared with homeopathic medicines Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, and Ocimum Can in case of urinary complaints


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7 Best Natural Homeopathic Medicines to Treat Gout

homeopathic medicine for gout

Gout is an inflammatory joint disease that arises due to increased uric acid levels in the blood. Though any joint in the body can be affected by gout but the joint at the base of the great toe has a higher chance to be affected in majority of cases. Normal uric acid levels in blood are 3.5 to 7.2 mg/dL.  Uric acid level more than this indicates hyperuricemia (high uric acid). Increased uric acid is not a disease and not dangerous. However, if excess uric acid levels lead to the formation of crystals in between the joints, gout can develop. In some people, excess uric acid levels also lead to the formation of kidney stones.  Please remember, not everybody who have high levels of uric acid, develop gout. High level of uric acid in blood without any symptoms is termed asymptomatic hyperuricemia.

Homeopathic medicines offer a very effective treatment for various joint complaints, including gout. These medicines can be a big boon for all those who suffer from high uric acid and gout. Homeopathic medicines, along with proper dietary management, can lead to remarkable recoveries in cases of gout. Homeopathic medicines for gout help relieve symptoms like pain, tenderness, stiffness and also reduce the associated inflammation and swelling in joints. These medicines work by reducing overproduction of uric acid in the body and, where need be, by accelerating the removal of this waste product through the kidneys. In mainstream medicine medicines, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs) and corticosteroids are used to treat gout. These medicines give temporary relief and also have a tendency to cause side effects with prolonged use. On the other hand, homeopathic medicines do not have any adverse effects and give long-term relief and cure with regular course of medication as guided by a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic medicines offer help in both acute and chronic gout cases. Initially, they treat an acute attack of gout. Following this, the homeopathic treatment helps to treat the chronic tendency of gout.  With these medicines, there is a gradual decrease in intensity and frequency of gout attacks. And with further treatment, a permanent cure occurs in most of the cases.
Homeopathy is a symptom-based science, homeopathic medicines for gout are selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. After medicine selection, the potency, dosage and repetition is finalised as per every individual case. So, it is advised to get every case of gout evaluated by a homeopath for correct prescription and best results. Self-medication should not be done. These medicines aid relief in gout very gently.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Gout

The seven topmost homeopathic medicines for treating gout are Colchicum Autumnale, Benzoicum Acidum, Ledum Pal, Urtica Urens, Bryonia Alba, Lycopodium and Berberis Vulgaris.

1. Colchicum Autumnale – Top Grade Medicine For Gout

Colchicum Autumnale is the most frequently recommended medicine for gout. It is an infallible medicine to give speedy relief in pain, soreness, and swelling of joints from gout. It is effective for managing gout in almost any of the joints but particularly the one that affects the big toe. There is intense pain, swelling in the big toe in cases needing it. The big toe is highly tender, sore and hot, even a slight touch on the toe is unbearable. The pain gets worse on movement. Aggravation of toe pain in the evening is also noted in few cases requiring this remedy. It can be given for swelling and stiffness in hands and feet from gout. This medicine can even be used when multiple joints are affected with gout at the same time.

When to use Colchicum Autumnale?

It is a highly effective medicine for managing gout with marked pain, swelling and soreness, especially affecting big toe.

How to use Colchicum Autumnale?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Low potencies like 30C can be taken two to three times a day. Use of high potency like 200C is limited to once a day.

2. Benzoicum Acidum – For Gout Affecting Knee Joint And Big Toe

Benzoicum Acidum is a wonderful medicine for gout that affects the knee joint and the big toe. In cases requiring it, the knee joint is swollen and painful, and there is a cracking in the joint with movement. In some cases, nodes from the deposits of urate crystals may be present on the knees. Benzoicum Acidum also works well in cases of knee pain worsening from taking wine. Other than knee, it is also beneficial for pain in the big toe joint. Its use is considered when pain in big toe is severe at night. It occurs in the big toe mainly of right side. Tearing or stitching pain is felt.

When to use Benzoicum Acidum?

It is the best choice of medicine for managing gout of knee and big toe with pain, swelling and sometimes node formation.

How to use Benzoicum Acidum?

One may take it in 30C potency once or twice a day as per severity of complaint.

3. Ledum Pal – For Gout Affecting Ankle, Hands And Feet

Ledum Pal is most suitable to manage gout that affects ankles. It is indicated when there is pain and swelling in the ankle that radiates upward in the leg. The gouty pain gets worse in the evening as well as with movement. Otherwise, Ledium Pal is also helpful for treating gout affecting feet and toes. There is tearing pain in the toes. Its use is also highly suggested when gout starts in the joints of lower limbs and afterwards affect joints in the upper body. In case of gout of the hand, it is indicated when nodes form on the hand and finger joints. A drawing type of pain in the affected hand is felt.

When to use Ledum Pal?

This medicine is suggested for cases of gout affecting the ankles, hands and feet when pain is especially worse in evening and from movement

How to use Ledum Pal?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency that can be used 2-3 times in a day.

4. Urtica Urens – For Gout Of Wrist And Ankle

It is an important medicine in homeopathy to help cases of gout affecting wrist and ankle. It is equally effective for acute and chronic gout cases. This medicine is also used for dissolving kidney stones.

When to use Urtica Urens?

This medicine is an undoubted effective treatment for gout affecting the wrist and ankle in both acute and chronic cases.

How to use Urtica Urens?

It is most frequently preferred in Q (mother tincture) form that can be taken once or twice a day.

5. Bryonia Alba – For Gout When Pain Worsens From Slightest Movement

Bryonia Alba is prescribed in gout cases when joint pain gets worse from the slightest movement. It is the most helpful when there is pain, redness, heat and swelling in joints, especially feet. Other than movement, pain gets worse from touch. The nature of pain is sharp, tearing or stinging type.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is a great option to deal with gout cases when the joint pain is worse from slightest movement of affected joint.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

It can be used in 30C potency up to 3-4 times in a day.

6. Lycopodium – For Gout Affecting Heel

This medicine is well indicated for gout-causing heel pain. There may be worsening of heel pain while walking. A sensation of stone under the heel is felt. Along with this, profuse sweat and coldness are felt on the feet. Lycopodium is also indicated for cases of chronic gout where chalky deposits have formed in the joints.

When to use Lycopodium?

It is an excellent medicine for cases of gout that affects the heel with marked pain along with sensation of stone under the heel.

How to use Lycopodium?

It is advised to use Lycopodium 30C once a day.

7. Berberis Vulgaris – To Manage Kidney Stones From High Uric Acid

Berberis Vulgaris is a top medicine for treating kidney stones due to high uric acid. It helps to dissolve kidney stones magnificently. It is indicated in cases where there is pain around the kidneys. The pain may radiate down to the urinary bladder from the kidney area, along with a stinging, burning sensation in the kidneys. The urine may also contain sandy or slimy sediments. Though it can be used for kidney stones on any side, but is most prominently indicated for left sided kidney stones.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Its use can be considered to treat kidney stones linked to high uric acid and pain in kidney region radiating down to the bladder.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Mostly, it is used in mother tincture (Q) form that can be taken two to three times a day.

Signs And Symptoms Of Gout

Gout symptoms occur due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint spaces and or in the connective tissue of the joints. The main signs and symptoms are as follows:

1. Pain in joints: Gout is a very painful condition, mainly affecting the metatarsal– phalangeal joint at the base of the big toein most cases. Gout affecting big toe joint is named podagra. Pain occurs suddenly and in most cases, joint pain starts during the night and reaches maximum within 12 hours of its beginning.

 Joints affected

Gout mainly affects the joint (metatarsal–phalangeal joint) at the base of the big toe but it can affect other joints as well. The other joints that can be affected by gout include ankles, heels, knees, wrists, elbows, fingers, and shoulders.

Duration of a gout attack

One episode of gout can last from 3 days to two weeks. In between two gout attacks, no symptoms occur at all.

2. Swelling, redness and heat in joints

3. Tenderness of the joint: Joint is painful even to slightest touch, even the little contact with bedsheet seems unbearable.

4. Stiffness of joint and limited range of motion of joint

5. Tophi: Deposits of hard, painless deposits of uric acid, called tophi can appear as lumps under the skin and around the joints from long-standing increase in uric acid levels.

Causes And Risk Factors

The main cause of gout is an increase in uric acid levels in the blood.

The following factors increase risk of gout

1. Dietary factors: Eating food products rich in purines tend to raise the levels of uric acid in the blood. Some foods that are high in purines include meat, fish, seafood, shrimp, shellfish, beans, dried mushrooms, and spinach. Besides excessive alcohol, intake is strongly linked with an increased risk of gout. Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages are also linked with gout.

2. Some medical conditions make a person susceptible to gout. These include kidney disease, metabolic syndrome (It is a group of conditions including hypertension, abdominal obesity, and insulin resistance and abnormal lipid levels), psoriasis, haemolytic anemia, diabetes and hypertension.

3. A positive family history of gout increases risk

4. Obesity also increases susceptibility

5. Males are at higher risk of developing gout as compared to females. In females, chances are more of developing gout after menopause.

6. The use of certain medicines, like thiazide diuretics, is linked with gout attacks. Some other medicines associated with gout attack are aspirin, beta blockers, immunosuppressive drugs ciclosporins and excessive use of vitamin D supplements.

7. Recent surgery or a physical trauma


In our body, when purines (present in certain food and drinks) break, then uric acid is formed. This uric acid is expelled via kidneys in urine.  Gout occurs when there is an increase in the uric acid levels in the blood. Uric acid levels increase either due to its overproduction (in 10% of cases), or decreased elimination of the uric acid from the body by the kidney (this is cause in 90% of the cases). As a result of increased uric acid levels in blood, uric acid crystals (known as as monosodium urate crystals) start accumulating in joints and soft tissue around it.  These are sharp, needle-like crystals that trigger an inflammatory response, resulting in gout.

Complications Of Gout

1. A person may get recurrent attacks of gout each year

2. Joint erosion, damage and destruction

3. Formation of tophi (nodules under skin from deposits of urate crystals) that can form in any area like fingers, feet, hands and Achilles tendon. Tophi become tender during gout attack, at other times, are entirely painless.

4. In some cases, urate crystals tend to accumulate in urinary tract, leading to kidney stones.

Diagnosis And Investigations

1. Uric acid levels in blood: It is the most common test recommended in case of gout in which levels of serum uric acid are in blood are found to be elevated in gout. But its role in confirming gout is limited, as it is seen that many people have high uric acid level in blood but do not have gout, while some people have gout but their blood uric acid levels are normal.

2. Synovial fluid test: In doubtful cases, this test is suggested as it gives confirmatory diagnosis of gout. In this test, fluid from the affected joint is drawn with needles and checked under microscope. In case of gout, urate crystals are seen in this fluid.

3. Ultrasound of joint: It may help to check urate crystals in joint.

4. X-ray of joint: It may not be helpful in acute cases but in chronic cases, it may show joint erosions.

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