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Homeopathic Remedies for Heavy Bleeding During Periods


Heavy-periods-homeopathyHeavy and excessive bleeding during periods is not normal and calls for medical intervention. In medical terminology, excessive bleeding during periods and prolonged periods continuing for more than a week are referred to as Menorrhagia. The cause can be as simple as a little exertion to pathological conditions like fibroid in uterus and hypothyroidism. Women of menopausal age experience heavy bleeding known as flooding. Excessive bleeding can also be a result of an inflammatory condition in the uterus. Made of natural substances, Homeopathic medicines can cure Menorrhagia with zero side effects. Homeopathic treatment offers complete recovery from heavy bleeding during periods in women.

Homeopathy can completely cure heavy bleeding during periods.

Homeopathic medicines are a very safe remedy for heavy bleeding during periods. Homeopathic treatment can completely cure women who experience heavy periods. To ensure that the woman suffering from heavy bleeding during periods gets the right Homeopathic treatment, there are a few key characteristics that are taken into account. The first thing to notice is the colour of the blood: whether it is bright red, pale, dark or black. It is also important to know about the fluidity of blood — whether the blood is fluid, clotted or both. The next characteristic to notice is whether the blood flow is oozing, gushing or has any other form. Whether there is any pain associated with bleeding is another important question to be kept in mind before recommending the Homeopathic medicine. Each woman experiencing heavy periods is also asked whether there are additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loose stool or headache. Attention should also be paid to finding out any underlying cause. The appropriate Homeopathic medicine is recommended after going through all these details. It may sound that a lot of questions are being asked, but remember, selecting the right Homeopathic medicine is important as it will do wonders to cure heavy and excessive bleeding during periods.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Heavy Bleeding During Periods

Sabina: Best Homeopathic Remedy for Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Sabina is the top Homeopathic medicine for controlling heavy bleeding during periods. This Homeopathic remedy is very beneficial when the bleeding during periods is both excessive and prolonged. A few women may also have an early appearance of periods before the expected date. The bleeding increases with the slightest motion. Regarding the character of blood for using Homeopathic medicine Sabina, it is partly fluid and partly clotted blood flow. The bleeding is accompanied by pain in the sacrum that radiates to pubes. Sabina is also a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who have excessive bleeding during menopause.

Ferrum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine for Heavy Bleeding of Watery Character during Periods

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum is useful in all those cases of heavy bleeding where excessive bleeding of very thin, even watery, form is experienced by women. Ferrum Metallicum is thus the ideal Homeopathic treatment for menstrual bleeding which is excessive and thin. The periods also continue for a long duration in addition to heaviness. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum, or Ferrum Met as it is known, is also very beneficial for weak and anemic (lack of blood) women who suffer from heavy bleeding during periods.

China: Top Homeopathic Medicine for Weakness after Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Homeopathic medicine China is the best cure for women who experience weakness, even to a degree that they faint, after prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is substantial and painful. Clots of dark blood may pass during bleeding. Homeopathic remedy China has twin benefits: it halts the long continuing heavy bleeding and also helps the women recover promptly from the weakness and exhaustion due to blood loss. For women who feel weak as a result of heavy bleeding during periods, Homeopathic medicine China never disappoints.

Borax: Homeopathic Medicine for Gripping Pain during Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Borax is a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who experience intense pain in the womb and lower abdomen during menstrual bleeding. The pain from the abdomen may extend to the lower back. Profuse bleeding during periods and pain also result in nausea in a few women. Borax thus is the best Homeopathic medicine when women experience painful and excessive bleeding during periods along with nausea.

Belladonna: Homeopathic Remedy for Pain in Hips during Heavy Bleeding in Periods

Belladonna is the top Homeopathic cure for heavy bleeding during periods with pain in hips. The blood is mostly bright red in colour and flows abundantly. A few women complain that the blood feels hot too. Belladonna is also a Homeopathic remedy of great help for women who have a severe headache with excessive bleeding during periods.

Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic Medicine for Vertigo During Heavy Bleeding in Periods

Calcarea Carb is a highly beneficial Homeopathic remedy when vertigo accompanies heavy bleeding during periods. Calcarea Carb is recommended when the periods are excessive and the duration is prolonged. In patients of hypothyroidism with heavy periods, Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is of great help. The woman may also have very cold feet with heavy bleeding. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb also proves its effectiveness in controlling excess bleeding due to tumours in uterus like in fibroid or polyp uterus.

Homeopathic Medicines Millifolium and Ipecac for Bright Red, Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Millifolium is a very helpful Homeopathic cure for halting heavy bleeding during periods when the blood is bright red in colour. The periods are excessive as well as prolonged. Homeopathic medicine Ipecac works well when bright red blood gushes out in excess from the womb. Nausea is a constant companion with heavy bleeding in women needing Ipecac.

Homeopathic Medicines Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis for Dark Heavy Bleeding during Periods

Cyclamen, Crocus and Hamamelis are very helpful Homeopathic medicines for stopping heavy bleeding during periods when the blood gushing out is dark in colour or blackish.  Cyclamen is the best Homeopathic remedy when the blood is dark or black in colour and clotted. Crocus is the ideal Homeopathic medicine when the woman experiences heavy black bleeding and the blood forms long strings. Hamamelis is the best Homeopathic treatment when the bleeding is heavy and dark or black in colour in the fluid form.

Homeopathic Medicine Ferrum Met for Heavy Bleeding of Pale Watery Blood

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Met is of great help for women who experience heavy bleeding of pale thin watery blood. The bleeding is both excessive as well as prolonged. Ferrum Met is the best Homeopathic cure for women with watery excessive hemorrhages during periods.

Homeopathic Medicine Sabina for Heavy Bleeding of Partly Fluid and Partly Clotted Blood

Sabina is the top Homeopathic medicine for women who have heavy menstrual bleeding of fluid and clotted blood in combination. Most women needing Sabina feel that the bleeding gets worse with the slightest motion. Sabina is a also a very effective Homeopathic remedy for controlling excessive bleeding in menopausal women.                                                             

Homeopathic Medicines Thalaspi and Trillium Pendulum for Heavy Bleeding in Fibroid Tumours of Uterus

Homeopathic medicine Thalaspi is the best hemorrhage controller in women who have very prolonged periods with heavy bleeding due to fibroid uterus. The blood also contains large clots. Severe colic in abdomen and backache may also show in addition to bleeding for using Thalaspi. The bleeding may continue up to two weeks. In contrast to Thalaspi, Homeopathic medicine Trillium is of great help when heavy bleeding from the fibroid is bright red in colour without any clots. The woman may also experience pain in the hips and back and the bleeding increases with the slightest motion.

Homeopathic Medicines Sabina, Ustilago, China and Trillium for Excessive Bleeding during Menopause

Sabina is a very effective Homeopathic cure for heavy bleeding during menopause when even the slightest motion worsens the condition. The blood is partly fluid and partly clotted. Homeopathic medicine Ustilago is the best remedy when dark clotted blood defines the heavy periods in menopause. The clots may even turn into strings. China is the ideal Homeopathic remedy when exhaustion and faintness occur due to heavy flooding during periods. Trillium is the best Homeopathic medicine when bright red bleeding occurs during menopause with pain in the back and hips.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Treatment for Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is a vein disease that arises when the valves in the veins (of the legs) do not function properly. Usually, the valves in leg veins allow only a one-way flow of blood – to the heart from legs – and prevent its backflow. In case these valves don’t work properly, then the blood flows backward, causing blood to pool in the legs, leading to venous insufficiency. Homeopathic medicines for venous insufficiency work according to the different symptoms presented as a part of the condition. The top homeopathic remedies for pooling of blood in legs are discussed below.

venous insufficiency homeopathy

Legs affected by Venous Insufficiency.

Homeopathic Medicines for Venous Insufficiency

Hamamelis Virginiana – Top Homeopathic Remedy for Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins

Hamamelis Virginiana is prepared from a plant commonly known as ‘witch – hazel.’ The natural order of this plant is Hamamelidacee. Hamamelis Virginiana is used in treatment for venous insufficiency with tiredness or aching in the legs. Along with this, the legs also feel tense, and a dragging sensation may be present. Varicose veins are present on the legs. The varices may be hard and knotty. Pain in the legs usually worsening from little motion is another main feature that appears. Ulcers on legs with prickling pain that are sensitive to touch also indicate the use of Hamamelis Virginiana.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Venous Insufficiency with Cramping and Pain in Legs

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a remedy of natural origin prepared from the plant ‘Windflower.’ This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It works well when there is cramping and pain in the legs. Cramping mostly gets worse during the evening. Hanging down legs tends to worsen the complaint and legs feel heavy, coupled with a weary sensation. A drawing feeling in the legs, tension in legs and restlessness of legs are few of the accompanying features. Varices on the legs are prominently present, legs and feet may be swollen, and burning pains appear in the swollen feet. Pulsatilla Nigricans is also indicated for varices during pregnancy.

Fluoric Acid – For Venous Insufficiency with Leg Ulcers

Fluoric Acid has marked sphere of action on the venous system. It is helpful for treating ulcers on the legs due to venous insufficiency. Sores on the leg with red margins appear, and pain in ulcers is present in a marked degree. Burning sensation in the ulcers is present, and there may be a copious discharge from the ulcer. Warmth tends to worsen the pain, and the legs tend to be swollen.

Lachesis Muta – For Leg Ulcers in Venous Insufficiency with Offensive Discharges

Lachesis Muta is a natural remedy for leg ulcers with offensive discharges. There appear leg ulcers with bluish purplish surroundings. Bottom of the ulcers is uneven and dirty. Pimples or vesicles may surround the ulcers. Thin or pus discharges from the ulcers come out, and these are usually foul-smelling. Sometimes ulcers tend to bleed. The ulcers are painful and sensitive to touch and may have an intense burning sensation. Itching may be present in the sores. The legs are also swollen and red. Weakness and loss of strength attend the above complaint, and these symptoms tend to get worse during the night.

Graphites Naturalis – For Venous Insufficiency with Itching, Dryness, Cracks on Skin on the Legs

Graphites Naturalis is used to treat venous insufficiency with itching, dryness, and cracks on the skin of legs. Itching mostly is seen to get worse during the night. There may be oozing of discharge (mainly sticky and gluey). It may be used in cases of stasis eczema (inflammation of the skin due to poor circulation). Varicose veins are present on the legs, and small pimples may surround skin on these veins. A feeling of congestion the in legs and feet can appear while standing. Legs may feel heavy and tense. They also tend to swell up and have shooting pains.

Arsenic Album – For Venous Insufficiency with Swelling in Legs and Feet

Arsenic Album is valuable in homeopathy for treating chronic venous insufficiency with swollen legs and feet. Stabbing pains and burning sensation (that gets worse during the night) in legs, a feeling of excessive uneasiness and restlessness in the legs, apart from feeling weak and tired are the main symptoms. Varicose ulcers with gray colored crust and inflamed borders and thick edges are also indicative of using Arsenic Album. The surface of the ulcers appears unclean, blackish, with stinking discharges. Pustules around the edges of the ulcer may appear, and burning and stinging in these ulcers is also well marked.

Vipera Berus – Indicated for Venous Insufficiency with Swollen, Sensitive Veins in Legs

Homeopathic medicine Vipera Berus is used to treat venous insufficiency with swollen and tender veins in the legs. Veins are blue and very tender to touch, and there is marked venous stasis in the legs. It is attended by pain and a bursting sensation in the legs. Hanging the legs down worsens the complaint. Elevating the legs bring relief. The person also complains of a severe, cramping pain in the legs.

Signs of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Swelling in legs or ankles mainly after long periods of standing.
Pain in the legs that mostly get worse when walking, standing and better from rest or from raising the leg.
Cramping in the legs.
Tiredness in the legs.
Dull aching, heaviness in the legs.
Tightness in the calf muscles of the legs.
– Brown colored skin on the legs and near ankles.
– Thick, hard skin on the legs and ankles.
– Itchy, cracked, flaky, crusty skin on legs sometimes with oozing of fluid (stasis eczema or stasis dermatitis).
Varicose veins ( enlarged, twisted and engorged veins ) on the legs.
Leg ulcers that are slow to heal.

The risk factors for developing venous insufficiency are:

– Women are at high risk than men.
– Being overweight or obese.
– A family history of chronic venous insufficiency.
– Pregnancy
– Smoking
– Lack of exercise.
– Sitting or standing for long periods.
– History of blood clots in legs or pooling of blood in feet.
– Weak leg muscles.
– History of trauma, injury or any surgery of the leg.

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Treating Reflux in Babies with Homeopathy

Reflux in babies is the process of backing up of the stomach contents into the esophagus or food pipe (a tube that carries food from throat to stomach). All babies have some level of reflux. For some babies, the reflux may be more severe, or they may be more sensitive to the effects of reflux. Infants are more prone to reflux due to physical factors. Aethusa Cynapium, Chamomilla, and Natrum Phos are the top homeopathic remedies for reflux in babies.

homeopathy reflux in babies

Homeopathic treatment for reflux in babies.

Homeopathic Treatment of Reflux in Babies

Homeopathy helps in treating acid reflux in babies in a safe, gentle manner. Medicines for reflux in babies prescribed in homeopathy are all of natural origin and babies tend to tolerate them well. These can help resolve the condition in a very mild and gentle manner without causing any side effects, which is often a point of concern when it comes to medicines for babies.
The top grade homeopathic medicines used to treat reflux in babies include the following:

Aethusa Cynapium – Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux in Infants who Vomit After Intake of Milk

Aethusa Cynapium works very well to treat reflux in babies. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘Fool’s Parsley’ belonging to the natural order Umbelliferae. Aethusa Cynapium is useful for treating vomiting in babies soon after taking milk. The child tends to throw up all the milk immediately after its intake forcibly. The character of vomiting is like curdled milk or cheesy matter, but may also look like frothy white matter. The child may get drowsy after vomiting. Another attending symptom is repeated hiccoughing.

Chamomilla – Natural Medicine for Reflux in Irritable and Restless Infants

Chamomilla is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. The natural order of this plant is Compositae. The child who needs Chamomilla has wind colic and regurgitation of food. Colic in babies causes pain in the stomach due to obstruction of wind in the intestines. The baby tends to vomit out whatever has been drunk or eaten, and this vomit is usually slimy and sour smelling. The abdomen is distended, full and tensed.
Along with these symptoms, hiccough and foul smelling belches may be present. The child becomes very irritable and restless and may be experiencing stomach problems. The child cries, screams, groans and asks to be carried around.

Natrum Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Acid Reflux in Babies with Vomiting and Colic Abdomen

Homeopathic formulation Natrum Phos is highly beneficial for acid reflux in babies. This remedy works by neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes healthy digestion. It is indicated for children who vomit out curdled milk or cheesy masses. They may also experience abdominal colic. The child may experience several attacks of acid reflux during the day, along with vomiting. The abdominal colic is usually very intense and can lead to restless sleep. A characteristic yellow, creamy coating on the back of the roof of mouth and tongue usually indicates the need for this medicine.

Robinia – Homeopathic Treatment for Reflux in Babies that is Worse at Night

Robinia is prepared from a plant named Robinia Pseudacacia. This plant belongs to family Leguminosae. It is very helpful in treating acidity in babies. It is used for acid reflux in babies when there is a regurgitation of stomach acid with sour vomiting. The child tends to have a rancid odor all over the body. The symptoms get worse during the night time and disturb the child’s sleep. Abdominal distension is well noted, and burps may be present. Burping can bring temporary relief, but the child may cry with colic after eating.

Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Gastric Reflux in Babies with Sour Smelling Vomiting

Calcarea Carb is used to treat reflux in babies. The key indication for the use of this remedy is sour smelling vomit. Whatever has been eaten gets vomited, and in some cases, curdled milk or milk in the form of cheese may also be vomited. Stomach cramps may appear along with vomiting. The abdomen is hard and tense, and there are frequent hiccoughs and belching. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for vomiting in infants during the teething period.

Carbo Veg – Natural Cure for Acid Reflux in Babies with Excessive Burping

Carbo Veg is indicated for acid reflux in babies with excessive burping. Violent belchings that are foul-smelling are a common symptom that indicates the need for this medicine. These offensive belchings occur after eating or drinking, along with gagging and vomiting. The child feels very uncomfortable after eating even the smallest amount of food. Pain in the abdomen may arise with much flatus. The stomach is distended and seems full to bursting with trapped wind. The release of gas brings comfort to the baby.

Sanicula Aqua – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux with Vomiting of Food or Milk Soon After Consumption

Sanicula Aqua works wonders in cases where the child vomits food or milk soon after its consumption. Vomiting of food arises shortly after eating. All the food comes up with a gush immediately after eating. The child usually tends to fall asleep after this. It is prominently indicated for vomiting of milk soon after nursing. The vomiting looks like large and tough curds. Abdominal bloatedness may be present with gurgling sounds.

Symptoms of Reflux in Babies

The most common symptoms of reflux in babies include:

-Spitting up or Throwing up / Vomiting.
– Refusal to take feed or eat anything.
– Difficulty swallowing with gagging or choking during feeding.
– Crying, irritability, fussiness or being uncomfortable soon after eating.
– Arching back after eating.
– Gas and colicky abdominal pains.
– Sour breath, burps, and hiccups.
– A frequent cough, breathing difficulties and wheezing.
– Poor or disturbed sleep.

Causes of Reflux in Infants

Infants are more prone to reflux. There are various contributing factors for reflux of stomach contents in babies as given below:

Underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter ( LES )

LES is a muscular ring at the junction of the lower end of esophagus and stomach. It opens when food has to enter the stomach from the throat. It remains closed at all other times to prevent the backflow of stomach contents into the food pipe. In babies, this LES is not entirely developed and can lead to a frequent backflow of stomach contents.

– A baby lying in a horizontal position during feeding or when placed horizontally soon after feeding is more prone to reflux since the muscles relax and make it easy for the contents in the stomach to reflux into the esophagus.

– Short Length of the Esophagus: Infants, being small, have a very short esophagus.

Congenital Hiatal Hernia: a Hiatal hernia present at birth can cause gastric acid to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. In a hiatal hernia, the upper part of the stomach bulges into the chest through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm.

Overfeeding: Feeding the baby too much food in one go puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Certain foods including citrus fruits, tomato, fatty food may contribute to acid reflux

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Treat Progressive Myopia with Natural Homeopathic Remedies

Myopia or short-sightedness is a visual disorder that results in poor distance vision. Also known as nearsightedness, a person who has myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but the objects farther away appear blurry. In this condition, the light rays focus in front of the retina instead of focusing on the retina. Homeopathy for myopia aims to slow down the rate of progression of the problem. Physostigma Venenosum, Phosphorous and Ruta Graveolens are the top homeopathic medicines for progressive myopia.

homeopathic medicines degenerative myopia

Homeopathic medicines for progressive myopia.,

About Progressive Myopia

Progressive myopia is one of the various clinical varieties of myopia. It is different from simple myopia (which is the most common variety not associated with any disease of the eye).
Progressive myopia is a severe condition that results in high myopia and degenerative changes in the eye which may result in vision loss. It is also known by some other terms, like pathological myopia and degenerative myopia.
In progressive myopia, there is a rapid axial elongation of the eyeball, stretching of the sclera and degeneration of the choroid, retina and the vitreous. It results in a rapid and quick progression of nearsightedness to an extremely high degree which may result in vision loss. It begins in early childhood between the ages of 5 – 10 yrs and results in high myopia during adolescence and adulthood.

What is the Reason for Progressive Myopia?

Progressive myopia is believed to be hereditary. It runs in families that have a genetic history of the disorder. Progressive myopia is common among certain races including Japanese, Jews, Arabs, and Chinese.
Further, there are some systemic diseases and eye diseases that are linked with progressive myopia. These conditions include Down’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Ehler’s -Danlos syndrome, ocular albinism, and infantile Glaucoma. A person having any of these conditions is at risk to suffer from progressive myopia.

Symptoms of Progressive Myopia

– Rapidly increasing high myopia (nearsightedness).

Floating black opacities, spots (muscae volitantes) before the eyes that arise due to degenerated liquefied vitreous.

Night blindness when marked degenerative changes occur.

– Prominent eyeballs.

– Progressive and irreversible vision loss.

Complications of Progressive Myopia

There are many ocular complications in progressive myopia. People who have progressive myopia are at risk of suffering from loss of vision, retinal detachment, complicated cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage, choroidal hemorrhage, bleeding in the eye from abnormal blood vessel growth (neovascularization) and strabismus fixus convergence (a type of squint).

Homeopathic Treatment for Progressive Myopia

Various natural homeopathic medicines are well indicated for progressive myopia. These homeopathic medicines aim at slowing the rate of progression of myopia. The use of homeopathic medicines for progressive myopia is recommended along with the conventional treatment, and these should be used under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Progressive Myopia

Physostigma Venenosum – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Progressive Myopia

Physostigma Venenosum is prepared from a plant named Calabar bean. The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. Physostigma is a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine where a person has a complaint of increasing myopia. The person is unable to see objects clearly at a distance, and the objects seem mixed. The distant objects can seem dim, hazy, misty and severely blurred as a result of this condition. There may be a pressure felt in the eye. A continued drawing sensation in the eyes may be present.
Pain in the eyes, the presence of spots (muscae volitantes) and partial blindness may be present. This medicine is also indicated for associated night blindness and glaucoma with progressive myopia.

Phosphorus – For Progressive, Rapidly Increasing Myopia

Phosphorus is used to treat cases of myopia where there is rapidly increasing myopia. The person requiring this medicine cannot clearly see objects at distance. The distant objects seem enveloped in a smoke or mist. This condition tends to worsen rapidly. In most cases, the eyes may be very sensitive to light, and there may be a burning sensation. A feeling of grittiness, like there is sand present in the eyes, may also be felt. Another primary symptom that indicates the need for this medicine is seeing spots before the eyes, i.e., muscae volitantes. The patient sees black points floating before eyes or sparks or flashes of light before the eyes. Occasional night blindness may be present. Marked degenerative changes in the retina are also present. Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is also indicated when glaucoma or cataract is present in cases of progressive myopia.

Ruta Graveolens – For Progressive Myopia with Aching Eyes

Ruta Graveolens is prepared from a plant commonly named garden rue. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is used to treat cases of shortsightedness where the eyes ache. It is frequently indicated when the vision is very weak and there is high obscuration of objects at a distance. The distant objects seem blurred and extremely dim. Aching in eyes is experienced after using the eyes and straining them at fine work like sewing, or while reading a small print. A pressure in the eye orbits and a feeling of heat in the eyes may also be felt. Weak vision brought by overstraining eyes is a prominent feature to use this medicine.

Natrum Mur – For Progressive Myopia with Pressure in Eyes

Natrum Mur is used to treat conditions of progressive myopia where a person feels pressure in eyes along with nearsightedness. When looking at an object very intently, a pressure in the eyes may be felt. A headache may occur along with eye-strain. The person may see black specks before the eyes. Itching and watering from eyes may also be present.

Gelsemium Sempervirens – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Progressive Myopia

Gelsemium Sempervirens is an excellent homeopathic remedy for treating progressive myopia. It is prepared from the plant named Yellow Jasmine that belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae.
The characteristic features to use this remedy include dim and blurry vision. Distant objects seem indistinct. A feeling of fullness and aching in the eye orbit may be present. Dizziness and vertigo, an aversion to light and presence of black specks before the eyes are other symptoms.

Jaborandi – For Progressive Myopia where the Eyes Tire Easily

Homeopathic medicine Jaborandi is prepared from fresh leaves of the plant Pilocarpus Jaborandi. The natural order of this plant is Rutaceae. Jaborandi is indicated when eyes get tired quickly from the slightest use. There is a dim vision, and everything at a distance appears hazy. Pain and nausea may arise when looking steadily at a distance, and vertigo may also appear. Spots before vision, headache, aching of eyes upon using eyes and a convergent squint are other symptoms indicating the need for Jaborandi.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321


Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. The testimonials are real, and these patients have been helped with homeopathy from our clinic . However, these results are meant as a showcase of what  best, homeopathy can do with the disease condtions and should not be taken as average or typical results.

Homeopathy is much more of a choice than people often think it to be. One of its philosophy’s greatest breakthroughs is the realization that the body is not an object but a process with no pre-ordained limits.

The scorching, cruel heat of summer was just setting in the first year of the new century when Mr and Mrs Puri (not their real names) approached us with their only child Ravi (not his real name) who was then four. Two years earlier, at the age of two, he was diagnosed as being autistic. We tested him on the ATEC (Autism Testing and Evaluation Checklist) and his rating was in the moderate to high category. His problem was more in speech/communication and sensory/cognitive areas.
Besides the classical symptoms of autism, the symptoms that actually led us to prescribe Carcinocin were the history of an early eruption of teeth and hairiness. A leading characteristic of Carcinocin is the desire for milk. There are many symptoms – a sweaty head, when sleeping, and physical heat in general; difficulty in falling asleep; the desire for things salty and for chocolate-like energetic foods. Than there are internal restlessness and fidgetiness and love for dancing. Strong passion and a very strong family history of cancer in the family are also noticed. The remedy was the boy’s similimum if there ever was one! Fitting him like a glove,  it worked. Ravi has suffered no aggravation in the two years he has been on and off this remedy. The dosage chosen for him was similarly fitting – the LM dose. Positive results were obvious within the first month. Babbling turned into more formative words, hyperactive behaviour became rare and he started obeying simple commands. His self-stimulatory behaviour, too, was nearly gone. Very soon a big achievement came when Ravi started interacting with children and started playing with them. He is now five and is attending a normal school. There are still vestigial signs of his former autism though these are not really apparent to teachers or anyone else besides us (parents and the physicians). For example, his language is occasionally awkward. In moments of stress (e.g. if he is sick), he retreats into himself and utilizes echolalia as a speech strategy. To sum it up, none but the very discerning can make out that Ravi had this serious problem.

I would now like to enlighten the readers about the intricacies and the sensitive approach necessary for the homeopathic intervention. Autism poses a challenge to homeopaths. It needs a hardcore-Hahnemannian approach. Valuable symptoms including reaction to vaccines, family medical history, thermal sensitivities and sleep postures form a part of the very detailed information that a physician would need. For the parents whose kids are undergoing such intervention, the stimulus/reaction model of symptoms and its significance to the homeopath need to be clearly understood. As the autistic child experiences stress, he responds with a reaction. This reaction becomes a symptom or a sign of characteristic importance. The real challenge is to understand what the child is expressing both verbally (if he is articulate) and nonverbally. By fully perceiving the patient, one may learn to understand the individual?s cycle of stress and response. It is only through such a deep understanding that a homeopath is able to prescribe effectively. The improvement following such intervention also needs to be evaluated regularly on the autism-rating scale. The extent to which the help can occur has a great degree of variability associated with it. Two homeopathic remedies require a special mention for their effectiveness in the recovery of autism  Carcinocin and Baryta Carb . Baryta Carb is supposed stimulate the development of brain. This remedy has been found useful in cases of autism where signs of global developmental delay  are present with the classical symptoms of the autism spectrum. Another important aspect of the homeopathy in autism is the usage of LM potencies… Homoeopathy in this scale are faster acting and at the same time gentler. It is able to hold the “slipping back” of the old symptoms and can be used for a longer period with frequent repetitions. Homeopathy is undergoing a very strong resurgence in the modern medical world, and one of the main reasons for it is its recent role in handling such illnesses. Homeopathic philosophy is a constant reminder that the greatest healing power lies within the body itself.

Here is some more info on autism. This article on autism was written by me in Tribune about 2 yrs years back.

Autism is a childhood disorder that begins in early childhood (typically during the first three years of life) which affects the child’s communication skills, social interactions, and causes restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior in varying degrees. Autism (also called as autism spectrum disorder or pervasive developmental disorder) can range from severe to a very milder form. This mild form is called Asperger’s syndrome. The actual cause for autism is not clear. Autism in the first two years of life is slightly difficult to diagnose. Parents are usually the first ones to notice the symptoms, which in the first two years of life are otherwise slightly difficult to find out; usually it is the nonresponsive behavior in the first two years that may make the parents feel concerned. In cases where the child has been growing normally, his sudden withdrawal from social interactions, nonresponsive behavior along with losing that little amount of speech that he had gained initially, may lead the parents to get their toddler screened for this disorder. By the age of three, autism spectrum disorder can be clearly diagnosed. Children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) may not follow regular developmental pattern like other kids of their age. Verbal and non verbal communication, social interaction and patterns of repetitive behavior (also called as fixations)-like being fixated with carrying some object in the hand all the time e.g. Sticks, pencils, soap suds, etc. Rocking, spinning, excessively arranging things in one line and Behavioral issues like hyperactive behavior and inability to understand emotions are a part of this disorder for some kids. Autism is nowadays called autism spectrum disorder as there is a huge variation of symptoms that the child might suffer from. Key features that should help the parents in identifying this disorder are child’s inability to babble or make meaningful gestures (like social smile, pointing to objects like fan etc,) by 18 months of age. Inability to speak even a single word by the age of two, having a poor or no eye contact, giving the impression as if he is hard of hearing when being called out to. The ‘not in tune’ behavior of the child is the most important differentiating symptom although it is not very easy for a lay person to identify it. Homeopathy’s role in helping  autism in kids is gaining quite a popularity all over the world. Clinical experience shows that results are much better when the intervention is started at an earlier age, even though at higher ages like six or seven some kids do show remarkable improvements; but Homoeopathic intervention at an early age(before much behavioral and emotional issues come up) has distinct advantages. One important aspect that I would clearly like to mention is the fact that results with homeopathy in  autism are selective. This means that where one segment of kids may respond extremely favorable while others may fail to yield any relief. Even while on Homeopathic remedies the child needs to be rated on an autism rating scale. Periodical assessments on the autism rating scale are must to gauge the improvements in the child. Homeopathy is a holistic system of health; it takes into consideration the constitutional picture (complete physical and mental make up of the child) along with the necessary details of the disease while prescribing. Remedy that are very effective in helping autism are Carcinocin, Hyoscyamus, and Baryta Carb. The role of carcinocin in  autism requires a special mention. This also does not mean that every child who has autism should be put on it; even for carcinocin to be prescribed the child has to fall within the constitutional picture

Dr. Vikas Sharma is a Neuro-Developmental Specialist in homeopathy and has done his master in Homeopathy.The subject of his research (during his masters degree) was  ‘The Role of homeopathy in Autism spectrum disorders .

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hot Flashes During Menopause – Homeopathy can Work Wonders

homeopathic medicines for hot flashes A hot flash is a sudden and intense feeling of heat that is felt on the upper parts of the body, like the face, chest, and neck. There is a sensation of heat which may be accompanied by redness of the face, night sweats, increased heartbeat and, sometimes, a tingling in the fingers. These symptoms are very commonly noted in menopausal and peri-menopausal females. However, other disorders (like diabetes mellitus) may also cause hot flashes. Homeopathic medicines for hot flashes includes medicines like Sepia, Amylenum Nitrosum, and Lachesis Muta.

Hot flashes usually occur in women between the age group of 40-55 years. Some females also experience these during their regular cycles. They tend to occur more during the night and tend to affect sleep.

An episode of a hot flash can last for between one to five minutes, or occur multiple time in an hour. In some cases, it occurs less frequently, (like a few times a week or month) while some experience it daily. These hot flashes can last for approximately six months to a year but can last longer in some women.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hot flashes

Homeopathy has a natural solution for hot flashes. With the help of natural homeopathic medicines, hot flashes can be reduced to negligible levels, thereby improving the quality of life.

1. Sepia: For Hot Flashes with Weakness

Sepia is a medicine indicated for hot flashes in a female during the menopausal period. Sweat accompanies the episodes of hot flashes. Another fundamental indicative feature of Sepia is that there is marked weakness with a tendency to faint (along with the hot flashes). There is a lack of energy with a feeling of fatigue. It very helpful for all the ailments arising during climacteric/menopausal period and is suitable for individuals who are emotionally very sensitive and can become easily nervous.

Key Indications for Using Sepia:
– Weakness
– Fatigue
– Emotional Sensitivity

2. Amylenum Nitrosum: For Hot flashes with Excessive Sweat

Amylenum Nitrosum is a remedy for hot flashes where there is excessive perspiration. Its sphere of action is on the vasomotor nerves which affect the arteries and capillaries (causing their dilatation). Therefore, it is one of the top remedies for hot flashes. Hot flashes which are followed by an episode of drenching sweats is a marked feature of this remedy. One may also experience headaches along with the hot flashes. There is a prominent flushing of the face. Episodes of hot flashes are usually followed by a period of coldness and pallor (paleness). There can be a throbbing sensation in the whole body during the hot flashes. Also, helpful in cases where there is a history of heart complaints along with the hot flashes.

Key Indications for Using Amylenum:

– Excessive Perspiration
– Headaches
– Flushing of Face

3. Lachesis Muta: For Hot flashes at Menopause

Lachesis is a remedy indicated for menopausal ailments. It is well suited to females during or around the menopause phase. It is helpful for hot flashes which are accompanied by palpitation, headaches, and a feeling of fainting. One may also have hot perspiration along with the hot flashes. Hot flashes also felt at the vertex area (top of the head). The flashes usually occur on falling asleep or on waking up but are generally worse at night. There is an overall feeling of congestion in the head causing congestive headaches. The palpitations felt are worse in a warm room or during the morning hours after waking up. One cannot tolerate tight clothing, especially around the waist area. Well indicated in individuals who have associated high blood pressure with these menopausal ailments.

Key Indications for Using Lachesis:

– Menopausal Ailments
– Palpitations
– Aversion to tight clothing

Other Important Remedies

4. Sulphur: For Hot Flashes with Night Sweats

Sulphur is a remedy for frequent episodes of hot flashes. There is a sensation of heat in the entire body. Heat accompanies the hot flashes in the head, hands, and feet. One may also experience a sensation of emptiness in the stomach during an episode. Another indicative feature of sulphur is profuse sweats at night, especially at the neck and back of the head. One may also experience heat in only one side of the body.

5. Causticum: For Hot flashes with Reduced Sexual Desire

Causticum is a remedy indicated for hot flashes during menopause accompanied by heat along with sweat, especially during sleep. It is a well-indicated medicine for night sweats occurring typically around 4:00 am. A sensation of heat in the whole body is present, which is worse during the late evening or night hours (mostly during 6:00pm-8: 00 pm). There is a tendency to sweat easily on the slightest exertion. One is also vulnerable to develop anxiety, sadness, and weakness along with these complaints. Along with hot flashes, there can be reduced (or absence of) sexual desire.

6. Glonoine: For Hot Flashes that are Frequent and Sudden

Glonoine is also among the remedies for hot flashes during menopause. It is indicated in cases where there is a flushing of heat to the head. The hot flashes occur daily, and there are frequent episodes during a day. Sudden onset of hot flashes with pressure in the head, nausea, and vertigo are other symptoms. One feels as if there is a loss of senses, they feel dizzy and light headed. They find it difficult to go out alone. There may be associated swelling and numbness in the feet during menopause. Complaints are worse after sun exposure.

7. Sulphuric Acid: For Hot Flashes with Trembling

Sulphuric Acid is a indicated for hot flashes during climacteric (menopausal) period. With hot flashes, there is a feeling of tremors all over the body. There is marked weakness and debility during menopause. There is a lot of restlessness with a sense of wanting to do everything hurriedly. The symptoms of hot flashes get worse by the smell of coffee. There are palpitations without any anxiety or fear.

8. Calcarea Carbonicum: For Hot flashes with Profuse Sweating

Calcarea Carb is suited to obese women who experience hot flashes with profuse sweat. Sweat is mostly on the head and chest area during sleep. There is an overall tendency to sweat easily. There is a lot of sweating even from slight physical exertion. There is a tendency of developing loose and flabby muscles. There sensation of burning in the top of the head with much perspiration. The sweating of the head might be so intense that it wets the pillow. There may be sweating at night along with palpitations.

9. Sanguinaria Canadensis: For Hot flashes with a Flushed Face

Sanguinaria Canadensis is a medicine indicated for hot flashes accompanied with burning in the face and head. There is a feeling of fullness or congestion in the head. One may also experience severe pain in the head with nausea. The hot flashes are accompanied by a flushed red face and hot hands. The face turns hot and red as if from the congestion of blood. Chills, weakness and a feeling of sickness may follow. The menses become profuse and dense around the menopausal period. Along with the hot flashes, there may be a complaint of leucorrhoea during menopause.

10. Pulsatilla: For Hot Flashes followed by Chilliness

Pulsatilla is indicated for cases of hot flashes where the person experiences a spell of chilliness following a hot flash. Hot flashes are worse from the warmth of air or in a closed room. Profuse sweating on the face and scalp especially at night, flushes of heat with redness of the face, hot flashes with mood swings and depression during menopause are other associated symptoms. The person is very irritable and tends to weep. She may also be very sensitive and cry easily. Generally, the woman tends to overall feel better in the open air.

Causes of Hot Flashes

There is no specific cause given as to why hot flashes occur, but there are various theories which explain their occurrence. About 60-70% of all women experience it during their menopause. However, it is not mandatory that every female will have it during menopause. Given below are the various factors which are related to cause hot flashes:

A Drop in the Estrogen Levels

Before menopause, the hormone estrogen is present in the body in the form of Estradiol (released by the ovaries). During and after menopause there is a drop in the Estrogen levels. This decrease in the levels affects the hypothalamus (Thermostat of the body), which regulates the temperature of the body. Reduction in one’s ability to tolerate heat makes her more vulnerable to experience hot flashes.

An increase of Thyroid Hormone (Hyperthyroidism)

An increase in thyroid levels increases the metabolic rate of the body. This increase in metabolism leads to hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Anti-Depressants and Other Medications

Certain drugs like anti-depressants and anti-hypertensive medications also cause hot flashes in many cases. The onset of hot flashes is noted after the usage of either of the drugs. In these cases, substituting the medicine or reducing the dosage can help reduce the hot flashes.

Stress, Anxiety, and the Production of Adrenaline

During stress or anxiety, the body increases the production of adrenaline. This excess of adrenaline can cause hot flashes or a general increase in the body’s temperature. The body feels heated, and there can be associated with the symptoms of palpitations and increased sweating.

The factors that can trigger hot flashes during menopause include smoking, obesity, alcohol, exposure to hot temperature, wearing tight clothes, stress, anxiety and excessive intake of caffeine.

Tips to Manage Hot Flashes with Food

Plant Estrogen: Also known as phytoestrogens or dietary estrogen, these are natural sources of estrogen found in certain plants and legumes. They have a structure similar to Estradiol. Foods that contain Estrogen are Flaxseeds, apricots, oranges, peaches, carrots, peas, soya beans pinto beans, lentils, and olives.

Foods rich in magnesium and vitamin E seem to help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the hot flashes. They help in controlling the milder forms of hot flashes.

Apple Cider Vinegar seems to play more of a supportive role since frequent intake of apple cider vinegar can help reduce the intensity of hot flashes.

Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help reduce hot flashes. These two are considered to be very significant triggering factors. Reducing their intake can lessen the hot flashes.

Quitting smoking can be of great help since it can improve the temperature regulation and metabolism of the body.

Exercise and meditation can help smoothly transition into menopause smoothly. These practices help calm down the mood swings, insomnia, and hot flashes.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Meniere’s Disease – Wonderful Homeopathic Remedies For Its Treatment

homeopathic medicines for Meniere'sMeniere’s disease is a condition that affects the inner ear and is characterized by episodes of vertigo, a variable degree of hearing impairment and tinnitus (triad of symptoms). It develops due to the inadequate regulation of the endolymph (fluid) present in the inner ear. Therefore, it is also pathologically termed as Endolymphatic Hydrops. A well-indicated remedy for Meniere’s disease can help reduce the severity of the troublesome symptoms associated with tinnitus and vertigo and improve the quality of life of anybody dealing with the disease. The top homeopathic medicines for Meniere’s Disease include Chininum Sulph, Conium, and Gelsemium.

Though this condition is very rampant, there is no known cause of its origin. And though it is not a life-threatening disorder, it can cause a considerable amount of disturbance in those people who are affected by it. Due to recurrent episodes of vertigo and tinnitus, it may affect the ability to perform the daily routine work.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Meniere’s Disease

There is an excellent scope for treating Meniere’s disease in homeopathy. Effective treatment for this condition varies upon the duration and intensity of the complaint. Homeopathy for endolymphatic hydrops treats the severity of acute symptoms of Meniere’s disease and also help stop further progression of the disease.

1. Chininum Sulph – For Ringing Noises in Ear

Chinimum sulph is one of the top-indicated remedies for tinnitus present along with meniere’s . The leading symptom to use this medicine in most of the cases is the presence of tinnitus. There is an unusual sensation of ringing or roaring in the ears, and it is invariably associated with vertigo. People in whom Chinimum sulph may generally be indicated have complaints of postural dizziness and heaviness in the ears. Vertigo could be very sudden in onset and in severe cases the person may fall due to loss of balance. Generally, they may feel uncomfortable in a standing posture. Chininum sulph gives desired results when there is a considerable degree of hearing loss (especially that affects the left ear).

2. Conium Maculatum – For Vertigo Attacks in Meniere’s Disease

Conium Maculatum is prepared from a flowering plant of natural order Umbelliferae native to Europe and North Africa. Conium is usually suitable for people who experience severe Vertigo in Meniere’s disease. Sideways motion of the head tends to worsen the condition. A feeling of moving around in a circle may be present, and vertigo may also get worse from any movement in bed.

3. Gelsemium – For Meniere’s Disease with Dizziness

Gelsemium is a natural medicine for Meniere’s disease. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘yellow jasmine,’ of natural order Loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is considered when there is marked dizziness Meniere’s Disease. Difficulty in walking with a loss of balance may arise from dizziness. Dim vision and heaviness of eyelids may attend above features may also be present.

4. Chenopodium Anthelminticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Buzzing Noises in Ear

Chenopodium anthelmenticum is prepared from a plant named ‘Jerusalem oak.’ This plant belongs to natural order Chenopodiaceae. It is suitable for Meniere’s disease when the person hears a buzzing noise in the ear. Sudden vertigo episodes, better for high pitched sounds than low pitched sounds, and Tinnitus that is synchronous with heartbeats are the symptoms indicative of using Chenopodium.

5. Salicylicum Acid – For Meniere’s Disease for Tinnitus and Vertigo with Nausea

Salicylicum Acid works well in those cases of Meniere’s disease where tinnitus and vertigo are present with troublesome nausea. The noises in the ear can be roaring, ringing, or buzzing (similar to flies or a swarm of bees) in nature. In some cases, a person hears musical noises. There is vertigo, diminished hearing, and with intense nausea.

6. Theridion – For Vertigo upon Closing Eyes

Theridion is prescribed to people who are generally sensitive to noises and may feel a sudden discomfort when they hear loud and unpleasant sounds. The guiding symptom for Theridion to be prescribed is that vertigo appears when the person closes the eyes. Theridion may be indicated in people who detest traveling because it triggers attacks of vertigo. There may be an uneasy sensation in the ears with fullness or heaviness in one or both ears.

7. Kali Muraticum – For Meniere’s Disease with Fullness in Ears

Kali Muraticum is a remedy that works well in cases where there is deafness due to swelling of internal ear and eustachian tube. It causes a diminution (reduction) of the fluid secretion and gradually reduces the swelling. It is also useful for noises in the ears. There is a crackling noise in the ears on swallowing. Vertigo is present, along with head congestion. A sensation of having a plug inside ears may be present along with the above symptoms. There may be a history of chronic catarrhal conditions of the middle ear.

8. Natrum Salicylicum – For Tinnitus of Low Tone in Meniere’s Disease

Natrum Salicylicum is a well-indicated for tinnitus of low tone. Along with noises, there is giddiness and deafness. Vertigo that gets worse from raising the head, and gets better upon lying down is present.

9. Silicea – For Meniere’s Disease with Hissing Noises

Silicea is a significant medicine for Meniere’s disease with prominent hissing noises in the ear. In some cases, the sounds may be loud and pistol-like. There is a feeling of blockage in the ears. Itching in the ears and vertigo spells upon closing the eyes are also present. The person needing Silicea may have a history of ear discharges of offensive, fetid nature.

10. Cocculus Indicus – For Meniere’s Disease with Vertigo, Nausea, and Vomiting

Cocculus Indicus is prepared from the plant named ‘Indian cockle’ of natural order Menispermaceae. Cocculus Indicus is an excellent medicine for Meniere’s disease when vertigo and dizziness with nausea and vomiting are present. There are noises in the ear that resemble the sound of rushing water. This is attended with loss of balance, hardness of hearing, a feeling of blockage in the ear, and dread of sudden noise.

11. Phosphorus – For Meniere’s Disease with Vertigo, Noises in Ear and Fainting

Phosphorous is used in cases where the person experiences noises in the ear along with severe vertigo and fainting spells. The sounds may be roaring or ringing in nature. Along with this, there is vertigo that is worse from looking up or down. Tickling and itching in ears may be there. Difficulty in hearing human voices may also be present.

12. Argentum Nitricum – For Meniere’s Disease with Sharp Pain in Ear

Argentum Nitricum is a medicine for Meniere’s Disease where a sharp pain in the ear is present along with other significant symptoms. The primary symptoms include noises in the ear, vertigo, and hardness of hearing. The sounds may be buzzing, ringing, whizzing in nature. Fullness or obstructed sensation in the ear may be present. In some cases, head congestion and vertigo that gets worse upon closing the eyes may be present.

Meniere’s Disease: Symptoms


Vertigo is one of the most bothersome symptoms suffered by people dealing with Meniere’s Disease. It comes in attacks, with sudden onsets. There is a feeling of spinning (to-and-fro or up-and-down) during an attack. The episodes can last from few minutes to hours. At times the attacks are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Most of the times there are no warning signs of vertigo, but sometimes the sensation of fullness in ears may precede an attack. In severe cases, there may be abdominal cramps, diarrhea or bradycardia (slow heart rate) associated with the episode.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may accompany or precede an attack of vertigo. The hearing loss gets better after the attack and usually becomes normal during remission period. This kind of fluctuating hearing loss is characteristic of Meniere’s disease. However, with recurrent episodes, the improvement in hearing loss may not occur during the remission, and one can develop permanent hearing loss. There is slow and progressive hearing loss in most of the cases.


There is ringing or roaring in ears which gets worse during the attacks. The intensity and pitch of tinnitus can vary during and after the attacks. Tinnitus can be a constant symptom in some of the cases. This can further hinder the hearing and also affects the quality of life.

Fullness in Ears

The patients can experience a sensation of fullness or blockage in the ears. It can occur with vertigo or exist independently. This symptom can also fluctuate, and the intensity varies.

Intolerance to Loud Sounds

In some patients, there is an increased sensitivity to loud noises, and it becomes difficult for them to tolerate the same. This because it is hard for them to tolerate amplification of sounds.

Meniere’s Disease: Causes

The cause behind Meniere’s disease is not yet clear. Environmental and genetic factors both seem to play some role in the development of Meniere’s Disease. The disease is thought to run in families.

Meniere’s Disease occurs when there is distention of the fluid (Endolymph) in the inner ear. The function of endolymph is to aid hearing and to maintain the body balance. The distention can be either due to overproduction or faulty absorption of this endolymphatic fluid. Sometimes, both overproduction and reduced absorption can co-exist and cause Meniere’s Disease.

Genetic Factors

Certain abnormalities in the structure of inner ear running in the families can make a person more disposed to develop Meniere’s disease. They are at high risk if they have a strong family history of Meniere’s disease.


Allergies can also predispose a person to develop Meniere’s. In such cases, the offending allergens stimulate the inner ear causing excess production of endolymph.

Sodium and Water Retention

Certain theories relate increased sodium levels as a contributing factor towards the development of Meniere’s Disease. This causes excessive water retention in the ear leading to endolymphatic hydrops.

Vasomotor Disturbance

There is some sympathetic overactivity (the involuntary part of the nervous system associated with constriction or dilatation of blood vessels) resulting in spasm of the internal auditory artery. This interferes with the function of the cochlear or vestibular epithelium (in the inner ear) leading to vertigo and deafness.

Conditions Similar to Meniere’s Disease

Conditions like a migraine and BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) can have a similar clinical picture as that of Meniere’s Disease. An episode of a migraine can have similar symptoms of vertigo, nausea, and tinnitus. In some instances, there is co-existence of both Meniere’s disease and migraine.

BBPV is one condition which can clinically mimic Meniere’s disease. The marked positional vertigo is more specific for BBPV whereas the vertigo of Meniere’s is not related to the position of the head.

Diagnosis: Meniere’s Disease

The diagnosis of Meniere’s is commonly made based on the triad of symptoms. There will be frequent episodes of vertigo along with tinnitus. The audiometry would show low to moderate frequency of sensory neural hearing loss. The hearing loss can be severe in chronic cases. Also, other causes of vestibular diseases should be ruled out.

Foods to Avoid in Meniere’s Disease

Sodium: There is a strong relation seen between increased intake of sodium and vertigo episodes. It causes more retention of water in the body, that can be one of the triggering factors for Meniere’s disease. A low-sodium diet should be followed to limit the condition.

Nicotine: It can cause vasospasm (sudden constriction of a blood vessel) and the attacks of the disease are more frequent in smokers. Excessive smoking makes one more vulnerable and quitting smoking has helped a lot of patients in managing their condition better.

Caffeine: Avoiding excessive intake of stimulants like coffee and tea is beneficial in such cases. These can predispose an individual to an attack. Caffeine can also increase the loudness of noises associated with tinnitus.

Alcohol: It can affect the volume of fluid in the inner ear and increase vertigo and tinnitus. Patients who have Meniere’s should cut down on their intake of alcohol.

MSG: Most of the Chinese foods contains MSG (monosodium glutamate). They increase the sodium levels in the body and can bring an episode of vertigo or fullness in ears.

Avoid canned or processed foods.

Consume low-sugar fruit juices.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can Menier’s affect both ears?

Meniere’s usually affects one ear initially, but in chronic cases, one can develop the disease in both ears.

2. Should I avoid driving if I have Meniere’s?

In patients who have vertigo as a prominent and frequent symptom, it is usually advised to avoid driving. As it is difficult to predict a vertigo episode, one should not indulge in activities requiring body balance or minute concentration.

3. Who can be affected by Meniere’s?

Anyone can be affected by this condition. However, Meniere’s is more common in males and frequently seen in the age group of 30-60 years.

4. Can stress trigger Meniere’s disease?

Emotions like extreme anger and stress seem to act as a triggering factor in some cases. The episodes tend to be more frequent during a stressful period.

5. Do I have to live with it for the rest of my life?

Though a chronic disorder, Meniere’s is not something that one has to live with. Homeopathy can treat Meniere’s very effectively. Complete recovery occurs in a majority of the cases with the correct treatment. The chances of recurrence post-treatment are negligible.

6. I am taking the medicine vertin; will it treat my Meniere’s?

Medicines like vertin are betahistine drugs which can help in managing the acute episodes of vertigo. They are meant to control vertigo attacks and are commonly prescribed to patients to help them manage the condition instead of treating it.

7. Is the hearing loss permanent?

Usually, there is a fluctuation in the hearing loss, and it gets better after the episodes are over. In a majority of cases, it is the sensory neural type of hearing loss.
It has been observed that the hearing loss is intermittent, which means that it comes and goes in episodes. Early interventions and treatment can prevent the hearing loss. However, after prolong years of suffering one can develop permanent hearing loss.

8. Does the weather affect the condition?

Meniere’s is seen to get worse during the winters. Symptoms like the fullness of ears and vertigo episodes are more frequent and troublesome for the patients in winters. Also, the tinnitus seems to be louder in some. These are comparatively less severe during summers.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 3 Homeopathic Medicines For GERD, Acidity, Reflux and Heartburn

homeopathic medicines for GERDGastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) develops when there is a frequent backwash of the stomach acid into the esophagus. Acid reflux or heartburn refers to the burning sensation felt behind the sternum (retrosternal burning) due to the backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe.  Homeopathy for acid reflux and GERD helps treat the condition and manage the symptoms effectively. The top three medicines for treating GERD, acid reflux, heartburn are Robinia, Iris Versicolor, and Natrum Phos.

Gerd if left untreated can lead to a more serious complication called Erosive esophagitis; which in turn can lead to ulceration, bleeding and narrowing of the food pipe.

The Main Cause of Heartburn

To understand GERD, one will have to first understand how our esophagus (food pipe) and stomach handle food and acid. As the food reaches the lower end of the food pipe, a circular muscle (the LES or lower esophageal sphincter) present around the food pipe opens up and allows the food to enter the stomach. Once it enters the stomach, this muscle closes the lower end of the food pipe. This actually behaves like a one-way valve stopping the food and the acid in the stomach from moving back into the esophagus. In Gerd, this valve relaxes abnormally or weakens, so the stomach acid flows back up into your esophagus very frequently, causing repeated attacks of heartburn.

GERD: Symptoms

– Heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the chest behind the breastbone. It gets worse after eating, on lying down and on bending.
– Burning in the throat
– Chest pain
– Sour, bitter belching or waterbrash (sudden flow of saliva due to indigestion) from regurgitation of food or sour liquid
– Sour taste in the mouth
– Difficulty in swallowing
– Sensation of a lump in the throat
– Bad breath
– Feeling of Abdominal bloating
– Cough
– Laryngitis
– Worsening of asthmatic complaint

Homeopathic Medicines for Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and GERD

The conventional treatment for GERD involves the use of antacids, which work by changing the pH of the stomach acid to make it less acidic. This helps decrease the irritation caused by the acid to the stomach, esophagus or the duodenum.
Use of antacids for an extended duration can cause side effects like gas, belching, constipation, diarrhea, and swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles. Antacids also interfere with nutrient absorption. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which are used to reduce the production of stomach acid are known to deplete vitamin B12 in the body. This can further affect the nervous system, cause fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of vision.
The amount of antacids used, and the duration of their use can affect the electrolyte balance in the body. Any changes in the levels of different electrolytes (like calcium, potassium or sodium) can adversely affect the muscle and nerve function.
Further, aluminum-based antacids can weaken the bones by flushing out salts like phosphate and calcium.

Homeopathy, on the other hand, works gently to minimize the symptoms of GERD and treats the root cause of the problem. Homeopathy can be of great help to those who do not show much improvement even after lifestyle modifications. The top medicines that are used to treat GERD are:

1. Robinia – For Acid Reflux and GERD

Robinia is a top listed medicine for treating GERD. Robinia is prepared from a plant named ‘yellow locust.’ The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. The key indication to use this medicine in GERD is intense heartburn, constant sour belching, and sour vomiting due to regurgitation of acid from the stomach. The symptoms of heartburn and acidity tend to get worse at night time, on lying down and can cause sleeplessness.

Key indications for using Robinia for GERD:

-Intense heartburn
– Sour belching and vomiting
– Heartburn and acidity worse at night

2. Iris Versicolor – For Sour, Bitter Belching

Iris Versicolor is a natural medicine for treating GERD. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘blue flag.’ The natural order of this plant is Iridaceae. Sour, bitter belching is the key feature to use this medicine. Vomiting of sour bitter fluid that burns the throat, vomiting with weakness, a smarting, burning sensation in the throat, and heartburn are the key symptoms. There may be burning distress and pains in the epigastric region (the part above the stomach) at frequent intervals. Constant nausea may be present with these symptoms.
There is excessive indigestion, and the food is vomited after an hour or so eating a meal. Iris Versicolor is also a well indicated medicine for a headache arising with acidity.

Key indications for using Iris Versicolor:

– Sour bitter belching
– Sour bitter vomiting
– Heartburn; burning in throat

3. Natrum Phos – For Heartburn and Difficulty Swallowing

Natrum Phos is another prominently indicated medicine for GERD treatment. It is useful when heartburn is attended with difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms include sour belching, waterbrash, and vomiting of sour fluid or cheesy, curdled masses. A lump sensation in the throat may also be present, along with a loss of appetite.

Key indications for using Natrum Phos for GERD:

– Heartburn and difficulty in swallowing
– Vomiting of sour, cheesy or curdled matter

Other Important Medicines for GERD

4. Arsenic Album – For Burning Pain in Throat

Arsenic Album is a medicine for GERD that is accompanied by a burning pain in the throat. The burning gets worse upon swallowing. Swallowing is difficult and painful. Other symptoms include regurgitation of acrid matter, water brash, heartburn, intense nausea, and weakness. Arsenic Album is also a well indicated medicine for inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).

5. Calcarea Carb – For Sour Taste in Mouth

Calcarea Carb is a well indicated medicine for GERD where there is a sour taste in the mouth. There is a regurgitation of sour substances with the flow of sour, watery fluid from the mouth. Foul odor from the mouth may be present with nausea. Sour, bitter belches, vomiting of sour, bitter slime (of food eaten), and heartburn are some other symptoms that may be present. The burning from the food pipe extends to the throat. Along with this, continued loud belching may appear especially after eating; with a cough and nausea.

6. Carbo Veg – For Bloating and Heartburn

Carbo Veg is an excellent medicine for GERD treatment. It is useful when there is bloating along with heartburn. Sour, offensive belching that gets worse after drinking or eating, a burning sensation in the throat and difficulty in swallowing are other symptoms. Even the simplest of food tend to trigger the condition.

7. Nux Vomica – For Acid Reflux with Cough

Nux Vomica is a highly effective medicine for GERD accompanied with a cough. Nux Vomica is one of the best indicated medicines for a gastric cough that gets worse at night time and prevents sleep. Vomiting usually appears from coughing. The throat is sore and raw, and swallowing may be painful. Burning in the throat, especially at night time is present. There is a regurgitation of food with heartburn and sour belching.

8. Phosphorus – For Acid Reflux with Laryngitis (Hoarse Voice)

Phosphorus is a medicine for GERD where there is hoarseness of voice. The hoarseness may be worse during the evening. A hard, dry, racking cough may appear. Gastric symptoms like heartburn, sour belching, sour taste in the mouth, vomiting of food or sour, acidic liquid may also be present.

9. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Acid Reflux from Fatty Food

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named ‘windflower.’ The natural order of this plant is Ranunculaceae. It is used in cases of GERD where consumption of fatty food worsens the complaint. Greasy, fatty food like creams, pastries, and ice creams trigger the acid reflux. The symptoms include heartburn and water brash. Belching of food, bitter taste in mouth, nausea and a sensation of having a lump in the throat may be present.

10. Sulphuric Acid – For Acid Reflux with Sour Belching

Sulphuric Acid is a medicine for GERD where intensely sour belching is present. Heartburn, sour vomiting and nausea are other symptoms. The sour vomiting mostly appears after eating.

Risk Factors: GERD


Obesity and being overweight are risk factors that contribute to the development of GERD. The reason is that the excess fat in the abdomen compresses the stomach and raises its internal pressure. This increased pressure leads to backing up of stomach acid contents to the food pipe. This is known as acid reflux. Even a small increase in the body weight of a person is likely to increase the risk of GERD. Overweight and obese people are three times more at risk to develop GERD as compared to people who are at a healthy weight. The severity of symptoms of GERD and the risk of developing associated complications is also more pronounced in overweight and obese people.

Hiatus hernia

People having hiatus hernia are at risk of developing GERD. Hiatus hernia is the bulging of the upper part of the stomach through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm (muscle partition between chest and abdomen). Hiatus hernia leads to weakening of the LES that allows easy reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.


Smokers are at high risk to develop GERD. This is because nicotine present in tobacco tends to relax the lower esophageal sphincter. This allows reflux of acid contents to rise into the food pipe.


The risk of GERD and heartburn is high in pregnant women. There are two reasons for this. One is that the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy tend to cause relaxation of esophageal muscles and LES. Second is that the growing fetus tends to put pressure on the stomach. Both these factors cause pushing of the stomach acid into the esophagus. The heartburn usually develops in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Type of Exercise

Strenuous exercise right after eating a meal is not advised. Those who indulge in heavy exercise with a focus on the core muscles of the abdomen are at an increased risk of developing GERD. Certain activities can decrease the blood flow to the gastrointestinal area, causing the gastric fluids to get collected. (1) This can further lead to irritation and inflammation.
Exercises that involve hanging upside down or bending are some examples that can worsen GERD symptoms. People also tend to gulp air during high-impact workouts. This can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, forcing the stomach acid into the esophagus. Eating immediately before a workout also increases the risk of acid reflux.

Some high-impact exercises that can cause heartburn are:

– weightlifting
– cycling
– sprinting
– gymnastics
– running
– skipping

Factors that can Trigger or Worsen GERD Symptoms

Food: Fatty foods, fried food, chocolates, spicy food, tomatoes, garlic, onions, and citrus fruits are known to worsen GERD symptoms.

Medications such as NSAID’s, antibiotics (such as tetracycline), pain relievers (such as ibuprofen and aspirin), birth control pills, hormone replacement therapy steroids, antidepressants like amitriptyline, asthma medication like beta-adrenergic agonists or bronchodilators, iron supplements, and quinidine (a heart medication) are some medications that tend to worsen the symptoms of GERD and cause acid reflux.


Carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks: These are often sweetened and contain excessive air which can cause gas, contributing to GERD.

Late night eating

– Eating food in large quantity

– Immediately lying down after eating food




Classification of GERD

GERD is classified into two types. Erosive reflux disease (ERD) and non-erosive reflux disease (NERD). This classification is not based on the symptoms, but rather on the findings derived from an endoscopy.
In case of erosive reflux disease, the stomach acid damages the esophageal mucosa.
In non-erosive reflux disease, the esophageal mucosa is not damaged by acid reflux.

The Link between Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Acid reflux causes heartburn because of underlying irritation and inflammation in the food pipe from stomach acid. Several layers of tissue line the stomach. These are mucosa (inner lining), submucosa (it covers the mucosa), muscularis propria (next layer to submucosa and serosa). Stomach stores food temporarily for approximately 2 hours; the acid and enzymes help break down the food and digest it. There are specialized cells in the mucosa layer that produce hydrochloric acid (HCl) and digestive enzymes to enable the digestion of food.
The stomach can hold this acid without being damaged since the goblet cells in the mucosa secrete large quantities of protective mucus. This helps protect the stomach lining from being corroded by the stomach acid.
However, the lining of the esophagus does not share this protective feature, and the throat is not designed to handle such acidic contents. Therefore, when reflux of stomach acid goes into the esophagus, it damages, irritates, and inflames the food pipe. This is the reason for the burning sensation felt behind the sternum, known as heartburn.

Complications / Long-term Effects of GERD

Long-standing uncontrolled or untreated GERD carries a risk of developing certain complications. These include inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), Barret’s esophagus, Ulcers/erosions in the esophagus, stricture of the esophagus from a scar.

Inflammation of the Esophagus (Esophagitis)

The esophagus is a tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. Frequent back up of acid into the throat leads to its inflammation. If inflammation is left untreated, it carries a chance of forming ulcers in the esophagus and scarring that leads to the formation of a stricture. Its symptoms are difficulty in swallowing, painful swallowing, burning behind the sternum (heartburn), nausea and vomiting.

Stricture of Esophagus

Stricture of esophagus means narrowing of the esophagus. A stricture forms as a result of the damage to the lining of the esophagus (from the acid contents of the stomach). As a result, there is inflammation and the development of scar tissue, which leads to narrowing and obstruction of the esophagus. The symptoms arising in esophageal stricture include:

– difficulty in swallowing
– chest pain
– regurgitation of food or liquids
– heartburn
– a sensation of having something stuck in the chest after eating
– unintended weight loss

Complications of esophageal stricture: Choking or difficulty in breathing due to the lodging of solid food in the esophagus, dehydration, malnutrition, pulmonary aspiration causing aspiration pneumonia.

Ulcers/Erosions in Esophagus

Long-term backing up of stomach acid can damage the lining of the esophagus causing ulcers. These can lead to difficult/painful swallowing, heartburn, pain behind the sternum, and there may be bleeding.

Barret’s Esophagus

Barret’s esophagus is a serious complication of GERD. In this condition, the squamous type of cells present in the lining of the esophagus change from squamous type to columnar epithelial type. Back up of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus lead to damage of esophageal tissue. During the process of healing this damage, the original kind of cells naturally present can change form. People with Barret’s esophagus are at risk to develop esophageal cancer. The symptoms of Barret’s esophagus include heartburn, dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and chest pain (although rare).

Investigations in GERD

GERD is primarily diagnosed with the help of an upper endoscopy. An endoscopy helps rule out a hiatus hernia and the complications of GERD, like inflammation, ulcers in the esophagus.
A biopsy of the tissue from the esophagus may be conducted in case of suspected Barrett’s esophagus.

Acid reflux and GERD in Infants

Acid reflux is very common among infants. Spitting up of milk is a part of their daily activities and can occur several times in a day. It is usually not a reason for concern as long as the baby has a healthy weight and has no respiratory difficulty. It usually resolves on its own at around 18 months of age. Rarely is acid reflux indicative of GERD in the case of infants. Frequent vomiting, feeding refusal, weight loss, difficulty feeding, high irritability, and long-term wheezing are few indications of GERD in infants. An evaluation by a pediatrician is essential to rule out whether it is normal reflux or GERD.

Managing Acid Reflux and GERD

Some tips that can help minimize acid reflux and manage GERD include:

Drink More Water

Increasing the consumption of water helps reduce the symptoms of GERD and also improves overall digestion. This is because in most cases, water replaces other drinks that may include alcohol, sweetened beverages or caffeine.

Avoid Smoking and Alcohol

Smokers have a drastically higher risk of developing GERD and other inflammatory conditions as compared to non-smokers.
Alcohol can also trigger GERD, and lead to the development of symptoms like increasing inflammation and stress, weight gain, and dehydration. It is also known to worsen symptoms like nausea, bloating, gas and sleep issues.

Eat Small, Regular Meals

Instead of the usual 3-large meals a day, it is preferable to eat 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day to facilitate better digestion. Also, food must be eaten slowly and chewed thoroughly before swallowing. Eating mindfully also helps prevent overeating (which can cause an increased release of stomach acid). While drinking a beverage, one must take small sips instead of gulping down large amounts of fluid, since that can trap gas in the stomach.


GERD tends to be more common in people who lead a sedentary lifestyle with little or no exercise. Those who have a poor nutritional diet or are overweight are more susceptible to developing GERD. Exercise helps improve physiological functions like digestion, circulation, and maintain body weight. It also helps reduce inflammation and enhance the quality of sleep.


Certain medications like NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and hormone replacement drugs can contribute towards the development of GERD. Their use should be minimized and discontinued (after consulting a physician) if they contribute towards the symptoms of GERD.

Early Dinner

Exercising before bedtime or lying down soon after dinner can worsen the symptoms of GERD. The last meal of the day should ideally be consumed 2-3 hours before bedtime, and the system should be relaxed before it is time to sleep. Doing so helps ease digestion.

Avoid Overeating

It is important to eat small, easily digestible meals and not burden the digestive system with a large amount of food in a single sitting. This helps prevent acid reflux as well as gastrointestinal disorders.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

It is essential to maintain a healthy body weight to reduce the chances of developing GERD.


Wearing restrictive clothing that put pressure on the stomach should be avoided. Loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement helps keep the digestive system functioning properly.

Raised Head Position

Keeping the head slightly elevated while sleeping helps reduce acid reflux. The head should ideally be 6 to 8 inches higher than the feet while sleeping. The upper body needs to be uniformly raised.

Stress Management

Stress can disturb digestion due to the production of stress hormones. Stress can further cause a person to turn to alcohol, smoking, bad eating habits and more.
It is important to manage stress and find time for relaxation. Light exercise, indulging in hobbies and getting adequate rest are important factors that help reduce the chances of developing GERD.

GERD: Foods to Eat

Whole foods that are prepared fresh and do not have too many added preservatives or chemicals are generally good for health, and more so for those dealing with GERD. A plant-based diet that is rich in antioxidants, nutrients, water content, and fiber can help manage the problem, and also treat it. Some examples of foods that help address GERD include:

Fresh vegetables of different colors like green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, peas, cucumber, carrots, etc.

Fermented products like apple-cider vinegar can help balance the stomach acid and reduce the tendency of acid reflux.

Foods that have a high amount of fiber, like whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and fruits.

Foods that contain healthy fats, like coconut milk, olive oil, coconut oil, almonds, flaxseeds and chia seeds.

Low-fat, lean proteins like wild fish and soaked beans.

Probiotics like yogurt or fermented vegetables also increase the healthy gut bacteria in the system, thereby aiding digestion.

GERD: Foods to Avoid 

Animal products and dairy products, in general, are difficult to digest and should be limited or avoided by people dealing with GERD.

Caffeinated drinks like energy drinks and coffee or tea.

Carbonated drinks

Allergy-causing foods or foods that lead to a sensitivity in the body, like gluten, certain nuts, or synthetic ingredients.

Fatty foods like processed meat, cereals, cheese and fast food.

Alcoholic drinks like wine, beer, or liquor are difficult to digest and can worsen the symptoms of GERD, especially if consumed too close to bedtime.

Overly spicy foods.

Foods that are high in sodium, like chips, salted products, etc.

Tomatoes and tomato-based products are also known to worsen the symptoms of GERD in some people.

Chocolates contain a substance called methylxanthine, which is known to relax the smooth muscles in the lower esophageal sphincter, thereby increasing the chances of acid reflux.

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Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

 Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with HomeopathyAs the name suggests, cough variant asthma is a type of asthma that causes a dry, non-productive and constant cough as its primary symptom. It is commonly seen in children, or during early childhood. It may later develop into a typical Asthma condition with wheezing. Once triggered, an episode of cough variant asthma can last for 6-8 weeks. Homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma can be used with conventional treatment to help reduce the severity of symptoms and treat the chronic condition.

Symptoms of Cough Variant Asthma (CVA)

Symptoms of cough variant asthma are different from those of typical asthma. The characteristic sign of wheezing is usually not present in cough variant Asthma. It is not mandatory that every individual with cough variant asthma will develop asthma. The symptoms of cough variant asthma include:

  1. Dry, spasmodic and persistent cough is the most common and prominent symptom of cough variant asthma. A cough can occur at any time of the day, but it is usually more in the evening and night hours.
  2. Vomiting followed by a cough is also commonly seen.
  3. Some may also complain of difficulty in breathing.
  4. Sleeplessness: Because of the incessant and frequent episodes of cough, one might have reduced or disturbed sleep.
  5. Flu-like Symptoms: In some cases, there may be associated flu-like symptoms of sneezing, runny nose and fever.

Who is at Risk of Developing Cough Variant Asthma?

· Children, especially during their early childhood, are at a higher risk of developing it.

· Someone with a family history of asthma.

· Associated history of pneumonia or bronchitis increases the risk.

· Person with a weak immune system.

· People exposed to environmental pollution or those living around farms

· Active or passive smokers.

· Obese People

· Presence of any other allergic conditions.

Some other conditions that can cause a cough, but are not necessarily CVA include bronchitis, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders), blood pressure medication in adults, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), post nasal drip, etc.

 Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment with Homeopathy

Homeopathy has some natural remedies for cough variant asthma that help treat cough variant asthma from the root. It is an entirely natural approach which not only addresses cough variant asthma but also naturally eliminates the tendency of having a recurrent cough.
In case of asthma, bronchodilators are the first line of conventional treatment used in most cases of cough variant asthma. They work by dilating the narrowed airways. In some instances, the dilators might increase a cough due to the sensitivity of the airways. In such cases, oral immune-suppressants may be prescribed.
All these modes of treatment give temporary relief from a cough and help calm down an acute episode. But in the long run, they affect the immune system and make a person more prone to have recurrent episodes, and also increase the allergic tendencies.
However, if a cough is severe, with marked dyspnoea (difficult breathing), the use of inhalers is necessary. Treating the acute condition is essential. Also, if someone has been using inhalers quite frequently, they should not suddenly withdraw them after starting homeopathy. The ideal way is to gradually reduce the usage of inhalers and switch over to homeopathy.

Cough Variant Asthma Natural Treatment -Homeopathic Medcines That Help

Cina Maritima – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Paroxysmal Cough

Cina Maritima is a remedy prepared from a plant called Artemisia Maritima which belongs to the family Asteraceae. It is commonly known as “wormseed” or “Santonica.” This homeopathic medicine is prepared from the dried flowers of this plant. The plant contains lots of essential and volatile oils. In ancient times, it was known to be used by Greek and Romans for its medicinal properties.
This is one of the top homeopathic remedies for cough variant asthma. The primary symptom indicative of this remedy is there are paroxysms (sudden, violent episodes) of a cough. Vomiting with the cough is another important feature indicating the need for Cina. The child may throw up after the violent coughing. The cough is dry and is usually gets worse at night. A dry cough might be associated with flu-like symptoms, mainly sneezing and loss of appetite with sleeplessness.
The child requiring Cina might also complain of a tickling sensation in the throat. The mucus rattles in the chest, and the child is not able to expel it out. Shortness of breath or suffocation accompanies the cough episodes. At night, the breathing is loud, short and the child sleeps with an open mouth. Cina is very helpful in cases where the child has to put much effort into breathing because of which there may be excessive sweating at night. Some of the common triggering factors for the asthma troubles that are treated well with Cina are exposure to cold air, evening/night time or when the child wakes up from sleep.

Key Indications for using Cina for CVA:

-Paroxysmal Cough
– Rattling Mucus
– Excessive sweating at night

Drosera – Natural Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma When there is Cough with Vomiting

The plant of Drosera, commonly known as Sundew, is one of the most widespread species of Sundew. It grows widely in the areas of Europe, North America, Siberia, Japan, Korea and in some parts of United States. In the 16th Century, it was used by the physicians for skin eruptions. In the 18th Century, it was majorly used by the Germans for a whooping cough and other chest disorders. The fresh plant is used to make the homeopathic tincture of this remedy.
A very characteristic feature that indicates the need for Drosera is a spasmodic cough with vomiting. There is an episode of incessant dry cough resulting in retching and vomiting. Vomiting of food, water or mucus can be seen. The episodes are too frequent, one followed by the other, making the breathing difficult and short. There can be extreme weakness followed by the episode. The cough is worse after lying down at night.
Drosera is very helpful in cases of cough variant asthma where the person complains of a feeling of constriction or heaviness in the chest. The child usually wakes up due to an episode of a spasmodic cough lasting for a few minutes and then goes to sleep. The episodes of cough variant asthma are also triggered by laughing, singing or at times excessive talking. The medicine is also indicated in cases where there is wheezing with a cough.

Key Indications for using Drosera for CVA:

– Spasmodic Cough
– Vomiting
– Wheezing

Coccus Cacti – Natural Treatment for Cough Variant Asthma with Suffocating Cough

Coccus Cacti one of the top homeopathic medicines for cough variant asthma. The main characteristic that indicates the need for this remedy is a tickling sensation in the larynx which wakes up a person at night. This is followed by an incessant cough ending in vomiting of profuse mucous or food.
A cough after rising in the morning or early morning cough (around 6:00 am or 7:00 am) which leads to vomiting of a lot of mucus also indicates the need for Coccus Cacti. It is also helpful in suffocative coughs, where there is an accumulation of mucus in the chest which is difficult to expel. A cough is at times triggered after dinner or due to overeating. Overfilling of the stomach may bring on paroxysms of a cough. There may also be a sense of discomfort or pressure in the chest due to the accumulation of excessive mucus. The cough episodes of CVA are triggered by brushing teeth or rinsing the mouth, clearing the throat, exposure to a warm room, or by consuming alcoholic beverages.

Key Indications for the use of Coccus Cacti for CVA:

– Tickling Sensation
– Early Morning Cough
– Suffocative Cough

Rumex – Natural Remedy for Cough Variant Asthma with Night Aggravation

Rumex belongs to the natural order of Polygonaceae. It is a native of Europe and America and grows in the dry fields or waste places. It is commonly known as the “Curled dock” or “Yellow Dock.” The tincture is prepared from fresh roots that are collected before flowering. Rumex is an effective homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma. The cough is dry with constant tickling in the throat. One of the important indicative features of Rumex is the sensitivity to cold air. Slightest exposure to cold air or even uncovering at night can bring on the episodes of a cough. It is frequently used in cases of cough variant asthma where the cough episodes are bad during night time, preventing sleep. It is especially beneficial for cough in children. The child has a dry, suffocating, choking or barking type of a cough that is followed by tiredness or fatigue. Common triggering factors of a cough include cold air, talking, pressure on the throat, lying down or even moving to another room. The cough usually gets worse around 11:00 pm, 2:00 am and 5:00 am.

Ipecacuanha:Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Vomiting 

The plant of Ipecacuanha is a flowering plant which native to Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Panama. It belongs to the family Rubiaceae and the homeopathic tincture is prepared from dried and finely powdered roots of this plant. It is well indicated as a natural remedy for cough variant asthma for dry spasmodic cough provoked by tickling in the larynx. There is a constricted feeling in the throat which triggers the cough. The main indicative feature is that the episodes of cough are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. One ends up vomiting after almost every episode of cough. The cough is usually triggered at night (mostly after dinner or after going to bed). There can be associated pain in the abdomen or pressure in the bladder with cough. The episodes of cough are exhausting which can even last for an hour resulting into tiredness and fatigue. Cough with retching of a great amount of mucus. There is breathlessness and difficult breathing. The cough comes typically in fits. There is rattling of mucus or phlegm in the chest which is vomited with cough. It is well-indicated for evening coughs.

Spongia Tosta -Natural Homeopathic Medicine as Natural Treatment forVariant Asthma when Cough is Dry

Spongia is an adequate naural medicine for cough variant asthma and asthma. The main characteristic feature of Spongia is that is extreme dryness of the mucous membranes and the air passages. There is dryness of the throat, trachea, larynx and even tongue. A cough is caused due to excessive dryness, talking or rising from bed, drinking milk or cold drinks. Spongia is indicated when a cough is dry and barking in nature. It is usually worse after the midnight and gets better after eating or drinking warm liquids. There can be a pain in the chest while coughing. One might also experience painful pressure under the ribs while coughing. It is also indicated where wheezing is present along with a cough. There is a heavy sensation in the chest as if some mucus has accumulated, but there is no release of mucus. There might be some expulsion of mucus in a small quantity in the morning with effort. A cough with the sensation of heaviness making it difficult to breathe, frequent episodes of a night-time cough, sweating while coughing are other symptoms. The attacks of cough variant asthma are usually worse during winter.

Memphitis – Natural Medicine for Cough Variant Asthma with Violent Cough

Mephitis is a frequently used homeopathic medicine for cough variant asthma with dry and spasmodic coughs. The episodes of a cough are suffocative and worse at night. The spells of a dry cough are so severe and violent that it seems as if will it be life-threatening. There is a hollow cough with rawness and pain in the chest. There may be vomiting with a cough (especially after eating). There is vomiting immediately or a few hours after eating. Hoarseness and rattling of mucus with a cough, difficulty breathing at night (the individual has to sit up in bed to breathe), and difficulty in exhaling are other symptoms. The triggering factors of a cough are talking, reading loudly or drinking ice or cold water. The remedy is also indicated in cases where one has frequent episodes of flu or fever along with the cough variant asthma.

Causes of Cough Variant Asthma

There are multiple factors which can cause cough variant asthma:

Allergies are one of the most common causes of CVA, especially in children. As it happens in typical asthma, exposure to the allergens can trigger incessant coughing. A cough is usually a mechanism of the body trying to expel something. When a person’s airway is exposed to the allergic substance, an incessant cough is triggered in response to it.

Common allergens found in cases of cough variant asthma are:

  • Dust
  • Pollen
  • Dust Mites
  • Molds
  • Animal Dander
  • Aspirin
  • Smoke
  • Environmental pollutants

Recurrent Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
These recurrent infections or even a prolonged episode of cold or flu can make a person vulnerable to develop cough variant asthma. Especially, if there is a baseline allergy, there is a higher risk of developing CVA.

Sensitive Airways
Individuals with sensitive airways are prone to develop a persistent and constant cough. At times, even exposure to cold air can trigger an episode of cough variant asthma. Their airways show hypersensitive reaction by inducing cough or constriction.

Difference between Asthma and Cough Variant Asthma

The main difference between asthma and cough variant asthma is the absence of symptoms like wheezing, a constricted feeling in the chest, dyspnoea (Difficult breathing), and shortness of breath in the case of CVA. These are the classic symptoms of asthma, while cough variant asthma is characterized mainly by a dry cough.


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Top 3 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

pollen allergy homeopathy

The sudden appearance of symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes as a result of inhaling pollens is known as a pollen allergy. An inflammatory response against the pollen grains is triggered by the immune system of a person allergic to pollen. Of the many substances that can cause a seasonal allergy, pollens remain one of the most common triggers. Pollen is a powdery substance produced by flowers, weeds, trees, and grass. Most trees produce pollen during the spring season; flowers and grasses produce pollen during the summertime, and late-blooming plants like ragweed produce pollen around late summer and early autumn. Homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains can treat acute allergic reactions, as well as chronic allergic tendencies.

The pollens are spread by the wind and other means to fertilize plants of the same species. All of us tend to inhale pollens while breathing, and they don’t cause any problem for most of us. However, people who are allergic to pollen grains show the symptoms of an allergy. A pollen allergy is also known as Hay fever, and it usually subsides with the onset of cold weather.

Symptoms of a Pollen Allergy

Since every plant has its own pollinating period, the symptoms of pollen allergies are triggered when the particular plant is producing pollen. A person who is allergic to a specific type of pollen will develop allergic symptoms only when exposed to that particular pollen. The main symptoms of a pollen allergy include:

– A runny nose

– Sneezing

Stuffy or blocked nose

– Watery, itchy, red, swollen eyes

– Itchy, scratchy throat

– Cough

Asthmatic reaction with wheezing, breathlessness, and coughing

– Worsening of sinusitis complaint

Homeopathic Remedies for Pollen Allergy

Homeopathic medicines can effectively treat an acute allergic reaction and also work well to manage the chronic tendency towards pollen allergy. With the use of homeopathic treatment, the intensity and occurrence of the symptoms gradually decrease with every attack.
Antihistamines are most commonly used to treat allergic reactions in the conventional system of medicine. While they help deal with an acute allergic reaction, they only work on a short-term, temporary basis. Excessive use of these medications can cause side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, restlessness, nausea, and confusion.
Homeopathic medicines, on the other hand, have no side effects. They help moderate the overactive immune system and are a safe, natural treatment for seasonal pollen allergies.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Seasonal Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Natrum Mur is a top listed homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The person needing the medicine has a watery discharge from the nose and eyes. Along with this, violent sneezing (that is worse early in the morning) appears. Natrum Mur is also indicated when there is an alternating runny nose with a stuffy nose. Tickling in the throat along with a cough may also be present.

Key indications for using Natrum Mur for Allergy:

– Watery discharge from nose and eyes
– Early morning sneezing
– Alternate runny and stuffy nose

Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Violent Sneezing

Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the cevadilla seed that belongs to the natural order Melanthaceae. It is an effective homeopathic medicine for allergy caused by pollen grains. The main characteristic feature that indicates the need for this remedy is violent, spasmodic sneezing followed by eye discharges. Along with this, itching and tickling sensations in the nose are present, which the person tends to rub excessively. Running nose with copious watery discharge, severe pain in the head in the frontal area, and obstruction of nostrils on alternate sides may also be present.

Key indications for using Sabadilla for Allergy:

-Violent sneezing
– Sneezing with itching, tickling in the nose
– Frontal pain in head

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Copious Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with profuse watery nasal discharge and sneezing. The discharges are frequent and cause an itching, burning sensation in the nose. Acrid discharges can irritate the upper lip. The symptoms tend to get worse in the open air while staying indoors helps relieve the symptoms.

Key Indications for using Arsenic for Allergy:

– Copious watery discharge from the nose with sneezing
– Acrid, burning, excoriating nasal discharge
– Worsening of symptoms outdoors

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing and Watery Eyes

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from a plant called ‘red onion’ that belongs to the natural order Liliaceae. Sneezing with a runny nose and watery eyes are the main guiding symptoms to use Allium Cepa. The nasal discharges are acrid, burning and copious, with constant sneezing. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. A crawling, tingling, itching sensation in nostrils and itching in the throat is present. Allium Cepa is also indicated for cases where there is violent sneezing immediately upon rising from the bed. This medicine works well to treat pollen allergies and hay fever that appear during the spring season.

Key indications for using Allium Cepa for Allergy:

-Acrid, burning nasal discharge
– Bland eye discharge
– Hay fever in Spring

Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itchy, Watery Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Euphrasia Officinalis is prepared from the plant called ‘Eyebright.’ It belongs to the family of Scrophulariaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy which causes symptoms like itchy, watery eyes and coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane). The eye discharges are profuse and acrid. The discharges cause burning, biting, smarting, and scalding in the eyes. Eyes get red along with swelling of lids. Watery, profuse discharge from the nose (bland in nature) are noted. In some cases, fluent coryza during the day and obstruction of the nose at night is present. A cough and expulsion of phlegm may appear in the morning.

Key indications for using Euphrasia for Allergies:

– Profuse, acrid, burning eye discharges
– Red, itchy eyes
– Profuse watery nasal discharges

Other Important Homeopathic Medicines for Pollen Allergy

Arsenic Iod – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Iod is an effective homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy with burning nasal discharge. Thin, watery, hot discharge drips from the nose. The discharge tends to cause soreness and redness of the upper lip. Irritation, tingling of the nose with a constant desire to sneeze is present. Irritating watery secretions and marked burning and smarting in eyes are also noted.

Arum Triphyllum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Nasal Discharge and Stuffy Nose

Arum Triphyllum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from Indian turnip that belongs to the family Araceae. Fluent acrid discharge from the nose with a blocked nose, increased mouth breathing, raw and sore nostrils, irritated upper lip from the discharge, pain at the root of the nose and night sneezing are the indicating symptoms of this remedy.

Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Itching in Nostrils, Palate, and Eyes

Homeopathic medicine Arundo Mauri is prepared from Italian grass of the natural order Gramineae. Itching in nostrils, palate (roof of the mouth), and eyes are the key indications to use this medicine. Coryza and sneezing, loss of smell and prickling and burning in the eyes may also be present.

Arsenic Album – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a homeopathic remedy used to treat pollen allergy with difficulty in breathing, wheezing in the chest (asthmatic complaint), suffocation and shortness of breath. Breathing is quick, short and anxious. The person cannot breathe adequately. Tightness, constriction, and oppression in the chest are present. The symptoms may get worse at midnight. A cough with thick, yellow-green mucus, sneezing with burning, biting, copious watery coryza is present. The nose may feel blocked, and the person may feel anxious and restless.

Wyethia – Homeopathic Medicine for allergy with Itching Palate and Dry, Hacking Cough

Wyethia is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the root of plant wyethia helenoides of the natural order Compositae. The characteristic features to use it are itching of palate and dry, hacking cough. It is also indicated for cases with itching inner canthi of eyes and allergic asthma.

Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Frequent Sneezing

Aralia Racemosa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant American Spikenard. It belongs to the natural order Araliaceae. It is used to treat pollen allergy accompanied by frequent sneezing and watery discharges from the nose.

Allium Cepa – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy during Spring

Allium Cepa is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from red onion of natural order Liliaceae. Allium Cepa is prominently indicated homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy in the spring season. The symptoms include fluent watery discharge from the nose, sneezing and watery eyes. The nasal discharge is copious and acrid, causing burning in the nose. Sneezing tends to worsen upon entering a warm room. Crawling, tingling, itching sensation in the nostrils is present. Itching in the throat is also present.

Dulcamara – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Fresh Mown Grass

Dulcamara is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the plant ‘Woody Nightshade.’ It belongs to the natural order Solanaceae. It is used to pollen allergy caused by freshly mown grass. The person needing this medicine may have profuse watery nasal discharges or nasal blockage. Watery discharge from the nose tends to get worse in the open air. Constant sneezing, abundant watering from the eyes, and swelling of eyes are some other symptoms.

Ambrosia – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy from Ragweed

Ambrosia is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from the ‘Roman Wormwood’ plant of the family Composite. It is an excellent homeopathic medicine to combat pollen allergy caused by ragweed. The characteristic features arising include watery eyes and intolerable itching of eyelids. Burning and smarting in eyes is also present. A feeling of stuffiness in the nose with a watery nasal discharge is present. Violent sneezing that can cause nosebleeds may occur. Sinus congestion along with a tickling cough is another accompanying feature. Ambrosia is also used as a preventive measure for ragweed allergies, and its use is recommended before the ragweed season.

Galphimia Glauca – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Burning Discharges from Eyes and Nose

Galphimia Glauca is a significant homeopathic medicine for pollen allergy prepared from the plant ‘Galphimia Glauca,’ of the natural order Malpighiaceae. Dried leaves and flowers of this plant are used for medicinal preparation. It is indicated for burning discharges from the eyes and nose. Sneezing also appears to worsen in the morning. Itching in eyes (especially in the morning) and swelling of the eyelids is also noted.

Histaminum – Homeopathic Medicine for Pollen Allergy

Histaminum is an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pollen allergy. It helps reduce the hypersensitivity of the immune system. Histaminum helps in controlling symptoms of pollen allergy, like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion. It also helps in asthmatic conditions arising from allergies.

Justicia Adhatoda – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing Fits and Watery Eyes

Justicia Adhatoda is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the fresh leaves of the plant Malabar Nut of natural order Acanthaceae. Fits of sneezing with watery eyes are the main indicative symptoms of using this medicine. Profuse coryza (inflammation of mucous membranes), loss of smell and paroxysmal (sudden, intense) coughing with tightness in chest and difficulty in breathing are some other indicating symptoms.

Luffa Operculata – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Stuffy Nose and Sneezing

Luffa Operculata is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Cabacinha plant (also known as Esponjilla). The natural order of this plant is Cucurbitaceae. This medicine is used for pollen allergy with a stuffy nose and sneezing. Sometimes, a bland nasal discharge may be present. Burning, itching at the outer corners of the eyes, nasal polyps (non-cancerous growths inside the nose) and sinusitis complaints may also be present.

Cardiospermum – Homeopathic Medicine for Allergy with Sneezing in the Morning

Cardiospermum is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the Ballon Vine plant. Its natural order is Sapindaceae. It is mainly used in cases of pollen allergy when sneezing appears in the morning upon waking. Itchy, watery eyes, obstruction of the nose, sinus congestion and a dry throat with scratchiness may arise along with other symptoms.

Causes of Pollen Allergies

The most common cause of pollen allergies is, of course, pollen grains spread by plants. The common sources of pollens include grass, trees, and weeds.

Grass – The common grass species that tend that cause pollen allergies include ryegrass, Timothy, and Bermuda. The pollination periods of these grasses are different, and a person allergic to a specific type of grass pollen will develop allergies in the corresponding season.
Ryegrass produces pollen throughout Spring to Fall, while Timothy produces pollen during the months of June and July. Bermuda produces pollen from May to September.

Trees – The common trees that are known to cause pollen allergy are birch, oak, and cedar. The pollinating period of these trees during the Spring season.

Weeds – The common weeds that tend to trigger allergies are ragweed and sagebrush. The peak levels of pollen production of ragweed are around mid-September. The pollinating period of sagebrush is mid-August to late September.

Pollen Count

The pollen count is defined as the amount of pollen present in the air at a given place. It is calculated over a period of 24 hours as the number of grains per square meter of air. On the basis of this calculation, the pollen count is divided into high, medium, low, or absent. It includes three types of pollen including weeds, grasses, and trees, as well as mold spores.
The pollen count affects the symptoms of a pollen allergy. A low pollen count does not affect too many people (except for those who are highly sensitive), while a medium-to-high number can give rise to allergic symptoms.
The pollen count in the local area can be checked online through National websites that are updated daily.

The Mechanism of a Pollen Allergy

When an allergen (like pollen) enters the body of a person with a sensitive immune system, it triggers the production of antibodies to fight the foreign particles. These antibodies are small proteins that lock onto the pollen grains, and they also bind to other white blood cells.
The next time pollen enters the nose; these cells break open to release histamine, which is a chemical released by the body to direct an inflammatory response against the foreign bodies. A large amount of histamine released causes itching, swelling of affected tissues, mucus production, muscle spasms, and other symptoms of an allergy.

Preventing Pollen Allergies

Preventing exposure to the allergens is the best way to deal with pollen allergies, especially during the high-allergy seasons. Some measures that can help prevent and manage a pollen allergy include:

Stay informed about the pollen count in your area and avoid exposure to the allergens on high and medium pollen count days. Those who are extremely prone to developing an allergic reaction should be careful even during low pollen counts.

Know your Allergens – Ask an allergist and observe for yourself the allergens that set off your allergies. Avoid exposure to those allergens, especially during the peak allergy season, and take measures to ensure that the allergy does not get triggered.

When the pollen counts are high, it is best to remain indoors in an air-conditioned environment with closed windows.

If you are planning to be outdoors while the allergy season is on, try to be outdoors when the pollen counts are low. Usually, plants pollinate between 5 am to 9 am, so early morning outdoor activities should be avoided. Walking a dog during these hours is also not advised since animals can trap pollen on their fur. Pollen also tends to flow more through the air on windy days.

Using masks to filter out pollen when outdoors is a good way to prevent exposure to the allergens.

Pollen grains can follow you into the house through the clothes, hair, and pets. Changing clothes and showering immediately upon returning home is strongly advised.

Sunglasses should be used to keep the pollen out of the eyes. Eyes irritated by allergies are also more sensitive to light, so sunglasses help prevent further exposure.

Indoor plants that produce pollen are often overlooked. These include ornamental grasses, shrubs, and trees. These should ideally not be kept in the house.

Apart from the allergens, it is also essential to control the irritants that trigger allergic reactions or make their symptoms worse.
Not smoking in the house, avoiding wood fires, and avoiding strong odors off of sprays, paints, disinfectants, and perfumes are some methods to reduce the number of irritants.

Pollen allergies should be treated promptly, especially in acute cases. Where required, prescription medications and antihistamines should be taken to control a severe allergic flare up. However, overuse of conventional medicines like decongestant sprays can cause further problems (like an allergy rebound) and should be used very sparingly. Homeopathic remedies for pollen allergy work particularly well to treat chronic conditions.


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